Cisco SystemsメーカーN7KF248XP25Eの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac Americas Hea dquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Drive San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA http://www.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac iii Cisco Ne xus 7000 Se ries Hard ware Insta llatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 CONTENTS Preface ix Audienc e ix Organi zation ix .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac Cont ent s iv Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Requir ed Tools an d Equip ment 2-12 Connec.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac Content s v Cisco Ne xus 7000 Ser ies Hard ware Insta llation an d Refer ence Guide OL-18634-01 Connect ing to t he Cons ole 5-2 Creati ng .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac Cont ent s vi Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Powe r Cyc ling Mo dules 6-22 Saving the Mo.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac Content s vii Cisco Ne xus 7000 Ser ies Hard ware Insta llation an d Refer ence Guide OL-18634-01 Replac ing a Sup ervisor Module 8-4 Requi.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac Cont ent s viii Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 APPENDI X C Chassis and Mod ule L EDs C-1.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac ix Cisco Ne xus 7000 Se ries Hard ware Insta llatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Preface This pr eface d escrib es th e audie nce, o rganizatio n, an d co n ventions o f the Cisco N exus 7000 Series Har dwar e Inst all ati on an d R efer ence G uide .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac x Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Preface Document Co nventions Command descri ptions use.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac xi Cisco Ne xus 7000 Ser ies Hard ware Insta llation an d Refer ence Guide OL-18634-01 Pre face This docu ment uses the fol lowing conventions : Note Means r e ader tak e note . Notes contain helpful suggestions or refer ences to material not co v ered in the publica tion.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac xii Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Preface Wa rnu n g WICH TIGE SI CHER HEITSH INWEI SE Dieses Warnsymbol bedeutet Gefahr . Sie befinden sich in einer Situation, die zu Verletzungen führen kann.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac xiii Cisco Ne xus 7000 Ser ies Hard ware Insta llation an d Refer ence Guide OL-18634-01 Pre face V arning! VIKTIGA SÄ KERHETS ANVISN INGAR Denna varningssignal signalerar fara. Du befinner dig i en sit uation som kan leda till personskada.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac xiv Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Preface Avi s o INSTR UÇÕES IM PORT ANTES DE SEGU RANÇA Este símbolo de aviso signi fica perigo. Você se encontra em uma situação em que há risco de lesões corporais.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac xv Cisco Ne xus 7000 Ser ies Hard ware Insta llation an d Refer ence Guide OL-18634-01 Pre face.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac xvi Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Preface Related Documentation Cisco Nexus 7000 Serie s documen tation i s av ailable at th e following URL: http://ww w .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac xvii Cisco Ne xus 7000 Ser ies Hard ware Insta llation an d Refer ence Guide OL-18634-01 Pre face The Cisc o Data Cent er Network M anager (DCNM) supp orts the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series. Y ou can find documenta tion for D CNM at t he follo win g URL: http://ww w .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac xviii Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Preface.
CH A P T E R S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 1-1 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 1 Overview This c hapter provides an ove.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 1-2 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Ch apter 1 Ov erv iew Cisco Nexus 7000 S erie s Figur.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 1-3 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 1 Overview Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Figur e 1 .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 1-4 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Ch apter 1 Ov erv iew Cisco Nexus 7000 S erie s Figur.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 1-5 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 1 Overview Cisco Nexus 7000 Series If you i nstall one chassis, i nstall it a t the lo we st possible R U on the rack for stab ility , as sho wn i n Figure 1-4 .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 1-6 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Ch apter 1 Ov erv iew Cisco Nexus 7000 S erie s Figur.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 1-7 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 1 Overview Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Figur e 1 .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 1-8 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Ch apter 1 Ov erv iew Cisco Nexus 7000 S erie s Figur.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 1-9 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 1 Overview Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Figur e 1 .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 1-10 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Ch apter 1 Ov erv iew Cisco Nexus 7000 S erie s Figu.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 1-11 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 1 Overview Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Note Figu.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 1-12 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Ch apter 1 Ov erv iew Prep ar ing th e Sit e Figur e.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 1-13 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 1 Overview Safety Guideli nes set up a rack or cabi net that can ho ld one or two chassis. T o see the general re quirem ents for this syste m, see A ppendi x A, “T echnical Specif ication s.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 1-14 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Ch apter 1 Ov erv iew Replacing Com ponents Replacin.
