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First Printing No v emb er 1998 761x (VHF) 764x (UHF) Con ventional Mobile VHF 146- 174 MHz 45 W atts P ar t No . 242-76 10-0 x x UHF 400-4 30, 45 0-470, 4 70-490 , 490-5 12 MHz 35 W atts P ar t No .
761x (VHF) 764x (UHF) CONVENTIONAL FM TW O-W A Y RADIO VHF 146-174 MHz 45 W atts UHF 400-430, 450-470, 470-490, or 490-512 MHz 35 W atts Copy ri ght© 1998 by T ranscr y pt Inter nat ional Incor porat ed T ransc r ypt offers communic ation sol utions i n two core area s: la nd mobi le radio prod ucts and syst ems, and informat ion s ecur ity .
T ABLE OF CONTENTS ii November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 1 GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 SCOPE OF MANUAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-1 1.2 TRANSCEIVER DE SCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . .1-1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T ABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT’D) iii Novembe r 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 4.5 UNIQUE PMR (EUROPEAN) SCR EENS . . 4 -1 5 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 5 Unique PMR Screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T ABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT’D ) iv November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 8 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS AND COMPONENT LAYOUTS VHF (761x) Mod els Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-1 Transistor and Diode Ba sing . . . . . . . . .
1-1 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 GENERAL INFORMA TION SECTION 1 GE NERAL INFORMA TION 1.1 SCOPE OF MAN U AL This ser vice manual conta ins opera tion, inst alla- tion, pr ogram min g, a lignm en t, an d se rvice inf orma tio n for the EFJohnso n® 7610 and 76 40 mobile t ransce iv- ers .
GENERAL INFORMATION 1-2 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 5:30 PM. Cent ral T ime, Monday - Frida y . The Customer Se rvice Depa rtment can be reache d using one of t he followi ng telepho ne num.
GENERAL INFORMATION 1-3 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 Return Aut horizat ion (RA) number s are not nec- essary unless you have bee n given one by the Fiel d Service Department . RA numbers are require d for exchange units or i f the Fi eld Servic e Depar tment wants to be aware of a speci fic prob lem.
GENERAL INFORMATION 1-4 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 This pag e inte ntionall y left blan k..
GENERAL INFORMATION 1-5 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 7610 (VHF) AND 7640 (UHF) MOBILE SPECIFICA TIONS The fo llowing ar e general speci ficati ons inten ded for use in te sting and servi cing this trans ceiver . For curren t adverti sed speci fica tions, re fer to t he spec ificati on sheet a vaila ble from yo ur sales repre sentativ e.
GENERAL INFORMATION 1-6 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 NOTES.
2-1 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 INST A LLA TION AND DISASSEMBL Y SECTION 2 INST ALLA TION AN D DISASSEMBL Y Figure 2-1 Installati on Components Optional Acces sory Cable P . N. 585-7600-027 DB-9 F emale Optional Exte r nal Speak er P . N. 250-0151-010 10-Ft.
INSTALLATION AND DI SASSEMBLY 2-2 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 Figure 2-2 Mounting Brac ket Install ation WA R N I N G • Do not mount the transce iver where it ma y inter- fere w ith th e ope rati on of v ehi cle co ntr ols. • Do not mou nt the t ransceiver whe re the use r can- not easi ly reach the co ntrols an d view the display .
INSTALLATION AND DI SASSEMBLY 2-3 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 2. Route the re d and black wires fr om the tran sceiver to the bat te ry . Co nne ct the red wi re to t he p ositiv e (+) t er mina l an d the b la ck w ire to t he n egati ve (– ) term inal.
INSTALLATION AND DI SASSEMBLY 2-4 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 2.6 TRANSCEIVER DISASSEMBL Y Removing Bot tom Cover and F ront Panel 1. Remove the bot tom cove r by r emoving four scre ws (A) as sh own in Figur e 2-4. 2. Remove the front panel b y removing t wo screws (B).
