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eP o w erSwitch (iSWIT CH) User ’ s Manual 20020925 Rev4.
2 T able of Contents W a r n i n g s 3 Quick Install Procedure 4 Introduction 7 Remote Power Manager (iSwitch) Features 7 iSwitch Package 7 Setup Procedure 8 1.
3 NOTICE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a “Class B digital device, pursuant to Par t 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designe d to provide reas onable protec tion agains t harmful inter ference when the equipmen t is operated in a co mmercial environ ment.
4 Quick Install Procedure This section will guide you through the quick installati on of the iSwitch. 1. Install m ounting bracket s: pa ge 4. 2. Install all input and outp ut conn ection s: p a ges 5 an d 6. 3. Progra m you IP address: page 9. For USB setu p: a) Insert Driver Setup Diskette in floppy drive.
5 iSwitch-Front Panel Setup via USB Port Setup via RS232 Port Setup via Ethernet Port Receptacle Control S tatus LED (Green) Receptacle S tatus LED (Red) Active Module LED (Y ellow) Moment ary sw itch.
6 Receptacle S t atus LED (Red) : When the LED is illuminated the recept acle is on and prov iding AC Power . When the L ED is off the receptacle is not pr oviding AC Power . Receptacle Control Status LED (Green): When the control LED is illuminated, the momentary switch is disabled an d the output rec eptacle is programmed for remote control.
7 Introduction The Remote Pow er Manager (iSw itch) is a networ k-mana geable, intelligent power co ntrol unit designed to provide control of pow er for up to eight electrical de vices.
8 Setup Procedure This section describ es the setup pro cedures of the iS wit ch when you connect it to the network. NOTE: The minimum requirement to ope rate the iSw itc h is to set the IP address. There are four different ways to setup the iSwitch. 1.
9 8.The Hardware wizard will guide you through installing the USB Driver . Click Next. 9. Hardware wizard will search for the best USB Driver . Click Next.
10 1 1. Open the app ropriate 3½ ″ Floppy Drive. Open th e USB folder . Open the Driver folder . Click OK . 12. Windows will search for the new USB Driver .
11 14. Windows h as found the b es t Driver for this USB device. Click Nex t. 15. Windows is co pying the US B Driver files to your “C:” drive. Click Nex t 16.
12 17. On the Deskt op, right click “My Compu ter”. Open Prop erties. 18. Open the De vice Manager . W ait for approximatel y 30 seconds f or the “Huma n Interface Device” t o appear . Open the Human Interface Device. Click on “Usb- interface power device”.
13 21. This is the Power Device Configuration T ool sc reen. On the T oo lbar open Configuratio n. Then open System. 22. This is the System Par ameter Configuration screen fill in all the information: th e IP Address, the Subne t Mask, the Default Rout e (Gateway) and the DNS Server .
14 23. This is the Power Device Configuration T ool screen. Af t er you have entered in all o f the pertinent information , you have to Up da te and Rest art to save all the information that was entered into the System Parameter Configuration screen. The Update and Restart icon (with the red arrow) is right be neath the “Device” drop down menu.
15 25. This is the Power Device Configura tion screen. Click Y es to Update the Po wer Device. 26. This is the Device Parameter Transmitting screen. The Powe r Device is being Up dated.
16 27. The Powe r Device h as been success fully updated. Clic k OK. 28. The Power Devic e has to be Rest ar t ed . Cli c k Y es. 29. The USB Setup Proced ure is complete .
17 iSwitch and fr om the computer. Plug the Ethernet Cable into the iSwitch an d after about thirty seco nds the Link LED will start blinking, now you can communicate wi th the iSwitch. The Ping command is supported at this time. S tartup a Browser and type in the IP Address.
18 7. Connect using the appro priate Com port. Click OK 8. Configure the port s ettings. B its per second: “1 15200”, D ata bits: “8”, P arity: “None” , S top bits: “1”, F low control: “None”. Clic k OK 9. On the T oolbar open the File men u, and then open Prop erties.
