ページ先へ移動 of 56
iii Contents Getti ng Acquain ted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 What Is in the Box? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Set Up Your Compaq iPAQ Poc ket PC . . . . . . . 5 Charge Your Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC .
iv Routine Care and Battery Gu idelines . .5 1 Routine Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Battery Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . .
1 Getting Acquainted T o use your Co mpaq iPAQ ™ Pocket PC H3700 Series most effectivel y , star t by lear ning ho w to • register your Co mpaq iPAQ Pocket PC • se t up yo ur Compaq iP AQ Pocket.
2 What Is in the Box? What Is in t he Box? Y our Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC ships with • the G etting Started G uide • Com paq iP AQ Poc ket PC Com- pani on CD-ROM – Microsoft® ActiveSync 3.
3 What Is in the Box? Front Panel 1 Stylus: tap, d raw , or write 2 Power Butto n 3 Power Indic ator: alar m charge li ght 4 Light sensor: ad justs backlight 5 Speaker 6 iP AQ Navigati on/Acti on But .
4 What Is in the Box? Top Panel 1 Ster eo He adph one J ack 2 Infrar ed Port: excha nge inform ation with othe r Wind ows- powere d dev ices 3 Stylus Relea se Button: ej ect the stylus 4 Stylus: tap, d raw , or write 1 2 3 4 Bottom Panel 1 Communica tions Port: conne ct to cradle, USB, or ser ial cable .
5 Register Register Y ou can receive the l atest inform a- tion on you r Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC, as wel l as special offers o n Compaq iP A Q Pocket P C acces sori es a nd sof twar e, by reg- istering w ith Comp aq onlin e at htt p://ww w .
6 Set Up Your C ompaq iPAQ Pocket PC Per s onalize your Compaq iP AQ Pock et PC When you tu rn on the screen of your Compa q iPAQ Pock et PC f or the first tim e, you ar e guided through Welcome scr eens.
7 Charge Your Compaq i PAQ Pocket PC 1 Insert the Compaq iP AQ Pocket PC Co mpanion CD-R OM 2 Follow t he instructi ons on th e screen fo r installing Microsoft Ac tiveSync 3 .
8 Char ge Yo ur Co mpaq i PAQ Pocke t PC • sync hroniz e wit h your compu ter • recharg e the ba ttery o f an optional expansio n pack , if you have p urchased one (fo r exam- ple, rech arge the b.
9 Charge Your Compaq i PAQ Pocket PC 1 Loca te t he AC adap ter 2 Plu g the A C ad apt er in to a n outlet 3 Insert the DC adapter pl ug into the bott om of your Com paq iPAQ Pocket PC Change the back.
10 Char ge Yo ur Co mpaq i PAQ Pocke t PC 4 Select the backlight s ettings On the Batter y Power ta b, sel ect wh en to use the ba cklight on batter y po wer On the Externa l Power tab, sel ect wh en .
11 Charge Your Compaq i PAQ Pocket PC 3 Dete rm ine if t he un it is f ully charge d The char ge lig ht does not blin k when the unit is full y charged .
12 Navigate through the I nterface Navigate throug h the Interface Naviga te through t he Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC i nterface in th ree ways : •t a p • tap and hold • pre ss applica tion buttons T ap the screen w ith the po inted tip of yo ur st ylus t o op en ap plica tions and make sel ections .
13 Navigate through the Interface 2 Ta p S y s t e m 3 T ap the Scree n icon 4 T ap the Align Screen but ton to begin the real ignment pro- cess 5 T ap the cr oss-hair object at each l oca tion to rea.
14 Navigate through the I nterface 2 T ap Programs to see the applications on your Com- paq iP AQ Pocket PC 3 T ap the applicat ion title or icon to open it Minimize applications From the ap plica tion yo u would lik e to minimi ze, tap the x Close applications Applicati ons should close autom at- ically as y ou open ne w applica - tions.
15 Navigate through the Interface 4 T ap Running Programs 5 T ap Stop All to close all appli- cati ons Otherw ise, select an ap plicatio n and tap Stop Set the time for home When you turn on t he s c re en of your Compaq iP AQ Pocket PC fo r the first time , you are gu ided through setting the time.
16 Navigate through the I nterface 5 T ap the ti me-zone down arrow to selec t your location and time zone 6 T ap the hour , minutes, or seco nds to sel ect the time you want to adjust 7 T ap the up o.
