Crown Boilerメーカー24-12の使用説明書/サービス説明書
ページ先へ移動 of 90
1 D E S I G N E D T O L E A D Series 24 Forced Draft Steam or W ater Boilers INST ALLA TION INSTRUCTIONS These instructions must be affixed on or adjacent to the boiler . W ARNING : Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, serv ice o r ma inte nanc e can cau se pr oper ty d amag e, in jury , or loss of life.
3 IMPOR T ANT INFORMA TION - READ CAREFULL Y , g n i b m u l P l a c o L d n a e t a t S , l a n o i t a N h t i w e c n a d r o c c a n i d e l l a t s n i e b t s u m s r e l i o b l l A e s e h T .
4 W AR N IN G Im p r o p e r in s t a ll a t i o n , a d ju s t m e n t , a l te r a t i o n , s e rv i c e o r m a i n te n a n c e c a n c a u s e p r o p e r t y d a m a g e , p e r s o n a l i n j u r y o r l o s s o f l i fe .
5 G N I N R A W , a n i m u l a n i a t n o c l e u f e h t d n a n o i t s u b m o c f o s t c u d o r p , n o i t c u r t s n o c f o s l a i r e t a m e c n a i l p p A r o c i x o t r e h t o r o .
6 SECTION I - GENERAL INFORMA TION Dimensional Information ............................................................................................................................................... 8 Ratings/Data .................................
7 SECTION VI - BURNER SPECIFICA TIONS Beckett Burners (T able VI) ........................................................................................................................................... 57 SECTION VII - REP AIR P ARTS & CAR TON CONTENTS Regional Office Directory .
8 Section I - General Information FIGURE 1: Dimensional Information.
9 T ABLE I BOILER RA TINGS/DA T A ) 1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( r e l i o B l e d o M - e s r o H r e w o P s s o r G t u p t u O ) H B M ( g n i t a R R = B = I t e N r e n r u B t u p n I g n i t a e H e c a f r u S ) . t F . q S ( t e N x o b e r i F e m u l o V ) .
10 SECTION I - GENERAL INFORMA TION (CONTINUED) A . I NS PE CT SH IP ME NT c ar efu ll y f or an y s ig ns of damage. 1. ALL EQUIPMENT is carefully manufactured, inspected and packed. Our responsibility ceases upon delivery of crated boiler to the carrier in good condition.
1 1 Figure 2: Boiler Foundation Figure 3a: T ypical Arrangement for Stub V ent C . PROVIDE AIR SUPPL Y AND VENTILA TION to accommodate proper combustion. For commercial and industrial equipment, permanent facilities for supplying an ample amount of outside air shall be provided in accordance with the following.
12 G N I N R A W f o n g i s e d e h t n o t r e p x e g n i t n e v a t l u s n o C . y l n o s n o i t a d n e m m o c e r e r a s n o i t c u r t s n I g n i t n e V l a n o i t a N e h T d n a e d i u G g n i t n e V E A R H S A e h T . n o i t a c i l p p a r u o y r o f m e t s y s t n e v c i f i c e p s a .
13 C A U T I O N B o il e r s e c t io n s m u s t b e d ra w n - u p o n p e r f e c t ly l e v e l s u r f a c e o r i mp r o p e r a s s e m b ly m a y r e s u l t. A. FIELD ASSEMBLED SECTIONS — If the boiler was ordered to be field assembled, follow the assembly procedure outlined on the following pages.
14 W A R N I N G N ip p le s m u s t b e d r iv e n i n e v e n l y a n d t o t h e p r o p e r d e p t h t o a s s u r e t i g h t jo in t s . M o s t n i p p l e l e a k s a r e c a u s e d b y t il t e d o r c o c k e d n i p p l e s .
15 i. From the “Section Arrangement” chart, select the next section according to the “Identification Code” at the top of the chart. See Figure 8.
16 When you start, grind surfaces between adjoining sections should be approximately 3/8” apart. Use three (3) or four (4) passes at tightening the four (4) draw-up rods a little at a time so that sections are pulled up evenly .
17 Figure 1 1: Center Section Channel Block Position (Partial Block Draw-Up) Figure 10: Front and Rear Section Channel Block Positions (Hydraulic Draw-up) C A U T I O N D o n o t a p p l y p r e s s u.
18 Figure 12: Hydraulic Draw-Up of Sections B . HYDROST A TIC TEST — After the boiler sections have been assembled, it is essential that the boiler be hydrostatically tested before the canopy , flue cover plates, jacket, or piping is installed.
