CompaqメーカーPresario 5BW474の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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My Presario - Getting Started 214905-372 214905-372.qxd 11/30/00 11:24 AM Page 1.
Notice © 2000 Compaq Comp uter Corporation COMP A Q and the Comp aq logo Registered i n U.S. P atent and T radema rk Of fice. Micro soft and W i ndo ws ar e tradema r ks of Mi crosoft C orporatio n. All other product n ames mentio ned herein ma y be trade marks or register ed trademar ks of thei r respective compani es.
MY P RESAR IO –G ETTIN G S TARTED C ON TENTS - I Chapter 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Using This Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C ONTE NTS - II MY P RE SARI O –G E TTING S TARTE D Chapter 3 Using Your Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Keyboard Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MY P RESAR IO –G ETTIN G S TARTED C ONT ENTS - III Diskette, Hard Drive, CD-ROM, and DVD-ROM Driv es. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-13 The Diskette Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13 The Hard Drive .
C ONTE NTS - IV MY P RE SARI O –G E TTING S TARTE D eMail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -6 Setting Up Outlook Express eMail . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MY P RESAR IO –G ETTIN G S TARTED C ONT ENTS - V Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4 Audio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
M Y P RESARIO —G ETTIN G S TARTED I NTRODUCT ION 1-1 In This Chap ter In This Chap ter In This Chap ter In This Chap ter In tr oduc tion Congratul ations! As t he owner of a new Co m paq I nternet PC, you have joi ned the worldwide c omm u nity of Pres ario computer users.
1-2 I NTRO DUCTION M Y P RESAR I O — G ETTING S TAR TED Using This Guide Usin g This G uide This guide is designed f or both beginn ers and exper ienced computer us ers.Y ou can read f rom cover t o cover to le arn basic informa t i on about your c omputer or scan th e guide fo r informa tion on a spec ific topic .
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED I NTROD UCTION 1-3 Symbols and Graphics Used W arnings and cau tions are displa yed to protect you from inju ry , yo ur equipment from damage , and your fi les from d ata loss.
1-4 I NTRODUC TION M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTE D Wher e Can I Find Information? Info rmation is av ailable in seve ral fo rms: pr inted documen t s , electronic documen ts on the CD t hat came with y our computer , and the Co m p aq W eb site.
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED I NTR ODUCTION 1-5 Safety and Comfort Y our computer is an electr ical device . T reat i t wit h care to avoi d perso nal injury and damage to the equipment .
1-6 I NTRODUC TION M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTE D Usin g the M y Presa rio-Learn ing More CD Follow thes e procedures to navigate thr ough the My Presa r i o — Learning Mor e CD: 1. Choose the topi c or manual you want to learn mor e about by clic king two times.
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED S ETTI NG U P Y OUR C OMPUTE R 2- 1 In This Chap ter In This Chap ter In This Chap ter In This Chap ter Setting Up Y our Co m p u t e r Y our C omp uter at a Glance.
2-2 S ETTI NG U P Y OUR C OM PUTER M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED Your Computer at a Gl ance Before yo u begin, you ’ ll want to be come familiar with the components of your Compaq Pres ario. Some compon ents, such as the keyb oar d and mou s e , have color- coded co nnectors that matc h the ports on the bac k of your compu ter .
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED S ETTIN G U P Y OU R C OM PUTER 2-3 Setting Up Your Computer If a cabl e is disconnec ted or you move you r computer to another locatio n, this to pic help s you to quickl y set up aga in.
2-4 S ET TING U P Y OUR C OMP UTER M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTE D Registra tion The fi rst ti m e you turn on your computer , you are guide d thro ugh the regist ration proc ess before acce ssing the W indows desk top.
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED S ETTIN G U P Y OUR C OM PUTER 2-5 Setting up an Internet Service Provid er (ISP) Account An ISP give s you access t o the In terne t. Just as you need an a ccount with a cable c ompany to have cab le servi ce, yo u must a lso have an I SP account to acce ss the Internet and to use eM ail.
