Cisco Systemsメーカー3200 Seriesの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Americas Hea dquarters Cisco System s, Inc . 170 West Ta sman Driv e San Jos e, CA 95134 -1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 527-0883 Cisco 320 0 S eries R.
REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C ONFIDENT IAL iii Book Title OL-15983-01 CONTENTS About Th is Guide v Audienc e and Scop e v Relat ed Do cume ntatio n v Obtain ing Docu mentat ion and Sub mitti ng a Serv ice Re.
REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C ONFIDENT IAL Cont ent s iv Book Title OL-15983-01 Attachi ng Ver sion 1 of th e Wiring Car d 2-13 Attachi ng the Versi on 2 of the Wiri ng Car d 2-14 Reatt ach ing the I/ O End .
v Cisco 3200 S eries Router Har dware Upgra de Guide OL-15983-01 About This Guide This gu ide de scribes h o w to pe rform b asic ma intenance of your Cisco 32 30 Rug ged Integra ted Servic es Router (ISR) or Cisco 3230 Rugg ed ISR.
vi Cisco 3200 Se ries Router Hardware Upgr ade Guide OL-15983-01 About Thi s Guide • Release Notes for the Cisco 3200 Series Mobil e Access Routers (OL -78-13975 -18)—Prov ides information about accessi ng documentatio n and technical a ssistance for the Cisco 3200 seri es ISR .
CH A P T E R 1-1 Cisco 3200 S eries Route r Hardware Upgrad e Guide OL-15983-01 1 Introduction This c hapter p rovides an overview of the Cisco 3 230 and 3270 Rugged I ntegrated Servic es Routers (ISRs) and lists the router compon ents that you can replace in the f ield.
1-2 Cisco 3200 Se ries Router Hardware Upgr ade Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 1 Introduction Cisco 32 30 Rugged E nclosure Fully Asse mbled Cisc o 3230 R ugged En closure Figure 1-1 sh o ws two views of a fully a ssembled Cisco 3230 Rugged Enclosu re.
1-3 Cisco 3200 S eries Route r Hardware Upgrad e Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 1 Introduction Cisco 3230 Rug ged Enclosu re Figur e 1 -2 Exploded V iew of th e 3230 Rugg ed Enclosur e 1 I/O end ca p 1 1. This end cap shows four se rial po rts, but the typi cal conf igurati on has two serial ports.
1-4 Cisco 3200 Se ries Router Hardware Upgr ade Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 1 Introduction Cisco 32 30 Rugged E nclosure Cisco 3230 Router Card Stack The Ci sco 3230 Rugged Enclosu re h ouses a router c ard s tack bundle of up t o (7) cards.
1-5 Cisco 3200 S eries Route r Hardware Upgrad e Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 1 Introduction Cisco 3230 Rug ged Enclosu re Cisco 327 0 Rugged ISR The Ci sco 3270 Rugged Enclosu re is approxi mately double t he size of the Cisco 32 30 Rugge d Enclos ure.
1-6 Cisco 3200 Se ries Router Hardware Upgr ade Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 1 Introduction Cisco 32 30 Rugged E nclosure Exploded View of the Cisco 3270 Rugged Enclosure Figure 1-5 shows an exploded view of the Cisco 3270 Rugge d Enclos ure.
1-7 Cisco 3200 S eries Route r Hardware Upgrad e Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 1 Introduction Cisco 3230 Rug ged Enclosu re Cisco 3270 Router Card Stack The Ci sco 3270 Ru gged Enclosure houses a card stack bundle of up to 7 cards.
1-8 Cisco 3200 Se ries Router Hardware Upgr ade Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 1 Introduction Wiring Cards Wiring Cards The Ci sco 3230 Rugged Enclosu re suppo rts versions 1 and 2 of the wiring card.
1-9 Cisco 3200 S eries Route r Hardware Upgrad e Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 1 Introduction Wh at You Can Up grade or Re place For more informatio n about the di f f erenc e between the two vers ions of the wirin g card, see F ield No tice: FN - 62845 at: www .
1-10 Cisco 3200 Se ries Router Hardware Upgr ade Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 1 Introduction Required T ools.
CH A P T E R 2-1 Cisco 3200 S eries Route r Hardware Upgrad e Guide OL-15983-01 2 Replacing Cards in the Cisco 3230 ISR Rugged Enclosure This chapter descr ibes ho w to re place car ds in the Ci sco 323 0 Inte grated Services R outer (ISR) R ugged Enclos ure.
