Cisco SystemsメーカーOL-3598-02の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Corporate He adquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Drive San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 526-4100 Cisco A ccess Router M anager Installation Guide Softwa re Re le a se 1 .
iii Cisco Acc ess Router Ma nager I nstallati on Guide OL-3598-02 CONTENTS About Th is Guide v Audienc e vi Conv enti ons vii Relat ed D ocum ent atio n viii Obtain ing Docu mentati on ix Cisco. com ix Document ation C D-ROM ix Orderi ng Documenta tion ix Document ation F eedback x Obtain ing Tec hnical As sistanc e xi Cisco.
Cont ent s iv Cisco Access Rou ter Manager Installa tion Guide OL-3598-02 Config urin g the Device 2-7 Enabli ng T raps on the Device 2-8 Setti ng Up a Workstat ion as a TFTP Server 2-9 Using Ano ther.
v Cisco Acc ess Router Ma nager I nstallati on Guide OL-3598-02 About This Guide This gui de provides i nstalla tion an d configurat ion proc edure s to enabl e you to load and begin usin g the Cisco Access Router Ma nage r . Installatio n is accomp lished through a v ariety of methods.
vi Cisco Access Rou ter Manager Installa tion Guide OL-3598-02 About Thi s Guide Audien ce Audience This i nstallat ion gui de is a te chnica l reso urce f or net work man agers, system admi nistrat o.
vii Cisco Acc ess Router Ma nager I nstallati on Guide OL-3598-02 About This Guide Convent ions Conven tions This docu ment uses the fol lowing conventions : Note Means reader take note . Notes contain helpful suggestions or reference s to material not cov e red in the publica tion.
viii Cisco Access Rou ter Manager Installa tion Guide OL-3598-02 About Thi s Guide Related Documenta tion Related Documentation While you c an acce ss all rela ted docume ntation on the Cisco w ebsite, URLs which ar e a va ilable a t the time of publication are not ed in the f ollo wing lists.
ix Cisco Acc ess Router Ma nager I nstallati on Guide OL-3598-02 About This Guide Obtaining Documentation Obtaining Documentation Cisco provides several ways to obtain docume ntatio n, techni cal assistan ce, a nd other techni cal resourc es. These section s explain how to obta in techni cal in formati on fr om Cisco Sy stem s.
x Cisco Access Rou ter Manager Installa tion Guide OL-3598-02 About Thi s Guide Obtain ing Do cument ation Documentatio n Feed back Y ou ca n submit co mments electr onically on . On the Cisco D ocument ation h ome page, click F eedback at the top of the page.
xi Cisco Acc ess Router Ma nager I nstallati on Guide OL-3598-02 About This Guide Obtaining Technical Assistance Obtaining Tech nical Ass istance Cisco pr ov ides Cisco .com, which inclu des the Cis co T echnical Ass istance Center (T A C) W ebsit e, as a sta rting point for all techni cal assis tanc e.
xii Cisco Access Rou ter Manager Installa tion Guide OL-3598-02 About Thi s Guide Obtain ing Techni cal Ass istance Cisco TAC Website Y ou ca n use the Cisco T AC website to resolve P3 and P4 issues yoursel f, saving both cost and time. The site provides arou nd-the -clock acce ss to online tool s, knowledge base s, and software .
xiii Cisco Acc ess Router Ma nager I nstallati on Guide OL-3598-02 About This Guide Obtaining Additional Publications and Information Obtaining Ad ditional Publication s and Informatio n Informa tion ab out Cisco pro ducts, t echnologi es, and ne twork soluti ons is av ailable from various online and printe d source s.
xiv Cisco Access Rou ter Manager Installa tion Guide OL-3598-02 About Thi s Guide Obtainin g Addi tional Pub lications and Informat ion.
C HAPTER 1-1 Cisco Acc ess Router Ma nager Insta llatio n Guide OL-3598-02 1 Overview The Ci sco Ac cess R oute r Man ager router s are a mu ltifu nc tioni ng plat form th at co mbin es dia l acces s, routin g and LAN – to – LAN services, and multise rvice integ ration of v oice, video and data in the same device.
