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EMC Cor poratio n Corpor ate He adqu arters : Hopkinto n, MA 01748 -9103 1 -508 -4 35 -1000 www .emc.com EMC Fibre Channel with QLogic Host Bus Adapters in the Windows Environme nt P/N 300-00 1-164 REV A07 QLogic_Windows.
EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment ii Copyrig ht © 200 1–2005 EMC Corpora tion. All rights rese rved. Updated March 2 005 EMC believes the informati on in this publicat ion is accurate as of its publica tion date. The informatio n is s ubject to change w ithout n otice.
EMC Fib re Channel with QLogic HBAs in the Windows En v ironment iii Preface ........................ ...................... ....................... ................. ...................... ............... vii Cha pter 1 Introduction Understanding Persistent Binding in a Fabric Envir onment .
EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment iv Contents Insta llatio n Pr ocedure fo r W indows 2000 a nd W i ndows 20 03 Hosts ............ ....................... ...................... ..... 2-16 Updating t h e HB A Driver in a W indows 2 000 or W i ndows 20 03 Host .
v EMC Fib re Channel with QLogic HBAs in the Windows En v ironment Conte nts Starting a Fresh Ins tallation ..................... ............................ . 3-34 Boot T ime and LUN A vailability ........ ....................... ................. 3-35 Replacing a Boot H BA .
EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment vi Contents Problem 5 .................... ............................ ....................... ........... B-3 Problem 6 .................... ............................ ...............
EMC Fib re Channel with QLogic HBAs in the Windows En v ironment vii Preface Conv entions U sed in This Guide EMC us es the fol lowing co nventio ns f or no tes, cau tions , and warnings . A no te pr esents i nformation that is im portan t, but no t hazard -relat ed.
viii EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Preface Typographical Conv entio ns EMC uses the followin g type st yle conventions in th is guide: Related Documenta tion ◆ EMC H ost Conn ectivi ty Guide for Windows 200 0 and Windows NT , P/N 300- 000-603 ◆ EMC Na vispher e Manager 5 .
Introduction 1-1 1 Invisible Body T ag This document describes the procedur es for in stalling an EMC-appr o ved QLogic host bus ada pter (HBA) into a W indows NT , W indows 2000, or W indows 20 03 host envir onment and configurin g the W indows host for co nnection to an EMC storage array over Fibr e Channel.
1 1-2 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Introduction Understanding Persistent Binding in a F abr ic En vironment Persistent bindin g is the mechan ism to create a continuous logica l route fr om a storage device object in the W indows host to a volume in the EMC ® stor age array acr oss the fabri c.
1 Unders tanding Persistent B inding in a Fabr ic Environment 1-3 Introduction PHYS ICALDRIV E0 , PHYSI CALD RIVE 1 , and PHYS ICALDRIV E2 . The number is assigned during the disk discovery part o f the W indow s boot process. During boot-up, the W indow s OS loads the driver fo r the storage HBAs.
1 1-4 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Introduction The next figu r e shows th e same hos t after the cable atta ched to HBA0 has been rem o ved and the host rebo oted. Because W ind ows was not able to do a d i scovery on HBA0, it a s signed PHYSI CALDRIV E0 to the first device it discovered.
Installin g and Configurin g the HBA Driver 2-1 2 Invisible Body T ag This chapter desc ribes the procedure s for installing an EMC-appr o ved QLogic host bus ada pter (HBA) into a W indows NT , W indows 2000, or W indows 20 03 host envir onment and configurin g the W indows host for co nnection to an EMC storage array over Fibr e Channel.
2 2-2 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Installing and Conf igur ing the HBA Driver Intr oduction The procedur e described here was written specifically for the QLA22xx a.
2 Installin g an HBA 2-3 Installing and Configuring the HBA Driver Installing an HBA Follow the in structions included wi th your HBA. The HBA installs into a single slo t, and has no user-configurable jumpers o r switches. Follow these steps to connect the cable to the HBA: 1.
