EagleメーカーFishElite 642cの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Pub. 988-0152-151 www.eaglesonar.com FishElite 642c iGPS & SeaCharter 642cDF iGPS Fish-finding Sonars & Mapping GPS Installation and Operation Instructions ® ®.
Copyright © 2005 LEI-Eagle All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be copied, reproduced, republished, transmitted or distributed for any purpose, without prior written consent of Eagle Electronics. Any unauthorized commercial distribution of this manual is strictly prohibited.
i Table of Contents Section 1: Read Me First! ......................................................... 1 Capabilities and Spe cificati ons: .................................................... 3 How Eagle Sonar Works .................................
ii Pages ........................................................................................... 42 Satellite Status Page .............................................................. 42 Navigation Page ...........................................
iii Stop Chart ................................................................................... 78 Surface Clarity ............................................................................ 78 Zoom & Zoom Bar .................................
iv Create Icon on Map ............................................................... 118 Create Icon at Current Position ........................................... 118 Delete an Icon ..................................................................
v Earth Map Detail .................................................................. 141 Pop-up Map Information ...................................................... 142 Draw Map Boundaries .......................................................... 142 Fill Water With White .
vi WARNING! A CAREFUL NAVIGATOR NEVER RELIES ON ONLY ONE METHOD TO OBTAIN POSITION INFORMATION. CAUTION When showing navigation data to a position (waypoint), a GPS unit will show the shortest, most direct path to the waypoint. It provides navigation data to the waypoint regardless of obstructions.
1 Section 1: Read Me First! How this manual can get you out on the road, fast! Welcome to the exciting world of digital sonar and GPS! We know you are anxious to begin navigating and finding fish, but we have a favor to ask.
2 After you have gained some experience with your sonar, you will want to check out Section 4, which discusses more advanced Sonar Options and Other Features .
3 It's important to us and our power users, but if you don't care how many watts of power the unit has or how many waypoints it can store, skip ahead to important information on how sonar works on page 5. Back- ground on GPS begins on page 6.
4 Sonar Sounding Depth capability: ........... SeaCharter 642cDF iGPS : 1,500 feet (457 meters). FishElite 642c iGPS : 800 feet (244 meters). Actual capability depends on trans- ducer configuration and installation, bottom composition and water conditions.
5 Position points: ............. 1,000 waypoints; 1,000 event marker icons. Audible alarms: ............. Arrival/off-course/anchor. Graphic symbols for waypoints or event marker icons: ................. 42. Routes: ............................. 100, up to 100 waypoints per route.
6 chart. The sonar's microprocessor calculates the time lapse between the transmitted signal and echo return to determine the distance to the object. The whole process repeats itself several times each second. Your unit can record a log of the sonar signals that scroll across the screen and save them to the MMC memory card.
7 making software, MapCreate 6 or one of our special plug-and-play mapping cards. Some unit features — such as searching for businesses and addresses — won't work without a custom MapCreate map.
8 so you can mount your unit and plug in the power. Or you might want to see how our text formatting makes the manual tutorials easy to skim. If that's the case, move on to How to Use This Manual on page 11.
9 Remember, the unit must have a clear view of the satellites in order to receive their signals. Unlike radio or television signals, GPS works at very high frequencies. These signals can be easily blocked by trees, buildings, an automobile roof, even your body.
10 of terrain! It only calculates position, it can’t know what’s between you and your destination, for example. It’s up to you to safely navigate around obstacles, no matter how you’re using this product.
11 The emulator works exactly like your real sonar/GPS unit. When using the Sonar and GPS Simulators you can play back sonar logs, run GPS routes and trails, even create real waypoints you can use in the field. You can take snapshots of the Sonar Chart and print them or e-mail them to friends.
12 For example, instructions for navigating a trail would look like this: 1. From the Map Page, press MENU | MENU | ↓ to M Y T RAILS | ENT . 2. Press ↓ to Trail 1 | ENT | → to N AVIGATE | ENT . 3. You are asked to wait while it converts the trail into a route.
13 Section 2: Installation & Accessories Preparations You can install the unit in some other order if you prefer, but we rec- ommend this installation sequence: Caution: You should read over this entire installation section before drill- ing any holes in your vessel! 1.
14 Read these instructions carefully before attempting the installation. Determine which of the installation methods is right for your boat. Remember, transducer location is the most critical part of a so- nar installation.
15 NOTE: Some aluminum boats with strakes or ribs on the outside of the hull create large amounts of turbulence at high speed. These boats typically have large outboard motors capable of propelling the boat at speeds faster than 35 mph. Typically, a good transom location on aluminum boats is between the ribs closest to the engine.
16 Align transducer centerline with hull bottom. A dual frequency transducer (left) and a single frequency transducer (right). How low should you go? For most situations, you should install your Skimmer transducer so that its centerline is level with the bottom of the boat hull.
17 The shoot-thru-hull installation does have its drawbacks. First, some loss of sensitivity does occur, even on the best hulls. This varies from hull to hull, even from different installations on the same hull. This is caused by differences in hull lay-up and construction.
18 Align plastic ratchets in bracket. B. Two-piece bracket: Locate the four plastic ratchets in the trans- ducer's hardware package. Press two ratchets into the sides of the plastic bracket and two on either side of the transducer as shown in the follow- ing illustrations.
19 2. Aligning the transducer on the transom. A. One-piece bracket: Slide the transducer between the two ratch- ets. Temporarily slide the bolt though the transducer assembly and hold it against the transom. Looking at the transducer from the side, check to see if it will adjust so that its face is parallel to the ground.
20 If the transducer's face isn't parallel with the ground, remove and disassemble the transducer and ratchets. Place the ratchets into the bracket holes with the letter "B" aligned with the bracket alignment mark. Place them on the transducer aligned with the 12 o'clock posi- tion on the transducer stem.