2-2 Cisco 3200 Se ries Router Hardware Upgr ade Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 2 Repla c ing Card s in the Cisco 3230 ISR Rugged En closure Card Replac ement Proces s Disconnec ting All Cables from the Enclosure War ni ng Before you start working on rugged enclosures, di sconnect all cables, including power , to avoi d damage to the un it.
2-3 Cisco 3200 S eries Route r Hardware Upgrad e Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 2 Replacing Cards in the Cisco 3230 ISR Rugged Enc losure Card Rep lacement Pro cess Step 2 Carefully pull of f the end cap without disconnec ting the antenna ca bles, if present.
2-4 Cisco 3200 Se ries Router Hardware Upgr ade Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 2 Repla c ing Card s in the Cisco 3230 ISR Rugged En closure Card Replac ement Proces s Step 3 If antenn a cables are pre s ent, label th e cables.
2-5 Cisco 3200 S eries Route r Hardware Upgrad e Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 2 Replacing Cards in the Cisco 3230 ISR Rugged Enc losure Card Rep lacement Pro cess Removing the I/O End Cap T o remo ve the I/O end cap, fo llow these step s: Step 1 Using a 3/8- inch so cket wrench to loosen the four 1/4-20 bo lts on the end cap .
2-6 Cisco 3200 Se ries Router Hardware Upgr ade Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 2 Repla c ing Card s in the Cisco 3230 ISR Rugged En closure Card Replac ement Proces s Removi ng the Wi ring Card T o remo ve the wiri ng card, fo llow these s teps: Step 1 Disco nnect all cables from the wiri ng card.
2-7 Cisco 3200 S eries Route r Hardware Upgrad e Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 2 Replacing Cards in the Cisco 3230 ISR Rugged Enc losure Card Rep lacement Pro cess Step 3 Slide th e card sta ck out fr o m t he I/O end cap side. Step 4 Caref ully plac e the card stac k on its side on a rugg ed flat surf ace.
2-8 Cisco 3200 Se ries Router Hardware Upgr ade Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 2 Repla c ing Card s in the Cisco 3230 ISR Rugged En closure Card Replac ement Proces s Step 2 Rout e the ante nna cables un der the WMIC , as shown in Figure 2- 7 .
2-9 Cisco 3200 S eries Route r Hardware Upgrad e Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 2 Replacing Cards in the Cisco 3230 ISR Rugged Enc losure Card Rep lacement Pro cess Replacing the FESMIC T o repla ce the FESMIC, fo llo w these steps: Step 1 If WMIC 3 is pre sent, rem ov e WMIC 3 and WM IC 2 as o ne un it.
2-10 Cisco 3200 Se ries Router Hardware Upgr ade Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 2 Repla c ing Card s in the Cisco 3230 ISR Rugged En closure Card Replac ement Proces s Replacing the SMIC T o replace th e SMIC, follow t hese steps : Step 1 Remo ve the FESMIC an d any card abov e it as one unit.
2-11 Cisco 3200 S eries Route r Hardware Upgrad e Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 2 Replacing Cards in the Cisco 3230 ISR Rugged Enc losure Card Rep lacement Pro cess Inserting the Card Stack into the Extrusion T o insert th e card stack into the e xtrusion, follo w these step s: Step 1 Make sure that the LED cab le is connected to the FESMIC.
2-12 Cisco 3200 Se ries Router Hardware Upgr ade Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 2 Repla c ing Card s in the Cisco 3230 ISR Rugged En closure Card Replac ement Proces s Step 5 Slide the card stack int o the front of th e extrusion (or bod y) adjust ing the spac ing of the cards as necessa ry to fit the sl ots.
2-13 Cisco 3200 S eries Route r Hardware Upgrad e Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 2 Replacing Cards in the Cisco 3230 ISR Rugged Enc losure Card Rep lacement Pro cess Reattaching the Wiring Card The Ci sco 3230 Rugged Enclosu re suppo rts the version 1 and versio n 2 of t he wir ing ca rd.
2-14 Cisco 3200 Se ries Router Hardware Upgr ade Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 2 Repla c ing Card s in the Cisco 3230 ISR Rugged En closure Card Replac ement Proces s c. If the r e is a s econd WMIC in the s tack, attach a c onsole cable ( 72-4281-01 ) to the J2 hea der on th e wiring car d.
2-15 Cisco 3200 S eries Route r Hardware Upgrad e Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 2 Replacing Cards in the Cisco 3230 ISR Rugged Enc losure Card Rep lacement Pro cess For a 2-WMIC co nfiguration, connect ca bles to the wiring card as shown in Figure 2-1 3 .
