Cisco SystemsメーカーSPS224G4の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Cis c o Small Busine s s Pro S PS208G/S PS224G4/S PS2024 Ethernet Swit ches Command Line Inter face REFERENCE GUIDE.
© 2008 Cisco Syst ems , Inc. All rights r es erved. OL - 18485- 01 Xd ]Vh bdgZ i]Vc '%% d[[^X Zh ldgaYl^YZ# 6YYgZhhZ h! e]dcZ cjbWZgh! VcY [Vm cjbWZgh VgZ.
Contents SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 1 Chapter 1: Introduction 18 Overview 18 CLI Command Modes 18 Accessing the Command Line Interface 22 Editing Features 28.
Contents SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 2 show interfaces access-lists 62 Chapter 4: ARP Inspection Commands 64 ip arp inspection 64 ip arp inspection vlan 65 ip.
Contents SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 3 show bridge multicast address-table static 94 show bridge multicast filtering 95 show ports security 96 show ports secu.
Contents SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 4 show startup-config 127 Chapter 8: DHCP Commands 129 ip dhcp snooping 129 ip dhcp snooping vlan 130 ip dhcp snooping tr.
Contents SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 5 Chapter 12: Ethernet Configuration Commands 150 interface ethernet 150 interface range ethernet 151 shutdown 152 descri.
Contents SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 6 Chapter 13: GVRP Commands 182 gvrp enable (Global) 182 gvrp enable (Interface) 183 garp timer 184 gvrp vlan-creation-fo.
Contents SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 7 renew dhcp 211 ip default-gateway 212 show ip interface 213 arp 214 arp timeout 215 clear arp-cache 216 show arp 217 ip.
Contents SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 8 Chapter 18: Line Commands 242 line 242 speed 243 exec-timeout 244 show line 245 Chapter 19: Management ACL Commands 247.
Contents SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 9 Chapter 23: QoS Commands 268 qos 268 show qos 269 class-map 270 show class-map 271 match 272 policy-map 273 class 274 s.
Contents SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 10 qos map dscp-mutation 302 show qos map 303 Chapter 24: RADIUS Commands 306 radius-server host 306 radius-server key 30.
Contents SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 11 snmp-server filter 341 snmp-server host 342 snmp-server v3-host 344 snmp-server engineID local 346 snmp-server enable .
Contents SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 12 spanning-tree port-priority 373 spanning-tree portfast 374 spanning-tree link-type 375 spanning-tree pat hcost method .
Contents SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 13 show crypto key mypubkey 412 crypto certificate request 413 crypto certificate import 415 crypto certificate export 41.
Contents SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 14 show cpu utilization 449 show users 450 show sessions 451 show system 452 show version 454 show system tcam utilizatio.
Contents SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 15 Chapter 34: VLAN Commands 477 switchport protected 477 switchport protected-port 478 switchport protected-port fasteth.
Contents SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 16 Chapter 35: Web Server Commands 506 ip http server 506 ip http port 507 ip http exec-timeout 508 ip https server 509 ip https port 510 ip https exec-timeout 511 ip https certificate 512 show ip http 513 show ip https 514 Chapter 36: 802.
Contents SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 17 dot1x radius-attributes vlan 537 dot1x single-host-violation 538 dot1x bpdu 539 show dot1x bpdu 541 dot1x guest-vlan 5.
1 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 18 In tro duction O ver view This document des cribes the C ommand Line Int er face (CLI) use d t o manage the Linksys SPS208G, S PS224G4, and SPS2024 switches. Unles s noted otherwise, all of the CLI commands in t his document apply t o all thr e e swit ches .
Intr o duction CLI Comman d Mode s SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 19 1 Us er E XE C Mo de This is the initial mode after system login (e xcept f or us ers who ar e define d as privilege d users ; r ef er to “ Pr ivil eged EX EC M ode ”) .
Intr o duction CLI Comman d Mode s SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 20 1 Console# Console# disable Console> Global C onfiguration Mode The Global Configuration mo de is used to configure f eatur es at the system level, and not at the interface level.
Intr o duction CLI Comman d Mode s SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 21 1 Interfac e C onfigura tion Mo de Int er face Configuration mo de command s per f orm operations on spe cific interface s.
Intr o duction Acc e ssing the Command Line In ter face SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 22 1 Ac c e s sing the C ommand Line Inter fac e The Command Line Interfac.
Intr o duction Acc e ssing the Command Line In ter face SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 23 1 Fi gure 1 Star t > All Programs > Ac ce ss orie s > Communic ations > Hyp erT erminal STEP 3 Enter a name f or this c onnection.
Intr o duction Acc e ssing the Command Line In ter face SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 24 1 F i g u r e 3 H y p e r Te r m i n a l C o n n e c t To S c r e e n STEP 5 Set the serial por t set tings as f ollows, then click OK .
Intr o duction Acc e ssing the Command Line In ter face SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 25 1 Fi gure 4 Hyp erT erminal Pr op er ties S creen STEP 6 When the Command Line Interface appears , enter admi n at the User Name prompt and press Enter .
Intr o duction Acc e ssing the Command Line In ter face SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 26 1 Fi gure 6 C ommand Line Y ou can now enter CLI commands to manage the Swit ch. F or detaile d inf ormation on CLI comma nds, ref er to the appropriat e chapter(s ) of this Ref erence Guide.
Intr o duction Acc e ssing the Command Line In ter face SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 27 1 Fi gure 8 C ommand Prompt STEP 3 The Command Line Interfac e will be displayed. Ent er admin at the User Name pr ompt and press Enter .
Intr o duction Edit ing Feature s SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 28 1 Editing Fe a ture s Entering Comm ands A CLI command is a s eries of key wor ds and argume nts. Keyw or ds identif y a command, and arguments specif y configuration parameters.
Intr o duction Edit ing Feature s SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 29 1 Te r m i n a l C o m m a n d B u f f e r Ev er y time a command is enter e d in the CLI, it is r ecorded on an internally managed C ommand Hist or y buff er .
Intr o duction Edit ing Feature s SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 30 1 Command C ompletion If the command en t ered is incomplete, in valid or has mis sing or in valid parameters , then the appropriat e error mess age is di spla yed.
Intr o duction Edit ing Feature s SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 31 1 Ke y b o ar d Sh o r t c ut s The CLI has a range of k eybo ar d shor tcuts t o as sist in editing the CLI commands. The f ollowing table describe s the CLI shortcuts.
Intr o duction Edit ing Feature s SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 32 1 C opying and Pasting T ex t Up to 1000 line s of t ext (or c ommands ) can be copie d and past ed into the device. NOTE It is the user ’ s responsibilit y to ensur e that the te xt c opied into the device consists of legal commands only .
2 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 33 AAA C o m m a n d s aaa authentication login The aaa authentication login Global Configuration mode c ommand defines login authentication. T o r estor e defaults, use the no fo rm of this c ommand.
AAA C o m m a n d s aaa authentica tion login SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 34 2 D efault Configuration The local us er database is check e d. This has the same ef f ect as the co mmand aaa authentication login list-name local.
AAA C o m m a n d s aaa authentica tion enable SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 35 2 aaa authentication enable The aaa authentication enable Global Configuration mode command defines authentication method lists f or acc ess ing higher privilege levels.
AAA C o m m a n d s log in authentication SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 36 2 On the console, the enable pas swor d is us ed if it exists. If no password is set , the pr o ces s still succe eds . This has the same eff e ct as using the command aaa authentication enable default enable none .
AAA C o m m a n d s enable authen tica tion SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 37 2 Parameters • default — Uses the default list cr eated with the aaa authenticati on lo gin command. • list-name — Use s the indicat ed list cr eated with the aaa auth entication login command.
AAA C o m m a n d s enable authen tica tion SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 38 2 Syn tax enable authentication {default | list-name } no enable authentication Parameters • default — Uses the default list cr eated with the aaa authenticati on enable command.
AAA C o m m a n d s ip h t tp authen ticat ion SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 39 2 ip ht tp authentic a tion The ip http authentication Glob al Configuration mode c ommand specifies authentication methods f or HTTP s er ver users.
AAA C o m m a n d s ip h t tps authentica tion SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 40 2 Us er Guidelines The additional methods of authentication are used only if the pr evious method r eturns an error , not if it fails .
AAA C o m m a n d s show authen tication me tho ds SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 41 2 D efault Configuration The local user databas e is checked. This has the s ame eff e ct as the command ip http s authentication local .
AAA C o m m a n d s show authen tication me tho ds SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 42 2 Comm and Mode Privileged EXEC mode Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command. Example The f ollowing example displa ys th e authentication c onfiguration.
AAA C o m m a n d s passwor d SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 43 2 pa ss wo r d The passwor d Line Configuration mo de command spe cifies a pas swor d on a line. T o r emove the password, use the no f orm of this command.
AAA C o m m a n d s enable passwor d SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 44 2 enable p as sword The enable password Global Configuration mo de command sets a local pass wor d to contr ol ac ces s to user and privilege levels.
AAA C o m m a n d s username SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 45 2 us ername The us ername Global C onfiguration mode command creat e s a user acc ount in the local datab ase. T o remov e a user name, us e the no f orm of this c ommand.
AAA C o m m a n d s show users acc ount s SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 46 2 Example The f ollowing example configur es a us er na med ‘bob’ with password ‘lee ’ and user level 15 t o the system.
AAA C o m m a n d s show privilege SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 47 2 Username Privilege -------- --------- Bob 15 Robert 15 Smith 15 show privile ge T o displa y your curr ent level of priv ilege, use the show privile ge command in E XEC mode.
3 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 48 A CL C omm ands ip ac c e s s-list The ip acces s-list Global Config uration mode command enabl es the IP -Acce ss Configuration mode and creat es Layer 3 A CLs . T o delete an A CL , use the no fo r m of this command .
AC L C o m m a nd s per mi t (i p ) SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 49 3 Example The f ollowing example shows how t o creat e an IP ACL.
AC L C o m m a nd s per mi t (i p ) SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 50 3 • destination — Specifie s the destination IP address of the packet . Specify any t o indicate IP addr es s 0 .0.0 .0 and mask 255.255.255.
AC L C o m m a nd s per mi t (i p ) SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 51 3 • dscp — Indicates matching the dscp-numb er with the packet dscp value. (Range: 0 -63) • ip-precedenc e — Indicat e s mat ching the ip-pr e cedence number with the packet ip-pr ec edence value.
AC L C o m m a nd s deny (IP) SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 52 3 fin. The flags ar e concatenated int o one string. F or example: +fin-ack . T o define more than 1 flag - ent er additi onal flags one after another without a space (example +syn-ack).
AC L C o m m a nd s deny (IP) SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 53 3 Syn tax deny [ di s able-port ] { any | prot ocol } { any | { sou rce sour ce- wil dcar d }} { .
AC L C o m m a nd s deny (IP) SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 54 3 • pr otocol — Specifies the abbreviated name or number of an IP pr otocol.
AC L C o m m a nd s deny (IP) SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 55 3 • in-por t por t-num — (Optional) Specifies the input por t of the devic e. In case of egress clas sification this po r t will be the device input p ort .
AC L C o m m a nd s mac acc ess-list SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 56 3 mac ac c e s s-list The ma c access-l ist Global Configuration mode command enables the MAC- Acce ss List C onfiguration mode and creat es Layer 2 A CLs .
AC L C o m m a nd s per mi t (M AC ) SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 57 3 p ermit (MA C) The perm it MA C-Ac ces s List Configuration mode c ommand defines permit conditions of an MAC ACL.
AC L C o m m a nd s deny (MAC) SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 58 3 Us er Guidelines Bef ore an Acces s Contro l Element (ACE) is added to an ACL, all packets are permitted.
AC L C o m m a nd s deny (MAC) SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 59 3 • destination-wildcar d — (Optional f or the first t ype) Specifie s wildcard bits by placing 1 ’s in bit positions to be ignor ed. • vlan-id — Specifies the ID of the pack et vlan.
AC L C o m m a nd s servi ce-po li cy SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 60 3 s er vice-p olic y Apply a policy map to the input of a par ticular inte r face. Use no form in order to detach policy map from int er face.
AC L C o m m a nd s show acc ess-lists SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 61 3 Syn tax ser vice-acl input acl-name 1 no ser vic e-acl input Parameters acl-name — Specifie s an AC L to apply to the interface. Please se e the usage guideline s.
AC L C o m m a nd s show int er face s ac ce ss-lis ts SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 62 3 D efault Configuration This command has no default configuration. Comm and Mode Privileged EXEC mode Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command.
AC L C o m m a nd s show int er face s ac ce ss-lis ts SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 63 3 D efault Configuration This command has no default configuration. Comm and Mode Privileged EXEC mode Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command.
4 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 64 ARP Insp e c tion C omm ands ip arp insp e ction The ip arp inspection Global Configuration mo de command globally enable s ARP inspe ction. T o disable ARP inspe ction, use the no f orm of this command.
ARP Insp ec tion Com mands ip arp inspection vlan SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 65 4 ip arp insp e ction vlan The ip arp inspection vlan Global Configuration mode command enable s ARP inspection b ased on DHCP snooping datab ase on a VL AN.
ARP Insp ec tion Com mands ip arp in spe ction trust SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 66 4 ip arp insp e ction trust The ip arp inspection trust Interface C onfigu.
ARP Insp ec tion Com mands ip arp inspe c tion validat e SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 67 4 ip arp insp e ction validate The ip arp inspection validate Global Configuration mo de command per f orms specific che cks f or dynamic Addr es s Resolution Prot o col (ARP) inspe ction.