21 Position transducer mount on transom and mark mounting holes. Side view shown (left) and seen from above (right). 5. Attaching transducer to transom. A. One-piece bracket: Remove the transducer from the bracket and re- assemble it with the cable passing through the bracket over the bolt as shown in the following figures.
22 6. Route the transducer cable through or over the transom to the sonar unit. Make sure to leave some slack in the cable at the transducer. If possible, route the transducer cable away from other wiring on the boat. Electrical noise from the engine's wiring, bilge pumps, VHF radio wires and cables, and aerators can be picked up by the sonar.
23 3. Route the transducer cable alongside the trolling motor shaft. Use plastic ties (not included) to attach the transducer cable to the trolling motor shaft. Make sure there is enough slack in the cable for the motor to turn freely. Route the cable to the sonar unit and the transducer is ready for use.
24 NOTE: Periodically wash the transducer's face with soap and water to re- move any oil film. Oil and dirt on the face will reduce the sensitivity or may even prevent operation.
25 Shoot-thru-hull transducer locations for high speed or trolling speed operation. To choose the proper location for shoot-thru-hull mounting, follow these testing procedures: (You may need a helper to complete these steps.) 1. Anchor the boat in about 30 feet of water.
26 The second bottom signal will probably disappear and the bottom signal intensity will likely decrease. 3. Now move the transducer around to find the best location with the strongest possible bottom signal. If you find a spot with an acceptable bottom signal, mark the location and move on to step 4.
27 Epoxy transducer to hull. WARNING: Use only the epoxy available from LEI. It has been for- mulated to work with these installation procedures. Other epoxy types may be too thin or may not cure to the right consistency for optimum transducer performance.
28 Leave the weight in place for a minimum of three hours. Allow the ep- oxy to cure for 24 hours before moving the boat. 5. After the epoxy has cured, route the cable to the sonar unit and it's ready to use.
29 Sonar unit with external temp sensor, external speed sensor or combo speed/temp sensor. The primary temperature sensor is built into the transducer. Optional Speed Sensor Installation All the units in this series can display speed and distance traveled, but only the SeaCharter 642cDF iGPS comes packed with a speed sensor.
30 Make sure the location does not interfere with the boat's trailer. Usually, the sensor is mounted about one foot to the side of the transom's center- line. Once you have determined the proper location for the unit, place the sensor on the transom.
31 The sensor is now ready for use. Connect the sensor to the accessory socket on the back of your unit. If you have any questions concerning the installation of the sensor, please contact your local boat dealer. Power Connections The unit works from a 12-volt battery system.
32 Power connections for the sonar unit. WARNING: This product must be independently fused with the en- closed 3-amp fuse (or equivalent), even if you connect to a fused accessory or power buss. If a malfunction happens inside the unit, extensive dam- age can occur if the enclosed fuse is not used.
33 NMEA format GPS data. The com port can also transmit NMEA format GPS data to another device. A data cable should contain three wires. Com-1 uses the yellow wire to transmit, the orange wire to receive and the shield wire for signal ground. Com-1 wiring to receive NMEA position information from some other GPS receiver.
34 Optional R-A-M mounting system. Bracket Installation Mount the unit in any convenient location, provided there is clearance behind the unit when it's tilted for the best viewing angle. This must be a location with a clear view of the sky, so the internal GPS antenna can lock-on to the satellite signals.
35 Drill a 1-inch (25.4 mm) hole in the dash for the power and transducer cables. The best location for this hole is immediately under the gimbal bracket location. This way, the bracket can be installed so that it covers the hole, holds the cables in position and results in a neat installation.
36 Portable Installation Like many Eagle products, this unit is capable of portable operation by using an optional portable power pack (PPP). The power pack and an optional portable transducer expand the uses for your sonar unit.
37 The MMC slot is located in a compartment on the front of the case. The compartment door is located at the lower right corner. The following figure shows a close-up with the door opened. Memory card compartment with a 16 MB MMC card installed. To remove an MMC 1.
38 MapCreate™ 6 CD-ROM (left). MMC card reader for USB ports (right). NOTE: When you first turn on the unit, the Map Page appears. If you would rather start learning about GPS operation, jump to Sec. 6, Basic GPS Operations . Remember: you don't need to read this manual from cover-to-cover to get going.
39 Section 3: Basic Sonar Operation This section addresses the unit's most basic sonar operations. The in- structions presented in Sec. 3 follow a chronological order. Sec. 4, Sonar Options & Other Features , will discuss other more advanced functions and utilities.
40 4. ARROW KEYS – These keys are used to navigate through menus, make menu selections, move the map and sonar chart cursors and enter data. 5. ENT/ICONS – The Enter key allows you to save data, accept values and execute menu commands. It is also used to create event marker icons.
41 You can access the Main Menu from any of the four Page screens by pressing MENU | MENU . To clear the menu screen and return to the page display, press EXIT . Remember: our text style for " MENU | MENU " means "press the Menu key twice.
42 Timers : controls the up timer, down timer and alarm clock settings. Browse MMC Files : allows you to view the installed MMC card and the files it contains. Pages The unit has four Page displays. They are the Satellite Status Page, Navigation Page, Map Page and Sonar Page.
43 Satellite Status Page showing satellite lock-on with a 3D position acquired (latitude, longitude and altitude) with WAAS reception. Navigation Page This screen has a compass rose that shows your direction of travel and direction to a recalled waypoint.
44 Map Page showing position on Bull Shoals Lake, Arkansas. The full map option (left). Map with sonar option (right). Map Page is also the default screen that appears when you turn on the unit. To get to the Map Page from another page pres s PAGES | ← → to M AP | EXIT .
