ElectroluxメーカーERZ 36700 Xの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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User manual Gebr uiksaanwijzin g fridge-fr eezer koelkast-vries E R Z36700 W , E R Z 33700X.
W e we r e thinking o f y ou when we made this pr oduct.
3 W elc ome t o the world of Electr olux Thank yo u for choo sing a firs t class p r o duct fr om Elect ro lux, which hopefully will pr ovid e you wit h lot s of pleasur e in the futur e. The Electr olux ambit ion is to o f fer a wide var iety of quality pr oducts that make your life mor e comfor table.
4 The follo wing symb ols ar e used in this manu al: Impo rtant in format ion concer ning your personal safety and informat ion on how to avoid damaging the appliance Gene ral infor mati on and tip s .
5 Safety instructions Y our ne w fridg e/freezer may have ot h er fu n cti ons com pared to your previou s one . Ca refu ll y rea d th es e i n stru cti on s to learn how the appliance work s and how to car e for it. Keep the instr u ctio n boo klet. It will come in handy if you later sell the cabinet or give it to somebody else.
6 Tha wi ng 15 ....................... HINT and TIPS 16 ................. Sav in g energy 16 .................. Food Storage 16 .................. Protect th e en vironm en t 16 ......... MAI NTENANCE and CLEANING 17 .. Remov ing the ventilat ion grille 1 7 .
7 DI SPLAY On/O ff Funct io n Mode Ok + - A BC C D E F A - Ap pliance but ton ON/O F F D - Functio n butt on B - T emperatur e reg ulation butto n E - C on fi rma ti on button D - M OD E- bu tton C - .
8 First switch on Af ter plugg ing the plug into the pow er outlet , if the dis play is not illuminated, pr ess key (A), appliance on. As so on as t he app liance is turned on, it is in alarm condit ion, the temp eratur e flas hes and you will hear a buzz er .
9 By pres sing the key B the curr ent tem- per atur e set ting flas hes on the indica Ć tor and by pressin g the key B a gain it is possibl e to ch an ge it. Y o u c o n f i r mt h ec h o i c eo ft h et e m p e - rat ur e either by pr essing the key E, (yo u will hear the buzzer) or by waiting for some second s (y ou will not hear the bu zze r).
10 The Sho pp ing funct ion shut s of f auto - matically after appr ox imately 6 hours. It is poss ible to de-activ ate the function a ta n yt i m e b yp r e s s i n gk e yDu n t i l t h e corr espo nding icon will flash and then key E.
11 The " Na tu ra- fresh " zone con tai n s two draw ers separated by a cov er . The lower drawer has a h igher humid ity of t he air is suit ed fo r keepi ng berrie s, frui ts an d ve geta bles. T h e u p p e rd r a w e ri ss u i t e df o rm e a t , fish and poultr y .
12 Temperature regulation The temper a tur e may be reg u lated betw ee n -15° C an d - 24° C . We sugge st settin g the in ter n al tem- pera ture of ap proximate ly - 18° C, which guarantees pr oper fr eezing and con se rvati on of th e frozen food s.
13 Pay car eful attent ion n ot to exceed load limit stat ed on the side of the upper se ction (wher e applicable). In the event of accidental defro sting, for example due to a po wer failu re, if the.
14 Cert ain shelves must be lifted up by the r ear edge to enable them to be re m o v e d . The bottom comp artm en t i n the door , the div ider and the cover over drawer must n ot be moved as it h as an impact on the air circulatio n. Shelv es wit h a raised edge should be placed wit h the raised edge facing the r ear wall of the cabinet.
15 Dismantling of the bot tle- and can hold er. T ake out the Quick Chill shelf with holder fro m the cabinet. T o loose n the h olde r f rom the she lf , bend the hook s/br acket s that sur r ound the ba ck si de of th e sh el f. Freezer drawer s The fr eezer draw ers make it possib l e to quickly and easily find the food package you want.
