Albatron TechnologyメーカーPX845PEV-800の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Albatron PX845PEV-800 Intel ® 82845PE & 82801DB Supports Socket 478 Intel ® Pentium ® 4 Proc essor Enabling t he functional ity of Hyper-Threa ding Technology fo r your computer system requ ire.
Albatron PX845PEV-800 Copyright Copyright © 2003 by Albatron. All rights are rese rved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retriev al system or trans.
Cont ents CHAPT ER 1. GETTING STARTED .............. .......... .............. .......... ........... ............. ........... . 1 I NTRODUCTION ........... ........... ........... .......... .............. .......... ........... ............. ......
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 1 Chapter 1. Getting S t arted Introduction Congratulations o n choosing the Albatron Anniver sary Special Edition PX845P EV-800 mainboard! Albatron PX845PEV-800 is based on either the Intel ® 82845PE Northbridge chipsets and 82801DB Southbridge ch ipset.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 2 S pecifications CPU: z Supports Socket 478 Pentiu m ® 4 processor z Supports Hyper-Threading Technology Speed: z 800 / 533/ 400MHz Front Side Bus frequency (FSB 800 is by overclocking or using a 200 MHz Clock Frequenc y CPU) z 33 MHz, 32 bit PCI interface (PCI 2.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 3 BUS Slots: z One AGP slot (4X/ 1.5V only) z Five 32-bit PCI bus slots Flash Memory : z Supports flash memory functionality z Supports ESCD functiona.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 4 AGP protection: z This mainboard pro vides an AGP slot only for 1.5V AGP cards. The AGP protection function is to protect the mainboard and AGP cards if a non 1.5V card is installed. I/O facilities: z One multi-mode Parallel Port capable of supporting the following specifi cations: 1.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 5 Quick Content T able Function Content Location Page CPU Socket 478 U6 8 DDR DIMM S ockets DDR DIM M 1,2,3 1 1 A TX Power Con nectors A TX_ PWR, A TX.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 6 Configuration Layout of PX845PEV -800 Socke t 478 Intel 82801DB U6 U17 BA T1 JP1 CASE OPEN SPEA KE R SW/LED USB2 USB3 CHASF A N Phoenix Bios KB/ MS .
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 7 Hardware Inst allation This section will assist you in quickly install ing your system hardware. Wear a wrist ground strap before handling components. E lectrostatic discharge may damage your system components.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 8 CPU Processor Inst allati on This mainboard supports Intel ® Pentium ® 4 processors using a Socket 478. Before building your system, we suggest you v isit the Intel website and r eview the processor installation procedures.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 9 Socket 478 Intel 82801 DB U6 U17 BAT1 JP1 CASE OPEN SPEAKER SW/LED USB2 USB 3 CHASF AN Phoenix Bios KB/MS USB/LA N PRT/COM IrDA CPUF AN PCI3 PCI5 LA.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 10 Formulas CPU Speed = CPU Clock Ratio * CPU Host Frequency DDR Speed = DDR: CPU Ratio * CPU Host Frequency (The CPU Clock Ratio is usually locked by th e CPU manufacturer which means it will not be displayed.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 11 Memo ry I nstallation Albatron PX845PEV-800 contains 3 DIMM sockets, which use 184 pin DDR SDRAM with a total memory capacity o f up to 2 GB. You can install unbuffered non-ECC DDR 400/ DDR 333/ DDR 266 (PC 3200 /PC2700 /PC2100) SDRAM.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 12 Memory inst allation note The Albatron PX845PEV-8 00 mainboard provides three DIMM sockets whi ch support 184-pin DDR DIMM Modules with a total memory capacity of up to 2 GB. Each DIMM socket i s capable of using a memory module containing up to 1 G B.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 13 Back Panel Configuration PS/2 Mouse & PS/2 Keyboard Connectors: KB/MS The Albatron PX845PEV-800 mainboard prov ides a standa rd PS/2 mouse conn ector and PS/2 Keyboard connector.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 14 Serial an d Paral lel I nterfac e Ports The PX845PEV-800 comes equ ipped with two Serial ports and one Paral lel port.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 15 Connector Configuration Front Panel Indicator: SW/LED HD LED (Hard Drive LED Connector) This connector can be attached to an LED on th e front panel of a computer case. The LED will flicker during disk activity.