2 2-4 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Installing and Conf igur ing the HBA Driver 4. Label each cable to identify the HBA and the storage/s witch/hub port to which it connects. 5. After connecting all HBAs i n the server , power up the server .
2 Installin g an HBA 2-5 Installing and Configuring the HBA Driver fields to select the correct CX200 -Series direct-connect dual-host cluster-compatible files.
2 2-6 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Installing and Conf igur ing the HBA Driver If lat er you wi sh to return the jumper(s) to th e default facto ry pos ition, r epeat step 2, returning t he jum per to pi ns 2–3.
2 Installin g an HBA 2-7 Installing and Configuring the HBA Driver 7. Enter a value for the loop ID and press ENTER . 8. Pres s ESC to return to the Co nfigurati on Settings menu. 9. Pres s ESC to return to the Fast!UTIL Option s menu . 10. When prompted to save changes made to the curr en t adapter , select Sa ve Change s and press ENTER .
2 2-8 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Installing and Conf igur ing the HBA Driver EMC HBA Settin gs EMC requires configuring the QLogic BIOS setti ngs with the EMC-approved NVRAM setting s file.
2 EMC HBA Settings 2-9 Installing and Configuring the HBA Driver Config uring NVRAM for Stratu s ftSer vers If you have not r eceived QLogic HBAs wi th the EMC co nfigurations pre-loa ded, you may have t o perform the following pr ocedure. If your HBAs have been pre-configur ed, pr oceed to Installing the HBA Driver on pag e 2- 14.
2 2-10 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Installing and Conf igur ing the HBA Driver Ignor e any steps that pertain to mu ltiple adapters .
2 EMC HBA Settings 2-11 Installing and Configuring the HBA Driver Updating While Running Windo ws T o update while running W ind ows, refer to QLogic SANSurfer SANBlade Ma nager on page A-2.
2 2-12 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Installing and Conf igur ing the HBA Driver file name, note that some BIOS versions might requir e the /N parameter (which allow s an alternate NVRAM filename to be specified) to load the NVRAM file correctly Example: FLASUTIL /L /F /N NVRAM2xx.
2 EMC HBA Settings 2-13 Installing and Configuring the HBA Driver Setting the T opology for QLA22xx/23xx and Windows While using a QLA22xx or QLA23xx HBA fo r W indows NT , W indow s 2000, or W indows 2003, the default EMC co nfigured topology is set for “loop preferred, otherwise point to point.
2 2-14 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Installing and Conf igur ing the HBA Driver Installing the HBA Dr iver T o use EMC storage a rray dis ks with a W indows host, you need an EMC-qualified Fibre Channel HBA driver .
2 Installin g the HBA Dr iver 2-15 Installing and Configuring the HBA Driver Windo w s 2003 STORP o rt U pdates Currently the shipping versio n of W indows 20 03 requir es post-R TM hotfixes to resolve some known issues.
2 2-16 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Installing and Conf igur ing the HBA Driver 7. S elec t QLogic QLA 2300 (or QLA2200 ) PCI Fibre Channel Adapter , and click OK to insta ll it. 8. Rebo ot the host. It should recogniz e all new host a dapte r car ds.
2 Installin g the HBA Dr iver 2-17 Installing and Configuring the HBA Driver 10. Enter the path to the diskette conta ining the driver (for example, A: ), t hen click OK . 1 1. Select the appropriate QLogic HBA from the list of drivers that appears; then click Next .
2 2-18 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Installing and Conf igur ing the HBA Driver Updating the HBA Dr iver in a Windows 2000 o r Windo ws 2003 Host On W indows 2000 an.
2 Updating the HBA Driver in a Windows 2000 o r Windows 2003 Host 2-19 Installing and Configuring the HBA Driver 12. If p rompted, click Ye s to continue the ins tallat ion. 13. Click Fin ish to complete the installatio n. 14. If the system r equests that you reboot the system and you have other adapters to update, select NO ; then click Close .
