Elo TouchSystemsメーカー1825L Seriesの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Elo Entuitiv e T ouchmonitor User Guide F or 1 8.1 " LCD Desktop T ouchmonitors 1 8 25L/1 8 27L Series Re vision B.
Elo Entuitive T ouchmonitor User Guide 18.1 " LCD D esktop T ouchmonitor 1825L/1827L Series Revision B P/N 00 8563 Elo T ouchSystems, Inc. 1-800 -ELO TOU CH www .
iii Copyright © 2002 Elo T ouchSystems Inc. All Rights Reserved . No part o f thi s pub lica tion may be r eprodu ced, tran smitted , tr anscrib ed, st ored i n a re t ri ev al sy stem, or translat e.
v Chap ter 1 Intr oduction 1 Pre caut io ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 A bout the Prod uct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Chap ter 2 Installation and Setup 3 Unpa ckin g Y our T ouc hmo nito r . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Pro duct Ove rv iew .
1-1 C HAPTER 1 C HAPTER 1 I N TR ODUC TION Congra tulations on your purc has e of an Elo TouchSystems Entuit ive touc hm oni tor . Your new touchmon itor c ombine s the re lia ble p erf ormance of Elo’ s touc h technolo gy wi th the latest adva nc es in LCD displ ay design.
1- 2 Elo Entuitive Touchmonitor User Guide • Au to adjustment c a pabi lity • Hi gh qual ity f ull screen re-s cal ing • Multi lingual OSD menus in six l anguages: Engl ish, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Japa ne s e • Seria l or US B t ouc h interfac e (USB requ ir es Windows 98, 2000, Me and XP.
2-3 C HAPTER 2 C HAPTER 2 I NSTA LLATION AND S ETUP This chapt er disc usses how to install your LCD touchmonito r and how to install Elo To uchSystems d r iver software.
2-4 Elo Entuitive Touchmon i to r User Guide Pr od uct O ver vie w Ma in U n it Rea r V i ew LCD Display St and.
2-5 Side V iew Bas e Bo t to m Vi ew User Con tro ls Key hole for M5 screw 4X thread M5x0.8.
2-6 Elo Entuitive Touchmon i to r User Guide T ouc h I nter face Connec tion Your touc hmoni tor comes with one of the follo w ing tou chscre en conne ctor cables: Serial (R S-23 2) cab le or USB cable . (For W i ndow s 98, 2000 , M e an d XP syst ems only .
2-7 S TEP 1-Routing the Cables • Feed the cables through the cable port holes. Do not remove the rear cover..
2-8 Elo Entuitive Touchmon i to r User Guide STEP 2- Conn ect ing t he Video Cable or 24 -pin D VI-D cable • T ilt the sc reen u p and ba ck to acc ess th e conne ction ports. • Conne ct the 15 -pin vi deo ca ble (the fer rite bea d en d) to the vide o port o n your P C .
2-9 STEP 3- Connecting the Serial or USB Touchscreen Cable • Connect the female end of the serial (RS-232) cable to the serial port on your • Conne ct the ma le end of the cab le to the se rial touch scr een conn ector on yo ur • Secur e the ca ble to your touc hmonit or an d PC by tur ning th e screw s on the conn ector.
2-10 Elo Entuitive Touchmonito r User Guide STEP 4-Connecting the Speaker Cable N OT E : If you do not wish to co nnect the s peaker ca ble , go to step 5. SPEAKER CABLE SPEAKER PORT CONNECTIONS ON UNDERSIDE Connect the light blue end of the speaker cable to the light blue speaker • port of the monitor (audio in).
2-11 STEP 5-Connecting the P ower Cabl e Depend in g on wh ere you liv e, you will us e either the Eu ropean or US /Ca na dian po w e r cable . • Conne ct the fem ale en d of the po we r cab le to t.
2- 1 2 Elo Entuitive Touchmonitor User Guide O ptimizing t he LCD Disp l a y To ensure the LCD displa y works well with your computer, confi gure the displa y m ode of your gr aphi c card to make it less than or equal to 1024 x 768 resolu tion, and m a ke sure the timi ng of the display mo de is c om pati ble with the LCD d isplay.
2-1 3 Access in g the V ESA Mou nt ing I nter fac e If you want to conve r t your desktop mon itor to a wa ll mount or kiosk moni tor, fol low the st eps below to access the VESA mounting inte rface. N OT E : Y ou will need a scre wdrive r for the follo wing steps .
