DellメーカーPOWEREDGE 300の使用説明書/サービス説明書
ページ先へ移動 of 26
s uppo rt.d ell .c om Chec k ing Insid e t h e Comp uter 7-1 CH APT ER 7 Che cking Ins ide th e Comp uter Y o ur Dell P ow erEd ge 300 sys tem suppo rts a va ri ety of inte rnal opt ions tha t e xpan d sy ste m cap abili ties . T his fi le prepa res y ou to ins tall options i nsi de the com puter .
7-2 Install ation an d T roub lesh ooting G uide 4. T o v er ify t hat all po wer has been r emov ed fr om the syst em, mak e sur e that the standb y light-emi tting di ode (L ED) o n the syste m board has gone out . F or the lo cation of thi s LED , se e Figur e 8-1, in Cha pter 8 , “Inst alling S yste m Board O ptions” .
s uppo rt.d ell.c om Chec k ing Insid e th e Computer 7-3 Fi gu r e 7 -1 . P adl o ck Installe d 3. R emov e the c o ver . 4. F acin g the le f t si de c o ver , press th e r elea se but ton (loca ted.
7-4 Install ation an d T roub lesh ooting G uide Fi gure 7 -2 . Removing the Compute r Cover R eplacing the Comput er Cover Use the fo llow ing proc edure to repla ce t he co m puter c ov er : 1 . Chec k al l c able connection s, esp ecially those t hat m ight h av e com e loose during y our work .
s uppo rt.d ell.c om Chec k ing Insid e th e Computer 7-5 the tabs on t he cov er int o t he r ecessed slot s on the compute r c hassis so th at the tabs catc h the hooks ins i de t he slots. Piv ot the co ver dow n tow ard the bot tom of the c hassis and int o posit ion.
7-6 Install ation an d T roub lesh ooting G uide Ins ide Y our Compute r Figure 7 -4 shows a side vie w of y our computer to help y ou or ient y ours elf w h en instal l ing har dware op tions. Unle ss other wise spec i f ied, l oca tions or dir ectio ns rela- tiv e to the computer ar e as sho wn.
s uppo rt.d ell.c om Chec k ing Insid e th e Computer 7-7 Fig ur e 7 -5. In s ide th e C h as si s T he sys tem board hol ds t he co m p uter' s control circui try and other elect ronic comp o- ne nts. Some hard ware opt i o ns ar e i nstall ed direc t l y on the sys tem board.
7-8 Install ation an d T roub lesh ooting G uide to an IDE connec tor on the syst em b oard . (F or mor e i n forma tion, s ee Chapt er 9, “ Instal ling Driv es. ” ) During an i nstall a tion or t r o ubleshoo ting pr ocedure, yo u may be re quired to c hange a jumper or swi t c h set ting.
s uppo rt.d ell.c om Chec k ing Insid e th e Computer 7-9 4. T he po w er su pply brac ket has detent s to hold the po wer suppl y up i n one of se v- eral e xtend ed p ositi ons , wh ic h are espec iall y usef ul when t he c hassis i s standing up right .
7-1 0 Install atio n and T roub lesh ooti ng Guid e T o repl ace the bez el, f i t the two r etai n i n g hooks on the bez el into the ir c orre sponding slots at the bot tom of the c hassi s. Then ro t ate th e top of the bez el tow a r d t he c hassis until the top tabs snap int o their cor respo nding sl ot s on t he bezel.
s uppo rt.d ell.c om Chec k ing Insid e th e Computer 7- 1 1 Figur e 7- 8. Remo vi ng a Fron t - Pane l I nse rt T o replac e a f r on t-pane l i nsert, w ork from insi de t h e bez el.
7-1 2 Install atio n and T roub lesh ooti ng Guid e T roubles hooting a W et Comput er Liqui d spills, splashes, a nd ex cessiv e humidi ty can cause da m a ge to the syst em. If an e xterna l device ( suc h as a printer o r an e xterna l driv e) gets w et, contact the de vice manuf act urer f or instr uctions.
s uppo rt.d ell.c om Chec k ing Insid e th e Computer 7-1 3 ob t a ining t ec hnica l assistance fr om Dell. F ollo w the se steps to troub leshoot a da m - ag ed comput er : 1 . T urn of f the sys tem, incl uding any at tac hed peripher als, and dis connect t he s y s- tem fr om i ts e lec tr ica l ou tl et.
