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User Manual RTA7 70/ R T A 7 7 0 W ADSL R outer/Modem.
ii No part of t his publ icati on may be reprodu ced in an y form by an y mean s without the prior wri tten permission. Other trademar k s o r b rand names mentio ned herein are trademar k s o r register ed trademarks of thei r respective compani es. 2004/4/14 Rev : 04 This manua l currentl y suits for R T A770W /R T A770BW .
ADSL Route r User Ma nual iii Safety Notes For Ins tallation Use only the ty pe of pow er source indicated on the m arking labels. Use onl y pow er adapter su pplied w ith th e product. Do not overload wall outlet or extension cords as this m ay increase th e risk of electric shock or f ile.
Contents v Conten ts Before You Use ......................................................................................ix Featur es ............................................................................................................. i x Unpacki ng .
ADSL Route r User M a naul vi Connecti on Typ e ....................................................................................... 25 PPP ov er ATM/ P PP ov er Ethern et ................................................................ 26 MAC En capsulated R outin g (MER) .
Contents vii Chapter 6 ............................................................................................. 85 Problem s wit h LAN .............................................................................................. 85 Problem s wit h WAN .
ADSL Route r User M a naul viii.
Before You Use ix Before You Use Thank y ou for choosing the A sym metric Dig ital Subscriber Line (ADSL ) Router . W ith the asy mm etric technology , this device runs over standard copper phon e lines. In addition , ADSL allow s you to have both v oice and data services in u se sim ultaneous ly all ov er one phone line.
ADSL Route r User M a naul x Supports up to 4096 learn ing MA C address es Transparen t Bridging betw een 10/100 Mb Ethern et and USB Routing Features NA T (Network A ddress Translation) / P A T (P ort Address Translation) let mu ltiple users on the LAN to acces s the intern et for the cost of only on e IP address.
ADSL Route r User Ma nual xi Configuration and Management User-friendly embedded w eb config uration interf ace with passw ord protection Remote man ageme nt accesses con trol T elnet sess.
ADSL Route r User M a naul xii.
Chapter 1: Overv iew 1 Chapter 1 Overview This chapter provides you the des cription for the L ED and connector f or front and rear vi ew of the router .
ADSL Route r User M a naul 2 LED Color Status Descri pti on Unlit P ower off or in itial self- tes t of the un it is O K . Blink in g When softw a r e dow nloading or u pdating oper ation para meters located in FLA S H memory is in pr ogr es s . DIAG G reen Solid Initial s elf-test failu re or progr a mmin g FLASH memor y failu re.
Chapter 2: I nstall ation 3 Chapter 2 Installation Choosing a place for the ADSL Router Place the ADSL Router close to ADSL wall ou tlet and pow er outlet for the cable to reach it easily . A void placing th e device in places w here people m ay w alk on the cables.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 4 Connect th e supplied pow er adapter to the PWR port of y our ADSL Router , and plu g the oth er end to a pow er outlet .
Chapter 2: I nstall ation 5 of Digital Signatu re Not Found will appear . Click Ye s for next step . Now , the system will copy the proper files for this router . When the file copy ing fin ished, the dialog above will close. Now the USB driver is installed properly .
ADSL Route r User M a naul 6 click Ok . When the Main tenance Com plete screen appears, the USB driver is rem oved successfully . Click Finish. Un plug the USB cable betw een y our router and y our PC. For Windows XP For uninstall th e USB dr iver, please do the follow ing.
Chapter 3:Co nfiguration 7 Chapter 3 Configuration In orde r to access the Internet thro ugh the r outer, each host on your netw ork must install/setup TCP/IP .
ADSL Route r User M a naul 8 For Windows 98 1. Click on the Start menu, po int to Settings and click on Control Panel . 2. Double-click the Network icon 3. The Network w indow appears. On the Configurat ion tab, check out the list of installed netw ork components.
Chapter 3: Co nfiguration 9 5. On t he left s ide of the w indow s, hig hligh t Microsoft and th en select TCP/IP on the right sid e. T hen cl i ck OK 6. When return ing to Network w indow , highlight TCP/IP protocol for y our NIC and click Properties .
ADSL Route r User M a naul 10 8. When return ing to Network w indow , click OK 9. W ait f or Wi ndow s copy ing f iles. 10. Wh en prom pted w ith System Setting s Change di alog box, cli ck Ye s to restart your compu ter .
