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Model EOD6390.
2 MODEL NO. EOD6390 W attage: 5.9-6.4kW Height: 888 mm W idth: 592 mm Depth: 563 mm (excludi ng handles and k nobs) W eight: 55kg This applia nce compl ies with: Eur opean Co uncil Dir ective 73/23/EEC . ECM Di rective 89/336 /EEC. CE Marking Dire ctive 93/ 68/EEC.
3 Techn ical Details .............................................................................................................................. ...... 2 Contents .....................................................................................
4 Top and Bottom Function ...................................................................................................................... 26 Selectin g the T op and Bottom Function ...............................................................
6 Ensure that you suppor t the gr ill pan when it is in the withdra wn or partiall y withdra wn position. Ensure that all vents ar e left unobstructe d to ensure ventilati on of the oven cav ity. You mu st ensure t hat the gr ill contr ol is in the ‘OFF’ position when th e timer control has been set f or automatic cook ing.
7 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW WARNINGS · This appliance mus t be install ed by a qual ified electrici an/com petent pers on. Saf ety ma y be im paired if installat ion is n ot carr ied out i n accordanc e with these instruc tions. · This appliance m ust be ear thed.
8 RECOMME NDED CABINET DIMENSI ONS ( IN MI LLIMETRES ) Fig. 2 Bui lt In Installati on Cross sect ion t hrough cabinet showing oven positioned.
9 S HOW TO FINISH UNPACKING · Place appl iance next t o the cab inet in wh ich it will be instal led. · Remove the appl iance pack ing except f or bottom tray which shoul d be left in po sition until the applianc e is re ady to be f itted int o its cabi net.
10 CONNECTING TO MAINS TERMINAL Warning: This appliance must be earthed. · Make c onnection as shown in F ig. 6 b y proceed ing as f ollows:- · Preform wires to th e appropr iate shap e to suit fitting int o the m ains term inal bloc k. · Strip inner ins ulation on wires usi ng wirestrippe rs.
11 FITTING INTO THE CA BINET IMPO RTANT: Ensur e that th e oven is switched off at the w all before an y furth er work i s carri ed out. · Using a ta pe meas ure establis h the in ternal width of the cabinet. Refer to page 7 if greater tha n 565 mm .
12 WARN ING: THIS A PPLIANCE MUST BE EA RTHED GETTING TO KNOW YOUR APPLI A NCE A - Top O ven/Grill F unction N eon B - Top O ven/Grill F unction Selector C - Cooking F unction In dicator D - Cooking F.
13 RA TING PLA TE This is situated on th e lower f ront fram e of the applianc e and can be seen u pon open ing the do or. Alternat ivel y the rating p late m ay also be f ound on th e back or top of som e m odels (where ap plicable) . The appl iance m ust be protec ted b y a suitab ly rated fuse or circuit bre aker .
14 SETTING THE BRIGHTNESS OF THE DISPLA Y The bright ness of the oven d isplay can b e set so that it is easi er to read if the ove n has bee n installe d in a hi gh position. 1. S witch the ap pliance on by pres sing the on/off button . 2. Press the on/off button and the t imer selector button s imultane ously.
15 KEY A COOK TIME B COUNTDOWN C END TIME D TIME OF DA Y E DECREASE CONTROL F INCREASE CONTROL G TIMER SELECTOR CONTROL NOTE: The time of day must be set befor e the main oven will operate manual ly. 1. HOW TO SET THE TIME OF DA Y The oven has a 24 hour clock .
16 TO CANCEL THE COUNTDOWN If you change your mind and want to c ancel the 'Countdo wn', press th e Selector Control button until t he 'Countdown' in dicator neon flash es then depress the decrease control (-) until 0. 00 shows in the d ispl ay as Fig.
17 B) TO SET THE TIMER TO SWITCH OFF ONLY i) Ensure t he electr icit y supply is swi tched ON and that the cor rect t ime is dis played, e.g. 9.0 0 a.m . as Fig. 9. ii) Set the m ain ove n control to th e req uired functio n and tem perature. iii) Place f ood in o ven.
19 Place the grill pan on the shelf s o that t he pan is position ed cent rally be neath the gr ill. HINTS AND TIPS · In order to b ecom e acquainted with th e perform ance of the Dual Gri ll it is advisabl e to check food regular ly when gr illing. · Food sho uld be th oroughl y dried before grillin g t o minim ise splashi ng.
20 USES OF THE T OP OVEN The top oven is th e sm aller of the two ovens . It is h eated b y elements in the top and bottom of the ov en. It is designed for cooking s maller quantit ies of f ood. It g ives especi ally good r esults if used to cook f ruit cak es, sweet or savour y flans or quiche.