16 HINT and TIPS Saving energ y · Pay careful att ention to where the cabinet is placed. See the sectio n "Inst allation". When installed corr ectly , the cabinet will consume less energy .
17 MAINTE NANCE and CLEANING Remov ing the ventilat ion grille The vent ilation grille can be r emoved, e.g. to wash the gr ille. Unsnap the vent ilation grille by pulling it towar d yo u . When reas sembling the ventilatio n grid: First hook at the hitches on the lower edg e, then pr ess t he gr ind in po siti on.
18 When moving the cabinet, lift it by the f avo id scratching the floor . Defrosting the freezer A certain amount of fr ost will always form on the freez er shelves an d around the to p compar tment. Defro st the fr eezer when the fr ost layer r eaches a thickness of about 3-5 mm.
19 Defrosting the fridge The fridg e is defr ost ed au to matically every time the compr esso r stops . Fro st form ation can be prev ented by: · no t putt ing war m foo dst uff inside the cabinet. · avo iding fr equen tly opening the door or kee pin g it ope n too lon g.
20 SOMETHING NOT WORKING Before cont acting your local Serv ice For ce C en tr e check the follo wing point: Proble m Possible cause / Remedy " " is disp layed in the temper ature display. An err or h as occurr ed in measuring the temper ature.
21 It is too warm in side the freezer . Set a l owe r te mp era tu re. Make sur e that the door is completely closed and that the ins ulating st rip is comp lete and clean. If warm foo d pr od uct s have been put insid e the fr eezer , wait for a couple of hours and then check the temperat ure again.
22 Sound level in cabinet is to o high. The r efrigerat in g sy stem will alway s pr oduce so me so unds . A pulsi ng sound is hear d when coo lan t is pumped inside the cooling pipes. A ticki ng sound fr om the the rmos tat can be hear d whe n the comp res sor sw itches on and off.
23 INST ALLA TION Main s Cab le Do not remo ve t he po wer cord by pulling on its lead, particular y when the pr oduct is being pulled out of it s niche.
24 Installa tion of carbon filter On deliver y the carbon filter is placed in a plastic bag to secure the length of life of the carbo n filter . The filter should be placed behind the gr ill befor e the cabinet is turn ed on.
25 50mm a ) b ) Cabinet is placed at a locatio n whose ambient temp eratur e corr esponds to the climate classificatio n *, for which the appliance i s desig ned. * Se e on the ra tin g pl a te on th e in si de of the appliance. The f ollowin g table shows whi ch ambient temp e ratur e is corr ect for each climate classificat ion.
26 Guarantee/Customer Service Standa rd guara ntee conditio ns We, Electrol ux, undertake that if within 12 months of the date of the purchase this Electrolux appliance or any part the- reof is pr ov .
27 European Guarantee w w w .el e ct r ol u x.com This appl iance is g uaranteed by Electrolux i n each of the countries listed at the back of this user manual, for the pe riod specifi ed in the appliance gu arantee or oth erwise by law.
28 Great Britain +44 8705 929 929 Addington W ay , Luton, Be dfor dshire LU4 9QQ Hellas +30 23 10 56 19 70 4 Limnou Str ., 54627 The ssaloniki Hrvatska +385 1 63 23 338 Slavonsk a avenija 3, 10000 Zagreb Ireland +353 1 40 90 753 Long Mile Roa d Dublin 12 Italia +39 (0) 434 558500 C.
www.electrolux.com www.electr o lux. co.uk www.electr o lux. nl 81840 34 -00 / 0 1 22006.
デバイスElectrolux ERZ 36700 Xの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Electrolux ERZ 36700 Xをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはElectrolux ERZ 36700 Xの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Electrolux ERZ 36700 Xの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Electrolux ERZ 36700 Xで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Electrolux ERZ 36700 Xを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はElectrolux ERZ 36700 Xの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Electrolux ERZ 36700 Xに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちElectrolux ERZ 36700 Xデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。