Cisco SystemsメーカーWAP121の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Cis c o Small Busine s s W AP 121 Wireles s-N A c c e s s Poin t with PoE and W AP321 Wireles s-N S ele c table-B and Ac c e s s Point with PoE ADMINISTR A TION GUIDE.
© 2012 Cisco Syst ems, Inc. All rights reser ved. 78-20373-02 Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL: ww
Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 1 Con te n ts Chapter 1: Getting Started 7 Starting the Web-Based Configuration Utility 7 Launching the Web-Based Configura.
Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 2 Con te n ts Log Settings 33 Configuring the Persistent Log 33 Remote Log Server 34 Email Alert 35 Email Alert Ex amples 3.
Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 3 Con te n ts Chapter 5: Wireless 62 Radio 62 Rogue AP Detection 69 Viewing the Rogue AP List 70 Creating and Saving a Trus.
Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 4 Con te n ts WPS Roles 101 Enabling and Disabling WPS on a VAP 101 External and Internal Registration 102 Client Enrollmen.
Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 5 Con te n ts Client QoS Association 130 Client QoS Status 132 Chapter 8: Simple Networ k Management Protocol 134 SNMP Over.
Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 6 Con te n ts Viewing Single Point Setup Information 164 Adding a New Access Point to a Single Point Setup Cluster 164 Remo.
1 Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 7 Get ting St ar te d This chapter pr ovides an intr oduction to the W ir eles s Acce ss Point (W AP) devices web-b ased .
Get ting Star ted Star ting the W eb -Bas ed Configur a tion Utilit y Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 8 1 addre s s> ) t o the local intranet zone. The IP addr ess can als o be specifie d as the subnet IP addr es s, s o that all addr es ses in the subnet are added t o the local intranet zone.
Get ting Star ted Using th e Acc e ss Point Setup W izar d Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 9 1 Lo gging Out By default , the configuration utilit y logs out after 10 minut es of inactivit y . S ee HT TP /HT TPS S er vic e f or instructions on changing the def ault timeout period.
Get ting Star ted Using th e Acc e ss Point Setup W izar d Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 10 1 STEP 6 Select your time zone, and then set the system time manually or set up the W AP device to get its time fr om an NTP ser ver .
Get ting Star ted Using th e Acc e ss Point Setup W izar d Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 11 1 STEP 18 Click Nex t . The Wizar d displa ys the Enable Captiv e P or tal - Secure Y our Guest Network window .
Get ting Star ted Getting Star te d Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 12 1 Get ting St ar te d T o simplify device configuration throug h quick navigation, the Getting Star ted page provides links f or p erforming common tasks .
Get ting Star ted W indow Na viga tion Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 13 1 Window Na viga tion This section de scribes the f eatures of the configuration utility. C onfigura tion Utilit y Header The Configu ration Utilit y head er contains standard inf ormation and appears at the t op on ever y page.
Get ting Star ted W indow Na viga tion Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 14 1 Management But tons The table below de scribes the c ommonly used but t ons that appear on various pages in the system. Management But tons But ton Name De scription Add Adds a new entr y t o the table or database.
2 Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 15 St a tus and St a tistic s This chapter describe s how t o displa y status and statistics and contains these top ic s .
Status and Statistic s Syst em Summar y Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 16 2 • Ser ia l N um be r — The serial numb er of the Cisco W AP device. • Bas e M A C Ad dr ess — The W AP MAC address . • Firm ware V ersion — The firmwar e version number of the active image.
Status and Statistic s Network In t er faces Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 17 2 - Establishe d —A conne ction ses sion is established bet ween the W AP device and a ser ver or client , depend ing on the r ole of each device with r esp ect to this prot ocol.
Status and Statistic s T raf f i c St at i st i c s Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 18 2 Traf f i c S t at i s t i c s Use the T raffic Statistic s page t o view basic inf ormation about the W AP .
Status and Statistic s Asso cia ted Clients Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 19 2 Each network interface that is configured as a W orkGroup Bridge int erface shows these fields : • Net work Inter face —Name of the Ethernet or V AP inter face.
Status and Statistic s Asso cia ted Clients Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 20 2 • Status — The Authenticated and As sociated Status shows the underlying IEEE 802.
Status and Statistic s TS P EC C l i e n t A s s o c i at i o n s Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 21 2 TSPEC Clien t A s s oci a tions The TSPEC Client As soci ations page pr ovides real-time inf ormation about the TSPEC client data transmit ted and r eceive d by this acce ss p oint .
Status and Statistic s TS P EC C l i e n t A s s o c i at i o n s Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 22 2 The value ma y differ depending on other priority traf fic sessions . • Medium Time — T ime that the T S traffic oc cupies the transmission m edium.
Status and Statistic s T SPE C Sta tus and Statis tics Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 23 2 TSPEC Sta tus and Sta tistic s The T SPEC Status and Statistics page prov ides this inf ormat ion: • Summar y inf ormation about T SPEC ses sions by radio.
