Delta Electronicsメーカー230V Seriesの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Preface Thank you for choosing DEL T A ’s high-perform ance VFD-S Series. The VFD-S Series is manufactured with high-quality component s and materi als and incorporate the latest microprocessor technology available. This manual is to be used for the installati on, p arameter setting, troubleshooting, and daily maintenance of the AC motor driv e.
WA R N I NG ! 1. DO NOT use Hi-pot test for internal co mponents. The semi-conductor used in the AC motor drive is easily damaged by high-pressure. 2. There are highly sensitive MOS components on the printed circuit boards. These components are especially sensitive to stat ic electricity .
Table of Contents Prefac e .............................................................................................................. i Table of Contents ........................................................................................... iii Chapter 1 In troduction .
Chapter 3 Start Up ........................................................................................ 3-1 3.1 Preparations before St art-up............................................................... 3-1 3.2 Operatio n Met hod ...............
7.9 Motor ca nnot Run ............................................................................... 7-6 7.10 Motor Speed cann ot be Ch anged ..................................................... 7-7 7.11 Motor Stalls dur ing Accele ration ..........
Appendix C Ho w to Select th e Right AC Mo tor Drive............................... C-1 C.1 Capacity Formulas ............................................................................. C-2 C.2 General Precaut ions ..................................
Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 1-1 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Receiving and Inspection This VFD-S AC motor drive has gone through rigorous quality control tests at the factory before shipment.
Chapter 1 Introduction | VFD-S Series 1-2 Revision August 2 006, SE08, S W V2.61 1.1.3 Series Number Explanation 01 6 0T 007S23 A Pro duc tio n num b er Pro duc tio n ye ar 200 6 Pro duc tio n fa ctor y Pro duc tio n week (T aoyuan) Model 230V 3-pha se 1H P(0 .
Chapter 1 Introduction | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 1-3 1.3 Installation S teps CASE HEAT SI NK COVER KNOB SCREW DIVISION PLATE Installation Steps 1. Remove front cover screw and open. 2. Remove Division Plate. If using optional conduit bracket, please refer to next page.
Chapter 1 Introduction | VFD-S Series 1-4 Revision August 2 006, SE08, S W V2.61 DIV I SION PLATE SCREW Reinstall Division Plate. Screw Torque: 5 to 6 kgf-cm (4.3 to 5.2 in-lbf) SCREW SCREW CONDUI T BRACKET Install Conduit Bracket cover and tighten screws.
Chapter 1 Introduction | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 1-5 3. If the AC motor drive is stored for more t han 3 months, the temperat ure should not be higher than 30 °C. Storage longer than one y ear is not recommended, it c ould result in the degradation of the electrolyt ic capacitors.
Chapter 1 Introduction | VFD-S Series 1-6 Revision August 2 006, SE08, S W V2.61 This page intentionally left blank..
Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 2-1 Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring 2.1 A mbient Conditions Install the AC motor drive in an env ironment with the following conditions: Operation Air Temperat.
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series 2-2 Revision August 2 006, SE08, S W V2.61 5. When installing multiple AC motor drives in the same cabinet, they s hould be adjacent in a row with enough space. When installing one AC motor drive below another one, use a metal separation barrier between the AC motor drives to prevent mutual heating.
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 2-3 2.3 Dimensions (Dimensions are in millimeter and [inch]) Frame S1: VFD002S1 1A, VFD 002S21A, VFD002S23A 85.0 [3. 35] 1 3 2 . 2 [ 5 . 2 1 ] 74.0 [2.92] 88.0 [3.
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series 2-4 Revision August 2 006, SE08, S W V2.61 Frame S1: VFD002S1 1B, VFD002S21B 1 1 . 1 [ 0 . 4 4 ] 5. 0 [ 0. 20 ] 7 4 .0 [2 .9 2 ] 1 3 2 . 2 [ 5 . 2 1 ] 8 5 .0 [3 .3 5 ] 7 3 .0 [2 .8 8 ] 1 3 .0 [0 .5 1 ] 8 .
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 2-5 Frame S1: VFD004S1 1A, VFD 004S21A, VFD004S23A 5. 0 [ 0. 20 ] 3 . 0 [ 0 . 1 2 ] 10 2. 0 [ 4. 02] 8 5 .0 [3 .3 5 ] 1 3 2 . 2 [ 5 . 2 1 ] 7 4 .0 [2 .9 2 ] 1 4 8 .
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series 2-6 Revision August 2 006, SE08, S W V2.61 Frame S1: VFD004S1 1B, VFD004S21B 3 . 0 [ 0 . 1 2 ] 5. 0 [ 0. 20 ] 10 2. 0 [ 4. 02] 6 7 .8 [2 .6 7 ] 7 4 .0 [2 .9 2 ] 1 3 2 . 2 [ 5 . 2 1 ] 8 5 .0 [3 .3 5 ] 7 4 .
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 2-7 Frame S1: VFD007S21A, VFD007S23A 8 5 .0 [3 .3 5 ] 1 3 2 . 2 [ 5 . 2 1 ] 7 4 .0 [2 .9 2 ] 12 4. 0 [ 4. 89] 5. 0 [ 0. 20 ] 3 . 0 [ 0 . 1 2 ] 1 4 8 . 0 [ 5 . 8 3 ] 5.
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series 2-8 Revision August 2 006, SE08, S W V2.61 Frame S1: VFD007S21B 1 1 . 1 [ 0 . 4 4 ] 3 . 0 [ 0 . 1 2 ] 5. 0 [ 0. 20 ] 2. 8 [ 0. 1 1 ] 8 5 .0 [3 .3 5 ] 7 4 .0 [2 .9 2 ] 7 3 .0 [2 .8 8 ] 7 4 .0 [2 .9 2 ] 1 3 2 .