2- 14 Elo Entuitive Touchmonitor User Guide In stalling the Dr iver Softw are Elo To uchSystems p r ovides dr iver software t hat all ows your tou c hmonitor to work with your c omput e r.
2- 15 In stal ling the Se r ial T ouch Dri ver Installing the S erial T ouch Dri ver for Wind ows XP, Windows 2000, Me, 95/98 an d NT 4.0 N OT E : F or Windows 2000 and NT 4.0 y ou m us t hav e adm i ni s tr ator acces s rights to instal l t he dr i v e r.
2- 16 Elo En tuit ive T ouchm onitor U ser Gu ide In s t allin g t he S eria l T ou c h Driv e r f or M S-DO S an d W indo w s 3. 1 You m ust have a DOS mo use driver (MOUSE.COM) i nstalled for your m ouse if you wish to contin ue usin g your mouse along with your touc hm oni tor in DOS.
2- 17 In stal ling the US B T ouch Dri ve r Inst alli ng th e USB T ouch Dr ive r for Wi ndows XP, Windows 2000, Me and 9 8 1 Ins e rt the Elo CD-ROM in your computer ’ s CD-ROM drive. If Windows 98, Windows Me or Windows 2000 starts the Add New Hardw are W iz ard: 2 Choose Next .
2- 18 Elo En tuit ive T ouchm onitor U ser Gu ide.
3- 19 C HAPTER 3 C HAPTER 3 O PERA TION Abo ut T o uchm oni t or Adj ust me nt s Your touchmonito r wil l unlikely require adjust m ent. Va riations in vi deo output and applic ation may require adjustm e nt s to your touchmonit or to opti mize the qual ity of t he disp lay.
3-20 Elo Entuitive Touchmonito r User Guide Si de Be z el Butt ons Co ntr o l F unc ti o n MEN U Menu Di splay/Ex it s the OSD menu s. Br ightness/ Plus/C lockwise 1. Adjust brightness of t he OSD. 2. Increase value of the adjustment item. 3. Sel ect it em clock wise.
OSD Menu Function 3-21 Function Symbol Proc e ss YUV ? ? CONTRAS T AUTO CONTRAST Contrast Controls the picture contrast Auto Contrast Automatically selects an appropriate contrast setting for the picture. 500 K, 7500 K, 9300 K) P ress the OSD button or or set color values individually using the "USER" option .
3-22 Elo Entuitive Touchmonito r User Guide Additional Color Settings SATURA TION Adjusts color intensity . HUE Adjusts color tint . FLESH TONE Adjusts the color so faces appear natural.
4-2 3 C HAPTER 4 C HAPTER 4 T R OUBLESHOOTI NG If you are exper ien ci ng tro u ble wi th y our touchm onitor, refer t o the follo w ing tab le . If the problem persist s, please contac t your local de a ler or our servic e center. Sol ut i ons t o Com mon Probl e ms Problem Sugg estio n(s) No ima ge appea rs on scr een.
4- 24 Elo Entuitive Touchmonitor User Guide Ima ge ha s ver tica l flicke ring lin e bars. Use “ Phase ”t om a k ea na d j u s t m e n t . Check and r econfi gure the di spla y mo de of t he v ert ical refr esh ra te of y our gr aph ic car d to m ak e it co m patib le wit h the LCD d is pla y.
A- 25 A PPENDIX A C HAPTE R 4 N ATIVE R ESOLU TION The native r esol ution of a monit or is the reso lutio n l evel a t which the LCD panel is de signed to perform best. For the Elo LCD touchmonitor, the native resolu tion is 1 280 x 1024 for the SX GA-1 8.
A- 26 Elo Entuitiv e Touchmonitor User Guide As an example, a SVGA resolution LCD panel has 800 pixels horizont a l ly by 600 pixe ls ve rti c all y. Input video is also repr es ent e d by the same terms. XGA input vide o has a form at of 1024 pixe ls horizontally by 768 pixels ve r t ic a lly.
B- 27 A PPENDIX B C HAPTER 4 T O UC HMONI TOR S AF E TY This manua l cont ai ns inf ormat ion tha t is im po rt a nt for the prope r setup a nd mainte nance of your touchmonitor . B efore se tti ng up a nd powering on your new touc hmonitor , read through this manua l, especiall y Chapter 2 (Installa tion) , and Chapte r 3 ( Operation).
B- 28 Elo Entuitive Touchmonitor Us er Guide Ca re and H andling of Y our T ouc hmo nitor The followi ng t ips will help ke ep your Elo Entuit ive t ouc h monit or function ing at the optim a l level. • T o avoid r isk of electr ic sho c k, d o not di sassemble the brick supply or displa y unit cabinet.