2-16 Cisco 3200 Se ries Router Hardware Upgr ade Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 2 Repla c ing Card s in the Cisco 3230 ISR Rugged En closure Card Replac ement Proces s For a 3-WMIC co nfiguration, con nect ca bles to the wi ring card as shown in Figure 2-12 .
2-17 Cisco 3200 S eries Route r Hardware Upgrad e Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 2 Replacing Cards in the Cisco 3230 ISR Rugged Enc losure Card Rep lacement Pro cess Reattaching the I/O End Cap T o reattach the I/ O end cap, follo w these steps: Step 1 Align the guide pins of the I/ O end cap wit h the front of the extrusion.
2-18 Cisco 3200 Se ries Router Hardware Upgr ade Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 2 Repla c ing Card s in the Cisco 3230 ISR Rugged En closure Card Replac ement Proces s Note If a protect iv e end cap c ov e.
2-19 Cisco 3200 S eries Route r Hardware Upgrad e Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 2 Replacing Cards in the Cisco 3230 ISR Rugged Enc losure Card Rep lacement Pro cess Reattaching the Antenna End Cap T o rea.
2-20 Cisco 3200 Se ries Router Hardware Upgr ade Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 2 Repla c ing Card s in the Cisco 3230 ISR Rugged En closure Card Replac ement Proces s.
CH A P T E R 3-1 Cisco 3200 S eries Route r Hardware Upgrad e Guide OL-15983-01 3 Replacing Cards in the Cisco ISR 3270 Rugged Enclosure This chapter descr ibes ho w to re place car ds in the Ci sco 327 0 Inte grated Services R outer (ISR) R ugged Enclos ure ca rds.
3-2 Cisco 3200 Se ries Router Hardware Upgr ade Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 3 Replacing Cards in the Cisco ISR 3270 Rugged E nclosure Card Replac ement Proces s Disconnec ting All Cables from the Enclosure War ni ng Before you start working on rugged enclosures, di sconnect all cables, including power , to avoi d damage to the un it.
3-3 Cisco 3200 S eries Route r Hardware Upgrad e Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 3 Replacing Cards in t he Cisco ISR 3270 Rugge d Enclosure Card Rep lacement Pro cess Step 3 If antenn a cables are pre s ent, label th e cables. Use the labels on the e xterior of the antenn a end cap for refer ence.
3-4 Cisco 3200 Se ries Router Hardware Upgr ade Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 3 Replacing Cards in the Cisco ISR 3270 Rugged E nclosure Card Replac ement Proces s Removing the I/O End Cap T o remo ve the .
3-5 Cisco 3200 S eries Route r Hardware Upgrad e Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 3 Replacing Cards in t he Cisco ISR 3270 Rugge d Enclosure Card Rep lacement Pro cess Removi ng the Wi ring Card T o remo ve the wiri ng card, fo llow these s teps: Step 1 Disco nnect all cables from the wiri ng card.
3-6 Cisco 3200 Se ries Router Hardware Upgr ade Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 3 Replacing Cards in the Cisco ISR 3270 Rugged E nclosure Card Replac ement Proces s Step 4 Slide the card stack out fro m the anten na end cap side , as shown in Figure 3-5 .
3-7 Cisco 3200 S eries Route r Hardware Upgrad e Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 3 Replacing Cards in t he Cisco ISR 3270 Rugge d Enclosure Card Rep lacement Pro cess Replacing or Adding a New Card T o repla ce or add ne w cards, follo w the steps in the “Rep lacing or A dding a New Card” sect ion on page 2-23 .
3-8 Cisco 3200 Se ries Router Hardware Upgr ade Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 3 Replacing Cards in the Cisco ISR 3270 Rugged E nclosure Card Replac ement Proces s Step 5 Slide the card stack i nto the front of the enclosur e, as shown in Figure 3-7 , ad justing the spacing of the cards as necessary to fit the slots.
3-9 Cisco 3200 S eries Route r Hardware Upgrad e Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 3 Replacing Cards in t he Cisco ISR 3270 Rugge d Enclosure Card Rep lacement Pro cess Figur e 3-8 At taching Alig nment T a bs Step 9 Slo wly slide the card stack back until the align ment tabs are flush against the extru sion.
