HoneywellメーカーGenesis 7580の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Genes is ™ 7580 Presentation Are a Imager User’s Guide.
Disclaimer Honeyw ell Internatio nal Inc. ( “HII”) r eserves th e right t o make change s in specificat ions and ot her infor mation co ntained in t his docum ent w ithout prior notice, and t he reader should i n all case s consult HII to deter mine w hether any such chang es have be en made.
iii T able of Cont ent s Introducti on Product O verview ............................................................................................. 1 Base Kit Com ponent s ............................................................................
iv Applica tions and Protocols .................................................................. 31 Configura tion and Upgrades ................................................................ 33 Configurati on Modes .................................
1 Introduc tion Product Over view The MS 7580 Gen esis ™ is a hi gh perform ance presen tation are a- imaging bar code imager that utilizes CM OS imaging se nsors for superior image qual ity. Genesis ut ilizes c ustom decoder software, for r eliable decoding of both 1D an d 2D bar code symbologie s.
2 Base Kit Compone nts Part # Descripti on MS7580 - 124 Genesis 7580 P resentat ion Area Im ag er 00 - 02544 Metr oSelect ® Sing le - Line Conf iguration Gu id e 00 -0 525 2 .
3 Part # Description The MS 7580 requires a cable desi gned for a 12VDC area imager . Do not atte mpt to u se any cabl es other t han the spe cified cab les listed below ( cable serie s 5S - 5S xxx ). An y damage in curred fro m incorr ect cable u sage will void t he limite d warranty shown on pag e Cable Compatib ility Warning 47 .
4 MS7580 Com ponents Item Item Description 1 Blue and W hite LED See Visu al In dicat ors ( on page 20 ) 2 Button Mode S elect Button 3 Speaker See Audi ble I ndic ators ( on page 19 ) 4 W indow LED A.
5 Labels Each MS 7580 has a la bel locat ed near the to p of the output window . This label provides the imager ’s mo del number , date of manufactur e, serial number, CE and caution informat ion. Addit ional inf ormation ha s been mol ded into the underside of the ima ger 's case .
6 Cable Installation a nd Removal Installation 1. Insert the cable’ s modular connect or into th e socket o n the imager . 2. Pull g ently on th e cable str ain relief to ensure t he cabl e is inst alled. Note : If the cable is not fully latched, the ima ger may power intermitt ently.
7 Inter face Installation RS232 1. T urn off p ower to t he host devi ce. 2. Plug th e inte rfac e cabl e’s modular connector into the socket on the imager . 3. Connec t the oth er end of t he cable to a dedicated C OM por t on the host dev ice. 4. Plug th e 12V power supply int o the power jack on the cable.
8 Keyboard Wedge 1. T urn off power to the host devi ce. 2. Plug th e inte rfac e cabl e’s modular connector into the socket on the imager . 3. Disco nnect the keyboard from the host devic e. 4. Connec t the “Y ” ends of th e communicat ion cable to the ke yboard and the key board port on the ho st device.
9 RS485 1. Tur n off power to t he host device. 2. Plug th e inte rfac e cabl e’s modular connector into the socket on the imager . 3. Connec t the oth er end of t he cable to proper COM port of the ho st de vice . 4. T urn on power to t he host d evi ce.
10 USB 1. T urn off power to the host devi ce. 2. Plug th e inte rfac e cabl e’s modular connector into the socket on the i mager . 3. Plug the USB end of the cable into the host’s U SB port. Steps 4 – 6 are f or VLink cab les w ith a built in pow er jack a nd 12V ex ternal power supp ly.
11 • For informatio n on configurin g the MS7580 for U SB Serial Emulat ion Mode or I BM OE M, refer to th e USB sectio n of the M etroSel ect Single - Lin e Configur ation Guid e ( PN 00 - 02544) .
13 Mount ing the M S7580 Components of Ad apter Kit 46- 00911 Item Item Description Qt y. A Adapter P late 1 B Locking Plat e 1 C Base Cover 1 D M3 x .5 - 10 mm Flat Head P hillip s Screw 4 E M3 x .5 - 8 mm Flat Head P hillips S crew 4 F #7 x 1.00 in.