Chapter 3: Co nfiguration 11 For Windows ME 1. Click on the Start menu, po int to Settings and click on Contro l P a nel . 2. Double-click the Network icon. 3. The Network w indow appears. On the Configurat ion tab, check out the list of installed netw ork components.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 12 9. Wait f or Window s copyin g fil es. 10. When prompt ed wit h the System Settings Cha ng e dialog box, cl ick Yes to restart y our comput er. For Windows NT 1. Click Start , point t o Setting s , and then click Control Panel .
Chapter 3: Co nfiguration 13 5. Click Yes to use DHCP. 6. Insert the Window s NT CD into your CD-ROM drive and ty pe the location of the CD. Then click Continue . 7. Returning to the Network w indow , you will f ind the TCP/I P Protocol among the list.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 14 9. When returning to Network wi ndow , click Close . 10. When prompt ed wit h Network Settings Cha ng e dialog box, cl ick Yes to restart y our comput er.
Chapter 3: Co nfiguration 15 For Windows 2000 1. From the Start m enu, point to Settings and then click Network and Dial-up Connect ions. 2. Ri ght-clic k the Local Area Connection icon and then click Properties . 3. On the General tab, check out the list of in stalled n etw ork compon ents.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 16 4. H ighlight Protocol and then click Add . 5. Click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and then click OK. 6. When returnin g to Local Area Connection Properties window, highlight I nterne t Pro toc ol (T CP /IP ) and then click Properties.
Chapter 3: Co nfiguration 17 For Windows XP 1. From the Start menu, p oint t o Control Panel and then click Network and Internet Connections . 2. Click Network Connection and then click Properties . 3. Click Network Connection and then click Properties .
ADSL Route r User M a naul 18 Configure PC to get IP address from DHCP If y our ADSL R outer operates as a DHCP serv er for the client PCs on the LA N, you sh ould config ure the client PCs to obtain a dynam ic IP address. Please follow the previous section to install TCP/IP component.
Chapter 3: Co nfiguration 19 For Windows NT On the IP Address tab, click on the drop-dow n arrow of Adapter to select required adapter. Enable Ob tain an IP address from a D HCP server and then click OK .. When prom pted with the m essag e below , click Yes to continue.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 20 For Windows XP On the IP Address tab, select Obtain an I P address au tomatically . Then click OK . Renew IP Address on Client PC There is a chance that y our PC does not renew its IP address after the A DSL Router is on line and the PC cannot acces s the Internet.
Chapter 3: Co nfiguration 21 3. When th e figure below appears, click Release and th en Renew to get an IP address. For Windows NT 1. Select Run fro m the Start menu. 2. Select Run fro m the Start menu. 3. Type cmd in t he dialog box and the cli ck OK .
ADSL Route r User M a naul 22 For Windows 2000 1. From the Start menu, p oint t o Program s , Accessories and th en click Comm a nd P rompt . 2. Type ipconfig at prom pt.
Chapter 4: W e b Configuration 23 Chapter 4 Web Configuration Using Web-Based Manager Once y our host PC is properly configured, please proceed as f ollows: 1. Start y our w eb brow ser and ty pe the priv ate IP address of the A DSL Router in th e URL field: 192.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 24 Outline of Web Manager For config ure the w eb page, please us e adm in as the u sernam e and the passw ord. T he m ain screen will be show n as below .
Chapter 4: W e b Configuration 25 Quick Start Conne ct to Interne t A quick w ay to connect to Internet by using PPPoE interf ace, click Connect to I nternet to open th e web pag e. Enter th e user nam e and passw ord for your ADSL router and click Connect .
ADSL Route r User M a naul 26 PPP over A TM/ PPP over Ethernet If t he ty pe you choose is PPP ove r A TM or PPP over E thern et, ple ase re fer to t he f ollow ing inform ation. According to the ISP’ s configuration on the serv er , you can ch oose PPPoE and PPPoA modes .
Chapter 4: W e b Configuration 27 Primary IP Address: T ype in the f irst IP add ress that you g ot from your IS P for your LAN c o nnect ion. Subnet M a sk: T ype in the subnet m ask that you got from your IS P for your LAN c o nnect ion.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 28 MAC Encapsulated Routing (MER) If the ty pe you choose is MA C Encapsulated Routing (MER), please refer to the follow ing inform ation. MER mode is used i n b usiness envir onment w here static IP address and s ubnet are assigned by your ISP .