45 The four Sonar Page display modes: Full Sonar Chart (left). Split Zoom display mode (right). Split Frequency mode (left) and Digital Data mode (right).
46 You can customize how the Sonar Page displays its pictures and other data in many ways. Your unit also includes several special sonar features and options that can help you better interpret the underwater scene. We will discuss all of those features and options in Sec .
47 Basic Sonar Quick Reference 1. Mount the unit and transducer. Connect the unit to electric power and the transducer. Make sure the MMC is installed. See complete in- stallation details beginning on page 13. 2. Launch your boat. 3. To turn on the unit, press and release PWR key.
48 Sonar Operations As you can see from the quick reference, basic operation is pretty easy, right out of the box. If you are a sonar novice, try operating the unit with the de- fault settings until you get a feel for how it is working.
49 Adjusting sensitivity in Auto Sensitivity Mode is similar to manually ad- justing a car's speed with the accelerator pedal while cruise control is on. You can tell the car to run faster, but when you let off the gas the cruise control automatically keeps you from running slower than the minimum speed setting.
50 S ENSITIVITY | ENT | ↑ to S ENSITIVITY | ENT . Press ↓ ↑ to pick a different sensitivity setting. When it is set at the desired level, press EXIT . Tip: While you are experimenting and learning, it is possible to scramble the settings so the sonar picture disappears from your screen.
51 Section 4: Sonar Options & Features ASP (Advanced Signal Processing) The ASP feature is a noise rejection system built into the sonar unit that constantly evaluates the effects of boat speed, water conditions and interference. This automatic feature gives you the best display pos- sible under most conditions.
52 Alarms This unit has three types of sonar alarms. The first is the Fish Alarm. It sounds when the Fish I.D. feature determines that an echo is a fish. Another alarm is the Zone Alarm, which consists of a bar on the side of the screen. Any echo on the chart that appears inside this bar triggers this alarm.
53 3. Press ↑ ↓ to change the first number, then press → to move the cur- sor to the next number and repeat until the depth is correct. Press ENT . 4. Press ← to S HALLOW A LARM E NABLED | ENT . To turn on the alarm, high- light the S HALLOW A LARM E NABLED box and press ENT .
54 Fish Alarm Use the fish alarm for a distinctive audible alarm when fish or other suspended objects are detected by the Fish I.D. feature. Fish I.D. must be turned on for the Fish Alarm to work. A different tone sounds for each fish symbol size shown on the display.
55 Chart Speed The rate echoes scroll across the screen is called chart speed. The de- fault is maximum. We recommend you keep the default setting for most all fishing conditions. You may consider experimenting with chart speed when you are sta- tionary or drifting slowly.
56 For example, a soft, muddy or weedy bottom returns a weaker signal which is shown with a narrow, colored line (dark blue tinged with red or a little yellow.
57 A little ColorLine (left) indicates a soft bottom, probably sand or mud. Wider ColorLine (right) indicates a harder, rocky bottom. Customize Page Displays Every Page display with digital data boxes may be customized to pro- vide on-screen information.
58 Digital Data box containing Water Temp is highlighed (left). Data Viewer with GPS Data and Navigation categories expanded (right). Selecting the category name and pressing ENT will bring up the cate- gory's contents.
59 The cursor can be moved to any location on the screen, letting you pin- point the depth of a target. 1. From the Sonar Page, press MENU | ↓ to D EPTH C URSOR | ENT . 2. The depth cursor appears. Press ↓ to lower the cursor line. Press ↑ to raise the cursor line.
60 3. Press ↓ ↑ to select a different depth range. A horizontal blue bar highlights the selected range. 4. When the new range is selected, press EXIT to close the menu. NOTE: The sonar's depth capability depends on the transducer installa- tion, water and bottom conditions and other factors.
61 The sonar's microcomputer is sophisticated, but it can be fooled. It can not distinguish between fish and other suspended objects such as trot- lines, turtles, submerged floats, air bubbles, etc. Individual tree limbs extending outwards from a group of limbs is the hardest object for the Fish I.
62 To turn on FishTrack: NOTE: These steps turn on FishTrack and Fish I.D. at the same time. 1. From the Sonar Page, press MENU | ↓ to S ONAR F EATURES | ENT . 2. Press → ↓ to F ISH D EPTHS | ENT | EXIT | EXIT . To turn off FishTrack, repeat the instructions in step 1.
63 sonar. In many of those cases, you will see a 50 kHz transducer fre- quency in use because the wider cone angle lets them watch the bait. Sonar Features menu with 50 kHz frequency selected (left). 200 kHz frequency selected (right). To change the frequency setting to 50 kHz: 1.
64 Sonar Page menu with Log Sonar Chart Data selected (left). Sonar Chart Logging menu with Start Logging command selected (right). To record or log chart data: 1. Press MENU | ↓ to L OG S ONAR C HART D ATA | ENT . 2. To record data using the default settings, press ENT .
65 You can select items from any of these categories for display, in any combination. The category divisions are there only to help you sort through the information. Overlay Data menu with Press Ent to add highlighted (left). Data viewer with Navigation, Trip Calculator and Time categories expanded (right).
66 From Overlay Data Shown (left) press ENT to see Data Viewer (center). Select a category and press ENT , then choose a data option to display and press ENT to turn it on (right). To remove overlaid data: 1. While on the Page that shows the data you want to remove, press MENU | ↓ to O VERLAY D ATA | ENT .
67 3. The data begins to flash on your screen. Use ↓ ↑ ← → to move the data to a new location on the display. 4. When have the data in the desired position, press EXIT | EXIT . NOTE: The Customize and Overlay Data commands use the same informa- tion categories.
