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www suppor com RA CK INST ALLA TION GUIDE .
www suppor com RA CK INST ALLA TION GUIDE .
Notes, N otices, Caut ions, an d W arnings Th rougho ut this gui de, bl oc ks of te xt ma y b e accom panied b y a n icon and prin ted in bold type or in italic type.
iii Safe ty Instructions Use the f ol low ing saf ety guidelines to ensure y our o wn personal saf et y and to he lp protect y our ser ver , storag e sy stem, or app liance from potential dam age.
iv General P recaut ions Observe the f o llo wing g eneral pre cautions f or using and w orking with y our syste m: • Obser ve and follow ser vice marki ngs . Do not ser v ice any De ll prod uct except as ex plai ned in y our Dell sy s tem docum entation.
v • Use only appro v ed po w er cab le(s). If y ou h a ve not been p ro vided with a po w er cable for y our ser ve r , storage sy stem, o r applia nce, or f or an y A C-pow ered option intended fo r your s ys tem, purc hase a po w er cable tha t is appro v ed f or use in y our countr y .
vi • When con necting o r discon necting po wer to h ot-pluggable po w er suppli es, if of f ered wi th y our Dell produc t, obser v e the f ol low ing gu idelines : — Install the pow er supply bef ore co nnecting the po w er cabl e to the po w er supply .
vii • Alw ay s load the rac k from the bot tom up, and l oad the h eavie st item in the rac k first. • Mak e sure th at the rac k is le vel and stable be fore e xtending a com ponent from the rac k.
viii CAUTION : Some Dell systems can be service d only by trai ned serv ice tech- nician s bec ause o f high voltag es an d ener gy ha zards. Do no t atte mpt to servi ce the c omput er sys tem you rse lf , e xce pt as e xplain ed in th is gu ide an d elsew here in De ll doc umen tatio n.
ix Y ou can also t ak e the foll o wing steps to prev ent dama ge from electros t atic disc harge (ESD): • When unp ac king a static-s ensitiv e compone nt from i ts shippi ng carton , do not remo v e the comp onent from the a ntistatic pac king material until y ou are read y to install th e compon ent in y our computer .
x • When sit ting , ma ke sure the w eig ht of y our le gs is on yo ur f eet and not on the front of y o ur c hair seat. A dju st y our c hair’ s height or us e a f ootres t, if neces sar y , to maintain p roper post u re. • V ar y your w ork activities.
xi Contents Before You Begin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Recomme nded Tool s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Install ing the Rack Kit .
suppo om Dell P ow erEdge 2400 S ystems Rac k Installation Guide 1 -1 Dell™ P owerEdge™ 2400 Systems R ack Installation Guide Th is in stallation gui de pro vide s instr uctions f or train ed service tec hnicians in stalling one or mo re Dell P ow erEdg e 240 0 co mput er systems i n a Del l rac k.
1 -2 Dell P owerEdge 240 0 Sy stems Rac k Inst allatio n Guide * I f you purc ha sed a Dell rac k with y our P owerE dge sys tem, some of the har dware ma y be pre- installed in the rac k. F igure 1-1. Rack Kit Contents cable- manage ment arm assemb ly slide a ssemblies (1 pa ir) with mo unti ng brac kets* rac k adap ter (1 ) 1 0-32 x 0.
suppo om Dell P ow erEdge 2400 S ystems Rac k Installation Guide 1 -3 Before Y o u Begin B efo re y ou beg in in stalling y our P ow erEdge s ys tem in the rac k, carefully re ad “Saf ety Instr uc tions” f oun d earlier in t his gu ide.
1 -4 Dell P owerEdge 240 0 Sy stems Rac k Inst allatio n Guide F igure 1-2. Opening the Latch on th e 24-U Rack Door If y ou ha v e a 42-U rac k cabinet, slide the latc h's push-but ton co ver up.
suppo om Dell P ow erEdge 2400 S ystems Rac k Installation Guide 1 -5 F igure 1-3. Opening the Latch on th e 42-U Rack Door 2. Remove the fr ont d oor of t he ra c k. If y ou ha v e a 42-un it rac k, perf orm the fo llo wing step s (se e Figure 1 -4): a.
1 -6 Dell P owerEdge 240 0 Sy stems Rac k Inst allatio n Guide F igure 1-4. Removin g the 42-U Rack Doors hinge release lever.
suppo om Dell P ow erEdge 2400 S ystems Rac k Installation Guide 1 -7 F igure 1-5. Removin g the 24-U Rack Doors hinge in sert hinge pin hing e.