CH A P T E R S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 2-1 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 2 Installing a Cisco Nexus 7010 Chassis This c hapter de scri bes ho w t o insta ll a ne w or reloca ted Cisc o Ne xus 701 0 chassi s in a rac k or cab inet.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 2-2 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 2 Installing a Cisco Nexus 7010 Chassis Prepa.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 2-3 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 2 Installing a Cisco Nexu s 7010 Chassis Inst.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 2-4 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 2 Installing a Cisco Nexus 7010 Chassis Insta.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 2-5 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 2 Installing a Cisco Nexu s 7010 Chassis Inst.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 2-6 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 2 Installing a Cisco Nexus 7010 Chassis Insta.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 2-7 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 2 Installing a Cisco Nexu s 7010 Chassis Inst.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 2-8 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 2 Installing a Cisco Nexus 7010 Chassis Insta.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 2-9 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 2 Installing a Cisco Nexu s 7010 Chassis Inst.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 2-10 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 2 Installing a Cisco Nexus 7010 Chassis Inst.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 2-11 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 2 Installing a Cisco Nexu s 7010 Chassis Gro.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 2-12 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 2 Installing a Cisco Nexus 7010 Chassis Grou.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 2-13 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 2 Installing a Cisco Nexu s 7010 Chassis Groundi ng the Cisco Nexu s 7010 Chassi s Step 3 Use the crimping t ool to crimp the lug to the groundin g wire.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 2-14 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 2 Installing a Cisco Nexus 7010 Chassis Grou.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 2-15 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 2 Installing a Cisco Nexu s 7010 Chassis Gro.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 2-16 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 2 Installing a Cisco Nexus 7010 Chassis Inst.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 2-17 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 2 Installing a Cisco Nexu s 7010 Chassis Ins.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 2-18 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 2 Installing a Cisco Nexus 7010 Chassis Inst.
CH A P T E R S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-1 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 3 Installing a Cisco Nexus 7018 Chassis This c hapter de scri bes ho w t o insta ll a ne w or reloca ted Cisc o Ne xus 701 8 chassi s in a rac k or cab inet.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-2 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco Nexus 7018 Chassi s Pre.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-3 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco Nexus 7 018 Chassi s Ins.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-4 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco Nexus 7018 Chassi s Ins.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-5 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco Nexus 7 018 Chassi s Ins.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-6 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco Nexus 7018 Chassi s Instal ling the Chas sis Step 2 Use a Phillips scre wdri v er to scre w in six M6 x 19 mm or 12-24 x 3/4 in.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-7 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco Nexus 7 018 Chassi s Ins.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-8 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco Nexus 7018 Chassi s Ins.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-9 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco Nexus 7 018 Chassi s Ins.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-10 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco Nexus 7018 Chassi s In.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-11 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco Nexus 7 018 Chassi s Gr.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-12 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco Nexus 7018 Chassi s Gr.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-13 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco Nexus 7 018 Chassi s Gr.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-14 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco Nexus 7018 Chassi s In.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-15 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco Nexus 7 018 Chassi s In.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-16 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco Nexus 7018 Chassi s In.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-17 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco Nexus 7 018 Chassi s In.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-18 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco Nexus 7018 Chassi s In.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-19 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco Nexus 7 018 Chassi s In.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-20 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco Nexus 7018 Chassi s In.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-21 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco Nexus 7 018 Chassi s In.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-22 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco Nexus 7018 Chassi s In.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-23 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco Nexus 7 018 Chassi s In.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-24 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco Nexus 7018 Chassi s In.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-25 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco Nexus 7 018 Chassi s In.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-26 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco Nexus 7018 Chassi s In.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-27 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco Nexus 7 018 Chassi s In.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-28 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 3 Installin g a Cisco Nexus 7018 Chassi s In.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 3-29 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco Nexus 7 018 Chassi s In.
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CH A P T E R S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 4-1 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 4 Installing Power Supply Un its This chapter describ es how to install power supply units in any Cisco Nexus 7000 Serie s chassis.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 4-2 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 4 In stalling Power Supply Units Connecti ng .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 4-3 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 4 Installing Power Su pply Uni ts Connecting .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 4-4 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 4 In stalling Power Supply Units Connecti ng .