2-6 S E TTING U P Y OUR C OMPU TER M Y P RESAR IO — G ETTIN G S TA RTED Settin g Up Yo ur Printer After set ting up and reg istering you r computer , you ar e read y to set up your printer . Complete the fol lowing steps: 1. Set u p your computer a nd complete th e registrat ion procedure s, described on previous pa ges.
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED U SI NG Y OU R C OMPUTE R 3-1 In This Chap ter In This Chap ter In This Chap ter In This Chap ter Using Y our Co m p u t e r Ke y b oa r d B a s i c s, 3 - 2 K eybo.
3-2 U SING Y OUR C OMP UTER M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTE D Keyboard Basi cs The stand ard keys perf orm the fol lowing functi ons: ➜ Mai n keys are t he ty pewrit er-sty le keys . ➜ Function keys are the F1 thro ugh F12 keys. T wo of these ke ys are activ e even with out a progra m runn ing.
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED U SI NG Y OU R C OMPUTER 3-3 Keyboard Buttons The k eyboard butt ons make it ea sier and faster t o acce ss the In ternet, use yo ur favori te software, or liste n to your f avorite CD. Y ou might eve n want to watch a movie or s end an eMail (elec troni c mail).
3-4 U SING Y OUR C OMP UTER M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTE D The CD/DVD co ntrol butt ons p rovide a q uick and easy way t o play a CD or a DVD movie at t he touch of a button . Many CDs begin playing auto m a tically when inserted into t he dri ve.
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED U SING Y OU R C OMP UTER 3-5 W ith th e press of a keyboard button, you can quic kly access th e Intern et, read your eMail, or check out th e late st in ente rtainment. Depending on which Inter net S ervice Pro vider (ISP) yo u have, the defaul t opti ons pro vided b y the Intern et Zone buttons may vary .
3-6 U SING Y OUR C OM PUTER M Y P RES A R I O — G ET TING S TARTE D Y ou can acces s your favo rite prog ram, W ebsit e, or document by pressing one of t he Quick Launch We b buttons - Help 1 and My Prog ram 2 . Ref er to “ Pr eventive Maintenanc e ” on the “ Lear ning Mor e ” CD f o r additional in f ormatio n on service and su pport.
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED U SI NG Y OUR C OMPUTER 3- 7 After yo u assign the My Prog ram 1 button setti ngs, press i ng the button auto m ati cally opens y our sele cted so ftware , W ebs ite, or document . Instru ctions for r e assigning this button ar e found in the “ Lear ning Mor e ” g u ide on th e CD .
3-8 U SING Y OUR C OM PUTER M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TAR TED If yo u ’ re goi ng to be away from your computer but want to lea ve the po wer o n, you ca n let your computer go to sleep. This proce ss allows y ou to run progr ams while you r computer goes into a l ow-power state, which saves ener gy .
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED U SING Y OU R C OMPU TER 3-9 The sy stem lights on the keyboa rd pro vide a quick stat us of your comp uter a nd keyboa rd setti ngs. P ost Of f ice Pr otocol (POP) is a commonly used messag in g pr ot ocol. Th e most widely used implementation of this pr otocol is POP3.
3-10 U SING Y OUR C OM PUTER M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED Scroll Mous e Y our computer comes with a sc roll mo use. Th e scro ll mouse d irects a cursor on the W ind ows desktop. Use the mouse to mo ve quic kly and ea sily through a documen t or W eb si t e.
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED U SING Y OUR C OMP UTER 3-11 AutoScrol l allows you to move fo rward and backward t hrough a documen t wi thout having to move th e mouse or mouse wheel continuously . The scr oll mouse can b e customi zed for a left-hand ed user fr om the Mou se Pr opert ies dialo g bo x.
3-12 U SING Y OUR C OM PUTER M Y P RES A R I O — G ET TING S TARTE D Speake rs Speake r options depend on which model you purchas e. The JBL P l at inum Serie s are t he sta ndar d spea kers that co m e wit h most new Com paq Pre sario monit ors. Y ou can use th e speaker s freest anding or mount them to the s ide of the moni tor .