17 Navigate through the Interface 2 Ta p S y s t e m 3 Ta p C l o c k 4 T ap Visiting 5 T ap the time-zone do w n arrow to select t he locatio n and time zone 6 T ap the hour , minutes, or seconds to .
18 Navigate through the I nterface 9 Ta p O K 10 T ap Y es to sa ve your cl ock settings Set the date When you tu rn on the screen of your Compa q iPAQ Pock et PC f or the first time, set th e date.
19 Navigate through the Interface 5 T ap the left or right arro w to move backward or f o rward through the calendar 6 T ap a day to select the date 7 Ta p O K 8 T ap Y es to save your date settings C.
20 Enter Infor mation 4 T ap the button-assignment down arrow to see a list o f applications 5 T ap an application 6 T ap OK to assign the applica- tion to the butt on Tips I wa nt to res tor e the de.
21 Enter In formatio n nize r , or Bl ock R ecogn izer but no t in th e T ransc rib er . Chan ge when the sugg estions o ccur (for ex am- ple, deci de ho w many le tters you must enter b efore the Letter R ec- ognizer will make sugges tions) and how many words are suggested.
22 Enter Infor mation 5 T ap the down arrow to change the number of wor ds to suggest 6 T ap to de-select Suggest Wor ds if you do not want any suggestions 7 T ap OK to save your changes Type with the on-screen Key boa rd Enter typed t ext d i rect ly on t he screen by tapping l ette rs, num - bers, and symbols on the Key- board.
23 Enter In formatio n 1 From any application, tap the up arrow next to the Input Panel button 2 T ap Keyboard to display a keyboard on the sc reen 3 T ap a letter , sy mbol, or num- ber to enter info.
24 Enter Infor mation Write a lette r between the hatchma rks labe led abc to type text in low er case Write a nu mber or s ymbol between the hatchmarks labeled 123 to ty pe symbols 4 What you write o.
25 Enter In formatio n 4 What you write on the screen will be converted t o text Draw and write on the screen Use the stylu s as a pen to d raw and wri te on the scr een in the Notes applica tion or f.
26 Enter Infor mation 4 T ap the Pen ic on to de-selec t it 5 Ta p O K Convert writing to text Convert y our writing to te xt when you wri te with t he pen in the Note s applica tion or from the Notes.
27 Enter In formatio n words will be converted to text. The unr ecogn ized wo rd will remain written. 6 Ta p O K Tips I want to address an e-mail message, but I cannot fin d the @ symbol 1 T ap the up.
28 Enter Infor mation I cannot get th e Letter Recognizer to type t h e correct letter 1 Make sure you are writing in the appropriate ar ea (for exam ple, ABC, abc, or 1 23) 2 Write letters wit hout p.
29 Enter In formatio n 2 T ype or write o ver the word(s) Otherw ise, tap and hold th e highlig hted t ext t o see a po p-up menu w ith cut, c opy, paste, and clea r optio ns.
30 Work wi th Contacts Communicatin g Y our Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC H3700 Series lets you communi- cate in many ways, su ch as work- ing with con tacts. T o take full ad vantag e of the ma ny Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC functions, ensure that y ou hav e installed Microsoft ActiveSync 3.
31 Work with Contacts 2 T ap New to create a new cont act 3 T ap any item and enter infor- mation Scroll d own to s ee more field s 4 T ap the down arrow nex t to any item and enter additional details.
32 Work wi th Contacts 2 T ap the down arrow next t o the ca tegory name to see the list of cate gories 3 T ap a catego r y name to see a list of c ontacts place d in that cate gor y 4 T ap a contact.
33 Use the Today Screen Scheduling Y our Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC H3700 Series helps you keep track of yo ur sche dule in many way s: • see inf ormation a t a glance on the T oday screen • set appoi .
34 Use the Today Screen 1 From the Start menu, t ap To d a y 2 T ap New to open the New menu 3 T ap to cr eate a new item Change information from the T oday screen From t he T oday screen, change info.
35 Use the Today Screen 3 Enter or change the i nforma- tion 4 T ap OK to save changes and return to the T oday screen Otherw ise, ta p OK an d from the Start menu, tap T od ay to return to the T oday.
36 Use the Today Screen T ap th e checkbox to use your pictur e as t he bac kgro und T ap Browse to sel ect a picture from File Explor er 4 T ap Items to select or reorder the information on the T oda.
