Cisco SystemsメーカーWS-X3500-XLの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Corporate Headquarters Cisco S yste ms, Inc . 170 W est Tasma n Drive San Jose , CA 95134 -1706 USA http://ww com Tel: 408 526-400 0 800 55 3-N ETS ( 6 387 ) Fax: 408 526- 4100 Catal yst G ig.
Catalyst Gi gaStack Gig abit In terface Con verter Hardware Installation Gu ide Copyright © 1999 – 2002, Ci sco Sys t ems, Inc. All righ ts reserv ed.
v Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installat ion Guide 78-6460-04 CONTEN TS Cisc o Li m it e d Li feti me Ha rd w a r e Wa rr a nt y Ter m s ix Preface xiii Audienc e xiii Pur p.
Contents vi Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 Minimum IOS Releas e for Redund ant Loop Configu rations 1-7 Deployme nt Examp l es 1-9 Example 1: Cas.
vii Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installat ion Guide 78-6460-04 Conte nts CHAPTER 3 Troubles hooting 3-1 APPENDI X A Technical Specifi cat ions A-1 APPENDI X B Connector s a.
Contents viii Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04.
ix Cataly st GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 Cisco Li mited Lifetime Hardware Warranty Terms Ther e are spec ial t e rms a pplic able t o yo ur hardw are w arr an ty a s we ll as servi c es you may us e during th e warra nty peri od.
Cisco Li mited Li fet ime Ha rdw are Warr ant y Terms x Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 Note Y ou mu st have Adob e Acrob at Rea der in ord er to vie w and pr int a PDF file. If you do not have the vi ewer, click the Get Acroba t Reader icon at the bottom of the page to go to the Ado be.
xi Cataly st GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 Cisco Limited L ifetime Hardw are Warranty Term s Comple te the in form at ion bel ow and ke ep f or re ady re fere nce .
Cisco Li mited Li fet ime Ha rdw are Warr ant y Terms xii Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04.
xiii Cataly st GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 Preface Audience This g uide is for the technician i n stalling th e GigaSta ck Gigabi t Inter face Conver ter (GBIC), hereafter refer red to as the Gig aStack GBIC.
Preface Organiza tion xiv Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 Organization This guide is org anized into the following chapter s: Chapter 1, “ Ov er.
xv Cataly st GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 Preface Notes , Cautions, and Warn ings War ni ng This warning symbol means danger .
Preface Notes, Ca utions, and Wa rnings xvi Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 Warnung Dieses Warnsym bol bedeutet Gefahr . Sie befinden sich in einer Situation, die zu einer K ö rperverletzung f ü hren k ö nnte.
xvii Cataly st GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 Preface R e la te d P u b l ica t ions Related Publications Y o u ca n o rder pr inted copi es of doc umen ts wi th a DO C- xxxxxx= num ber . Fo r more infor mation, se e the “ Ordering Doc umenta tion ” section o n pa ge xix .
Preface Obtaining Documentation xviii Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 • Catalyst 2 950 Des ktop Sw itch Com man d Re ference (order num ber DOC-.
xix Cataly st GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 Preface Obtai ning Docu m e nt ation Documenta tion C D-ROM Cisco docum entation a n d addi tional l iterature are availab le in a CD-ROM packag e, wh ich ship s wit h your produc t.
Preface Obtainin g Techn ical Assist ance xx Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 T o submit yo ur comme nts by m ail, for your conv enien ce many doc ument s contain a response card behind th e front cove r .
xxi Cataly st GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 Preface Obta ining T echni cal As sistan ce Technica l Assista nce Center The Ci sco T AC websi te is availab.
Preface Obtainin g Techn ical Assist ance xxi i Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 Contacting TAC by Telephone If you hav e a priorit y level 1(P1) or priority l evel 2 (P2) problem, c ontact T A C by telepho ne and im media tely ope n a cas e.
C HAPTER 1-1 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installat ion Guide 78-6460-04 1 Overview The GigaS tack G BIC (m odel WS-X350 0-XL ) adds port de nsity and high-per formance c onnectiv ity to sup porting swit ches.
Chapt er 1 Overv iew GigaS ta c k GBI C LEDs 1-2 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 • Support for red und an t loop c onf igur ati ons in a Gig aSt.