ARP Insp ec tion Com mands ip arp inspection list crea te SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 68 4 Example The f ollowing example per f orm specific check s f or d ynam ic A ddr ess R esol utio n Prot oc ol (ARP) inspection.
ARP Insp ec tion Com mands ip mac SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 69 4 Example The f ollowing e xample creat es a static ARP binding list and t o enter the ARP list configuration mode.
ARP Insp ec tion Com mands ip arp inspection list assign SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 70 4 Example The f ollowing example disp la ys static ARP binding. Console(config)# ip arp inspection list servers Console(config-ARP-list) # ip 172.
ARP Insp ec tion Com mands ip arp inspe c tion lo gging int er val SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 71 4 Example The f ollowing example assigns static ARP binding lists to a VL AN.
ARP Insp ec tion Com mands show ip arp inspe ction SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 72 4 Example The f ollowing example configur es the minimal in t er val b etween suc ces sive ARP SYS L O G m e s s a g e s .
ARP Insp ec tion Com mands show ip arp inspe ction lis t SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 73 4 Example The f ollowing example displa ys th e ARP insp ection configuration. Console# show ip arp inspection IP ARP inspection is ena bled.
ARP Insp ec tion Com mands show ip arp inspe ction lis t SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 74 4 Example The f ollowing example displa ys the static ARP binding list . Console# show ip arp inspection list List name: servers Assigned to VLANs: 1,2 IP ARP ---------- -------------- 172.
5 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 75 Addre s s T able C ommands bridge addres s The bridge addr es s Int er face Configuration ( VL AN) mode command adds a MAC- la yer station sour c e addr es s t o the bridge tabl e.
Addres s T able C ommands bridge multicast filt ering SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 76 5 D efault Configuration No static addr es se s ar e defined.
Addres s T able C ommands bridge multicast addr ess SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 77 5 D efault Configuration F iltering Multicast addr es ses is disabled.
Addres s T able C ommands bridge multicast addr ess SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 78 5 Parameters • add — Adds por ts to the group. If no option is specified, this is the default option. • re mo ve — Removes por ts from the group.
Addres s T able C ommands bridge multicast f orbidden addr e ss SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 79 5 The f ollowing example r egisters the MAC addr es s and adds por ts statically .
Addres s T able C ommands bridge multicast f orward-all SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 80 5 D efault Configuration No f orbidden address es ar e defined. Comm and Mode Int er face Configuration ( VLAN) mode Us er Guidelines Bef ore defining f orbidden por ts, the Multicast group should be regist ered.
Addres s T able C ommands bridge multicast f orward-all SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 81 5 Parameters • add — F orce f or warding all Multicast packets. • r emove — Do not f orce f or war ding all Multicast packets.
Addres s T able C ommands bridge multicast f orbidden forwar d-all SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 82 5 bridge multic ast forbidden f or war d-all The b ridge multica st f orbidden f or war d-all Interface Configuration ( VL AN) mode command f orbids a por t t o be a f or ward-all-Multica st p ort .
Addres s T able C ommands bridge aging time SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 83 5 Example In this example, f orwa r ding all Multicast pack ets to e 1 with VLAN 2 is f orbidden.
Addres s T able C ommands clear bridge SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 84 5 Example In the f ollowing e xample, the bridge aging time is s et t o 250 se conds .
Addres s T able C ommands port sec uri t y SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 85 5 po r t sec ur i t y The port secu rity Int er face Configuration mo de command locks the por t to block unknown traffic and prev ent the p or t fr om learning new address es .
Addres s T able C ommands por t se curit y mo de SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 86 5 Example In this example, por t e 1 f or war ds al l packets without learning addr e sse s of packets fr om unknown sources and sends traps ever y 100 s econds if a packet with an unknown source address is received.
Addres s T able C ommands port sec uri t y ma x SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 87 5 Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command. Example In this e xample, p ort s ecurit y mode is set to dynamic f or Ethernet inte r face e 7 .
Addres s T able C ommands show bridge addr e ss-table SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 88 5 Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command.
Addres s T able C ommands show bridge addr e ss-table s ta tic SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 89 5 Comm and Mode Privileged EXEC mode Us er Guidelines Int ern al.
Addres s T able C ommands show bridge addr e ss-table s ta tic SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 90 5 Parameters • vlan — Specifies a valid VLAN, such as VL AN 1 . • interface — A valid Ethernet por t . • por t-channel-number — A valid por t-channel number .
Addres s T able C ommands show bridge addr ess-table c oun t SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 91 5 show bridge addres s-t able c ount The show bridge address-tabl e count Privilege d EXEC mode c ommand displa ys the number of address es present in the F or warding Database.
Addres s T able C ommands show bridge multicas t address-table SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 92 5 Secure addresses: 2 Static addresses: 1 Dynamic addresses: 97 .
Addres s T able C ommands show bridge multicas t address-table SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 93 5 Us er Guidelines A MAC addr es s can be display e d in IP f ormat only if it is in the range of 0100 .5 e00.0000- 0100 .
Addres s T able C ommands show bridge multicas t address-table sta tic SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 94 5 NOTE A Multicast MAC addr es s maps to multiple IP addr e sse s as shown above.
Addres s T able C ommands show bridge multicas t filtering SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 95 5 Example Console# show bridge mul ticast address-table static MAC-GROUP Table Vlan MAC Address Type Ports ---- -------------- ------- ----------- 1 0100.
Addres s T able C ommands show p or ts se curit y SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 96 5 Example In this e xample, the Multicast configuration f or VLAN 1 is display e d.
Addres s T able C ommands show p or ts se curit y SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 97 5 Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command.
Addres s T able C ommands s ho w po r t s sec ur i t y ad dr es ses SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 98 5 show p or t s s e curit y addre s s e s The show por ts s ecurit y addresse s Privileged EXEC mode c ommand displa ys the current dynamic addr es ses in lo cked por ts.
Addres s T able C ommands s ho w po r t s sec ur i t y ad dr es ses SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 99 5 e4 Port is a member in port -channel ch1 e5 Disabled Lock.
6 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 100 Clo ck C omm ands clo ck s et The clock set P riv ileged EXEC mode comm and manu ally sets the s yst em cloc k .
Clo ck Comm ands clock s ource SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 101 6 Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command. Example The f ollowing e xample sets the system time t o 13:32:00 on March 7 th, 2005.
Clo ck Comm ands clock timezone SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 102 6 Example The f ollowing example configur es an e x t ernal time s our c e f or the system clock .
Clo ck Comm ands clock summer -time SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 103 6 Us er Guidelines The system int ernally keeps time in UTC, so this command is use d only f or display purpo ses and when the time is manually set .
Clo ck Comm ands clock summer -time SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 104 6 • eu — The summer time rules are the E uropean Union rules .
Clo ck Comm ands snt p authentica tion-key SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 105 6 USA rule f or daylig ht s a vings time: • Star t: S econd Sunday in Mar ch • .
Clo ck Comm ands snt p authentica te SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 106 6 D efault Configuration No authentication k ey is defined. Comm and Mode Global Configuration mo de Us er Guidelines Multiple k eys can be generated.
Clo ck Comm ands sntp po r t SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 107 6 Us er Guidelines The command is relevant f or both Unicast and Broadcast . Example The f ollowing e xample defines the authentication k ey f or S NTP and gran ts authentication.
Clo ck Comm ands sntp trusted-key SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 108 6 Us er Guidelines The command can change the S NTP UDP por t .
Clo ck Comm ands snt p client poll timer SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 109 6 If ther e is at least 1 trusted ke y , then unauthenticated mess ages will be ignored. Example The f ollowing example authenticat es key 8.
Clo ck Comm ands sntp br oadcast client enable SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 110 6 Example The f ollowing example sets the polling ti me f or the S NTP client t o 120 seconds .
Clo ck Comm ands sntp an ycast clien t enable SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 111 6 sntp an yc ast client enable The sntp any cast client enable Global C onfiguration mode c ommand enables SNTP Anycast client . Use the no f orm of this command to disable the S NTP Any cast cl ient .
Clo ck Comm ands snt p client enable SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 112 6 sntp clien t en able The sntp client enable Global Configur ation mode command enable s the Simple Network T ime Prot ocol (S NTP) Broadcast and An ycast client on an int er face.
Clo ck Comm ands snt p client enable (In ter f ac e) SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 113 6 Example The f ollowing e xample enables the Simple Net work T ime Prot o col (SNTP) Br o adcast and Any cast client on an interfac e.
Clo ck Comm ands sntp unicast clien t enabl e SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 114 6 Example The f ollowing e xample enables the S NTP client on Ethernet port e3.
Clo ck Comm ands sntp unicast client poll SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 115 6 sntp unicast client p oll The sntp unicast client poll Global Configuration mode command enable s polling f or the Simple Network T ime Prot oc ol (SNTP) predefined Unicast ser vers .
Clo ck Comm ands sntp se r ver SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 116 6 sntp ser ver The sntp ser ver Global C onfiguration mode command configures the device to use the Simple Net work T ime Prot oc ol (SNTP) to request and acc ept SNTP traf fic fro m a sp ecified ser ver .
Clo ck Comm ands show c loc k SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 117 6 T o enable polling you should also us e the sntp unicast client poll Global Configuration mode c ommand f or global enabling. Po lling time is det ermine d by the sntp client poll timer Glob al Configuration mode command.
Clo ck Comm ands show c loc k SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 118 6 Us er Guidelines Th e sym bol t hat pr ecedes t he s how clock dis pla y i ndic at es th e f ollo wing inf ormation: Example The f ollowing e xample displays the time and dat e from the syst em clock .
Clo ck Comm ands show sntp configur a tion SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 119 6 show sntp configuration The show sntp configuration Privile ged EXEC mo de command shows the configuration of the Simple Network T ime Prot oc ol (SNTP) .
Clo ck Comm ands show sntp status SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 120 6 Broadcast Clients: Enabl ed Anycast Clients: Enabled Broadcast Interfaces: e1 , e3 show sntp sta tus The show sntp status Privileged E XEC mode command shows the status of the Simple Network T ime Prot o col (SNTP) .
Clo ck Comm ands show sntp status SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 121 6 Unicast servers: Server Status Last response Offset Delay [mSec] [mSec] ---------- ------- ------------------- --------------- ------ 176.1.1.
7 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 122 C onfigura tion and Im age F ile C ommands co p y The cop y Privilege d EXEC mode com mand copies files from a source t o a destination.
Configuration and Image F ile Comm ands cop y SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 123 7 D efault Configuration This command has no default configuration. Comm and Mode Privileged EXEC mode Us er Guidelines The location of a file system dictat es the f ormat of the source or destination URL.
Configuration and Image F ile Comm ands cop y SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 124 7 The f ollowing table describ es copy characters: Copying an Image F ile from a Ser ver to Flash Memor y — T o copy an image file from a ser ver to flash memor y , use the copy sour ce-url image comm and.
Configuration and Image F ile Comm ands delet e star tup- config SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 125 7 Example The f ollowing e xample copie s syst em image file 1 fr om the TFTP s er ver 172. 16. 101 . 101 to a no n-active image file.
Configuration and Image F ile Comm ands show running-c onf ig SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 126 7 Example s The f ollowing example delet e s the star tup-config file.
Configuration and Image F ile Comm ands show star tup -c onfig SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 127 7 exit interface range ethernet g(1-2) switchport access vlan 2.
Configuration and Image F ile Comm ands show star tup -c onfig SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 128 7 Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command. Example The f ollowing example displa ys the conten ts of the running configuration file.
8 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 129 DHCP C omm ands ip dhcp sno oping The ip dhcp snooping Global Configuration mo de command globally enable s DHCP snooping. Use the no f orm of this command to r eturn to the default configuration.
DHCP C ommand s ip dhcp sn ooping vl an SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 130 8 ip dhcp sno oping vlan The ip dhcp snooping vlan Global C onfiguration mode command enable s DHCP snooping on a VLAN. Us e the no f orm of this command to disable DHCP snooping on a VL AN.
DHCP C ommand s ip dhcp sn oop ing trust SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 131 8 ip dhcp sno oping trust The ip dhcp snooping trust Interface C onfiguration (Ethernet , P or t-channel) mode command configures a por t as trusted f or DHCP snooping purpos es .
DHCP C ommand s ip dhcp in forma tion option allowed-untrus ted SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 132 8 ip dhcp informa tion option allowe d-untruste d The ip dhcp .
DHCP C ommand s ip dhcp sn ooping ve rif y SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 133 8 ip dhcp sno oping verif y The ip dhcp snooping verify Global C onfiguration mode .
DHCP C ommand s ip dhcp snooping da tabase SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 134 8 ip dhcp sno oping da tab as e The ip dhcp snooping databas e Global Configuration mo de command configures the DHCP snooping binding file.
DHCP C ommand s ip dhcp snooping da tabase up da te-fr e q SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 135 8 ip dhcp sno oping da tab as e up date-fr e q The ip dhcp snooping databas e update-fr eq Glob al Configuration Command configures the update frequency of the DHCP snooping binding file.
DHCP C ommand s ip dhcp snooping bindi ng SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 136 8 ip dhcp sno oping binding The ip dhcp snooping binding Pri vileg ed EXE C mod e com mand conf igu res the DHCP snooping binding datab ase and adds binding entrie s t o the databas e.
DHCP C ommand s clear ip dhcp sno oping da tabas e SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 137 8 Example The f ollowing example configur e s the DHCP sno oping binding database and adds binding entries to the databas e.