19 SECTION III - INST ALLA TION INSTRUCTIONS A . INST ALL CANOPY/FLUE OUTLET ASSEMBL Y , Refer to Figures 14, 15 and 16. 1. Open canopy carton. 2. Attach the two (2) canopy brackets to the front end cap of canopy with four (4) #10 x 1/2” sheet metal screws each.
20 Figure 16: Bare Boiler Assembly.
21 W arning : This product contains refractory ceramic fibers (RCF). RCF has been classified as a possible human carcinogen. After this product is fired, RCF may , when exposed to extremely high temperature (>1800F), change into a known human carcinogen.
22 face outward). Secure canopy with 5/16” flat washers, lock washers and brass nuts. See Figure 17. d. Secure canopy right side bracket(s) with ¼ - 20 x 5” lg. carriage bolts. Insert head of carriage bolt between canopy body and casting. Slide carriage bolt into slot provided between castings.
23 C. MOUNT REAR OBSER V A TION PORT COVER Refer to Figure 16. 1. W ith the silastic sealant, secure the 3/16” diameter rope gasket into the groove around the perimeter of the rear observation port cover .
24 Figure 22: Series 24 Jacket Assembly (Boiler Models 24-03 thru 24-12).
25 8. Combination Label and Crown Logo Plate were attached to jacket front panel at time of manufacture. If loose or peeling, apply pressure to reset adhesive. 9. On steam boilers, attach lowest permissible water level plate (from steam trim carton) to the front panel using sheet metal screws.
26 Figure 25a Purpose of T appings - Steam Boilers Size Size (in) (in) B 4 Plug (24-03 thru 24-06) Supply (24-07 thru 24-12) K Steam Boiler A 4 Supply Tapping Location Steam Boiler Tapping Location C 3 Blow-Off Valve D 3 Return E 3 Plug J1 1 F 3 Plug G 1-1/2 Safety Valve/Surface Skim Tap Plug J2 1 Float L.
27 1 1/2" X 3" BR NIPPLE ALL 2 29 1" X 12" NIPPLE CSD-1 EQUIPPED BOILERS PUMPED RETURN 1 2 1/2" BR UNION ALL 2 30 4" BK PLUG ALL 1 3 1/2" BR CLOSE NIPPLE ALL 2 31 1-1/2" X 4 NIPPLE ALL 1 4 LWCO, #67 ALL 2 32 1-1/2" TEE ALL 1 5 GAUGE GLASS SET ALL 2 33 1-1/2" SQ.
28 W A R N I N G S a f e t y v a lv e d is c h a r g e p i p in g m u s t b e p ip e d t o w it h in s ix (6 ) in c h e s o f f l o o r o r t o f lo o r d r a i n t o e l i mi n a t e p o t e n t ia l o f s e v e r e b u r n s . D o n o t p i p e in a n y a r e a w h e r e f re e z in g c o u ld o c c u r.
29 This Page Is Intentionally Left Blank..
30 Figure 26a: Purpose of T appings - W ater Boilers Tapping Location Size Water Boiler Tapping Location Size Water Boiler (in) (in) A 4 Supply J2 1 Plug B 4 Plug K 3/4 Probe L.
31 1 3" SQ. HD. PLUG 24-03 THRU 24-12 2 16 1-1/2" x 3/4" BLK BUSHING 24-03 THRU 24-07 1 1 3" SQ. HD. PLUG 24-12 WITH 20° DROP 1 16 1-1/2" x 1" BLK BUSHING 24-08 THRU 24-.
32 W A R N I N G F a ilu r e to p ro p e rly p i p e b o ile r m a y re s u lt in imp r o p e r , u n s a f e s y s te m o p e r a tio n a n d v o id ma n u fa c tu r e r' s w a r ra n ty.
33 W AR N IN G R e t u r n w a t e r c a n n o t b e l o w e r t h a n 1 3 5 ° F fo r p r o l o n g e d p e r io d s o f t i m e . O p e r a t io n u n d e r th e s e c o n d i t io n s w i ll r e s .
34 of the R TC cannot be used on multiple boiler installations. d. Boiler Circulator – The boiler circulator selection will maintain a constant and minimum flow through the boiler during every heat demand. In addition, the circulator will maintain a flow around the return sensor .
35 Recommendation 1 — Use when: • system return water is not less than 135° F for prolonged periods of time • system flow does not impact flow through the boiler Figure 31: Series 24 Minimum Piping Recommendation 1 - W ater Boiler NOTES: 1. All piping is schedule 40.
