Cisco Systemsメーカー7304の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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CH A P T E R 3-1 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 3 MIB Specifications This chapter describe s each Manageme nt Information Base (MIB) on the Cisco 7304 router. Each description lists any constraint s about how the MIB is implemented on the Cisco 7304 router platform .
3-2 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications Ta b l e 3 - 2 lists the Cisco 7304 MIBs included in c7304 im age, b ut support is not verifi ed in the Cisco 7304 rout er .
3-3 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications ATM-MIB ATM-MIB The A TM-MIB (RFC 1695) co ntains the A TM and A TM adaptation la yer 5 (AAL5) objects used to ma.
3-4 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications ATM-FORUM- ADDR-REG-MI B Ta b l e 3 - 3 lists the constraints that the Cisco 7304 router places on objects in the A TM-MIB. For detailed definitions of MIB object s, see the MIB.
3-5 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications BGP4-MIB BGP4-MIB The BGP4-MIB (RFC 1657) pro vides access to informatio n related to the implementation of the Border Gate way Prot ocol (BGP).
3-6 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications CISCO-ASPP-MIB CISCO-ASPP-MIB The CISCO-ASPP MIB provides conf iguration and operational information on asynchronous polled protocols such as the asynchronous security prot ocols that alarm-monitoring companies use.
3-7 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications CISCO-BGP-POLICY-ACCOUNTING-MI B CISCO-BGP-POLICY-ACCOUNTING-MIB The CISCO-BGP-POLICY -A CCOUN TING-MIB contain s BGP policy-based accounting information (such as ingress traf fic on an interf ace), which can be used for billing purposes.
3-8 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications CISCO-BSTUN-MIB CISCO-BSTUN-MIB The CISCO-BSTUN-MIB contains objects to manage Block Serial T unnels (BSTUNs) on the router .
3-9 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications CISCO-CDP-MIB CISCO-CDP-MIB The CISCO-CDP-MIB contains objects to manage the Ci sco Discov ery Protocol (CDP) on th e router . CISCO-CEF-MIB The CISCO-CEF-MIB (Cisco Express Forwarding) contains ob ject s that manage Cisco Express Forw arding (CEF) technolog y .
3-10 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB feature ha ve a separate statistics obj ect. Run-ti me instances of QoS objects are each assigned a unique identif ier (cbQosObjectsInde x) to distingu ish among multiple o bjects with matching configurations.
3-11 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB MIB Constraints Ta b l e 3 - 5 lists the constraints that the Cisco 7304 Ne twork Ser vice Engine (NSE) 100-based router places on objects in the CISCO-CL ASS-BASED-QO S-MIB.
3-12 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications CISCO-CONFIG-COPY-MIB CISCO-CONFIG-COPY-MIB The CISCO-CONFIG-COPY -MIB contains objects to copy conf iguration files on the router .
3-13 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications CISCO-DLSW-MIB CISCO-DLSW-MIB The CISCO-DLSW -MIB contains object s to manage data-link switches. CISCO-DSPU-MIB The CISCO-DSPU-MIB contains objects to conf igure and manage Cisco do wnstream p hysical unit (DSPU) objects.
3-14 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications CISCO-ENTITY-ALARM-MIB • Physical entity—Th e component in the Cisco 7 304 router that generates the alarm.
3-15 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications CISCO-ENTI TY-ALARM-MI B Ta b l e 3 - 8 lists the alarm descriptions and sev erity le v els for the Cisco 7304 router physical entity , the 6-port clear channel T3 (DS3) li ne card.
3-16 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications CISCO-ENTITY-ALARM-MIB Ta b l e 3 - 1 0 lists the alarm descriptions and sev erity le ve ls for the Cisco 7304 router physical entities, 2 and 4-port OC-3c/ STM-1, and 1 and 2- port OC-12c/STM-4 P acket o v er SONET/SDH lin e cards.
3-17 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications CISCO-ENTI TY-ALARM-MI B Packet o ver SONET ce vPortPOS critical Path payload unequipped 19 Packet o ver SONET c.
3-18 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications CISCO-ENTITY-ALARM-MIB Ta b l e 3 - 1 1 lists the alarm descriptions and sev erity le ve ls for the Cisco 7304 router physical entities, 2-port OC-3 A TM line cards.