Status and Statistic s TS P EC A P S t a t i st i c s Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 24 2 • Acce ss Ca t egor y — The Acce ss Cat egor y as sociated with this T raffic Stre am (voice or video) .
Status and Statistic s Rad i o S tat ist ic s Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 25 2 Radio Statistics Y ou can us e the Radio Statistics page t o show packet -lev el and by te-lev el statistics f or the wir eles s radio int er face.
Status and Statistic s Em ai l Al er t S t atu s Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 26 2 • FCS Error C ount —Count of FCS errors det ected in a received MPDU frame. • T ransmit Retr y Count —Number of time s an MSDU is succ es sfully transmitted after one or mor e r etries .
Status and Statistic s Lo g Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 27 2 Lo g The L og page shows a list of system ev ents that generat ed a lo g entr y , such as login at tempts and configuration changes . The log is cleared upon a reboot and can be cleared by an administrat or .
3 Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 28 Administra tion This chapter describe s how t o configure global system settings and p er f orm diagnostics .
Admin istr a tio n Syst em Settings Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 29 3 Sys te m Set ti n gs The System Set tings page enable s you to configure inf ormation that identif ies the W AP devic e within the network .
Admin istr a tio n Use r A cco un ts Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 30 3 Adding a Us er T o ad d a new user : STEP 1 Select Adm i ni st r a t io n > User Ac counts in the navigation pane. The User Acco unt T able shows the currently configur ed users .
Admin istr a tio n Ti m e S e t t i n g s Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 31 3 STEP 1 Select Adm i ni st r a t io n > User Ac counts in the navigation pane. The User Acco unt T able shows the currently configur ed users .
Admin istr a tio n Ti m e S e t t i n g s Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 32 3 STEP 1 F or the Syst em Clock Source field, select Net work Time Protoc ol (NTP) .
Admin istr a tio n Log Settings Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 33 3 • Daylight Sa vings End —Select the week , da y , month, and time when daylight sa vings time ends.
Admin istr a tio n Log Settings Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 34 3 • Severity — The minimum severit y that an event must ha ve f or it to be writ ten t o the log in nonvolatile memory .
Admin istr a tio n Em ai l Al er t Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 35 3 A hostname can c onsist of one or mor e labels, which are sets of up to 63 alphanumeric characters. If a hostname includes multiple lab els, each is separated by a period (.
Admin istr a tio n Em ai l Al er t Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 36 3 STEP 1 Select Adm i ni st r a t io n > Email Alert in the navigation pane.
Admin istr a tio n Em ai l Al er t Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 37 3 • Us ernam e —Ent er the username f or the email account that will be us ed to send these emails . T ypically (but not al wa ys ) the username is the full email address including the domain (such as Name@example.
Admin istr a tio n HT TP /HT TPS S er vic e Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 38 3 SMTP Port: 465 or 587 Username: Your email address, without the domain name such as myName (without @yahoo.
Admin istr a tio n HT TP /HT TPS S er vic e Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 39 3 • Sessi on T i meo u t — The maximum amount of time, in minut es , an inactive user remains logged on to the W AP device configuration utilit y .
Admin istr a tio n Ma na g em ent Ac c e s s C ont ro l Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 40 3 • Cer tificate F ile Present • Cer tificate Expiration Date • Cer tificate Issuer Common Nam e If an SS L cer tificate (with a .
Admin istr a tio n Up grad e Firm ware Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 41 3 ! CAU TI O N V erify any IP addr ess that you enter . If you ent er an IP addr ess that do es not mat ch your Administrative comput er , you will lose access t o t he con fi gur a tio n i nt er f ace .
Admin istr a tio n Up grad e Firm ware Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 42 3 STEP 1 Select Adm i ni st r a t io n > Update F irmwar e in the na vigation pane. The Pr oduct ID (PID) and activ e and inactiv e firmwar e v ersions appear .
Admin istr a tio n Fir mw are Re c ov e r y Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 43 3 Uploading the new sof tware ma y tak e several minut es. D o not r efr esh the page or na vigate to another page while uploadi ng the new software, or the software upload is abor ted.
Admin istr a tio n Fir mw are Re c ov e r y Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 44 3 NOTE Y ou can acce ss the system acr os s a network if the default gat eway IP addr es s is 192. 168. 1 . 1 . STEP 3 Open a web br owser and enter the IP addr ess of the switch in the addr ess ba r ( 192.
Admin istr a tio n Download/B ackup Configur a tion F ile Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 45 3 D ownlo ad/B ackup Configuration F ile The W AP device c onfiguration files ar e in XML f ormat and c ontain all the inf ormation about the W AP devic e set tings.
