DvicoメーカーTviX HD SlimS1の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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User Manual T ViX Slim S1 ** Some specifications could change with new firmware versions. Please refer to the FAQ on our homepag e for furt her in form ation.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 2 Safety Notice The so cket-out let shall be installed near the equip ment and shall be e asily accessibl e. Unplug the power cable when you are not using the product for a long tim e. Do not try to dis assem ble or remodel the TVIX- HD unit.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 3 Usage Precautions Thank you for choosing this TVIX-HD pr oduct. Please read the f ollow ing usage pr ecautions before using your TVI X-HD. Connect t he A /V cabl e Make s ure the po wer is off when you con nect the A/V cable bet ween the TVIX-HD and TV .
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 4 Table of Contents Safety Notice ................................................................................................................. ............................. 2 Usage Precaut ions ..........
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 5 1 Introduction 1.1 Multimedia Pl ayer Function The TVIX-HD is a s tandalone, m ultim edia hard d isk player that pla ys digital videos, d igita l mus ic, digit al stil l im ages and D VD files on TV sc reens and hom e entertainm ent s ystems.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 6 1.2 Audio Pla y er Function TVIX- HD can pla y a variet y of a udio fi les such as FLAC, M P3, Ip od, AAC , Ogg V orbis and W MA (W indows Media A udio) thr ough TV s peak ers and m any other a udio s ystems .
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 7 1.4 Specifications MODEL TViX Slim S1 Main Chipset RTD1283D D+ 400Mh z pro cessor VFD Dis play 7 A lpha-Num eric Characte r , 5 Digit Num eric Dis play V ideo Format: .MK V, .mpg, .a vi, .wm v, .divx, .vo b, .
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 8 2 Name of Each Part 2.1 Unit Control button TVIX- HD can be contr olled b y the butt ons on the produ ct as well as by the rem ote control. The cur rent state of the produc t can be chec ked on the VFD o n the f ront.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 9 2.3 Package Contents Thank you for choos ing this T VIX-HD produc t. The T VIX-HD pack age cont ains t he follo wing it em s. The item s des cribed bel ow m ay diff er fr om the * TVIX- HD autom aticall y form ats when you ins tall an unf ormatted n ew har d dis k.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 1 0 2.4 HDD Install ation/Exchange ** Instal ling or exc hanging your HDD is very eas y. P lease inst all the Hard D isk Drive (HDD) f ollowing th e instruction is shown be low. If you have a pre-inst alled HDD, you ma y skip this chapter.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 1 1 After installat ion of the HDD, pr ess the saf et y-lock but ton back in its p lace. For the saf ety of usi ng HDD, it is recom mended tig htening a scr ew between th e HDD and t he HDD h older. Load the H DD hol der into product.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 1 2 3 Installation a nd Co nnection 3.1 Connecting the Video The T VIX-HD s upports HD MI, Com ponent and Com pos ite vid eo output for connection to a TV, and eac h output needs to be select ed in the setti ngs m enu depend ing on what cabl e is bei ng used.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 1 3 3.2 Connecting the Audio Connection to 2 CH No rmal T V Connection to 5.1CH Amplifier (Digit al) Connect the t wo audio c ables , the white on e on the left side and the r ed one on the right s ide, to th e appropr iate term inals of your T V or Hi - Fi s ystem for sound output.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 1 4 3.3 Connecting the USB /e-SA TA HOST The TVIX-HD als o provi des two U SB-hos t ports with USB 2.0(e- SA T A) compliant host/ f unction proc essor . USB-hos t allo ws comm unic ation betwee n two U SB dev ices.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 1 5 3.4 Using the remote control This indicates Remote c ontrol Butto ns. PO W ER Toggle Unit Power on / of f MUTE Stop Audio Out put from the P lay er MOVIE .