68 you change the Ping Speed to any setting greater than 50 percent, the unit automatically enters HyperScroll mode. These faster ping rates allow you to maintain a high-detail picture on the screen. The ping rate helps the screen refresh rate and chart scroll speed keep pace with the speed of the boat.
69 screen. This allows you to better see sonar returns, just as you would on a flasher sonar unit. For more information on FasTrack, see its entry in this section. Reset Options This command is used to reset all features, options and settings to their factory defaults.
70 Set Keel Offset This unit measures water depth from the face of the transducer. Since the transducer is installed below the water surface, the distance dis- played by the digital depth, chart depth scale, chart cursor or fish sym- bols is not the exact water depth.
71 3. Press → to the first number, then press ↑ to change the number to 1. 4. Press → to the second number, them press ↑ to change the num- ber to 5 and press EXIT . The depth indicators now accurately show the water depth from surface to bottom.
72 Sonar Menu with Sensitivity command selected (left). The Sensitivity Control Bar (right). To adjust sensitivity in manual mode: 1. First, turn off Auto Sensitivity: from the Sonar Page, press MENU | ↓ to A UTO S ENSITIVITY | ENT . 2. Press ↑ to S ENSITIVITY | ENT and the Sensitivity Control Bar appears.
73 Sonar Page & Sonar Chart Display Options The Sonar Page Menu offers four chart display options. To access them, press PAGES | → to S ONAR | ↓ to Option Name | EXIT .
74 Full Sonar Chart (left). Split Zoom Sonar Chart (center) with left win- dow zoomed to 2X. Split Zoom chart (right) zoomed to 4X. Split Zoom Sonar Chart A split chart shows the underwater world from the surface to the bot- tom on the right side of the screen.
75 Sonar Page Menu showing Customize command highlighted (left). The first data box (Water Temp) is flashing (right). 1. From the Digital Sonar Page, press MENU | ↓ to C USTOMIZE | ENT . 2. The title bar begins flashing on the second box from the top, indicat- ing its contests can be changed.
76 select a display option. With the option highlighted, press ENT to turn it on (check) and turn it off (uncheck). When you have selected a data op- tion, press ENT | EXIT .
77 Main Menu with Sonar Setup command selected (left). Submenu with Sonar Simulator command selected (center). Sonar Simulator menu (right), with simulator turned off (box is unchecked). NOTE: With Simulate Position checked, the simulator will automatically run the GPS simulator, if GPS data was recorded with the sonar log.
78 3. Press ↓ or ↑ to select chart name | ENT | ↑ to S ONAR S IMULATOR O N | ENT | EXIT . While you are in the Sonar Simulator menu, do not forget to check Simulate Position if you want to run the sonar and GPS simulators simultaneously. As you review sonar logs, you can create waypoints at sites you want to revisit.
79 changing the sensitivity of the receiver, decreasing it near the surface and gradually increasing it as the depth increases. There are three levels of surface clarity available: off, low, medium and high. The default level is off. To adjust the Surface Clarity level: 1.
80 Sonar Page (left). Sonar Page zoomed 2X (center). Sonar Page zoomed 4X (right). Zoom Pan Your unit has the handy ability to quickly zoom in on any portion of the water column.
81 Section 5: Sonar Troubleshooting If your unit is not working, or if you need technical help, please use the following troubleshooting section before contacting the factory customer service department. It may save you the trouble of returning your unit for repair.
82 3. The water may be deeper than the sonar's ability to find the bottom. If the sonar can't find the bottom signal while it's in the automatic mode, the digital sonar display will flash continuously. It may change the range to limits far greater than the water you are in.
83 To eliminate or minimize the effects of electrical noise, first try to de- termine the cause. With the boat at rest in the water, the first thing you should do is turn all electrical equipment on the boat off.
84 Notes.
85 Section 6: Basic GPS Operations This section addresses the unit's most basic GPS operations. The tuto- rials presented in Sec. 6 follow a chronological order. Sec. 7, Advanced GPS Operations , will discuss other more advanced functions and utili- ties.
86 4. ARROW KEYS – The arrow keys are used to navigate through menus, enter data, make menu selections, move the map cursor and sonar chart cursor. 5. ENT/ICONS – The Enter key allows you to save data, accept values or execute menu commands. It is also used to create event marker icons.
87 Main Menu. The Main Menu commands and their functions are: Screen : changes the contrast or brightness of the display screen. Sounds : enables or disables the sounds for key strokes and alarms and sets the alarm style. Transparency : adjusts the level of transparency for menus.
88 Pages The unit has four Page displays: Satellite Status Page, Navigation Page, Map Page and Sonar Page. They are accessed by pressing the PAGES key, then using ← → to select a Page. Clear the Pages Menu by pressing EXIT . Map Page display options.
89 Satellite Status Page. The first figure (left) indicates unit has not locked on to any satellites and does not have a fix on its position. The second figure (right) shows satellite lock-on with a 3D position acquired (lati- tude, longitude and altitude), and WAAS reception.
90 The Satellite Status Page has its own menu, which is used for setting various options. To access the Satellite Status Page Menu, from the Status Page, press MENU . Navigation Page This screen has a compass rose that not only shows your direction of travel, but also the direction to a recalled waypoint.
91 Speed is the velocity you are making over the ground. If you want, you can customize the Speed data box to display Closing Speed instead. Closing Speed is also known as velocity made good. It is the speed you are making toward the waypoint. For instructions, see the Customize Page Displays entry in Sec.
92 Travel Time is the time it will take to reach your destination at your present closing speed. You can also customize the time data box to show Arrival Time instead. Arrival Time is the local time it will be when you arrive at the destination, based upon your present closing speed and track.
