Cisco Systemsメーカー7200 VXRの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Americas Hea dquarters Cisco System s, Inc . 170 West Ta sman Driv e San Jos e, CA 95134 -1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 527-0883 Cisco 720 0 VXR Insta.
3 Cisco 7200 V XR Installat ion and Conf igurati on Guide OL-5013-09 CONTENTS Preface iii Document Revi sion Hi story iii Audienc e iv Organi zation iv Document Conv entions iv Warni ng Defi nition vi.
Cont ent s 4 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Functi onal Overvi ew 1-53 Chassi s Slot an d Logical Inte rface Number ing 1- 54 MAC Addr ess 1-57 Onlin e Insert ion and.
Content s 5 Cisco 7200 V XR Installat ion and Conf igurati on Guide OL-5013-09 Attachi ng a Chas sis Groun d Connec tion 3-17 Connect ing Por t Adapter Cables 3-19 Connect ing I/ O Control ler, NPE- G.
Cont ent s 6 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Checki ng the Run ning Conf igur ation S etting s 4-15 Perfor ming Ot her Confi gurat ion Tasks 4-15 Using sho w Comman ds.
Content s 7 Cisco 7200 V XR Installat ion and Conf igurati on Guide OL-5013-09 Bit 1 3 A-4 Bit 1 5 A-5 Displa ying t he Config urati on Regist er While Ru nning Cisco IOS A-5 Displa ying t he Config u.
Cont ent s 8 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09.
iii Cisco 7200 V XR Installat ion and Conf igurati on Guide OL-5013-09 Preface This pr eface descr ibes who should r ead the Cisco 7200 VX R Installatio n and Configuration Guide , how it is organized , and its do cument con ventions. It discusses th e objectives, audie nce, and organiza tion of this publicatio n.
iv Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Preface Audien ce Y ou can access th e most curren t Cisco docume ntation on t he W orld W ide W e b at http://www .cisc T r anslated d ocumentation is a v ailabl e at http:/ /www .
v Cisco 7200 V XR Installat ion and Conf igurati on Guide OL-5013-09 Pre face Document C onventi ons Screen e xamples use t he fol lo wing con vention s: Notes , cautionar y stateme nts, an d safety warnin gs use the se con ventions : Note Means r eader ta ke no te .
vi Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Preface Warning De finiti on Warning Definition War ni ng IMPORT ANT SAFE TY INSTRUCT IONS This warning symbol means danger . Y ou are in a si tuation that could cause bodily injury .
vii Cisco 7200 V XR Installat ion and Conf igurati on Guide OL-5013-09 Pre face Warning Definition Attention IMPORTANTES IN FORMA TIONS DE SÉCU RITÉ Ce symbole d'avertissement indique un danger . V ous vous trouvez dans une si tuation pouvant causer des blessures ou des dommages corpo rels.
viii Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Preface Warning De finiti on Adva rsel VIKTIGE S IKKERHETSI NSTRUKS JONER Dette varselssymbolet bety r fare.
ix Cisco 7200 V XR Installat ion and Conf igurati on Guide OL-5013-09 Pre face Term s an d Acr onym s Terms and Acronyms T o fully u ndersta nd the conten t of thi s user guide, you shoul d be fam ili.
x Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Preface Related Document ation • EPROM—erasa ble p rogra mmab le re ad-on ly mem ory • FR U—fiel d-re place able un it (ro ut.
xi Cisco 7200 V XR Installat ion and Conf igurati on Guide OL-5013-09 Pre face Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request Obtaining Do cumentation an d Submitting a Service Reque st For .
xii Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Preface.
C HAPTER 1-1 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Overview This cha pter provides physic al and fun ctional overviews of the Cisco 720 0 VXR router s.
1-2 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Physi cal Desc ripti on The Cisc o 7200 VXR rou ters suppor t the high-speed network processing engine, N PE-G2, a nd all other av ailable networ k processing en gines.
1-3 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Physical Descri ption See Ta b l e 1-1 fo r the Cisco 7200 VXR p hysical sp ecification.
1-4 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Software Requi rements Note For a chas sis footpr int, additio nal dime nsions, and cl .
1-5 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Cisco 7204VXR Overview W it h the NPE-G1 or NPE-G2 inst alled and the Port Adapter Jacket Card installed in the I/O contr oller slot, a n additiona l port ada pter slot is a v ailab le.
1-6 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Cisco 7204VXR Overview Figur e 1 -2 Ci sco 7204VXR Ro ute r—Rear V iew The NP E-G2 and NPE-G1 have e xtern al co nnecto rs and sta tus LEDs for th e three Gigabit Et hernet interf aces as well as console and aux iliary ports.
