Cisco SystemsメーカーOL-6900-01の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Cor porat e Headqu ar ters Cisco Syst ems, I nc. 170 West Tasm an Drive San Jose, CA 9513 4-1706 USA http ://www .cisco .com Tel: 40 8 526-4000 800 55 3-NETS (6387) Fax: 40 8 526-4100 Cisc o CN S NetFlo w Co lle ction Engin e Insta llatio n and Con f igurati on Guid e, 5.
iii Cisco CN S Net Flow Colle ction Engine Inst allati on a nd Configurat ion Guide, 5.0. 2 OL-6900-01 CONT ENTS Suppleme ntal License Agr eement v Supp lement al Lice nse Agr eemen t For Cisco S yste.
Cont ents iv Cisco C NS NetFl ow Col lection E ngine I nstall ation and Co nfigurat ion Guide , 5.0.2 OL-6900-01 Repo rt Gene rator 1-7 BGP Pee r 1-7 CHAPTER 2 Inst alling CNS NetFl ow Collection Engi.
v Cisco CNS Net Flow Collecti on Engine Instal lation and Conf iguratio n G uide, Release 5.0. 2 OL-6900-01 Supplemental License Agreement Supple mental License Agreement For Cisc o Sys tems Netwo rk .
vi Cisco C NS NetFl ow Col lection E ngine I nstall ation and Co nfigurat ion Guide , Rel ease 5.0. 2 OL-6900-01 Supplement al Li cense Ag reement Addi tiona l Lice nse Rest rict ions Descriptio n Of Other Rights and Limitations Plea se refe r to the C isco System s, Inc.
vii Cisco CNS Net Flow Collecti on Engine Instal lation and Conf iguratio n G uide, Release 5.0. 2 OL-6900-01 About This Guide Obj ect ive The Cisco CNS N etFlo w Co llec tio n Engi ne I nst alla tion an d Co nfi gu ra tion Guid e, Re leas e 5.
vi ii Cisco C NS NetFl ow Col lection E ngine I nstall ation and Co nfigurat ion Guide , Rel ease 5.0. 2 OL-6900-01 Ab out Th is Guid e How Thi s Gui de Is Orga nized How Thi s Guid e Is O rganized Thi s gui de is or g ani zed a s fol lo ws: Chap ter 1, “O verv ie w ,” descri bes th e CN S N etF lo w Coll ect ion Engine appli cat ion.
ix Cisco CNS Net Flow Collecti on Engine Instal lation and Conf iguratio n G uide, Release 5.0. 2 OL-6900-01 About This Gui de Obtaining Techni cal Assist ance Or deri ng Documen tat ion Cis co do cum.
x Cisco C NS NetFl ow Col lection E ngine I nstall ation and Co nfigurat ion Guide , Rel ease 5.0. 2 OL-6900-01 Ab out Th is Guid e Obt aining Tech nical Assista nce • Do wnl oad and t est s oftware.
xi Cisco CNS Net Flow Collecti on Engine Instal lation and Conf iguratio n G uide, Release 5.0. 2 OL-6900-01 About This Gui de Obtaining Techni cal Assist ance Ci sco TA C Es cal ati on Ce nte r The C.
xi i Cisco C NS NetFl ow Col lection E ngine I nstall ation and Co nfigurat ion Guide , Rel ease 5.0. 2 OL-6900-01 Ab out Th is Guid e Obt aining Tech nical Assista nce.
C HAP TER 1-1 Cisco CN S NetFlow Coll ection Engi ne User Guide, Re lease 5.0.2 OL-6899-01 1 Overview Th is cha pte r de scrib es the C NS N etFl o w Coll ectio n E ngi ne ap plic ation , wh ich is u sed w ith the N etF low se rvic es dat a e xport fe atu re on Ci sc o route rs and Ca tal yst 5000 an d 6000 s eri es swi tches .