INSTALLATION AND DI SASSEMBLY 2-5 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 2.7 2-T ONE/5-T ONE MODULE INST ALLA TION 2.7.1 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 1. Tu rn power of f and disconnec t the power cable . 2. Remove the bottom co ver by removi ng the fou r screws ( A) shown in Fi gure 2-5.
INSTALLATION AND DI SASSEMBLY 2-6 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 1. Monitor the t ra nsmi t si gnal with a co mmuni ca ti ons monitor . Set it fo r HPF = Of f, LPF = 20 kHz , De- emphas is = Of f, and Level = (P- P)/2.
3-1 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 OPERA TION SECTION 3 OPERA TIO N Figure 3-1 7600 Front P anel 3.1 FEA TURES • Up to 32 cha nnels programmable • Multi- tone ( C TCSS ) and/ or Mul ti- co.
OPERATION 3-2 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 3.2 CONTRO LS AND DISPLA Y 3.2.1 F RONT P ANEL CONTROLS Power Switch ( ) - Pres s this switc h to turn powe r on and pre ss and hold it to t urn power of f. The trans - ceiver may be progr ammed so th at a passwor d must be entere d to al low operat ion.
OPERATION 3-3 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 then re ady to be us ed. T o turn power of f, press and hold the POWER swit ch until power turn s of f. 3.3.2 ENTER ING A P ASSW ORD The tran sceiver ma y be progra mmed so that a passwo rd must be entere d before t he transc eiver ca n be used.
OPERATION 3-4 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 3.3.7 BANK SELECT T wo banks of up to 16 chann els each c an be pro- grammed. Only the channels in the cur rent bank are then s ele ctabl e. Th is wo uld al low , fo r ex amp le, gr oups of channe ls to be programmed for opera tion in di ff er- ent ci ties .
OPERATION 3-5 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 • Note if the busy in dicat or ( ) on the fro nt panel is bein g displaye d. If it is n ot, the channel i s not busy and a message can be transmi tt ed. • T aking the micr ophone o ff- hook disabl es coded squelch contro l if it is progra mmed for t he monit or functi on.
OPERATION 3-6 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 3.5.5 CALL GUARD T ONE SELECT If the tran sc eive r has a key , the Call Guar d (CTC SS) tone can be selec ted. T his allo ws cal ls to be pl aced to di ffe rent mobil es or grou ps of mobile s and rec eiv ed on d if ferent group s than is no rmal fo r the channel.
OPERATION 3-7 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 3.5.15 SCAN LIST PROGRAMMING Pressin g the key changes the scan list st a- tus of the cu rren t cha nne l.
OPERATION 3-8 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 The scan l ists ar e user pr ogrammable if the key is ava ilable. P ressing t his key ch anges the status of the di splayed ch annel in t he cur rent scan list only . The dis play indi cates “SC ON” i f the cha nnel was just added to t he scan li st and “SC OF” if it was just de leted.
4-1 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 PR OGRAMMING Figure 4-1 Progr ammin g Setup F emale DB9 Plug T o Computer Progr amming Cab le (Include s Le v el Conv er t. Circuit ) Adapter Cab le P . N. 585-7600-031 P . N. 585-7500-031 4.1 GENERAL 4.1.1 PROGRAMMING SETUP The foll owing i tems are requi red to program th is transc eiver .
PROGRAMMING 4-2 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 on the di sk cal led ADJ. The us e of this program is descri bed in Se ction 5. These ar e DOS programs, s o W indows® 3.x, 95, or NT are n ot req uired to r un them. If the pr ogram does not run pro perly in W i ndows, run it in the DOS mode.
PROGRAMMING 4-3 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 4.4.3 SCREEN MENU NOTE: The Sc r een menu for PMR ( Eur opean) models is sli ghtly di ffer ent than the LMR versi on shown above.
PROGRAMMING 4-4 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 in the Scr ee n me nu (s e e Se ct ion 4 .4.3 ), M em or y Channel s creen (se e T able 4-1), and DTMF Autodia l screen (see T able 4-3) . PMR - Sele cts PMR (Europ ean) models . Selecti ng this mode l displa ys uniqu e paramete rs for program- ming a 5-t one optio n.