1-7 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Cisco 7206VXR Overview Three inte rnal fa ns dra w cooling air in to the ch assis and ac ross interna l components to maintain an accepta ble op eratin g temper ature.
1-8 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Cisco 7206VXR Overview W it h the NPE-G1 or NPE-G2 inst alled and the Port Adapter Jacket Card installed in the I/O contr oller slot, a n additiona l port ada pter slot is a v ailab le.
1-9 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Cisco 7206VXR Overview Figur e 1-4 C i s c o 7206VXR Rout er—Rear V iew The re ar of th e Cisc o 7206 VXR router provides access t o the network processing eng ine or networ k services engine a nd up t o two power suppli es.
1-10 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceable U nits Adjace nt to the power supply ba ys are two chassi s groundin g receptacl es that pr ovide a chassis grou nd connec tion for ESD equipm ent or a two-hole groundi ng lug .
1-11 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceabl e Units • Rack-M ount and Cabl e-Manage ment Kit, page 1-53 Note Re placeme nt instruc tions for removing and re placing FR Us are contai ned i n separ ate onl ine docu ments.
1-12 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceable U nits – The NP E-175 has an RM527 0 microp rocessor tha t operate s at an interna l clock spee d of 200 MHz.
1-13 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceabl e Units The NP E-150 has 1 MB of SRAM and the NPE-200 has 4 MB of SRAM. N o other network processing engin e or net work service s engine has SRAM.
1-14 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceable U nits • NPE-G1 i s repres ented b y Figure 1-6 . Ta b l e 1-4 l ists NPE-G1 memory specific ations, and Ta b l e 1- 5 lists memo ry configuration s.
1-15 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceabl e Units Figur e 1 -5 NPE-G2 Ta b l e 1-2 lists the NPE-G2 memory speci fi cation, and Ta b l e 1-3 lists the factory-installed SDRAM configurati ons and their p roduct nu mbers.
1-16 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceable U nits Figur e 1 -6 NPE-G1 Ta b l e 1-4 lists the NPE-G1 memory speci fi cation, and Ta b l e 1-5 lists the factory-installed SDRAM configurati ons and their p roduct nu mbers.
1-17 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceabl e Units Ta b l e 1 -4 NPE-G1 Mem ory Speci fications Memor y T ype S.
1-18 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceable U nits Figur e 1-7 N S E - 1 Ta b l e 1-6 lists the NSE-1 memory specif ications, and Ta b l e 1-7 list s the NSE-1 fact ory-insta lled SDRAM co nfigurations and th eir product nu mbers.
1-19 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceabl e Units Figur e 1 -8 NPE-400 Second ary cache 256 KB — RM7000 pro .
1-20 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceable U nits Ta b l e 1-8 lists the NPE-400 memory spec ific ations, and Ta b l e 1-9 lists factory-installed SDRAM configurati ons and their p roduct nu mbers.
1-21 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceabl e Units Figur e 1 -9 NPE-300 Ta b l e 1-1 0 lists th e NPE- 300 memory specification s, and Ta b l e 1-11 lists fa ctory-installe d SDRAM configurati ons and their p roduct nu mbers.
1-22 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceable U nits Note Th e NPE-300 c ontains two bank s of SDRAM.
1-23 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceabl e Units Figur e 1 -1 0 NPE-225 Ta b l e 1-1 2 lists th e NPE- 225 memory specification s, and Ta b l e 1-13 lists fa ctory-installe d SDRAM configurati ons and their p roduct nu mbers.
1-24 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceable U nits Ta b l e 1 -12 NP E-22 5 Memo ry Spe cif icat ion s Memor y T ype Size Quantity Description Location 1 1. Location on p rocessing engine b oard.
1-25 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceabl e Units Figur e 1 -1 1 NPE-200 Ta b l e 1-1 4 lists th e NPE- 200 memory specification s, and Ta b l e 1-15 lists fa ctory-installe d DRAM configurati ons and their p roduct nu mbers.
1-26 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceable U nits Note T o prevent DR AM err ors in t he N PE-100, N PE-15 0, .
1-27 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceabl e Units Figur e 1 -12 NPE-1 75 Ta b l e 1-1 6 lists th e NPE- 175 memory specification s, and Ta b l e 1-17 lists memor y config urations.
1-28 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceable U nits Ta b l e 1 -16 NPE-1 75 Memor y Specific ations Memor y T ype Size Quantity Description Location 1 1. Location on p rocessing engine b oard.