1-2 Cisco Access Rou ter Manager Installa tion Guide OL-3598-02 Ch apter 1 Overv iew Cisco EMF Softwar e Features Cisco EMF Software Feature s Cisco EMF provide s a flexible fram ew ork whi ch supports a v a riety of EM s, makin g it possible to manage multip le de vice types within a gi ven netw ork on a single system.
1-3 Cisco Acc ess Router Ma nager Insta llatio n Guide OL-3598-02 Chapter 1 Ov erview EM Software Features EM Software Features Installed with Ci sco EMF , the EM allo ws for precise manageme nt of the dev ice(s) it supports through custom G UI wind ows and modelin g behavior .
1-4 Cisco Access Rou ter Manager Installa tion Guide OL-3598-02 Ch apter 1 Overv iew System Req uiremen ts System Requiremen ts The EM ca n be de ployed i n a nu mber of d ifferent con figurations, from a s ingle ha rdware system to a multisite distrib uted management system.
1-5 Cisco Acc ess Router Ma nager Insta llatio n Guide OL-3598-02 Chapter 1 Ov erview System Req uirements Server Re quire ments The recomm ende d mini mum hardware req uireme nts for server s are : .
1-6 Cisco Access Rou ter Manager Installa tion Guide OL-3598-02 Ch apter 1 Overv iew Supp ort ed O bje cts Supported Object s The fo llowing are categories of phy sical ob jects su pported by the C is.
1-7 Cisco Acc ess Router Ma nager Insta llatio n Guide OL-3598-02 Chapter 1 Ov erview Support ed Obje cts Cisc o 265 0 Cisc o 265 0 – DC Cisc o 265 0 – RPS Cisco 26 50XM Cisco 26 50XM-D C Cisco 26.
1-8 Cisco Access Rou ter Manager Installa tion Guide OL-3598-02 Ch apter 1 Overv iew Supp ort ed O bje cts The fo llowing tables displa y the gene ric, A T M, and Ethernet modules supp orted by Cisc o Ac cess Route r M anag er .
1-9 Cisco Acc ess Router Ma nager Insta llatio n Guide OL-3598-02 Chapter 1 Ov erview Server and Client Installation Server and Cli ent Installati on The EM c an be dep loyed in a distri buted manner to u tilize th e po wer o f multiple m achines. T wo types of depl oyment ar e available: server and clie nt.
1-10 Cisco Access Rou ter Manager Installa tion Guide OL-3598-02 Ch apter 1 Overv iew Server and Clie nt Installation.
C HAPTER 2-1 Cisco Acc ess Router Ma nager Insta llatio n Guide OL-3598-02 2 Installing the EM Install ation pr oced ures are describe d in the f ollowing sect ions: • Installatio n W orkflo w , pag.
2-2 Cisco Access Rou ter Manager Installa tion Guide OL-3598-02 Chapter 2 Installing the EM Installa tion Workf low Installation Workflow Installing t he EM in vo lves the follo wing : 1. System re quiremen ts — Conf irm the pr oper pr einst allat ion pr ocedur es by r evi ew ing th e “System Requirements” sectio n on p age 1-4 .
2-3 Cisco Acc ess Router Ma nager Insta llatio n Guide OL-3598-02 Chapter 2 Installing the EM Installing the EM from a Remote CD–ROM Drive Installing the EM from a Remote CD–ROM Drive T o install .
2-4 Cisco Access Rou ter Manager Installa tion Guide OL-3598-02 Chapter 2 Installing the EM Instal ling t he E M Installing the EM After you install Cisco EMF (and the required pat ches) and a cquire a v alid license , you can install Cisc o Acces s Rou ter M anag er usin g th e appro pria te in stall s cript .