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 2-9 Frame S1: VFD004S43A, VFD004S43E, VFD007S43A, VFD007S43E 1 1 . 1 [ 0 . 4 4 ] 5. 0 [ 0. 20 ] 3 . 0 [ 0 . 1 2 ] 12 6. 0 [ 4. 96] 7 4 .0 [2 .9 2 ] 1 3 2 . 2 [ 5 .
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series 2-10 Revision August 2 006, SE08, S W V2.61 Frame S1: VFD004S43B, VFD007S43B 5. 0 [ 0. 20 ] 1 1 . 1 [ 0 . 4 4 ] 6 7 .8 [ 2 .6 7] 3 . 0 [ 0 . 1 2 ] 12 6. 0 [ 4. 96] 7 3 .0 [ 2 .8 8] 7 4 .0 [2 .9 2 ] 1 3 2 .
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 2-11 Frame S1: VFD002S21E, VFD004S21E, VFD007S21E, VFD015S23D 7 4 .0 [2 .9 2 ] 8 5 .0 [3 .3 5 ] 1 3 3 . 7 [ 5 . 2 7 ] 1 4 8 . 0 [ 5 . 8 3 ] 5. 8 [ 0. 23 ] 12 7. 0 [ 5.
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series 2-12 Revision August 2 006, SE08, S W V2.61 Frame S2: VFD007S1 1A 8 6 .5 [3 .4 1 ] 10 0. 0 [ 3. 94] 12 9. 0 [ 5. 08] 5. 5 [ 0. 22 ] 1 . 0 [ 0 . 0 4 ] 1 7 3 . 0 [ 6 . 8 1 ] 1 8 6 . 0 [ 7 . 3 3 ] 5. 4 [ 0.
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 2-13 Frame S2: VFD007S1 1B 8 6 .5 [3 .4 1 ] 1 0 0 .0 [3 .9 4 ] 7 3 .0 [2 .8 8 ] 9 . 5 [ 0 . 3 8 ] 1 . 0 [ 0 . 0 4 ] 5. 5 [ 0. 22 ] 1 2 9 .0 [5 .08 ] 6 7 .8 [2 .6 7 ] 5.
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series 2-14 Revision August 2 006, SE08, S W V2.61 Frame S2: VFD015S21D, VFD015S21E , VFD015S43D, VFD 015S43E, VFD022S21D, VFD022S21E, VFD022S23D, VFD022S43D, VFD022S43E 8 6 .5 [3 .4 1 ] 1 0 0.0 [3 .9 4 ] 1 8 6 .
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 2-15 Frame S2: VFD015S21U, VFD 015S43U, VFD022S21U, VFD022S43U 86 .5 [3 . 4 1 ] 100. 0 [3 . 9 4 ] 73 .0 [2 . 8 8 ] 16.0 [ 0. 6 3 ] 173.0 [ 6 . 8 2 ] 186.0 [ 7 . 3 3 ] 5.
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series 2-16 Revision August 2 006, SE08, S W V2.61 2.4 Wiring After removing the front cov er , check if the power and control terminals are clear of debris. Be sure to observe the following precautions w hen wiring.
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 2-17 2.4.1 Basic Wiring Make sure that power is only applied to the R/ L1, S/L2, T/L3 terminals. Failure to comply may result in damage to the equipment. The v oltage and current should lie within the range as indicated on the nameplate.
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series 2-18 Revision August 2 006, SE08, S W V2.61 For VF DXXXSXXA/B/D /U 4.7k 47K Ground ing res istance les s t ha n 10 0 4.
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 2-19 For V FDXXXSXXE NPN (sink mode) B2 U/T1 V/T 2 W/T3 IM 3~ NOTE: Do not plug in a Modem or tel ephone line to the RS-485 communica t ion p ort, permanen t da mag e may result.
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series 2-20 Revision August 2 006, SE08, S W V2.61 For V FDXXXSXXE PNP (source mode) B2 U/T 1 V/T2 W/T3 IM 3~ NOTE: Do not plug in a Mo dem or tel epho ne li ne to th e RS- 485 comm unica tion por t, pe rm an ent d ama ge ma y re su lt .
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 2-21 2.4.2 External Wiring Motor Output AC Line Reactor Power S upply Magnetic contactor Inpu t AC Line React or.
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series 2-22 Revision August 2 006, SE08, S W V2.61 2.4.3 Main Terminals Conne ctions Terminal Symbol Explanation of Terminal Function R/L1, S/L2, T/L3 AC line.
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 2-23 DO NOT connect phase-compens ation capacitors or sur ge absorbers at the output terminals of AC motor drives.
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series 2-24 Revision August 2 006, SE08, S W V2.61 2.4.4 Control Terminals Control T erminal Wiring (Factory Setting) A.
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 2-25 Terminal Symbol Terminal Function Factory Settings (NPN mode) ON: Connect to GND M4 Multi-function input 4 M5 Multi-function Input 5 +17V DC Voltage Source +17VDC, 20mA used for PNP mode.
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series 2-26 Revision August 2 006, SE08, S W V2.61 Terminal Symbol Terminal Function Factory Settings (NPN mode) ON: Connect to GND AVI Analog voltage Input (AVI/ACI) 0~+10V/4-20mA corresponds to 0-max. operation frequency (Pr.
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 2-27 Digital outputs (MO1, MCM) Make sure to connect the digital outputs to the right polarity, see w iring diagrams. When connecting a relay to the digital output s, connect a surge absorber or fly-back diode across the coil and check the polarity.