Admin istr a tio n Download/B ackup Configur a tion F ile Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 46 3 STEP 6 Select which c onfiguration fi le y ou want t o back up : • Star tup C onfigura tion —Configuration file t ype us ed when the W AP device last boot ed.
Admin istr a tio n Configur a tion F iles Proper ties Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 47 3 If the downloade d file over writ es the Star tup C onfiguration file, and the file pas ses a validity check , then the downloade d configuration takes eff ect the next time the WA P d e v i c e r e b o o t s .
Admin istr a tio n Reb o ot Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 48 3 STEP 1 Select Adm i ni st r a t io n > Co p y / S a ve Co n f i gu r a ti on in the na vigation pane.
Admin istr a tio n Disc overy—Bonjour Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 49 3 Dis c over y—B onjour Bonjour enables the W AP device and its ser vic es t o be discovered by using multicast DNS (mDNS) .
Admin istr a tio n Pac ket Ca ptu re Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 50 3 f ormatted in pcap f ormat and can be examined using t ools such as W ireshark and OmniPeek . • Remot e captur e method—Captured pack ets ar e r edirect ed in real time t o an external computer running the W ir eshark tool.
Admin istr a tio n Pac ket Ca ptu re Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 51 3 As s oon as the capture is completed, the radio r ev er ts t o nonpr omiscuous mode op eration.
Admin istr a tio n Pac ket Ca ptu re Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 52 3 - br trunk —Linux bridge inter face in the W AP devic e. • Capture Dura tion —Ent er the time duration in seconds f or the captur e.
Admin istr a tio n Pac ket Ca ptu re Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 53 3 A Micr os oft Windows comput er running the Wir eshark t ool allows you to displa y , log, and analyze ca ptur ed traffic. The re mo t e pack et capture f acility is a standard f eatur e of the W ir eshark tool f or Windows.
Admin istr a tio n Pac ket Ca ptu re Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 54 3 STEP 7 Select the inter face fr om which you need to capture pack ets. At the W ir eshark popup window , next to the IP addr ess , there is a pull-down list f or y ou t o select the interfaces .
Admin istr a tio n Pac ket Ca ptu re Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 55 3 • All traffic to and from a specif ic client: wlan.addr == 00:00 :e8:4e:5f:8e In r emote captur e mode, traffic is sent t o the computer running W ir eshark through one of the network inter faces.
Admin istr a tio n Supp o r t Inform a tio n Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 56 3 STEP 1 Select Use TF TP to download the ca pture file . STEP 2 Enter the TFTP S er ver Filename to download if dif f er ent fr om the default .
4 Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 57 LA N This chapter describe s how t o configur e the por t , net work , and clock s ettings of the W AP device s.
LA N VL AN and IPv4 Address S ettings Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 58 4 STEP 4 Enable or disable Gre en Ethernet Mode (W AP 3 2 1 on l y ). • Green Ethernet Mode is an aut o-power -down mo de that r educes chip power when the signal from a link partner is not pr esent .
LA N IPv6 Address es Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 59 4 • Management VL AN ID — The VL AN ass ociated with the IP addr es s you use t o acc ess the W AP device. Provide a number bet ween 1 and 4094 f or the Management VLAN ID .
LA N IPv6 Address es Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 60 4 T o c onfigur e IP v6 addr es s sett ings: STEP 1 Select LA N > IPv6 A dd r esses in the na vigation ar ea.
LA N IPv6 Address es Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 61 4 • IP v 6 Link Loc al Addre ss — The IP v6 address used by the lo cal physical link . The link local addres s is not configurable and is assign ed by using the IP v6 Neighbor Discover y proce ss .
5 Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 62 Wir ele s s This chapter describe s how t o configur e pro per ties of the wireles s radio operation.
Wireless Rad i o Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 63 5 STEP 1 Select Wireles s > Radio in the na vigation pane.
Wireless Rad i o Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 64 5 • Primar y Channel (802 . 11 n modes with 20/ 40 MHz bandwidth only)—A 40 MHz channel can be considered to consist of two 20 MHz channels that are contiguous in the frequency domain.
Wireless Rad i o Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 65 5 - No — The W AP device transmits data using an 800-nano sec ond guard inter val. • Prote ction — The pr otection f eature contains rules to guarant ee that 802.
Wireless Rad i o Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 66 5 If the packet being transmit t ed is equal to or les s than the threshold, fragmentation is not used. Set ting the thr eshold to the largest value (2,346 by t es , which is the default) eff ectively disables fragmentation.
Wireless Rad i o Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 67 5 Some channel ranges and c ountr y co de combinations have relativ ely low maximum transmit power .
Wireless Rad i o Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 68 5 By default , the Multicast /Broadcast Rat e Limiting option is disabled. Until you enable Multicast /Broadcast Rate Limiting, thes e fields ar e disable d: - Rate Limit — The rate limit f or mult icast and broadcast traffic.