PROGRAMMING 4-5 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 Ch Atr (Channel Attribute) Press (Enter) to display the menu which s elects one of the following choices : A: P ri o rit y A - The chan nel is selected when the Prio A key is pressed, and it is monitored during prior ity scan.
PROGRAMMING 4-6 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 RF PWR Programs the RF power output for the channel (High, Low1, Low2). This setting can be temporarily or perma- nently overr idden by the HIGH, LOW1, o r LOW2 powe r option sw itch if it i s program med (see T able 4-2).
PROGRAMMING 4-7 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 T able 4-2 Key and Displa y Assign Screen Description KEY ASSIGN P ARAMETERS The and F1-F 4 option keys can be p rogrammed for the foll owing functi ons. P ress the (Enter) key and then PgUp/PgDn to displ ay and then select the desired functio n.
PROGRAMMING 4-8 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 Parameter Key Label Descr iption RF A TT A TT T oggles the receive attenu ate function on and o ff (see Se ction 3.5.13). Lock LO CK Locks/unlocks all programmable keys except CALL, MONI, and EMER to prevent them fro m being accidentally pressed (s ee Section 3.
PROGRAMMING 4-9 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 Parameter Descr iption Light En ables or di sables th e display an d key backl ight. This programming can be overri dden by the po wer-on men u (see Section 3.3.4) or LI TE key (s ee Section 3. 3.
PROGRAMMING 4-10 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 T able 4-4 Continuous T one Screen Description Desc riptio n The continuo us tones p rogrammed in t his screen ar e selected by pressing the C.T one CH Ent function key (see T able 4-2) and then pr essing the up/down keys .
PROGRAMMING 4-11 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 Parameter De scriptio n Stop Ti mer When Mode 2 or 3 above is prog rammed (priority scanning) , this sets how often in seconds the prio rity channel is checked while receiving a message on some othe r channel.
PROGRAMMING 4-12 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 Parameter De scripti on Beep Emits (or turns of f) the following b eeps when receiving a matched 2-tone: Null - Beep emission ( or non-emission ) is retained even when receiving a matched 2-tone.
PROGRAMMING 4-13 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 T able 4-7 Common S creen Descri pti on Parameter De scriptio n User Password Programs the passwo rd that must be entered at power on if the fo llowing “PWR ON Password” parameter is “On” or to canc el th e “STUN” cond itio n describ ed in T able 4-6 .
PROGRAMMING 4-14 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 Parameter De scripti on Power On Password This turns th e pas sword fun ctio n o n and o f f . When it is tur ned on, “PW oRd” is displayed when power is turned on and a fou r-dig it pas swor d must b e entered to en able the transceiver ( see Section 3.
PROGRAMMING 4-15 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 Parameter De scriptio n Emer Sw On T imer Sets the per iod in seco nds that the Emer gency function key must be p ressed to activate the emer gency f unction. An emergency call is initiated by pressi ng the Emergency key for longer than this tim e.
PROGRAMMING 4-16 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 The fo llowing sc reens sel ected in the pr eceding Screen men u are uniqu e to PMR model s. Refer t o on- line he lp for in format ion on para meters in these scr eens. Rx Code Channel - This sc reen i s show n b elow and it programs the recei ve 5-t one code i nformation .
PROGRAMMING 4-17 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 4. Connect the ma ster tra nsceiver to the sl ave (t ar get) transc eiver by pl ugging the cloni ng cable i nto the microphon e jack of e ach. 5. Tu rn the sl ave trans ceive r on. Then moment arily press the PO WER swit ch o f th e ma ster trans cei ve r to begin the da ta trans fer .
PROGRAMMING 4-18 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 This pag e inte ntionall y left blan k..
5A-1 Nove mber 199 8 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 VHF (7610) CIRCU IT DESCRIPTION NOTE: A VHF tran sceiver b lock diagr am is located on page 8- 1. 5.1 VHF RECEIVER CIRCUIT 5.1.1 ANTENNA SWITCHING CIRCUIT The anten na swit ching cir cuit fun ctions as a low- pass fi lter whil e rec eiving and a resonat or cir cuit whil e trans mitti ng.