1- 2 Cisco C NS NetFl ow Col lection E ngine U ser G uide, Release 5.0.2 OL-6899-01 Cha pter 1 O ver vie w Wh at Are Ne tFl ow Ser vices? Ca talys t 5000 seri es swit ches c an id enti fy f l o ws by look ing at a su bset of t hese fie lds. For examp le, t hey can ide ntify flows by sour ce and dest inatio n addres s only .
1-3 Cisco CN S NetFlow Coll ection Engi ne User Guide, Re lease 5.0.2 OL-6899-01 Chapt er 1 Ov erview Wh at A r e NetFlow Se rvices? • V ersio n 5 dat agra ms, up t o 30 flo ws can be sent i n a singl e UDP d atagra m of a pproxi mate ly 1 500 byt es.
1- 4 Cisco C NS NetFl ow Col lection E ngine U ser G uide, Release 5.0.2 OL-6899-01 Cha pter 1 O ver vie w What Is C NS Ne tFlo w C oll ection En gine? Caut i on Thr oug hout t his p ublic ati on the re ar e num erous e x ample s of CNS Ne tFl ow Colle cti on Eng ine i nput com mand s and ou tput re sults.
1-5 Cisco CN S NetFlow Coll ection Engi ne User Guide, Re lease 5.0.2 OL-6899-01 Chapt er 1 Ov erview CNS Net Flow Col lecti on Engi ne Archi tectural Over view CNS Ne tFlow C olle ctio n Engin e co l.
1- 6 Cisco C NS NetFl ow Col lection E ngine U ser G uide, Release 5.0.2 OL-6899-01 Cha pter 1 O ver vie w CNS Ne tFlow Coll ecti on En gine Ar chit ectu ral O vervi ew Figur e 1 -2 CNS NetFlo w Colle.
1-7 Cisco CN S NetFlow Coll ection Engi ne User Guide, Re lease 5.0.2 OL-6899-01 Chapt er 1 Ov erview CNS Net Flow Col lecti on Engi ne Archi tectural Over view CN S/XM L I nt erf ace The C NS/X ML In terf ace is u sed t o sen d and r eceive co nfigurat ion/ contr ol req uests a nd r espon ses, an d unso licit ed even t noti f ica tion s.
1- 8 Cisco C NS NetFl ow Col lection E ngine U ser G uide, Release 5.0.2 OL-6899-01 Cha pter 1 O ver vie w CNS Ne tFlow Coll ecti on En gine Ar chit ectu ral O vervi ew.
C HAP TER 2-1 Cisco CNS NetFlow C ollect ion Eng ine I nstallation and Configur ation Guide, 5. 0.2 OL-6900-01 2 Installing CNS NetFlow Collection Engine Th is cha pt er d escrib es how t o in stall C isc o CN S N etF low C olle ction E ngin e.
2- 2 Cisco C NS NetFl ow Col lection E ngine I nstall ation and Co nfigurat ion Guide , 5.0.2 OL-6900-01 Chapt er 2 Instal ling CNS NetFl ow Collect ion Engine Usi ng the CN S NetFl ow C olle ction En.
2-3 Cisco CNS NetFlow C ollect ion Eng ine I nstallation and Configur ation Guide, 5. 0.2 OL-6900-01 Cha pter 2 In stalli ng C NS Ne tFlow Collec tion E ngi ne Install ing on a S olaris or HP-UX Platf.
2- 4 Cisco C NS NetFl ow Col lection E ngine I nstall ation and Co nfigurat ion Guide , 5.0.2 OL-6900-01 Chapt er 2 Instal ling CNS NetFl ow Collect ion Engine Ins talling on a Sola ris or HP- UX P l atfor m The f ollowin g examp le ill ustrate s th ese step s.
2-5 Cisco CNS NetFlow C ollect ion Eng ine I nstallation and Configur ation Guide, 5. 0.2 OL-6900-01 Cha pter 2 In stalli ng C NS Ne tFlow Collec tion E ngi ne Install ing on a S olaris or HP-UX Platf orm If th e CN S N etf low Co llecti on En gin e is run nin g, an er ror is in dica te d and the ins tall is te rm inate d.