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series 2-28 Revision August 2 006, SE08, S W V2.61 2.4.5 Main Circuit Terminals VFD002S1 1A/1 1B, VFD004S1 1A/1 1B Mo to r Conne ction Groun d Brak ing Resi stor Po w e r t ermi na l AC Input Line T er mi nal Power T erminal: T orque: 12 kgf-cm (10 lbf-in) Wire Gauge: 14-20 AWG (2.
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 2-29 VFD002S21B/23A, VFD004S21B/23A/43A/43B /43E, VFD007S21B/23A/43A/43B/43E, VFD015S23D Po w er ter m i nal AC .
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series 2-30 Revision August 2 006, SE08, S W V2.61 VFD002S21A/E, VFD004S 21A/E, VFD007S21A/E DC Reac tor Br ak ing Resis tor Gr ound Po wer ter mi nal AC Inpu t Li ne Te r m i na l Mo tor Conn e c ti on Power T erminal: T orque: 12 kgf-cm (10 lbf-in) Wire Gauge: 14-20 AWG (2.
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 2-31 VFD007S1 1A/B AC Input Line T erminal Po w er ter m ina l Mo t o r Con ne ction Br ak ing Resi sto r Gr ound Power T erminal: T orque: 20 kgf-cm (17.4 lbf-in) Wire Gauge: 10-18 AWG (5.
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series 2-32 Revision August 2 006, SE08, S W V2.61 VFD015S21U/43D/43E/43U, VF D022S21U/23D/43D/43E/43U AC In put L in e Te r m i n a l Po w e r ter mina l M otor Conne ction DC Reacto r Br ak ing Resistor Gr ound Power T erminal: T orque: 20 kgf-cm (17.
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 2-33 VFD015S21D/E, VFD022S21D/E Br ak ing Resistor DC Reac to r Gr o u nd Po w er ter mina l AC Inpu t Line Te r m i n a l M o tor Conne c tion Power T erminal: T orque: 20 kgf-cm (17.
Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring | VFD-S Series 2-34 Revision August 2 006, SE08, S W V2.61 This page intentionally left blank.
Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 3-1 Chapter 3 Start Up 3.1 Preparations before S tart-up Carefully check the followi ng items before proceeding. Make sure that the wiring is correct. In parti cular, check that the output terminals U/T1, V/T2, W/T3 are NOT connected to power and that the drive is well grounded.
Chapter 3 Start Up | VFD-S Series 3-2 Revision August 2 006, SE08, S W V2.61 3.2 Operation Me thod Refer to 4.2 How to operate the digital key pad and chapter 5 p arameters fo r setting. Please choose a suitable method depending on application and operati on rule.
Chapter 3 Start Up | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 3-3 NOTE 1. Stop running immediately if any fault occurs and refer to the troubleshooting guide for solving the problem. 2. Do NOT touch output terminal s U/T1, V/T2, W/T3 when power is still applied to R/L1, S/L2, T/L3 even when the AC motor driv e has stopped.
Chapter 3 Start Up | VFD-S Series 3-4 Revision August 2 006, SE08, S W V2.61 This page intentionally left blank.
Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 4-1 Chapter 4 Digital Keypad Operation 4.1 Description of the Digital Keyp ad RUN FWD REV STOP MIN. MAX. RUN STOP/RESET MODE PROG DA T A LED indic ation Light du ring RUN, STOP , FWD and REV operation. Potentiometer for freq uency setti ng .
Chapter 4 Digital Keypad Operation | VFD- S Series 4-2 Revision August 2006, SE0 8, SW V2.61 Display Message Descriptions The internal PLC process step currently being performed. Displays the DC-BUS voltage Displays the output voltage Displays the AC motor drive forward run status.
Chapter 4 Digital Keypad Operation | VFD- S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 4-3 4.4 How to Operate the Digit al Keyp ad STA R T To s h i f t d a t a Setti ng dire ction or GO START STA R T Setti ng Mode Not e : In the selectio n mode, press to set the paramete r s .
Chapter 4 Digital Keypad Operation | VFD- S Series 4-4 Revision August 2006, SE0 8, SW V2.61 This page intentionally left blank.
Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-1 Chapter 5 Parameters The VFD-S parameters are divided into 1 1 groups by property for easy setting. In most applications, the user can finish all parameter settings befor e st art-up without the need for re-adjustment during operation.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-2 Revision Aug ust 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 5.1 Summary of Parameter Settings : The pa rameter can be set during operation.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-3 Pr. Explanation Settings Factory Setting NOTE 460V series: d4.0V to d510V d24 1-05 Minimum Output Frequency (F min) d1.0 to d60.0 Hz d1.0 230V series: d2.0V to d255V d12.0 1-06 Minimum Output Voltage (Vmin) 460V series: d4.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-4 Revision Aug ust 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 Pr. Explanation Settings Factory Setting NOTE 2-00 Source of Master Frequency Command d4: Master Frequency operated by RS-485 serial communication interface and record frequency of power loss.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-5 Pr. Explanation Setti ngs Factory Setting NOTE 3-00 Analog Output Signal d0: analog frequency meter d1: analog current meter d0 3-01 Analog Output Gain d1 to d200% d100 3-02 Desired Frequency Attained d1.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-6 Revision Aug ust 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 Pr. Explanation Settings Factory Setting NOTE 4-05 Multi-Function Input Terminal 2 (M2) d10: Jog Operation d11: Accel/decel Inhibit d6 4-06 Multi-Function Input Terminal 3 (M3) d12: First or Second Acceleration/deceleration Time Selection d13: External base block (N.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-7 Pr. Explanation Setti ngs Factory Setting NOTE 5-02 3rd Step Speed Freq. d0.0 to d400 Hz d0.0 5-03 4th Step Speed Freq. d0.0 to d400 Hz d0.0 5-04 5th Step Speed Freq. d0.0 to d400 Hz d0.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-8 Revision Aug ust 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 Pr. Explanation Settings Factory Setting NOTE 6-05 Over-Torque Detection Time d0.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-9 Group 7 Motor Parameters Pr. Explanation Settings Factory Setting NOTE 7-00 Motor Rated Current d30 to d120% d85 7-01 Motor No-Load Current d0 to d90% d50 7-02 Torque Compensation d0 to d10 d1 7-03 Slip Compensati on d0.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-10 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 Pr. Explanation Settings Factory Setting NOTE 9-00 Communication Address d1 to d254 d1 d0: Baud Rate 4800 bps 9-0.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-11 Pr. Explanation Settings Factory Setting NOTE A-07 PID Output Freq. Limit d0 to d110% d100 A-08 Feedback Signal Detection Time d0.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-12 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 5.2 Parameter Settings for A pplications Speed Search Applications Purpose Functions Related Parameters Windmill, win.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-13 Two-w ire/three-w ire Applications Purpose Functi ons Related Parameters General application T o run, stop, forward .