Chapter 4: W e b Configuration 29 Configure the second IP Address and Subnet Ma sk for LAN interface: Check this box to m ake another set of IP Address and Subnet Mask to connect to y our router if th ey are not inclu ded in the range that DHCP server accepts.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 30 IP over ATM If the ty pe you choose is IP over A TM, please refer to the follow ing inf ormation. IPoA is an alternative of LAN em ulation. It allow s TCP/IP network to acces s A TM netw ork and uses A TM quality of service’ s features.
Chapter 4: W e b Configuration 31 Address and Subnet Mask to connect to y our router if th ey are not inclu ded in the range that DHCP server accepts. Secondary IP Address: T ype in th e second IP address that y o u got from your I SP fo r your LAN conne ctio n.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 32 Bridging If the ty pe you choose is Bridging, please ref er to the followin g inform ation. The bri d ging mode can co nfigure your ro uter to send packets received on any port such as A TM PVC or Ethern et wi th a broadcast MAC addres s to all oth er ports.
Chapter 4: W e b Configuration 33 Status Overview This page is displaying the cu rrent status for the DSL connection..
ADSL Route r User M a naul 34 ADSL Line This page shows all inf ormation for ADSL. For know ing the quality of the ADSL connection, pleas e click ADSL BER T est butto n to ha ve ad vanced infor mation. Click More Inform ation to show m o re detailed information about ADSL Line Status.
Chapter 4: W e b Configuration 35 When the test is over , the result will be show n on the f ollow ing dial og for y our reference. Click Close to close this dialog.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 36 Wireless Client This table shows the MAC address for all of wi reless LAN clien ts currently associated to your DSL Ro uter . Routing Table This table shows the routing method that your ro uter use s. ARP Table This table show s the IP address record for IP-to-Phy sical translation in y our router .
Chapter 4: W e b Configuration 37 Advanced Setup LAN- IP Address This page is the sam e as you can see in the Configure LAN side Settings p age while r unni ng t he Quick Setup . It allows y ou to set IP Address and Subn et Mask valu es for LA N interface.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 38 Y ou can reserve one specif ic IP address for a certain PC for certain pu rpose. Simply add a ma pping ent ry of MAC address & IP address for that PC by pressing the V iew Reserved IP Address List button. T he follow ing picture will appear .
Chapter 4: W e b Configuration 39 Adding a New One T o add a new W AN con nection, please click th e Add button. The follow ing screen appears. VPI (V irtual Path Identifier) : Identif ies the v irtual path betw een endpoint s in an A TM ne t work. T he val i d ra nge is fr o m 0 to 255.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 40 IP Routing - Stat ic Route Routing T able shows all static route status an d allows y ou to add new static IP route or delete IP route. A Static IP Routing is a m anually defined path, w hich determines the data transm itting route.
Chapter 4: W e b Configuration 41 A dialog appears to ask y ou to confirm the action. Click Y es to remove th e static route, or click No to keep the setting.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 42 For the Router’s Routing Table For the LA N show n above, with 2 routers and 3 L AN seg ments , the Router requ ires to add 2 static routes as follows : ADSL Router Desti nation Subn et Mask (Standard C lass C) Gatew ay 192.
Chapter 4: W e b Configuration 43 NAT - Virtual Servers The Router im plements NA T to let your en tire local network appear as a singl e machin e to the Internet. The ty pical situation is th at you hav e local servers f or different s ervices and y ou w ant to make th em publicly accessible.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 44 allocated by your ISP . This addr ess should b e static, rather than dynam ic, to make it easier f or Internet us ers to connect to y our Servers. How ever, y o u can use Dy namic DNS f eature to allow users to con nect to you r virtual serv ers by u sing a URL , instead of an IP address.
Chapter 4: W e b Configuration 45 After ad ding a ne w virtual ser ver, click Apply to vi ew the new virtual se r ver . The followin g screen will be show n to d isplay the status f or this new one. If you do not want the ne w server tha t you added, please check th e one and click Rem ove to d iscard it.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 46 Dynamic DNS : : : : Selects Enable to enable DDNS; select Disabled to disab le this function. Internet Connection : : : : Selects the interf ace that you w ant to use for connecting Internet. User Name : : : : T ype in th e user nam e that you regist ered in w ww .