DHCP C ommand s show ip dhcp sn oopi ng SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 138 8 show ip dhcp sno oping The show ip dhcp snooping Privile ged EX E C mo de command displays the DHCP snooping configuration.
DHCP C ommand s show ip dhcp snooping binding SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 139 8 Interface Trusted ---------------- --------- ------- e1 Yes e2 Yes show ip dhc.
DHCP C ommand s show ip dhcp snooping binding SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 140 8 Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command. Example The f ollowing example displa ys the DHCP snooping binding datab ase and configuration inf ormation f or all interfaces on a switch.
9 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 141 DHCP Rela y C omm ands ip dhcp rela y enable (glob al) The ip dhcp r elay enable Global Configuration mo de command enables D ynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) rela y f eatures on y our rout er .
DHCP Relay Co mmands ip dhcp relay enable (int er f ac e) SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 142 9 ip dhcp rela y enable (inter fac e) The ip dhcp rela y enable Interface Configuration mode command enable s Dynamic Host C onfiguration Prot ocol (DHCP) relay f eatures f or an interface.
DHCP Relay Co mmands ip dhcp relay address SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 143 9 ip dhcp rela y addres s The ip dhcp rela y address Glob al Configuration mode command define s the DHCP ser vers that are a vailable f or DHCP r elay .
DHCP Relay Co mmands show ip dhcp relay SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 144 9 show ip dhcp rela y The show ip dhcp rela y Privileged EXEC mode command di splays the defi ned DHCP r elay ser ver address es a vailable f or DHCP relay .
10 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 145 DHCP Option 82 C omm ands ip dhcp informa tion option The ip dhcp inf ormation option Global Configuration mode c ommand enables DHCP option-82 data inser tion. Us e the no f orm of this command to disable DHCP option-82 data inser tion.
DHCP Option 82 Comm ands show ip dhcp inf ormatio n option SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 146 10 show ip dhcp informa tion option The show ip dhcp inf ormat ion option Privileged E XEC command displays the DHCP option 82 configuration.
11 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 147 DHCP Auto- c onfigura tion ip dhcp auto c onfig T o enable the suppor t of aut o configuration via DHCP option 67 field, use the ip dhcp autoconfig global co nfiguration command.
DHCP Auto-c onfiguration ip dhcp autoc onfig file SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 148 11 ip dhcp auto c onfig file T o manually set the file name f or auto configuration via DHCP option 67 field, use the ip dhcp autoconfig file global configuration c ommand.
DHCP Auto-c onfiguration show i p dhc p auto c onfig SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 149 11 show ip dhcp auto c onfig T o show the status of the IP DHCP au toconfig mode use the show ip dhcp au toco nfig EXEC comma nd.
12 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 150 Ethernet C onfigura tion C omm ands inter face ethernet The int er face ethernet Glob al Configuration mode c ommand ent ers the interface configuration mo de t o configure an Ethernet typ e interface.
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands inte r fac e rang e et he rn et SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 151 12 inter fac e range ethernet The int er face range ethernet Glob al Configuration mo de command c onfigur e s multiple Ethernet t ype inte r face s at the same time.
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands shutdown SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 152 12 shutdown The shut down Inter face Configuration (Ethernet , por t-channel) mode command disables an int er face. Use the no f orm of this c ommand to restar t a disab led interface.
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands des cription SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 153 12 de s cription The description Interface Configuration (Ethernet , p or t -channel) mode c ommand adds a description t o an int er face.
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands speed SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 154 12 sp e e d The speed Inter f ace C onfiguration (Etherne t , por t-channel) mode command configures the speed of a given Ethernet interface when not using auto- negotiation.
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands duplex SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 155 12 Example The f ollowing e xample configures the spe ed operation of Ethernet po rt e5 to 100 Mbps op eration.
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands negotiation SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 156 12 Us er Guidelines When configuring a par ticular duple x mo de on the p or t operating at 10/ 100 Mbps, disable the auto-negotiation on that por t .
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands port j um bo - fr am e SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 157 12 D efault Configuration Aut o-negotiation is enable d. If unspecifie d, the defa ult s etting is to enable all capabilities of the por t .
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands show sys tem flowcontr ol SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 158 12 D efault Configuration Off Us er Guidelines The command would be ef f ective only aft er reset .
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands flowc ontr ol SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 159 12 Comm and Mode EXE C flowc on trol The flowcontro l Interface Configuration (Etherne t , por t-channel) mode command configures flow control on a giv en inter f ac e.
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands mdix SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 160 12 Example In the f ollowing e xample, flow control is enable d on por t 1 .
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands ba ck-pre ss ure SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 161 12 Us er Guidelines Auto : All pos sibilities to connect a P C with cross or normal cable s ar e supp orted and ar e automatically detect e d.
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands port j um bo - fr am e SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 162 12 Comm and Mode Int er face Configuration (Ethernet , por t -channel) mo de Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command.
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands s fp speed SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 163 12 s f p sp eed The sfp spee d Int er face C onfiguration (Ethernet) mode command configures the spee d of an SFP Ethernet interface.
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands clear counters SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 164 12 Example The f ollowing example configur es the sp eed at 100 Mbp s.
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands set in ter face active SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 165 12 Example In the f ollowing e xample, the counters f or int er face 1 ar e cleared.
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands show in ter face s configur ation SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 166 12 Example The f ollowing example r eactivates int er face 1 .
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands show i nter face s sta t us SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 167 12 Example The f ollowing example displa ys the config uration .
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands show i nter face s sta t us SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 168 12 D efault Configuration This command has no default configuration. Comm and Mode Privileged EXEC mode Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command.
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands show int er face s adver tise SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 169 12 show inter face s adver tis e The show i nte r faces adv ertise Privileged E XEC mode comman d displa ys au to- negotiation data.
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands show int er face s de scription SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 170 12 5 100M-Copper Enabled 100f, 100h, 10f, 10h 6 100M-Copper.
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands show inter fac e s c ounters SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 171 12 Example The f ollowing example displa ys des cri ptions of configured interface s.
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands show inter fac e s c ounters SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 172 12 Comm and Mode Privileged EXEC mode Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command. Example The f ollowing e xample displays traffic seen by the physical int er face.
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands show inter fac e s c ounters SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 173 12 The f ollowing example displa ys counters f or Ethernet por t e 1 .
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands show p or ts jumb o-f r am e SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 174 12 show p or t s jumb o-frame The show por ts jumbo -frame Priv ileged E XEC mode command displays the configuration of jumbo frame s.
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands por t storm-c on trol br oadcast enable SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 175 12 Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command. Example The f ollowing example displa ys the config uration of jumb o frames on the devic e.
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands por t storm-c on trol br oadcast ra te SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 176 12 Use the por t storm-control include-multicast Global Configuration mode command to enable c ounting Multicast packets in the st orm control calculation.
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands por t storm-c ontr ol include-multicast SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 177 12 Us er Guidelines Use the por t storm-control broadcast enable Int er face Configuration mo de command to enable Br o adcast storm control.
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands por t storm-c on trol unknown-unicas t fast etherne t enable SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 178 12 Example The f ollowing example enables counting Multicast packets in the port st orm - control br oadcast rat e comma nd.
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands por t storm-c on trol unknown-unicast fast etherne t ra te SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 179 12 Example The f ollowing example enables unknown unicast storm contr ol f or FE por ts .
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands show por ts storm-c on trol SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 180 12 The calculat e d rat e includes the 20 by tes of Ethernet framing overhead (pr eamble+S FD+IP G).
Ethernet Co nfigura tion C ommands show por ts storm-c on trol SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 181 12 Example The f ollowing example displa ys the storm control configuration.
13 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 182 G VRP C ommands gvrp enable (Glob al) GARP VLAN Registration Prot oc ol (G VRP) is an industr y-standard pr otocol designed to pr opagate VLAN inf ormation from device to devic e.
GV RP C o m m an d s gvrp enable (Int er face) SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 183 13 Example The f ollowing example enables G VRP glob ally on the device.
GV RP C o m m an d s garp timer SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 184 13 Example The f ollowing e xample enables GVRP on Ethernet por t e6.
GV RP C o m m an d s gvrp vlan-crea tion-forbi d SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 185 13 Us er Guidelines The f ollowing relationship must be maintained bet ween the timers : L eave time must b e gr eater than or equal to thr ee time s the join time.
GV RP C o m m an d s gvrp registr ation-f orbid SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 186 13 Us er Guidelines This command f orbid s dynamic VLAN creation fr om the interface.
GV RP C o m m an d s clear gvrp sta tistics SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 187 13 Example The f ollowing example f orbids dynamic regi stration of VL ANs on Ethernet por t 1 .
GV RP C o m m an d s show gvrp configura tion SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 188 13 Example The f ollowing example clears all G VRP statisti cal inf ormation on Ethe rnet por t 1 .
GV RP C o m m an d s show g vrp statis tic s SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 189 13 Example The f ollowing example displa ys GVRP configuration information. Console# show gvrp confi guration GVRP Feature is currentl y enabled on the device.
GV RP C o m m an d s show gvrp err or -sta tis tics SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 190 13 Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command. Example The f ollowing example shows G VRP statistical inf ormation.
GV RP C o m m an d s show gvrp err or -sta tis tics SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 191 13 Comm and Mode Privileged EXEC mode Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command. Example The f ollowing example displa ys GVRP statisti cal inf ormation.
14 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 192 IGMP Sno oping C omm ands ip igmp sno oping (glob al) The ip igmp snooping Global Configu ration mode command enabl es Internet Gr oup Management Prot o col (IGMP) snooping. Us e the no f orm of this command to disable IGMP snooping.
IGMP Sno oping Comm ands ip igmp snoop ing (Interfac e) SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 193 14 ip igmp sno oping (Inter f ac e) The ip igmp snooping Interface Configuration ( VL AN) mode command enables Int ern et Gr oup Management Pr otocol (IGMP) snooping on a specific VL AN.
IGMP Sno oping Comm ands ip igmp snooping mr outer SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 194 14 ip igmp sno oping mr outer The ip igmp snooping mrout er Interface Configurati on ( VL AN) mode command enables automatic learning o f Multicast device por ts in the conte xt of a specific VLAN.
IGMP Sno oping Comm ands ip igmp snooping querier enable SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 195 14 ip igmp sno oping querier enable Use the ip igmp snooping querier enable interface configuration c ommand t o enable Internet Gr oup Management Pr otocol (IGMP) querier on a sp ecific VL AN.
IGMP Sno oping Comm ands ip igmp snooping host-time-out SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 196 14 ip igmp sno oping ho st-time-out The ip igmp snooping host-time-out Int er face Configuration ( VL AN) mode command c onfigures the host-time-out .
IGMP Sno oping Comm ands ip igmp snooping mr outer -time-out SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 197 14 ip igmp sno oping mr outer -time-out The ip igmp snooping mrout er -time-out Interface Configuration ( VL AN) mode command configur es the mrout er -time-out .
IGMP Sno oping Comm ands ip igmp snooping leave-time-out SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 198 14 ip igmp sno oping le a ve-time-out The ip igmp snooping leave-time-out Int er face Configuration ( VL AN) mode command configures the leav e-time-out .
IGMP Sno oping Comm ands ip igmp snooping multicas t-t v SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 199 14 Example The f ollowing example configur es the ho st leav e timeout to 60 seco nds.
IGMP Sno oping Comm ands ip igmp snooping map cpe vlan SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 200 14 Us er Guidelines Use this c ommand t o define the Multicast transmis sions on a Multicast - T V VLAN.
IGMP Sno oping Comm ands show ip igmp snooping mrouter SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 201 14 Comm and Mode Global configuration Co mma nd U sag e Use this command to associate CPE VLAN t o a Multicast- T V VL AN.
IGMP Sno oping Comm ands show ip igmp snooping in ter face SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 202 14 Comm and Mode Privileged EXEC mode Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command. Example The f ollowing e xample displays Multicast device int er faces in VL AN 1000.
IGMP Sno oping Comm ands show ip igmp snooping groups SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 203 14 D efault Configuration This command has no default configuration. Comm and Mode Privileged EXEC mode Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command.
IGMP Sno oping Comm ands show ip igmp snooping groups SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 204 14 Parameters • vlan-id — Spe cifies the VL AN number • ip-multicast -addres s — Specifie s the IP Multicast address D efault Configuration This command has no default configuration.
IGMP Sno oping Comm ands show ip igmp snooping multicas t-t v SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 205 14 show ip igmp sno oping multic ast-t v The show ip igmp snooping multicast-tv Privileged E XE C mode c omman d displa ys the IP addresse s asso ciat ed with Multicast T V VLANs .
IGMP Sno oping Comm ands show ip igmp snooping cp e vlans SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 206 14 1000 1000 239.
IGMP Sno oping Comm ands show ip igmp snooping cp e vlans SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 207 14 Example The f ollowing example displa ys the CPE VLANs to Multicast T V VL AN mappings.
15 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 208 IP Addre s s C ommands ip addres s The ip addr es s Interface Configuration ( VL AN) mode command s ets an IP addr e ss . Use the n o f orm of this command to r emove an IP address .
IP Addres s C ommands ip address dhcp SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 209 15 Us er Guidelines An IP addr e ss cannot be c onfigur e d f or a range of interfac es (range conte x t). This command is only functional if the device is in Swit ch mode.
IP Addres s C ommands ip address dhcp SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 210 15 Comm and Mode Int er face Configuration ( VLAN) mode Us er Guidelines This command is only functional if the device is in Swit ch mode.