2-5 Cisco Acc ess Router Ma nager Insta llatio n Guide OL-3598-02 Chapter 2 Installing the EM Install ing th e EM INSTALL PACKAGE: 1) Cisco Access Router Manager Server—(No CEMF Initialization Required) q) Quit Which package do you wish to install? (Def:1) [?,q] Ti p Enter ? for h elp or q to quit.
2-6 Cisco Access Rou ter Manager Installa tion Guide OL-3598-02 Chapter 2 Installing the EM Instal ling t he E M Step 7 When the installation is complete, exi t the CD – R OM area as nece ssary b y enterin g the follo wing: cd / Y ou c an sta rt a use r session , if ne eded , and begin us ing the i nstalle d pack age.
2-7 Cisco Acc ess Router Ma nager Insta llatio n Guide OL-3598-02 Chapter 2 Installing the EM Configuring the System Configuring the System Conf iguring the system in volves the follo wing steps: • .
2-8 Cisco Access Rou ter Manager Installa tion Guide OL-3598-02 Chapter 2 Installing the EM Conf igu rin g the S yst em Step 5 If th e rout er does not currently accept T elnet ses sions, e nter co mm.
2-9 Cisco Acc ess Router Ma nager Insta llatio n Guide OL-3598-02 Chapter 2 Installing the EM Configuring the System Setting Up a Works tation as a T FTP Se rver Conf iguring a TFTP serv er enables the Conf iguration Backup/Restor e to operate.
2-10 Cisco Access Rou ter Manager Installa tion Guide OL-3598-02 Chapter 2 Installing the EM Conf igu rin g the S yst em Output similar to the f ollow ing appears: *.tftp Idle If there is no output, tftpd is not enabled. F or additional in formation on TFTP , r efer to the UNIX ma in pages o n tftp a nd tft pd.
C HAPTER 3-1 Cisco Acc ess Router Ma nager Insta llatio n Guide OL-3598-02 3 Upgrading an Installed EM Upgrad ing proce dures are describe d in the following sections : • Upgrad e W o rkfl ow , page.
3-2 Cisco Access Rou ter Manager Installa tion Guide OL-3598-02 Chapter 3 Upgrading an Install ed EM Upgrade Workf low Upgrade Workflow Upgrad ing th e EM in volves the foll owing: 1. Cisco EM — V erify that an earli er version of the Cisco Ac cess Rout er Manage r ha s been i nstalle d on your system.
3-3 Cisco Acc ess Router Ma nager Insta llatio n Guide OL-3598-02 Chapter 3 Upgrading an Instal led EM Upgradi ng the EM Upgrading th e EM After yo u have ensured tha t the prope r versions of Cisco A ccess Router Ma nager and Cisc o EMF hav e been insta lled on your system, you can init iate the upgrad e procedu res usin g an insta ll script.
3-4 Cisco Access Rou ter Manager Installa tion Guide OL-3598-02 Chapter 3 Upgrading an Install ed EM Upgradi ng the EM [Press Enter to go to the UPGRADE main menu] Step 4 Press Enter .
3-5 Cisco Acc ess Router Ma nager Insta llatio n Guide OL-3598-02 Chapter 3 Upgrading an Instal led EM Upgradi ng the EM Note If the optio ns entered in the pre v ious steps are in v alid, the script notif ies you of the erro r , lists the v alid option(s) , and redisplays the selection promp t.
3-6 Cisco Access Rou ter Manager Installa tion Guide OL-3598-02 Chapter 3 Upgrading an Install ed EM Upgradi ng the EM.
C HAPTER 4-1 Cisco Acc ess Router Ma nager Insta llatio n Guide OL-3598-02 4 Uninstalling the EM Procedur es on how to uninst all t he EM are d escribe d in t he fol lowing sect ions: • “ Uninstal.
4-2 Cisco Access Rou ter Manager Installa tion Guide OL-3598-02 Chapter 4 Uninstal ling the EM Uninst all Workfl ow Uninstall Workflow Uninstal ling the EM in volve s the follo wing: 1.