3-19 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications CISCO-ENTI TY-ALARM-MI B Ta b l e 3 - 1 2 lists the alarm descriptions and sev erity le ve ls for the Cisco 7304 router physical entities, 1-port enhanced A TM T3, and E3 port adapters.
3-20 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications CISCO-ENTITY-ASSET-MIB CISCO-ENTITY-ASSET-MIB The CISCO-ENTITY -ASSET -MIB provides asset trackin g inform ation for th e physical com ponents in the ENTITY -MIB (RFC 2737) entPhysi calT able.
3-21 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB Note The CISCO-ENTITY -EXT -MIB is only supported fo r the physical entities represe nting acti ve and standby pr ocessors.
3-22 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications CISCO-ENTITY-PFE-MIB CISCO-ENTITY-PFE-MIB The CISCO-ENTITY -PFE -MIB (Packet Forw arding Engine) contains object s that maintain the performance history on the Pack et Forw arding Engine (PFE) processor li sted in the ENTITY -MIB (RFC 2737) entPhysicalT able.
3-23 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications CISCO-ENTITY-VENDORTYPE-OID-MIB CISCO-ENTITY-VENDORTYPE-OID-MIB The CISCO-ENTITY -VENDOR TYPE-OI D-MIB def ines the object identif iers (OIDs) assigned to v arious Cisco 7304 ro uter components.
3-24 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications CISCO-ENTITY-VENDORTYPE-OID-MIB • cev C73002Oc3PosSmLr ( 2-port, single-mode long reach (7300-2OC-3POS-SML) • cev C73004Oc3PosMm (1.
3-25 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications CISCO-ENVMON-MIB CISCO-ENVMON-MIB The CISCO-ENVMON-MIB contains information ab out th e status of en vironmental sensors (for voltage, temperature, and po w er supplies).
3-26 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications CISCO-FLASH-MIB CISCO-FLASH-MIB The CISCO-FLASH-MIB contains objects to ma nage flash cards and flash-card operati ons.
3-27 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications CISCO-IETF-IP-FORWARD-MIB CISCO-IETF-IP-FORWARD-MIB The CISCO-IETF-IP-FOR W ARD-MIB cont ains objects to manage multip ath IP routes in a classless interdomain routing (CIDR) en vironment.
3-28 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications CISCO-ENHANCED-MEMORY-POOL-MI B CISCO-ENHANCED-MEMORY-POOL-MIB Note The CISCO-ENHANCED-MEMOR Y -POOL-MIB is not supported in this release.
3-29 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications CISCO-LEC-DATA-VCC-MIB CISCO-LEC-DATA-VCC-MIB The CISCO-LEC-D A T A-VCC-MIB module is a Cisco e x tension to the A TM Foru m's LANE Client MIB. This extension identifies those V CCs whi ch are bein g used to carry packets sent on LANE Data Direct VCCs.
3-30 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications CISCO-NETFLOW-MIB SNMP is used to collect n etwork information. S NMP permits retrie v al of critical i nformation from network elements such as routers, switches, and workstations.
3-31 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications CISCO-NDE-MIB CISCO-NDE-MIB The CISCO-NDE-MIB contains objects to configure and moni tor the operation of the Net Flow Data Export (NDE) feature.
3-32 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications CISCO-QLLC01-MIB CISCO-QLLC01-MIB The CISCO-QLLC01-MIB contains objects to conf igure and moni tor logical connecti ons for the Qualif ied Logical Link Control (QLLC) proto col.
3-33 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications CISCO-RTTMON-MIB MIB Constraints Ta b l e 3 - 2 0 lists the constraints that th e Cisco 7304 r outer places on objects in the CISCO-R TTMO N-MIB. For detailed definitions of MIB ob jects, see the MIB.
3-34 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications CISCO-SDLLC-MIB CISCO-SDLLC-MIB The CISCO-SDLLC-MIB contains object to manage SDLC Logical Link Cont rol (SDLLC).
3-35 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications CISCO-STUN-MIB CISCO-STUN-MIB The CISCO-STUN-MIB contains objects to configur e and monitor serial tu nneling (STUN) on the router .
3-36 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications DLSW-MIB On the Cisco 7304 router, the MIB cont ains informat ion about V LAN subinterfaces creat ed on GigE W AN ports on the 4-port GigE W AN Optical Services Module (OSM-2 +4GE-W AN+).