Wireless Ro gu e AP D ete cti o n Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 69 5 - On — A station is requir ed t o send a T SPEC r equest f or bandwidth t o the W AP devic e bef ore sending or receiving a video traf fic str eam.
Wireless Ro gu e AP D ete cti o n Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 70 5 The W AP devic e per f orms an RF scan on all channels to det ect all APs in the vicinity of the net work . If rogue APs ar e det ected, the y are shown on the R ogue AP Detection page.
Wireless Ro gu e AP D ete cti o n Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 71 5 - Ad hoc indicates a rogue station running in Ad hoc mode. Stations s et t o Ad hoc mode c ommunicate with each ot her directly , without the use of a traditional AP .
Wireless Ro gu e AP D ete cti o n Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 72 5 • Beac o n s — The total number of beacons r ec eived fr om the r ogue AP since it was first disc over ed. • Las t Beaco n — The date and time of the last beacon received fr om the ro gu e A P .
Wireless Networks Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 73 5 Th e fi le t ha t y ou im p o r t mu s t b e a p la i n- tex t fi le w it h a . t x t or . cfg ex ten s io n . E nt r ie s in the file are MAC addr ess es in hexadecimal f ormat with each octet separated by colons, f or example 0 0:11 :22:33:44:55.
Wireless Networks Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 74 5 ?, ", $, [, , ], and +. The allowable charact ers ar e : AS CII 0x20, 0x21 , 0x23, 0x25 throug h 0x2A , 0x2 C thr ough 0x3E, 0x 40 through 0 x5A, 0x5E through 0x 7E .
Wireless Networks Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 75 5 ! CAU TI O N Be sure to ent er a VLAN ID that is pr operly configured on the net work . Network pr oblems can result if the V AP ass ociates wir eless clients with an improperly configured VLAN.
Wireless Networks Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 76 5 - Dyna mic WE P - WP A Personal - WP A Enterprise If you select a securit y mode other than None, additional fields appe ar . These fields are e xplained in Con f i gu r in g Sec ur i ty Sett i ng s .
Wireless Networks Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 77 5 NOTE T o delet e a V AP , s elect th e V AP and click De le te .
Wireless Networks Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 78 5 - ASC II - Hex • WEP Ke ys — Y ou can specify up to f our WEP ke ys.
Wireless Networks Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 79 5 - Both Open System and Shared Key . When you select both authenticati on algorithms, client st ations configured t o use WEP in shared k ey mode must hav e a valid WEP k ey in order t o asso ciate with the W AP device.
Wireless Networks Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 80 5 This mode requir es the use of an external R ADIUS ser ver t o authenticat e users . The W AP devic e requir es a R ADIUS ser ver that suppor ts EAP , such as the Microsoft Internet Authentication Ser ver .
Wireless Networks Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 81 5 • Ke y — The shared secret k ey that the W AP device uses to authenticat e t o the primar y R ADIUS ser ver . Y ou can us e up t o 63 standar d alph anumeric and special characters.
Wireless Networks Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 82 5 - WPA — The network has client stations that suppor t the original WP A and none that suppor t the newer WP A 2. - WPA2 —All client stations on the network suppor t WP A 2.
Wireless Networks Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 83 5 WP A Enterprise WP A Enterprise with R ADIUS is an impl ementation of the Wi-F i Alliance IEEE 802. 11 i standar d , which includes CCMP (AES), and TKIP encr yption.
Wireless Networks Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 84 5 By defa ult both TKIP an d CCMP ar e select ed. When both TKIP and CCM P are selected, client statio.
Wireless Sch edu l er Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 85 5 • Enable R ADIUS Ac counting — T racks and measures the resources a par ticular user has consumed such as system time, amount of data transmitted and received, and so on.
Wireless Sch edu l er Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 86 5 STEP 1 Select Wireles s > Sc hed u le r in the na vigation pane. STEP 2 Ensure that the Ad m in is tr a tiv e M ode is enabled. By default it is disable d.
Wireless Sch ed ul e r A ssoc i a tio n Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 87 5 STEP 4 Fr om the Day of the Week menu, s elect the recurring schedule f or the rule. Y ou can configure the rule to occur daily , each we ek day , each weekend da y (Saturda y and Sunda y), or any single day of the w eek .
Wireless Bandwidth Utiliza tion Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 88 5 B andwidth Utilization Use the Bandwidth Utilization page to co nfigure how much of the radio bandwidth can be use d bef or e the W AP devic e st ops allowing new client as sociations .
Wireless MAC Filt ering Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 89 5 Up to 512 MAC addr ess es can be added to the filt er list . T o c onfigur e MAC filt ering: STEP 1 Select Wireles s > MA C Filtering in the na vigation pane.
Wireless WDS Bridge Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 90 5 WDS Bridge The W ireless Distribution System (WDS) allows you to connect multiple W AP 121 and W AP321 device s. With WDS, acc es s points communicate with one another without wires.