14 Installation of Adap ter Kit 46- 00911 1. Remov e the rub ber feet on t he botto m of the M S7580. 2. Attach the adapter p late to the bottom of the imager w ith the four M3 x .5 x 10 mm screw s ( ) provided in the kit . 3. Attach the base plate to the ad apter plat e with the four M3 x .
15 5. Use the lo cking plate a s a guide to dr ill thre e #39 pi lot holes (A) in the mounting sur face . Figure 13 . Locking Plat e (Not Dra wn to S cale) 6. Secure the locki ng plate to t he w all with the thr ee #7 w ood sc re ws ( ) provided in the kit .
16 Installation of Wall Mount Kit 46 - 00913 1. Dr ill two #39 pil ot holes i n the mounting sur face. The p ilot holes should be centered ver tically 44 mm apar t. 2. Posit ion the w all mount ov er th e pilot hole s with the ar row poi nting up. 3. Secure the wall mount to the w all with the tw o #7 wood s crew s ( ) provided in the kit .
17 Operat ion Modes of Operation The MS7580 suppor ts two standard mod es of operation for scanning bar cod es, automatic a ctivation and manu al activati on scanni ng. Scan ning while i n the automatic a ctivation mode can occur in eit her one of two con figurable options, pass - through or pre sen tation .
18 3. Press the butt on one t ime to activate linear target ing. 4. Align the linear tar geting line ov er the desir ed bar code . Note: When scanni ng 1D bar codes , the bar code mu st be present ed to the ima ger in the correct orient ation , see Figure 18 .
19 Audible Indicators T he MS7580 prov ides audible feedback dur ing operatio n . The audibl e feedback indicate s t he status of the im ager . Ei ght setting s are av ailable for the tone of the beep (norm al, 6 alter nate tone s and no tone) .
20 Visual Indicators The imager ha s blue and w hite L ED indicator s surroundi ng the butt on on the top of the imager . W hen t he imager is on, the inten sity of the LED and th e flashing or stationary activity of the LED s , indicates the status of the current sca n and the diagnostic imager .
21 Failure Modes Long Razzberry Tone – During Power Up Failed to initia lize or configure the image r . If the im ager does not respond a fter re configurati on , return the imager for repa ir. Short Razzberry Tone – During Scanning An Invali d bar code h as been scanned w hen in configur ation mode.
22 Field of View Figure 20 . Field of Vie w.
23 Depth of Field by Minimum Bar Code E lement Width Minim um Bar Code El ement W idth 1D PDF QR+ Datamatrix A B C D F G mm .13 .19 .2 6 .33 .25 .38 m ils 5.0 7.5 10.4 13 10 15 Figure 21 . Depth of Field by Minimum Bar Code Element Wi dth Note: Standard m odels ship w ith the abil ity to re ad all 1D, PDF and 2D bar codes.
24 IR Activation Range The MS 7580 has a built i n obj ect detectio n sensor th at insta ntly turns on the imager w hen an object is presented withi n the imager ’s IR A ctivation A rea , shown bel ow .
25 T rouble shoot ing G uide The fol low ing troub leshooting guide is for r eference purposes on ly. Conta ct a custom er ser vice r epresentat ive or te chnical support repr esentativ e to pre serve the limited w arranty terms. Se e pages 55 – Er ror! Bo okmark not defi ned.
26 Symptom s Possible C auses Solution The imager powers up, but does not beep when bar co de is scanned. The beeper is disabled an d no tone is selec ted. Enable the beeper and select a tone. The imager powers up, but does not scan and/or beep. The bar co de symbology trying to be scanned is not enabled.
27 Symptom s Possible C auses Solution The imager beeps at some bar code s and NOT for others of the same bar code symbo logy. The bar co de may have been pr inted incorrect ly. Check if it i s a che ck digit/char acter/or border pro blem. The imager is not configure d correctly for this ty pe of bar code.
28 Symptom s Possible C auses Solution The imager scans but the data is not correct. The imager an d host may not be configured for the sa me interfac e parameter s. Check that the imager and the host are configured fo r the sa me interfa ce para meters.