VHF (7610) CIRCUIT DE SCRIPTION 5A-2 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 Figure 5- 1 Second I F System IC3 ( VHF) Figure 5-2 A udio Switc hing and Amplifie r Circ uit (VHF) are pa rt of the qu ad ra ture dete ctor . The a udi o sign al is fed out on pin 9 (IC3) and a pplied to the AF ampl ifier circu it.
VHF (7610) CIRCUI T DESCRIPTION 5A-3 Nove mber 199 8 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 Part of the AF signa l from pin 9 of FM IF c ircuit IC3 is appl ied t o pin 24 of le v el c on troll er IC 5. T h is device a llows the CPU to contro l the sque lch thres hold level.
VHF (7610) CIRCUIT DE SCRIPTION 5A-4 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 Figure 5-3 PLL Cir cuit (VHF) 5.2.5 APC CIRCUIT The APC (Automa tic Power Con trol) ci rcuit pro- tects the power ampl ifier from damage ca used by a mismatche d a nte nna l oad, an d prov ide s a s ta bl e p ower output.
VHF (7610) CIRCUI T DESCRIPTION 5A-5 Nove mber 199 8 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 The phase detector determ ines the p hase dif fer- ence bet ween the se signal s and then produce s output pulses o n pin 8 wh ich are f iltered by t he loo p filter . This fi lter cons ists of R43-R45, C60 , and C61.
VHF (7610) CIRCUIT DE SCRIPTION 5A-6 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 5.4.3 VHF I/O EXPANDER IC5 (MAIN UNIT) 5.4.4 VHF P OR T EXPANDER IC11 (MAIN UNIT) 51 B M Outputs control sign al for beep mute cir- cuit Q10. High = Beep muted. 52- 54 CTDA0- CTDA2 Output port f or CTCSS/ DTCS signal s.
5B-7 Nove mber 199 8 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 UHF (7640) CIRCUIT DESCRIP TION SECTION 5B UHF (7640) CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION NOTE: The UHF tr ansceiver block dia gram is loc ated on page 8- 6.
UHF (7640) CIRCUIT DE SCRIPTION 5B-8 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 Figure 5-4 Second IF System IC1 (UHF) Figure 5-5 A udio Switchi ng and Amplifi er Cir cuit (UHF) and ap plied to the lim iter ampl ifie r and quadr ature detect or . The quadr ature de tector de modulates t he audio si gnal cont ained in t he second I F signal.
UHF (7640) CIRCUIT DESCRIP TION 5B-9 Nove mber 199 8 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 Part of the AF signa l from pin 9 of FM IF c ircuit IC1 is ap plied to p in 24 of l evel contr oller IC 12. This device a llows the CPU to contro l the sque lch thres hold level.
UHF (7640) CIRCUIT DE SCRIPTION 5B-10 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 Figure 5- 6 PLL Ci rcui t (UHF) 5.6.5 APC CIRCUIT The APC (Automa tic Power Con trol) ci rcuit pro- tects the power ampl ifier from damage ca used by a mismatche d antenna loa d, and provide s a stable powe r output.
UHF (7640) CIRCUIT DESCRIP TION 5B-11 N ovembe r 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 The phase detector determ ines the p hase dif fer- ence bet ween the se signal s and then produce s output pulses o n pin 8 wh ich are f iltered by t he loo p filter . This fi lter cons ists of Q34, R180, R181, and C202- C204.
UHF (7640) CIRCUIT DE SCRIPTION 5B-12 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 5.7.5 UHF I/O EXPANDER IC12 (MAIN UNIT) 5.7.6 UHF P OR T EXPANDER IC13 ( MAIN UNIT ) 51 B M Outputs control sign al for beep mute cir- cuit Q10. High = Beep muted. 52- 54 CTDA0- CTDA2 Output port f or CTCSS/ DTCS signal s.