93 Map Page opening screen (left). Map zoomed to 100 miles (center). Map zoomed to 10 miles (right). Over Zoomed, listed at the top of the map screen (right) means you have reached the detail limits in an area cov- ered only by the basic background map.
94 Background map vs. MapCreate map content The background map includes, low-detail maps of the whole world (con- taining cities, major lakes, major rivers, political boundaries) and me- dium-detail maps of the United States.
95 When the map is zoomed out far enough, most POIs appear as square dots (left). As you zoom in closer, the symbols become readable icons. In the 0.2-mile zoom example (right), the cursor has selecte.
96 Two Position Format map page option. In pages that have two major windows you can toggle back and forth between the two windows by pressing PAGES | PAGES . This allows you to change the active map. Only when a map is active are you able to make adjustments to it.
97 On the Map with Sonar page, you can only change size, not switch lay- out. It is always two vertical windows. Press EXIT to clear the four flashing arrows. (From left to right) Fig. 1. Resize Window command on the GPS Page menu. Fig. 2. Two Maps page display with four flashing arrows on the dividing centerline.
98 Basic GPS Quick Reference Start outdoors, with a clear view of the open sky. As you practice, try navigating to a location at least a few blocks away. While you're learning, navigation in too small an area will constantly trigger arrival alarms.
99 Find Your Current Position Finding your current position is as simple as turning on the unit. Un- der clear sky conditions, the unit automatically searches for satellites and calculates its position in approximately one minute or less. NOTE: Clear sky conditions means open sky, unobstructed by terrain, dense foliage or structures.
100 The selected wreck (the Empress) to the southeast is 12.81 miles away. Selecting Any Map Item With the Cursor 1. Use the zoom keys and the arrow keys to move around the map and find the item you wish to select. 2. Use the arrow keys and center the cursor cross-hair on the desired ob- ject.
101 1. After the unit has acquired a position, press WPT | ↓ to POI- R ESTAURANTS . 2. You could search the entire restaurant category, but in this example we will narrow our search. Press → ↓ to F AST F OOD C HAINS | ENT | ↓ to N EAREST | ENT .
102 you could by pressing Enter. The Go To waypoint command is already highlighted. But we just want to see it on the map, so press ↓ to F IND O N M AP | ENT . 6. The unit's map appears, with the cursor crosshairs highlighting the restaurant' s POI symbol.
103 To create and save a Waypoint: These first two techniques use the Quick Save method, the fastest and easiest way to create a waypoint. Create Waypoint at Current Position While you are traveling, press WPT | WPT . The waypoint is saved and automatically given a name with a sequential number, such as way- point 003.
104 Sequence for setting a waypoint. Step 1: while traveling, press WPT to call up Find Waypoint screen (seen in Step 2) and set a point. Step 3: a message says the waypoint has been saved. Step 4: vehicle continues on its way; number waypoint symbol is visible on map.
105 4. Press ↓ to L ONGITUDE | ENT . Enter the longitude by pressing ↑ ↓ to change the first character, then press → to the next character and repeat until the longitude is correct. Press ENT , then EXIT | EXIT to return to the previous page display.
106 Set Man Overboard (MOB) Waypoint One of boating's most terrifying events is having a friend or family member fall overboard. This unit has a man overboard feature that shows navigation data to the location where the feature was activated. To activate it, press the ZOUT and ZIN keys at the same time.
107 Navigate to Cursor Position on Map The G O T O C URSOR command navigates to the current cursor position on the map. It is a quick way to navigate to anything you can see on the map display. 1. Use the cursor with the zoom in and zoom out keys to move around the map until you find a location you want to go to.
108 The 60-mile zoom figure (left) shows the red course line connecting the current position to the destination. The Navigation Page (right) will also show navigation information. To stop navigating to the cursor, use the Cancel Navigation command. Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to C ANCEL N AVIGATION | ENT | ← to Y ES | ENT .
109 The unit is set to automatically create and record a trail when it is turned on. The unit will continue recording the trail until the length reaches the maximum trail point setting. The default is 2,000 points, but the unit can record trails 9,999 points long.
110 Tip: Another quick way to stop recording one trail and begin a new one is to use the New Trail command. Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to M Y T RAILS | ENT | ENT . Caution: You also have the option of completely turning off trail record- ing, under the trail Options command.
111 Visual Trailing 1. On the Map Page, zoom ( ZIN or ZOUT ) so your trail is visible. 2. Begin moving and watch the Map Page. Walk or steer so your cur- rent position arrow traces along the trail you have just made. Tip: Generally, when using this method, the smaller the zoom range, the more accurately you will be able to steer along the trail.
112 Navigate a trail menu sequence: Fig. 1, My Trails command. Fig. 2, Trails Menu. Fig. 3, Edit Trail Menu. Fig. 4, Edit Route Menu with Navigate Route command highlighted for Trail 2. A trail is always con- verted to a route when you navigate the trail.
113 Navigate trail: Driver is heading southeast straight toward trail point 3 (left). Driver has reached point 3 and has turned southwest to follow the trail (right). Navigate trail, navigation page (compass rose) views: Driver is heading north straight toward trail point 3 (left).
114 NOTE: If you are already located at or near the end of your trail, the arri- val alarm will go off as soon as you hit Enter. Just press EXIT to clear the alarm and proceed. 5. Now, begin moving and let your unit guide you. 6. When you reach your destination, be sure to cancel your navigation.
115 1. Insert the MMC into your unit. Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to S YSTEM S ETUP | ENT | ↓ to T RANSFER M Y D ATA | ENT . 2. The Transfer My Data menu includes a message which tells you if an MMC is present or not. If no MMC is present, you must insert a card into the unit to activate the Load or Save commands.