19 10. Open the Settings T ab. Function, arrow and c trl keys act as: T erminal Keys, Backsp ace key sends: C rtl+H, Emulation: VT100, T eln et terminal: VT100, B ackscroll buf fer lines: 500. Click OK. 11. Plug the iSwitch’s power cord into the AC outlet and turn the iSwitch on.
20 14. Ctrl-Z moves the curs or down and C trl-W moves the cur sor up. Pick Networ k, then hit enter . 15. Enter in the IP Address , the Gateway Address, the Subnet Mas k and the DNS (a ll required) . Hit the “Escape” key to return to the main menu.
21 16. Arrow down to PPP Config and hit enter . Enter in the ISP dial number , the ISP account/password an d the enable/dis able dial-out in terface (no t required). H it the “Escape” key to return to the ma in menu. 17. Arrow down to Mail and h it enter .
22 18. Arrow down to T rap and hit enter . This screen allows the user to send T raps about the UPS to ten IP Address es (not require d). Also, you ma y determine the s everity levels and w hat type of access , read only or read and write, to assign to a particular IP manager .
23 20. After rebooting the system, the new se ttings will be activated. Reboot (y/n )? Hit the y key then hit enter . Once the syste m has rebooted, c ursor dow n to Exit then hit enter . 21. The Serial Setup Proc edure is complete. The iSwitch is fully operational.
24 6. This is an example. At the MS-DOS Prompt type: arp –s 52- 54-4c-19 -ad-90. Then hit enter . The first string is the IP Address ; the second strin g is the MAC Address (whic h can be found on the front of the iSwitch). 7. At the MS-DOS pr ompt type: route add 192.
25 T elnet Configuration This section will guide you thro ugh finishing the configuration of the iSwitch using T elnet. NOTE: Y ou must complete the appropriate Set up Pr oced ure before procee ding with the T elnet Configuratio n. NOTE: Y ou must ha ve given the iSwitc h an IP Addr ess.
26 4. Pick Ne twork, the n hit enter . 5. Pick IP , then h it enter . Input your IP Addre ss, Gateway Address, Subnet Ma sk and the DN S (all required) .
27 6. Arrow dow n to PPP Config and hit enter . Enter in the ISP dial number , the ISP account/passwor d and the enable/d isable dial-ou t interface (not require d). Hit the left arrow key to retu rn to the main menu. 7. Arrow d own to Mail and hit enter.
28 read and write, to assign to a particular IP manager . Hit the left arrow key to return to the main menu. 9. Once you have finished with the entire configuration, arr ow down to Save_R estart and hit enter . Make sure you want to overwr ite the old settings (y/n)? Hit the y key , then hit en ter .
29 10. After rebooting the system, the new settings will be activated. Reboot (y /n)? Hit the y key then hit enter . 1 1. The iSwitch has rebooted to activate the new settin gs. Clic k OK. Arrow down to exit then hit enter . 12. At the MS-DOS Prompt type exit, the n hit enter .
30 W eb-Based Configuration This section will guid e you through the Web-Based-C onfiguration and the Web Pages of the Remote Power Manager (iSw itch). NOTE: Y ou must complete the appropriate Setu p Procedures before proc eeding with the Web-Based- Configuration.
31 4. This is the scre en where yo u can set the Network parameters. Af ter you have finished filling in all of the information, click Save. BOOT MODE: iSwitch support DHCP , BOOTP and FIXED IP.
32 5. The PPP connection is useful if it is not possible to mak e a direct network connection to the iSwitch. An exter nal modem is needed to connect to the front serial port of the iSwitch. The iSwitch support two w ays using modem to co nnect direct ly .
33 6. This is the screen where you set the Date and T ime. After you have finished filling in the information, click Save. 7. This is the screen wher e you can change th e Adm inistrator ’s Name and Password . After you have finished filling in the information, click S ave.
34 8. This is the screen wher e the administrator can enable the application p rogram inter face to certa in users. Afte r you have finished filling in the information, click Save. (Optional) 9. This is the screen wher e the administrator can give certain rights to certain users .
35 1 1. After filling in all of the information be sure to Save and Restart before exiting the program. iSw itch 12. This screen allows the user to see the status of the iSwitch. The user can control each receptacle individu ally or all of them at the same time.
