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Printer Protocol Interpreter (PPI) DGL™ Pr ogrammer ’ s Refer ence Manual for DGL, a Datamax ® DPL ™ Printer Pr otocol Interpr eter Thermal Series Printers.
Prin ter Protoc ol Interpreter (PPI) DGL Programmer’s Referenc e Manual for DGL, a Datamax DPL Printer Protocol Interprete r Ther mal Ser ies Prin ters.
T rad ema rk Ackno wledgm ents DPL is a trade mark and Datamax i s a regi stered t rademar k of Da tamax Technolog ies Co rporation. PPI is a trademar k of Pr introni x, Inc. Printroni x and PSA ar e regist ered tra demarks of Pri ntronix , Inc. COPYRIGHT © 2006 PRINTRO NIX, INC.
1 Introducti on ....... ...... ......... ......... ...... ......... ......... .. 11 About This Manua l . ................... ............. ............. ............. ............. ....... 11 Coax/Twina x Interface Requirem ents ................ .....
Table of Contents STX I - Input Image Da ta ................ .................... ............. ....... 18 STX i - Downloadin g Scalab le Fonts ........... ............. ............. . 18 STX K - Ex tended-S ystem Co mmands .............. ...........
Table of Contents n Set Inc h Mode (Im perial) ............. ............. ............. ............. . 23 P Set Pr int Spee d .. ............ ............. .................... ............. ....... 2 3 Q Set Quan tity Of L abels To Print .. .......
Table of Contents STX Kx - De lete Co nfigurati on File .............. .................... ....... 29 STX Kb - Ba ckfeed Ti me Delay ...... ............. ............. .............. 30 STX K- - To p of Form, O ffset Dis tance .. ............. ......
Table of Contents Bi-Direc tional Co mmunic ations .............. ............. ............. ....... 41 Cutter Com mands .. ............ .................... ............. ............. ....... 4 1 Emulati ons ................... ............. ......
Table of Contents.
11 1 Intr oduction About Thi s Manu al This man ual e xplains t he dif ferences betw een the Print er Pro tocol In terprete r Datamax G raphic L anguage (DGL) Utility and the Da tamax ® DPL ™ langua ge. Use this manual with your SL500r / T5000r User’s Manual for complete printer- protoco l operation.
12 Chapter 1 PPI/DGL SETUP Menu PPI/DGL SETUP Menu Imperial* Metr ic PPI/DGL SETUP Active Yes * No Control Co des Feedback Chars CC: <SOH> 1 1* (0.
PPI/DGL SETUP Submenu 13 PPI/DGL SETUP Submenu Active This setti ng deter mines if the DG L parser should pr ocess al l incomin g data or pass all th e data t o the un derlyi ng emulati on. • Yes . DGL is ac tive; pr ocesse s all DPL com mands. • No .
14 Chapter 1 PPI/DGL SETUP Menu Euro Character Allows the oper ator to s elect th e positi on of the Euro character in the c ode pag e. Contr ol Codes Allows the operat or to c hange the prefix of the s oftware comm ands interprete d by th e printer.
PPI/DGL SETUP Submenu 15 Row Offset Shifts th e verti cal start o f the prin t posi tion. This is the us er setti ng for r ow adjustme nt. • 0 (0 to 99 .
16 Chapter 1 PPI/DGL SETUP Menu V erti cal DPI Adjust This o ption fine adjusts the reso lution used to scale the pag e elements / coordi nates. In c ases where the prin ted label length is in corre ct, the ve rtical resolu tion v alue DGL uses for calculati ons ca n be fine adjus ted by this me nu between -100 a nd + 100.
17 2 Fully Supported Commands System-Le vel Command Func tions STX A - Set Tim e and Date This com mand sets the ti me and date . The initial s ettin g of the date will be stored i n the pri nter’s i nternal m emory. T his dat e can b e verified b y printi ng a configur ation label .