1-29 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceabl e Units Figur e 1 -13 NP E-150 Ta b l e 1-1 8 lists th e NPE- 150 memory specification s, and Ta b l e 1-19 lists memor y config urations.
1-30 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceable U nits Note T o prevent DR AM err ors in t he N PE-100, N PE-15 0, .
1-31 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceabl e Units Note T o prevent DR AM err ors in t he N PE-100, N PE-15 0, .
1-32 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceable U nits BCM12500 CPU at 500Mhz, Implementation 1, Rev 0.1, 512KB L2 Cache 6 slot VXR midplane, Version 2.0 Input/Output Controller This sec tion descr ibes fi ve different models of I/O contr ollers.
1-33 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceabl e Units • Flash m emory f or storin g the boot hel per imag e • .
1-34 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceable U nits Figur e 1 -16 C7200-I/O-2FE/ E—With T wo RJ -45 Ether net/.
1-35 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceabl e Units Figur e 1 -17 C7200-I/O-FE—With MII an d RJ-45 F ast Ether.
1-36 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceable U nits Figur e 1 -18 C7200-I/O-FE—With MII an d RJ-45 F ast Ether.
1-37 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceabl e Units Note In n Figure 1-2 0 , the N VRAM is re placed by a n SRAM.
1-38 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceable U nits Figur e 1 -20 C7200-I/O—Without F ast Ether net P or t (V .
1-39 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceabl e Units Figur e 1 -21 C7200-I/O-FE-MII—With Sing le MII F ast Ether net Receptacle Note C72 00-I/O-FE -MII, althou gh still supp orted by Cisco, was discontinue d as an orderab le product in May 1998.
1-40 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceable U nits Ta b l e 1-2 3 lists the I/O controller memory compo nents. LED Descriptions All I/O contro llers ha v e LEDs, and the NPE-G1 a nd NPE- G2 al so have interface s that have LEDs.
1-41 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceabl e Units or not an I/O cont roller is in the system with the NPE-G 1 or NPE-G2. The SLO T AC TIVE LED is on if there is a CompactFlash Disk in the NPE-G1.
1-42 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceable U nits NPE-G1 L EDs USB USB ports Flas hing gree n Activ ity . Of f No acti vity . CF A CTV CompactFl ash Disk Flashi ng green Acti vity .
1-43 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceabl e Units Input/Output Controller C7200-I/O LEDs Figure 1-22 shows the LED s on the I/O controll er model wit h no Ethern et ports (C 7200-I/O ).
1-44 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceable U nits Figur e 1 -23 C7200-I/O-GE+E LEDs and CPU Reset Bu tt on Inp.
1-45 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceabl e Units Input/Output Controller C7200-I/O-FE LEDs Figure 1-25 sho ws.
1-46 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceable U nits Figur e 1 -25 C7200-I/O-FE LEDs an d CPU Reset B ut t on Ta .
1-47 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceabl e Units Note A n MII LINK LE D is not provided on th is I/O contro ller bec ause the L ED is provided on externa l transce i ver s that a re requi red for connec ting t o the MII r ecept acle on th e I/O con troller .
1-48 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceable U nits Note The port adapter s installed in the Cisc o 7200 VX R routers suppor t OIR. For an explanation of OIR, see the “Online In sertio n and Re mov al” sec tion on page 1- 57 .
1-49 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceabl e Units Powe r Supplies The Cisc o 7200 VXR rout ers co me equ ipped wit h one 280W AC-input power supply . (A 280 W DC-inp ut power supply is av ailab le as an optio n.
1-50 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceable U nits Figur e 1 -28 Cisco 72 0 0 Ser ies AC-Inp ut P o w er Supply The A C-inpu t po wer sup ply has a recep tacle fo r an A C -input po wer cable .
1-51 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceabl e Units The DC -inpu t power supply ha s DC-input power leads tha t are har dwired t o a DC-in put termi nal bloc k.
1-52 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Field-Repl aceable U nits Figur e 1 -30 Ci sco 7200 VXR Chassis— 7206VXR Sho wn Comp.
1-53 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Fun ctio nal Ov ervi ew See Ta b l e 1-31 , Ta b l e 1-32 , and Ta b l e 1- 33 for the.
1-54 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Functi onal Overvi ew Chassis S lot and Log ical Interface Nu mbering In the Cisco 7 2.