29 Design Specifi cation s Operational Light Sour ce: LED 645 nm ± 7.5 nm Pulse Durati on: Up to 600 µ s (Default) Max imum Output of the LED: Ma xim u m 70 mA emits 5800 mlm Depth of Sca n Field: 0 mm – 15 8 mm (0 " – 6 .2 " ) for 0.33 mm ( 13 mil) Field of V iew: 51 mm x 31 m m ( 2.
30 Mechanical Height (H) : 150 mm ( 5.91 ") W idth (W ) : 83 mm ( 3.27 ") Depth (D) : 80 mm ( 3.15 ") W eight: 340 g ± 15 g ( 12 oz. ± 5 oz. ) Terminati on: 10 pin modular R J45 Electrical + 12 Volt Adapter Value +5 V olt USB Pow er Value Input Volta ge: 12VDC ± 0.
31 Applic ations and Protoc ols The model nu mber on each imager inc ludes the im ager num ber and factor y default com municatio ns protoc ol. Imager Version Id entifier Comm unication Protoco l(s) M.
33 Config urat ion and U pgrade s Configuration Modes The MS 7580 has three modes of c onfi guration. • Bar Codes The MS 7580 can be confi gured by scanning t he bar code s includ ed in the M etroSelect Sin gle - Line Configurati on Guide or the Are a - Im agin g Supplement al Configur ation G uide .
34 To upgrade the firmw are in th e M S7580: 1. Plug th e ima ger into a ser ial communi cation por t on the ho st syste m. 2. Star t the M etroSet 2 softw are . 3. Click on the plu s sign (+) nex t to POS S canners to ex pand th e support ed imager list .
35 MS7580 - 1 24 - EAS Model MS7580 - 124 - EAS models ar e equipped w ith an i ntegrated antenna f or Electr onic Article Surv eillance (E AS) sy stem suppor t. The foll owing inf ormati on should be used in con junction w ith the m anufacturer ’s EAS system documen tation for successful i ntegratio n of an M S7580 - 124 - EAS Genesis .
36 EAS System Conne ction The follow ing infor mation shou ld be used i n conjunct ion w ith the manufactu rer’s documentati on EAS system . Checkpoint ® EAS Sys tem Integration Honeyw ell cables compatibl e with Checkpoin t EAS systems include fiv e additional w ires for dev ice con nection.
37 Configuration for E AS Applications EAS support is disable d by default in the M S7580 - 124 -EAS ser ies. To enable EAS support the imag er must be c onfigured f or a syst em type and signal mode. Follow the configurat ion sequ ence below to configur e the im ager for EAS functionality .
38 3. Scan t he des ired EAS timeout length (ap plicable f or regular mode only). The EAS t imeout leng th specif ies the max imum time tha t the area imager will leave t he EAS in terlock s ignal asser ted follow ing a succe ssful s can. T he EAS timeout setting ha s no effect in continuo us mode.
39 EAS Tag Deactivati on Range Antenna Precaution The integr ated EAS ant enna is buil t into th e stand/ba se of the imager. Do not enclose or r est the i mager’s b ase in clo se prox imity to dens e metal. T he metal may interf ere with t he antenna decreasing the ex pected deact ivation rang e.
40 Figure 25 . Expected Tag Deactivation Area (Top View).
41 Imager Pinouts– MS 7580 - 1 24 -EAS Figure 26 . MS7580 - 124 - EAS, 10 - Pin Female Modular Socket RS232 USB Pin Function Pin Function 1 Signal/Power Ground 1 Signal/Power Ground 2 CTS Inp.
42 Cable Pinouts (Hos t End) ‡ RS232, 12V VLink Cable MX - 5S114 -E-3 Pin Function Figure 28 . 9- Pin F em ale, D - Type 1 Shield Ground 2 RS232 Receive Output 3 RS232 Transmit I nput 4 DSR 5 Power/Signal Ground 6 DTR 7 R TS 8 CTS 9 Host +1 2VDC USB MX - 5S23 6-E-3 Pin Function Figure 29 .
43 Imager and Cable T erm inations Standard Imager Pi nouts ‡ Figure 31 . Back/Connec t or View of the MS7580 RS232 Keyboard W edge Pin Function Pin F unction 1 Signal/Power Ground 1 Signal/.