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-14 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 Over-torque Setting Applications Purpose Functions Rel ated Parameters Pumps, fans and extruders To protect machines and to have continuous/ reliable operation The over-torque detection level can be set.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-15 Output Signal during Running Applications Purpose Functions Related Parameters General application Provide a signal for running status Signal available to stop braking (brake release) when the AC motor drive is running.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-16 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 Output Signal w hen Frequency Attained Applications Purpose Functi ons Related Parameters General application Provide.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-17 5.3 Description of Parameter Settings Group 0: User Parameters This parameter can be set during operati on.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-18 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 d4 Display forward/reverse command (Frd/rEv) 0-04 Content of Multi- function Display Factory Setting: d0 Settings d0 Display the user-defined unit (u) d1 Display the counter value (C) d2 Display the content of PLC time (1.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-19 0-07 Password Input Unit: 1 Settings d0 to d999 Factory Setting: d0 Pr.0-07 and Pr.0-08 work together to provide data security for the AC drive. When Pr.0-08 is set to a value other than 0, a password must be entered to alter the v alues of parameters.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-20 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 3 ch an ces to ente r th e correct pass word. 1st time disp lays "d 1" if password is incorrect.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-21 bit 5 bit4 Bit 3 bit 1 Setting for Pr. 0-09 0 0 0 1 2 0 8 (factory setting) 0 1 1 10 0 16 0 1 18 0 24 0 1 1 1 26 0 32 0 1 34 0 40 0 1 1 42 0 48 0 1 50 0 56 1 1 1 1 58 When Pr.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-22 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 Group 1: Basic Parameters 1-00 Maximum Output Frequency (Fmax) U nit: 0.1 Settings d50.0 to d400 Hz Factory Setting: d60.0 This parameter determines the AC motor dr ive’s Maximum Output Frequency .
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-23 This parameter sets the Mid-Po int Voltage of any V/f curve. Wi th this setting, the V/f ratio between Minimum Frequency and Mid-Point Frequenc y can be determined. This parameter must be equal to or greater than Minimum Out put Voltage (Pr.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-24 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 If the Upper Limit of Output Frequency is 50H z and the Max imum Out put Frequency is 60Hz, the Maximum Output Frequenc y will be limited to 50Hz. If the Lower Limit of Output Frequency is 10H z, and the Minimum Out put Frequency (Pr.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-25 The JOG function can be selected us ing Multi-function Input termi nals (Pr.4-04 to Pr.4-08) if programmed for Jog (d10). When the Jog terminal is “closed”, the AC drive will accelerate from Minimum Output Frequency (Pr.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-26 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 1-16 Acceleration S-Curve 1-17 Deceleration S-Curve Settings d0 to d7 Factory Setting: d0 These two parameters allow you to configure whether the acceleration and/or deceleration ramps are linear or S-shaped.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-27 Group 2: Operation Method Par ameters 2-00 Source of Master Frequency Command Factory Setting: d0 Settings d0 Master Frequency input determined by digital keypad.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-28 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 2-01 Source of Operation Command Factory Setting: d0 Settings d0 Controlled by the keypad d1 External terminals. Keypad STOP/RESET enabled. d2 External terminals. Keypad STOP/RESET disabled.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-29 RUN STOP RUN STOP Freque ncy Fr eque ncy Ti me Ti me outp ut freque ncy outp ut freque ncy moto r speed mo tor speed ope.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-30 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 2-05 Loss of ACI Signal (4-20mA) Factory Setting: d0 Settings d0 Decelerate to 0 H z d1 Coast to stop and display “EF�.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-31 Group 3: Output Function Parameters 3-00 Analog Output Signal (AFM) Factory Setting: d0 Settings d0 Analog Frequency Met.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-32 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 3-02 Desired Frequency Attained Unit: 0.1 Settings d1.0 to d400 Hz Factory Setting: d1.0 If a multi-function output terminal is set to function as Desired Frequency Attained (Pr.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-33 Preliminary Counter Value Attain ed O utput (Pr . 3- 04= d 3) (Pr. 3-05 to Pr. 3-06=d15) T erminal Cou n t V alue Attained Output (Pr.3-03=d5) (Pr.3-05 to Pr .3-06=d14) Disp lay (Pr.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-34 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 Setting Function Description d10 PLC Program Running the output w ill be activated when the PLC program is running. d11 PLC Program Step Completed the output will be activated fo r 0.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-35 Group 4: Input Function Parameters 4-00 Potentiometer Bias Frequency Unit: 0.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-36 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 Example 3: The example also shows the popular method. The w hole scale of the potent iometer can be used as desired. In addition to signals of 0 to 10V and4 to 20mA, the popular voltage signals also include signals of 0 to 5V, 20 to 4mA or that under 10V.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-37 Example 6: In this example, a negative bias is used to pr ovide a noise margin. Also a potentiometer frequency gain is used to allow the Maximu m Output Frequency to be reached.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-38 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 Hz 0V 4mA 10V 20mA 30 0 60 Poten t iometer Scale Max . Output Freq. 60Hz Pr .1- 0 0 0Hz 0V 4mA 10 V 20mA Factory Setting s Pr .1-00=60Hz --Max. output Freq . Pr.4- 00=60 Hz--Pot ent iomete r bias fre q.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-39 Explanations: d0 Parameter Disable: Enter value (d0) to disable any Multi-Function Input Terminal: M1 (Pr.4-04), M2 (Pr.4-05), M3 (Pr.4- 06), M4 (Pr.4-07) or M5 (Pr.4-08).