116 These figures show the menu sequence for loading a GPS Data File from an MMC into the unit's memory. Cancel Navigation You can turn off any of the navigation commands after you reach your destination or at any other time by using the Cancel Navigation com- m a n d .
117 Section 7: Advanced GPS Operations Find Distance Current Position to Another Location 1. While on the Map Page press MENU | ↓ to F IND D ISTANCE | ENT . 2. Center the cursor crosshairs on the position you want to find the dis- tance to. A rubber band line appears, connecting your current position to the cursor's location.
118 Icons Icons are graphic symbols used to mark some location, personal point of interest or event. They can be placed on the map screen, saved and re- called later for navigation purposes. These are sometimes referred to as event marker icons. This unit has 42 different symbols to choose from when creating an icon.
119 Delete icons menu. 1. Press MENU | ↓ to D ELETE M Y I CONS | ENT . 2. Press ↓ to D ELETE A LL I CONS , D ELETE B Y S YMBOL or D ELETE F ROM M AP and press ENT . 3. The Delete All Icons confirmation message will appear. Press ← to Y ES | ENT .
120 A route allows you to navigate through several waypoints without having to reprogram the unit after arriving at each waypoint. Once programmed into the GPS unit, a route provides the option of navigat- ing forward through the route waypoints or in reverse order.
121 Edit Route menu (left). Edit Route Waypoints menu (right) with Add From Map command selected. 2. Press ↑ to N EW R OUTE , then press ENT . (To add to an existing route, press ↓ ↑ to route name | ENT .) 3. Press ↓ to E ND OF R OUTE | ENT | ↓ to A DD F ROM M AP | ENT .
122 Route creation sequence, continued: Fig. 4. Point (3) set at channel mouth. Fig. 5. Waypoint (4) set further south along the beach, at a recognizable landmark. The route will end with waypoint 5 at an oil platform. Fig. 6. Press EXIT to save the route and you return to this screen.
123 Edit a Route Name 1. From the N AVIGATION P AGE , press MENU | ENT or from the M AP P AGE press MENU | MENU | ↓ to R OUTE P LANNING | ENT . 2. Highlight Saved Route Name | ENT | ↑ to Name | ENT . 3. Press ↑ ↓ to change the first character, then press → to move to the next character and repeat until the name is correct.
124 Route Planning command on Main Menu (left). Routes menu (center). Edit Route menu (right) with Navigate Route command is selected. 2. Press ↓ to select saved route name | ENT . Highlight N AVIGATE and press ENT . 3. Upon arrival at your destination, cancel navigation.
125 Trails Delete a Trail This is the command used to erase or delete a trail. Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to M Y T RAILS | ENT | ↓ to trail name | ENT | → to D ELETE T RAIL | ENT | ← to Y ES | ENT . To Delete all trails at once : 1. Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to M Y T RAILS | ENT .
126 Edit a Trail Pattern To edit a trail pattern press MENU | MENU | ↓ to M Y T RAILS | ENT | ↓ to trail name | ENT | ↓ to P ATTERN | ENT . Press ↑ ↓ to change the first character, then press → to the next character and repeat until the pattern is cor- rect.
127 Waypoints Delete a Waypoint To delete a waypoint from the waypoint list press WPT | ↑ to M Y W AY- POINTS | ENT | ↓ to Name | ENT . Press ↑ ↓ to select the desired character then press → to choose the next character. After the desired waypoint is highlighted in the list, press ENT | ENT .
128 2. Latitude: press → to L ATITUDE | ENT . Press ↑ ↓ to change the first char- acter, then press → to the next character and repeat until the latitude is correct.
129 4. Press ← ↓ to D ISTANCE | ENT . Press ↑ ↓ to change the first character, then press → to the next character and repeat until the distance is cor- rect. Press ENT . 5. Press ↓ to B EARING | ENT . Press ↑ ↓ to change the first character, then press → to the next character and repeat until the bearing is correct.
130 Notes.
131 Section 8: System & GPS Setup Alarms This unit has three GPS alarms: Arrival Alarm, Off Course Alarm and Anchor Alarm — the only one of the three set to Off by default. You can set an arrival alarm to flash a warning message and sound a tone when you cross a preset distance from a waypoint.
132 IMPORTANT ALARM NOTES: Anchor Alarm - The anchor alarm may be triggered even when you are sitting still. This usually happens when using small — less than .
133 Menus for changing Com Port settings. For assistance in configuring the unit to communicate with another device, consult the factory. Customer service phone numbers are in the back of this manual. Also see the entry below for Configure NMEA . Configure NMEA You can configure the unit to use specific NMEA sentences.
134 • VLW transmits the distance traveled through water as meas- ured by the paddle wheel. • VHW transmits the water speed as measured by the paddle wheel. 4. When the desired prefixes are turned on, press EXIT repeatedly to get back to the main page display.
135 The Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) uses two grid lettering schemes, referred to as standard and standard + 10 MGRS on this unit. Your position and datum in use determines which one to use. If you use standard and your position is off significantly, then try the alternate.
136 To configure a map fix: To use this format, you need to follow these steps in order. Take a map of the area and determine a reference latitude/longitude. NOTE: In order for this system to work, the latitude/longitude lines must be parallel with the edge of the map.
137 command S ET A S O RIGIN selected. Press ENT and the unit returns to the Configure Map Fix menu. Finally, press EXIT to close this menu. Now press ↑ to C OORD S YSTEM | ENT , select M AP F IX from the list and press ENT .
138 5. Use ↑ ↓ to change the data in another digital data box or press EXIT to return to normal operation. Customize Navigation Page While on the Navigation Page, press MENU | ↓ to C USTOMIZE | ENT . The digital data box at the top of the screen will begin to flash.