1-55 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Fun ctio nal Ov ervi ew Figur e 1 -32 Po rt Ad apt er Slot Nu mber ing—Cisco 7206V X.
1-56 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Functi onal Overvi ew Router# show interfaces FastEthernet0/0 is administratively down, line protocol is down Hardware is i82543 (Livengood), address is 0000.
1-57 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Fun ctio nal Ov ervi ew The follo wing example sho ws the display for the f irst port .
1-58 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Functi onal Overvi ew Note The Port Adapter Jacket Car d does not support OIR. Ho weve r , the port adapte r installed in the Port Adapte r Jacket C ard does support OIR.
1-59 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Fun ctio nal Ov ervi ew Environmenta l Monitoring an d Reporting F unctions En vironme.
1-60 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Functi onal Overvi ew Ta b l e 1 -34 NPE-G2 Pr ocessor -Monit or ed T empe rat ur e Thres holds NPE-G2 1 1. With an I/O controller installed.
1-61 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Fun ctio nal Ov ervi ew Note A low war ni ng o r h ig h wa rn in g me ss ag e d o es n o t m ea n t ha t th e r outer is at ri sk of mal functioni ng or bei ng dama ged.
1-62 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Functi onal Overvi ew Below are sample high c ritical messa ges from c hassis wit h 3V and 5V power supp lies in Cisco IOS Releas e 12.0( 23): Router(boot)# 00:02:47:%ENVM-2-ENVCRIT:+3.
1-63 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Fun ctio nal Ov ervi ew Foll owi ng is sam ple outp ut of the show en vir onment last .
1-64 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 1 Cisc o 7200 VXR Product Ove rview Functi onal Overvi ew Foll owi ng is sam ple outp ut of the show en viron men t al l comman d: NPE300(boot)# show environment all Power Supplies: Power Supply 1 is empty.
C HAPTER 2-1 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 2 Preparing for Installation Before installin g your Cisco 7200 VX R rou ter , you should con sider t he power and cablin.
2-2 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Electri cal Equipm ent Guide lines • Four M4 x 8-mm Phillips flathead scre ws to secure the .
2-3 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 2 Preparing for Install ation Site Requirement Guidelines Site Requirement Guidelines The en vironmental monito ring fun c.
2-4 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Site Requireme nt Guidelines Figur e 2-1 Inter nal Airflo w—T op V iew The le ft and righ t .
2-5 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 2 Preparing for Install ation Site Requirement Guidelines Rack-Mounting Guidelines Before installin g the Cisco 7200 VXR r.
2-6 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Site Requireme nt Guidelines Figur e 2-2 Cisco 720 0 VXR Rout er F ootpr int and Oute r Dimensions 1 Network processing en gine width 13. 8 in. (35.
2-7 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 2 Preparing for Install ation Site Requirement Guidelines When plann ing your rack i nstallation, c onsider th e foll ow i.
2-8 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Site Requireme nt Guidelines Power Con nectio n Guidelines Follow these precautions and recom .
2-9 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 2 Preparing for Install ation Initial Configuration Information If wires exceed re comm ended distanc es, or if wir es pass between buildings, give special consider ation to the ef f ect of a lightning strik e in your vicinity .
2-10 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Cisco 7200 VXR Router I nstallation Checklist Following is som e of th e infor mation y ou ar.
2-11 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 2 Preparing for Install ation Cisco 7200 VXR Router Installation Checklist Ta b l e 2-2 Cisco 7200 VXR Rout er Insta llat.
2-12 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Checking the Shipping Contai ner Contents Checking the Sh ipping Con tainer Contents Once y ou recei ve your C isco 7200 VXR r outer, use the foll owing procedu re to ch eck the conte nts of the shi ppi ng co nta iner .
2-13 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 2 Preparing for Install ation Site Log Site Log A site log pro vides a historical r ecord of all action s rele va nt to the Cisco 7200 VXR route r oper ation and mainten ance.
2-14 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Site Log Ta b l e 2-4 on page 2-14 shows a sample site log page. Make copies of the samp le or design your o wn site log to meet t he ne eds of y our sit e and equipm ent.
C HAPTER 3-1 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 3 Installing a Cisco 72 00 VX R Route r This chap ter ex plains ho w to install a Cisco 7200 VXR router.
3-2 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Rack-Moun ting a Cisco 7200 VXR Rou ter If you do not plan to install y our Cisco 7200 VXR ro uter in a n equi pment r ack, proc eed to the “General T ab letop or W or kbench Insta llation” sec tion on page 3- 14 .