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-40 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 NOTE When value d3 is selected for Pr. 4-04, this will over ride any value entered in Pr.4-05, since Pr.4-05 must be used for three wire control as shown abov e. d4, d5 External Faults: Parameter values d4, d5 programs Multi-Function Input Terminals: M1 (Pr.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-41 GND D7 Multi -st ep 1 D8 Mu lti -s te p 2 D9 Mu lti -s te p 3 Mx "Clos e": Operat ion availa bl e Mx "Clos e": Operat ion availa bl e Mx "Clos e": Operat ion availa bl e These three inputs select the mu lti-step speeds defined by Pr.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-42 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 Freq uenc y M aster Freq uenc y Accelera tion inhibi t Acce le r a tio n inhib it Act ual oper ation fre q uenc y Dece le.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-43 GND B.B.(N .O.) setting by d1 3 B.B.(N .C.) sett ing by d1 4 Mx " C lose ": O p erat io n ava ila ble. Mx "Open ":Oper ation avai labl e. NOTE When a Base-Block signal is received, the AC driv e w ill stop all output and the motor will free run.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-44 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 GND setting by d1 7 setting by d18 Mx " Clo s e": Run P LC. Mx "Close ":Pause PLC. PLC operat io n NOTE Pr.5-00 to Pr.5-16 define the PLC program. d19 Counter Trigger: Parameter value d19 programs Multi-Function Input Te rminal: M1 (Pr.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-45 d20 Counter Reset: Parameter value d20 programs Multi-Function Input Te rminal: M1 (Pr.4-04), M2 (Pr. 4-05), M3 (Pr.4- 06), M4 (Pr.4-07) or M5 (Pr.4-08) to reset the counter.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-46 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 d29 M0: 0: RUN 1: STOP, M 1: no functi on, Direction is control l ed by keypad RUN/STOP M0 "Open": Sto p, ".
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-47 Group 5: Multi-step speeds and PLC (Process Logi c Contr ol) p arameters 5-00 1st Step Speed Frequency Unit: 0.01 5-01 2nd Step Speed Frequency Unit: 0.01 5-02 3rd Step Speed Frequency Unit: 0.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-48 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 Fre quency 60Hz 50Hz 40Hz 30Hz 20Hz 15Hz 10Hz 0Hz 5-09 5-10 5- 1 1 5-12 5-1 3 5-14 5-15 Pr.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-49 Example 3 (Pr. 5-07 = d3) Execute one cycle step by step: The example shows how the PLC can perform one cycle at a time, within a co mplete cycle. Each step will use the acceleration/deceler ation times in Pr.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-50 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 Example 5 (Pr. 5-07 = d1 Execute one cy cle of the PLC program): In this example, the PLC program runs continuously. It should be noted that the times of reserve motion may be shorter than expected, due to the acceleration/deceleration times.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Wei ght s Bit 0=Forward 1=R ev ers e Dir e ction of 1st Pr.5-0 0 =FWD speed fo r Direction of 2nd Pr.5 -01 =REV spee d for Dir e ctio n of 3rd Pr.5- 02 = F spee d for Dir e ctio n of 4th Pr.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-52 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 Group 6: Protection Parameters 6-00 Ov er-Voltage Stall Prevention Unit: 0.1 Factory Setting: d1 Settings d0 Disable d1 Enable During deceleration, the moto r DC bus voltage may ex ceed its Maximum Allowable Value due to motor regeneration.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-53 DC bus vol tag e time Over-voltage dete ction lev el Pr .6 -01 Output Freq.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-54 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 6-03 Ov er-T orque Detection Mode (OL2) Factory Setting: d0 Settings d0 Over-Torque detection disabled. d1 Enabled during constant speed oper ation. After the over-torque is detected, keep running unt il OL1 or OL occurs.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-55 1 2 3 4 5 60Hz or more 50Hz 10Hz 5Hz 0 20 40 60 80 100 12 0 140 16 0 18 0 200 Operation time(min) Load factor (%) 6-08 P.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-56 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 d20 Software protection enable (codE) d21 Reserved d22 CPU failure (cF3.1) d23 CPU failure (cF3.2) d24 CPU failure (cF3.3) d25 CPU failure (cF3.4) d26 CPU failure (cF3.5) d27 CPU failure (cF3.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-57 Group 7: Motor Parameter s 7-00 Motor Rated Current Unit: 1 Settings d30 to d120% Factory Setting: d85 This parameter will limit the AC drive output current in order to prev ent the motor from overheating.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-58 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 Group 8: Special Parameters 8-00 DC Braking Current Level Unit: 1 Settings d0 to d30% Factory Setting: d0 This parameter determines the level of DC Braking Voltage Level output to the motor during start-up and stopping.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-59 DC Braking during Start-up is used for loads that may move befor e AC driv e starts, such as fans and pumps.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-60 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 Following a power failure, the AC drive w ill star t its speed search operati on, only if the output current is greater than the val ue determined by Pr.8-07. When the output current is less than that of Pr.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-61 8-15 Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) Factory Setting: d0 Settings d0 AVR function enabled d1 AVR function disabled d2 AVR function dis abled w hen deceleration AVR function automatically regul ates the AC drive output v o ltage to the Maximum Output Voltage (Pr.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-62 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 Group 9: Communication Parameters 9-00 Communication Address Settings d1 to d254 Factory Setting: d1 If the AC drive is controlled by RS-485 se rial communication, the communication address must be set via this parameter.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-63 9-03 Time-out Detection Factory Setting: d0 Settings d0 Disable d1 1 sec d2 2 sec : d20 20 sec If this function is enabled, the timer will start counting once t he first valid Modbus communication signal is received after power-up or reset.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-64 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 T erminal Unit). Users can select t he desired mode along with the serial port communication protocol in Pr . 9-04. Code Description: AS CII mode: Each 8-bit data is the combination of two ASC II characters.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-65 Start bit 01 2 34 56 Stop bit Stop bit 8-bit c har ac t er 1 1- bi t ch ar act e r fram e ( 8 . N. 2 ) Start bit 01 2 34 5 6 Even p ari ty Stop bit 1 1- bi t ch ar act e r fram e ( 8 .