36 Figure 32: Series 24 Minimum Piping Recommendation 2 - W ater Boiler Recommendation 2 — Use when: • system return water is not less than 135° F for prolonged periods of time • system flow does impact flow through the boiler(ie. zoning, mixing) NOTES: 1.
37 Figure 32: Series 24 Minimum Piping Recommendation 2 - W ater Boiler Figure 33: Series 24 Minimum Piping Recommendation 3 - W ater Boiler Recommendation 3 — Use when: • system return water is less than 135° F for prolonged periods of time • system flow does impact flow through the boiler(ie.
38 N OT IC E W h e n p o s s i b l e , d o m e s t i c h o t w a t e r p r o d u c t i o n s h o u l d u t il i z e a d e d i c a t e d b o i le r ( s ) . T h is w i ll a l l o w t h e o t h e r b o i le r (s ) t o b e s h u t d o w n a n d is o l a t e d d u r in g t h e s u m me r m o n t h s .
39 Figure 34: Minimum Piping Requirements For Gravity Return Series 24 Steam Boilers NOTES: 1. All piping is schedule 40. 2. T o prevent condensate from being trapped in header , do not reduce equalizer elbow at header connection. 3. Ball valve preferable, gate valve acceptable alternative (supplied by others).
40 Figure 35: T ypical Steam Piping Arrangement for Boilers with Pumped Condensate Return and Boiler Feed Unit.
41 M. CONNECT T ANKLESS HEA TER PIPING as shown in Figure 38. See T able IV for T ankless Heater Ratings. 1. Install Flow Regulator If flow through the heater is greater than its rating, the supply of adequate hot water may not be able to keep up with the demand.
42 Figure 37: Minimum Piping Requirements for Series 24 T ankless Heater Manifolds Figure 38: Schematic T ankless Heater Piping s g n i t a R r e t a e H s s e l k n a T V I e l b a T r e l i o B l e d o M s r e t a e H s s e l k n a T 4 - T f o r e b m u N d e l l a t s n I 1 2 3 4 3 0 - 4 2 5 7 .
43 Figure 40a: Steam Boiler - Safety V alve Hook-Up Figure 39b: Diverting V alve/Actuator Wiring (CW - Open to System) Figure 39a: Diverting V alve/Actuator Wiring (CCW - Open to System) N. ELECTRIC WIRING - Install all field wiring in accordance with the National Electric Code and Local Regulations.
44 Figure 40b: W ater Boiler - Pressure Relief V alve Hook-Up placement. The 14 gauge mounting bracket must be attached to the jacket first using four (4) #8 x ¾” drill point sheet metal screws.
45 Figure 41: T ypical Boiler Wiring with RTC (Front).
46 Figure 42: T ypical Boiler with RTC Return Sensor (Rear).
48 of installation. 5. ON W A TER BOILERS WITH T ANKLESS HEA TERS, set low limit operating control dial at 190°F and high limit dial 210°F . Operating control must be a minimum of 20° below high limit setting. Set differential at 25°. D. ADJUST BURNER according to the Burner Manual.
49 ASHRAE Fundamentals for the area closest to the installation. This value has a default of 10°F , and is adjustable between –60ºF to 32ºF . e. WWSD – The W arm W eather Shut Down feature is used only when the outdoor reset feature is selected.
50 J. TEST CONTROLS W A R N I N G B e f o r e i n s t a l la t io n o f t h e b o i le r is c o n s i d e r e d c o m p le t e , t h e o p e r a t io n o f t h e b o i le r c o n tr o l s s h o u ld b e c h e c k e d , p a r t ic u la r ly th e l o w w a t e r c u t o ff a n d th e h ig h l im i t c o n tr o l .
51 sufficiently to permit a steady trickle of water from the surface blowoff pipe. Continue this slow boiling and trickle of overflow for several hours until the water coming from the overflow is clear . d . Stop burner and drain boiler in a manner and to a location that hot water can be discharged with safety .
52 the drain cocks at boiler and in return main and feed water slowly up to normal level in boiler . T urn on burner and allow boiler to steam for 10 minutes then turn off burner . Draw off one quart of water from bottom gauge glass fitting and discard.
53 T N A T R O P M I S I T I , N O I T A R E P O L A M R O N G N I R U D , F I R E P R E T A W E R O M D D A O T Y R A S S E C E N T L U S N O C , W O L E B D E T A C I D N I N A H T H T N O M O T N A I C I N H C E T E C I V R E S D E I F I L A U Q A .
