Compatible SystemsメーカーMicroRouter 2250Rの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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MicroRouter 2250R Installation Guide Comp atibl e Systems Corpo ration 4730 W al nut S treet Suite 1 02 Boulde r , Colo rado 803 01 303- 444- 9532 800- 356- 0283 http://www .
Micr oRo uter 2 250R Inst alla tion G uide , V ersion 3 .0 Copyri ght© 1999, Compati ble Systems Cor poration All rights reser ved. MicroRouter and Compat iV iew are trademarks of Compatible Sys tems Corporation. Other trademarks ar e the property of their respective holders.
ii Chapter 5 - Command Line Managemen t 15 Out-of- Band Com mand L ine Manag ement 15 Tempor arily Reco nfigurin g a Host for Command Li ne Manage ment 16 Setting Up Telnet Operation 16 Chapter 6 - Ba.
iii Suggested fo r IP 24 IPX Pro tocol 25 Required for IPX 25 Suggested fo r IPX 25 Apple Talk Prot ocol 25 Required for AppleTa lk 25 Suggested fo r AppleTalk 25 DECn et Proto col 26 Required for DEC.
iv IPX Routing Defaults 33 IPX Bridging Defau lts 33 Appl eTal k R outi ng De faul ts 33 AppleTalk Bridgi ng Defaults 33 DECnet Defaults 33 WAN Int erfac es 34 IP Default s 34 IPX Defaults 34 Appl eTa.
Chapter 1 - Introducti on 1 Chapter 1 - Introduction About the MicroRouter 2250R Congratulatio ns on your p urchase of t he MicroRouter 2 250R multip ort wide area router with integrated Fractional/Full T1 CSU/DSU.
Chapter 1 - Introducti on 3 The manual is divided into sev eral sections that should provid e you with all the inf ormation you will need to us e the MicroRouter 22 50R on your network .
Chapter 2 - Getting Started 5 Chapter 2 - Getting Started AF e wN o t e s Please Read The Manuals The manuals include d with your Micr oRouter 2250R contain very important info rmation about the Mi croRouter 2250 R and local and wide area networki ng in general.
6 Chapter 2 - Getting Started What You Will Need To Get Started Before conn ecting the MicroR outer 225 0R, please check the li st below to make sure that yo u have received all of the items that are su pplied with the MicroRouter 2250R package.
Chapter 2 - Getting Started 7 Ethernet Conne ction Requ irements The MicroR outer 2250R ’ s Ethernet interface d irectly supp orts 10Bas eT twisted-pair Ethernet.
8 Chapter 2 - Getting Started The MicroR outer 2250R second ary port is a n RS-232 sync/a sync inte r- face. The RS-232 in terface is capable of commu nicating to another router o r a PPP client machi ne over a mod em, 56K CSU/DS U, or ISDN T erminal Adapter .
Chapter 3 - Network Installatio n 9 Chapter 3 - Network Ins tallation MicroRo uter 2250R Ba ck Pane l This section of the manual describes how to connect the MicroRouter 2250R to your Ethernet netwo rk and your wide area communications device(s). In summ ary , the steps for installatio n are: 1.
10 Chapter 3 - Network Installatio n Connecting the Router to the Ethern et If your twisted-pair hub is already in place, you can connect the router to an active network without interrupting network activity .
Chapter 3 - Network Installatio n 11 Note: The Micr oRout er 2250R RS-232 interf aces r equir e t hat your asynchr onous line commu nications devic e be set to sup ply the RS-23 2 DCD signa l when a connecti on has been made. A synchr onous RS-232 device should be set to pr ovide DSR.
Chapter 4 - Comp atiView Software Inst allation 13 Chapter 4 - CompatiView Software Installation All of the routers in Compa tible System s’ internetworki ng and VPN families , including all RISC Rout er and MicroRouter models, can be managed fro m a single GUI m anagement plat form called Com patiV iew .
14 Chapter 4 - Comp atiView Software Inst allation Run the auto-ins tallation pro gram (CV5x file) by double-cl icking on it. The installation program will ask you to select (or create) a d irectory in which it shou ld locate CompatiV iew and its a ssociated files an d data- base su bdir ecto ry .
Chapter 5 - Comm and Line Management 15 Chapter 5 - Command Line Management The command lin e interface allows you to configu re and monitor the router in-band via T elnet or out-of-band with a terminal connected to the MicroRouter 2250R’ s Console interf ace.
16 Chapter 5 - Comm and Line Management Temporaril y Reconfiguri ng a Host for Command L ine Manage ment Y ou can temporarily reconfigure an IP host in order to set the router ’ s IP parameters to allow i n-band T elnet access.
Chapter 5 - Comm and Line Management 17 Ethernet 0 section. B. Use the save command to save the changes to the device’ s Flash ROM. • Y ou may also use Compat iV iew from a reconfigured IP host (if using the IP transpo rt protocol) , or anywhere on your net- work (if using the IPX transport protoco l).
Chapter 6 - Basic Config uration Guide 19 Chapter 6 - Basic Configuration Guide This chapter briefly explains th e major parameters that must be set in order to use the router .
20 Chapter 6 - Basic Config uration Guide IP Protocol Required for IP These parameters set the basic address characteristics of the interface. They provide eno ugh information for ano ther IP node to find the inter - face (such a s a T elnet client), but no t enough infor mation for routin g to take place.
Chapter 6 - Basic Config uration Guide 21 Suggested fo r IPX Y ou may want to set your own network nu mbers, rather than using t he autoconfigur ed values. Y ou may also want to t urn of f unused fr ame types. CV : Use the IPX Rou ting: Ethernet 0 Dialog B ox.