2 2-20 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Installing and Conf igur ing the HBA Driver Upgrading to Windo w s 2003 from Windo ws 2000 or Windows NT 4.0 Note the followi ng if upgradin g to W indows 20 03: ◆ Upgrading from W indow s NT 4.
2 Replacing an HBA 2-21 Installing and Configuring the HBA Driver Replacing an HB A Pr ocedure f or Repl acing a QLogic HBA in Str atus ftSer v er s wit hout Rebooti ng EMC CLARiiON Storage arrays Use of this procedur e requires NA VICLI installed on the host system.
2 2-22 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Installing and Conf igur ing the HBA Driver 10. Execute the following commands fr om a command window: powermt restore powermt display At this point, tw o HBA ’s shou ld be pr esent in the display and the FC HBA ’s sh ould be dup lexed in the ftSM C.
2 Replacing an HBA 2-23 Installing and Configuring the HBA Driver 10. Ru n symmask refresh to update the dir ector profile tables (in cache) fr om the database.
2 2-24 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Installing and Conf igur ing the HBA Driver QLogic_Windows.book Page 24 T hursday, March 10, 2005 10:3 1 AM.
Conf iguring an EMC Bo ot Dev ice 3-1 3 Invisible Body T ag W indows hosts ha ve be en qual ified f or boot ing fr om EMC s tora ge array devices interfaced through Fi bre Channel as described in the EMC Suppor t Matrix . This chapter describes the pr ocess to co nfigure a storag e array device as a b oot device.
3 3-2 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Confi guring an EMC Boot Device Intr oduction W indows h osts have be en qualif ied for booting from EMC array devices interfaced thr ough Fibre Channel as described under Boot Device S upport in the EMC Suppor t Matrix .
3 Introduction 3-3 Confi gur ing an EMC Boot Devi ce ◆ Storage Ar ea Network service/upgrade procedur es , such as fir mw are up gra des or ha rdwa re repl acem ent s EMC recommends moving the W indows vi rtual memory paging file to a local disk when booting fr om the storage array .
3 3-4 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Confi guring an EMC Boot Device Boot Crashdump Save to Disk Behavior If you system is configured to w rite crashdumps after s yste.
3 Configuring a Symmetr ix Boot Device 3-5 Confi gur ing an EMC Boot Devi ce Conf igur ing a Sy mmetrix Boot De vice This section d escribes how to in stall the W i ndows NT or W indow s 2000 o perating system onto an EMC Symmet rix ® storage system conn ected to an Inte l-based x86 cla ss server .
3 3-6 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Confi guring an EMC Boot Device 5. From the Configuration Se ttings menu, select Host A dapter Settings and press ENTER . 6. From the Host Adapter Se ttings menu , selec t Host Adapter BIOS and press ENTER to enable it if it is not already enabl ed.
3 Configuring a Symmetr ix Boot Device 3-7 Confi gur ing an EMC Boot Devi ce Inst alling the Windo ws OS onto the Boot De vice Follow the appropriate steps belo w to instal l the W indows operati ng system onto the EMC b oot device.
3 3-8 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Confi guring an EMC Boot Device 7. Some servers use SCSI CD -ROM dr ives. If your server has a SCSI CD-ROM, r epeat steps 5 and 6 to select the driver f or the SCSI controller . If yo ur controller is not on the lis t, obtain th e driver on diskette fro m the vendor .
3 Configuring a Symmetr ix Boot Device 3-9 Confi gur ing an EMC Boot Devi ce If a system cont ains of mixture of detected and undetected adapters, any existing EFI drivers loaded by EFI should be unlo aded using the EFI Sh ell drivers , and unload commands.
3 3-10 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Confi guring an EMC Boot Device 1. T o load the EFI driver onto the HB A, type ew an d pre ss ENTER . The driver imag e binary filename, by defau lt, is ql2312ef.bin . The EFIUTIL pr o gram will prompt for the filename, an d pressing ENTER sele cts th e defau lt.