6-1 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE Figure 6-1 T est Setup Prog rammi ng Cab le P ar t No . 5 85-7500-03 1 T est Cable (F abr ica ted) 13.6 Vol t, 17A Power Supply Wa ttme ter Load 50 Oh m, 50W Frequ ency Monitor 4.0 Oh m Speaker Load 6.
ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE 6-2 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 Figure 6-2 Screen Displa y Example Figure 6-3 T est Cable Schematic DTCS Bal Le vel Squelch Le vel Selected Channe l Inf o RF P ower Out.
ADJUSTME NT PROCEDURE 6-3 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 T able 6-1 VHF T est Frequencies T est Channel Tx /Rx Fr eq (MHz) Power Call Guard Squelch Bandw idth [1] 1 174. 050 Low1 None Narrow or wide 2 146. 050 Low1 None Narrow or wide 3 160. 050 High None Narrow or wide 4 160.
ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE 6-4 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 in the uppe r par t of th e scr een is for th e cu rr ent ly select ed channel . 5. T o move the cu rsor be tween the parameters on the left side of the b ar gr aph , pres s th e ↑ ↓ arrow keys.
ADJUSTME NT PROCEDURE 6-5 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 Figure 6-4 VHF Adjustment P oints 4. Press (Enter ) again to select th e second adju st chan - nel. Key the transmitt er and adjust for t he display ed frequ enc y . Un ke y th e t ran smit ter a nd pre ss (E nter ) again t o exit thi s functi on.
ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE 6-6 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 2. Select the low power cha nnel in t he middle of the band (T est Ch. 5 - 160.050 MHz) . On th e comput er scr ee n, s croll to “M OD N ” if se ttin g na rr ow ba nd deviati on or “MOD W” if s etting wideb and deviati on.
ADJUSTME NT PROCEDURE 6-7 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 3. Co nne ct an R F sign al g enera tor to the a nten na ja ck. Set it to th e chan nel frequen cy wit h an out put mod- ulated with 1 kHz at the f ollowing de viation: W ideband (30 kHz) Models - 3.
ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE 6-8 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 UHF ADJUSTMENTS NOTE: Perfor m the pr eliminary s etup de scribed i n Section 6.2 befor e proc eeding with these adjustmen ts. 6.6 PLL ADJUSTMENT (UHF MO DELS) 1. Remove the bot tom cover by remov ing four screws.
ADJUSTME NT PROCEDURE 6-9 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 Figure 6-6 UHF Adjustment P oints 6.7.4 DTCS W AV EF OR M ADJUST 1. Select the channel on the lo w end of the pro- grammed for DTCS code 007N (T est Ch.
ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE 6-10 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 6.8 RECEIVER ADJUSTMENTS (UHF MODELS) 6.8.1 BANDPASS FILTER ADJUST 1. Select th e ch annel on t he low end of the ba nd (T est Ch. 1). 2. Connect an RF s ignal gener ator to the antenna jack .
7-1 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 PA R T S L I S T SECTION 7 P ARTS LIST 5HIý1Rï 'HV FULSWLRQ 3DUWý 1Rï æçìíýõ9 +)ôý0$,1ý 81,7 &ííì &HUDPý*50é ëðçý&.
PARTS LI ST 7-2 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 &íäç &HUDPLFý&ì çíåý-%ýì+ ýìíë.ð7ð$ íë ëðêäíçðíç í &íäæ &HUDPLFý&ì çíåý&+ýì+ .
PART S LIST 7-3 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 &ìäë &HUDPLFý&ì çíåý-%ýì (ýìíê.ð7ð $ íëëðêäíç ðíçê &ìäé 7 DQWDOXPý(&67ì $ <ëëè5 íëëðêäíç ðçëç &ìäç &HUDPLFý&ì çíåý-%ýì &ýìíé.
PARTS LI ST 7-4 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 &ëäí &HUDPLFý&ì çíåý-%ýì(ýìí ê.ð7ð$ íë ëðêäíçðíç ê &ëäì &HUDPLFý&ì çíåý&+ýì+ .
PART S LIST 7-5 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 /ëæ &RL Oý0/)ìçí å$ýì5í.ð7 íëëðêäíçðçè ç 03ì ýìäëë ý9&2ýFDVH íëëðêäíçðæìé 03ë ýìäëë ý9&.