37 Use the Calendar 5 T ap D isp lay to set a t ime before the T oday s creen is displa yed 6 T ap the down arrow to select the amount of ti m e that passes befor e you see the T oday screen 7 Ta p O .
38 Use the Calendar 1 From the Start menu, t ap Calendar Schedule an appointment and set a reminder Hint: Ke ep the amou nt of infor ma- tion in your appointm ents small to conse rve memory . Hint : Schedule an appo intme nt and set a reminde r from the T od ay scree n.
39 Use Tasks For exam ple, to sche dule an All Day appo intme nt, ta p T ype an d tap All D ay By default, a rem inder of 15 minutes is set 5 T ap 15 and tap the down arrow to change the time of the r.
40 Use Tasks 2 T ap New to create a new t ask 3 Enter the subject T ap the down ar row to se lect a predefin ed subje ct If y ou do not en ter a subj ect, you see No subj ect in th e fie ld 4 T ap any.
41 Use Tasks 2 T ap the task you want to delete 3 T ap T ools 4 Ta p D e l e t e Ta s k 5 T ap Y es to permanently delete t he task.
42 Use Microsoft Reade r Using Software With the a pplicat ions on your Co m- paq iP AQ Pocket PC H3700 Series, be up t o date and or ganized eve n away fr om your com puter . Use Microsoft Reader Please n ote that a deta iled eB ook guide is a vailab le on the CD -ROM, and yo u can also copy i t to you r Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC.
43 Use Microsoft Reader backward and fo rward in the book Hint: T o jump to a topic, tap a link. Li nks ca n occ ur thro ugho ut the text or ta ble of contents.
44 Federal Communicatio ns Commission Notice Regulator y Notices Federal Communi cations Commission N otice This equi pmen t has been t ested and fou nd to comp ly with the li mits for a C lass B digit al devic e, pu rsu- ant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
45 Canadi an Not ice metallic R FI/EMI co nnecto r hoods in order to mainta in complian ce with FCC Rul es and Regul ations. Declaration of Conformity for products marked with the FCC logo—United States only This device complies w ith Part 15 of the FC C Rules .
46 Battery Warn ing • EN55022 (CISPR 22) - Electro- magne tic Interferen ce • EN55024 (IEC61000-4-2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11) - Electromagnetic Immuni ty • EN61000-3-3 (IE61000-3-3) - Powe r Line Fli cker • EN 60950 (IEC60950) - Prod- uct Safety Battery Warning WARNING: This c ompute r contai ns an inter nal lithium pol ymer ba tte ry pa ck.
47 Pow er Co rds Pocket PC H3700 Series or for an AC power access ory inte nded fo r use w ith yo ur devi ce, you sho uld purc hase a pow er cor d that is appro ved for use i n your count ry . The po wer cord mus t be rated f or the pro duct and for th e voltag e and curre nt marked on t he pr oduct ’ s electrical rating s lab el.
48 System Specifications Hardware Specifications Sys tem S pecific ati ons Feature Compaq iP AQ H3700 S eries Processor StrongARM SA-1110 Memory 32 MB SDRA M or greater Display Color TFT , 240 x 320 pixels, 4K-color suppor t, .
49 Phys ical Spe cif icat ions Phys ica l Spec ifications Communications Communication port, Expansio n Pack co nnector Indicators 3 mode alar m notification: flashin g green LED, tone, pop-up message.
50 Operati ng Environment Operating Environment US Metric T emperature Operating 32° to 104°F 0° to 40°C Nonoperating -4° to 140°F -29° to 60°C Relative Humidit y Operating 29 to 90% 29 to 90%.
51 Routine Care Routine Care and Batter y Guidelines Routine Care T o keep you r Compaq iP A Q Pocket PC H3700 Series in good cond ition and working prop erly , fol- low thes e guidelin es: • Keep you r Comp aq iPAQ Poc ket P C aw ay fr om ex ces- sive mois ture an d temper ature extr emes.
52 Battery Gu idelines The Com paq iPAQ Pocket P C should n ot be disposed of along with the ge neral household w aste. In order to f orward them to recy- cling or d ispose of th em prop erly , please use the public collect ion system or return them to Compaq, your authori zed Compaq partne rs, or th eir agents .
デバイスCompaq H3700の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Compaq H3700をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCompaq H3700の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Compaq H3700の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Compaq H3700で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Compaq H3700を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCompaq H3700の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Compaq H3700に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCompaq H3700デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。