139 the arrow keys — S TEER WITH A RROWS command — or by setting the track and speed in the dialog boxes provided on the simulator menu screen. To get to the GPS Simulator: 1. Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to GPS S ETUP | ENT . 2. Press ↓ to GPS S IMULATOR | ENT .
140 tion begins. Press EXIT to clear the alarm.) When navigation starts, press ↑ to increase speed to the desired setting. 4. Press EXIT to turn off the steering and speed boxes. The unit will now automatically steer along the trail or route. When you arrive at your destination, cancel navigation.
141 Map Auto Zoom This receiver has an auto zoom feature that eliminates a lot of the but- ton pushing common with other brands of GPS receivers. It works in conjunction with the navigation features.
142 Pop-up Map Information From the Map Data menu, highlight P OPUP M AP I NFORMATION and press ENT to turn it on (check) or turn it off (uncheck). After the option is set, press EXIT . Draw Map Boundaries From the Map Data menu, highlight D RAW M AP B OUNDARIES and press ENT to turn it on (check) or turn it off (uncheck).
143 All datums have a name. The GPS system is based on the WGS-84 da- tum, which covers the entire world. Other datums may cover the entire world or just a small portion of it. By default, your position is shown with the WGS-84 datum. It, however, can show your position using any of 191 different datums.
144 Map Menu (left). Map Categories Drawn Menu (right). To get to Map Categories Drawn: 1. From the Map Page, press MENU | ↓ to M AP C ATEGORIES D RAWN | ENT . 2. Scroll through the list of categories. Press ENT to turn on (check) or turn off (uncheck) a category.
145 To correct this problem track-up mode rotates the map as you turn. So what you see on the left side of the screen should always be to your left and so on. Another option is course-up mode, which keeps the map at the same orientation as the initial bearing to the waypoint.
146 NauticPath chart showing Chart Note icon selected by cursor (left). Note information screen (right). To view Chart Note information: 1. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor over a Chart Note icon. When it's selected, a pop-up name box appears.
147 To view Port Services information: 1. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor over a Port Services icon. When it is selected, a pop-up name box appears. 2. Press WPT to display the Port Services Information screen. NauticPath chart showing Port Services icon selected by cursor.
148 zoomed in to a 6-mile range. The icon stands for a Tidal Current Sta- tion location. An example is displayed on the right. When you zoom in to a sufficiently small zoom range (0.8 nautical mile), the icon becomes an animated arrow showing tidal current ve- locity and direction for the selected tidal station at the present time.
149 The Tidal Current Information screen displays daily tidal current data for this station on this date at the present time. The graph at the top of the screen is an approximate view of the flood and ebb pattern for the day, from midnight (MN), to noon (NN) to midnight (MN).
150 To view tide information: 1. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor over a tide station icon. When it is selected, a pop-up name box appears. 2. Press WPT to display the Tide Information screen. Tide Information screen. The Tide Information screen displays daily tidal data for this station on this date at the present time.
151 inserted into the unit. Navionics charts must be inserted into the unit, then selected as a Map Choice option in the Map Data menu. To display a Navionics chart: 1. Install the Navionics MMC in the memory card compartment and turn on the unit. (For full card install instructions, see Sec.
152 System Setup Menu (left) with Pop-up Help highlighted. Pop-up Help message for the Map Data (right). Reset Options To reset unit to factory defaults: 1. Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to S YSTEM S ETUP | ENT | ↓ to R ESET O PTIONS | ENT | ← to Y ES | ENT .
153 To Require WAAS: 1. Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to GPS S ETUP | ENT | ↓ to R EQUIRE WAAS | ENT . 2. To return to the main page display, press EXIT | EXIT . 3. Repeat Step 1 to turn off WAAS requirement. Require WAAS command on GPS Setup Menu. Screen Contrast and Brightness To access the Screen menu, press MENU | MENU | ENT .
154 Set Language This unit's menus are available in 10 languages: English, French, Ger- man, Spanish, Italian, Danish, Swedish, Russian, Dutch and Finnish. To select a different language: 1. Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to S YSTEM S ETUP | ENT . 2. Press ↓ to S ET L ANGUAGE | ENT .
155 oping the WAAS system, it is not unusual for a GPS/WAAS receiver to frequently lose and reacquire its lock on a WAAS satellite. That can result in the alarm repeatedly going off. If you want, turn off the WAAS Acquired/Lost alarm without affecting how the unit uses WAAS.
156 Sounds highlighted on main menu (left). Sounds menu (right). Sounds Menu To adjust Sounds and Alarm Styles: Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to S OUNDS | ENT . To set Key Press Sounds: Press ENT to turn them on (check) or turn them off (uncheck). To set Alarm Sounds: Press ↓ to A LARM S OUNDS .
157 Track Smoothing option, turned on. Trail Options There are several options you can use with trails. Some affect all trails, others can be applied to a particular trail. You can change the way trails are updated, display or hide trails, create a new trail, delete a trail, etc.
158 WARNING: If you uncheck the Update Trail option, automatic trail creation and recording will be turned off . You must turn it on to record trails. The default setting is on.
159 Trail Name highlighted (left). Edit Trail menu (center). Trails menu with New Trail highlighted (right). Specific Trail Options Delete Trail From the Trails Menu, press ↓ to trail name | ENT . The Edit Trail menu appears. Press → to D ELETE T RAIL | ENT | ← to Y ES | ENT .
160 the screen's display while working with a menu. A low transparency usually will make menu text easier to read, at the cost of watching your display. To adjust Transparency level: Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to T RANSPARENCY | ENT . The T RANSPARENCY slider bar appears.