Chapter 4: W e b Configuration 47 Firewall The firew all is a software th at interrupts the data between the Internet and y o ur computer . It is the TCP /IP equi valent o f a secur ity gate at t he entra nce to your company .
ADSL Route r User M a naul 48 direction for filtering packets. Then, to add a new IP Filtering, click Add . This page pro vides so me setting s for you to adj ust for add ing a new outb ound IP Filtering. Allow T raffic: No stops the data transmission, Ye s lets the data pass thr ough.
Chapter 4: W e b Configuration 49 A new IP filtering setting for Outboun d traff ic is created in the w eb page. T o edit the setting, please click the pencil m a rk to get into the editing page. T o d e lete the setting, click the trash m ark to erase it.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 50 Internet Connection: This field displays the intern et connection that y ou currently use. IGMP Prox y Enabl ed: Check this box to enable this fu nction or uncheck th is box to disab le this function. After f inish the setting s, click Apply .
Chapter 4: W e b Configuration 51 Wireless The Wireless settin g must m atch the other Wireless stations. Basic T o set the basic conf iguration f or the wireles s features, please open Basic item from the Wireles s menu. Enable Wireless Network: Click this check box to enable the wireless network func t ion.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 52 transm ission m ode that y ou set above. If y ou choose 802.1 1b only as the tran smis sion mode, the transm issio n rate settings include 1, 2, 5.5, 11Mbit/s and auto. If y ou choose 802.1 1g , the transm ission rate settings inclu de 1, 2, 5.
Chapter 4: W e b Configuration 53 Security T o configu re security f eatures for the W ireless interface, please open Security item from W ireless men u. This w eb page off ers four au thenti cation protocols f or you t o secure y our data w hile connecti ng to net work s.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 54 you set 128-bit in this field, th en the receiving station m ust be set to u se 128 Bit Encr ypt i on, and have the same Key value too. Otherwise, it w ill not be ab le to decrypt the data. Form at: Choos e the ty ping m ethod of encry ption key .
Chapter 4: W e b Configuration 55 For 802.1X Wireless Network When a w ireless client requ ests access to a n etwork, it is required to be authenticated by a central authentication server (RA DIUS Server). Only an authenticated u ser can be granted by the network access and th ereby un authorized is block ed.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 56 key before being transmitted. For exam p le, if you set 128-bit in this field, th en the receiving station m ust be set to u se 128 Bit Encr ypt i on, and have the same Key value too. Otherwise, it w ill not be ab le to decrypt the data.
Chapter 4: W e b Configuration 57 For WPA-PSK WiFi-Pr otected Access: WP A-P S K is useful for sm all places such as home en vironm ent with out having au thentication servers. It allow s the use of manu ally-en tered key s or passw ords and is desig ned to be easy to set up for home user s.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 58 For WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) WiFi-Pr otected Access: The WP A i s suitable for en terprises. It mu st be used in conjunction w ith an authen tication server such as RADIUS to provide cen tralized access control an d man agemen t.
Chapter 4: W e b Configuration 59 Access Control The web page allow s you to enable the w ireless MAC control configuration. Access Control: Click Off to disable this function. Click On in Allow mode to make any wireless MA C address can be l inked to.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 60 Diagnostics T o check the link status f or the netw ork and y our computer , a diagnostic test can guide y ou to detect the netw ork problem. The testing items are lis ted and accomplish ed one by one. If the prev ious one is failed, than the item s below that f ailed one will be failed too.
Chapter 4: W e b Configuration 61 Management Admin Account This page allow s you to type in th e passw ord for accessing into you r DSL Router . For the Admin Account , the default setting for us er passw ord is adm in . If you want to chang e the usernam e and the passw ord, please rety pe the ne w pass word in the Confirm field for confirm ation.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 62 Date and Time The router ’ s clock mu st synchronize w ith global Internet’ s time. The time y ou set in the screen w ill be adapted to sy stem log . Update: Click this button to refresh th e current tim e. Set Tim e by : The default setting is Manu al.
Chapter 4: W e b Configuration 63 There are 8 types f or log level and display level for y our choose. The default is Debugging . The mode selection includes Local , Remote and Both . The defau lt one is Local. If y ou choose Rem ote or Both , all the events w ill be sent to th e specified UDP port of the specified log server .
ADSL Route r User M a naul 64 SNMP Setting The SNMP , the abbreviation of Sim ple Network Manag ement Protocol, is used to refer to a collection of specifications for netw o rk man agement th at include the protocol itself, the definition of data structu res and associated concepts .