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 1 6 3.5 Init ial Sett ing Connect the T VIX-HD to your T V using A/V c ables, a nd turn on the T VIX-HD. You will see t he foll owing screens when you turn the unit on f or the f irst tim e or when you sel ect “Load D efault Setti ng”.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 1 7 4 TVIX-HD Setu p Menu 4.1 SYSTEM Sett ing This section is abo ut S YSTEM (Langua ge or Tim e) s ettings. Pr ess SET UP button on the r em ote contr ol and sele ct SYS TEM. This screen allo ws you to adj ust the SYST EM sett ings of your TVIX- HD to your pers onal tas te.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 1 8 C o v e r A r t Date & Time : Adjust the cl ock by using the arro w and num eric keys. Auto (Via Networ k) is also av ailabl e. Press Left/Rig ht butto n on your rem ote contro l to m ove to anot her opti on.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 1 9 4.2 Audio/Video Setting This section is about A/V ( Video or Audi o) settings . Pres s SET UP button on the r em ote control an d selec t the A/V. This screen allo ws you to adj ust the A/V s ettings of your T VIX-HD to your pers onal taste .
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 2 0 Aspect Ratio : 4:3 Lett er Box / 4: 3 Pan & Scan for ordinar y TVs ; 16:9 for W ide TVs, such as HDTV or Plasm a TV. If the rati o of the T V is 4:3, selec t the 4: 3 letter box or 4:3 Pan & Scan. If the rat io is 16: 9, selec t 16:9.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 2 1 4.3 HDTV Setting This section is a bout HDT V s ettings. Pr ess th e SETUP button o n the rem ote c ontrol a nd selec t HDTV. This screen allo ws you to adjust the H DT V settings of your TVIX-HD to your per sonal tas te.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 2 2 4.4 NETWORK Setting This section is about NET W ORK ( Network or FTP) settings. Pres s th e SETU P button o n the r emote c ontrol, and then select NETW ORK. This screen a llows you t o adjus t the NETW ORK s ettings of your T VIX-HD to your per sonal taste.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 2 3 TVI X -HD Network Info : Y ou can see th e inf ormation of TVIX-HD’s Network . FTP ID/PW : to use FT P function, you m ust use the ID & pass word disp la yed on the Ne twork in Menu within SET UP . The FTP ID is tvixftp.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 2 4 4.5 MISC Setting This section is ab out MIS C (Photo ef fec t and Subtit le) setti ngs. Pr ess the SE TUP button on the r emote control, and then s elect MI SC. This screen all ows you t o adj ust the MI SC sett ings o f y our T VIX-HD to your pe rsonal t aste.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 2 5 5 Initial Usa ge of TVIX-HD 5.1 Ma king an HDD Folder As sho wn in t he pictur e belo w, one end of the USB c able shou ld be connec ted to the U SB conn ector of the TVIX- HD, and the ot her end to the c omputer .
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 2 6 5.2 Movie P layback W hen installation is succ essf ully finished, you will abl e to see Main MENU s creen. Y o u’d be tter cop y a video f ile in to the MO VIE f older in advance. MOVIE, MUSIC, PHO TO, SETUP icons are sho wn.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 2 7 5.3 Music Play back Y o u can co py au dio files to the MUSI C folder in ad vance an d pla y mus ic files .. If you cannot see the MAI N MENU sc reen, pres s the MENU( ) button on your rem ote control. Select th e MUSIC m enu on th e Main scr een and press the OK( ) button.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 2 8 5.4 Photo Playback You m ay cop y image f iles into the PHOT O f older in a dvanc e and p lay the im age or photo f iles. You can pr ess the PH OTO button on your rem ote contr ol with out selec ting from the menu sc reen Pres s PHOT O ( ) button.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 2 9 6 Using the re mote control 6.1 Descriptions of Each Button Basica lly, for playbac k of multim edia files you choos e the f ile you want by na vigatin g to it with the m enu buttons an d left/r ight and u p/down ar row butt ons and t hen pr ess the O K button.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 3 0 ① The 4:3 Letter box can show the or igina l ratio of the multim edia file i n 16:9. ② The 4:3 Pan & Sc an wi ll adjus t the im age of th e 16: 9 multim edia file t o the 4:3 of the TV sc reen b y scaling the image.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 3 1 Pressing G OTO button while you are pl a ying files, Y ou can ch oose t he tim e. After choosing y ou can pl ay di rectly . The pres ent pla ying tim e will be d ispla yed wit h the GOTO f unction. FF/RE W Button Pressing F F but ton wh ile you ar e pla ying f iles, you can cha nge the FF m ode.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 3 2 6.1.2 DVD N avigation For playback of DVD f iles copied t o the HDD, na vigate to the VIDEO _TS.IFO f ile and press OK. Full DVD navi gatio n work s as with a s tandard DVD pl ayer. < DVD Jukebox Keys > Play/Pa use ( when a m ovie is pla ying).