2- 6 Cisco C NS NetFl ow Col lection E ngine I nstall ation and Co nfigurat ion Guide , 5.0.2 OL-6900-01 Chapt er 2 Instal ling CNS NetFl ow Collect ion Engine Ins talling on a Sola ris or HP- UX P l .
2-7 Cisco CNS NetFlow C ollect ion Eng ine I nstallation and Configur ation Guide, 5. 0.2 OL-6900-01 Cha pter 2 In stalli ng C NS Ne tFlow Collec tion E ngi ne Installi ng on a Re d H at Enterprise Li.
2- 8 Cisco C NS NetFl ow Col lection E ngine I nstall ation and Co nfigurat ion Guide , 5.0.2 OL-6900-01 Chapt er 2 Instal ling CNS NetFl ow Collect ion Engine Inst alli ng on a R ed Hat E nterpr ise Linu x Pl atfor m b.
2-9 Cisco CNS NetFlow C ollect ion Eng ine I nstallation and Configur ation Guide, 5. 0.2 OL-6900-01 Cha pter 2 In stalli ng C NS Ne tFlow Collec tion E ngi ne Installi ng on a Re d H at Enterprise Li.
2-1 0 Cisco C NS NetFl ow Col lection E ngine I nstall ation and Co nfigurat ion Guide , 5.0.2 OL-6900-01 Chapt er 2 Instal ling CNS NetFl ow Collect ion Engine Unin stallin g CN S NetF low Coll ectio n Engin e 5.0 • rc d i r /rc4 .d/S 99c sco_n fcd (sym bo lic l ink to .
C HAP TER 3-1 Cisco CNS NetFlow C ollect ion Eng ine I nstallation and Configur ation Guide, 5. 0.2 OL-6900-01 3 Configuring CNS NetFlow Collection Engine Th is chap ter d escrib es h o w to configu re Ci sco CN S Ne tFlow Co llect ion En gin e and th en vali date th at it is opera ting prope rly .
3- 2 Cisco C NS NetFl ow Col lection E ngine I nstall ation and Co nfigurat ion Guide , 5.0.2 OL-6900-01 Chapt er 3 Conf igur ing CNS NetFl ow Co llection Engine UNI X En vir onm en t V ar iabl es UNIX E nvironment Vari ables I n relea ses pr ior to ve rsi on 5.
3-3 Cisco CNS NetFlow C ollect ion Eng ine I nstallation and Configur ation Guide, 5. 0.2 OL-6900-01 Chapt e r 3 Co nfi guri ng C NS Ne tF low C oll ecti on En gine Veri fying Tha t CNS NetFlow Col le.
3- 4 Cisco C NS NetFl ow Col lection E ngine I nstall ation and Co nfigurat ion Guide , 5.0.2 OL-6900-01 Chapt er 3 Conf igur ing CNS NetFl ow Co llection Engine Br owser Requ irem ents Browser Requi rements The CN S Net Flow Co llect ion E ngin e, Rel ease 5.
IN-1 Cis co CN S Net Flow Co lle ction Engin e Ins tal latio n and C onfig uatio n Gu ide. 5. 0.2 OL-6900-01 INDE X B brows er requ ir ements 3-4 C CNS Ne tFl ow C olle cti on E ngin e ar chit e ctu r.
Index IN-2 Cisco C NS NetFl ow Col lection Engine I nstal lation an d Co nfiguati on Gui de. 5.0.2 OL-6900-01 P pack ets IP 1-1 S Solari s in stall ati on 2-3 requi red pa tch es 3-1 system req uireme.
デバイスCisco Systems OL-6900-01の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Cisco Systems OL-6900-01をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCisco Systems OL-6900-01の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Cisco Systems OL-6900-01の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Cisco Systems OL-6900-01で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Cisco Systems OL-6900-01を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCisco Systems OL-6900-01の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Cisco Systems OL-6900-01に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCisco Systems OL-6900-01デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。