IP Addres s C ommands ren e w d h cp SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 211 15 re ne w d hc p The r enew dhcp Pri vil eged EXE C mod e comm and re news an I P add ress a cqui red from a DHCP ser ver .
IP Addres s C ommands ip default- ga te way SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 212 15 ip default- ga tewa y The ip default -gatewa y Glob al Configuration mo de command defines a default gatewa y (device) . Use the no f orm of this command to r estor e the default configuration.
IP Addres s C ommands show ip int er face SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 213 15 show ip inter face The show ip interface Privil eged E XEC mode command displa ys the us ability status of configured IP inter faces.
IP Addres s C ommands arp SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 214 15 arp The arp Global Configuration mode command adds a permanent entr y in the Addr e ss Reso lution Pr otocol (ARP) cache. Use the no f orm of this c ommand to r emove an entr y fr om the ARP cache.
IP Addres s C ommands arp timeout SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 215 15 Example The f ollowing e xample adds IP address 198. 133.219 .232 and MAC addr es s 0 0 : 00:0c: 40: 0f:b c t o t he AR P t ab le. Console(config)# arp 198 .
IP Addres s C ommands clear arp- cache SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 216 15 Example The f ollowing e xample configures the ARP timeout to 12000 seconds . Console(config)# arp tim eout 12000 cle ar arp -c ache The clear arp-cache Privileged E XEC mode command delet es all d ynamic entries from the ARP cache.
IP Addres s C ommands show a rp SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 217 15 show arp The show arp Privilege d EXEC mode c ommand displa ys entrie s in the ARP table.
IP Addres s C ommands ip domain-lo okup SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 218 15 VLAN IP Address HW AddressStatus ------ ----------- -- -------------------- VLAN 1 2 00:10:B5:04:DB:4B Dynamic VLAN 1 10.7.1.
IP Addres s C ommands ip domain-name SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 219 15 ip domain-n ame The ip domain-name Global Configuration mo de command defines a default domain name used by the s oftware to complet e unqualified host name s (names without a dotted-decimal domain name) .
IP Addres s C ommands ip name-s er ve r SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 220 15 ip name-s er ver The ip name-ser ver Global Co nfiguration mode command define s the a vailable name ser vers. Use the no f orm of this c ommand t o remove a name s er ver .
IP Addres s C ommands ip ho st SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 221 15 ip ho st The ip host Global C onfiguration mode comman d define s static host name-to- addr e ss mapping in the ho st cache. Use the no f orm of this c ommand to remove the name-to-addr es s mapping.
IP Addres s C ommands clear host SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 222 15 cle ar host The clear host Privileged EXEC mode command delet es entries fr om the host name-to-addr es s cache. Syn tax clear host { name | *} Parameters • name — Specifie s the host entr y t o be removed.
IP Addres s C ommands clear host dhcp SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 223 15 cle ar ho st dhcp The c lear host dhcp Privilege d EXEC mode c ommand deletes entries from the host name-to-addr es s mapping received from Dynamic Host Configuration Prot ocol (DHCP) .
IP Addres s C ommands show h osts SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 224 15 show ho sts The show hosts Privile ged EXEC mode c ommand displa ys the default domain name, a list of name ser ver hosts , the st atic and the cached list of host name s and address es .
IP Addres s C ommands show h osts SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 225 15 Configured host name-to- address mapping: Host Addresses ---- --------- (D HCP) Cache TTL(Hours) Host Total Elapsed Type Addresses ---- ----- ------- ---- --------- www.
16 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 226 IP S ourc e Guar d C ommands ip s ource - guar d (glob al) The ip sour ce-guard Global C onfiguration mode c ommand globally en ables the IP source guard. Use the no f orm of this command to disable IP source guard.
IP Sourc e Guard C ommands ip s ource- guard (int er fac e) SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 227 16 ip s ource- guard (in ter face) The ip source-guar d Interface C onfiguration (Ethernet , P or t-channel) mode command enables IP source guar d on an inte r face.
IP Sourc e Guard C ommands ip source-guard b inding SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 228 16 ip s ource- guard binding The ip source-g uar d binding Global Configuration mode c ommand configures the sta tic I P s ourc e bin ding s on the s witch .
IP Sourc e Guard C ommands ip s ou rc e - gu a rd tc am ret ri e s- fre q SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 229 16 Example The f ollowing example configur es the static IP s our c e bindings on the switch. Console(config)# ip sour ce-guard binding 00:01:01:02:02:02 1 192.
IP Sourc e Guard C ommands show ip source-guard configur ation SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 230 16 Us er Guidelines Since the IP s ource guar d us es the T ern.
IP Sourc e Guard C ommands show ip source -guard s tatus SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 231 16 Comm and Mode Privileged EXEC mode Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command. Example The f ollowing example displa ys th e IP source guard configuration.
IP Sourc e Guard C ommands show ip source -guard s tatus SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 232 16 Parameters • mac-address— Spe cifies a MAC address . • ip-address— Specifies an IP addr es s. • vlan-id— Specifie s a VLAN numb er .
IP Sourc e Guard C ommands show ip source-g uar d inactive SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 233 16 show ip s ource- guard inac tive The show ip source-guard inactive Privileged E XEC mode command displays the IP source guard inactive addr e ss es.
IP Sourc e Guard C ommands show ip source-g uar d inactive SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 234 16 Interface Filter IP Address MAC Address VLAN Type Reason --------- ------ ---------- ---------- ---- ----- ------ e32 IP 10.
17 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 235 L A CP C ommands lacp system-priorit y The lacp system-priority Global Configuration mode command c onfigur e s the syst em priorit y . Us e the no f orm of th is command to restor e the de fault configuration.
LA CP Co m m a n d s lacp p or t-priorit y SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 236 17 Example The f ollowing example configur es the system priority to 120.
LA CP Co m m a n d s lacp tim eout SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 237 17 Example The f ollowing example defines the prio rity of Ethernet por t e6 as 247 .
LA CP Co m m a n d s sh ow la cp eth ern et SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 238 17 Example The f ollowing example assigns a long admi nistrative LACP timeout t o Ethernet port e6.
LA CP Co m m a n d s sh ow la cp eth ern et SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 239 17 Example The f ollowing example displa y LACP inf ormation f or Ethernet p ort e 1 .
LA CP Co m m a n d s show la cp p or t- channel SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 240 17 e1 LACP Statistics: ACP PDUs sent: 2 LACP PDUs received: 2 e1 LACP Protocol.
LA CP Co m m a n d s show la cp p or t- channel SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 241 17 D efault Configuration This command has no default configuration. Comm and Mode Privileged EXEC mode Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command.
18 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 242 Line C omm ands line The line Global Configuration mode command identifie s a specific line f or configuration and enters the Li ne Configuration command mode. Syn tax line { cons ole | tel n et | s sh } Parameters • conso le — Console terminal line.
Line C ommands speed SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 243 18 Example The f ollowing example configur es the devic e as a virt ual t erminal f or remote console acc es s. Console(config)# line telnet Console(config-line)# sp e e d The speed Line Configuration mo de command sets the line b aud rat e.
Line C ommands e xec -ti meo ut SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 244 18 Example The f ollowing example configur es the line b aud rat e.
Line C ommands show li ne SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 245 18 Example The f ollowing e xample configures the inter val that the system waits until user input is det ec ted t o 20 min ut es.
Line C ommands show li ne SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 246 18 Example The f ollowing example displa ys the line configuration.
19 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 247 Man agemen t A CL C omm ands man agement acc e s s-list The management acces s-list Global C onfiguration mode c ommand configures a management Acce ss List and enters th e Management Acces s -List C onfiguration command mo de.
Management AC L C ommands ma na ge me nt acces s-c la ss SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 248 19 If no mat ch criteria are define d the default is ‘ deny ’. If the device is reent ered to an Access-List context , the new rules are ent ered at the end of the Ac ces s-List .
Management AC L C ommands permit (management) SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 249 19 Parameters • name— Specifie s the Acces s List name. (Range : 1 -32 charact ers) • console-only— Indicat es that the device can b e managed only fr om the console.
Management AC L C ommands permit (management) SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 250 19 Parameters • ip-address — A valid source IP addr e ss . • mask — A valid net work mask of the source IP address . • pr efix -length — Number of bits that comprise the source IP address prefix.
Management AC L C ommands deny (managemen t) SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 251 19 deny (management) The deny Management Acces s-List Configuration mode c ommand defines a deny rule. Syn tax deny ip-sour ce ip-address [ mask mask | prefix -len gth ] Parameters • ip-address — A valid source IP addr e ss .
Management AC L C ommands show managemen t ac ce ss-list SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 252 19 Example The f ollowing example denies all por t s in the acce ss list called ‘mlist’. Console(config)# managem ent access-list mlist Console(config-macl)# de ny ip-source 172.
Management AC L C ommands show managemen t ac ce ss-class SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 253 19 show man agement acc e s s- clas s The show management acce ss-clas s Pri vil eged EXE C mod e com man d di spla ys the active management acce ss list .
20 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 254 PHY Diagno stic s C omm ands te st c opper -p or t tdr The t e st copper -por t tdr Privi leged E XE C mode comma nd uses T ime Domain Reflectometr y ( TDR) t e chnology to diagnose the qualit y and charact eristic s of a copp er cable attached to a por t .
PHY Diagno stic s Comm ands show copp er -p or ts tdr SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 255 20 Example The f ollowing example r e sults in a report on the cable at tached to por t e3.
PHY Diagno stic s Comm ands show copp er -p or ts cable-length SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 256 20 Example The f ollowing e xample displays inf ormation on the last TDR t est p erformed on all copper por ts.
PHY Diagno stic s Comm ands show fiber -por ts optical-tr ans ceiver SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 257 20 Us er Guidelines The por t must be active and working in 1000M mode. Example The f ollowing example displa ys the e stima ted copper cable length at tached to all ports.
PHY Diagno stic s Comm ands show fiber -por ts optical-tr ans ceiver SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 258 20 Comm and Mode Privileged EXEC mode Us er Guidelines T o t est optical transc eivers, ensure a fiber link is pr es ent .
PHY Diagno stic s Comm ands show fiber -por ts optical-tr ans ceiver SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 259 20 Output Power – Measured TX output power in milliWatt.
21 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 260 Por t Channel C ommands inter face p or t- channel The i n t erf ac e po rt - ch a n ne l Global Co nfiguration mode command enters the Global C onfiguration mode to co nfigur e a sp ecific por t-channel.
Por t Channel C omm ands i n t e rf a c e r a n g e p o rt -c h a n n e l SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 261 21 Example The f ollowing example ent ers the conte x t of por t -channel numb er 1 .
Por t Channel C omm ands channel- group SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 262 21 Example The f ollowing example gr oups p ort-channels 1 , 2 and 6 to receive the same command.
Por t Channel C omm ands show in ter face s por t- channel SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 263 21 Example The f ollowing example f orces p ort e 1 to join por t-channel 1 without an LACP operati on.
Por t Channel C omm ands show in ter face s por t- channel SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 264 21 Example The f ollowing example displa ys in f ormation on all po rt-channels.
22 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 265 Por t Monitor C omm ands p or t monitor The port mon it or Inter f ac e Configuration mode c ommand starts a por t monitoring ses sion. Use the no f orm of this command to st op a p or t monit oring se ssion.
Por t Monitor C ommands show p or ts moni tor SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 266 22 Us er Guidelines This command enables traffic on one por t to be copied t o another por t , or bet ween the source port (sr c-interface) and a destination por t (por t being configured).
Por t Monitor C ommands show p or ts moni tor SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 267 22 D efault Configuration This command has no default configuration. Comm and Mode Privileged EXEC mode Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command.
23 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 268 Q oS C omm ands qo s The qo s Global Configuration mode command en ables qualit y of ser vi ce (QoS) on the device. Use the no f orm of this c ommand t o disa ble QoS on the device.
QoS Com man ds show q os SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 269 23 Example The f ollowing example enables QoS on the device. Console(config)# qos basic show qo s The show qos Privile ged EX EC mode command displays the quality of ser vice (QoS) mode f or the devic e.
QoS Com man ds class-map SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 270 23 clas s-map The class-map Glob al Configuration mode command cr eates or modifies a clas s map and enters the Class-map Configuration mo de. Use the no fo r m o f t h i s command to delet e a clas s map.
QoS Com man ds show class-map SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 271 23 The Class-Map C onfiguration mode enables entering up to t wo match Class-map Configuration mode c ommands t o configur e the classification criteria f or the specified clas s.
QoS Com man ds ma tch SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 272 23 D efault Configuration This command has no default configuration. Comm and Mode Privileged EXEC mode Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command.
QoS Com man ds pol ic y- ma p SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 273 23 D efault Configuration No match crit erion is suppor ted. Comm and Mode Class-map Configuration mode. Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command.
QoS Com man ds class SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 274 23 Comm and Mode Global Configuration mo de Us er Guidelines Bef ore configuring policie s f or clas ses .
QoS Com man ds class SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 275 23 Parameters • c las s-map-name — S p e c i f i e s th e n a m e o f a n e x i s t i n g c l a s s m a p . I f t h e c l a s s map does not exist , a new class map will be creat e d under the specified name (Range: 0 -32 charact ers).
QoS Com man ds show p olicy-map SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 276 23 show p olicy-m ap The show policy-map Privile ged EXEC mode c ommand displays the p olicy maps.
QoS Com man ds trust SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 277 23 Policy Map policy2 class class 2 police 96000 4800 ex ceed-action drop class class3 police 124000 9600.