3 Configuring a Symmetr ix Boot Device 3-11 Confi gur ing an EMC Boot Devi ce 2. A t the shell> prompt, type drivers and press ENTER . The list of currently loaded drivers will be displa yed.
3 3-12 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Confi guring an EMC Boot Device 2. Hard Lo o p Id (hex) = 255 (Note: Only direct-connect config urations als o.) 3. Rese t Delay (dec) = 5 (def ault) 4. Enable FC T ape = Y (default) 5.
3 Configuring a Symmetr ix Boot Device 3-13 Confi gur ing an EMC Boot Devi ce there, you can configure your zone(s) on the fabric to allow the HBA to connect to the array properly . Procedure to Install Windows Ser v e r 2003 on a Fibre Channel Disk (Only f o r system with floppy disk drive).
3 3-14 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Confi guring an EMC Boot Device Configuring a CLARiiON Boot De vice This section describes how to install a boo t device onto an EMC CLARiiON ® stor age system connected to an Intel-based x86 class server .
3 Configuring a CLARiiON Boot Device 3-15 Confi gur ing an EMC Boot Devi ce Requirements Satisfied Start Unsatisfied Prepare Storage System Complete Requirements Need boot LUN and Storage Group Create.
3 3-16 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Confi guring an EMC Boot Device Requiremen ts This section li sts supported con figurations , hardware and software requirements, and related documentation . To p o l o g i e s , Configurations, and Revisions Refer to the EMC S uppo rt M at rix .
3 Configuring a CLARiiON Boot Device 3-17 Confi gur ing an EMC Boot Devi ce Media Requirements Required media includes the foll owing: Refer to Downloading Q Logic Drivers an d Firmware on page 2-2.
3 3-18 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Confi guring an EMC Boot Device Setti ng Up the HBA BIOS After the HBA is install ed in the host and the E MC array is connected .
3 Configuring a CLARiiON Boot Device 3-19 Confi gur ing an EMC Boot Devi ce 9. Pres s ESC to exit the Fast!UTIL Options menu. 10. Reboot the host. What Nex t? The next step depends on the topology: ◆ FC-AL: Pr oceed to Preparing the Serv er on page 3- 22.
3 3-20 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Confi guring an EMC Boot Device Soft Zoning These i nstructions let you config ure the soft zoni ng as this setu p requir es. They are not a complete explanation of zoning. Refer to th e documentatio n that is avail able for your switches for a co mplete guide.
3 Configuring a CLARiiON Boot Device 3-21 Confi gur ing an EMC Boot Devi ce 3. Crea te a member alias for the boo t HBA WWPN. M ake sure it is a member alias and that you use the 21... Port Name , not the 20... Node Name . 4. Crea te a member alias for one storage system SP port that you connected earlier and to which you bound the boot LUN.
3 3-22 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Confi guring an EMC Boot Device Ph ysical Connec tion of Only One SP P or t to the Fabric If the SP that owns the boot LUN has only one port connected to the switch, and no other target devices ar e on the fabric, then zoning fo r the boot configu ration is no t necessary .
3 Configuring a CLARiiON Boot Device 3-23 Confi gur ing an EMC Boot Devi ce 3. T o disconnect al l SCSI hard disk dri ves, unplug the power and SCSI bus cables connected to a S CSI adapter or contr oller . For details, see the insta llation and operatio n manual for your server .
3 3-24 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Confi guring an EMC Boot Device Dif ferent HBA models ma y display di fferen t banners.
3 Configuring a CLARiiON Boot Device 3-25 Confi gur ing an EMC Boot Devi ce When the QLogic BIOS ban ner (shown in step 1) appears, press CTRL–Q . Dif ferent HBA models ma y display di fferen t banners. Be s u r e to select CTRL-Q for the HBA you wish to configure.