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 3 3 6.1.3 A udio Play back W hen you press the MUSI C button( ) on your rem ote contr ol, the contents of the T VIX-HD Music f older will be di splay ed. If y ou pres s audi o file, th en you will get the scree n of m usic window .
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 3 4 6.1.4 Imag e Play back W hen you pres s the PHO TO button( ) on the rem ote contro l, the c ontents of t he TVIX -HD PHOTO folder wi ll be displa yed. TVIX-HD displa ys on sc reen when you pres s an in val id ke y .
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 3 5 6.2 Extra Features 6.2.1 Using Co ver A rt Please change t he F ile list type to Cover Art on th e SET UP-SYST EM. If a name of folder , which on th e root f older , is starts with one of belo w words (c ase inse nsitiv e), it will shows Video co ver art m ode inst ead a nor m al icon m ode.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 3 6 If f ile name is Previe w_~~, PREVI EW menu iwill be activ ated.( F ile nam e : Pr eview_aa a.mk v) Pres s ‘GOTO’ button on the rem ote c ontroller , you ca n change t he Dev ice. Press ‘STOP’ button on the rem ote contro ller , you can g o to up f older .
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 3 7 ** If you want add icon im age a nd back ground im age m anually , p lease inser t fol der .jpg and tv ix.jpf f ile in the fol der . tvix.jpg : 1 280*72 0 resoult ion. Video icon (f older .jpg) : 138 *186 res oiution.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 3 8 6.2.3 Using pl aylist TVIX- HD allows you to m ake/edit a playlist without you hav ing to tur n on your PC. Move to a folder where you want to crea te a lis t, and then press the FUNC TION butto n. From the s et-up im age( as sho wn belo w), select the pla ylist im age.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 3 9 6.2.4 Using File Copy ing TVIX- HD supports File Copy func tionali ty without Using P C. Y ou can n ow cop y Contents f rom exter nal USB har d disk to the i nternal hard dis k of TVIX -HD and a lso Cop y the co ntents within the internal h ard d isk of T VIX-HD.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 4 0 6.2.5 Folder Secur ity TVIX- HD supports f older protec tion b y assign ing a password to the f older . Select the fol der that you want t o password protect. Pres s the Funct ion bu tton on your rem ote contro l.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 4 1 7 Using Netw ork 7.1 Using UPnP < When connecting the computer dir ectly to the TVIX-HD > Connect the LAN cab le to the L AN port of both the TVI X-HD and the PC. < When connecting with IP Router or Hub > Connect the LAN cab le to the L AN port f or an IP Router or Hub.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 4 2 7.1.1 Ho w to set up UPnP serv er to y our PC Althou gh there ar e vario us UPn P ser vers f or PC user s, We would like to rec omm end you all to use X BMC UPnP server which is relati vely eas y to us e and sup ports ex ternal su btitles.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 4 3 7.1.2 Ho w to set up X BMC serv er Once the installat ion is done, XBM C progr am will start autom atic ally . If it do es not, you ar e reques ted t o run it by click ing XBMC icon( ). T he page is the m ain.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 4 4 Click ‘Add Sourc e’ and ‘B ROW SE’. Choose a folder to shar e and c lick ‘OK’ clic k ‘SET CO TENT S’.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 4 5 Click ‘SCAN FOR NEW CONT ENT’ on the popup menu to scan c ontents. Click “MANUAL ADD TO LIBRARY” to add a fil e m anually , and write f ile nam e an d Genres nam e.. In the sam e way , you ca n share the Mus ic’.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 4 6 7.1.3 Ho w to set up net work The T ViX can b e con nected t o the loca l area network using a wired or wir eless network connec tion f or acces s to stream ing vi deo and onlin e and of fline media c ontent.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 4 7 7. Once t he net work is det ec ted, the foll owing sc reen a ppears. 8. To c onfigure Samba c lient or NF S(Netshar e), pr ess the N et disk button. 9. Select your ne twork disk to configure . 10. Selec t share list and then pres s OK button.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 4 8 11. Selec t Manu al to m anuall y set your n etwork conne ction. 12. W r ite to ke y in your IP address , subnet m ask , gatewa y, and DNS s erver u sing n um erick k ey on the rem ote controller and then press Connect.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 4 9 << Wireless Network S etup >> Y o u can play m ost of the HD vide o files (up to 18m bps) with 802.1 1n wireless W i-Fi dongle (av ailable as an option). 1. Connect a USB wireles s adapter (optiona l) to the USB port on your TViX .