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED U SING Y OUR C OMP UTER 3-13 Diskette, Hard Drive, CD-ROM, and D VD-RO M Drives Y our computer ma y have one or more drives, depen ding on the model you purc hased:.
3-14 U SING Y OUR C OM PUTER M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED The Hard Drive The hard d rive st ores sy stem f iles, s oftw are, an d data fi les inside you r computer . When you inst all software, do wnload file s from t he Internet, receive e M a il and attac hments, or c reate new files , the computer s a ve s them on your hard d rive.
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED U SI NG Y OU R C OMPUTE R 3-1 5 T o adjust the volume, r ef er to Adjusting the V olume in this c hapter . If the CD-R OM, CD-R W , or D VD-R OM drive can ’ t play a disc, chec k to be sur e th at the disc is inserted pr oper ly and seated secur ely in the drive.
3-16 U SING Y OUR C OMPU TER M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTE D Y ou can play a DVD movie only from a DVD-ROM drive. When you are finish ed watching a movie, sto re the D VD in it s protect ive case. Y o u can contr ol the act ions of the D VD player (pa u se , r ewind , et c.
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED U SING Y OU R C OMPU TER 3-17 Creating Your Own CDs CDs are c reated us ing the Adap tec Easy CD Cr eator (avai lable on select models). V arious u ses of the CD-R W drive ar e shown below: Note: Confirm that th e Easy CD Crea t or software has been ins talled before you begi n cre a ting CDs.
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED W ELCOME TO THE W EB 4 -1 In This Chap ter In This Chap ter In This Chap ter In This Chap ter Basic Con cepts, 4-2 Com p aq Con ne c ti on Helper , 4-3 Internet Con.
4-2 W ELCOME TO TH E W EB M Y P RES A R IO — G ET TING S TAR TED Basic Concepts Inte rnet , W eb, URL, hyperli nks, cyberspa ce — sound confusing ? The In ternet defi nitely has its own te rminology . T ake a few moments to understa nd some ba sic co ncepts that will hel p you start surfing the W eb.
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED W ELCOME TO THE W EB 4-3 Compaq Connection Helper After yo u have signed up wit h an Inter net S ervice Provider (ISP), (see “ Setting Up Y our Computer ” in Chapte r 2) there a re a few thin gs you need to kno w to be a ble to sur f the W e b.
4-4 W ELCOME TO THE W EB M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTE D Intern et Con nectio n W e b page s are vi ewed with a W eb br owser , such as Micr osoft Intern et Explorer or Net scape Navigator . A W eb browser is a program t hat lets you view and explor e informatio n on the W eb.
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED W ELC OME TO THE W EB 4-5 Web Sear ches One way to f i n d what you ’ re l ooking for on the W eb is to use a sear ch engine — your personal guide to the W eb. A search engine tak es inf ormatio n that is scat tered on W eb s i t es all around t he worl d and l ists it for easy viewing a nd printing.
4-6 W ELCOME TO THE W EB M Y P RES A R I O — G ET TING S TARTE D eMail eMai l (ele ctron ic mail) is very similar to t he mail the post al carri er deliver s to your home or offic e — excep t mu ch faste r . Y ou can send l etters, pictur es, postcards — even music and video clips — to frie nds, fam ily , and co-worke rs in an inst ant.
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED W ELCOME TO THE W EB 4-7 T o send and r eceive eMai l, you ne ed an eMail a ddress so tha t yo ur Internet Se rvice Provider (ISP) will know wher e to “ pick up ” a nd “ delive r ” mail . The My Presario — Lear ni ng More guide on this CD has information on f inding eMail addr esses .
4-8 W ELCOME TO THE W EB M Y P RESARIO — G ET TING S TARTE D Now that yo u ’ ve conn ected to an ISP , set up Outlook Expre ss, and h ave an Inter net a ddre ss, it ’ s t ime to write yo ur first eMai l messag e. eMail addr ess es ar e written in a very specific way .
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED W ELCOME TO THE W EB 4-9 Reading Your Outlook Exp ress eMail Messages 1. Press t he Instant eMail ƒ button on t he Internet keyboar d. 2. Click Inbox . New me ssages appear in bold type. 3. Double -click the m e ssage to d isplay th e message text .