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-66 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 3.2 ADR (Communication Address) V alid communication addresses are in the range of 0 to 254. A communication address equal to 0, means broadcast to all AC drives (AMD). In this case, the AMD will not reply any message to the master device.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-67 RTU mode: Command message: Response message: ADR 01H ADR 01H CMD 03H CMD 03H 21H Starting data address 02H Number of dat.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-68 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 AS CII Mode: Command message: Response message: STX ‘:’ STX ‘:’ ADR 1 ‘0’ ADR 1 ‘0’ ADR 0 ‘1’ ADR 0 �.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-69 AS CII mode: LRC (Longitudinal Redundancy Check) is calculat ed by summing up, module 256, the v alues of the bytes from ADR1 to last data c haracter then calculat ing the hexadecimal representation of the 2’s-comp lement negation of the sum.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-70 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 Step 5: Repeat step 3 and 4 until eight shif ts have been performed. When this is done, a complete 8-bit byte will hav e been processed. Step 6: Repeat step 2 to 5 for the next 8-bit by te of the command message.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-71 Content Address Functions Bit 0-1 00: No function 01: Stop 10: Run 11: Jog + Run Bit 2-3 Not used Bit 4-5 00: No function 01: FWD 10: REV 11: Change direction 2000H Bit 6-15 Not used 2001H Freq.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-72 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 Content Address Functions 35: Reserved 36: PID error (Pld) 37: Reserved 38: Phase loss (PHL) Status of AC Drive 00: RUN L.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-73 Example of an exception response of command code 06H and ex ception code 02H: AS CII mode: RTU mode: STX ‘:’ ADR 01H.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-74 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 3.7 Communication program of PC: The following is a simple example of how to write a communication program for Modbus ASCII mode on a PC in C language. #include<stdio.h> #include<dos.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-75 Group A : PID Control A-00 Input T erminal for PID Feedback Factory Setting: d0 Settings d0 Disable d1 Negative PID feed.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-76 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 When this parameter is set to gai n =1, PID output is Derivative ti me. At this time, error value – error value of the preceding item= additional respond speed and it is easy to hav e over compensation situation.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 5-77 This parameter selects the operation of the drive upon a loss of PID feedback signal. A-10 Sleep Frequency Unit: 0.1 Settings d0.0 to d400Hz Factory Setting: d0.0 A-11 Wakeup Frequency Unit: 0.
Chapter 5 Parameters | VFD-S Series 5-78 Revisi on August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 the setting frequency of parameters, su ch as Max. operation frequency , 1 st speed and etc.
Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 6-1 Chapter 6 Fault Code Information The AC motor drive has a comprehensiv e fault di agnostic system that includes seve ral different alarms and fault messages. Once a fault is detected, t he corresponding protecti ve functions w ill be activated.
Chapter 6 Fault Code Information | VFD-S Series 6-2 Revision Aug ust 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 Fault Name Fault Descriptions Corrective A ctions Overheating Heat sink temperature too high 1. Ensure that the ambient temperature falls within the specified te mperature range.
Chapter 6 Fault Code Information | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 6-3 Fault Name Fault Descriptions Corrective A ctions Over-current during constant speed operation 1. Short-circuit at motor output: Check for possible poor insulation at the output line.
Chapter 6 Fault Code Information | VFD-S Series 6-4 Revision Aug ust 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 Fault Name Fault Descriptions Corrective A ctions Communication Error 1. Check the RS485 connection between the AC motor drive and RS485 master for loose wires and wiring to correct pins.
Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 7-1 Chapter 7 Troubleshooting 7.1 Over Current (OC) ocA oc d OC Over-current dur ing accele ration Over-current during deceleration O ver curren t Chec k i f the.
Chapter 7 Troubleshooting | VFD-S Series 7-2 Revision August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 7.2 Ground Fault GFF Grou nd faul t No Ye s Is output circuit (ca bl e or motor) of AC motor drive gr ounded ? Rem o ve ground fault Maybe AC mot o r drive has mal funct ion or misop erat ion due to noise .
Chapter 7 Troubleshooting | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 7-3 7.4 Low V oltage (Lv) Low vol tage Is i nput power co r rec t? Or p ower cut, incl udin g mome ntary power loss Ye s.