161 Section 9: Searching NOTE: The background map loaded in your unit lets you search for U.S. Interstate Highway exits and exit services, as well as some land features, including cities and lakes.
162 In search results, the distance and bearing to the selected item will be calculated from the current position. In the case of a cursor search, the search results show distance and bearing from the cursor. Find Addresses 1. From the Map Page, press MENU | ↓ to F IND A DDRESS | ENT .
163 NOTE: We recommend you do not enter a city name unless the list you are given is too large when searching without it. This unit can actually search quicker without a city and you save time by not entering a city name. Find City field (left). Search in particular city only option (center).
164 8. To navigate to the address, press MENU select G O T O and press ENT . The unit will begin showing navigation information to the address. If you are only looking up an address, highlight F IND and press ENT . The map page will appear with the cursor crosshairs centered on the ad- dress.
165 A POI selected by the cursor (left). POI information screen (right). NOTE: Since the Go To waypoint command is highlighted, you can navi- gate to the selected POI by pressing ENT | EXIT while in the POI Waypoint Information screen. Find Interstate Highway Exits 1.
166 Find By Name menu (left). Find Exit menu with exit selected (right). 3. Once you have selected a highway name you can select an exit. Press ↓ to switch to the Exit List, then press ↓ ↑ until you highlight the exit, then press ENT. 4. In the Exit Information screen you have two choices.
167 Exit Information screen (left). General location and amenities information (right). Find Map Places or Points of Interest (POI) 1. Press WPT , use ↓ ↑ to select a map place or POI category, then press ENT . (To narrow your search, press → to select a subcategory before pressing ENT .
168 Find by nearest option (left) with resulting POI list (right). 3. Search by name of POI. Highlight N AME and press ENT . There are two options: A. You can spell out the POI name in the top selection box.
169 Go To POI option (left). Find on Map POI option (right). Find Streets or Intersections Find a Street 1. From the Map Page, press MENU | ↓ to F IND S TREETS | ENT and the Find Streets Menu appears. Find Streets command (left). Find Streets menu (right).
170 The Find Streets menu with the Find First Street command high- lighted (left). Streets Found list (center). Map Page showing results of a street search (right). The cursor points to the located street. 3. The Find Streets menu reappears with the street you are searching for in the First Street box.
171 ENT | ENT . B. Or you can jump down to the lower box and pick the sec- ond street from the selection list. Press ENT , then press ↓ ↑ to select a street from the list and press ENT . 5. The Find Streets menu reappears with the first and second street dialog boxes filled in.
172 If you want to navigate to the found intersection, just press MENU | ENT | EXIT . Find Waypoints 1. Press WPT | ↑ to M Y W AYPOINTS | ENT . 2. If searching for the nearest waypoint, select N EAREST and press ENT . If searching by name, highlight N AME and press ENT .
173 Find By Name menu (left). Waypoint Information screen (center). The cursor crosshairs are centered on the desired waypoint (right). A. To navigate to the waypoint, press ENT . The Go To Waypoint command is already highlighted. The unit will show navigation in- formation to the waypoint.
174 Notes.
175 Section 10: Supplemental Material Datums Used by This Unit WGS 1984 Default Adindan Mean for Ethiopia, Sudan Adindan Burkina Faso Adindan Cameroon Adindan Ethiopia Adindan Mali Adindan Senegal Adi.
176 Chua Astro Paraguay Corrego Alegre Brazil Dabola Guinea Djakarta (Batavia) Indonesia (Sumatra) DOS 1968 New Georgia Islands (Gizo Island) Easter Island 1967 Easter Island European 1950 Mean for Au.
177 Naparima BWI Trinidad & Tobago North American 1927 Mean for Antigua, Barbados, Barbuda, Caicos Islands, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Grand Cayman, Jamaica, Turks Islands North American 1927 Mean .
178 Point 58 Sweden Santo (DOS) 1965 Espirito Santo Island Sao Braz Azores (Sao Miguel, Santa Maria Islands) Sapper Hill 1943 East Falkland Island Schwarzeck Nambia Selvagem Grande Salvage Islands SGS.
179 FCC Compliance This device complies with Part 15 of the U.S. Federal Communi- cations Commission (FCC) Rules. Operation is subject to the fol- lowing two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful in- terference, and (2) this device must accept any interference re- ceived, including interference that may cause undesired opera- tion.
180 Notes.
181 Notes.
182 Notes.
184 DATABASES LIMITED WARRANTY "We", "our", or "us" refers to Eagle Electronics, Inc., the manufacturer of this product. "You" or "your" refers to the first person who purchases the product as a consumer item for personal, family, or household use.
185 EAGLE ELECTRONICS FULL ONE-YEAR WARRANTY "We," "our," or "us" refers to EAGLE ELECTRONICS, INC., the manufacturer of this product. "You" or "your" refers to the first person who purchases this product as a con- sumer item for personal, family or household use.
186 How to Obtain Service… …in the USA: We back your investment in quality products with quick, expert service and genuine Eagle parts. If you're in the United States and you have technical, return or repair questions, please contact the Factory Cus- tomer Service Department.
Accessory Ordering Information for all countries To order Eagle accessories such as power cables or transducers, please contact: 1) Your local marine dealer or consumer electronics store. Most quality dealers that handle marine electronic equipment or other consumer electronics should be able to assist you with these items.
Visit our web site: www.eaglesonar.com Eagle Pub. 988-0152-151 © Copyright 2005 All Rights Reserved Printed in USA 121205 LEI-Eagle .
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Eagle FishElite 642cをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEagle FishElite 642cの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Eagle FishElite 642cの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Eagle FishElite 642cで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Eagle FishElite 642cを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEagle FishElite 642cの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Eagle FishElite 642cに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEagle FishElite 642cデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。