1 -8 Dell P owerEdge 240 0 Sy stems Rac k Inst allatio n Guide Installing the Slide Assemblies in the R ack NO TE: If the s lide ass emblies w ere prein stalled b y Dell , yo u ma y sk ip this s ectio n. Y ou must allo w 6 U (1 0.5 inc hes) of v ertica l space f or e ac h P ow erEdge 2 400 syst em y ou install in th e rac k.
suppo om Dell P ow erEdge 2400 S ystems Rac k Installation Guide 1 -9 4. Mark the u pper - and lo w er -mou nting p ositions fo r the slide b rac kets as sho wn on the templ ate.
1 -1 0 Dell P o werEdge 240 0 Sy stem s Rac k Inst al lation Gui de 5. Align the mounting tab on the front of the sli de-asse mbly mountin g brac k et with the notc hes in the ra c k (see Figure 1 -8). 6. Pu sh unti l the moun ting tabs are s ecure in t he notc hes on the rac k and the pus h- but ton clic ks out.
suppo om Dell P ow erEdge 2400 S ystems Rac k Installation Guide 1 -1 1 Installing the P owerEdge System in t he Ra c k The subse ction s that foll ow includ e inst ructions for i nst alli ng the P ow erEdg e system. Installing the R ack Adapters T o inst all the ra c k adapt ers o n the c omput er , pe rform th e following ste ps.
1 -12 Dell P owerEdge 240 0 Sy stems Rac k Inst allatio n Guide F igure 1-10. R emoving the Feet 3. F rom the outs ide of the c hassis, pr y eac h f oot from the c hassis. 4. T urn the comp uter o v er and la y it on the bot tom sid e. 5. R emo ve the front bezel and t he lef t- and righ t-side co mputer co v ers.
suppo om Dell P ow erEdge 2400 S ystems Rac k Installation Guide 1 -1 3 F igure 1-11. R emoving the Computer’s T op Cover 8. Rep lace the top cov er with the top co v er assembl y supplied in the rac k kit. Use the tw o scre ws that y ou remo ved in step 6 to s ecure the top co v er pro vide d with the kit.
1 -14 Dell P owerEdge 240 0 Sy stems Rac k Inst allatio n Guide Fi gure 1-12. I nstalling the Ra ck Adapter and Shoulder Screws 1 1 . Install the ra c k adapte r on the co mputer ( see Figure 1 -1 2). Secure t he rac k adapter to the co mputer wi th two 8-32 x 0 .
suppo om Dell P ow erEdge 2400 S ystems Rac k Installation Guide 1 -1 5 3. Tilt the c omputer w hile ali gning the bac k shoulder s cre ws on the top and th e bot tom of the computer with th e bac k rail slo ts on th e slide assembl ies. W ARNIN G: Mak e sure that t he se rver shoul der screw s are secu rely enga ged in the s lots.
1 -16 Dell P owerEdge 240 0 Sy stems Rac k Inst allatio n Guide 6. Pr ess up on the gree n latc hes and p ush the c hassis i nto the rac k. 7 . Tighten the thum bscre ws on eac h rac k adapte r brac ke t. Installing the Cable-Management Arm T o install the ca ble-mana gement arm on the co mputer , perf orm th e fol low ing st eps: 1 .
suppo om Dell P ow erEdge 2400 S ystems Rac k Installation Guide 1 -1 7 3. Connect t he cable s to the computer . F or details, se e y our co mputer’ s I nstallation a nd T roubles hooting Guide and the User ’ s Guide . 4. Secure the c ables: a.
1 -18 Del l P owerEdge 240 0 Systems Rac k I nst allation G uide.
suppo om Index 1 Inde x C cable mana gement arm, 1-1 6 cables , 1-17 cauti ons, iii computer insta lling in rack, 1-1 1, 1-14 weight, 1-11 D doors remo ving , 1-3 replac ing, 1-17 E electros tatic d ischarge .
2 Dell P owerEdge 240 0 Sy stems Rack Install ation Guide W warnin gs, iii.
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デバイスDell 2400の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Dell 2400をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはDell 2400の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Dell 2400の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Dell 2400で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Dell 2400を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はDell 2400の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Dell 2400に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちDell 2400デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。