Chapter 7 Troubleshooting | VFD-S Series 7-4 Revision August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 7.5 Over Heat (OH) AC motor driv e o verhe ats Heat sink overhe ats Chec k i f t emperat ure of heat sink is great er th an 90 O C No No No No Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Reduc e lo ad No T empe r at ure detecti on ma l f uncti ons.
Chapter 7 Troubleshooting | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 7-5 7.7 Keyp ad Display is A bnormal Abn or m a l dis p lay or no disp la y Cy cle po wer to A C mo tor dri ve No Ye s Y.
Chapter 7 Troubleshooting | VFD-S Series 7-6 Revision August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 7.9 Motor cannot Run Mot or cannot run Check PU0 1 for no rm al dis pl ay No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No.
Chapter 7 Troubleshooting | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 7-7 7.10 Motor S peed cannot be Change d Motor can run but can not change sp eed Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s No No No No No No No No No No Che c k if the set ting of the max.
Chapter 7 Troubleshooting | VFD-S Series 7-8 Revision August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 7.1 1 Motor Stalls during Acceleration Mot or stalls duri ng accelerati o n Chec k if acce lera tio n time is too s h .
Chapter 7 Troubleshooting | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 7-9 7.13 Electromagne tic/Induction Noise Many sources of noise surround AC motor drives and penetrate it by radiation or conduction. It may cause malfunctioning of t he control circuits and even damage the AC motor drive.
Chapter 7 Troubleshooting | VFD-S Series 7-10 Revision August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 4. Store within a relative humidity r ange of 0% to 90% and non-condensing environment. Use an air conditioner and/or exsiccator. 7.15 A ffecting Other Machines An AC motor driv e may affect the operation of ot her machines due to many reasons.
Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 8-1 Chapter 8 Maintenance and Inspections Modern AC motor drives are based on solid-st ate electronics technology . Pr eventive maintenance is required to keep the AC motor drive in it s opt imal condition, and to ensure a long life.
Chapter 8 Maintenance and Inspections | VFD-S Series 8-2 Revision Aug ust 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 Periodical M a i ntenance Ambient env ironment Maintenance Period Check Items Methods and Criter i on.
Chapter 8 Maintenance and Inspections | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 8-3 Maintenance Period Check Items M ethods and Criterion Daily Half Year One Year Check partsfor deformity .
Chapter 8 Maintenance and Inspections | VFD-S Series 8-4 Revision Aug ust 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 DC capacity of main circuit Maintenance Period Check Items Methods and Criterion Daily Half Year One .
Chapter 8 Maintenance and Inspections | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 8-5 Printed circuit board and connector of mai n circuit Maintenance Period Check Items Methods and Criterion Daily Half Year One Year If there are any loose screws and connectors Tighten the screws and press the connectors firmly in place.
Chapter 8 Maintenance and Inspections | VFD-S Series 8-6 Revision Aug ust 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 This page intentionally left blank.
Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 Appendix A Specifications Voltage Class 115V Class 230V Class 460V Class Model Number VFD- XXXS 002 004 007 002 004 007 015 022 004 007 015 022 Max. Applicable M otor Output (kW) 0.2 0.4 0.75 0.2 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 0.
Appendix A Specifications | VFD-S Series A-2 Revision August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 Installation Location Altitude 1,000 m or bel ow, keep from corrosive g asses, liquid and dust Pollution Degree 2 Ambi.
Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 Appendix B Accessories B.1 A ll Brake Resistors & Brake Units Used in AC Motor Driv es Note: Please only use DEL T A resistors and recommended values. Other resistors and v alues will void Delta’ s warranty .
Appendix B Accessories | VFD-S Series B-2 Revision August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 installation and operation. B.1.1 Dimensions and We ights for Brake resisto rs (Dimensions are in millimeter) Order P/N: BR080W200, BR080W750, BR300W70, BR300W100, BR300W250, BR300W400, BR400W150, BR400W040 Model no.
Appendix B Accessories | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 B-3 B.2 EMI Filters The DEL T A VFD-S Series 0.25-3HP , 1 15V , 230V , 460V AC driv e uses DEL T A EMI Filter . Use the table below to find the appropriate filter for y our DEL T A VFD-S driv e.
Appendix B Accessories | VFD-S Series B-4 Revision August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 1. Use the cable with shieldi ng (double shielding is the best). 2. The shielding on both ends of the moto r cable should be grounded with the minimum length and maximum contact area.
Appendix B Accessories | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 B-5 The length of motor cable When motor is driven by an AC motor drive of PWM type, the motor terminals will experience surge voltages easily due to components conversion of AC motor drive and cable capacit ance.
Appendix B Accessories | VFD-S Series B-6 Revision August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 If the length is too long, the stray capacitanc e between cables w ill increase and may cause leakage current. It will activate the pr otection of ov er current, increase leakage current or not insure the correction of current display.
Appendix B Accessories | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 B-7 Order P/N: RF022S21BA 27 (1 . 0 6) 50 ( 1.97) 228 ( 8.98) 15 (0 . 59 ) 24 (0 .
Appendix B Accessories | VFD-S Series B-8 Revision August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 Order P/N: 12DKT1W3S POWER-IN Order P/N: 08TDT1W4S.
Appendix B Accessories | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 B-9 Order P/N: 22DRT1W3S POWER-IN Order P/N: 35DRT1W3C POWER-IN.
Appendix B Accessories | VFD-S Series B-10 Revision August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 B.3 AC Reactor B.3.1 A C Input Reactor Recommended Value 230V , 50/60Hz, 1-Phase Inductance (mH) kW HP Fundamental Amps Max. continuous Amps 3~5% impedance 0.2 1/4 4 6 6.5 0.