3-3 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Rack-M ounting a Cisco 7200 VXR Rout er Figur e 3-1 T ypical F our -P ost Equip ment.
3-4 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Rack-Moun ting a Cisco 7200 VXR Rou ter Figur e 3-2 Installing the Chassis in a F our .
3-5 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Rack-M ounting a Cisco 7200 VXR Rout er Figur e 3-3 Installing the Chassis in a T wo.
3-6 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Rack-Moun ting a Cisco 7200 VXR Rou ter Figur e 3-4 Rack-Mounting the Chassis in a T w.
3-7 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Rack-M ounting a Cisco 7200 VXR Rout er Figur e 3-5 Rack-Mount ing the Ch assis in a.
3-8 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Rack-Moun ting a Cisco 7200 VXR Rou ter Installing the B rackets on t he Front of the .
3-9 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Rack-M ounting a Cisco 7200 VXR Rout er Figur e 3-7 Installing the Rac k-Mount Br ac.
3-10 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Rack-Moun ting a Cisco 7200 VXR Rou ter Figur e 3-8 Installing the Stan dar d Rear Ca.
3-11 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Rack-M ounting a Cisco 7200 VXR Rout er Installing the NPE-G1 and NPE-G2 Optical C .
3-12 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Rack-Moun ting a Cisco 7200 VXR Rou ter Figur e 3-1 0 Installing th e Rac k-Mount Br .
3-13 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Rack-M ounting a Cisco 7200 VXR Rout er Cautio n T o prev ent inju ry , rev ie w the safety prec autions in Chapter 2, “ Pre parin g fo r In stal latio n, ” before installing the ro uter in a rack.
3-14 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco 7200 VXR Router General Tabletop or Work bench I nstallation Installing the Chassis in the Rack After.
3-15 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Install ing th e Cable -Manag ement Brack ets • Port adapter and power supply fille r panels are installed.
3-16 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Installi ng the Cable-Ma nagemen t Brackets Note If you hav e an NPE-G 1 or NPE- G2, .
3-17 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Attaching a Chassis Gr ound Conn ection Step 4 Repeat Step 1 throu gh Step 3 for an y o ther p ort ad apter i nterf ace c ables installe d in the r outer .
3-18 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Attachin g a Chassis Gro und Connect ion Use the following procedur e to attach the g.
3-19 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Connecti ng Por t Adapt er Cabl es Connecting Port Adapt er Cables The instructio n.
3-20 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Connecti ng I/O Controlle r, NPE-G1, or NPE-G2 Cab les Gigabit Etherne t SFP Modu le Connec tions The SFP port is a 10 00-Mbps optical interface in the f orm of an LC-type duplex port that supports IEEE 80 2.
3-21 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Connec ting I/ O Contr oller, NPE-G1, o r NPE-G2 Cab les Ta b l e 3-2 provides c abling specifica tions for the SFP modu les that you install in the Gig abit Ethernet SFP ports.
3-22 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Connecti ng I/O Controlle r, NPE-G1, or NPE-G2 Cab les Ta b l e 3-3 prov ides SFP module po wer infor mation.
3-23 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Connec ting I/ O Contr oller, NPE-G1, o r NPE-G2 Cab les Ta b l e 3-4 provides NPE-G2 CWDM SFP module configuration information.
3-24 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Connecti ng I/O Controlle r, NPE-G1, or NPE-G2 Cab les Figur e 3-1 7 Mode-Co nditioni.
3-25 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Connec ting I/ O Contr oller, NPE-G1, o r NPE-G2 Cab les War ni ng Because invisibl.
3-26 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Connecti ng I/O Controlle r, NPE-G1, or NPE-G2 Cab les Note Fiber-op tic cables are comme rcially a v ailable ; they are not a v ailable from Cisco Systems.
3-27 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Connec ting I/ O Contr oller, NPE-G1, o r NPE-G2 Cab les is 6.5 feet (2 m) , and the mi nimum li nk distance for the WS -G 54 87 or G BIC- ZX-SM is 6.
3-28 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Connecti ng I/O Controlle r, NPE-G1, or NPE-G2 Cab les Note Th e 1000BASE-ZX GBI C provides an optica l power budget of 21.
3-29 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Connec ting I/ O Contr oller, NPE-G1, o r NPE-G2 Cab les Note The mode-conditio ning patch cord is requir ed to comply with IEEE standards.
3-30 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Connecti ng I/O Controlle r, NPE-G1, or NPE-G2 Cab les Connectin g to the I/O Contro .
