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ii How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10 Copyr ight Inf ormation How to Use and Enjo y Y our T r eó 10 © 2001 e. Digit al Co rporat ion. Al l rights res er ved.
How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 iii Introduction W elcome to the f uture of per sonal music pl ay- ers! Using the l atest technolo gical adva nces in both ha rdware and softw are, the T reó™ 10 Digital Music Jukeb o x allow s yo u to car r y a sizable audio li brary—over 150 hours—of your fa vorite mu sic wh erever you go .
iv How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10.
How to Use and Enj oy Y our T reó 10 v Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s Intro ductio n ..... ....... ............. .... ..... ....... ..... ..... ....... ... iii Chapter 1: Getting Your Treó 10 Up and Running ... 1 What Accesso ries Are Included with My Treó 10? .
vi How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10 How Do I Convert Music Tracks to Digi tal Music Fi les? . ..... ..... ..... ........ ..... ..... ...... ....... ...... ..... ... 24 Creating D igital Music F iles ....... ........ ..... ...... ....... .. 25 Chapt er 3: Naviga ting You r Mus ic .
How to Use and Enj oy Y our T reó 10 vii How Do I Sol ve Prob lems Con necting t o My P C? ... ... 43 Why Can’t I Conn ect to M y PC? ..... ....... ...... ..... .... 43 Why Do I G et “Und efined US B Driver” Error Message s When I Connect to My P C? .
viii How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10.
How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 1 Chapter 1: Getting Y our T reó 10 Up and Runnin g Y o ur T reó 10 Mus ic Jukebox allows y ou to car r y a vir tual librar y o f music with y ou. Using this chap ter , you’ ll be able to get your T reó 10 up and running q uickly .
2 How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10 How Do I Begin Using My T reó 10? Before you can use your T reó 10 jukebox, you need to get it c harged a nd load ed w ith mus ic.
How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 3 Installing Music Explorer Before you can transfer mu sic files to your T reó 10, you must install the Mus ic Explorer softwa re on your PC . This soft ware allows y ou to : • Organiz e you r music fil es and • Move them t o and f rom yo ur playe r .
4 How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10 The Licens e Agreement appe ars. 3. Read th e Licens e Agreement and cl ick Ye s . Th e Choos e Destina tion Locatio n screen appears: 4. Click Browse to sele ct an instal lation director y , t hen cl ick Next . Or , t o store the softwa re at the d efault locatio n, click Next .
How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 5 The Select Program F older s creen appears: 6. Select a progra m folder , then c lick Next . The Setup Stat us screen appea rs: After the instal latio n is fini shed loadi ng, t he InstallS hield Wizard Complete s creen appears.
6 How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10 7. Click Fi n i s h to complete the installat ion. After inst alling the sof tware, you ca n now u se it to l oad mu sic on to you r T reó 10. F or more infor matio n about loading fil es onto your player , see “ Add ing Mus ic to Y ou r T reó 10” on page 17.
How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 7 5. Double-cli ck the .exe file. The InstallS hield Wizard appears: 6. Complete t he set up as inst ructed. F or more informa tion about the MusicMatch sof twar e, go to the onl ine help file included with the Musi cMatch so ftware, or go to ht tp://ww w .
8 How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10 Powering Y o ur T reó 10 On and Off • T o t ur n on the j ukebox, press and hold the Play /P ause button. Y o u will see thi s star tu p screen: The Play screen will appear: • T o shut off th e juke bo x: 1.
How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 9 Y our T reó 10 will a lso tur n itself off aft er one min ute of ina ctivit y . Y ou can change the a utomatic power of f set ting from the M ain Menu. F or more info r mati on, see “Sett ing Up the Auto matic Po w e r O f f ” o n p a g e 3 8 .
10 How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10 What’s On My T reó 10? Once you’ ve u npacked y our j ukebox, you can see th e follo wing featu res on the f ront o f your playe r . Press this: To : 1. Menu Button V iew the Main Menu. F or more infor- mation about the Main Menu, see “ Customizing Y our T reó 10” on page 33.
How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 11 Then, look at the rig ht side and the top f or the follow ing conne ction jacks: What’s On the T reó 10 Screen? Understand ing your T reó 10 screen ’s layout will hel p you navig ate and play the music you want quick ly .
12 How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10 Y our T r eó 10 d ispla ys inf ormatio n in sim ila r ways no ma tter wh ether you’ re playing music , browsing files, or cha nging your se tting s: Battery .
How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 13 Play Mo de The Pl ay Mo de co ntrol s what orde r your tracks pla y in. Y ou can chang e this setting from the Main Me nu. F or more infor matio n about chan ging th e Play Mode, see “Sele cting the Play Mod e” on page 36.
14 How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10 T rack Inf ormation Along the bott om of the di spla y you wi ll see infor matio n about the selected or pla ying trac k.
How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 15 T o remove the batter y: 1. Slide th e batter y latch up, to wards the top of the playe r . 2. Grasp eit her sid e of th e batter y a nd pu ll out, away f rom the pl ayer . The ba tte ry detaches from the pla yer .