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 16 SPEAKER (Speaker Connector) An off-board speaker can be co nnected to this connector. This speaker (on board or off-board) provides error beep code information during the Power On Self-T est when t he comput er cannot access the video int erface.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 17 Floppy Disk Connec tor: FDC This mainboard provides a standard floppy di sk connector (FDC) that supports 360K, 720K, 1.2M, 1.44M and 2.88M floppy diskettes. This conn ector supports the floppy drive ribbon cables pro vided in the packag ing.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 18 Headers & Jumpers Front USB Headers: USB2 / USB3 USB Bracket (2 Port s or 4 Ports) You can connect the USB bracket to the USB2 an d USB3 Headers. * If you are using USB 2.0 devices, you will need to install the USB 2.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 19 Clear CMO S Jump er: JP1 The “Clear CMOS” jumper is used when you canno t boot your system due to some CMOS configuration su ch as a password that is forgo tten. This jumper allows you to reset the CMOS configurations, and then reconf igure.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 20 Slot s The slots in this mainboard are de signed for exp ansion cards and ar e used to complemen t and enhance the functionali ty of the mainboard. AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port) Slot This mainboard is equipped wi th a Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP ) (1.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 21 Power Supply Att achment s A TX Power Connector: A TX_ 12V & A TX_PW R This mainboard requires two ATX power co nnections; a 20-pin connector and a 4 -pin connector, your power supply must have both connectors.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 22 Chapter 2. BIOS Setup Introduction This section describes PHOENIX-AWARD™ BIOS Setup program which resides in the ROM BIOS firmware. The Setup program allows users to modify the basic system confi guration.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 23 Supported CPUs This PHOENIX-AWARD™ BIOS supports the Intel ® Pentium ® 4 CPUs. Key Function In general, you can use the arrow keys to high ligh.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 24 Main Menu When you enter the PHOENIX-AWARD™ BIO S Ut ility, the Main Menu will appear on the screen.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 25 Main Menu Setup Configurati on Options Item Options Description Date mm dd yyyy Set the s ystem date. Note that the ‘Day’ au tomaticall y changes when you set the date. Time hh: mm: ss Set the current time of the s ystem.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 26 Advanced BIOS Features First /Second/Thir d/ Boot Device Select the order in which devices will be searched in order to find a boot device. Options: Floppy, LS120, HDD-0, SCSI, CDROM, HDD-1, HDD-2, HDD-3, ZIP100, USB-FDD, USB-ZIP, USB-CDRO M, USB-HDD, LAN, Disabled.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 27 CPU L1 & L2 Cache Make CPU internal ca che active or inact ive. System perfo rmance may degrad e if you disable this item. Options: Enab led (defau lt), Disable. Quick Power On Self T est Allow the system to skip certain tes ts while booting.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 28 Advanced Chipset Features DRAM T iming Select able This item determines DRAM clock/ ti ming using SPD or manual configur ation. Make sure your memory module has SPD (Serial Presence Data), if you want to select the <By SPD> option.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 29 AGP Apertu re Si ze (MB) Select the size of the AGP (Accelerated Grap hics Port) aper ture. The apertur e is a portion of the PCI memory address range d edicated for graphics memory addr ess space. H ost cyc les that hit the aperture range are forwarded to the AGP without any translation.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 30 Frequency/V olta g e Control Default CPU V olta ge (V olt) This item displays the CPU Voltage information which is detected by the system. CPU V oltage ( V olt) This item allows you to adjust your CPU core voltage.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 31 Integrated Peripherals INTEL OnChip IDE Device If you highlight the “INTEL OnChip IDE Device” label and then press the enter key, it will take .