3-31 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Connec ting I/ O Contr oller, NPE-G1, o r NPE-G2 Cab les Note With referenc e to the RJ-45 pinout in T abl e 3-1, pr oper com mon-m ode line termin ations should b e used for the unu sed Category 5 UTP cabl e pairs 4/5 and 7/ 8.
3-32 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Connecti ng I/O Controlle r, NPE-G1, or NPE-G2 Cab les Figur e 3-2 3 Ether net and F .
3-33 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Connec ting I/ O Contr oller, NPE-G1, o r NPE-G2 Cab les Fast Ethernet MII Connections The MII por t on the I/O controlle r is a 40-pin, D -shell-t ype conne ctor that is configurabl e for 100 megabit s per second (M bps).
3-34 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Connecti ng I/O Controlle r, NPE-G1, or NPE-G2 Cab les The MII port uses two 56 scre w-type locks, called jack scre ws, to secure th e cable or transcei ver to the port.
3-35 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Connec ting I/ O Contr oller, NPE-G1, o r NPE-G2 Cab les Note Both the console and the auxiliary ports are asynchronous se rial por ts; an y de vices co nnected to these ports mus t be capabl e of asynchr onous transm ission.
3-36 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Connecti ng I/O Controlle r, NPE-G1, or NPE-G2 Cab les Figur e 3-2 8 Console a nd A u.
3-37 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Connec ting I/ O Contr oller, NPE-G1, o r NPE-G2 Cab les DB-25 Auxi liary Port Cabling a nd Pinouts Ta b l e 3-1 5 lists the D B-25 auxili ary port sign als for the C720 0-I/O, C720 0-I/O-FE, and C7200-I/O- FE-MII I /O contro llers.
3-38 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Connecti ng I/O Controlle r, NPE-G1, or NPE-G2 Cab les Figur e 3-2 9 Console a nd A uxiliary P ort RJ-45 Connect or Both ports are configured as async hronous ser ial ports.
3-39 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Connec ting I/ O Contr oller, NPE-G1, o r NPE-G2 Cab les Refer to Ta b l e 3-16 for.
3-40 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Connecti ng I/O Controlle r, NPE-G1, or NPE-G2 Cab les The Ci sco 7200 VXR r outers ship with a rol l-over cable.
3-41 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Connecting Power Note When connecting to an auxil iary port on a Cisco 7200 VXR router , the port will not function at baud rates hi gher t han 19.
3-42 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Connecting Po wer Connectin g AC-Input Pow er Connect a 280 W A C-input power supply as foll ows: Step 1 At the rear of the router , check that the powe r switch is in the of f (O) position.
3-43 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Connecting Power Connect a 280 W DC-inpu t po wer suppl y as follows: Note Th e color co ding of the DC- input power suppl y leads depen ds on the colo r coding of the DC power source at you r site.
3-44 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco 7200 VXR Router Connecting Po wer Figur e 3-3 3 Connecting DC-Input P ow er Step 6 Insert the stri pp.
C HAPTER 4-1 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 4 Observing System Startup and Performing a Basic Configuration This cha pter describ es ho w to start th e system and per form a basic c onfiguration for your Cisco 7200 VXR router .
4-2 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 4 Observing Sy stem Sta rtup an d Perfo rming a Basic Con figura tion Starting the System and Obs erving Initial Con ditions • All netw ork interf ace ca bles are c onnect ed to t he po rt adap ters.
4-3 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 4 Observing Syst em Startup an d Performing a Basic Con figuration Confi guring a Cisco 7200 VXR Rout er Y o u ha ve the o.
4-4 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 4 Observing Sy stem Sta rtup an d Perfo rming a Basic Con figura tion Configuring a Cisco 7200 VXR Ro uter Perfor ming a Ba.
4-5 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 4 Observing Syst em Startup an d Performing a Basic Con figuration Confi guring a Cisco 7200 VXR Rout er If the ser ial (W.
4-6 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 4 Observing Sy stem Sta rtup an d Perfo rming a Basic Con figura tion Configuring a Cisco 7200 VXR Ro uter The first two secti ons of the co nfiguration script (the banner an d the insta lled hardware ) appea r only at initial system startu p.
4-7 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 4 Observing Syst em Startup an d Performing a Basic Con figuration Confi guring a Cisco 7200 VXR Rout er Step 6 For the fo.
4-8 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 4 Observing Sy stem Sta rtup an d Perfo rming a Basic Con figura tion Configuring a Cisco 7200 VXR Ro uter Step 9 Sav e your settings to NVRAM. (See the “Saving the Running Con figuration to NVRA M” section on page 4-15 .