54 2. CLEAN THE BOILER FLUEW A YS a. Remove the jacket left side panels. b. Loosen nuts securing the flue cleanout plates and remove the plates. The insulation should be removed with the plates taking care not to damage the insulation. c. Using a 1¼” diameter wire or fibre bristle brush (36” handle) clean the flueways.
55 b. Using wire or fibre bristle brush clean crown of boiler and inside of water legs. c. Inspect target wall (903A only) for damage or deterioration.
56 2. FLOA T TYPE LOW W A TER CUT OFF During the heating season, if an external low water cutoff is on the boiler , the blow off valve should be opened once a month (use greater frequency where conditions warrant) to flush out the sediment chamber so the device will be free to function properly .
57 T able VI: Beckett Burner Specifications SECTION VI - BURNER SPECIFICA TIONS E C I T O N , s e r u s s e r p p m u p , s r e n r u b g n i w o l l o f e h t n o p u d e s a b e r a s e i t i c a p.
58 SECTION VII - REP AIR P ARTS & CART ON CONTENTS The following parts may be obtained from any Crown distributor . T o find the closest Crown distributor , consult the area Crown representative or the factory at: Crown Boiler Co. Customer Service P .
60 Figure 43: Series 24 Jacket Assembly (Boiler Models 24-03 thru 24-12) SECTION VII - REP AIR P ARTS (Continued).
61 CROWN CARTON PART # 330203 330204 330205 330206 330207 330208 330209 330210 330211 330212 24-03 24-04 24-05 24-06 24-07 24-08 24-09 24-10 24-11 24-12 1 FRONT JACKET PANEL 330310 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 REAR JACKET PANEL 330320 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UPPER TIE BAR ASSY, 3 SEC.
62 Figure 44: Bare Boiler Assembly.
63 "F" "G" "H" 7 7" PUSHNIPPLE 310005 2 3 4 8 3" PUSHNIPPLE 310006 4 6 8 9 5/8 X 9 3/4 TIE ROD 900310 8 12 16 5/8 HEAVY HEX NUT (GRADE 9) 900307 16 24 32 5/8 HI.
65 STANDARD STEAM TRIM CARTON ASSY. DESCRIPTION CROWN PART # QUANTITY LWCO, #67 400682 1 GLASS SET (11.25" CTR TO CTR) 950082 1 L404F1367 3503800 1 1/2 X 3 BR NIPPLES 95-116 2 1/2" BR. UNION 95-150 2 1/2 X CL BRASS NIPPLE 95-147 2 3/4 BLACK EXTENSION 95-090 1 3/4 X 1/4 BRASS BUSHING 950016 1 90 DEG.
67 S24 TANKLESS HEATER CARTON INCLUDES: 12A S-24 TANKLESS HEATER 1 11 GASKET 330021 1 3/8 X 7/8 "ASME BOLTS" 8 3/8 WASHER 8 HYDROLEVEL 550 LWCO 450560 1 L4006E1109 35-3100 1 3/4 LONG WELL 35.
69 CROWN PART # 98-111 980417 980418 980600 130185 13-074 130190 980419 950273 95-040 95-081 95-134 950500 95-096 95-027 95-057 95-105 950185 950114 950190 950110 95-047 95-033 95-058 95-031 24-03WO 1.
70 A1. 3-way RTC in Primary/Secondary – Heating Only/No DHW; with/without Outdoor Reset (MECHANICAL) NOTES: 1) Install the boiler as indicated above for systems where return temperatures may be less than 135F and heating application only .
71 A1. 3-way RTC in Primary/Secondary – Heating Only/No DHW; with/without Outdoor Reset (ELECTRICAL) NOTES: 1) Refer to the I&O to determine correct valve orientation and actuator wiring. 2) 120 V AC supplying the RTC should be separate from the burner/boiler circuit.
72 A2. 3-way RTC in Primary/Secondary – Heating and DHW using T ankless Coils; with/without Outdoor Reset (MECHANICAL) NOTES: 1) Install the boiler as indicated above for systems where return temperatures may be less than 135F and heating/DHW with tankless coils.
73 NOTES: 1) Refer to the I&O to determine correct valve orientation and actuator wiring. 2) 120 V AC supplying the RTC should be separate from the burner/boiler circuit.
74 A3. 3-way RTC in Primary/Secondary – Heating and DHW using Indirect W ater Heater; with/without Outdoor Reset (MECHANICAL) NOTES: 1) Install the boiler as indicated above for systems where return temperatures may be less than 135F and heating/DHW with an indirect water heater .