4-3 Cisco Acc ess Router Ma nager Insta llatio n Guide OL-3598-02 Chapter 4 Uninstalling th e EM Removing the EM Pa ckage Removing the EM Pa ckage Y ou can uninstal l the E Ms us ing th e provide d scripts .
4-4 Cisco Access Rou ter Manager Installa tion Guide OL-3598-02 Chapter 4 Uninstal ling the EM Removing the EM Packag e Removi ng EM Pac kages Us ing the Insta ll Script Y ou can selec ti vely remo ve an E M pa ckage (e .
4-5 Cisco Acc ess Router Ma nager Insta llatio n Guide OL-3598-02 Chapter 4 Uninstalling th e EM Removing the EM Pa ckage Step 4 T o unins tall a package, enter the ap propria te optio n at t he prom pt. The utility v erif ies the option selec ted and a conf ir mation of the uninstall appears.
4-6 Cisco Access Rou ter Manager Installa tion Guide OL-3598-02 Chapter 4 Uninstal ling the EM Removing the EM Packag e and Asso ciated Package s Removing the EM Pa ckage and Associat ed Packages Y ou can selec ti vely remo ve an EM packag e and all asso ciated co mponent s using the ins tall scri pt with the -r -a ll command.
4-7 Cisco Acc ess Router Ma nager Insta llatio n Guide OL-3598-02 Chapter 4 Uninstalling th e EM Removin g the EM Pack age and Associated Packages If the option entered in the previous step is in v alid, the script notif ies you of the error , lists the val id option(s), and redi splays the selection prompt .
4-8 Cisco Access Rou ter Manager Installa tion Guide OL-3598-02 Chapter 4 Uninstal ling the EM Removing the EM Packag e and Asso ciated Package s.
C HAPTER 5-1 Cisco Acc ess Router Ma nager Insta llatio n Guide OL-3598-02 5 Getting Started Inform ation on startin g an EM sessio n is presente d in the follo wing sections : • “ Checki ng the S.
5-2 Cisco Access Rou ter Manager Installa tion Guide OL-3598-02 Chapter 5 Getting Sta rted Checking the Status of the EM Checking the Sta tus of the EM T o check the sta tus of Cis co EMF/EM, enter commands as follo ws: CEMF_ROOT /bin/cemf query (Repla ce CEMF_RO O T with t he name of t he direct ory where C isco EMF i s installed.
5-3 Cisco Acc ess Router Ma nager Insta llatio n Guide OL-3598-02 Chapter 5 Getting Star ted Starting a User Session Starting a User Session Starting the Cisco EMF m anager system a utomatically starts the E M. T o start the Cis co EMF mana ger syst em, follo w these steps .
5-4 Cisco Access Rou ter Manager Installa tion Guide OL-3598-02 Chapter 5 Getting Sta rted Stopping a User Sess ion Stopping a User Session To s t o p only the Cisco EMF/EM user session, do the follo wing: Step 1 Close any open Cisco EMF/EM wind ows. When you close the Launc hpad wi ndow , yo ur user sessio n is terminat ed.
IN-1 Cisco Acc ess Router Ma nager I nstallati on Guide OL-3598-02 INDEX A audie nce for this docum ent vi C caution s, signi fica nce of vii xi convent ions used in thi s docume nt vii crea.
Index IN-2 Cisco Acce ss Router Manager In stalla tion Guide OL-3598-02 R requir ements client 1-5 licensi ng 1-4 server 1-5 system 1-4 to 1-5 S script, usi ng to install 2-4 to 2-6 setting up EM conf.
デバイスCisco Systems OL-3598-02の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Cisco Systems OL-3598-02をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCisco Systems OL-3598-02の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Cisco Systems OL-3598-02の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Cisco Systems OL-3598-02で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Cisco Systems OL-3598-02を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCisco Systems OL-3598-02の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Cisco Systems OL-3598-02に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCisco Systems OL-3598-02デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。