4-9 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 4 Observing Syst em Startup an d Performing a Basic Con figuration Confi guring a Cisco 7200 VXR Rout er When using the GBIC media, there is also the additi onal negotiation auto command that is used to enab le the IEEE 802.
4-10 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 4 Observing Sy stem Sta rtup an d Perfo rming a Basic Con figura tion Configuring a Cisco 7200 VXR Ro uter Debugging Cisco.
4-11 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 4 Observing Syst em Startup an d Performing a Basic Con figuration Confi guring a Cisco 7200 VXR Rout er Step 2 Determ in.
4-12 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 4 Observing Sy stem Sta rtup an d Perfo rming a Basic Con figura tion Configuring a Cisco 7200 VXR Ro uter Step 4 Sav e your settings to NVRAM. (See the “Saving the Running Con figuration to NVRA M” section on page 4-15 .
4-13 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 4 Observing Syst em Startup an d Performing a Basic Con figuration Confi guring a Cisco 7200 VXR Rout er Is this interface in use? [yes]: Configure IP on this interface? [yes]: IP address for this interface: 1.
4-14 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 4 Observing Sy stem Sta rtup an d Perfo rming a Basic Con figura tion Configuring a Cisco 7200 VXR Ro uter half-duplex ip address appletalk cable-range 0-0 0.
4-15 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 4 Observing Syst em Startup an d Performing a Basic Con figuration Perfo rming Other Config urat ion Ta sks Router(config)# interface serial slot/port Router(config-int)# In eith er configu ration m ode, yo u can no w ente r any cha nges t o the co nfiguration.
4-16 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 4 Observing Sy stem Sta rtup an d Perfo rming a Basic Con figura tion Using show Command s to Check th e Installatio n •.
4-17 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 4 Observing Syst em Startup an d Performing a Basic Con figuration Replac ing or Rec overing a Lost Passwo rd Replacing o.
4-18 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 4 Observing Sy stem Sta rtup an d Perfo rming a Basic Con figura tion Replacing or Re covering a Lost Password Details of .
4-19 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 4 Observing Syst em Startup an d Performing a Basic Con figuration Replac ing or Rec overing a Lost Passwo rd The ena ble secr et pass word is encryp ted and ca nnot be reco ve red; it mu st be rep laced .
4-20 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 4 Observing Sy stem Sta rtup an d Perfo rming a Basic Con figura tion Viewing Your System Configurat ion Viewing Your Syst.
4-21 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 4 Observing Syst em Startup an d Performing a Basic Con figuration Viewing Your System Configuration Hardware date code :20000413 Top Assy.
4-22 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 4 Observing Sy stem Sta rtup an d Perfo rming a Basic Con figura tion Performin g Complex Configurat ions Performing Compl.
C HAPTER 5-1 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 5 Troubleshooting the Installation Yo u r C i s c o 7200 V XR route r went thr ough extensive testing befo re leaving the fac tory .
5-2 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 5 Tr oublesh ooting t he Ins talla tion Troubles hooting O vervie w Problem Solvin g Using a Su bsystems Ap proach The ke y to solvin g problems with the sy stem is isolati ng the problem to a specif ic subsyste m.
5-3 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 5 Troublesh ooting the Inst allation Troublesh ooti ng Overview • Cooling su bsystem—T he chassis fan tray is the single com ponent in this subsyst em. The fans should be ope rating w henever system p o wer is on.
5-4 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 5 Tr oublesh ooting t he Ins talla tion Troubles hooting O vervie w I/O Controller LEDs The LEDs on the I/O controller shou.
5-5 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 5 Troublesh ooting the Inst allation Troublesh ooti ng Overview • The M II EN L ED come s on after the ENABLED LED an d indic ates t hat t he Fast Ethernet port’ s M II port is initi alized and ena bled for opera tion by th e system, and conf igur ed for operatio n.
5-6 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 5 Tr oublesh ooting t he Ins talla tion Troublesho oting the Power Subsystem • The USB port LEDs on the NPE-G2 are off when there is no acti vity . • The FE LINK LED on the NPE-G2 is solid green when there is no acti vity o n the management port .
5-7 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 5 Troublesh ooting the Inst allation Troubl eshootin g the Pr ocessor Subsyst em – If the LE D still fail s to come on wh en the po wer supply is connected to a dif feren t po wer source with a new power cable, the power su pply is probab ly fault y .
5-8 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 5 Tr oublesh ooting t he Ins talla tion Troubles hooting t he Proce ssor Sub system • If th e au x il i ar y p o rt i s n ot f un c ti o ni n g p ro p er l y , ch e c k t he ba u d r a te .