4-10 W ELCO M E TO THE W EB M Y P RESARIO — G ETTIN G S TA RTED Content Advisor The In ternet prov ides yo u with acc ess to a wide vari ety of in formation ; however , some informati on may not be s uitable for every vi ewer . W ith Content Advisor , you can : ➜ Control In ternet acce ss.
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED C OMM ON T ASKS 5-1 In This Chap ter In This Chap ter In This Chap ter In This Chap ter Co m m o n Ta s k s In t his ch apter , you le arn how to perform so m e of the more common activ ities with your new Interne t PC.
5-2 C OMMON T ASKS M Y P RES A R IO — G ETTIN G S TA RTED Print Basics T o print on e or more pages from a doc ument file or W eb page, yo u have to connect your printer and inst all the n eces sary sof tware. These p roce dures are d etail ed in th e “ Sett ing Up Y our Computer ” chapter in this guide.
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED C OMMON T ASKS 5-3 Game s Y ou s hould alw ays use the same disc dr ive (CD -R OM or D VD-R OM) that you used t o instal l the game when you pla y the game .
5-4 C OM MON T ASKS M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTE D Software Y ou may want to p u rc hase and i nstall a dditional softwar e. Software ca n be instal led from a CD, DVD, or diske tte, and it can be downlo aded from a W eb site . The i nstallat ion process should a utomatical ly begin when you in sert the CD into the proper disc d rive.
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED C OMM ON T ASKS 5-5 If you do w n load software fro m a W eb site, fo llow th e inst allatio n inst ructi ons usuall y displayed on the W eb pag e. If installa tion inst ruct ions are not avai lable, comp lete the step s list ed here .
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED N EED S OM E H ELP ? 6-1 In This Chap ter In This Chap ter In This Chap ter In This Chap ter Need Some Help? This chapt er provides informati on on how to iden tify and fi x common probl ems that coul d occur wi th your comput er .
6-2 N EE D S OME H ELP ?M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTE D Helpful Hints F or Compaq .NET tec hnical support, dial (toll free) 1-80 0-952-3513. F or Compaq .NET customer support, dial (toll free) 1-80 0-952-3512. T o avoid long-dis tance char g es w hen connecting to the Internet, al ways use a l ocal ar ea teleph one number .
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED N EED S OM E H ELP ? 6-3 Recovery CD The Recover y CD can reins tall th e softw are to th e stat e it was in when you purc hased the comput er . Y ou also have the option of restor ing your co mputer t o the way i t was when you perfor m e d the last User Backup.
6-4 N EED S OM E H ELP ?M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTE D Troubleshooting If a s olution does not fix your prob lem, try all solu tions for t he symptom or tr y the so lution a seco nd Symptom No soun d. Infor mation in this se ction is d ivided into three are as: Symptom, Proble m , and Solu tion.
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED N EED S OME H EL P ? 6-5 Symptom CD-RO M, CD-RW , or DVD-ROM drive cannot read a disc or takes too long to start . Reco rding au dio CDs is diffic ult or impossible. CD-ROM, CD-RW, or DVD-ROM Pro blem Solution CD has been inserted incorrectly .
6-6 N EE D S OME H ELP ?M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTE D Symptom Not reading drive: “ Ab ort, Retry , Fail? ” message appears. “ Non-system disk or disk error ” message is displayed. Diskette drive light stays on. Diskette Dri ve Problem Solution A non -form atte d diskette has been inserted.
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED N EED S OME H ELP ? 6- 7 Diskette drive cannot save info rma tion t o disket te. Symptom Diskette has been improperly inserted. Remove the diskette and reins ert it as follows: Insert the edge with the sliding cover into the drive.
6-8 N EED S OME H ELP ?M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTE D Diskette drive cannot read a diskette. Symptom Diskette drive has failed. Call Compaq T ech nical Support. Refer to you r Certificate of W arranty for details. Diskette is not form atte d. T o format the diskett e: 1.