QoS Com man ds trust SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 278 23 Us er Guidelines • Use this co mmand t o distinguish the quality of ser vice (QoS) trust behavior f or certain traffic from other s . F or ex ample, incoming traffic with cer tain DS CP values can b e trust e d.
QoS Com man ds se t SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 279 23 se t The se t P olicy-map Clas s Configuration mode c ommand sets new values in the IP packet. Syn tax set { ds cp new-ds cp | queue queue-id | cos new-co s } no set Parameters • new- dscp — Specifies a new DS CP value f or the classified traffic.
QoS Com man ds pol ice SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 280 23 Po licy map s that contain set or trust Policy-map Class Configuration commands or that hav e ACL cl.
QoS Com man ds qo s aggregate-polic er SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 281 23 D efault Configuration This command has no default configuration. Comm and Mode Po l icy-map Class Configuration mode Us er Guidelines Po l icing uses a tok en bucket algorithm.
QoS Com man ds qo s aggregate-polic er SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 282 23 Parameters • aggregat e-p olicer -name — Specifie s the name of the aggr egate policer . • c om mi t te d- r ate -b p s — Specifies the average traffic rat e (CIR) in bits per second (b ps).
QoS Com man ds show qos aggregate-policer SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 283 23 An aggregat e polic er can be applied to multiple class es in the same p olicy map; An aggregat e p olicer cannot be applie d across multiple p olicy maps .
QoS Com man ds polic e aggregat e SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 284 23 Example The f ollowing example displa ys the parame ters of the aggr egate policer called ‘polic er 1 ’.
QoS Com man ds wrr - queue bandwidth SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 285 23 T o r eturn to the Policy-map C onfiguration mode, use the exi t comma nd. T o r etu rn t o the Privile ged E XEC mode, use the end command.
QoS Com man ds wrr - queue co s-map SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 286 23 Us er Guidelines The ratio f or each queue is defined by the queue weight divided by the sum of all queue weights (also ref err ed to as the normalized weight).
QoS Com man ds wrr - queue co s-map SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 287 23 D efault Configuration CoS values are mapped to 8 queue s as f ollows : Cos0 is mappe d t o queue 3. Cos 1 is mappe d t o queue 1 . Cos2 is mapp ed to queue 2.
QoS Com man ds priorit y - queue out num- o f- queues SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 288 23 priorit y- queue out num-of - queue s The priority-que ue out num-of -queue s Global Configuration mo de command configures the number of e xpe dit e queues .
QoS Com man ds tra f fic-shap e SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 289 23 tra f fic-shape The traffic-shap e Inter face Configuration (Etherne t , por t-channel) mode comm and configures the shaper of the egress p or t / queue.
QoS Com man ds rate -l im it ( Eth er n et) SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 290 23 Example The f ollowing ex ample sets a shap er on Et hernet por t e5 when the a verage traffic rate e xceeds 124000 bps or the normal burst size e xcee ds 96000 bps.
QoS Com man ds show qo s inter fac e SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 291 23 Example The f ollowing example limits the rat e of the inc oming traffic.
QoS Com man ds show qo s inter fac e SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 292 23 D efault Configuration There is no default configuration for this command. Comm and Mode Privileged EXEC mode Us er Guidelines If no k ey word is specifie d, por t QoS mode (for e xample.
QoS Com man ds qos wrr -queue threshold SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 293 23 qid Threshold 11 0 0 21 0 0 31 0 0 41 0 0 5N / A 6N / A 7N / A 8N / A qid Min Max P.
QoS Com man ds qos wrr -queue threshold SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 294 23 no qos wrr -queue threshold t engigabitethernet queue-id Parameters • gigabitethernet — Ind icat es that the thresholds are t o be appl ied to Gigabit Ethernet p ort s.
QoS Com man ds qo s map p olic ed- ds cp SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 295 23 qo s ma p p olic e d- ds cp The qos map policed- dscp Global C onfiguration mode c ommand modifies the police d-DS CP map f or remarking purpose s.
QoS Com man ds qo s map ds cp- que ue SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 296 23 qo s map ds cp - queue The qos map dscp-queue Glob al Configuration mo de command modifie s the DS CP to CoS map. Use the no f orm of this command to r estor e the default map.
QoS Com man ds qo s map ds cp- dp SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 297 23 Example The f ollowing e xample maps D SCP value s 33, 40 and 41 t o queue 1 .
QoS Com man ds qo s trust (Globa l) SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 298 23 Comm and Mode Global Configuration mode. Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command. Example The f ollowing example displa ys how to pr iorities dscp value s within the same queue.
QoS Com man ds qo s trust (Inter face) SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 299 23 Comm and Mode Global Configuration mo de Us er Guidelines Pa ckets ent ering a qualit y of ser vic e (QoS) domain ar e clas sified at the edge of the QoS domain.
QoS Com man ds qo s co s SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 300 23 D efault Configuration qos trus t is enabled on each por t when the syst em is in basic mode. Comm and Mode Int er face Configuration (Ethernet , por t -channel) mo de Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command.
QoS Com man ds qo s ds cp-m uta ti on SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 301 23 D efault Configuration Default CoS value of a por t is 0.
QoS Com man ds qos map ds cp-mutati on SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 302 23 Comm and Mode Global Configuration mode. Us er Guidelines The DS CP to DSCP mutation map is applie d t o a p ort at the b oundar y of a Quality of Ser vice (QoS) administrative domain.
QoS Com man ds show q os map SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 303 23 Parameters • in-d scp — Sp ecifi es up t o 8 DSCP v alu es sep arat ed b y sp aces. (R ang e : 0 - 63) • out-d scp — S p e c if i e s u p to 8 D S CP v al u e s s e p ar a te d by s pa c e s .
QoS Com man ds show q os map SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 304 23 Parameters • dscp-queue — Displays the DS CP t o queue map. • dscp- dp — Displays the DS CP to Dr op Prece dence map. • polic ed-d scp — Displa ys the D S CP t o D SCP remark table.
QoS Com man ds show q os map SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 305 23 Dscp-DP map: dl : d2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 00 0 0 0 0 0 0.
24 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 306 R ADIUS C omm ands radius-s er ver ho st The radius-ser ver host Global Configuration mo de command spe cifies a R ADIUS ser ver host . Use the no f orm of this command to delet e the spe cified R ADIUS host .
RA DI U S Co m ma nd s rad i us -s er ve r ho st SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 307 24 ke y must match the encr yption used on the R ADIUS daemon. T o spe cify an empty string, enter “”. (Range: 0 - 128 characters ) • sour c e — Specifie s the source IP addres s t o us e f or communication.
RA DI U S Co m ma nd s rad i us -s er ve r k e y SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 308 24 radius-s er ver k ey The radius-ser ver k ey Global Configuration mode command sets the authentication and encr yption key f or all R ADIUS communications b etwee n the device and the R ADIUS daemon.
RA DI U S Co m ma nd s rad i us -s er ve r ret ra ns m it SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 309 24 radius-s er ver retransmit The radius-ser ver retransmit Global Configuration mo de command spe cifies the number of times the sof tware sear che s the list of R ADIUS ser ver hosts .
RA DI U S Co m ma nd s rad i us -s er ve r s o u rc e- i p SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 310 24 radius-s er ver s ourc e-ip The radius- s er ver sour ce-ip Global Configuration mo de command specifie s the source IP addr es s used f or communication with R ADIUS ser vers.
RA DI U S Co m ma nd s radi us-s er ver timeout SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 311 24 radius-s er ver time out The radius-ser ver timeout Glob al Configuration mo de command sets the inter val during which the device waits f or a ser ver host to r eply .
RA DI U S Co m ma nd s radius-ser ver deadtime SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 312 24 radius-s er ver de adtime The radius-ser ver deadtime Global C onfiguration mode command improves R ADIUS response time when ser vers ar e una vailabl e.
RA DI U S Co m ma nd s show radius -ser vers SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 313 24 show radius-s er vers The show radius-ser vers Privilege d EXEC mode command displays the R ADIUS ser ver settings. Syn tax show radius-ser vers D efault Configuration This command has no default configuration.
25 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 314 RMON C omm ands show rmon statistics The show rmon statistics Privilege d EXEC mode c ommand displays RMON Ethernet statistics .
RMON Co mmands show rmon sta tis tic s SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 315 25 Example The f ollowing example displays RMON Ethernet statistics for Ethernet por t e 1 .
RMON Co mmands show rmon sta tis tic s SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 316 25 Collisions The be st estimate of the total number of c ollisions on this Ethernet segment .
RMON Co mmands rmon colle ction his tor y SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 317 25 rmon c olle ction histor y The rmon collection hist or y Interface Configuration (Eth ernet , p or t -chan nel) mode command enables a Remote Monit oring (RMO N) MIB histor y statistics group on an interfac e.
RMON Co mmands show rmon collection his tor y SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 318 25 Example The f ollowing e xample enables a Remot e Monit oring (RMON) MIB history statistics gr oup on Ethernet por t e 1 with index num b er 1 and a polli ng inter val period of 2400 sec onds.
RMON Co mmands show rmon hist or y SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 319 25 Example The f ollowing example displa ys all RMON histor y gr oup statistic s.
RMON Co mmands show rmon hist or y SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 320 25 • throughput — Indicat e s thr oughput counters. • errors — Indicat es error counters. • other — Indicates dr op and collision c ount ers .
RMON Co mmands show rmon hist or y SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 321 25 Sample Set: 1 Owner: Me Interface: e1 Interval: 1800 Requested Samples: 50Gra nted Sampl.
RMON Co mmands show rmon hist or y SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 322 25 Utilization The be st estimat e of the mean physical la yer networ k utilization on this inter face during this sampling interval, in hundredths of a percent .
RMON Co mmands rmon alarm SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 323 25 rmon alarm The rmon alarm Global Configurat ion mode command c onfigures alarm conditions .
RMON Co mmands rmon alarm SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 324 25 • typ e — Specifie s the method use d f or sampling the sele ct e d variable and calculating the value to be compared against the thresholds. Pos sible values are absolute and delta .
RMON Co mmands show rmon alarm-table SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 325 25 • Sample int er val — 360000 sec onds • Rising thr e shold — 1000000 • F all.
RMON Co mmands show rmon alarm SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 326 25 Index OID Owner ----- ---------------- ------ 1 1.
RMON Co mmands show rmon alarm SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 327 25 Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command. Example The f ollowing example displa ys RMON 1 alarms . Console# show rmon alarm 1 Alarm 1 ------- Field Value OID 1.
RMON Co mmands show rmon alarm SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 328 25 Sample T yp e The method of s ampling the variable and calculating the value compared against the thresholds.
RMON Co mmands rmon event SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 329 25 rmon event The rmon event Global Configuration mode command c onfigur e s an event.
RMON Co mmands show rmon events SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 330 25 Example The f ollowing example configur es an event identified as inde x 10 and f or which the device generates a noti fication in the log table.
RMON Co mmands show rmon log SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 331 25 The f ollowing table describes significant fields shown in the e xample : show rmon lo g The show rmon lo g Privilege d EXEC mode command disp la ys the RMON lo g table.
RMON Co mmands show rmon log SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 332 25 Comm and Mode Privileged EXEC mode Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command. Example The f ollowing example displa ys the RMON log table.
RMON Co mmands rmon table-size SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 333 25 rmon table-size The rmon table-size Global Configuration mode c ommand configures the maximum size of RMON tables. Us e the no f orm of this command t o return t o the default configuration.
26 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 334 SNMP C omm ands snmp -s er ver c ommunit y The snmp-s er ver communit y Global C onfiguration mode command c onfigur es the communit y acces s string to permit acce ss to the SNMP protocol.
SNMP C omman ds snmp-s er ver community SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 335 26 • typ e r o ut er — Spe cifies that S NMP r equ ests f or duplicate tables configure the r outer tables . This is the default . • typ e oo b — Specifies that SNMP requests f or dupl icat e table s configure the oob table s.
SNMP C omman ds snmp -ser ver view SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 336 26 Example The f ollowing example defines community acc es s string publi c to p er mi t administrative acces s to SNMP prot oc ol at an administrative station w ith IP addr e ss 192.
SNMP C omman ds snmp-s er ver group SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 337 26 Comm and Mode Global Configuration mo de Us er Guidelines This command can be ent ered multiple times f or the same view recor d. The number of views is limited to 64.
SNMP C omman ds snmp-s er ver group SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 338 26 Parameters • groupname— Specifies the name of the gr oup (Range : 1 -30 characters ) . • v1 — Indicates the SNMP V ersion 1 securit y model.
SNMP C omman ds snmp-s er ver user SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 339 26 Us er Guidelines The Rout er c ont ext is translated t o “” co nt ext in the MIB.
SNMP C omman ds snmp-s er ver user SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 340 26 • auth-md5 pas swor d — Indicat e s the HMAC-MD5-96 authentication lev el. The user should enter a password f or authentication and generation of a DES k ey f or privacy .
SNMP C omman ds snmp-s er ver filter SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 341 26 An SNMP EngineID has to be defined to add S NMP users t o the devic e. Changing or removing the SNMP EngineID value de letes SNMP v3 users from the device ’ s database.
SNMP C omman ds snmp -s er ver ho st SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 342 26 D efault Configuration No filter entr y e xists . Comm and Mode Global Configuration mo de Us er Guidelines This command can be enter ed multiple times for the same filt er recor d.
SNMP C omman ds snmp -s er ver ho st SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 343 26 Parameters • ip-address — Specifie s the IP addr es s of the host (targeted recipient). • hostname — Specifie s the name of the host .
