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45030 W O O D S T O V E M A N U A L S T O V E B U I L D E R IN T ER N A T IO N A L . 170 0, Léo n-H arm el Qu ébec (Q c) Ca nada G1 N 4R 9 Tel : 4 18- 527 -30 60 Fax: 418-527-4311 WWW.
2 TA BL E OF C ON TE NT S INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 2 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................
3 INTRO DUCTIO N THE DRO LET W OOD ST OVE MANUAL SBI INC ., one o f the m ost i m por tan t woo d stov e an d fi repl ace manu factur ers in N ort h A m eri ca, con gratu late s y ou on y our purc hase and wi shes to he lp y ou get maximum sati sfacti on from the woo d sto ve y ou hav e sel ected .
4 ASSE MBLI NG THE ST OVE No te: Thi s s ect ion ap plies to mo del s C omp ak, ML , RC and No rdic on ly . 1- M ount t he 4 legs using 2 screw s per leg. 2- M ount t he ash lip w ith tw o screw s. 3- Install the heat shield betw een the f ront legs, just abov e the leg suppo rts.
5 INS TAL LING THE FIR EBRICK S No te: Thi s s ect ion ap plies to mo del s C omp ak, ML, RC an d N ordic only ..
6 INS TAL LATI ON O F Y OUR DR OLE T WO OD ST OVE PO SIT IO NI NG T HE S TOV E It is v ery i mport an t to posi tion th e woo d s tov e a s c los e as po ssibl e to the ch imney , and i n an are a th at w il l fav or the most effici ent heat di stri buti on po ssib le throu ghou t the hous e.
7 CL EA RA N CE S T O CO MB UST IB LE MA TER IA LS It is of utmost import anc e that the clear anc es to combust ibl e mater ia l m ent io ned on y our woo d stov e cert ifica ti on plat e b e scru pu lou sly resp ect ed upon i nst all atio n.
8 IN ST A L LA TI ON O F A H EA T RA DI A TI ON SH IE LD Fol low in g the insta llat ion of a heat radi ati on shie ld , the clear anc es menti oned on the stov e cert ifica tio n plat e may be reduc ed as sta ted in the foll owi ng tabl e.
9 CHIMNEY Y our woo d stov e may be ho oked up w ith a p refa bri cat ed o r mason ry chimne y . If y ou ar e u sin g a pre fab chi m ney , it must comply wit h S-62 9 stan dards ; the refore it must be app rov ed for up to 210 0 o F (65 0 ° C) .
10 Sto ve pipe • An ad equa te nu mber of st ove pipe se cti ons . • A 90 o el bow 1- St art by posi tio ning y our sto ve wh ere yo u wo ul d like it to go, taki ng int o acco unt the mini mum cle aranc es to combus ti ble mate ria l. Yo u wi ll the n be abl e to dete rm in e whe re the chimne y wil l pas s th rou gh the w all .
11 5- Y ou ca n no w i nsta ll th e wa ll sup po rt. Simpl y sl ide the w al l sup port up to th e tee, ensu rin g that the ad apt er on the supp ort e nga ge s w ith the fe male coup ler on the bo tto m o f the tee . W hen the w all sup por t is lev el and prope rly po siti one d, yo u c an use lag bol ts to secur e it int o t he w all stu ds.
12 8- Fin ally , tw ist o n y our rai n cap a nd y ou c an he ad bac k in sid e. 9- Y ou are now ready to conn ect y our ch imne y to y our stove . Si m pl y in stall th e inte r-conn ect in g sto ve pi pe be tw een th e sto ve pi pe adap ter and the st ove .
13 1- Pl ace y our s tov e wh ere y ou woul d li k e i t l oca ted and use a pl umb l in e t o mark t he ce il in g dire ctl y ab ove y our sto ve flue. Yo u wil l prob ably hav e to adj ust thi s posi tion sli ghtl y to ensu re th at y our chi m ney wil l run be twe en the joi sts.
14 5- Then , from bene ath the sup port, inse rt th e sto ve pi pe adap ter an d tw ist-l ock it into plac e. 6- Now , y ou can ad d addi tion al chi m ney sect io ns. C ont in ue a ddi ng ch imne y len gth s un til a hei ght o f ab out 2 fet belo w th e next ce il in g lev el.
15 8- Nex t, sli de the sto rm co ll ar dow n th e chi m ney unt il it cont acts the flashi ng. T ig hte n the nut and bol t an d se al the col lar to th e chi mney wi th a wate rproo f, non -combu stibl e si li con e seal ant. Fina ll y , tw ist on yo ur rai n cap and y ou can head back insi de.