PARTS LI ST 7-6 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 5íéé 5HVý(5-ê *(<-ýìííý 9ýõìíýRKPô íëëðê äíçðìêå 5íéè 5HVý(5-ê *(<-ýëëëý 9ýõëïëýNý RKPô íë.
PART S LIST 7-7 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 5ìèé 5HVý (5-ê*(< -ýìíéý 9ý õìííý NýR KPô íëëðêäíç ðìæè 5ìèè 5HVý(5-ê *(<-ýìíêý 9 ýõìíý NýRKP.
PARTS LI ST 7-8 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 5ëèë 5HVý(5-ê *(<-ýìèêý 9ýõìèý NýRKPôý íë ëðêäíçðìç è :ì -XPSHUý(5 '6ë7í íëëðê äíçðåææ :ç .
PART S LIST 7-9 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 &íêì &HUDPLFý&ì çíåý-%ýì +ýìíë. ð7ð$ íëëðêäíç ðíçí &íêë &HU DPLFý &ìçíå ý&+ý .
PARTS LI ST 7-10 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 &íäé &HU DPLFý+0çí 6-ý&+ýí êí'ýèíí 9ý õéííðéêí ý0+]ô íëëðêäíç ðäêë &HUDPLFý+0çí6-.
PART S LIST 7-11 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 &ìèí &HUD PLFý&ìçíå ý8-ýì+ýìí í'ð7ð$ý õéííðéêí ý0+]ô íëëðêäíç ðäìë &HUDPLFý&ì.
PARTS LI ST 7-12 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 &ëëä &HUDPLFý&ì çíåý-%ýì+ ýìíë.ð7ð$ íë ëðêäíçðíç í &ëêí &HUDPLFý&ì çíåý-%ýì+ ýìíë.ð7ð$ íë ëðêäíçðíç í &ëêì &HUDPLFý&ì çíåý-%ýì+ ýìíë.
PART S LIST 7-13 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 &êëç &HUDPLFý&ì çíåý&+ý ì+ýéæí- ð7ð$ íëëðêäíç ðçíí &êëæ &HUDPLFý&ì çíåý&+.
PARTS LI ST 7-14 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 /íë &RLOý/$ðêå ëýõéäíðèì ëý0+]ýRQOô íë ëðêäíçðäè ë &RLOý/$ ðëêëýõRWKHUýE DQGVô íë ëðêäíç.
PART S LIST 7-15 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 4êæ 7 UDQVLVWRUý'7&ìé é(8ý7ìíæ íëëðêäíçðíêå 4êå 7 UDQVLVWRUý'7&ìé é(8ý7ìíæ íëëðêäíçð.
PARTS LI ST 7-16 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 5íæé 5HVý(5-ê *(<-ýëëìý 9ýõëëíýýR KPô íëëðêäíç ðëåå 5íæè 5HVý(5-ê *(<-ýìíìý 9ýõìííýýR KPô .
PART S LIST 7-17 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 5ìçå 5HVý (5-ê* (<-ýì íéý 9ýõìí íýNý RKPô íëëðê äíçðìæ è 5ìçä 5HVý(5-ê *(<-ýìíëý 9ýõìýNýRKPô.
PARTS LI ST 7-18 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 5ëæì 5HVý(5-ê *(<-ýìíêý 9ýõìíý NýRKPô íëëðê äíçðìçê 5ëæë 5HVý(5-ê *(<-ýìíëý 9ýõìýNýRK Pô íë.
PART S LIST 7-19 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 &çè &H UDPý&ìçíåý&+ ýì+ýéæí-ð7ð$ íë ëðêäíç ðçíí &çç &H UDPý&ìçíåý&+ ýì+ýéæí-ð7ð$ íë ëðêäíç ðçíí &çæ &HU DPý&ìçíåý-%ýì +ýìíë.
PARTS LI ST 7-20 November 19 98 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 5éì 5HVý (5-ê*(<-ýë æéý 9ýõëæ íýNý RKPô íëëðêäíçðìæä 5éë 5HVý (5-ê*(<-ýê êéý 9ýõêê íýNý RKPô.