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 32 IDE HDD Blo ck Mod e Block mode is otherwise know n as block transfer, multipl e commands, or multip le sector read/write. Select the “Enabled” option if your IDE hard drive supports block mode (most new drives do).
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 33 Onboard FDC Controller Select “Enabled” if your system has a floppy disk controller (FDC) installed on the system board and you wish to use it. If you install an add-in FDC or the system has no floppy d rive, select “Disabl ed”.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 34 Power Management The Powe r Managem ent Setu p Menu allows you to configure your syste m to utilize energy conservation features as w ell as power-up/ power-down option s. (Note: the 200 Host Frequency CPU do not support S3 mod e.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 35 When this option is enabled, each of the ranges are from 1 min. to 1 hr. except for HDD Power Down, which ranges from 1 min. to 15 min. and includes a “disab le” option. Note: If you select Min.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 36 Date of Month Alarm You can choos e which date of the month the syst em will boot up. This field is only configurab le when “RT C Wake Up” is set to “ Enabled”. Time (hh: mm: ss) Alarm You can choose the hour, minute and second the system will boot up.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 37 Hardware Monitor Case Open W arning If your computer case support “Case Open Warn i ng” function, and this function is set to “Enabled” an d the case had been previously open ed, the system will auto matically disp lay alert messages on the screen when you power on your computer.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 38 Load Default s Load System Default Settings Load System Default Settings. Load System T urbo Settings Load System Turbo Settings. Load CMOS From BIOS Load defaults from flash ROM for systems without batteries.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 39 Exit Menu Save & Ex it Setup Save all configuration ch anges to CMOS (memory) and exi t setup. A confirmation mess age will b e dis played before proceeding. Exit Without Sav i ng Abandon all cha nges made during the cu rrent se ssion an d exit setup.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 40 Chapter 3: Sof tware Setup Sof tware List Sof tware Inst allation Place the Driver CD into the CD-ROM driver and the Install ation Utility will auto-run. You can also launch the Driver CD Install ation Utility manu ally, then y ou can see the sc reen below.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 41 Chapter 4: T roubleshooting Problem 1: No power to the system. Power light does not illuminate. Fan inside power supp ly does not turn on. Indicator lights on keyboard are n ot lit. Causes: 1. Power cable is unplugged.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 42 Problem 4: System only boots from the CD-ROM. The hard disk can be read and applications can be used but booting from the hard disk is impossibl e. Causes: Hard Disk boot sector has been corrup ted.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 43 Problem 10: Keyboard failure. Causes: Keyboard is dis connected. Solutions: Reconnect keyboard. Repl ace keyboard if you continue to experience problems. Problem 11: No color on screen. Causes: 1. Faulty Monitor.
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 44 Appendix I : Cmedia 8738 Sound Card (optional) Specification z Cmedia 8738 Audio Chip z Supports 2/ 4 channel z Supports C3DX audio technology z .
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 45 Appendix II : This mainboard complies wi th the ATX standar d, which means the ACPI con nector on this board is 2-pin. If the Power LED cable of your case uses a 3-pin adapter, you must use the 2-pin to 3-pin adapter (contained in the packaging).
Albatron Anniversary Special Edition PX845PEV-800 46 Appendix III : If you still require as sistance af ter reading this section, plea se contact us or local distributor. And you can visit our website http://www. albatron for technical support.
デバイスAlbatron Technology PX845PEV-800の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Albatron Technology PX845PEV-800をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAlbatron Technology PX845PEV-800の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Albatron Technology PX845PEV-800の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Albatron Technology PX845PEV-800で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Albatron Technology PX845PEV-800を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAlbatron Technology PX845PEV-800の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Albatron Technology PX845PEV-800に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAlbatron Technology PX845PEV-800デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。