3-10 Cisco 3200 Se ries Router Hardware Upgr ade Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 3 Replacing Cards in the Cisco ISR 3270 Rugged E nclosure Card Replac ement Proces s Figur e 3- 9 Tig htenin g Wedge Loks Step 12 T ighten the tw o W edge Lo ks of the MARC on the ante nna end cap sid e (see Figure 3-10 ) with a 3/32-inc h hex blade .
3-11 Cisco 3200 S eries Route r Hardware Upgrad e Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 3 Replacing Cards in t he Cisco ISR 3270 Rugge d Enclosure Card Rep lacement Pro cess Reattaching the Wiring Card T o reatta.
3-12 Cisco 3200 Se ries Router Hardware Upgr ade Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 3 Replacing Cards in the Cisco ISR 3270 Rugged E nclosure Card Replac ement Proces s Figur e 3-12 1 -WMIC Configur ation For a 2-WMIC co nfiguration, connect th e cables to the wirin g card as shown in Figure 3-13 .
3-13 Cisco 3200 S eries Route r Hardware Upgrad e Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 3 Replacing Cards in t he Cisco ISR 3270 Rugge d Enclosure Card Rep lacement Pro cess For a 3-WMIC co nfiguration, connect th e cables to the wirin g card as shown in Figure 3-14 .
3-14 Cisco 3200 Se ries Router Hardware Upgr ade Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 3 Replacing Cards in the Cisco ISR 3270 Rugged E nclosure Card Replac ement Proces s Adjusting the WMIC Jumper Settings If you add o r remove WMIC cards, y ou mu st adjust t he WM IC jump er sett ings on the I/O end c ap as sho wn in Figure 3-15 .
3-15 Cisco 3200 S eries Route r Hardware Upgrad e Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 3 Replacing Cards in t he Cisco ISR 3270 Rugge d Enclosure Card Rep lacement Pro cess Reattaching the I/O End Cap T o reatta.
3-16 Cisco 3200 Se ries Router Hardware Upgr ade Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 3 Replacing Cards in the Cisco ISR 3270 Rugged E nclosure Card Replac ement Proces s Reattaching the Antenna End Cap T o reat.
3-17 Cisco 3200 S eries Route r Hardware Upgrad e Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 3 Replacing Cards in t he Cisco ISR 3270 Rugge d Enclosure Card Rep lacement Pro cess Applying New I/O End Cap Functio n Labels T o appl y ne w I/O end cap fu nction la bels, foll o w these steps: Step 1 Identify th e labels on the I/O end ca p you want to chan ge.
3-18 Cisco 3200 Se ries Router Hardware Upgr ade Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 3 Replacing Cards in the Cisco ISR 3270 Rugged E nclosure Card Replac ement Proces s.
CH A P T E R 4-1 Cisco 3200 S eries Route r Hardware Upgrad e Guide OL-15983-01 4 Replacing the SFP Module This chapter d escribes ho w to replace sm all-form-factor pluggable (SFP) m odules. SFP m odules are inserted into the SFP module slot on the Cisco 3270 Rugge d Rout er card .
4-2 Cisco 3200 Se ries Router Hardware Upgr ade Guide OL-15983-01 Chapt er 4 Re placi ng the S FP Mo dule SFP Module Repl acement Proc ess Cautio n T o pre vent electros tatic damage to cards in the r.
4-3 Cisco 3200 S eries Route r Hardware Upgrad e Guide OL-15983-01 Chapter 4 Repl acing the SFP Mod ule SFP Module R eplacement Pro cess Step 9 Grasp the SFP modu le between your thumb and index finger , and caref ully remov e it from the module slot.
4-4 Cisco 3200 Se ries Router Hardware Upgr ade Guide OL-15983-01 Chapt er 4 Re placi ng the S FP Mo dule SFP Module Repl acement Proc ess.
IN-1 Book Title 78-xxxxx- xx INDEX Numerics 3270 Rugged Enclosures 9 A Adding a New Card 45 Adding a New WMIC Card 25 Adjusting the WMIC Jumper Settings 52 Attaching New I/O End Cap Function Labels 55.
REVIEW DRAFT—CISCO C O NFIDENTIA L Index IN-2 Book Title 78-xxxxx- xx.
デバイスCisco Systems 3200 Seriesの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Cisco Systems 3200 Seriesをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCisco Systems 3200 Seriesの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Cisco Systems 3200 Seriesの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Cisco Systems 3200 Seriesで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Cisco Systems 3200 Seriesを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCisco Systems 3200 Seriesの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Cisco Systems 3200 Seriesに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCisco Systems 3200 Seriesデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。