22 Chapter 6 - Basic Config uration Guide Suggested fo r DECnet Setting the parameters above shou ld be adequate for most installatio ns. WAN Interface Configuration In order to use a WAN interface, you may fi rst need to s et some phys- ical parameters and then set up the lin k and protocol parameters.
Chapter 6 - Basic Config uration Guide 23 PPP Configur ation This section covers the settings required for PPP (point-to-point) protocol operation of the W AN interfaces. Internal T1 CSU/DSU (WAN 0) Link Configur ation Required for D edicated Line Operatio n This is the only mode of operation supported via the built- in T1 CSU/DSU.
24 Chapter 6 - Basic Config uration Guide • Set to allow dial-in and/or dial-out CV : Use the Lin k Configurat ion: W AN 1. TB: Use config ure and set the Mode , ConnectMode , DialIn and/o r DialOut keywor ds in the Link Co nfig W AN 1 section.
Chapter 6 - Basic Config uration Guide 25 Note: If you set R IP to “on” for a d ial-on-demand link, you must also s et th e update method to triggered to prevent the link fr om being br o ught up by transmi ssion of RIP inf ormatio n.
26 Chapter 6 - Basic Config uration Guide When you set up an on-demand link wi th AppleT alk, you should care- fully monitor link usag e to determin e whether the li nk is being acti vated only when it is needed. Additional router c onfiguration will be required for many networks in order to achieve o ptimal link usage.
Chapter 6 - Basic Config uration Guide 27 Frame Relay Conf iguration This section cov ers the settings required for Frame Relay operation of the MicroRouter 2250R W AN interfaces. In general, the parameters listed here should be set for each W AN interface on which you plan to use Frame Relay .
28 Chapter 6 - Basic Config uration Guide uses IARP (Inverse Address Resolution Proto col) to dynamically generate this in formation. T o connect to other vendors’ routers wh ich do not s uppo rt IARP , y ou mus t pro vide D LCI- to-p rot ocol m appin g information.
Chapter 6 - Basic Config uration Guide 29 Required fo r IP Unnumbered In terface • IP unnumber ed interface • Point- to-Point Frame Relay • Local DLCI CV : Use t he TCP/IP Rou ting: W AN Dialog Box.
30 Chapter 6 - Basic Config uration Guide AppleTalk Pro tocol Required for A ppleTalk Frame Relay operation requires that the W AN interface is set to be a “numbered inter face.” This means that the interface (and thus the Frame Relay network) mu st have an AppleT alk network number and the interface mu st have an AppleT alk node num ber .
Chapter 6 - Basic Config uration Guide 31 WAN 0 SMDS Configura tion This section covers the settings required for SMDS ( Switched Multi-megabit Data Serv ice) operation of the Micro Router 2250R W AN 0 interface (IP only). S MDS is a connectionless, pack et-switched service that offer s LAN-to-LAN connectivity across a wide area at up to 1.
Appendix A - Shipping Defaults 33 Appendix A - Shipping Defaults Default Password •l e t m e i n Ethernet Interface IP Routing Defaults •O f f IP Bridging Defaults •O n • Address: 1 • Subnet Mas k: 255.255.2 55.0 • Broadcast Ad dress: 198.
34 Appendix A - Shipping Defaults WAN Interfaces IP Defaults •O n • Unnumbered in terface •R I P o f f • V an Jacobson compression of f IPX Defaults •O n • Unnumbered in terface AppleTalk .
Appendix B - Connecto r and Cable Pin Outs 35 Appendix B - Connector and Cable Pin Outs Pin Outs for T1 Fema le Connecto r (DTE) Pin Outs for DB-25 Male to DB-25 Female RS-232 Data & Console Cable The cable supplied with the MicroRo uter 2250R is twenty-five conduc- tors, connect ed straight t hrough.
Appendix C - LED Patterns and Test Switch Settin gs 37 Appendix C - LED Patterns and Test Switch Settings MicroRouter 2250R LED Patterns The MicroR outer 2250R uses a num ber of light patte rns on its front LED bars to indicate operating conditions.
38 Appendix C - LED Patterns and Test Switch Settin gs Other Indicator s (on All LED Bars) 5,6 flashing : Router stack s starting up 3,4 & 7,8 flashi ng: No OS loaded.
Appendix D - Downloading Software From Compatib le Systems 39 Appendix D - Downloading Software From Compatible Systems W e make the latest ver sions of operat ing software f or all Comp atible Systems produ cts available at our W eb site. The latest version of CompatiV iew management software is als o available.
Appendix E - Terms and Conditions 41 Appendix E - Terms and Condition s Compatibl e Systems Corporation (Co mpatible S ystems) off ers to sell only on the c ondition that Cus tomer ’ s acceptance is expressly limited to C ompat- ible Systems’ terms and conditions of sale.
42 Appendix E - Terms and Conditions T o obtain service under th is W arranty , the Cust omer (or subsequent pu r- chaser , if applicable) must follow the procedures outlined below , under “Product Return Po licy .” THE W AR RANTIES SET FOR TH IN THESE TERMS AND CONDI- TIONS ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER W ARRANTIES, EXPRESSE D OR IMPLIED.
Appendix E - Terms and Conditions 43 ber of each item b eing returned; (c) original Compatible Systems Sales Agreement numb er; and (d) any special instr uctions. Upon receipt of this information, Com patible Systems will issue a n RMA (“Return Material Authorization”) n umber and any requi red U.
デバイスCompatible Systems MicroRouter 2250Rの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Compatible Systems MicroRouter 2250Rをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCompatible Systems MicroRouter 2250Rの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Compatible Systems MicroRouter 2250Rの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Compatible Systems MicroRouter 2250Rで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Compatible Systems MicroRouter 2250Rを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCompatible Systems MicroRouter 2250Rの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Compatible Systems MicroRouter 2250Rに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCompatible Systems MicroRouter 2250Rデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。