36 13. a. ID Address Configurat ion and Identification: Since 16 iSWITCHs can be daisy chained togethe r to share one CIC , each unit can be individually named. b. Name: The name of each outlet c an be labeled to wh atever yo u like it to be called (i.
37 14.This screen allows the User to schedule daily/wee kly shutdowns and r estarts of individu a l rece pt acles (b e sure to check the appropriat e box). The safe s hutdown is de dicated to Microsoft Windows NT (4.0, 2000, works tation and server ).
38 a. Pager Input the code defined by user himself to Alarm-Add and Alarm-Remove. b. Broadcast It must run an applicatio n in the client to receive this broadcast messa ge.
39 d. T rap Set the SNMP trap. e. Mail Send the event to the user pre-set email account ..
40 16. T h is screen allows t he user to check th e iSwitch event log. The Web-Based Configu ration is comple te. The iSwitch is fully oper ational. Firmware Upgr ade Procedures Firmware Upgrade via TFTP With a Web browser , click on “Software upgrade” , input TFTP server ’s IP address and go.
41 3. Once the messag e “Ch eck u- dram” appea rs hit the “c” key . Then at the cursor type “u p a ll” then hit enter . Once the User hits enter , you h ave approximately thirty s econds to complete the next four step s. 4. Go to the tool bar and select T ransfer .
42 5.Select “X modem” under Protocol. 6. Click Bro wse. Look in the location where the Firmware upgra de software is located. Select the File n ame: “test.
43 7. Click S end. 8. The Firmware upgrade will take approximately eight minutes to comple te..
44 9. The Firmware upgrade is complete. NOTE: The user has to reconfigure all of th e settings after the Firmware u pgrade is complete, becaus e all of the user ’s settings will default to the original default s ettings.
45 T elephone Access Interface 1. Dial up the iSwitch. 2. After three rings the iSwitch will re spond by sending out thre e short beeps to the caller . Then the iSwitch waits for the user to ente r the passwo rd. 3. The user ente rs an acce ss p assword (def au lt p assword is 12345 67 89 # ).
46 Daisy Chaining The Remote Pow er Manager (iSw itch) can be Da isy Chained up to a maximum of sixteen units. Each iSwitch in the Daisy Chain must have its own unique identific ation number .
47 16. Plug the third iSwitch's power cord into utility power . 17. Turn the master power switch on. 18. Configure the third iSwitch's ID numbe r (each iSwitc h must have it's own u nique ID#, the defa ult ID# is "0").
48 T roubleshooting Problem: The TES (T erminal Emula tion Software) does not d isplay anything. Solution: Make sure the TES’s communication parameters are corr ec t. They sho uld be 1 15200-baud rate, no parity , 8-data bits, and 1 stop bit. The cable is a DB9 Fe male-to-Female serial cable.
49 Appendix This section discusses : Communities, Ga teways, IP Addres ses, and Sub ne t masking. Communities A commu nity is a string of printable ASCII characte rs that ide ntifies a user group w ith the same acces s privilege s. For example, a comm on community name is “public.
50 Subnetting and Subnet Masks Subnetting divides a network addr ess into su b-netwo rk address es to accommo date more tha n one physical network on a logi ca l network. For example: A Class B company has 100 LANs (Loc al Area Networks) with 100 to 200 node s on each LAN.
51 Glossary The Glossary section define s the terms used in the Comput er Interface C ard (CIC) -MP enviro nment. Agent Imp lemented SNMP applicatio ns in netw ork eleme nts (hosts). Agents perform the network man agement’s functions as requested by the n etwork adminis trator from an NMS.
52 TES T erminal Emulation Software— Commun ications prog ram to transform a pe rsonal computer into a terminal for the purpose of da ta commu nications.
デバイスDigiPower ePowerSwitchの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
DigiPower ePowerSwitchをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはDigiPower ePowerSwitchの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。DigiPower ePowerSwitchの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。DigiPower ePowerSwitchで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
DigiPower ePowerSwitchを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はDigiPower ePowerSwitchの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、DigiPower ePowerSwitchに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちDigiPower ePowerSwitchデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。