3 3-26 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Confi guring an EMC Boot Device 1. Inse rt a bootable W indo ws CD-ROM in the dr ive and reboot the system. If your system has a boota ble disk already config ured from a previous installation, the software will prompt you to press any key to boot from CD-ROM.
3 Configuring a CLARiiON Boot Device 3-27 Confi gur ing an EMC Boot Devi ce The W indows Server Setup dialog displays di sk partition informatio n (if your system already contain s partitions ), or lets you create a new hard disk partition. The W indows 2000 boot LUN can be lar ger than 8 GB (Refer t o Micr osoft Knowl edge Bas e arti cle Q240 672.
3 3-28 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Confi guring an EMC Boot Device If your system pr ompts you to press any key to boot fr om CD-ROM, do not press a key; allow the system to b oot fro m the HBA adapter .
3 Configuring a CLARiiON Boot Device 3-29 Confi gur ing an EMC Boot Devi ce What Nex t? From h ere: ◆ If you need to install mu ltipath and failo ver software, r ef er to Installing Multip ath and Failover Software . ◆ If you need to start the insta llation again, refer to Starting a Fr e sh Installation .
3 3-30 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Confi guring an EMC Boot Device 2. C reate an d ena ble a z one for ea ch ad diti ona l HBA and SP p ort that will be supp orted by the multipath and failover sof tware. Refer to Known Issues on pa ge 3-38 for any ad ditional in formation .
3 Configuring a CLARiiON Boot Device 3-31 Confi gur ing an EMC Boot Devi ce Connect host <hostname> to storage group <storagegroupname > (y/n)?" Enter Y to pro ceed. 8. Perform a device r escan on your host, and verify the additional device paths ar e present.
3 3-32 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Confi guring an EMC Boot Device • If ther e are multiple QLogic HBAs, a list of addr esses occupies by those HBAs appears. Use the arrow keys to select the desire d HBA; then pre ss ENTER .
3 Configuring a CLARiiON Boot Device 3-33 Confi gur ing an EMC Boot Devi ce – W ith FC-series arra y core code 8.44.x and earlier , you will use the atf_trespass command to tr espass the boot LUN. T o do this, follow the steps under T respassing th e Boot LUN Using atf_trespass on page 3 -33.
3 3-34 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Confi guring an EMC Boot Device e. Fin d this Device Type line and note the LUN value. In this example, the LUN value is 0 . Th is is the Host LUN ID you will need in the next step.
3 Boot Tim e and LUN A vailabi lity 3-35 Confi gur ing an EMC Boot Devi ce befor e th e storage system is r eady to respond. If this occurs, the server will not be able to find the boot LUN or W indows operating system.
3 3-36 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Confi guring an EMC Boot Device Replacing a B oot HBA If a boot HBA fail s, you can replace it with a new one as described in this section. EMC Sy mmet ri x Fo llow the procedure under Configur ing a Symmet rix Boot De vice .
3 How a Server Responds to F a ilure in the Boot LUN Path 3-37 Confi gur ing an EMC Boot Devi ce Ho w a Ser ver Responds to Failur e in the Boot LUN P ath Failure in the path to a SAN- based boot LUN can halt W indows in a fatal error condition. D epending on th e failure, W indows ma y be able to transfer control to another path and cont inue.
3 3-38 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Confi guring an EMC Boot Device Kno w n Issues Be aware of these issues: ◆ QLogic BIOS 1.26 a nd later for Q LA23xx and BIO S 1.79 and lat er for QLA22xx HBA s allow for multipl e Boot Port Name en tries to be configured for high-availa bility booting af ter path failures.
Installing and Configuring the QL ogic Q LA4010 iSCSI HBA (T OE) 4-1 4 In visible Body T ag The QLA4 010/4010 C is an iSCSI H BA that provides PC I connect ivity to SCSI using th e iSCSI protocol. iSCSI enables IP-bas ed SANs, which are sim ilar to Fib r e Channel SANs.