CH A P T E R S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 5-1 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 5 Connecting the Cisco Nexus 7000 Device.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 5-2 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 5 Conn ecting th e Cisco Nexu s 7000 Device t.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 5-3 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 5 Connecting the Cisco Nexus 7000 D evice to .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 5-4 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 5 Conn ecting th e Cisco Nexu s 7000 Device t.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 5-5 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 5 Connecting the Cisco Nexus 7000 D evice to .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 5-6 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 5 Conn ecting th e Cisco Nexu s 7000 Device t.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 5-7 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 5 Connecting the Cisco Nexus 7000 D evice to .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 5-8 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 5 Conn ecting th e Cisco Nexu s 7000 Device t.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 5-9 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 5 Connecting the Cisco Nexus 7000 D evice to .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 5-10 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 5 Conn ecting th e Cisco Nexu s 7000 Device .
CH A P T E R S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-1 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 6 Managing the Device Hardware This cha .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-2 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapte r 6 Managing the Device Hardware Display ing t.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-3 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 6 Managing t he Devic e Hardwar e Displaying .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-4 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapte r 6 Managing the Device Hardware Display ing t.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-5 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 6 Managing t he Devic e Hardwar e Displa ying the Devi ce Serial Nu mber PS2 ok Power supply type is: 6000.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-6 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapte r 6 Managing the Device Hardware Display ing t.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-7 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 6 Managing t he Devic e Hardwar e Displaying .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-8 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapte r 6 Managing the Device Hardware Power Supp ly Config uration Mo des 2 N7K-M132XP-11 423.50 8.47 423.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-9 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 6 Managing t he Devic e Hardwar e Power S upply C onfigur ati on Modes • Full red und ancy mo de —Prov id es bo th pow er-supply redu nda ncy an d in put -s ource r edund an cy .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-10 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapte r 6 Managing the Device Hardware Power Supp ly Config uration Mo des SUMMARY ST EPS 1. config t 2.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-11 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 6 Managing t he Devic e Hardwar e Power S upply C onfigur ati on Modes Note T o display t he c ur rent p ow er su ppl y c onf igura tion, u se the show e nvir on ment p owe r comman d.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-12 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapte r 6 Managing the Device Hardware Power Supp ly Config uration Mo des Power supply un it 1 outputs 3.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-13 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 6 Managing t he Devic e Hardwar e Power S up.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-14 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapte r 6 Managing the Device Hardware Informat ion About Mo dules Ta b l e 6-5 shows the re sults for each scenar io.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-15 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 6 Managing t he Devic e Hardwar e Verifying .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-16 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapte r 6 Managing the Device Hardware Checking the.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-17 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 6 Managing t he Devic e Hardwar e Conn ecting to a Modul e Connecting to a Mod ule At any time, you ca n conn ect to a ny module by u sing the attach module command .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-18 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapte r 6 Managing the Device Hardware Informat ion.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-19 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 6 Managing t he Devic e Hardwar e Info rmat .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-20 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapte r 6 Managing the Device Hardware Display ing .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-21 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 6 Managing t he Devic e Hardwar e Reloading .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-22 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapte r 6 Managing the Device Hardware Saving the Mo dule Con figuration Reload ing the D evice T o rel oad the de vice, use th e reloa d command w ithout any optio ns.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-23 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 6 Managing t he Devic e Hardwar e Purging th.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-24 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapte r 6 Managing the Device Hardware Informat ion.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-25 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 6 Managing t he Devic e Hardwar e EPLD Confi.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-26 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapte r 6 Managing the Device Hardware EPLD Config .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-27 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 6 Managing t he Devic e Hardwar e EPLD Confi gura tion Note T o list t he EPLDs runnin g on your device, use the sh ow ve r si o n m odule _number epld co mmand .