1-3 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installat ion Guide 78-6460-04 Chapter 1 Overview GBIC Module S lot LEDs GBIC Module Slot LEDs Figure 1-2 sh ows th e GBIC module slot LE D .
Chapt er 1 Overv iew Cabling G uidelines 1-4 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 Figur e 1-3 GBIC LED Lo cation on a 1 00 0BASE-X M odule Ta b l e 1 - 2 de scribes the switc h and 1000 BASE-X mo dule GBIC slo t LED colors and port stat us.
1-5 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installat ion Guide 78-6460-04 Chapter 1 Overview Cabling Guidelines The maxi mum dist ance for a GBIC-t o-GB IC connec tion is 1 meter . The GigaStack GBI C r eq uires C isco propr iet ary signa li ng an d cabl ing.
Chapt er 1 Overv iew Switches Supporting the GB IC 1-6 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 Switches Supportin g the GBIC Refer to the online Gig aStack G igabit Interf ace Converte r Switch Compatibility Matrix listed with the GBIC docum entat ion on www .
1-7 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installat ion Guide 78-6460-04 Chapter 1 Overview Minimum I OS Rel ease for Redund ant Loop Config urations Minimum IOS Release for Redundan.
Chapt er 1 Overv iew Minimum IOS Re lease for Redundan t Loop Configurat ions 1-8 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 Note All switches in a s eries mu st run the s ame softwar e versi on.
1-9 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installat ion Guide 78-6460-04 Chapter 1 Overview Deployment Example s Deployment Ex ampl es This sectio n conta ins examples tha t use the Gi gaStac k GBIC as a Gigabit uplink to aggr egate traf fic in a switched and share d networ k.
Chapt er 1 Overv iew Deploym en t Exampl es 1-10 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 Example 2: P oint-to-Point Con nection Figure 1-6 sh ow s the 350 0 X L sw it ch a ggreg at ing tra ffic by u si ng a G igaSta ck GBIC a s a f ull-du pl ex , poi nt- to-p oi nt u pl ink co nnec tion .
C HAPTER 2-1 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installat ion Guide 78-6460-04 2 Installation This c ha pter desc rib es how to u npa ck , i nstal l, cab le, and ru n th e pow er-on self-te st (POST) on the Giga Stack GBIC.
Chapt er 2 Instal lati on EMC Regula tor y State ments 2-2 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 EMC Regulatory Statement s This section lists inter national regulat ory information for the GigaStack GBIC.
2-3 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installat ion Guide 78-6460-04 Chap ter 2 Instal lati on EMC Regul ator y Stat ement s Korea Hungary This e quipm ent is a Class A p roduc t a nd should b e use d and i nsta lled pr operl y accord ing to the Hung arian EMC Class A requi rements (M SZEN55022) .
Chapt er 2 Instal lati on Avoid ing Elect r os tatic Di sc harge 2-4 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 Avoiding Electrostat ic Discharge Before you .
2-5 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installat ion Guide 78-6460-04 Chap ter 2 Instal lati on In stalling a GigaStack GBIC Figur e 2-1 Inser ting the Gig aStack GBIC in to a Sw .
Chapt er 2 Instal lati on Attachi n g the GBIC Cl ip 2-6 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 Attaching the GBIC Clip Each Gi gaStack GBIC ship s with a re movable c lip that can be atta ched to pro vide extra securi ty ag ainst ac ciden tal ca ble removal .
2-7 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installat ion Guide 78-6460-04 Chap ter 2 Instal lati on Recomm ended Confi gura tion Step 4 Secure the ca ble in a clip notch as shown in Fi gure 2-4 . Figur e 2-4 Secur ing the Cables in the GBIC Clip Step 5 Insert the GBIC into the slot.
Chapt er 2 Instal lati on Creating Connect ions 2-8 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 Figur e 2-5 Inse rting the Cable in a GigaStac k GBIC Note Alw ays use a G igaSt ack ca ble to conn ec t a Gi gaSt ack GB IC t o any d ev ice .
2-9 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installat ion Guide 78-6460-04 Chap ter 2 Instal lati on Creat ing Connecti ons Note Th e GigaStack GBIC suppo rts setting a t runk to IEEE 802 .1Q or In ter-Switch Link (ISL) encapsu lation.