SNMP C omman ds snmp -ser ver v3-ho st SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 344 26 Us er Guidelines When configuring an S NMP v1 or S NMP v2 notification r e cipient , a notification view f or that recipient is automati cally generat e d f or all the MIB.
SNMP C omman ds snmp -ser ver v3-ho st SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 345 26 • inf orms — Indicates that S NMP inf orms are sent t o this host . • noauth — Indicates no authentication of a packet. • auth — Indicates authentication of a pack et without encr ypting it .
SNMP C omman ds snmp-s er ver engineID local SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 346 26 snmp -s er ver engineID lo c al The snmp-ser ver engineID local Global C onfiguration mode c ommand speci fies the Simple Network Management Prot oc ol (SNMP) engineID on the local device.
SNMP C omman ds snmp-s er ver engineID local SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 347 26 Us er Guidelines T o use SN MPv3, you have t o spe cify an engine ID f or the devic e. Y ou can spe cify your own ID or use a default string that is generated using the MAC addr es s of the device.
SNMP C omman ds snmp-s er ver enable tr ap s SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 348 26 snmp -s er ver en able trap s The snmp-ser ver enable traps Glob al Configuration mo de command enables the d ev ic e t o sen d SNM P t ra ps.
SNMP C omman ds snmp-s er ver trap authentica tion SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 349 26 snmp -s er ver trap authentic a tion The snmp-ser ver trap authentication Glob al Configuration mode c ommand enables the devic e t o send S NMP traps when authentication fails.
SNMP C omman ds snmp -s er ver c ontac t SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 350 26 snmp -ser ver c ontact The snmp-ser ver c ontact Global Configuration mo de command configures the syst em c ontact ( sysCo ntact) string.
SNMP C omman ds snmp-s er ver location SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 351 26 snmp -ser ver lo c a tion The snmp-ser ver location Global C onfiguration mode command c onfigur e s the syst em lo cation string. Use the no f orm of this c ommand to r emove the location string.
SNMP C omman ds snmp -s er ver s et SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 352 26 snmp -ser ver s et The snmp-ser ver set Global Configuration mo de command defines the S NMP MIB value.
SNMP C omman ds show s nmp SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 353 26 show snmp The show snmp Privilege d EXEC mode comman d displa ys the S NMP status . Syn tax show snmp D efault Configuration This command has no default configuration.
SNMP C omman ds show s nmp SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 354 26 Traps are enabled. Authentication trap is e nabled. Version 1,2 notification s Target Address Type Community Version UDP Filter TO Retries Port Name Sec -------------- ----- --------- ------- ---- ------ --- ------- 192.
SNMP C omman ds show snmp engineID SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 355 26 show snmp engineID The show snmp engineID Privilege d EXEC mode command displays the ID of the local Simple Net work Management Pr otocol (S NMP) engine.
SNMP C omman ds show snmp groups SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 356 26 Parameters • viewname — Specifie s the name of the view . (Range : 1 -30) D efault Configuration This command has no default configuration.
SNMP C omman ds show snmp groups SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 357 26 Parameters • groupname— Specifies the name of the group. (R ange : 1 -30) D efault Configuration This command has no default configuration.
SNMP C omman ds show s nmp filter s SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 358 26 show snmp filters The show snmp filters Privileged E XEC mode command di spla ys the c onfiguration of filters . Syn tax show snmp filters [ filtername ] Parameters • filtername — Specifie s the name of the filt er .
SNMP C omman ds show snmp users SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 359 26 Example The f ollowing example displa ys the co nfiguration of filt ers . Console# show snmp filte rs Name OID Tree Type ------------ ---------- --------- ----- user-filter 1.
SNMP C omman ds show snmp users SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 360 26 Example The f ollowing example displa ys the c onfiguration of users .
27 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 361 RSA and C er tific a te C ommands cr ypto c er tific ate genera te The cr ypto cer tificat e generate Global Configuration mode c ommand generat es a self -signed HT TPS cer tificat e.
RSA and Cer tificate Commands cr ypt o c er tifica te gener ate SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 362 27 D efault Configuration The Cer tificate and SS L ’ s RS A ke y pairs do not exist . If no RSA key length is sp ecified, the default length is 1024.
RSA and Cer tificate Commands cr yp to key gener a te dsa SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 363 27 cr ypto k ey genera te ds a The cr ypt o key generat e dsa Global C onfiguration mo de c ommand generat e s DSA k ey pa ir s.
RSA and Cer tificate Commands cr yp to key gener a te rsa SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 364 27 cr ypto k ey genera te rs a The cr ypto k ey generate rsa Global Configuration mo de command generat e s RSA key p ai r s .
28 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 365 Sp anning T re e C omm ands sp anning-tree The spanning-tree Global Configuration mo de co mmand enable s spanning-tr ee functionality . Us e the no f orm of this command to disable the spanning-tree functionality .
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands spanning-tree mo de SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 366 28 sp anning-tree mo de The spanning -tree mode Global Configuration mo de command confi gures the spanning-tr e e prot oc ol. Use the no f orm of this command to r estor e the default configuration.
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands spanning-tree forward-time SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 367 28 Example The f ollowing example configur es the span ning-tr e e pr otocol to RS TP .
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands spanning-tree hello -time SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 368 28 Example The f ollowing example configur es the span ni ng tree bridge f or war ding time to 25 seconds.
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands spanning-tree max -age SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 369 28 Example The f ollowing example configur es spanning tr ee bridge hello time to 5 seconds.
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands spanning-tree priorit y SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 370 28 Example The f ollowing example configur es the sp anning tree bridge maximum-age t o 10 seconds.
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands spanning- tree dis able SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 371 28 Example The f ollowing e xample configures spanning tree priority to 12288.
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands spanning-tree c ost SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 372 28 sp anning-tree c o st The spanning-t ree cost Inter face Configuration mode command c onfigur es the spanning tree path cost f or a por t .
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands spanning-tr e e por t-priority SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 373 28 Example The f ollowing example configures the spanning-tr e e cost on Ethernet p or t e 15 t o 35000 .
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands spanning-tree p or t fas t SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 374 28 Example The f ollowing example configur es the spanni ng priorit y on Ethernet p or t e 15 to 96.
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands spanning-tree link -t yp e SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 375 28 Us er Guidelines This f eature sho uld b e used only with int er faces conne ct ed to end stations. Other wis e, an accidental topology loop c ould cause a data packet loop and disrupt device and net work operations.
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands spanning-tree pathcost method SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 376 28 Comm and Mode s Int er face Configuration (Ethernet , por t -channel) mo de Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command.
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands spanning- tree bp du SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 377 28 Comm and Mode Global Configuration mo de Us er Guidelines This command is only operational with the device in Interface mo de.
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands spanning-tree guard root SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 378 28 • bridging — Bridge BPDU packets when spanning tr ee is dis abled g.
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands clear spanning-tree det e ct e d-pro toc ols SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 379 28 D efault Configuration Root guard is disabled.
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands spanning-tree mst priorit y SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 380 28 Parameters • interfac e — A valid Ethernet por t . • por t-channel-number — A valid por t-channel number . D efault Configuration This command has no default configuration.
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands spanning- tree mst ma x- hop s SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 381 28 Parameters • instance -id— ID of the spanning-tr e e instance (Range : 1 - 7) . • priority— Devic e priorit y f or the spe cified spanning-t r e e instance (Range : 0 - 61440 in multiples of 4096).
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands spanning-tree mst p or t-priorit y SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 382 28 Parameters • hop-coun t—Number of hops in an MS T region bef ore the BDPU is discarded. (Range : 1 -40) D efault Configuration The default number of hops is 20 .
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands spanning-tree mst c ost SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 383 28 Parameters • instance-ID — ID of the spanning tree instance.
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands spanning-tree mst c ost SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 384 28 Parameters • instance-ID — ID of the spanning-tree instance (Range : 1 - 7) .
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands spanning-tr ee mst configur ation SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 385 28 sp anning-tree mst c onfiguration The spanning-tree mst configuration Glob al Configuration mode command enables c onfiguring an MS T region by ent ering the Multiple Spanning T ree (MST) mode.
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands instanc e (mst) SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 386 28 instanc e (mst) The instance MS T Configuration mode command maps VL ANS t o an MST instance.
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands name (mst) SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 387 28 Example The f ollowing e xample maps VL ANs 10-20 to MS T instanc e 1 .
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands revision (ms t) SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 388 28 Example The f ollowing example defines the configuration name as r egion 1 .
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands show ( mst) SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 389 28 Example The f ollowing example sets the configuration revision to 1 .
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands exit (mst) SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 390 28 Example The f ollowing example displa ys a pending MST r egion c onfiguration.
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands abor t (mst) SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 391 28 Example The f ollowing example e xits the MS T Configuration mo de and sa ves change s.
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands show spanning-tree SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 392 28 show sp anning-tree The show spanning-tr ee Privile ged E XEC mode command displays spanning-tr ee configuration.
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands show spanning-tree SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 393 28 Example The f ollowing example displa ys spanning-tree inf ormation.
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands show spanning-tree SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 394 28 Name State Prio.Nbr Cost Sts Role PortFast Type ---- ------- -------- ----- --- ---- -------- ---------- e1 Enabled 128.1 20000 FWD Desg No P2p (RSTP) e2 Enabled 128.
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands show spanning-tree SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 395 28 Root ID Priority 32768 Address 00:01:42:97:e0:00 Path Cost 20000 Root Port 1 .
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands show spanning-tree SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 396 28 Root ID Priority 32768 Address 00:01:42:97:e0:00 Path Cost 20000 Root Port 1 .
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands show spanning-tree SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 397 28 Port 4 (e4) enabled State: Blocking Role: Alternate Port id: 128.
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands show spanning-tree SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 398 28 Spanning tree enabled mo de MSTP Default port cost method : long ###### MST 0.
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands show spanning-tree SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 399 28 Console# show spanning-t ree detail Spanning tree enabled mo de MSTP Default .
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands show spanning-tree SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 400 28 Port 3 (e3) enabled State: Forwarding Role: Designated Port id: 128.
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands show spanning-tree SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 401 28 (configured:no) Designated bridge Priori ty: 32768Address: 00:02:4b:29:7a:00 Designated port id: 128.
Sp anning Tr e e C ommands show spanning-tree SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 402 28 Console# show spanning-tree Spanning tree enabled mo de MSTP Default port cos.
29 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 403 S SH C o mmands ip s sh p or t The ip ssh p ort Global Configuration mo de command sp ecifies the p ort t o be used by the S S H ser ver . Use the no f orm of this command to r e st ore the default configuration.
SSH Com man ds ip ssh ser ver SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 404 29 Example The f ollowing e xample spe cifies the por t t o be us ed by the SS H ser ver as 8080 .
SSH Com man ds ip ssh pubkey-auth SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 405 29 ip s sh pubk ey-auth The ip ssh pubkey-auth Global Configuration mode command enables public ke y authentication f or incoming S SH s es sions.
SSH Com man ds cr yp to key pubkey - chain ssh SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 406 29 cr ypto k ey pubk ey- chain s sh The cr ypto k ey pubk ey-chain s sh Global Configuration mode command enters the SS H Public Ke y-chain Configuration mo de.
SSH Com man ds user -key SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 407 29 0ZCk0N/W9a/tnkm1shRE7Di7 1+w3fNiOA 6w9o44t6+AINEICBCCA4YcF6 zMzaT1wefWwX6f+ Rmt5nhhqdAtN/4oJfce166.
SSH Com man ds key-s tring SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 408 29 Us er Guidelines F ollow this com mand with the key- st r in g SS H Public Ke y-String C onfiguration mode comman d t o specif y the k ey .
SSH Com man ds key-s tring SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 409 29 Comm and Mode SS H Public Ke y-string Configuration mo de Us er Guidelines Use the ke y- s tr i ng SS H Public Ke y-string Configuration mo de command to specif y which S S H public k ey is t o b e int eractively configur e d ne x t .
SSH Com man ds show ip ssh SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 410 29 show ip s sh The show ip s sh Priv ileged EXEC mode command di spla ys the SSH ser ve r configuration. Syn tax show ip ssh D efault Configuration This command has no default configuration.
SSH Com man ds show cr yp to key pubkey - chain ssh SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 411 29 show cr ypto k ey pubk ey- chain s sh The show cr ypto k ey pubkey-chain ssh Privilege d EXEC mode c ommand displays SS H public ke ys stor ed on the device.
SSH Com man ds show cr yp to key m ypubkey SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 412 29 Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command. Example The f ollowing example displa ys S SH public keys st ored on the device.
SSH Com man ds cr ypt o c er tifica te r e quest SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 413 29 Comm and Mode Privileged EXEC Example Console# show crypto key mypubkey rs.
SSH Com man ds cr ypt o c er tifica te r e quest SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 414 29 • ou organiz ation-unit — Specifies the organization -unit or depar tment name. Range: 1 - 64 characters • or organiz ation — Specifies the organization name.
SSH Com man ds cr ypt o c er tifica te impor t SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 415 29 DgKoZIhvcNAQkBFgFsMIGfMA 0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC8ecwQ HdML0831i0fh.
SSH Com man ds cr ypt o c er tifica te impor t SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 416 29 Comm and Mode Global configuration Us er Guidelines Use this c ommand to enter an external cer tificate ( signed by C er tification Authority) to the device.