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-28 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapte r 6 Managing the Device Hardware EPLD Config uration Installation Guidelines Y ou can u pgrad e (or downgrad e) EPLD s using C LI comma nds on th e Cisco Nexus 70 00 Series device.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-29 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 6 Managing t he Devic e Hardwar e EPLD Confi gura tion The Do wnloads page lists the softw are types that can be download ed for the de vice that you specifie d.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-30 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapte r 6 Managing the Device Hardware EPLD Config uration loader: version N/A kickstart: version 4.0(2) [gdb] system: version 4.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-31 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 6 Managing t he Devic e Hardwar e EPLD Confi.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-32 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapte r 6 Managing the Device Hardware EPLD Config .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-33 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 6 Managing t he Devic e Hardwar e EPLD Confi.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-34 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapte r 6 Managing the Device Hardware EPLD Config uration T o conf irm the EP LD upgra de, see the “Displayi ng EPLD V er sions for an I/ O or Supervi sor Mo dule” section on page 6-37 .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-35 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 6 Managing t he Devic e Hardwar e EPLD Confi gura tion EPLD Curr Ver New Ver ------------------------------------------------------- Power Manager 3.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-36 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapte r 6 Managing the Device Hardware EPLD Config .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-37 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 6 Managing t he Devic e Hardwar e EPLD Confi.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-38 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapte r 6 Managing the Device Hardware EPLD Config .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-39 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 6 Managing t he Devic e Hardwar e Default Settings Supervisor-1X IO 3.23 Supervisor-1X Inband 1.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 6-40 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapte r 6 Managing the Device Hardware Default Sett.
CH A P T E R S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 7-1 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 7 Troubleshooting This chapt er describ es how to troubleshoot Cisco Nexus 7000 Series ha rdware pro blems.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 7-2 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 7 Trouble shooting Troublesho oting t he Pow er Supp ly • For an amber SUP LE D, see the “T roubles hooting the Superviso r Modul es” sect ion on page 7-3 .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 7-3 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 7 Troublesh ooting Troub les hoot in g the Fa.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 7-4 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 7 Trouble shooting Troubles hooting the F abr.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 7-5 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 7 Troublesh ooting Troubleshooting the I/O Modules When you start up the device or install a new fabric module, the ST A TUS LED on the modu le is amber while the module initi alizes.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 7-6 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 7 Trouble shooting Cont act ing C usto mer Servi ce d. Place one ha nd on the modu le handle and pull the mo dule par t way out of the chassi s.
CH A P T E R S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 8-1 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 8 Removal and Installation Procedures This ch apter d escr ibes the r emoval and insta llati on proce dures f or hte C isco Nexus 7000 Ser ies devices.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 8-2 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 8 Removal and I nstal lation Pr ocedu res Rep.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 8-3 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 8 Removal and Install ation Procedure s Repla cing a Pow er Su ppl y Un it Dur ing O per ation s War ni n g Hazardous voltage or energy is presen t on the backplane when the sy stem is operating.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 8-4 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 8 Removal and I nstal lation Pr ocedu res Rep.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 8-5 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 8 Removal and Install ation Procedure s Repl .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 8-6 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 8 Removal and I nstal lation Pr ocedu res Rep.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 8-7 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 8 Removal and Install ation Procedure s Repl .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 8-8 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 8 Removal and I nstal lation Pr ocedu res Replacin g an I/O Modul e Step 12 On the replacemen t supervisor module, rotate both of the eje ctor lev e rs awa y from the front of the module .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 8-9 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 8 Removal and Install ation Procedure s Repla.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 8-10 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 8 Removal and I nstal lation Pr ocedu res Re.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 8-11 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 8 Removal and Install ation Procedure s Repl.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 8-12 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 8 Removal and I nstal lation Pr ocedu res Replacin g a Fabric M odule Duri ng System O peration s Cautio n Make sure that you wear an ESD wris t strap while y ou handle ea ch I/O mod ule.