44 Standard Cable Pinouts ‡ (Host End) RS232 , 1 2V V Link Cable 5S - 5S000 -3 Pin Function 9- Pi n Fem al e, D - Type 1 Shield Ground 2 RS232 Transmit Output 3 RS232 Recei ve Input 4 No Connect 5 P.
45 Keyboard W edge V Link Cable 5S - 5S00 2-3 Pin Function 5- Pin DIN, Femal e 1 Keyboard Clock 2 Keyboard Data 3 No Connect 4 Power Ground 5 +5 VDC Pin Function 6- Pin DIN, Male 1 PC Data 2 No Connec.
47 Limit ed W arranty Honeyw ell Internatio nal Inc. ( "HII") w arrants its products an d optional accessorie s to be free from de fects in ma terials and w orkma nship and to conform t o HII’s publ ished spe cification s applicab le to th e products p urchased a t the time of shipment .
48 All provi sions of th is Limited W arranty are separat e and sev erable, w hich means that if any provisio n is held invalid and une nforceab le, such d etermination shall not affect the valid ity of enfor ceabi lity of the o ther prov isions hereo f.
49 Regul atory Co mplian ce Safety ITE Equipment IEC 60950 - 1, E N 60950 -1 LED Class 1 LED Pr oduct: IE C 60825 - 1:1993+A 1+A2, EN 608 25 - 1:199 4+A1+A2 Caution Use of con trols or adj ustments or perfor mance of procedures other than those specified h erein may result i n hazardou s radiation exposure.
50 Wenn Sie d ies tun, kö nnen Sie si ch einer gef ährlich en Licht emittierender Diodenstra hlung auss etzen. D er Einsatz opt ischer Ger äte mi t dieser L aserausrüst ung erhö ht das Risi ko einer S ehschädigung .
51 This devic e complie s with part 15 of the FC C Rules . Operatio n is subje ct to the following tw o condit ions: (1) T his device may not c ause har mful inter ference, an d (2) this devic e must acc ept any i n terferenc e received, includi ng interfer ence th at may cause undesired o peration.
52 Changes or modificat ions not expressly approved by the par ty responsi ble for complianc e could v oid the use r’s authority to operat e the equ ipment. Cl ass B Devices The follo wing is appl icable when the s canner cab le is le ss than 3 m eters (9.
53 Index A AC ................................ . 2, 7 – 11, 30 Access orie s ................................... 2 Adapter ........................ 2, 13, 14, 45 Aperture ......................................... 4 Audible In dicator .............. 20 – 21, 34 Automati c Activation Mode .
54 P Pass- Through .............................. 17 Pinouts ............................ 43, 44 – 45 Power .......................... 7– 11, 30, 34 Power S upply ...................... 6, 7 – 11 Presentati on ................................ 17 Protocols .
55 Custo mer Support Technical As sistance If you ne ed assistanc e installi ng or tro ubleshooti ng your device, p lease call y our distribut or or the n earest tech nical su pport off ice: North A merica/Canada Teleph one: (800) 782 - 4 263 E- mail: hsm nasupport@ honeywell.
56 Product Service an d Repair Honeyw ell Internatio nal Inc. pr ovides serv ice for all its pro ducts throu gh serv ice centers t hroughout the world. To obtain w arranty or non - war ranty servi ce, contact the appropriat e locatio n below to obtain a R eturn M aterial Author ization number (RM A #) before r eturni ng the pro duct.
57 Patents For patent informat ion, pleas e refer to www .honeywellaidc. com/patent s ..
Honeyw ell Scanning and Mobility 9 680 Old Bai les Road Fort M ill, SC 29707 www m GEN - 7580 - UG Rev A 10 /10.
デバイスHoneywell Genesis 7580の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Honeywell Genesis 7580をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはHoneywell Genesis 7580の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Honeywell Genesis 7580の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Honeywell Genesis 7580で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Honeywell Genesis 7580を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はHoneywell Genesis 7580の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Honeywell Genesis 7580に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちHoneywell Genesis 7580デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。