21 HINTS AND TIPS · All cook ing should b e carried out usi ng shelf positions one and t wo. Shelf posit ions are count ed from the bottom upwards. S helf positio n 3 shou ld be reserv ed for gri lling onl y. · There should always be at least 2.5cm (1”) between the top of the food and the elem ent.
22 The oven temper atures are int ended as a guide o nly. It m ay be necessar y to i ncrease or decrease the temper atures by 10° C to suit individ ual prefer ences and r equirem ents. TO P OVEN FOOD SHELF POSIT ION COOKING TEM P° C APPROX COOK TIME (m) Biscu its Bread Bread r olls/buns Cakes : Sm all & Quee n 2 crk .
23 The main oven is provi ded with 1 0 diff erent cook ing functions . For eac h of them , a pre-s et tem perature will be au tomatic ally se lected. The oven mus t be switched on befor e setting an y cook ing functions or program me. W hen the on/of f button is pres sed the cavit y s y m bol wi ll sh own in the ma in oven e lectronic displa y.
24 USES OF THE FA N COOKING FUNCTION. PREHE A TING The fan oven quick ly reaches its tem perature so it is not usuall y necess ary to pre heat the o ven. W ithout preheati ng however you m ay need to ad d an extra 5 – 10 m inutes on th e recomm ended cook ing tim es.
25 HINTS AND TIPS · Arrange the she lves in the r equir ed pos itions before switc hing the oven on. Shelf pos itions are counted f rom the bot tom upwards .
26 USES OF THE TOP A ND BOTTOM F UNCTION (CONVENTIONAL OVEN) This m ain oven function uses the top and lo wer elem ents to give s ingle l evel cook ing. This is par ticularl y suitabl e for dishes wh ich require extr a base brownin g such as pizzas, quic hes and flans.
27 The oven temper atures are int ended as a guide o nly. It m ay be necessar y to i ncrease or decrease the temper atures by 10° C to suit individ ual prefer ences and r equirem ents.
28 ROASTING CHART INTERNAL T EMPERAT URES – Rare : 50-60 °C; Medium : 60-70° C; W ell done : 70-80°C MEAT TOP/ FA N OVEN COOKING TIME Beef 160-180°C 20-35 m inutes per ½kg ( 1lb) and 20-35 minu.
29 USES OF THE PIZZA F UNCTION This setting can b e used f or foods such as pi zza where base bro wning and c rispness are requ ired. The top an d lower elem ents op erate in c onjuncti on with the oven fan. SELECT ING THE PIZZ A FUNCTION · Press the m ain o ven f unction selector butto n until the ' Pizza ’ symbol is illum inated.
30 USES OF THE TURBO GRILL ‘Turbo gr ill’ fan as sisted gr illing of fers an alternat ive m ethod of cook ing food items normally as sociated with conventi onal gr illing. The grill elem ent and the oven fan operate t ogether, cir culating hot air around t he food.
31 HINTS AND TIPS · Prepare f oods in the s ame wa y as for conventi onal gr illing. Brush le an meats and fish lightl y with a little oil or butter to k eep them mois t during c ooking.
32 CA UTION - ACCESSIB LE PARTS MA Y BECOME HOT WH EN THE GRILL IS IN USE. CHILDREN SHOULD BE KEPT A W A Y. The grill is a dua l circu it grill which m eans that the whole ar ea of the gril l can be used or, f or eco nom y purpos es the centre sec tion onl y can be us ed whe n cooking s maller quantit ies of f ood.
33 To rem ove the ha ndle, slide the hand le t o the right and lif t the hand le awa y from the cut out o n th e gril l pan. Place the gri ll pan on the shelf so th at the p an is position ed cent rally be neath the gr ill.
34 USES OF THE T OP HEAT FUNCTION This function can be used to finish off dis hes that m ay require extra Top He at. This function is particu larl y useful for items such as cauliflo wer chees e or au gratin dishes which m ay requir e top browning bef ore serving .
35 USES OF THE KEEP WA RM FUNCTION This setting allo ws you to warm plates or k eep warm pre-cook ed dishes pr ior to serv ing. SELECTING KEEP W A RM FUNCTION · Press the main ove n function s elector until the ‘Keep W arm’ s ymbol is ill uminated.
36 USES OF DEFROST FEAT URE This m ain oven function defr osts most f oods f aster than mor e convent ional m ethods. It is part icularl y suitable for delicate fr ozen foods which ar e to be serve d cold, e.g. cream fill ed gat eaux, ca kes covere d with icings or frostings , cheese cakes , biscuits, scones, etc .