Wireless WDS Bridge Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 91 5 - Radio - IEEE 802. 11 Mode - Channel Bandwidth - Channel (Aut o is not r ecommende d) NOTE When operating bridging in the 802. 11 n 2.4 GHz b and, set the Channel Bandwidth to 20 MHz, rather than the default 20/ 40 MHz .
Wireless WDS Bridge Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 92 5 Pe rsonal mode, the W AP device us es WP A 2-PS K with CCMP (AES) encr yption over the WDS link . See WEP on WDS Links or WP A /PSK on WDS Links f ollowing this proce dur e f or mor e inf ormation ab out encr yption options .
Wireless Wo r k G r o u p B r i d g e Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 93 5 • WDS ID —Ent er an appr opriate name f or the new WDS link you ha ve cr eat ed. It is impor tant that the same WD S ID is also ent ered at the other end of the WD S link .
Wireless Wo r k G r o u p B r i d g e Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 94 5 In W orkGr oup Bridge mode, the B SS mana ged by the W AP devic e while operating in W AP device mode is ref e rr ed to as the acces s point int er face, and a ss ociated ST A s as downstream S T As .
Wireless Wo r k G r o u p B r i d g e Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 95 5 NOTE Ther e is an arr ow ne xt to SS ID f or S S ID Scanning; this f eature is disable d by default , and is enabled only if AP Detection is enabled in Rogue AP Detection (which is also disa bled by default).
Wireless Qualit y of Ser v ice Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 96 5 - Disa bled — The set of clients in the APs B SS that can acc es s the upstream network is not restricted t o the clients specified in a MAC address li st .
Wireless Qualit y of Ser v ice Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 97 5 STEP 1 Select Wireles s > Qo S in the navigation pane.
Wireless Qualit y of Ser v ice Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 98 5 If the first random backoff wait time expires bef or e the data frame is sent , a r etr y counter is incr ement ed and the random back off value (window) is doubled.
Wireless WPS S e tup Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 99 5 STEP 4 Configure the f ollowing additional set tings: • No Acknowle dgemen t —Select Enable to specify that the W AP device should not acknowledge frames with QosNoAck as the s er vice class value.
Wireless WPS S e tup Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 100 5 WPS maintains network s ecurit y by r equiring b oth the users of new client devices and WLAN administrators t o ha ve either ph ysical acc ess to their r espe ctive dev ic es or secu r e r em ot e access t o these de vi ces.
Wireless WPS S e tup Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 101 5 manually configures the device with the SSID, public shar ed ke y , and cr yptography modes of the WPS-enable d W AP devic e. The device joins the network .
Wireless WPS S e tup Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 102 5 Ex ternal and Internal Re gistration It is not nece ss ar y f or the W AP device s t o handle the registration of clients on the network thems elves.
Wireless WPS S e tup Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 103 5 As with the PB C method, if the W AP device be gins the enr ollment transaction and no cl ie nt at te mp t s to en rol l af te r 1 20 s ec o nd s , t he W A P d ev ic e ter mi na tes t he pending trans action.
Wireless WPS S e tup Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 104 5 V AP Configuration Changes The WPS pr otocol can configure the f ollo wing paramet ers f or a WP.
Wireless WPS S e tup Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 105 5 Exclusive Operation of WPS T rans actions Any one V AP on the W AP device can be enabled fo r WPS. At most , one WPS transaction (f or e xample, enrollment and as so ciation of an 802.
Wireless WPS S e tup Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 106 5 • WPS Devic e Name —Provides a default device name. Y ou can assign a differ ent name fr om 1 to 32 charact ers, including space s and special charact ers.
Wireless WP S Pr ocess Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 107 5 Instance St a tus The Instance Status area shows the f ollowing inf ormation about the selected WPS instance : • WPS Operational Sta tus — Whether or not the WPS instance is operational.
Wireless WP S Pr ocess Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 108 5 When you ent er the PIN on the client de vice, the WPS Op erational Status changes t o Adding Enrollee. When the enrollment proces s is complete, the WPS Operational Statu s changes to R eady and the T ransaction Stat us changes to Succe ss .
Wireless WP S Pr ocess Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 109 5 Vi e w in g In s t a nc e St at us I nf or m at i on The Instance Status section shows the fo .
6 Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 110 System S e curit y This chapter describe s how t o configur e securit y settings on the W AP device device. It contains the se topics: • RA D I U S Se r v e r • 802.
System Securit y RAD I U S S e rve r Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 111 6 STEP 1 Select Sec u r i ty > RA D IU S S e rv e r in the na vigation pane. STEP 2 Enter the paramet ers: • Serve r IP A dd r ess T ype — The IP version that the R ADIUS s er ver uses .
System Securit y 802. 1 X Supplicant Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 112 6 802. 1 X Supplic ant IEEE 802. 1 X authentication enable s the acce ss p oint t o gain acces s to a secured wired network . Y ou can enable the acce ss p oint as an 802.