7-1 4 Install atio n and T roub lesh ooti ng Guid e 4. Chec k the conne ction of the coi n cell bat t e r y to t h e sy st e m board. Is the bat t ery firmly i nstall ed in the bat ter y soc k et on the sy stem board? Ye s . Go t o st ep 6. No. Go t o st ep 5.
s uppo rt.d ell.c om Chec k ing Insid e th e Computer 7-1 5 CAUT ION: See "Pro tecti ng Ag ains t E lec trosta tic Disc ha rge" in the safe ty instru ction s at the f ront of th is guide . 3. R emov e the comput er cov er . See “ Repla cing the Comp uter Cov er, ” found e arl ie r in th is c hap te r .
7-1 6 Install atio n and T roub lesh ooti ng Guid e 4. Re seat the e xpansi on cards in thei r connect ors. See “ R emovi ng an E xpansio n Ca rd ” and “ In st al li ng a n E xp an sio n C ard ” in Ch ap- ter 8 for inst ruct ions on remo ving an d repl acing expa nsion car ds.
s uppo rt.d ell.c om Chec k ing Insid e th e Computer 7- 1 7 8. R econfigur e the card accor ding to the inst ruc tions i n the card' s docu mentation. Is the pr oblem reso lved ? Ye s . The m emor y config urati on of the car d was i ncorr ect. Y ou hav e fixe d the probl em.
7-1 8 Install atio n and T roub lesh ooti ng Guid e T roubles hooting Syste m Memory A sy stem memory problem can be a fau lty dual in-li ne m e m or y modu l e ( DIMM) or a faul ty syst em boar d. I f a rand om-ac cess memory (RAM) err or message app ears, t he sy stem proba bly has a memor y pr oblem .
s uppo rt.d ell.c om Chec k ing Insid e th e Computer 7-1 9 7 . R eplace the supp ort p anel. Ali gn the pan el so t hat the two tabs are to t he right. F i t th e tabs into t he t wo slots on the c hassis b ac k and swing the pa nel closed. Se cure the pane l with the two thum bscrew s.
7-2 0 Install ation an d T r oub lesh ooting G uide T roubleshooting the Vid eo S ubs ystem T roubl eshooting vi deo problem s inv olv es de termini ng whic h of the f ollowi ng i s t he source of the prob l em: t he moni tor , the moni tor int erf ace cabl e, the video me mor y , or the vide o logic of t he computer .
s uppo rt.d ell.c om Chec k ing Insid e th e Computer 7-21 6. R eplace the comput er cov er , reconn ect the sy stem to an electr ical outl et, and t ur n o n the s ys tem . Did the t ests r un success fully? Ye s . The vi deo e xpansi on card is fa ult y .
7-2 2 Install ation an d T r oub lesh ooting G uide 8. Enter t h e Sy stem Setu p progr am and update the s yste m infor m a t i on. See “ Using the S ys tem Setu p Pr ogram ” in t he User' s Guide for in s truct io ns. 9. Ru n the Sys te m S e t test gr oup in the Del l Diagnos tics.
s uppo rt.d ell.c om Chec k ing Insid e th e Computer 7-23 T roubleshoo ting the Diskette Drive Subs ystem If th e monit or displ ay s a system e r r or mess age indicat i n g a disk e t te dri ve p r.
7-2 4 Install ation an d T r oub lesh ooting G uide 6. Chec k the dis ket te dri v e cab ling. Is the di s k et te dri ve sec urely con nected to the dis ket te- drive in terfac e cabl e conn ector? I.
s uppo rt.d ell.c om Chec k ing Insid e th e Computer 7-25 15 . Ru n t h e Disk ett e Dr iv es t es t group in the Dell Diagn ostic s to det er mi ne w hethe r the d is kette dr ive s ubs yste m n ow wo rks c orre c tly . Did the t ests r un success fully? Ye s .
7-2 6 Install ation an d T r oub lesh ooting G uide 9 05 grb k0 .boo k Page 26 Fri day, Sep tembe r 1, 200 0 9:30 AM.
デバイスDell POWEREDGE 300の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Dell POWEREDGE 300をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはDell POWEREDGE 300の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Dell POWEREDGE 300の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Dell POWEREDGE 300で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Dell POWEREDGE 300を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はDell POWEREDGE 300の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Dell POWEREDGE 300に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちDell POWEREDGE 300デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。