4 4-2 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Installing and Configuring the QLogic QLA40 10 iSCSI HBA (TOE) Installing the HBA Dr iver T o use EMC storage a rray dis ks with a W indows host, you need an EMC-qualified HBA driv er .
4 Windows 2003 STORP or t Updates 4-3 Installing and Configuring the QLog ic QLA4010 iSCSI HBA (TOE) 6. In the next dia log, click ReInstall Dr iver , and then, click Next . 7. S elec t Display a list of the known dri v ers for this de vice so that you can choose a specific driver , and then click Ne xt .
4 4-4 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Installing and Configuring the QLogic QLA40 10 iSCSI HBA (TOE) Updating the HBA Dr iver in a Windows 2000 or Windo ws 2003 Host On.
4 Updating the HBA Driver in a Windows 2000 or Win dows 2003 Host 4-5 Installing and Configuring the QLog ic QLA4010 iSCSI HBA (TOE) 14. If the system r equests that you reboot the system and you have other adapters to update, select NO ; then click Close .
4 4-6 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Installing and Configuring the QLogic QLA40 10 iSCSI HBA (TOE) Using the QLog ic iSCSI SANSurfer Applica tion to Conf igure iSCSI Devices QLogic provides a minim al version of their SANS urfer software that is used to configure settings for the QLA40 10 iSCSI HBA.
4 Using the QLogic iSC SI SANSur f e r Applic ation to Configure iSCSI Devices 4-7 Installing and Configuring the QLog ic QLA4010 iSCSI HBA (TOE) which hos t to connect to. Assuming yo u are running the software on the server with the HBA(s) installed, keep the default name of “lo cal- host” as the host n ame, and c lick Connect .
4 4-8 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Installing and Configuring the QLogic QLA40 10 iSCSI HBA (TOE) Configuring iSNS settings fo r QLA4010 For iSNS support, th e QLA4010 must be running the correct driver (see the EMC Support Matrix for latest version.
4 Configurin g iSNS settin gs f or QLA4010 4-9 Installing and Configuring the QLog ic QLA4010 iSCSI HBA (TOE) T o update firmware on your iSCSI HBA, click th e Firmware tab on the HBA O ptions dialog.
4 4-10 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Installing and Configuring the QLogic QLA40 10 iSCSI HBA (TOE) The firm ware w ill be loaded to the spe cified HBA. Onc e loade d, SANsurfer will reset the HBA so tha t the new firmware will take effect.
4 Configurin g iSNS settin gs f or QLA4010 4-11 Installing and Configuring the QLog ic QLA4010 iSCSI HBA (TOE) T o configure your iSCSI tar gets, click the T arget Sett ings tab from the SANsurfer iSCSI HBA Manager window . T o add your target, click the gree n “plus sign” on the right side of the T arget Setti ngs dialog.
4 4-12 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Installing and Configuring the QLogic QLA40 10 iSCSI HBA (TOE) Y ou may add as many tar gets as you need to here. If you need to enter CHAP security for any of the targets, click Config Authentica- tion at the bottom of the dialog.
4 Configurin g iSNS settin gs f or QLA4010 4-13 Installing and Configuring the QLog ic QLA4010 iSCSI HBA (TOE) rity password. The default password is “co nfig” but may be changed.
4 4-14 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Installing and Configuring the QLogic QLA40 10 iSCSI HBA (TOE) Installing and Configuring the QL A4010 iSCSI HBA to bo ot fr o m an EMC Storage Array The procedur e below describes how to insta ll and configure the boot BIOS.
4 Inst alling and Conf iguring the QLA4 010 iS CSI HBA to boot fr om an EMC Sto rage A rray 4-15 Installing and Configuring the QLog ic QLA4010 iSCSI HBA (TOE) 2. After Fast!UTIL loads, th e display depends on whether there ar e multiple Q Logic HBAs installed : • If there is only one QLogic HBA, the Fast!UTI L Options men u appea rs.