System Securit y 802. 1 X Supplicant Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 113 6 • Pas sword — The W AP device us es this MD5 pas sword when r esponding to r eque sts fr om an 802. 1 X authenticator . The password can be 1 to 64 charact ers in length.
System Securit y Passw or d Complexit y Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 114 6 Pas sword Complexit y Y ou can c onfigur e complexity requirements f or pas sword s used to acce ss the W AP device c onfiguration utility .
System Securit y WP A-PSK Complexit y Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 115 6 WP A-PSK C omplexit y When you configure V APs on the W AP device, you can select a method of securely authenticating clients.
7 Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 116 Client Qualit y of S er vic e This chapter pr ovides an overview of Client qualit y of ser vic e (QoS) and e xplains the QoS f eatur es available fr om the Clie nt QoS menu.
Client Qual it y of Ser vic e ACL Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 117 7 The W AP devic e suppor ts up to 50 IPv 4, IP v6, and MAC ACLs. IP v4 and IP v 6 A CLs IP ACLs classify traf fic f or Layers 3 and 4. Each ACL is a set of up t o 10 rules applied to traffic sent or received by the W AP device.
Client Qual it y of Ser vic e ACL Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 118 7 STEP 7 Use the Client QoS A ss oci a tion page t o apply the ACL t o one or mor e V APs. These steps give a detailed des cription of how t o configure A CLs: STEP 1 Select Clien t QoS > AC L in the navigation pane.
Client Qual it y of Ser vic e ACL Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 119 7 When you select Deny , the rule bl ocks a ll traffic that meets the rule criteria fro m entering or e xiting the W AP device (depending on the ACL direction you select) .
Client Qual it y of Ser vic e ACL Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 120 7 - Sel ect F ro m L i st — The k ey wor d associated with the source por t t o match: ftp, ftpdata, ht tp, smtp, snmp, telnet , tf tp, ww w .
Client Qual it y of Ser vic e ACL Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 121 7 49152 t o 65535—Dynamic and/ or Private P or ts • IP DSCP —Matches pack ets based on their IP D SCP value.
Client Qual it y of Ser vic e ACL Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 122 7 • Sou r ce I Pv6 Pr efi x Le n g t h —Ent er the pr efix le ngth of the source IP v6 address . • Sou r ce Po rt —Select this option to include a source por t in the mat ch condition f or the rule.
Client Qual it y of Ser vic e ACL Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 123 7 • Sou r ce MA C A d dr ess —Select this field and ent er the source MAC address t o compare against an Ethernet frame.
Client Qual it y of Ser vic e Class Map Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 124 7 Clas s Map The Client QoS f eatur e contains Dif f erentiated Ser vices (Diff.
Client Qual it y of Ser vic e Class Map Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 125 7 Use the fields in the Mat ch Crit eria Config uration ar ea t o mat ch packets t o a class . Select the che ck box f or each field to be used as a criterion f or a clas s and enter data in the relat ed field.
Client Qual it y of Ser vic e Class Map Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 126 7 A DiffS er v mask of indica t es that all bits are impor tant , and a mask of 0 .0.0 .0 indicates that no bits ar e important .
Client Qual it y of Ser vic e Class Map Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 127 7 0 t o 1023— Well-Known P or ts 1024 t o 49151 —Register ed P orts 49152 t o 65535—Dynamic and/ or Private P or ts • Dest in a t i on P o rt —Includes a destination p or t in the mat ch condition f or the rule.
Client Qual it y of Ser vic e Class Map Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 128 7 F or each bit position in the MAC mask , a 0 indicates that the corresponding addr es s bit is signific ant and a 1 indicat es that the addr ess bit is ignored.
Client Qual it y of Ser vic e Pol ic y Ma p Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 129 7 Policy Map P ac k e ts ar e cla ssif ied an d p r ocessed ba sed on defined criteria. The classification criteria is defined by a class on the Cla s s Map page.
Client Qual it y of Ser vic e Client QoS Asso ciation Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 130 7 • Mark Class of S er vic e —Marks all pack ets f or the as sociated traffic stream with the specifie d class of ser vic e value in the priority field of the 802.
Client Qual it y of Ser vic e Client QoS Asso ciation Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 131 7 T o c onfigur e client QoS ass ociation parameters: STEP 1 Select Clien t QoS > Client QoS As so ciation in the na vigation pane.
Client Qual it y of Ser vic e Client QoS Status Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 132 7 When a pack et or frame is received by the W AP devic e, the ACL's rules ar e checked f or a mat ch. The pack et or frame is proces se d if it is permitted and discarded if it is de nied.
Client Qual it y of Ser vic e Client QoS Status Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 133 7 - IP v6: The ACL e xamines IP v6 packets f or matches to ACL rules. - MAC : The ACL e xamines La yer 2 frames f or matches t o ACL rules.