75 A3. 3-way RTC in Primary/Secondary – Heating and DHW using Indirect W ater Heater; with/without Outdoor Reset (ELECTRICAL) NOTES: 1) Refer to the I&O to determine correct valve orientation and actuator wiring. 2) 120 V AC supplying the RTC should be separate from the burner/boiler circuit.
76 A4. 3-way RTC in Primary/Secondary – Heating and DHW using Indirect W ater Heater on Primary Loop; without Outdoor Reset (MECHANICAL) NOTES: 1) Install the boiler as indicated above for systems where return temperatures may be less than 135F and heating/DHW with an indirect water heater .
77 A4. 3-way RTC in Primary/Secondary – Heating and DHW using Indirect W ater Heater on Primary Loop; without Outdoor Reset (ELECTRICAL) NOTES: 1) Refer to the I&O to determine correct valve orientation and actuator wiring. 2) 120 V AC supplying the RTC should be separate from the burner/boiler circuit.
78 A5. 3-way Multiple Boiler RTC in Primary/Secondary – Heating and DHW using Indirect W ater Heater on Primary Loop; Using Sequencer with & without Outdoor Reset (MECHANICAL) NOTES: 1) Install the boiler as indicated above for systems where return temperatures may be less than 135F and heating/DHW with an indirect water heater .
79 A5. 3-way Multiple Boiler RTC in Primary/Secondary – Heating and DHW using Indirect W ater Heater on Primary Loop; Using Sequencer with & without Outdoor Reset (ELECTRICAL) NOTES: 1) Refer to the I&O to determine correct valve orientation and actuator wiring.
80 A6. T ankless Application Only with RTC – NO Building Heat; with and without storage tank (MECHANICAL) NOTES: 1) Install the boiler as indicated above for systems where the boiler return temperatures may be less than 135F and heating DHW with a tankless coil.
81 A6. T ankless Application Only with RTC – NO Building Heat; with and without storage tank (ELECTRICAL) NOTES: 1) Refer to the I&O to determine correct valve orientation and actuator wiring. 2) 120 V AC supplying the RTC may or may not be separate from the burner/boiler circuit.
82 A7. Indirect Application Only with RTC – NO Building Heat (MECHANICAL) NOTES: 1) Install the boiler as indicated above for systems where the boiler return temperatures may be less than 135F and heating DHW with an indirect water heater or heat exchanger .
83 A7. Indirect Application Only with RTC – NO Building Heat (ELECTRICAL) NOTES: 1) Refer to the I&O to determine correct valve orientation and actuator wiring. 2) 120 V AC supplying the RTC may or may not be separate from the burner/boiler circuit.
84 APPENDIX B1 - Series 24 Boiler Circulator and Diverting V alve Selection Chart, 20°F & 40°F DT , T ACO ) l a i t n e r e f f i D F ° 0 2 ( O C A T - n o i t c e l e S r o t a l u c r i C r e.
85 APPENDIX B2 - Series 24 Boiler Circulator and Diverting V alve Selection Chart, 20°F & 40°F ∆ T , Grundfos ) l a i t n e r e f f i D F ° 0 2 ( s o f d n u r G - n o i t c e l e S r o t a l.
86 APPENDIX B3 - Series 24 Boiler Circulator and Diverting V alve Selection Chart, 20°F & 40°F ∆ T , Bell and Gossett F ° 0 2 ( t t e s s o G d n a l l e B - n o i t c e l e S r o t a l u c r.
87 APPENDIX B4 - Series 24 Boiler Circulator and Diverting V alve Selection Chart, 20°F & 40°F ∆ T , Armstrong ) l a i t n e r e f f i D F ° 0 2 ( g n o r t s m r A - n o i t c e l e S r o t .
88 APPENDIX C – V AL VE AND ACTUA T OR MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS Application For use with ESBE ½” to 6” 3-W ay and 4-W ay rotary valves for mixing and diverting applications. Use with 24V ac 3-point “floating” signal controller . Mounting the Motor 1.
90 Manufacturer of Hydronic Heating Products P .O. Box 14818 3633 I. Street Philadelphia, P A 19134 T el: (215) 535-8900 • Fax: (215) 535-9736 • www .
デバイスCrown Boiler 24-12の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Crown Boiler 24-12をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCrown Boiler 24-12の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Crown Boiler 24-12の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Crown Boiler 24-12で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Crown Boiler 24-12を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCrown Boiler 24-12の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Crown Boiler 24-12に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCrown Boiler 24-12デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。