Chapter 4: W e b Configuration 65 w orkstation by way of SNMP agent. Backup Config T o b ackup your co nfigura tion fo r the r oute r to you r computer , you can u se Backup Config web page to save the settings.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 66 UPnP for XP Universal plu g and play (UPnP) is an architecture for perv asive peer to peer netw ork connectivity of intelligent appliances and PCs of all form factors.
Chapter 4: W e b Configuration 67 7. Now , the NA T traversal function w ill be provided. T he ADSL router w ill create a new virtual server au tomatically f or mapping while th e router detecting the compute r running so me Inter net applications.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 68.
Chapter 5:Co nnection Mode 69 Chapter 5 Connection Mode Prior to configurin g the ADSL Router , you m ust decide w hether to conf igure the A DSL Router as a bridge or as a rout er . This chapter presents s ome deploy men t examples for you r reference.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 70 PPP over ATM (PPPoA) Mode RDAIUS Server AAA BRAS STM-1 DSLAM Loop D y namic Public IP assigned by BRAS PPPoA+NAT+ DHCP on Private LAN Hub ADSL Route r Ethern et PC(S) 192.16 8.1.3 192.16 8.1.2 PPP over ATM Default Private IP 192.
Chapter 5:Co nnection Mode 71 PPP over ATM (PPPoA) IP Extension Mode RDAIUS Server AAA BRAS STM-1 DSLAM Loop PPPoA+NAT+ DHCP on Private LAN Hub ADSL Route r Ethern et PC PPP over ATM Default Private IP 192.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 72 PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) Mode RDAIUS Server AAA BRAS STM-1 DSLAM Loop Dynamic Public I P assign ed b y BR AS PPPoE +NAT+DH CP on Private LAN Hub ADSL Router Ethernet PC(S) PPP ov er Ethernet Default Private IP 192.
Chapter 5:Co nnection Mode 73 PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) IP Extension Mode RDAIUS Server AAA BRAS STM-1 DSLAM Loop D y namic Public IP assigned by BRAS PPPoE IP Extension Mode Hub ADSL Router Ether net PC(S) PPP o ver E thernet Default Private IP 192.168.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 74 MER RDAIUS Server AAA BRAS STM-1 DSLAM Loop P u b l i c I P assigned by BR AS Hub ADSL Router MER *BRAS: Broadb and Rem ote Access Server Default Priva t e IP ISP (Internet Service Provider) Ethern et PC Description: In th is deploy men t environ men t, we mak e up a private IP n etw ork of 192.
Chapter 5:Co nnection Mode 75 Numbered IP over ATM (IPoA) RDAIUS Server AAA BRAS STM-1 DSLAM Loop Publi c IP Pre-assign e d b y I S P Hub ADSL Router PC(S) IP over ATM S/W Default Private IP *BRAS: Broadband Remo te Access Server ISP (Inte rnet Servic e P rovide r) 10.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 76 Click Finish . 8. Set TCP/IP for y our computer . Specify an IP A ddress, subnet m ask and se t default gat eway . eg: IP Add ress: Subnet Mask: Gateway: 9. Now the router is w ell configured.
Chapter 5:Co nnection Mode 77 Numbered IP over ATM (IPoA)+NAT Description: In th is deploy men t environ men t, we mak e up a private IP n etw ork of NA T fun ction is enabled (on A DSL Router or u se another NA T box connected to h ub) to support m ultiple clients to access the R outer and som e public servers (WWW , FT P).
ADSL Route r User M a naul 78 Prim ary IP Address : Subnet mask : Start IP Ad dress : End I P Addr ess: 7. Check Configure the second IP Address and Subnet M ask for LAN Interf a ce and ty pe in the second IP address and subnet m ask.
Chapter 5:Co nnection Mode 79 Unnumbered IP over ATM (IPoA) RDAI US Serve r AAA BRAS STM- 1 DSLAM Loop Public IP Pre-assigned b y I S P Hub ADSL Rout er PC(S) IP over ATM S/W Default Pri vate I P 192. 168.1. 1 *BRAS: Broadband Remote Access Se rver ISP (Int ernet Service Prov ider) 10.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 80 Subnet Mask: Gateway: 9. Now the router is w ell configured. Y ou can access into In ternet..