8 Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 134 Simple Net work Management Proto c ol This chapter describe s how t o configur e the Simple Network Management Prot ocol (S NMP) t o per f orm configuration and statistics gathering tasks .
Simple Net work Management Protocol General SNMP Sett ings Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 135 8 General SNMP S et tings Y ou can us e the General page t o enable SNMP and configure basic pr ot ocol settings.
Simple Net work Management Protocol General SNMP Sett ings Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 136 8 A DNS hostname can c onsist of one or mor e labels, which are sets of up to 63 alphanumeric characters. If a hostna me includes multiple lab els, each is separated by a period (.
Simple Net work Management Protocol Vi e w s Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 137 8 • Tr ap D e s t in at i o n T ab l e —A list of up to thr ee IP address es or hostname s t o r ecei ve SN M P t r a ps.
Simple Net work Management Protocol Group s Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 138 8 STEP 3 Check the box in the new r ow and click Edit : • View Name —Enter a name that identifies the MIB view . V iew names can contain up to 32 alphanumeric charact ers.
Simple Net work Management Protocol Group s Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 139 8 • RO —A r ead-only gr oup using authenticati on and data encr yption. Users in this group use an MD5 k ey /password f or authent ication and a DES k ey / password f or encryption.
Simple Net work Management Protocol Users Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 140 8 • Write Views — The write acces s to MIBs f or the group, which can be one of these options : - write-all — T he gr oup can creat e, alt er , and delete MIBs.
Simple Net work Management Protocol Ta r g e t s Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 141 8 • Group — The group that the user is mapped to. The default gr oups are RW Auth, RWPriv , and RO. Y ou can define additional gr oups on the S NMP Groups page.
Simple Net work Management Protocol Ta r g e t s Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 142 8 To a d d S N M P t a r g e t s : STEP 1 Select SNMP > Ta r g e t s in the na vigation pane. STEP 2 Click Add . A new r ow is cr eat ed in the table.
9 Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 143 Captive Por t al This chapter describe s the Captiv e P or tal (CP) f eatur e, which allows you t o block wireless clients from acce ssing th e netw ork until us er verification has been established.
Captive Por tal Cap tive P or tal Global Confi gura tion Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 144 9 Captive Por t al Glob al Configuration Y ou can us e the Glo.
Captive Por tal Ins tance Configura t ion Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 145 9 Instanc e C onfiguration Y ou can creat e up to two Captive P ortal in stanc es ; each CP instance is a defined set of instance parameters.
Captive Por tal Ins tance Configura t ion Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 146 9 - RA D I U S — T h e W A P d e v i c e u s e s a d a t a b a s e o n a r e m o t e R A D I U S s e r v e r t o authenticate users.
Captive Por tal Ins tance Configura t ion Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 147 9 • Glob al RADIUS —If the V erification Mod e is R ADIUS, select this option to the default Global R ADIUS ser ver list to authenticat e clients.
Captive Por tal Inst anc e As s o ciati on Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 148 9 STEP 6 Click Sa ve . Y our changes are sa ved t o the Star tup Configuration. Instanc e A s s o ci a tion Once you creat e an instance, you can use the Instance A sso ciation page t o asso ciat e a CP instance to a V AP .
Captive Por tal W eb P or tal Customiz a tion Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 149 9 STEP 4 Fr om the Captive Port al Instance s list , select the CP instance that this locale is as sociated with. Y ou can as so ciat e multiple locales with an instanc e.
Captive Por tal W eb P or tal Customiz a tion Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 150 9 • Ac count L abel — The t e xt that instructs the user to ent er a user name. The range is fr om 1 to 32 charact ers. • Us er L abe l — T h e l a b e l fo r th e u s e r n a m e t ex t b ox .
Captive Por tal W eb P or tal Customiz a tion Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 151 9 • Work In Pr ogre ss T ex t — The te xt that shows during authentication. The range is fr om 1 t o 128 charact ers. The default is Connecting, please be patient .
Captive Por tal Lo ca l G rou p s Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 152 9 T o uplo ad binar y graphic files to the W AP device : STEP 1 On the W eb P ortal Customization page, click Upload/Delete Custom Image next to th e B ack gr ound Image Name , Logo Im age Name , o r Acc ount Image fields .
Captive Por tal Lo ca l U s e rs Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 153 9 STEP 1 Select Captive Po r tal > Loc al Groups in the na vigation pane. STEP 2 Enter a Group Name and click Sa v e . The changes ar e sav ed to the Startup Configuration.
Captive Por tal Authentica te d Clien ts Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 154 9 minut es . The def ault value is 60. The timeout value configur ed here has pr ec edence over the value configured f or the captiv e por tal instance, unle ss the user value is s et t o 0.