Chapt er 2 Instal lati on Creating Connect ions 2-10 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 Point-to-Point Connections A poi nt-t o-poi nt co nnec tion o pe rates in f ull -dupl ex m ode. Figur e 2-6 shows an exampl e of su ppo rting sw itche s wi th point -t o-p oint c on necti ons.
2-11 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installat ion Guide 78-6460-04 Chap ter 2 Instal lati on Creat ing Connecti ons Casc ad ed S tac k Co nn ec tions Y o u can conne ct from thre e to nine swit ches in a casc aded stack confi guration.
Chapt er 2 Instal lati on Creating Connect ions 2-12 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 Casc aded St ack C o nnec tions with a Red und ant Link Y o u can for m a redu ndant link b y conn ecting the open ports on the top and bottom Giga Stack GBIC s within the sam e stack, as shown in Figure 2-8 .
2-13 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installat ion Guide 78-6460-04 Chap ter 2 Instal lati on Removing a GigaSta ck GBIC Cautio n A loop cau ses exce s sive collis ion erro rs on the po rt and can cause the li nk to become unstable .
Chapt er 2 Instal lati on Power-On Sel f-Test 2-14 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 Step 3 If you are using the GBIC clip to secur e the GBIC cables, remove the clip from the GigaSta ck GBIC by pu lling the ta bs from the slots on the GBIC.
C HAPTER 3-1 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installat ion Guide 78-6460-04 3 Troubleshooting Ta b l e 3 - 1 describes how to id entify p roblems w ith the switch and GigaStack GBIC and how to resolve the m.
Chapter 3 Troub leshoot ing 3-2 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 GigaSt ack GBIC LED blinks a ny color fo r more than 1 mi nute . Link fla p (the link keeps going up and do wn ). Remove and rein sert the GigaSt ack GBIC.
A-1 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installat ion Guide 78-6460-04 APPENDIX A Technical Specifications Ta b l e A - 1 lists the techni cal speci fication s and regu lator y agen cy appro vals f or the GigaSt ack GBIC.
Append ix A Techni cal Specific ati on s A-2 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installat ion Guide 78-6460-04 Agen cy App ro vals Safe ty EMI AS/NZS 32 60, TS001 FCC Part 15 Cla ss A UL 1950 /CSA 22 .
B-1 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installat ion Guide 78-6460-04 APPENDIX B Connecto rs and Cab les This append ix describe s the Cisco prop rietary cables and co nnecto rs for the GigaStack GBIC. GigaStack GBIC Cablin g The Gig aStack GBI C uses propr ietary c onnectors as shown in Figur e B-1 .
Appendi x B Conne ct ors and Cables GigaStack GBIC Cabl ing B-2 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installat ion Guide 78-6460-04.
C-1 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installat ion Guide 78-6460-04 APPENDIX C Translated Safety Warnings This appendi x repeats the warnings in this guide in multiple languages. Product Disposal War ni ng Ultimate disposal of thi s product should be handled according to all national laws and regulations.
Appendi x C Translated Safety Warning s Product D ispo sal C-2 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installat ion Guide 78-6460-04 Advars el Endelig kassering av dette produktet skal v æ re i henhold til al le relevante nasjonale lover og bestemmelser .
IN- 1 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installat ion Guide 78-6460-04 INDE X Numerics 1000BASE -X m odu le descript ion 1-7 IEEE st anda rds 1-7 A agen cy appr ova ls A-2 alignm.
Index IN-2 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 erro r f rame s detectin g 3-1 LED indi cation 1-4 Spanning T re e Pro toco l 3-1 F featu res 1-1 to 1-.
IN- 3 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installat ion Guide 78-6460-04 Index N network e xample s 1-9 note def ini tion xiv P packin g list 2-1 POST conditional lim itations 2-14.
Index IN-4 Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide 78-6460-04 U URLs, Ci sco xviii W warnings, Pr odu ct Disposa l C-1 World W ide We b, do cu ment atio n f ro m xvi.
デバイスCisco Systems WS-X3500-XLの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Cisco Systems WS-X3500-XLをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCisco Systems WS-X3500-XLの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Cisco Systems WS-X3500-XLの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Cisco Systems WS-X3500-XLで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Cisco Systems WS-X3500-XLを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCisco Systems WS-X3500-XLの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Cisco Systems WS-X3500-XLに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCisco Systems WS-X3500-XLデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。