37 SELECTING THE RECIPE FUNCTION · Press the r ecipe f unction se lector butt on unt il the recipe you require appears in the disp lay win dow. · The f unction ind icator shows the s y m bol for the corres ponding oven func tion and the recom mended she lf posit ion.
38 Sponge Cake 175g Bloc k Margar ine 175g Castor Sugar 5m l Vanilla Ess ence 3 Large E ggs beaten 125g Pla in Flour 125g Se lf Rais ing Flour 30m l Milk 1) Cream block margarine and c astor s ugar together unti l the mixture is light an d fluff y. Add the vanill a essence and eggs a little at a time, beati ng well af ter each a ddition of egg.
39 Fillet of Fish 600 – 700g F illet of Fish e.g. S almon, T rout 1 Lemon Salt and Black Pepper (to s eason) 150g Grated Cheddar Cheese 250ml Si ngle Cre am 50g Breadc rum bs 10g Chop ped Pars ley 1) Sprink le the ju ice of the lemon onto th e f ish and leave to soak in for a f ew minutes .
40 Potato Gratin 750g Potato es 5m l Salt and 5m l Black Pepper 2 Cloves of Garlic 25gm Butter 300g Gr eyere or Em m enthal cheese ( grated) 3 Large E ggs 350m l Milk 5ml Dr ied Th y m e 1) Peel and c ut the pot atoes int o thin s lices, dr y them thor oughl y and sprink le with sa lt and black pepper.
41 Lasagne 225g (12– 15 sheets) of dried “ No need to pre cook ” Lasagne s heets Bolognese Sau ce 1 Onion large, pe eled and fin ely choppe d 1 Carrot, pee led an d finel y chopped 1 Celer y Sti.
42 Leg of Lamb 1.5 – 2.0 k g Leg of Lam b 2 Cloves of Garlic 10m l Salt 2 Onions 1 Carrot 1 Stick Celer y 25g Butter 150ml W ater 5m l Black Pepper 5m l Thyme 2 Bay Lea ves 1 large p inch of All Spi.
43 SAFETY A ND ENER GY SAVING FUNCTIONS SAFETY CUT-OFF FUNCTION If no chang es are m ade to the oven setti ngs, th e oven will s witch off automatic ally, accor ding to t he follo wing table.
44 BEFORE CLE A NING ALWAYS ALLOW THE COOLING FAN TO COOL THE A P PLI A NCE DOWN BEFORE S WITCHING OFF AT THE ELEC TRICITY SUPPLY. CLEANING MATERI A LS Before us ing an y cleaning m aterials on your applianc e, check that the y are suita ble and t hat the ir use is rec omm ended by the m anufac turer.
45 · Use minim al, if any, extra oil or f at when roasti ng meat, potato es onl y require br ushing with f at before cook ing. Extr a fat in th e oven dur ing roasting will inc rease s plashin g and so ilage. · It is NOT necessar y to add water to a m eat tin when roasting.
46 Under no circumstances s hould the door assembly be detached from the product for cleaning. Please r efer to the cleaning instructio ns. TO REMOVE THE INNER GLASS 1. Full y open the oven door. 2. Firm ly grasp the rear edge of the inner glass panel with both hands.
47 Before calli ng an Eng ineer pleas e carr y out the follo wing check s, you m ay be able to so lve the problem without the expense of an En gineer. If our Ser vice Eng ineer f inds that t he pr oblem is listed below you wi ll be ch arged for th e call whet her or not the app liance is under gu arantee.
48 SERVICE AND SPARE PARTS In the event of your applianc e requ iring serv ice, or if you wish to purc hase spar e parts, p lease co ntact your local Service F orce C entre b y telephonin g:- 0870 5 929929 Your tel ephone ca ll will be a utom aticall y routed to t he Servic e Force C entre c overing your post c ode area.
49 S T AND AR D G U AR AN T E E C O N DI T I O N S W e, Electrolux, undertak e that if within 12 months of the dat e of the pur chase th is Electr olux appl iance or an y part ther eof is pro ved to b.
IMP OR TA NT N OTIC E In line with our cont inuing po lic y of researc h and dev elopm ent, we reser ve the r ight to alter m odels and specif ications without pr ior not ice. This instruction book let is accur ate at the date of pr inting, b ut will b e superse ded if s pecificatio ns or a ppearance are changed.
デバイスElectrolux EOD6390の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Electrolux EOD6390をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはElectrolux EOD6390の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Electrolux EOD6390の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Electrolux EOD6390で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Electrolux EOD6390を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はElectrolux EOD6390の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Electrolux EOD6390に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちElectrolux EOD6390デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。