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 5 0 5. Select the acc ess point you want to c onnect to, then press NEX T. Choose unk nown(M AC add ress) SSID at AP br owser windows to input t he SSI D m anuall y, then go to step 8 . 6. Use th e na vigation butt ons to k ey in the Network ke y(passcode) f or t he ac cess point, the n pres s OK button.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 5 1 ** Selec t your n etwork disk to configur e for SAMBA or NFS. ** Selec t share list and then pres s OK b utton. Once the network is c onfigured, you can c hange s ee net work dev ice on th e file lis t. 8.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 5 2 9. Press N EXT . 10. Use the navigat ion butt ons to t ype in the S SID f or the acces s point you want t o conn ect, then pr ess O K.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 5 3 12. Use the navigat ion b uttons to k ey in t he Net work k ey(pass code) f or the acc ess poi nt, then press OK button.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 5 4 7.1.4 Ho w to use UPn P Select ‘MO VIE’ mode at the m ain page Press ‘G OTO’ button and then ‘R ight’ button of the re mote, then it m oves to ( ) devic e. T o see U PnP device, press ‘OK ’ button o n the rem ote.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 5 5 7.2 Using NetShare 7.2.1 TVIX- HD NetShare Inst allation Netshare progr am allo ws you can pl ay the TP or DVD j ukebox without stutter easi ly. We recomm end sharing f ile s using t he NTF S file s ystem .
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 5 6 We recomm end shar ing file s using t he NT FS file syste m . T he “Setup status” windo w will app ear . Press YES button if you want to run the TVIX -HD Net Share autom aticall y . By clic king the F inish b utton, t he software i nstallatio n is do ne.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 5 7 Press “Unblock” for the W indows Securit y A lert..
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 5 8 7.2.2 Using TVIX -HD NetShare Click S tart, point to Pr ogram ->DVICO->T VIX- HD NetShare . If TVIX-HD Netshare is alre ady runn ing, you don’t need to ru n this pr ogram again. After s tarting the Net S hare progr am, you can se e the NetS hare ic on in the tra y .
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 5 9 7.2.3 Shar ing of Multi folders After runnin g the Netsh are s oftware Application, right click on the N etshare ICO N. Click on Bro wse, Corr espond ing to Fo lder 1 to Share . Select the Appropr iate fo lder , Containing Media F iles from desired Dr ive and C lic k O K.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 6 0 7.3 SA MB A Client and SA MB A Serv er 7.3.1 Set N etwork Co nfigurations Under Windows XP (SAM B A mode) Select the f older you want to s hare. R ight-c lick that f older and clic k ‘Shari ng and Secur ity’ in t he popup m enu.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 6 1 Move to ' Settings' > 'Contr ol Pan el' > 'Adm inistr ative T ools' > 'Com puter Ma nage m ent' > 'Local Users and Groups' > 'User s', and d ouble c lick ‘Gues t’.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 6 2 ‘GUEST ’ m ust be sho wn as the foll owing im age ( a red X mark should not b e sho wn on ‘G uest’) . Move to 'C ontro l Panel' > 'N etwork connections ', and select 'Pro pert ies' s b y right c lick on the m ous e.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 6 3 10) Move to ‘ Access this com puter fr om the network ’, and then s elect ‘Pr operties ’ by right c lick ing the mous e or doubl e click ing it. 1 1) Clic k on ‘Ad d User or Group’ 12) T y pe in “ Guest” a nd the n click on “OK” button.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 6 4 < When connecting Computer to TVIX-HD directly > In this c ase, you have to us e Cros s LAN c able t ype general ly . If the com puter ’s LAN card was con nected to Int ernet lin e, you can m ount add itiona l LAN card to your PC and connec t that add ition al LAN car d to TVIX -HD.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 6 5 < When connecting with IP Router or Hub > If you ha ve alread y been a ssigned d ynamic IP addres s from a DHCP Server or IP Rout er in your local area network , then no need to wri te a static I P address.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 6 6 7.3.2 Setting St atic IP Networ k Configurations in TVIX-HD Pr ess [SET UP] button on the rem ote. setup sc reen will be dis pla yed. On that Set UP screen, selec t Network setting Æ N etwork disk and type the I P address in the Ser ver IP .