Chapter 5:Co nnection Mode 81 Unnumbered IP over ATM (IPoA)+NAT Description: In th is deploy men t environ men t, we mak e up a private IP n etw ork of NA T fun ction is enabled (on A DSL Router or u se another NA T box connected to h ub) to support m ultiple clients to access the R outer and som e public servers (WWW , FT P).
ADSL Route r User M a naul 82 Subnet mask : Start IP Ad dress : End I P Addr ess: 7. Check Configure the second IP Address and Subnet M ask for LAN Interf a ce and ty pe in the second IP address and subnet m ask.
Chapter 5:Co nnection Mode 83 Bridge Mode RDAIUS Serve r AAA BRAS STM-1 DSLAM Loop Bridge Mode Hub ADSL Router PPPoE Client S/W PC(S ) PPP ov er Ether net Default Private IP 192.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 84.
Chapter 6:Tr oubleshooting 85 Chapter 6 Troubleshooting If the suggest e d sol uti ons in this se c tion d o not r esolve your issue, c ontac t your system administrat o r or Internet se rvice provider . Problems with LAN PCs on the L AN cannot g et IP addresses from the ADSL Router .
ADSL Route r User M a naul 86 DNS IP is, then pin g If th e follow ing respons e occurs: Relay from bytes=32 time=100ms TTL=253 Then the connection to the DNS is OK. If y ou get a failed ping w ith the response of: Request time out Then the DNS is not reachable.
Chap ter 7: Gl ossary 87 Chapter 7 Glossary ARP ( Address Resolu tion Protocol ) ARP is a TCP/IP pr otocol for mapping an IP address to a physical machi ne addres s that is recogni zed i n th e local network, such as an Eth ernet address. A host wishing to obtain a physical address broadc asts an ARP reque s t onto the TCP/I P network.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 88 NAT (Netwo rk A d dress Transla tion) IP A ddress NAT is an Internet standard that tr anslates a pr ivate IP within one netwo r k to a publi c IP address , either a static or dynamic one . NAT provides a type of firewall by hidi ng internal IP addresses.
Chapter 7: Glossary 89 Virtual Server You can desi gnat e virtu al servers, e.g ., a FTP, web, tel net or ma il server, on your l ocal network and make them acces sibl e to the outside world.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 90.
App en d ix A : Spe cific atio ns 91 Appendix A Specifications Software Fo r Annex A ANSI T1.413 I ssue 2 ITU G . 992.1 Annex A (G.dmt) ITU G . 992.2 Annex A (G.lite) ITU G . 994.1 (G.hs) Support dying gasp ADSL Compliance Fo r Annex B ITU G .
ADSL Route r User M a naul 92 P ort Mapping: the user s can se tup multiple virtual servers (e.g. , W eb, F TP , Mail servers) on user’s local networ k. Support DMZ UPnP IG D (Inter net Gatew ay Device) with NA T tr av er sa l cap abilit y Static routes, RFC1058 RI Pv1, RFC1723 RIPv2.
App en d ix A : Spe cific atio ns 93 WLAN cli ents can be all owed to associ ate to the rou ter . SSI D can be hidden fo r the se c urity issue (Don’t broadcas t SSID).
ADSL Route r User M a naul 94.
Appendix B: Serve r Setup for 802. 1x Cli ent 95 Appendix B Server Setup for 802.1x Client Getting Client Cert ificate 1. Please connect th e client to a netw ork that doesn’t require port authentictaion. 2. Open u p Microsoft Ex plorer in Window s XP, and go to http://<yourserv er>/certsrv.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 96 5. Make su re that User certificate request : User Certificate is selected, and click Nex t . 6. Click Submit in th is dialog. 7. Now, you'll see status messages on the screen, then y o ur certificate will be returned to you .
Appendix B: Server Setup for 802.1x Client 97 Enable 802.1x authentication and Encryption for wireless card 1. Open u p the properties f or your wi reless connection, either by Right-cli ck on M y Net.
ADSL Route r User M a naul 98 6. Select Data encryption (WEP enabled) , and ensu re The key is provided for me automatically is also selected. 7. No w y ou'r e rea d y to co nfigure your router (A P) wi th 802.
デバイスDynalink RTA770Wの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Dynalink RTA770Wをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはDynalink RTA770Wの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Dynalink RTA770Wの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Dynalink RTA770Wで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Dynalink RTA770Wを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はDynalink RTA770Wの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Dynalink RTA770Wに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちDynalink RTA770Wデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。