3-37 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications ENTITY-MIB The follo wing are the f i v e conformance groups contai ned in the Entity-MIB: • entityPhysical group—Describes the physic al entities managed by a sin gle agent.
3-38 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications ENTITY-MIB Ta b l e 3 - 2 2 lists entPh ysicalT able entries for the Cisco 7304 rout er .
3-39 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications ENTITY-MIB Ta b l e 3 - 2 3 lists entPhysicalT able entries for the Cisco 73 04 router network service engine (NSE) cards.
3-40 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications ENTITY-MIB Ta b l e 3 - 2 4 lists entPh ysicalT able entries for the Cisco 7304 Router OC-3 A TM components. NSE DB 1.65 V sensor ce vSensorC7300NseDb Te m p V o l t a g e sensor(8) Entity description and slot number Containe d in the primary NSE DB.
3-41 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications ENTITY-MIB Ta b l e 3 - 2 5 lists entPh ysicalT able entries for the Cisco 7304 Router OC-3-POS compon ents.
3-42 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications ENTITY-MIB Ta b l e 3 - 2 6 lists entPh ysicalT able entries for the Cisco 7304 rout er OC-12-POS componen ts.
3-43 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications ENTITY-MIB Ta b l e 3 - 2 7 lists entPh ysicalT able entries for the Cisco 7304 rout er OC-48-POS componen ts.
3-44 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications ENTITY-MIB Ta b l e 3 - 2 8 lists entPh ysicalT able entries for the Cisco 7304 Router modules, port s, and temperature sensors.
3-45 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications ENTITY-MIB Outlet 1.8 V Sensor ce vSensorC7300Outlet Te m p V o l t a g e sensor(8) Entity description and slot number Containe d in Primary NSE-100 or primary NPE-G100* Outlet 2.
3-46 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications ENTITY-MIB Ta b l e 3 - 3 0 lists entPh ysicalT able entries for the Cisco 7304 NSE-100 and NPE-G 100 line card temperature and voltage entries for hardware Revision 4 and Revision 5.
3-47 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications ENTITY-MIB Ta b l e 3 - 3 1 lists entPh ysicalT able entries for the Cisco 7304 router port adapter cards.
3-48 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications ETHERLIKE-MIB ETHERLIKE-MIB The ETHERLIKE-MIB (RFC 2665) contains o bject s to manage Ethernet-like interfaces on the C i s c o7 3 0 4r o u t e r .
3-49 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications HC-RMON-MIB HC-RMON-MIB The MIB module for managing remot e monitoring de vice implementations. This MIB module augments the origina l RMON MIB as sp ecified in RFC 175 7 and RFC 1513 and RMON2 MIB as specif ied in RFC 2021.
3-50 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications IF-MIB T able 3-35 ifT able Object V alues and Constraints for OC-12 A TM OSM Cards OSM-2-OC-12-A TM SONET Laye.
3-51 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications IGMP-M IB IGMP-MIB The IGMP-MIB contains objects to manage the Internet Group Manag ement Protocol (IGMP) on t he router .
3-52 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications INT-SERV-GUARANTEED-MIB INT-SERV-GUARANTEED-MIB The INT -SER V -GU ARANTEED-MIB describes the guara nteed service of the Integrated Services Protocol (ISP). INT-SERV-MIB The INT -SER V -MIB describes the Integrated Services Protocol (ISP).
3-53 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications MPLS-LDP-MIB MIB Constraints Ta b l e 3 - 3 9 lists the constraints that the Cisco 7304 r oute r places on objects in the MPLS-LDP-MIB. For detailed def initions o f MIB objects, see the MIB.
3-54 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications MPLS-LDP-MIB • mplsLdpEntity AtmLsrConnecti vity Read-only . • mplsLdpEntityDef aultControlVpi Read -only . • mplsLdpEntityDef aultControlVci Read -only . • mplsLdpEntityUnlabT rafVpi Read-only .
3-55 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications MPLS-LSR-MIB MPLS-LSR-MIB The MPLS-LSR-MIB provid es conf iguration and perfo rmance monitoring informat ion to manage label switched pa ths (LSPs) th rough a labe l switching router (LSR) that is usin g the Multipr otocol Label Switching (MPLS) technol ogy .