18 Chapter 2 STX F - Fo rm F eed This com mands the prin ter to for m feed o ne label. STX G - Pri nt L ast Label F ormat This com mand pr ints a p revious ly form atted labe l and restart s a ca nceled batch job aft er the la st pr ocessed label . This is used when the re is a label format in the print buffer.
System-Level Comma nd Functions 19 termina ted with E, s, or X, (see Label-F ormatti ng Comm ands fo r additi onal informa tion .) STX m - Set P rinter T o Metric This com mand s ets the pr inter to interpr et measur ement s as metr ic values (e.g., <S TX>c010 0 will equal 10.
20 Chapter 2 STX V - Softwar e S ett ings Printer opti ons are set by entering se lections through the men u. The so ftware setting c omman d allows two of th ese optio n settings to be modified w ithout returning t o the men u. Choosin g the app ropria te values allow the option( s) to be turned ‘On’ or ‘Off’.
Label Formatting Command Functions 21 strip o f label s. Be tween 1 a nd 999 9 labels may be pr inted before a c ut is made. Th e amoun t must be smaller than th e quant ity of lab els pri nted.
22 Chapter 2 the pre- printed data.) T he ‘C’ co mmand i nstruc ts the printer to print label formats nnnn un its to the right of t he pos ition that the for mat spec ifies. c - Set Cut By Amo unt This com mand i s the sam e as the ‘ :’ com mand exc ept only a two-dig it value can be entered.
Label Formatting Command Functions 23 beginnin g with r egister A , endin g at r egister P, and increm enting with each ins tance of th e G com mand use. H - E nter H eat S etting This com mand chan ges th e “on tim e” of ele ments o f the pri nthead.
24 Chapter 2 S Set Sle w Rate This com mand s ets the r ate for the printer to feed non-print ed are as of the label thr ough t he printe r. The sl ew rate remains unchang ed unl ess a nother slew rate c omman d is sen t, the prin ter is res et or a n ew rat e is set via the menu.
Font Loading Comma nd Functions 25 STX S Recall Global Dat a And Place In Field Once a global r egist er has be en defined , its c onten ts can be used a s data in other fie lds.
26 Chapter 2 F (1) : EAN- 13 G (1) : EAN-8 H (1) : Heal th Indu stry B arcode (HB IC) (Code 39 barc ode with a modu lo 43 checks um) I (1) : Coda bar J (1) : Interlea ved 2 of 5 with a modulo 10 chec .
27 3 Command Enhancements And Differ ences For more in format ion on SOH com mand func tional ity, refe r to the B i- Directi onal Co mmunica tions secti on on p age 41. SOH # - Reset This comman d resets the pri nter. Resetti ng the p rinter re turns all s etting s to default an d cle ars both the commu nicati ons a nd printi ng buf fers.
28 Chapter 3 SOH E - Sen d Batch Quantity This com mand c auses th e printer to send back a 4-dig it number indi cating the quantity of labe ls left to prin t in the c urrent b atch, foll owed by a carria ge return. Communi catio ns latenc y may cause thi s value t o be high er than ac tual on some printers.
29 power-u p the prin ter while pressi ng the P AUSE and CANC EL keys ; or, 3 ) via the prin ter’s me nu system e ntry Sy stem Se ttings / Set Facto ry Defaults . (Not suppo rted.) STX KF - Select Factory Default s This com mand res tores th e printer ’s con figurati on to the “factory defaul t” settings .
30 Chapter 3 STX Kb - Backfeed T ime Delay (Obsolet e Extende d System Comman d) . STX K- - T op o f Form, O ffset Dist ance (Obsolet e Extende d System Comman d ). STX KD Dat abase Configuration (Obsolet e Extende d System Comman d ). STX KI - GPIO I nput (Obsolet e Extende d System Comman d).
31 STX P - Character (HEX) Dum p Mode This com mand i nstruct s the p rinter to en ter th e Charact er Hex Du mp Mode (ASCII Du mp / “mon itor mode ”). Al l data sen t to the print er follow ing this command will be pri nted in the r aw ASCII format.