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 8-13 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 8 Removal and Install ation Procedure s Repl.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 8-14 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 8 Removal and I nstal lation Pr ocedu res Repl aci ng a Cisc o Nexus 70 10 Fabri c Fan Tr ay Step 1 Place an anti static mat or anti static fo am where you can place the fan trays.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 8-15 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 8 Removal and Install ation Procedure s Repl.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 8-16 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 8 Removal and I nstal lation Pr ocedu res Re.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 8-17 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 8 Removal and Install ation Procedure s Repl.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 8-18 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 8 Removal and I nstal lation Pr ocedu res Re.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 8-19 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 8 Removal and Install ation Procedure s Repl.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 8-20 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 8 Removal and I nstal lation Pr ocedu res Re.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 8-21 Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Hardwa re Installatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 Chapter 8 Removal and Install ation Procedure s Repl.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac 8-22 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Chapter 8 Removal and I nstal lation Pr ocedu res Re.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac A- 1 Cisco Ne xus 7000 Seri es Hardware Instal lation an d Referen ce Guide OL-18634-01 APPENDIX A Technical Specifications This app endix .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac A- 2 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Appendi x A Technica l Speci ficati ons Physical Spe.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac A-3 Cisco Ne xus 7000 Ser ies Hard ware Insta llation an d Refer ence Guide OL-18634-01 Append ix A Technical Spec ification s Power Specif.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac A- 4 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Appendi x A Technica l Speci ficati ons Power Spec i.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac A-5 Cisco Ne xus 7000 Ser ies Hard ware Insta llation an d Refer ence Guide OL-18634-01 Append ix A Technical Spec ification s Power Specification s for the Cisc o Nexus 7000 S eries Devices grid.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac A- 6 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Appendi x A Technica l Speci ficati ons Power Spec i.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac A-7 Cisco Ne xus 7000 Ser ies Hard ware Insta llation an d Refer ence Guide OL-18634-01 Append ix A Technical Spec ification s Power S uppl.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac A- 8 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Appendi x A Technica l Speci ficati ons Power Supp l.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac A-9 Cisco Ne xus 7000 Ser ies Hard ware Insta llation an d Refer ence Guide OL-18634-01 Append ix A Technical Spec ification s Power S uppl.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac A-10 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Appendi x A Technica l Speci ficati ons Power Supp l.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac A-11 Cisco Ne xus 7000 Ser ies Hard ware Insta llation an d Refer ence Guide OL-18634-01 Append ix A Technical Spec ification s Chassis C learances Figur e A -1 1 N EMA L6-30 P ow er Connect or f or the 7 .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac A-12 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Appendi x A Technica l Speci ficati ons Facility Cool ing Requir ements Facility Coolin g Requirements The Cisc o Nexus 7000 Series switc hes dissipat e consider able power that genera tes much heat .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac A-13 Cisco Ne xus 7000 Ser ies Hard ware Insta llation an d Refer ence Guide OL-18634-01 Append ix A Technical Spec ification s Chassis Air.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac A-14 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Appendi x A Technica l Speci ficati ons Chas sis Ai rflow For the clear ances req uired on eac h side of the switch , see the “Chassis Clearances” section on page A-11 .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac B-1 Cisco Ne xus 7000 Seri es Hardware Instal lation an d Referen ce Guide OL-18634-01 APPENDIX B Cable and Port Specifications This a ppend ix spec ifies the cable s and port c onne ctors u sed with t he Cisco N exus 700 0 Series devices.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac B-2 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Append ix B Cable and Por t Speci fica tions SFP Transc eivers SFP+ Tr ansceive rs Ta b l e B-1 lists general specifications for the cables used with the 10-Gigabit Etherne t SFP+ transceiv ers.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac B-3 Cisco Ne xus 7000 Ser ies Hard ware Insta llation an d Refer ence Guide OL-18634-01 Append ix B Cable and Port Spec ifications SFP Tran.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac B-4 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Append ix B Cable and Por t Speci fica tions SFP Tran.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac C-1 Cisco Ne xus 7000 Seri es Hardware Instal lation an d Referen ce Guide OL-18634-01 APPENDIX C Chassis and Module LEDs This app endix li.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac C-2 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Appe ndix C Ch assis and M od ule LED s Ta b l e C-2 de scribes t he supervi sor mo dule LED s. Ta b l e C-2 Supervisor Module LE Ds LED Stat us Description ST A TUS Gre en All diagnos tics pass.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac C-3 Cisco Ne xus 7000 Ser ies Hard ware Insta llation an d Refer ence Guide OL-18634-01 Append ix C Chassis and Mod ule LEDs Ta b l e C-3 de scribes t he I/O m odule LEDs. AC T Flashing gree n The module is transmitti ng or rec eiv ing.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac C-4 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Appe ndix C Ch assis and M od ule LED s Status Green All diagnostics pass. The module is operational (normal in itialization sequ ence ).