7-21 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 MP2 (C) MP3 (C) MP2 (F) DS1 (F) EP2 (F) MP1 (F) FRONT UNIT W3 (F) J1 (F) MP7 (C) MP1 (C) MP7 (C) MP7 (C) MP4 (M) MP1 (M) MP2 (M) MP13 (C) MP7 (C) MP5 (M) MP.
UHF (7640) EXPLODED VIEW 7-22 November 1 998 Part No. 001-7600- 001 ← ← ← ← FOLDOUT (VHF Exploded Vie w).
VHF (7610) T ransistor Basing Di agrams VHF (7610) Di ode Basing Dia g rams 8-2 November 1 998 Part No. 001-7600 -001.
8-3 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 VHF (7610) MAIN BO AR D BO TT OM VIEW FO LDOUT →.
8-4 November 1 998 Part No. 001-7600- 001 VHF (7610) MAIN BO ARD T OP VIEW.
8-5 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 VHF (7610) MAIN BO ARD SCHEMA TIC 15.3MHz 3.6V 2.2V RX:1.2V RX:0V RX:0.63V RX:4.7V RX:0V 7.7V TX:0V RX:5.0V TX:5.
8-6 November 1998 Part No. 001-7600 -001 FOR REV D1 T8V R8V Q1 Q2 RFATT T1 T2 D3,D4,D5 D7 D8 R8V R8V Q3 Q4 D13 N/W SW N/W SW N/W SW T3 T4 D9 D10 FI1 46.
8-7 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 UHF (7640) MAIN BO ARD BO TT OM VIEW FOLDOUT →.
8-8 November 1 998 Part No. 001-7600- 001 C1 94 R6 5 R11 3 R1 12 Q1 7 R6 6 R6 9 C9 2 C9 1 MP 1 0 D2 8 D1 6 J6 W6 W6 RED BLK C1 96 R1 73 C1 95 C8 4 Q1 8 Q1 4 IC 3 C8 1 IO C7 9 C1 01 L17 C3 04 L19 R70 C.
8-9 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 UHF (7640) MAIN BO AR D SCHEMA TIC 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 14 13 12 OPT2 OPT1 AUX MIC IN SIG OUT OPV1 OPV2 OPV3 BUSY MIC OUT PTT OUT PTT IN 3 2 1 4 11 OPT3 GND 16 J4.
8-10 November 1998 Part No. 001-7600 -001 P2 P3 P1 P0 V-DN V-UP DN UP DS4 DS3 DS2 DS5 DS7 DS6 DS8 PWR DS9 DS1 DS10 J1 DS1 1 2 R60 1 2 7 8 J1 (To Microphone) 1 - 8V 3 - AFO 5 - MICE 7 - GND 2 - Clone 4.
8-11 Nove mber 1998 Part No. 0 01-7600- 001 LIGHT ON :7.5V LIGHT OFF:5.5V 5.0V 5.0V 4.9V 3.9V 1.7V 5.0V 7.6V 5.0V MEASUREMENT CONDITIONS DIGITAL MULTIMETER:50k Ω /VDC OSCILLOSCOPE :20MHz 3.2V 2.3V 1.4V 6.8MHz 4.2V 2.3V 0.4V DTCS 0.7V CTCSS 2.35V 4.0V 0mV -70mV 70mV 27.
8-12 November 1 998 Part No. 001-7600 -001 2SB1132 R (Symbol: BARB) 2SB1143 S 2SC4081 R (Symbol: BR) 2SC4215 O (Symbol: QO) 2SC4703 SE (Symbol: SE) • TRANSISTORS AND FET'S 2SC5107 O (Symbol: MF.
デバイスEFJohnson 761Xの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
EFJohnson 761Xをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEFJohnson 761Xの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。EFJohnson 761Xの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。EFJohnson 761Xで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
EFJohnson 761Xを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEFJohnson 761Xの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、EFJohnson 761Xに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEFJohnson 761Xデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。