SSH Com man ds cr ypt o c er tifica te ex por t SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 417 29 Subject: CN= om, 0= General Motors, C= US Finger print: DC78978.
SSH Com man ds show crypto cer tifica te mycer tifica te SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 418 29 show cr ypto c er tific a te myc er tific a te T o view the SSL cer tificates of your device, use the show cr ypt o cer tificate m ycer tifica t e Privile ged EX EC command.
SSH Com man ds show crypto cer tifica te mycer tifica te SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 419 29 Issued by:
30 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 420 Sys log Com man ds lo gging on The logging on Global Configuration mode c ommand contr ols error mes sage logging.
Syslog Commands log ging SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 421 30 Example The f ollowing example enables logging error mes sages . Console(config)# logging on lo gging The logging Global Configuration mode command logs mes sages to a syslog ser ver .
Syslog Commands log ging cons ole SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 422 30 The default facility is local7 . Comm and Mode Global Configuration mo de Us er Guidelines Up to 8 syslo g ser vers can be use d. If no specif ic severity level is spe cified, the global v alues apply to each ser ver .
Syslog Commands log ging buf fer e d SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 423 30 D efault Configuration The default severit y level is inf ormational . Comm and Mode Global Configuration mo de Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command.
Syslog Commands log ging buf fer e d size SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 424 30 D efault Configuration The default severit y level is inf ormational . Comm and Mode Global Configuration mo de Us er Guidelines All the syslog mess ages are logged t o the internal buf f er .
Syslog Commands clear logging SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 425 30 D efault Configuration The default number of mes sages is 200 . Comm and Mode Global Configuration mo de Us er Guidelines This command takes eff ect only after Reset .
Syslog Commands log ging file SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 426 30 Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command. Example The f ollowing example clears mess ages fr om the internal logging buf f er .
Syslog Commands clear logging file SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 427 30 Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command. Example The f ollowing example limits syslog mes sag es s ent t o the lo gging file based on seve rit y leve l aler ts .
Syslog Commands aaa log ging SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 428 30 Example The f ollowing example clears mess ages fr om the lo gging file. Console# clear logging f ile Clear Logging File [y/n] aaa lo gging The aaa logging Global Co nfiguration mode command enables lo gging A A A login events .
Syslog Commands file-syst em lo gging SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 429 30 Example The f ollowing example enables logging mes sages relat e d t o A A A login events.
Syslog Commands management logging SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 430 30 Example Console(config)# file-sy stem logging copy man agement logging The manageme nt logging Global Configuration co mmand enable s logging management acc es s list (ACL ) events .
Syslog Commands show l og ging SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 431 30 Console(config)# managem ent logging deny show lo gging The show loggin g Privileged E XEC mode command displays the stat e of logging and the syslog me ssage s st ored in the int ernal buf f er .
Syslog Commands show logging file SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 432 30 Application Event Status ----------- ------ ------- AAA Login Enabled File System Copy En.
Syslog Commands show logging file SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 433 30 D efault Configuration This command has no default configuration. Comm and Mode Privileged EXEC mode Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command.
Syslog Commands show syslog-s er vers SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 434 30 changed state to up 11-Aug-2004 15:41:43: %L INK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Ethernet1/2, cha.
Syslog Commands show syslog-s er vers SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 435 30 Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command. Example The f ollowing example displa ys the set tings of the syslog ser vers .
31 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 436 System Man agement C omm ands ping The ping User EXEC mode c ommand sends ICMP echo request packets t o another node on the network .
System Manage ment C omman ds ping SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 437 31 Comm and Mode User E XEC mode Us er Guidelines Press Esc to st op pinging. The f ollowing are e xamples of unsuc ces sful pinging: • Destination do es not respond.
System Manage ment C omman ds tr ac er oute SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 438 31 ---- PING Statis tics---- 4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0%.
System Manage ment C omman ds tr ac er oute SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 439 31 D efault Configuration The default number of by t e s in a pack et is 40 . The default maximum TTL value is 0. The default number of probes to be sent at each TTL level is 3 .
System Manage ment C omman ds tr ac er oute SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 440 31 Type Esc to abort. Tracing the route to uma ( 1 (192.68 .191.83) 0 msec 0 msec 0 msec 2 STAN.
System Manage ment C omman ds teln et SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 441 31 The f ollowing table des cribes characters that ma y appear in the trac er oute command output . telnet The tel ne t User E XEC mode command enables logging on to a host that supp orts Te l n e t .
System Manage ment C omman ds teln et SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 442 31 • port — A decimal T CP por t number , or one of the keywords listed in the Po r ts table in the User Guidelines. • key w o rd — One or more k ey wor ds listed in the Ke y words table in the User Guidelines.
System Manage ment C omman ds teln et SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 443 31 Console> ‘Ctrl-shift-6’ ? [Special telnet escape h elp] ^^ B sends telnet BREA.
System Manage ment C omman ds teln et SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 444 31 Por ts T able Key w or d Descr ip ti on Port Numb er BGP Border Gat eway Pr otocol 17.
System Manage ment C omman ds re s um e SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 445 31 This command lists concurrent telnet connections to r emot e ho sts that wer e opened by the current telnet session to the local device.
System Manage ment C omman ds rel o ad SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 446 31 D efault Configuration The default connection number is that of the mo st recent connection . Comm and Mode User E XEC mode Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command.
System Manage ment C omman ds ho s tname SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 447 31 Us er Guidelines Caution should b e e xer cise d when r es etting the device, to ensur e that no other activity is being p er f ormed.
System Manage ment C omman ds ser vic e cpu-ut iliza tion SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 448 31 Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command. Example The f ollowing example sp ecifie s the device ho st name.
System Manage ment C omman ds show cpu utiliza tion SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 449 31 Example This e xample enable s measuring C PU utilization.
System Manage ment C omman ds show users SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 450 31 show us ers The show users Privileged E XEC mode c ommand displa ys inf ormation about the active users . Syn tax show users D efault Configuration This command has no default configuration.
System Manage ment C omman ds show se ssions SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 451 31 s h o w sess i o n s The show ses sions Privilege d EXEC mode command lists open T elnet se ssions . Syn tax show se ssions D efault Configuration There is no default configuration for this command.
System Manage ment C omman ds show sys tem SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 452 31 The f ollowing table des cribes significant fields shown above. show system The show system Privileged EXEC mode c ommand displa ys system inf ormation.
System Manage ment C omman ds show sys tem SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 453 31 Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command. Example The f ollowing example displa ys the system inf or mation.
System Manage ment C omman ds show v ersion SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 454 31 show version The show version Privileged E XEC mode command displa ys system version inf ormation. Syn tax show version [ unit unit ] Parameters • unit— Spe cifies the number of the unit .
System Manage ment C omman ds show sys tem tcam util iza tion SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 455 31 show system tc am utiliza tion The show system t cam Privileged EXEC mode command di splays the T ernar y Content Addressable Memor y ( T CAM) utilization.
32 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 456 T A C A CS + Co m m a n d s ta ca cs -se r v e r h os t The tacacs-ser ver ho st Global Configurat ion mode command sp ecifies a T ACA C S+ host . Use the n o form of the command to delete the specifie d name or address .
T A C A CS+ Com man ds tacac s-ser ver host SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 457 32 • sour c e — Specifie s the source IP address to use f or the c ommunication. 0. 0.0 .0 indicates a request t o us e the IP address of the outgoing IP inter face.
T A C A CS+ Com man ds tacac s-ser ver key SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 458 32 ta ca cs -se r v e r k e y The tacacs-ser ver ke y Global C onfiguration mode command s ets the authentication encr yption ke y use d f o r all T AC AC S+ communications bet ween the device and the T ACA C S+ daemon.
T A C A CS+ Com man ds tacacs-s er ver timeout SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 459 32 tac ac s-s er ver timeout The tacacs-ser ver timeout Global Configuration mode command sets the inter val during which the device waits f or a T ACACS+ ser ver to r eply .
T A C A CS+ Com man ds t aca cs- se r v er so u r ce-i p SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 460 32 ta ca cs -se r v e r so u r ce -i p The t acacs -server so ur ce-ip Global Configuration mo de command configures the source IP addr e ss to be use d f or communication with T ACACS+ ser vers .
T A C A CS+ Com man ds show t acac s SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 461 32 show tac ac s The show tacacs Privile ged E XEC mode co mmand displays configuration and statistical info rma tion about a T ACA C S+ ser ver .
T A C A CS+ Com man ds show t acac s SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 462 32 Global values ------------- TimeOut: 3.
33 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 463 Us er Inter f ac e C omm ands lo gin The login User EX EC mode command changes a lo gin username. Syn tax login D efault Configuration This command has no default configuration.
User Inter face Comm ands con fi gur e SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 464 33 c onfigure The configure Privileged E XEC mode c ommand ent ers the Glob al Configuration mode. Syn tax configure D efault Configuration This command has no default configuration.
User Inter face Comm ands exit (EX EC) SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 465 33 D efault Configuration This command has no default configuration. Comm and Mode All configuration mode s Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command.
User Inter face Comm ands end SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 466 33 Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command.
User Inter face Comm ands help SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 467 33 Console(config)# end Console# help The help command displays a brief de scription of the help system. Syn tax help D efault Configuration This command has no default configuration.
User Inter face Comm ands history SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 468 33 1. There is a valid comm and and a help request is made for entering a parameter or argument ( e.g. ‘show ?’ ). All possible parameters or arguments for the entered command are displayed.
User Inter face Comm ands hist or y size SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 469 33 Console(config)# line telnet Console(config-line)# hi story histor y size The history size Line C onfiguration mode command c onfigur e s the command histor y buff er size f or a par ticular line.
User Inter face Comm ands term inal histor y SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 470 33 Example The f ollowing example changes the command hist or y buf f er size t o 100 entries f or a par ticular line.
User Inter face Comm ands term inal histor y size SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 471 33 Console> terminal no his tory terminal histor y size The t erminal histor y size User EXEC mode comma nd configures the command history buf f er size f or the current t erminal ses sion.
User Inter face Comm ands term inal datadum p SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 472 33 Example The f ollowing example configur es the command history buf f er size t o 20 commands f or the curr ent terminal session.
User Inter face Comm ands debug-mo de SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 473 33 Example This ex ample dump s all output immedi at ely after entering a show command. Console> terminal datadump debug-mo de The debug-mo de Privi leged E XE C mode comma nd swit ches t o debug mode.
User Inter face Comm ands show his tor y SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 474 33 show histor y The show hist or y Privileged E XEC mode command lists the commands ent ered in the current ses sion. Syn tax show histor y D efault Configuration This command has no default configuration.
User Inter face Comm ands do SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 475 33 Console# show history show version show clock show history 3 commands were logged ( buffer size is 10) do The do command in an y configuration mode e xecutes an EXEC-lev el command from Global Configuration mode or any Configuration submode.
User Inter face Comm ands do SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 476 33 Example The f ollowing example shows t o display current privilege level.
34 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 477 VL AN C ommands switchp or t prote cte d The swit chp or t prot ected Interface Configuration mode c ommand overrides the FDB decision, and s ends all Unicast , Mult icast and Broadcast traffic to an uplink por t .
VL AN C ommands sw it ch port p ro t ec ted -port SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 478 34 • PVE only operates on int er faces that do not belong to VLANs that ha ve IP address es .
VL AN C ommands sw itc hp o r t prote cte d -p o r t fasteth er net SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 479 34 D efault Configuration Unprot ected Comm and Mode Int e.
VL AN C ommands vlan database SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 480 34 D efault Configuration Unprot ected Comm and Mode Global configuration Us age Guidelines This command configures all the FE por ts as prot ected por ts .
VL AN C ommands vlan SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 481 34 Example The f ollowing example ent ers the VL AN database mo de. Console(config)# vlan database Console(config-vlan)# vlan The vlan VLAN Datab ase mode c ommand creat es a VLAN.
VL AN C ommands def ault- vlan vlan SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 482 34 Example The f ollowing e xample creat es the VL AN number 1972. Console(config)# vlan database Console(config-vlan)# vl an 1972 default-vlan vlan The default -vlan vlan VLAN C onfiguration mode c ommand defines the default VLAN.
VL AN C ommands in ter face vlan SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 483 34 Example The f ollowing example defines the def ault VL AN. Console(config-vlan)# de fault-vlan vlan inter fac e vlan The int er face vlan Global C onfiguration mode command enters the Int er face Configuration ( VL AN) mode.
VL AN C ommands int er face range vlan SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 484 34 Example The f ollowing e xample configures VL AN 1 with IP addr es s 131 . 108. 1 .27 . Console(config)# interface vlan 1 Console(config-if)# ip a ddress 131.
VL AN C ommands name SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 485 34 Configuring all por ts may consume an ex ce ssive amount of time. Define only the r e quir e d por ts t o save time. Example The f ollowing e xample groups VLANs 221 through 228 and 889 t o receive the same command.
VL AN C ommands switchp or t mo de SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 486 34 Us er Guidelines The name string may include numb ers an d other charact ers (#,@,% et c.) but no space s. Example The f ollowing example giv e s VLAN numb er 19 the name Marketing .
VL AN C ommands switchp or t pro te cted SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 487 34 Comm and Mode Int er face Configuration (Ethernet , por t -channel) mo de Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines . Example The f ollowing example configur es Ethernet p or t 1 as an untagged lay er 2 VL AN port .
VL AN C ommands s wit c hport a ccess vl an SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 488 34 Comm and Mode Int er face Configuration (Ethernet , por t -channel) mo de Us er Guidelines • Privat e VL AN Edge (PVE) only operates on interfac es that do not hav e an IP address .