5-9 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Gui de OL-5013-09 Chapter 5 Troublesh ooting the Inst allation Troubl eshootin g the Pr ocessor Subsyst em Troublesho oting the Netwo rk Proces sing.
5-10 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Chapter 5 Tr oublesh ooting t he Ins talla tion Troubles hooting t he Cool ing Subs ystem – If the ENABLED LED on an indi vidual adapter is off, suspec t that the ada pter has pulle d away from the m idplane.
A- 1 Cisco 7200 V XR Installation a nd Conf iguration Gui de OL-5013-09 APPENDIX A Configuration Register Information The follo wing information is f ound in this append ix: • Configuration Bi t Mea.
A- 2 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Appendix A Configur atio n Register I nfor mation Configur ation Bit Meaning s Bits 0–3 The lowest four bit s of the processor configuration registe r (bits 3, 2, 1, an d 0) form the bo ot field.
A-3 Cisco 7200 V XR Installat ion and Conf igurati on Guide OL-5013-09 Append ix A Configuration Reg ister Informati on Confi gurati on Bit Meani ngs in R OMmon. If b it 13 is n ot set, t he router will contin ue to netboot image s indef initely . The def ault setting for bit 13 is 0.
A- 4 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Appendix A Configur atio n Register I nfor mation Configur ation Bit Meaning s Bit 8 Bit 8 contr ols the co nsole Br eak key . Setting b it 8 (the fac tory default ) causes the processo r to ignore the console Break key .
A-5 Cisco 7200 V XR Installat ion and Conf igurati on Guide OL-5013-09 Append ix A Configuration Reg ister Informati on Displaying the Con figurati on Regi ster Whi le Runni ng Cisco IO S Bit 15 Bit 15 e nables d iagnostic me ssages and ignores N VRAM c ontents.
A- 6 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Appendix A Configur atio n Register I nfor mation Setting the Configuration Regis ter While Runni ng Cisco IOS 10 IP broadcasts wi.
A-7 Cisco 7200 V XR Installat ion and Conf igurati on Guide OL-5013-09 Append ix A Configuration Reg ister Informati on Setting the Configuration Register While Running ROM Monitor enable “break/abo.
A- 8 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 Appendix A Configur atio n Register I nfor mation Setting the Conf iguration Regis ter While Runni ng ROM Monito r.
IN-1 Cisco 7200 V XR Installat ion and Conf igurati on Guide OL-5013-09 INDEX A AC-inp ut power su pply descript ion 50 See al so po wer supp ly acronym s list of ix addresses MAC 55 airf low chas sis.
Index IN-2 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 cleani ng informa tion for fi ber-opti c connect ors 10 clearan ce chass is 62 comm ands config -registe r 19 config termina.
Inde x IN-3 Cisco 7200 V XR Installat ion and Conf igurati on Guide OL-5013-09 descript ion 51 See al so po wer supp ly DC power shutdown 59 DC return connect ion (DC-1) cautio n 49, 43 displays envir.
Index IN-4 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 H handles NPE 6, 9 NSE 6, 9 port adapte r 54 power suppl y 49 hardware addresses 55 hardware addre sses See als o MAC addr e.
Inde x IN-5 Cisco 7200 V XR Installat ion and Conf igurati on Guide OL-5013-09 using fo r trou bleshooting I/O contro ller 4 port adap ters 6 power suppl y 3 line con 0 comma nd 19 M MAC, ad dress es .
Index IN-6 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 damage 59 monitori ng 59 preven ting 4 P Parallel eX pres s Forward ing pro cessor See PXF processor password recove ring lo.
Inde x IN-7 Cisco 7200 V XR Installat ion and Conf igurati on Guide OL-5013-09 troublesh ooting 9 R rack-mount installati on 1 rack-m ount kit hardware 12 installati on 2 rack s equipm ent 5 reload co.
Index IN-8 Cisco 7200 VXR Installation an d Configur ation Guide OL-5013-09 system 2 troublesh ooting 3 status DC power 59 enviro nmenta l 62, 4 interfac es 55 subsystem ( troublesh ooting) I/O contro.
デバイスCisco Systems 7200 VXRの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Cisco Systems 7200 VXRをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCisco Systems 7200 VXRの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Cisco Systems 7200 VXRの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Cisco Systems 7200 VXRで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Cisco Systems 7200 VXRを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCisco Systems 7200 VXRの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Cisco Systems 7200 VXRに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCisco Systems 7200 VXRデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。