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 6 7 7.3.3 Using SA MBA Server Using SA MBA Server , Y ou c an cop y/move/del ete fi les f rom PC to T VIX- HD via LAN. S AMBA is suppor ts internal har d disk only . Press the Network Info on the SETUP-N ETW ORK.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 6 8 8 Firm w are Upgrade Firmware V ersion Check. Connect t he TVIX-HD to your TV and th en turn o n the TVIX- HD.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 6 9 New firm ware upgr ade is in process (takes about 3 minute) . When the up grade is succ essfull y finished, the TVIX-HD will reboo t autom atic ally .
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 7 0 9 Using USB Co nnection w ith a PC TVIX- HD uses a SA T A HDD as its c ontents stora ge d evice an d work s just lik e an ex ternal U SB 2.0 har d dri ve when you c onnect it to your PC. The USB cable has a d ifferent sh ape on both en ds.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 7 1 Choose t he partition t ype and f ormat the HDD. If you want several partit ions, se lect Exten ded Partit ion. Select the partit ion si ze. If you want on e partit ion, pres s “ Next>”. F or F A T32, s ize is limited to 32000 MB or under .
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 7 2 Select the Dri ve Letter . Then press the “Nex t>” but ton. Select the partit ion For m at. If you c hoose F A T32 f ile f ormat on W indows 2000 /XP , the drives max imum size will be lim ited t o 32GB s.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 7 3 9.2 Unpl ug or Eject Hardwar e O n the windows tr ay , doub le cl ick the hot swap ic on. The “U nplug or Eject Hard ware” window will appe ar . Press t he S top button if you want to un plug th e devic e.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 7 4 10 Troubleshoo ting ** For d etailed instruct ions, p lease refer to the lat est pdf file on the T VIX-H D Homepage or T VIX-H D FAQ . Under no circ ums tances should you tr y to repair the s ystem yourself, as this will invalid ate the warr ant y .
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 7 5 11 Appendix - Technical Terms -------------- -------- ------------ ------------ -------- ------------ ------ -------- The High-Def init ion Multim edi a Interf ace (HDMI) is an all-dig ital audi o/vid eo int erfac e capable of transm itting uncom press ed stream s.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 7 6 -------------- -------- ------------ ------------ -------- ------------ ------ -------- By suppl ying film studios with outstandin g techniq ues f or deliver ing so undtracks to an attenti ve audie nce, DTS digital s ound is now f eatured on virtua lly 100% of m ajor Holl ywood rele ases.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 7 7 12 GNU Gen eral Public License DVICO Co., Ltd is us ing a part of Free Software co de un der the GNU G eneral Public License in operatin g TVIX -HD pla yer .
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 7 8 protection in ex change f or a fee. 2. Y ou m ay modif y your co py or copi es of the Progr am or an y portion of it, thus form ing a work based o n the P.
Ultimate Player w ith HD D igital Jukebox 7 9 7. If, as a conseq uence of a c ourt judgm ent or allega tion of patent inf ringem ent or f or any oth er reaso n (not limited t o patent is sues) , condi.
デバイスDvico TviX HD SlimS1の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Dvico TviX HD SlimS1をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはDvico TviX HD SlimS1の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Dvico TviX HD SlimS1の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Dvico TviX HD SlimS1で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Dvico TviX HD SlimS1を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はDvico TviX HD SlimS1の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Dvico TviX HD SlimS1に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちDvico TviX HD SlimS1デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。