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac C-5 Cisco Ne xus 7000 Ser ies Hard ware Insta llation an d Refer ence Guide OL-18634-01 Append ix C Chassis and Mod ule LEDs Ta b l e C-4 descri bes the fabric mod ule LEDs . Ta b l e C-5 de scribes t he power supply u nit L EDs.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac C-6 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Appe ndix C Ch assis and M od ule LED s Ta b l e C-6 de scribes t he fan tray L EDs.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac D- 1 Cisco Ne xus 7000 Seri es Hardware Instal lation an d Referen ce Guide OL-18634-01 APPENDIX D Repacking the Cisc o Nexus 7000 Series Device for Shipment This a ppendi x describe s how to repack the C isco Nexus 7000 Se ries system for shipm ent.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac D- 2 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Appendix D Repack ing the Ci sco Nexus 7000 Seri es .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac D-3 Cisco Ne xus 7000 Ser ies Hard ware Insta llation an d Refer ence Guide OL-18634-01 Append ix D Repacking t he Cisco Ne xus 7000 Series.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac D- 4 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Appendix D Repack ing the Ci sco Nexus 7000 Seri es Device for Shipment Repackin g the System Componen ts e.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac D-5 Cisco Ne xus 7000 Ser ies Hard ware Insta llation an d Refer ence Guide OL-18634-01 Append ix D Repacking t he Cisco Ne xus 7000 Series.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac D- 6 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Appendix D Repack ing the Ci sco Nexus 7000 Seri es .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac D-7 Cisco Ne xus 7000 Ser ies Hard ware Insta llation an d Refer ence Guide OL-18634-01 Append ix D Repacking t he Cisco Ne xus 7000 Series.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac D- 8 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Appendix D Repack ing the Ci sco Nexus 7000 Seri es .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac E-1 Cisco Ne xus 7000 Seri es Hardware Instal lation an d Referen ce Guide OL-18634-01 APPENDIX E Site Preparation and Mainte nance Rec ord.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac E-2 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Appendi x E Site Pre paratio n and Mai ntenan ce Reco.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac E-3 Cisco Ne xus 7000 Ser ies Hard ware Insta llation an d Refer ence Guide OL-18634-01 Append ix E Site Preparatio n and Maintena nce Reco.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac E-4 Cisco Nexu s 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Refere nce Guide OL-18634-01 Appendi x E Site Pre paratio n and Mai ntenan ce Reco.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac IN-1 Cisco Ne xus 7000 Se ries Hard ware Insta llatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 INDEX Numerics 32-port 10-Gi gabit E therne t I/O.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac Index IN-2 Cisco Nex us 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Ref erence Guide OL-18634-01 inspectin g the Ci sco Ne xus 701 8 3- 3 insta.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac Inde x IN-3 Cisco Ne xus 7000 Se ries Hard ware Insta llatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 location 1-4 managing 6-1 monitoring state.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac Index IN-4 Cisco Nex us 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Ref erence Guide OL-18634-01 L LEDs fan tray s C-6 STATUS (fa n tray) C-6 system C- 1 log f lash reader 2-16 M mean tim e between fa ilures .
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac Inde x IN-5 Cisco Ne xus 7000 Se ries Hard ware Insta llatio n and Refer ence Gui de OL-18634-01 relative hum idity.
S end document comment s to ne xus7k-do cfeedbac Index IN-6 Cisco Nex us 7000 Series Hardwar e Installa tion and Ref erence Guide OL-18634-01.
デバイスCisco Systems N7KF248XP25Eの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Cisco Systems N7KF248XP25Eをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCisco Systems N7KF248XP25Eの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Cisco Systems N7KF248XP25Eの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Cisco Systems N7KF248XP25Eで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Cisco Systems N7KF248XP25Eを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCisco Systems N7KF248XP25Eの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Cisco Systems N7KF248XP25Eに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCisco Systems N7KF248XP25Eデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。