C-29 A PPENDIX C C HAPTER 4 T EC H NI CA L S PE CIFICAT I ONS Co mpatib le Video Modes Y ou r El o Ent uitiv e to uchm onito r is comp atib le with th e follo wing stan dard video mode s: SUN 1024 x 768 Mode 52,450 Resolution 65 H. F requency(kHz) VG A V 720 x 400 .
C- 3 0 Elo Entuitive To uchmonitor User Guide T o uchm onitor Sp ecifications Ta bl e C . 1 1 8.1 " L CD Touc hmonitor (ET182XL-XXWB-1) Sp ecifications Displa y Type Act ive ma tr ix, thin f ilm tra nsi st or (T F T ) , liqu id crys ta l disp lay Size 1 8.
C-3 1 Ta bl e C . 2 IntelliTouch Tou chmonitor Specific ations Mec hanical Positional Accuracy S ta ndard de via tion of err or is les s than 0. 080 i n. (2.03 m m ). Equ a te s to les s th an ± 1%. Touc h poi nt De nsity Mor e than 10 0, 000 touch poi nts/ in 2 ( 15,50 0 tou chpoin ts/c m 2 ).
C- 3 2 Elo Entuitive Touch monitor User Guide Environmental Chemical Resist ance Th e ac tive ar ea of th e tou chscr een is r esistan t to all chemica ls tha t do not af fect glas s, suc h as: Ac eto.
C-3 3 Ta bl e C . 3 Acc uTouch Touchmo nitor Spe c if ica tions Mech anical Cons tructi on Top : P ol ye s te r w ith ou ts id e har d -s ur fa c e co a tin g with cle ar or an t iglare fi nish . Ins ide: Tr ans paren t conduc tive coat ing. Bo ttom: Gl ass sub st rate wi th unif or m r esi sti v e co ating .
C- 34 Elo Entuitive Touchmonitor User Guide 1 8.1 " L CD T o uchm onitor (ET 182X L-XXW B - X ) Dime nsio ns 444mm [17.47"] 359mm [14.14"] 437mm [17.
C- 35 De ta il A 77mm [3.03"] 10mm [0.39"] 244mm [9.62"] See Detail A.
C- 36 Elo Entuitive Touchmonitor Us er Guide.
37 C HAPTER 4 R EGU LATORY I NFORMA TION I. E lectrical Saf ety Informat ion: A) Com pli anc e is requ ir ed wi th r esp ect to the vo lt age , fr equ ency , an d cur ren t requi rement s indi cate d on the man ufact urer’s l abel.
38 Elo Entuitive To uchmonitor U ser G uide This In format ion T e chn ology Equipmen t ( ITE) is req uire d to ha v e a CE Mark on th e ma nufac turer ’s l abel whi ch mea ns that the equipm en t h.
39 N10051 "This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations. Cet appareil numérique de la classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.
4 0 Elo Ent uitive Touchmonitor User G u ide.
4 1 C HAPTER 4 W AR RANTY Except as ot herwise stated here in or i n an order ac knowledgment delivered t o Buyer, S eller warra nts to Bu yer that the P r oduct shall be free of defec ts in materi als and workmanship.
Inde x-4 3 I NDE X Numerics A B C D 1 8.1 " LCD T ouchmonitor (ET1 8 2XL-XXWB-X) Dimensions, 34 1 8.1" LCD T ouchmonitor (ET1 8 2XL-XXWB-X) Specifications, 30 About the Product, 1 About T ou.
T U V W X T echnical Specifications, 29 T ouch Activation Force , AccuT ouch, 33 T ouch Activation Force , IntelliT ouch, 31 T ouch Interface Connection, 6 T ouch not wor king, 24 T ouchmonitor Safety.
Chec k out Elo's W eb site! www .elotouch.com Get the latest... • Product inf ormation • Specifications • News on upcoming e vents • Press releases • Software drivers Getting in T ouch with Elo T o find out more about Elo’ s extensive range of touch solutions, visit our Web site at www .
デバイスElo TouchSystems 1825L Seriesの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Elo TouchSystems 1825L Seriesをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはElo TouchSystems 1825L Seriesの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Elo TouchSystems 1825L Seriesの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Elo TouchSystems 1825L Seriesで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Elo TouchSystems 1825L Seriesを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はElo TouchSystems 1825L Seriesの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Elo TouchSystems 1825L Seriesに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちElo TouchSystems 1825L Seriesデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。