4 4-16 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Installing and Configuring the QLogic QLA40 10 iSCSI HBA (TOE) 17. P ress ESC to return t o the Configuration Settings di alog. 18. P ress ESC again, an d you will be pr ompted to save chang es.
4 Inst alling and Conf iguring the QLA4 010 iS CSI HBA to boot fr om an EMC Sto rage A rray 4-17 Installing and Configuring the QLog ic QLA4010 iSCSI HBA (TOE) From this po int, press S to specify add itional devices. Y ou will need to select Other an d press ENTER .
4 4-18 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Installing and Configuring the QLogic QLA40 10 iSCSI HBA (TOE) QLogic_Windows.book Page 18 T hursday, March 10, 2005 10:3 1 AM.
Third-Party Sof tw a re A-1 A Invisible Body T ag This appendix con tains ad ditional informa tion abou t third-party software used with W indo ws hosts. ◆ QLogic SANSurfer SANB lade Manager .......................... .............. A-2 ◆ VERIT AS V olume Manager 3.
A A-2 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Third-Party So ftw are QLog ic SA NSurfer SANBlade Manager Stratus ftS ervers are not supported using the qLogi c SANSurfer S ANBlade Manag er Soft ware or Agen ts.
A QLogic SANSurfer SANBla de Man ager A-3 Thir d-Pa rt y So ftware SANSurfer V ers ion Histor y SANSurfer versions include: ◆ 2.0.21 — In itial Release The SANSurfer soft ware is not multipath-aware, and as such may misrepor t HBA tar gets that ar e configured in multipath.
A A-4 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Third-Party So ftw are VERIT AS V olume Manager 3.x for Windows 2000 Refer to the late st EMC Support Matri x to determine which VERI T AS V olume Manager 3.x configurat ions are support ed, and what service pac ks may be requir ed.
A VERITAS V olume M anag er 3.x f o r Wind ows 2000 A-5 Thir d-Pa rt y So ftware VERIT AS V olume Manager 3.1 and VERITAS DMP If using PowerPa th with VERIT AS V o lume Manager 3 .
A A-6 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment Third-Party So ftw are QLogic_Windows.book Page 6 T hursday, March 10, 2005 10:31 AM.
Tr oublesh ootin g B-1 B Invisible Body T ag This appendix con tains inf ormation on troublesho oting problems. ◆ Problems a n d Solutions...........
B B-2 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment T roubleshooting Pro blems and Solutions Problem 1 Erro r Mess age ID: 51 i n event viewer whe n attempting to install multiple host access (for clustering) to the same EMC CLARiiON array storage group.
B Problems and Solu tions B-3 Tr oubleshooting Solution Upgrade to the latest HBA driver . This was corrected for W indows 2000 i n and later drivers.
B B-4 EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment T roubleshooting Problem 7 When usin g SANSurfer 2 .0.25 to upd ate to BIOS 1.4x, you receive the message as follows: Incorrect BIOS file selected. The selected BIOS file does not match the selected HBA type.
EMC Fib re Channel with QLogic HBAs in the Windows En v ironment i-1 A adapt er BIOS 2- 2 adapt er topol ogy 2-13 B binding , persistent 1-2, 1 -3 BIO S adapt er 2-2 file 2-11 updating 2-10 boot BIOS,.
EMC Fibre Channel with Q Logic HBAs in the W indows Environment i-2 Index H hard zoning (swit ch) 3-21 HBA driver 2-14 HBA, boot, r eplacing 3-36 HBA, ins talling 2-3 I issues wi th boot su pport 3 -3.
デバイスEMC QLogicの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
EMC QLogicをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEMC QLogicの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。EMC QLogicの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。EMC QLogicで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
EMC QLogicを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEMC QLogicの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、EMC QLogicに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEMC QLogicデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。