32 Chapter 3 receiv ed, the printer wi ll resp ond wit h the i nternal A -D sens or valu es, see table bel ow. To re peat th e displa y of v alues , send the printe r a ‘SPAC E’ (20 hexadec imal). S end < ESC> to te rminate the func tion. (Not supp orted.
33 f - Set Present S peed (Not sup ported.) M - Sel ect Mi rro r Mo de This com mand i nstruct s t he printe r to “mi rror” al l su bseque nt print f ield records . This com mand toggl es the mirroring m ode. Mi rrored fi elds are transpo sed vis ually, a s if the ob ject is viewe d in a Printed Resul t.
34 Chapter 3 Font s See the ta bles b elow for the differ ent typ es of fonts that will be avail able. All Si ngle-By te font s will b e sup ported, and will be av ailable in DG L by default.
35 Internal Bitmapped Non-Propor tional fonts: D es cri pt i on Ty pe (b ) DPI He i g h t W i dt h Spac i ng Point Si ze A g fa T y p efa ce 96- charact er al phanum eri c font , uppercase and low ercas e. 203 7 5 1 2. 5 0 300 10 7 1 2. 4 145- charact er uppercase and lowercase al phan um e ri c f ont t hat i ncl udes des enders and ascenders.
36 Chapter 3 ISmooth, Scalable and Downlo aded fonts: Font ID 9 uses the Size field ( eee ) in the Recor d Forma t to sel ect the S mooth, Scalabl e, or Down loaded fonts.
37 Codepages Resident Bitmap Fonts The Res ident Bit map font s don’t us e diff erent co depages ; the cha racters a re mapped at predef ined p ositions , defin ed in the t able be low. See th e print sa mple s in App endix C in th e ‘Class Series Progr ammers Manual’ for the referen ce char acters .
38 Chapter 3 Downloading Bitmap Fonts The Font- loading <ESC> c omman ds are u sed to download bi tmap-fon ts in the PCL-4 (HP Las erJet II) fo rmat. Downloading Scalable Fonts Two type s of Sca lable fonts can be down loaded to the pri nter with <STX>i comm and: ·IntelliFo nt (.
39 UCC/EAN Code 128 DGL foll ows the UCC s tandards, a nd requi res the amou nt of da ta that i s define d for the provid ed AI (Appli cation Ide ntifier) . For exam ple, with bar code ‘Q’ the requi red amount of da ta is 19 acc ording to the Datamax manu al.
40 Chapter 3 Images Images ca n be downl oaded to the p rinte r to be stored in Flash or DRAM in th e following form ats usin g the <STX>I Command. Image Form ats: NOTE: The firs t image-r ow rece ived will be pr inted at given coor dinates. All followin g rows ar e appended o n top of ea ch othe r.
41 Module Operations: DGL will em ulate 2 differ ent Modul es: Ram and Fla sh. Datama x has sever al Flash and Ram mod ules, but DG L will ma p all Fl ash modu les to the sa me PTX Fla sh Fil e System , and a ll Ram Module s to the gl obal M emor y Pool.
42 Chapter 3 The Media Handlin g menu se tting ca n be set up thro ugh the Sof tware Switc h Settin g comman d <STX >V. Enab ling t he Cutter bit sel ects ‘Cu t’ Med ia Handling, and the Pres ent bit sele cts ‘Tea r-Off’ . Disabli ng cutter or pr esent bit sele cts medi a handl ing setti ng ‘Co ntinuou s’.
43 <STX>Y Output S ensor V alues DataMax V alues do not co rrespo nd with PTX valu es. <STX>D Memory Dump (T est Mode O nly) <STX>d Set P rinter t o double b uffer m ode <STX>s.