16 CO UP LI NG S It i s ver y impor tan t to measur e th e cle ara nce betw een y our conn ect ors (co mmonly cal led st ove p ipe) and th e surr ou ndi ng combus ti ble sur face s. If the normal 18 inch es clea rance requ ire d canno t be obt aine d, y ou may ha ve to use an insul ated flue pi pe in ord er to ins tal l.
17 AIR CI RCU LATI ON SY STEM In ord er to impro ve ai r circu lat ion in the room wh ere the wo od stov e is inst al led , cert ai n opti ons are av ail able for spe cifi c sto ve mode ls. Blo wer: A va ria bl e spee d-co ntrol blo we r is avai labl e.
18 OPE RAT ING Y OUR DRO LET WO OD STO VE FU EL Y our stov e wa s de signe d to burn woo d only . No othe r ty pe of fuel shou ld be use d. W aste and ot her fla mm ab le mater ia ls are pro hi bi ted . Any ty pe of woo d may be used in y our stov e, but spec ifi c var ie tie s hav e be tte r e ner gy y iel ds th an o the rs.
19 Smal le r pie ces of wo od wi ll dry faste r. All log s excee ding 6" (152 mm ) shou ld be spl it . The woo d shou ld be sto red in a plac e wher e the grass is not too lon g, in such a wa y that prev ai li ng wi nds may circu la te th rou gh th e fi re l ogs.
20 HEA TING Once y ou hav e ob tai ned a good bed of embers yo u sho ul d rel oad th e unit . I n orde r to do so , open t he air con tro l comple tel y for a few sec ond s p rior to open in g the stov e door. The n, pr oce ed by op eni ng the do or ve ry slow ly .
21 MAIN TENANC E O F THE HE ATIN G SY STEM M A IN TE NA NC E O F TH E ST OVE Our w ood stov es ar e d esi gned so th at they w ill re qui re l itt le mai nten anc e: - It is w ise t o pe rfor m a vi s.
22 M A IN TE NA NC E O F TH E CH IM NE Y W heth er y ou ha ve a prefa b or mason ry chimne y, y ou must con duc t a v isua l i nsp ecti on at least once a m ont h in orde r t o be sure t hat it i s i n good sh ape an d that the re is no exc essi ve creo sote buil d-up.
23 FRE QUE NTL Y ASK ED Q UESTI ONS WH A T DO T HE WO RD S “D RA FT ” A ND “ NE GA T IV E P RES SU RE ” M EA N? The word “draft” ref ers to the hot air movement that circulates i n y our stove’s exhaust sy stem , m oving from the stove to the outside of the house, and carryi ng with it the com bustion residues.
24 DRAWING #1 DRAWING #1 shows a stove functioni ng under nor mal and adequate conditions. H eat rises to the upper floors and the room where the stove is located has an adequate s upply of oxygen. The chimney draft is sufficient and the combustion gases are evac uated normally through the exhaust sys tem.
25 DRAWING #2 DRAWING #2 shows the effect of a c old chimney. Cold air creates a revers e dr aft ( negative press ure), which c auses smoking problems. This phenomenon is amplified by the fact that heat ris es, which creates a draft from the basement of the house to the upper floors (“c himney stack effect”).
26 DRAWING #3 DRAWING #3 shows the effect of negative press ure caused by an air-moving device inside the house. In the ex ample above, the range hood draws air from inside the house, which is replaced by air coming from the chimney. The result is a smok ing problem.
27 DRAWING #4 DRAWING #4 show s the negative pressure effect caused by wind, influenced by nearby structures such as a building..
28 DRAWING #5 DRAWING #5 shows the negative press ure effect that can be caused by wind, influenced by nearby structures such as a tree..
29 CA N I M OD IFY M Y STO VE TO I NST A LL A GL A SS DO OR ? It is forbidden to m odif y a s tove. Stoves ar e saf ety tested wi th a s pecific configuration, drawings of which are f iled with the regulating authorities. Changing the type of door could lead to serious difficulties with y our insurance com pany in case of fire.
30 DROLET LIMITED LIFETIM E WA RRA NTY The warranty of the m anufac turer extends only to the original consum er purchaser and is not transf erable. This warranty c overs brand new pr oducts only , which have not been altered, m odified nor repaired since shipment from f actory.
デバイスDrolet DB05130の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Drolet DB05130をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはDrolet DB05130の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Drolet DB05130の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Drolet DB05130で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Drolet DB05130を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はDrolet DB05130の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Drolet DB05130に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちDrolet DB05130デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。