Appendix B Accessories | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 B-11 460V , 50/60Hz, 3-Phase Inductance (mH) kW HP Fundamental Amps Max. continuous Amps 3% impedance 5% impedance 0.4 1/2 2 3 20 32 0.75 1 4 6 9 12 1.5 2 4 6 6. 5 9 2.2 3 8 12 5 7.
Appendix B Accessories | VFD-S Series B-12 Revision August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 may be damaged when ov er current occurs during operation..
Appendix B Accessories | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 B-13 Correct wiring M1 M2 Mn reactor AC mot or driv e AC mot or d rive AC moto r driv e moto r moto r moto r Application 2 Question Silicon rectifier and AC motor drive are connected to the same power.
Appendix B Accessories | VFD-S Series B-14 Revision August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 Application 3 Question Used to improve the input power factor, to reduce harmonics and provide protection from AC line disturbances. (surges, switching spikes, short interruptions, etc.
Appendix B Accessories | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 B-15 B.4 DC Choke Recommended V alues 230V DC Choke Input voltage kW HP DC Amps Inductance (mh) MTE CAT. NO 0.2 1/4 2 20.00 2RB003 0.4 1/2 4 15.00 4RB003 0.75 1 9 7.50 9RB003 1.
Appendix B Accessories | VFD-S Series B-16 Revision August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 B.5 Zero Phase Reactor (RF220X00A) Dimensions are in millimeter and (inch) Motor HP kW Qty. Recommended W ire Siz e (mm 2 ) 1/4 0.2 1/2 0.4 1 0.75 2 1.5 0.5 - 5.5 115V/230VSeri es 3 2.
Appendix B Accessories | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 B-17 B.6 Din Rail-DR01 (Dimensions are in millimeter) Models Screw Size VFD002S1 1A/B M4*22 VFD002S21A/B/E M4*22 VFD002S23A.
Appendix B Accessories | VFD-S Series B-18 Revision August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 B.7 Remote Controller RC-01 (Dimensions are in millimeter) AFM G ND +10V AV I G ND M2 M0 M1 M3 86 5 41 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 1 RC-01 Te r m i n a l bloc k (W ir in g co nn ection s ) VFD-S I/O Bloc k VFD-S Programming Pr .
Appendix B Accessories | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 B-19 B.8 Conduit Bracket (BK-S) (Dimensions are in millimeter) 2 2 . 0 ( 0 . 87 ) 2 2 . 0 ( 0 . 8 7 ) 28 . 0( 1 . 1 ) 6 7 . 8 ( 2 . 6 7 ) 73.0(2.87) 2 5 . 2 ( 1 . 0 ) 2 9 . 7 ( 1 .
Appendix B Accessories | VFD-S Series B-20 Revision August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 B.9 Non-fuse Circuit Breaker Chart Per UL 508C, p aragraph 45.8.4, part a: 1. For 1-phase drives, the current rating of the breaker shall be 4 times maximum input current rating.
Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 Appendix C How to Select the Right AC Motor Drive The choice of the right AC motor drive for the application is very important and has great influence on its lifetime and the performance. If the capacity of AC motor drive is too large, it cannot offer complete protection to the motor and it may be damaged.
Appendix D CE | VFD-S Series C-2 Revision August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 C.1 Capacity Formulas 1. When one A C motor dr ive operates one motor The starting capacity should be less than 1.5x rated capacity of AC motor drive The starting capacity is ) ( _ _ _ _ _ 5 .
Error! Reference source not found. Err or! Reference source not found. | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 C-3 2.3 When it is running continuously The requirement of load capacit.
Appendix D CE | VFD-S Series C-4 Revision August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 C.2 General Precautions Selection Note A. When the AC Motor Drive is connected dire ctly to a large-capacity power transformer (60.
Error! Reference source not found. Err or! Reference source not found. | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 C-5 D. If the stall prevention function is activated, the accel./decel. time is automatically extended to a length that the AC Motor Drive can handle.
Appendix D CE | VFD-S Series C-6 Revision August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 E. If 100% continuous torque is required at low speed, it may be necessary to use a special inverter duty m otor. F. Motor dynamic balance and rotor endurance should be considered if the operating speed exceeds the rated speed (60Hz) of a standard motor.
Error! Reference source not found. Err or! Reference source not found. | VFD-S Series Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 C-7 D. Gear reduction motor: The lubricating method of reduction gear box and speed range for continuous operation will be different and depending on brand.
Appendix D CE | VFD-S Series C-8 Revision August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 AC motor driv e Motor 180 155 140 100 80 55 38 0 32 0 60 120 60 seconds Base f req . : 60Hz V/F for 220V/60Hz 180 155 100 55 38 0 320 60 12 0 torq ue (%) Frequency ( Hz) Frequency (Hz) 60 seconds 60 seconds torque (%) Base freq.
Revision August 20 06, SE08, S W V2.61 Appendix D CE DELTA ELECTRONICS, INC. EC Declaration of Conformity According to the Low Voltag e Directive 73/23/EEC and the A mendment Directive 93/68/EEC For t.
Appendix D CE | VFD-S Series D-2 Revision August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 DELTA ELECTRONICS, INC. EC Declaration of Conformity According to the Low Vo ltage Directive 89/336/EEC and the A mendment Directi.
デバイスDelta Electronics 230V Seriesの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Delta Electronics 230V Seriesをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはDelta Electronics 230V Seriesの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Delta Electronics 230V Seriesの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Delta Electronics 230V Seriesで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Delta Electronics 230V Seriesを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はDelta Electronics 230V Seriesの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Delta Electronics 230V Seriesに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちDelta Electronics 230V Seriesデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。