Captive Por tal F ailed Authentication Clients Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 155 9 - Lo cal — The W AP device use s a local datab ase t o authenticated users . - RA D I U S — The W A P device uses a database on a remot e R ADIUS ser ver t o authe nticat e users.
Captive Por tal F ailed Authentication Clients Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 156 9 • Ve r i f i c a t i o n — The method the client at tempt ed t o use to authenticat e on the Captiv e Portal, which can be one of these values : - Guest — The us er does not need to be authenticated by a database.
10 Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 157 Single Point Setup This chapter describe s how t o configure Single P oint Setup over multiple W AP devices .
Single Point Setup Single P oin t Setup Over view Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 158 10 Managing Si ngle Poin t Setup Acro ss W AP D evice s Single Point Setup creat es a dynamic, c onf iguration-a war e clust er , or group, of W AP device s in the same subnet of a network .
Single Point Setup Single P oin t Setup Over view Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 159 10 Single Point Setup Ne gotiation When a W AP device is enabled and configured f or Single P oint Setup, it begin s sending perio dic advertisements ever y 10 se conds to announce its pr esenc e.
Single Point Setup Single P oin t Setup Over view Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 160 10 Op era tion of a W AP Devic e Dropp ed From a Single Poin t Se t u.
Single Point Setup Single P oin t Setup Over view Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 161 10 MAC F iltering Sche duler Management Acces s Control SNMP General .
Single Point Setup Acc ess Points Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 162 10 Access Po i n ts The Acce ss Points page allows you t o enable or disable Single P oint Setup on a W AP device, view the cluster me mbers , and configure the location and cluster name f or a member .
Single Point Setup Acc ess Points Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 163 10 STEP 1 Select Single Point Setup > Acc e ss Points in the navigation pane. Single P oint Setup is d isabled by default on the W AP device.
Single Point Setup Acc ess Points Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 164 10 The W AP devic e begins searching f or other W AP devices in the subnet that are configured with the same cluster name an d IP v ersion.
Single Point Setup Acc ess Points Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 165 10 STEP 4 (Optional) In the L ocation field, ent er a description of where the acces s point is physically located, f or example, Reception.
Single Point Setup Se ssions Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 166 10 Na viga ting to a W AP D evic e Us ing its IP Addres s in a URL Y ou can also link to t.
Single Point Setup Channel Managemen t Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 167 10 • Us er MAC — The MAC addr es s of the wir eles s client . A MAC addr ess is a hardware addr e ss that uniquely identifies each no de of a network .
Single Point Setup Channel Managemen t Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 168 10 The aut omatic channel as signment f eature is disabled by default . The stat e of channel management (enabled or disabled ) is pr opagat ed to the other devices in the Single Point Setup cluster .
Single Point Setup Channel Managemen t Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 169 10 No channel usage maps or chann el r eassi gnments are made.
Single Point Setup Channel Managemen t Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 170 10 Propo se d Channel A ssignments T able The Proposed Channel As signments table shows the proposed channels that ar e t o be as signed to each W AP devic e when the ne xt update occurs .
Single Point Setup W ir eless Neighb orhood Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 171 10 The default is one hour , meaning that channel usage is reas ses sed and the resulting channel plan is applie d ever y hour .
Single Point Setup W ir eless Neighb orhood Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 172 10 • Cluster — The list at the top of the table shows IP addr es ses f or all W AP devices that ar e cluster ed together .
Single Point Setup W ir eless Neighb orhood Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 173 10 Viewing Details for a Cluster Memb er T o view details on a cluster member , click the IP address of a memb er at the t op of the page.
A Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 1 7 4 D e authentic a tion Me s s age Re as on C o de s When a client deauthenticates fr om the W AP device, a mes sage is sent to the syst em log. The mess age includes a reason code that may be helpful in dete rmining why a client was deauthenticat ed.
De authentic a tion Mes sage Re as on Co de s Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 1 7 5 A 11 Disas socia t ed be cause the inf ormation in the Suppor ted Channels element is unacceptable 12 Disas sociated due to BS S T ransition Management 13 Invalid element, i.
B Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 1 7 6 Wher e to Go F r om Her e Cisco provides a wide range of r esources to help y ou and your cust omer obtain the full benefits of the Cisc o W AP 121 and W AP321 Acc ess Point.
Where to Go F rom Her e Cisco Small Busines s W AP 121 and W AP321 Wireless-N Acce ss Point with PoE 1 7 7 B Ci sco S ma l l B us i n ess Cisc o P ar tner Central for Small Busine ss (Par tner Lo g in R e q ui re d ) w w w tners/ sell/ smb Cisco Small Business Home www .
デバイスCisco Systems WAP121の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Cisco Systems WAP121をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCisco Systems WAP121の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Cisco Systems WAP121の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Cisco Systems WAP121で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Cisco Systems WAP121を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCisco Systems WAP121の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Cisco Systems WAP121に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCisco Systems WAP121デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。