VL AN C ommands switchpor t ac ce ss multicas t-t v vlan SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 489 34 Parameters • vlan-id — Spe cifies the ID of the VL AN to which the por t is configured. D efault Configuration All por ts belong to VL AN 1 .
VL AN C ommands switchpor t trunk allowed vlan SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 490 34 Parameters • vlan-id — Spe cifies the ID of the VL AN to which the por t is configured. D efault Configuration The configuration is dis abled.
VL AN C ommands switchpor t trunk na tive vlan SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 491 34 • re mo ve vlan-list — List of VLAN IDs to be remov ed. Separate nonconse cutive VLAN IDs with a comma and no space s. A hyphen designates a range of IDs .
VL AN C ommands switchpor t general allowed vlan SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 492 34 D efault Configuration VID=1 . Comm and Mode Int er face Configuration (Ethernet , por t -channel) mo de Us er Guidelines The command adds the p or t as a member in native VL AN.
VL AN C ommands switchpor t general allowed vlan SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 493 34 Parameters • add vlan-list — Specifies the list of VL AN IDs t o b e added. Separat e nonconse cutive VLAN IDs with a comma and no space s.
VL AN C ommands switchp or t general pv id SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 494 34 switchp or t general pvid The swit chp or t general pvid Int er face Configuration mo de command configures the PVID when the int er face is in general mode.
VL AN C ommands switchpor t general ingress-filtering disable SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 495 34 switchp or t general ingre s s-filtering dis able The swit chp or t general ingr e ss-filtering disable Interface C onfiguration mode command disable s por t ingress filtering.
VL AN C ommands switchpo r t general acc eptable-frame-t ype tagg ed- only SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 496 34 switchp or t general ac c ept able-frame-t yp e .
VL AN C ommands switchpor t cu s tomer vlan SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 497 34 switchp or t customer vlan The swit chp ort customer vlan Interface Configuration (Ethernet , por t -channel) mode command sets the por t’ s VL AN when the int er face is in customer mode.
VL AN C ommands switchpor t cus tomer multicast-t v vlan SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 498 34 switchp or t customer multic ast-t v vlan The swit chp ort custome.
VL AN C ommands switchpor t forbidde n vlan SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 499 34 switchp or t forbidden vlan The swit chp ort forbidden vlan Inter face Configuration mode command f orbids adding spe cific VLANs to a por t .
VL AN C ommands sh ow in t er f a ces pr o tec ted- ports SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 500 34 Example The f ollowing e xample f orbids adding VLAN ID s 234 t o 256 t o Ethernet p ort 1 .
VL AN C ommands sh ow prote cte d -p o r t s fa steth er net SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 501 34 1/2 Protected 1/3 Protected 1/4 Protected show protec te d-p or t s fastethernet Use the show prot e ct e d-por ts f astethernet EXEC command to show protect ed por ts co nfiguration.
VL AN C ommands show v lan SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 502 34 show vlan The show vlan Privilege d EXEC mod e command displays VLAN inf ormat ion. Syn tax show vlan [ tag vlan-id | name vlan-name ] Parameters • vlan-id — specifie s a VLAN ID • vlan-name — Spe cifies a VL AN name st ring.
VL AN C ommands show vlan multicast-tv SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 503 34 30 VLAN0030 static Required 31 VLAN0031 static Required 91 VLAN0011 1 static Not Req.
VL AN C ommands show int er face s switchpor t SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 504 34 Source ports Receiver Ports ------------- ----------- ----------- e8, e9 e1-.
VL AN C ommands show int er face s switchpor t SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 505 34 Example The f ollowing example displa ys the swit chp or t configuration f or Ethernet por t 10 map prot ocol pr otocols-group.
35 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 506 W eb S er ver C ommands ip ht tp s er ver The ip http s er ver Global Configuration mode c ommand enables configuring the device from a browser . Use the no fo rm of this command to disable this function.
We b S e r ve r C o mm a n ds ip http por t SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 507 35 ip ht tp p or t T o specify the T CP p ort to be used by the web browser int er face, use the ip ht tp por t global configuration c ommand.
We b S e r ve r C o mm a n ds ip h ttp ex ec- tim eou t SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 508 35 ip ht tp exe c-time out The ip http ex e c -timeout Global Configuration mode c ommand sets the int er val that the syst em waits f or user input in ht tp ses sions, prior to automatic logoff .
We b S e r ve r C o mm a n ds ip http s s er ve r SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 509 35 ip ht tp s s er ver The ip http s ser ver Global Configuration mo de co mmand enables c onfiguring the device from a secured br owser .
We b S e r ve r C o mm a n ds ip http s p or t SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 510 35 ip ht tp s p or t The ip http s por t Global Configuration mo de command spe cifies the T CP por t used by the ser ver to configure the device through the W eb browser .
We b S e r ve r C o mm a n ds ip http s exe c-time out SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 511 35 ip ht tp s exec-time out The ip https e x ec-ti meou t Global Configuration mode c ommand sets the int er val that the system waits f or us er input in ht tps se ssions , prior t o automatic logof f .
We b S e r ve r C o mm a n ds ip http s c er tif icat e SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 512 35 ip ht tp s c er tific a te T o configure the active cer tificate f or HT TPS, use the ip ht tps c ert ificat e glob al configuration command.
We b S e r ve r C o mm a n ds show ip http SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 513 35 show ip ht tp The show ip ht tp Privileged EXEC mode command di splays the HTTP ser ver configuration. Syn tax show ip http D efault Configuration This command has no default configuration.
We b S e r ve r C o mm a n ds show i p http s SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 514 35 show ip ht tp s The show ip ht tps Privileged E XE C mode comma nd displ ays t he HTTPS server configuration. Syn tax show ip http s D efault Configuration This command has no default configuration.
We b S e r ve r C o mm a n ds show i p http s SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 515 35 Valid to: Apr 29 22:16: 01 2004 GMT Subject: C= , ST= , L= , CN=10.
36 SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 516 802. 1 x C omm ands aaa authentication dot 1 x The aaa authentication dot 1 x Glob al Configuration mode c ommand specifie s one or more authentication, authorization, and ac counting (A A A) metho ds f or use on interfaces running IEEE 802.
802. 1 x C ommands dot 1 x system-auth-c ont rol SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 517 36 Us er Guidelines Additional methods of authentication ar e use d only if the pre vious metho d r eturns an error and not if the r eque st f or authentication is denied.
802. 1 x C ommands dot 1 x p or t-c ontr ol SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 518 36 Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command.
802. 1 x C ommands dot 1 x re-authen ticat ion SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 519 36 D efault Configuration Po r t is in the f or c e-authoriz ed state Comm and .
802. 1 x C ommands dot 1 x timeout re-authperio d SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 520 36 Comm and Mode Int er face Configuration (Ethernet) mo de Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command. Example The f ollowing example enables periodic re-authentication of the client.
802. 1 x C ommands dot 1 x re-authentica te SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 521 36 Comm and Mode Int er face Configuration (Ethernet) mo de Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command. Example The f ollowing example sets the number of sec onds betwe en r e-authentication attempts , to 300.
802. 1 x C ommands dot 1 x timeout quiet-perio d SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 522 36 Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command. Example The f ollowing command manually initiates a r e-authentication of 802.
802. 1 x C ommands dot 1 x time out tx-period SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 523 36 Us er Guidelines During the quiet period, the dev ice does not ac cept or initiate authentication re qu e s ts .
802. 1 x C ommands dot 1 x max -req SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 524 36 D efault Configuration T imeout perio d is 30 secon ds.
802. 1 x C ommands dot 1 x time out supp-timeout SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 525 36 Parameters • count — Number of time s that the device sends an E AP -request /identit y frame bef ore r estar ting the authentication proce ss .
802. 1 x C ommands dot 1 x time out supp-timeout SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 526 36 Syn tax dot 1 x timeout supp-timeout secon ds no dot 1 x timeout supp-time.
802. 1 x C ommands dot 1 x time out ser ver -timeout SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 527 36 dot 1 x time out s er ver -time out The dot 1 x timeout ser ver -timeout Interface Configuration mode command s ets the time that the devic e waits f or a r e sponse from the authentication ser ver .
802. 1 x C ommands show d ot 1 x SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 528 36 show dot 1 x The show dot 1 x Privileged E XEC mode command displa ys the 802. 1 x status of the device or specified int er face. Syn tax show dot 1 x [ ethernet int er face ] Parameters • interface — Va l i d E t h e r n e t p o r t .
802. 1 x C ommands show d ot 1 x SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 529 36 e3 Auto Unauthorized Ena 3600 Clark e4 Force-auth Authorized Dis 3600 n/a e5 Force-auth Unauthoriz ed* Dis 3600 n/a * Port is down or not pr esent.
802. 1 x C ommands show d ot 1 x SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 530 36 Field Desc ri pt io n Port The por t number . Admin mode The por t admin mode. Possible values : F orce- auth, F orce-unauth, Auto. Oper mode The p ort op er mode.
802. 1 x C ommands show dot 1 x us ers SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 531 36 show dot 1 x us ers The show dot 1 x us ers Privileged E XEC mode command displays activ e 802. 1 x authenticat e d users f or the device.
802. 1 x C ommands show d ot 1 x sta tistic s SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 532 36 Example The f ollowing example displa ys 802.
802. 1 x C ommands show d ot 1 x sta tistic s SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 533 36 Parameters • interface — Va l i d E t h e r n e t p o r t . D efault Configuration This command has no default configuration.
802. 1 x C ommands show d ot 1 x sta tistic s SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 534 36 Field Des cr ip ti on EapolFramesR x The number of valid E AP OL frames of any type that hav e be en r ec eived by this A uthenticator .
802. 1 x C ommands A dv an ced F ea t ur es SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 535 36 Ad v a nced F ea t ur es dot 1 x auth-not-req The dot 1 x auth-not-r eq Interface C onfiguration ( VLAN) mo de command enables unauthorized devices ac ces s to the VL AN.
802. 1 x C ommands dot 1 x multiple-ho s ts SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 536 36 dot 1 x multiple-ho sts The dot 1 x multiple- ho sts Int er face Configuration mode command enables multiple hosts (clients) on an 802.
802. 1 x C ommands dot 1 x radius-a ttributes vlan SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 537 36 Po r t s ecurit y cannot be enabled on a por t if multiple ho sts mode is disabled, or if multiple hosts with authentication p er host mode is enable d.
802. 1 x C ommands dot 1 x single-ho st- viola tion SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 538 36 Us er Guidelines • User -bas ed VLAN as signment is suppor ted only in 802. 1 x multiple sessions. • The configuration of the parameter is allowed only when the por t is F orced Authorized or F orced Unauthorized.
802. 1 x C ommands dot 1 x b pdu SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 539 36 Comm and Mode Int er face (Ethernet) C onfiguration mode Us er Guidelines The command is relevant when Multiple hosts is disabled and the us er has been succe ssfully authenticated.
802. 1 x C ommands dot 1 x b pdu SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 540 36 Parameters • filtering — Sp ecify that when 802. 1 x is globally dis abled, 802. 1 x BPDU packets would be filt ered. • bridging — Specify that when 802.
802. 1 x C ommands show do t 1 x bp du SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 541 36 show dot 1 x bp du Use the show dot 1 x bp du E XEC command to displa y the 802. 1 x BPDU handling when 802. 1 x is globally disabled. Syn tax show dot 1 x bp du Parameters This command has no arguments or ke y wor ds .
802. 1 x C ommands dot 1 x gue st- vlan SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 542 36 Switch# show dot1x bpdu 802.1X BPDU packets are bridged. dot 1 x gue st-vlan The dot 1 x guest -vlan Interface Configuration ( VLAN) mo de command defines a guest VL AN.
802. 1 x C ommands dot 1 x gue s t-vlan enable SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 543 36 Console# configure Console(config)# vlan database Console(config-vlan)# vl a.
802. 1 x C ommands dot 1 x mac-authentica tion SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 544 36 Console# configure Console(config)# interfa ce ethernet e1 Console(config-if.
802. 1 x C ommands show dot 1 x a dvanc ed SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 545 36 It is not r e commende d t o delete authenticat e d MAC addr es se s. Reauthentication must be enabled when working in this mode. When the device sends a MAC address as the 802.
802. 1 x C ommands show dot 1 x a dvanc ed SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 546 36 Us er Guidelines There ar e no user guidelines for this command. Example The f ollowing example displa ys 802. 1 x advanced f eatures f or the device.
A SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 547 Ali as Name s Alias Name Supp or t The table below defines alias names and their co rr esp onding “native ” command names , as suppor ted on the swit ch.
B SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 548 Wher e to Go F rom Her e Produc t Re s ource s W ebsite addr e sse s in this document are listed without http :// in front of the addr e ss b ecause most current web browsers do not r equire it .
C SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 549 Addition al Informa tion Re gula tor y C omplianc e and S af et y Informa tion Regulator y Compliance and Saf ety Inf orm ation f or this product is av ailable on Cisco.c om at the f ollowing location: w w w .
D SPS208G/S PS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Int er face Ref er enc e Guide 550 Supp or t C ontac t s Suppor t contact inf ormation f or this product is a vailable on Cisc o.
デバイスCisco Systems SPS224G4の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Cisco Systems SPS224G4をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCisco Systems SPS224G4の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Cisco Systems SPS224G4の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Cisco Systems SPS224G4で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Cisco Systems SPS224G4を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCisco Systems SPS224G4の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Cisco Systems SPS224G4に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCisco Systems SPS224G4デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。