16 How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10.
How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 17 Chapter 2: Adding Music to Y our Tr e ó 1 0 In order to b egin enjoyin g your T reó 10, you must download music from your PC. Th e T reó 10 includes soft ware that allo ws y ou to easily t ransfe r music b ack an d for th between your PC and your play er .
18 How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10 Make sure that you already have the Mu sic Expl orer and MusicMatch soft ware install ed before you actu ally conne ct the USB cable fr om your T reó 10 to your PC.
How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 19 How Do I T ransfer Music from My PC to My T reó 10? The Music Explo rer software included with T reó 10 allows you to manage y our music files. E stabl ishing f ile fo lders and tran sfer ring music tr acks betw een the T reó 10 an d your compute r is quic k and easy with Music Explorer .
20 How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10 Creating Subfolders Lev el tw o fold ers, or “subfo lders, ” store the music files . Musi c files are what sh ow u p as trac ks on your T r eó 10. F or mor e informatio n on tracks, see “ What Is a T rack ?” on pa ge 30.
How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 21 • Usi ng th e quick menu : 1. Ri ght-cl ick a subfol der . 2. Select a transf er method: • Inser t f iles pla ces tr ansfer red music i n front of any stor ed music already in the folder . • Append files p laces transf er red music at t he end of any s tored music already in the f older .
22 How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10 3. Hold down th e lef t mouse button a nd drag the se lected f older to a st orage fold er on the T reó 10. 4. Releas e the left mouse but ton. Win- dows copie s the selected fi les to the selected T reó 10 stor age fol der .
How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 23 musi c file s to the T re ó 10. F or mo r e informa- tion, se e “H ow Do I T ransfer Music f rom My PC to My T reó 10 ?” on p age 1 9. How Do I T ransfer Music from My T reó 10 to My PC? Music Ex plorer also a llows y ou to move the files st ored on your T reó 10 to your c omputer .
24 How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10 2. Select Ren a m e . 3. Enter a new na me for th e fol der or track. F o lder , s ubfo lder , and track names can b e no lo nger t han 64 characters. 4. Click OK . Deleting Files Music Ex plorer allows y ou to remove music files you no longer want on your T reó 10.
How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 25 Y ou canno t trans fer fil es directly from Mu sicM atc h to your pla yer . Y ou must use Mus ic Explo rer . F o r more infor matio n, see “Ho w Do I T ransfe r Music fro m My PC to My T reó 10?” on page 19. Creating Digital Music Files The T reó 10 plays only MP3 and Windows Media™ f iles.
26 How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10 4. Select the Re c o r d er tab. 5. Click Tr a c k s D i r e c t o r y . 6. Specif y the d irectory where the new files will be sto r ed after they are co nverted by doing o ne o f the fo llow ing: • Select the d efaul t director y .
How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 27 8. On the Mus icMatch player , press . 9. Select the t racks o n the CD you wish t o conver t into digita l music for mat . Checked tracks will be recorde d. 10. Sel ect the Re co rd option on the r ecorder dialo g bo x.
28 How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10.
How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 29 Chapter 3: Navigating Y our Music Y o ur T reó 10 has a simp le file s ystem tha t allows you t o navi gate and pl ay the music you’re lookin g fo r quickly . Or , you can begi n playing music immed iately , with out h aving t o browse files at all .
30 How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10 Understanding the Music File System W ith the T reó 10, you can s tore your music quickly , then find it easily . Y ou can scroll thr ough gen res, albums, or tracks until yo u find the par tic ular selectio n you wa nt.
How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 31 Browsi ng Y our M usic Y ou can look fo r music on the T reó 10 at the genre, album, or track level using t he ar row buttons . Wh en the T reó 10 is not playing music, yo u can browse t o a d esired genre, album, o r track and press Play to begin pla y- ing.
32 How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10 the ne w song, just stop p ressing butt ons f or ten se conds an d the displ ay will rever t to the cur rently playin g song.
How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 33 Chapter 4: Customizing Y our Tr e ó 1 0 Y o ur T reó 10 can be quickly cu stomized to meet you r needs . Y ou ca n chang e its se tting s using the M ain Menu , or refor mat the play er’s hard dr ive.
34 How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10 T o access the Sett ings menu, press Menu. The Main Menu ap pears: Use th e up an d down ar row s to highligh t the opt ion yo u wish to ch ange. Use th e right and left ar ro ws to chang e the se tting s. T o exit the Main Menu, press Men u .
How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 35 Choosing the Eq ualizer Settin g The T reó 10 equalize r adjusts bass or treble to a variet y of presets, or to a custo mize d equal - izer sett ing. Use the eq ualiz er to enh ance th e sound of specifi c genres of music .
36 How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10 3. Use th e up a nd down ar row s to highligh t the band you w ish t o change. 4. Use the right and left ar rows to change the setti ngs. 5. When you’re finished, press Menu to s ave your set tings and retur n to the Ma in Menu.
How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 37 T o set the play mo de: 1. Using the up and do wn ar ro ws, highlight Play Mode. 2. Scroll th rough the a vailable sett ings wit h the r ight an d left arrows. 3. Pr ess Men u to sa ve y our se tting s and r eturn to t he Play scr een.