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED N EED S OM E H ELP ? 6-9 Symptom Screen is blank, and monitor power light is not lit. Screen is blank. Disp lay (Monit or) Pro blem Solution Moni tor po wer cabl e is not c onnected to monitor or wall out let. Reconnect th e power plug on the back of the monitor and to a gr ou nded ( earth ed ) wall ou tlet.
6-10 N EED S OME H ELP ?M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTE D Symptom Computer does not respond, or seems to be locked up. Hard drive error message is displayed . Hard drive fault protection error message is di splayed. Hard Drive Pro blem Solution Program in use has stopped responding to comm ands.
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED N EED S OME H ELP ? 6- 11 Symptom Cannot connect to th e Internet. Cannot automatically launch Internet progr am s. Internet takes too long to download W eb sites. Interne t Acce ss Pro blem Solution Internet Service Provider (ISP) account is not proper ly s et up.
6-12 N EED S OME H ELP ?M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTE D Keyboard and Scroll Mouse Pro blem Solution Keyboa rd connec tor is not pr operl y conn ected. 1. On the Windows taskbar , c lic k t h e Start button. 2. On the Start menu, clic k Shut Down.
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED N EED S OME H ELP ? 6- 13 Memory Problem Solution All memory in comp uter is being used by open programs, and memory is needed for desir ed tas k. T o avoid Windo ws automatically running unnec essar y pr ograms at startu p: 1.
6-14 N EED S OME H ELP ?M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTE D Power Pro blem Solution Line voltage selection switch is not in the proper position for your region (115V/ 230V). Set the line voltage selection switch to the correct setting for your region, or call Compaq T e chnica l Suppo rt for a ssist ance .
M Y P RESARIO — G ETTING S TARTED N EED S OM E H ELP ? 6-15 System files may have been d am age d. Inse rt a start-up d iskette or Wind ows St art-U p diskette to re start your comp uter . 1. Insert a start-up diskette in to the diskette drive . 2. Restart your computer .
M Y P RES ARIO – G ETTING S TARTE D I NDEX -1 Symbols @ sign 4-7 A Activit y button, desc ribed 3-5 Adapte c Easy CD Creato r, creating CDs 3 -17 Add/Remove Pr ograms 5-4 Alta Vis ta, Web brouser 3 .
I NDEX -2 M Y P RESAR IO – G ETTIN G S TARTED Reta il/Af finity C entral 3 -5 Search 3- 5, 4-5 Send and Rec eive 4-6 Sleep 3- 8 Start 4 -3 Stop 3-15 volume control ling 3-7 down 3-7 up 3-7 C cab les.
M Y P RES ARIO – G ETTING S TARTE D I NDEX -3 E ele ctron ic doc ument s, de fined 1-3 eMai l acce ssing via keyboard butt on 3-5 addr ess cr iteria 4-7 butt on 3-5 Close but ton 4-9 defi ned 4-6 De.
I NDEX -4 M Y P RESAR IO – G ETTIN G S TARTED Insta nt eMa il 4-6 Insta nt eMa il butt on 4-9 Inst ant Int ernet button 3-5 Inter net defi ned 4-2 hyperli nk 4-2 instant access bu tton 2-5, 3-5 laun.
M Y P RES ARIO – G ETTING S TARTE D I NDEX -5 N Netscape Navigator 4-4 numeri c keys 3-2 O Outlook Ex press desc ribed 4 -6 Inbox 4-9 setti ng up 4-6 P para llel por t illus trated 2-2 pare ntal con.
I NDEX -6 M Y P RESAR IO – G ETTIN G S TARTED seri al port , illust rated 2-2 sleep mode cust omizing 3-8 desc ribed 3 -8 reco gnizing 6- 9 sof tware accessi ng with mouse 3- 10 downlo ading 5-5 ins.
デバイスCompaq Presario 5BW474の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Compaq Presario 5BW474をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCompaq Presario 5BW474の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Compaq Presario 5BW474の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Compaq Presario 5BW474で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Compaq Presario 5BW474を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCompaq Presario 5BW474の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Compaq Presario 5BW474に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCompaq Presario 5BW474デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。