44 Chapter 3 <STX>KO GPIO Outpu t PTX ha s its own GPIO c onfigu ratio n metho ds <STX>K S Config ure Sca lable F ont Cac he Size PTX Font ca che is c onfig ured in PRINTER CONTROL Menu &l.
45 A Configuration Setting Compatibility The tabl es below list the D atam ax confi guration setti ng alon g with a descripti on of its behav iour on D atamax printer s, and the corre sponding Printroni x menu s etting. T a ble 1. Media Settings menu Dat amax Setting Descripti on PTX Setting MEDIA TYP E Sele cts the printin g metho d.
46 Appendix A LABEL W IDTH Sets the ma ximum l imit for the prin table surfac e width. Objects ex tending b eyond this lim it w ill N OT print . *04.10, 06 .61 or 08.52 (0 - 08.52) MEDIA-CONTROL → Labe l Wid th *04.1, 06.6 or 08 .5 (00.1 to 08.5 inc hes) SENSOR CALIBR A TION Adjusts the pr inter to sense your me dia.
47 CUSTOM ADJUSTM ENTS For fi netunin g the foll owing settings: DARKNESS XX (1-64) PRES ENT A DJUST XXX DOTS (0-128) ROW ADJ UST XX X DOTS (- 100 to100) COLU MN ADJU ST XXX DOTS (0-128) N/A N/A MEDIA-CONTR OL → Ve r Image Shi ft and Hor Imag e Shift (-1.
48 Appendix A CUTTER Used to c ut media i nto separate la bels. ENAB LED, *DIS ABLE D, NOT INST ALLED MEDIA CONTROL → Me dia HandlingCut SCANNER Used t o check the bar c odes on the labels. V ALIDA T OR menu GPIO PORT Mo del dep endant opti on use d to interf ace the pr inter to an exte rnal cont rol ling d evic e.
49 SCAL EABLE FONT CACH E Set s th e n umber of 1 K blo cks allocat ed for the scal eable font en gine. *312 KB PRINTER CONTROL → Max Cache Memory 900 KBy tes* (50 to 900 KBytes *) SINGLE B YTE SYM BOLS Se lects the c ode page used to print single b yte fonts unless otherwis e spe cified i n DPL.
50 Appendix A FORMA T A TTR IBUTES Affects the manner i n whic h overla pping text and gr aphics are tre ated as the label is printed. TRAN SP ARENT , *X OR, OP AQUE PPI/DGL SETUP → Format Attri b TRAN SP ARENT , *X OR, OP AQUE IMAGING MO DE Instructs the print er whet her to pre- image t he label f ormat .
51 BACK AFT ER PR INT Wh en the p resent d istance is set with t he cutter , present sensor or GPIO option enabled, t his sett ing determi nes the ti ming of the label ba ck up . ENABLED, *DI SABLED N/A MENU LANGUA GE Selects th e lang uage in which the menu s ystem m essages and confi guration label are shown .
52 Appendix A CO NTROL CODES A llows the oper ator to change the prefix of the software comm ands inter preted by the printer . *ST ANDARD CODES AL TERNA TE CODES AL TERNA TE CODES 2 AL TERNA TE CODES.
53 B Contact Information Print ronix Customer Support Center IMPORT ANT Please h ave th e followin g inform ation av ailable prio r to call ing the Printronix Customer Supp ort Center: • Model num ber • Serial num ber (l ocated on the bac k of th e printer) • Installe d optio ns (i.
54 Appendix B Cor por ate Of fices Corporate Offices Printroni x, Inc. 14600 Myford Road P.O. Box 1955 9 Irvine, CA 926 23-9559 Phone: ( 714) 368- 2300 Fax: (714 ) 368-26 00 Printroni x, Inc.
250103-001 B *250103-001* ..
デバイスDatamax DGLの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Datamax DGLをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはDatamax DGLの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Datamax DGLの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Datamax DGLで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Datamax DGLを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はDatamax DGLの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Datamax DGLに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちDatamax DGLデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。