38 How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10 Setting Up the Automatic Power Off Customize y our T reó 10 to t ur n off a utomati- cally if you’re not u sing i t. Y ou can set your player t o tur n off af ter one to te n minut es of inactivi ty . Or , sel ect “Nev er ,” and your T reó 10 will nev er shu t off automat ically .
How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 39 After a mo ment, a message w ill appea r on your screen. Contin ue holdin g the butto ns. After a f ew more second s, the screen will d is- play th e fol lowin g messa ge: 4. Releas e both buttons . The player wi ll take up to 15 min utes t o reform at the drive .
40 How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10.
How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 41 Chapter 5: T roub leshoo ting How Do I So lve Problems With My Jukebox? W h y C a n ’ t I Tu r n O n M y Tr e ó 1 0 ? • The b atter y may be weak.
42 How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10 lear n h ow to change that se tting , see “Selecting the Play Mo de” on page 36. Why Does My Jukebox’s Screen Look Scrambled? This can o ccur wh en the batter y is v er y weak. Replac e or recharge the bat ter y as s oon as possible .
How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 43 Why Do The Files On My T reó 10 Sound Distorted? • Some CD-ROM drives are not b est s uited for aud io . See the MusicM atch® On line Help guid e infor mation. Y ou ma y be able to chang e some of the setti ngs to improve the si tuati on.
44 How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10 3. Click Settings . 4. Click Control P anel. 5. Double-cli ck Sys tem. 6. Click th e Device Manager tab. 7. Click th e’+’ sig n besi de the Un iversa l Serial Bus controlle rs. Y ou shou ld see an und efined d river in the list.
How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 45 Appendix: Product Information T echnical Specifications Y our T reó 10 confor ms to the follow ing spec i- fication s: Music Stora ge: 10GB—Up to 150 hours of audio content, encoded at 128Kb/s (ap pro xi- mately 3000+ tracks) System: 16-bit DSP running at 150MHz.
46 How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10 MusicMatch ® compan ion sof tware to down- load music to your T reó™10 Digital Music Jukebox. Y ou must meet t he follo wing ha rd- ware and soft ware requi.
How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 47 W indows Media™ Decode r Sampling F r equencies: 32, 44.1, 48 kHz Bit Rates: 64, 80, 96, 128 kbps F actory-Default T reó 10 Settings Y our T reó 10 comes wit .
48 How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10 Wa r ni n g s • T o prevent a fire or sho ck haza rd, do not e xpose the unit t o moi sture. • T o avoid electric al sho ck, d o not o pen th e case. If your T reó 10 needs s er vice, con- tact e.Dig ital at ht tp://w ww .
How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 49 Approvals This e quipment h as be en tes ted and foun d to compl y with th e limi tatio ns for a Class B digi - tal de vice, pu rsua nt to P art 15 of the FCC rules and regulations .
50 How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10 Products with t he CE Marking comply w ith both the EMC Directive (89/336/EEC) and the Low V olt age Directive (73/23/EEC) issued by the Commission of the Europe an Community .
How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 51 All war ranti es are tracked t hrough th e orig inal order number and/or serial number . Please have th is inf or mation a vaila ble when you call. T o retur n a prod uct for repair o r replacement during the wa r rant y period, yo u must ob tain an RMA (Retur n Merchandise Autho rizati on) number fro m e.
52 How to Use and Enjoy Y our T reó 10 Ship pr epaid and ins ur ed to : e.Digit al Customer Ser vice 1500 W orld W i de Blvd. Hebron, KY 41048 This war ra nty expr e sses s pecific contract ual rights; retail purchasers ma y have addi tiona l statuto r y rights , which va r y from state to state .
How to Use and Enj oy Y our T reó 10 53 Ind ex A accessories ................ ........ ....... .......... 1 adapto r, AC ...... ............ ........ ....... ...... 2 adj ust ing se ttin gs ...... ........ ....... ........ 33 album, e xpl ained .....
54 How to Use and En joy Y our T reó 10 E e.Digi tal, contac ting ............. ....... .... 51 equalizer customizing ... ........ ........ ....... ..... 35 selecting s etting ............ ....... ..... 35 erasing file s ..... ........ ........ .....
How to Use and Enj oy Y our T reó 10 55 N navigati ng music .. ........ ........ ........... 2 9 no music files, trou blesho oting ...... 4 2 no so und, trou bles hootin g ..... ........ 4 2 O orde r, mu sic .......... ........ ........ .... 1 3 , 36 troubles hootin g .
56 How to Use and En joy Y our T reó 10 turning power on, off ........... ....... ...... 8 troubles hootin g ........ ....... ......... 41 U undef ined U SB d river, trouble shooting . ........ ........... ........ 4 3 under stand ing featu res .. ..
デバイスE.Digital 10の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
E.Digital 10をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはE.Digital 10の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。E.Digital 10の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。E.Digital 10で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
E.Digital 10を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はE.Digital 10の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、E.Digital 10に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちE.Digital 10デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。