3-56 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications MPLS-LSR-MIB • mplsInSeg mentPack ets Read-only . Alw ays 0. • mplsInSe gmentHCOct ets Read-only . Always 0. • mplsInSegmentErrors Read-only . Always 0. • mplsInSeg mentDiscards Read-only .
3-57 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications MPLS-TE-MIB MPLS-TE-MIB The MPLS-TE-MIB enables the Cisco 7304 router to pe rform traf f ic engine ering for MPLS tunnels. The MIB is based on Re vision 05 of the IETF MPLS-TE-MIB.
3-58 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications MPLS-TE-MIB MIB Constraints Ta b l e 3 - 4 1 lists the constraints that the Cisco 7304 router places on objects in the MPLS-TE-MIB. For detailed def initions of MIB objects, see the MIB.
3-59 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications MPLS-VPN-MIB MPLS-VPN-MIB The MPLS-VPN-MIB: • Describes managed objects for modeli ng a Multi-Protocol Label Switching/ Border Gate way Protocol V irtual Pri v ate network.
3-60 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications MPLS-VPN-MIB MIB Constraints Ta b l e 3 - 4 2 lists the constraints that the Ci sco 7304 route r places on objects in the MPLS-VPN-MIB. For detailed def initions of MIB ob jects, see the MIB.
3-61 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications MSDP-MIB MSDP-MIB The MSDP-MIB contains object s to monitor the Mu lticast Source Disco very Protocol ( MSDP). The MIB can be used with SNMPv 3 to remotely monitor MSDP sp eakers.
3-62 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications NOVELL-IPX-MIB • Refin e the MIB logs b y using the SNMP SET operatio n on objects which enable con trol ov er log sizes. This control can be execut ed on a global basis (af fecting the whole Notification Log MIB database) or on a per name d log basis.
3-63 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications NOVELL-RIPSAP-MIB NOVELL-RIPSAP-MIB The NO VELL-RIPSAP-MIB defines the management i nformation for the RIP and SAP pr otocols running in an IPX en vironment. It provides informat ion in addition t o that contai ned in the IPX M IB itself.
3-64 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications OLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB OLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB The OLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB describes C PU usage and act iv e system processes on devices running an earlier implementation of the Cisco IO S operating system.
3-65 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications OLD-CISCO-TCP-MIB OLD-CISCO-TCP-MIB Starting with Cisco IOS softw are Release 10.2, all objects defined in this MIB ha ve been deprecated. They ha ve been replaced with the object s defi ne d in the CISCO-TCP-MIB.
3-66 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications RFC1243-MIB RFC1243-MIB The RFC1243-MIB uses the e xtended OBJECT -TYPE macro as defi ned in llapEntry 9 ( 9). The total number of times this LocalT alk interface recei ved a lapR TS packet and e xpected a data packet, b ut did not receiv e any data pack et.
3-67 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications RFC1407-MIB (DS3) RFC1407-MIB (DS3) The RFC1407-MIB (DS3-MIB) pro vides access to conf iguration and performance monitoring information fo r DS1 controllers and interf aces.
3-68 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications SMON-MIB SMON-MIB The SMON-MIB manages remote monitori ng de vice implementations f or Switched Networks. Identif ies the source of the data that the asso ciated function is conf igured to analyze.
3-69 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 MIB Specifications SNMP-TARGET-MIB SNMP-TARGET-MIB The SNMP-T ARGET -MIB (RFC 2573) contains objects to remotely co nfigu re the parameters used b y an entity to generate SNMP notif ications.
3-70 Cisco 7304 Router MIB Specifications Guide OL-4925-02 Chapter 3 M IB Specifications SOURCE-ROUTING-MIB MIB Constraints Ta b l e 3 - 4 6 lists the constraints that the Cisco 7304 rout er places on objects in the SONET -MIB. A ny other objects not listed in the t able are defined as in t he RFC1595-MIB def inition.
デバイスCisco Systems 7304の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Cisco Systems 7304をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCisco Systems 7304の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Cisco Systems 7304の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Cisco Systems 7304で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Cisco Systems 7304を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCisco Systems 7304の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Cisco Systems 7304に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCisco Systems 7304デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。