EmersonメーカーLiebert Power Solutionsの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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AC P owe r For Bu sines s-Critic al C ontin uit y ™ Liebe r t ® Powe r Soluti ons IT Syste m Prot ection Tha t Grows With Y our Needs.
2 It All Starts With Rack Systems Liebe r t and Knurr brand compu ter rack syste ms offe r all the advanced f eature s and innovativ e flexibilit y required to accommod ate tod ay’s dense and com plex IT systems and network gear .
The re Is A L ie be r t Powe r Solu tion T o Meet E v e r y Need CON TENTS Compute r Rooms Dat a C enters Netwo rk C lose ts Pr oduc ti o n Lab s & T es tin g T el ec o m / C A TV Em e rg enc y Sh.
E very op eration in y our busin ess depends u pon the instant, aroun d-the- clock availabilit y of computers , servers an d other elec tronic systems. If they aren’t working, neither is your company . Unfor tunately , e very pi ece of this equipment your company possesses is subject to the whims of the e lectricit y that pow ers it.
But There Are R eal Solutions Y ou N eed Protection F rom All Po wer Problems An outage is just the proble m you can see . Ther e are many o ther more freque nt powe r fluctuations — surges, spik es, sag s — th at y ou don’t see .
6 Whe re Do Y ou Need Missi on-Critic al Pow er Pro t ec tio n T echno logy? W e have po wer solutions for any of the appli cations that are part of your mission-critical bu siness operations.
7 Network Operati ons Centers With many mission-critic al co mp uti ng syste ms located right in the offic e space , there is a need for UPS protection that c an be placed ne arby . Liebert offers a number of pow er syst ems that are espec ially designed for use in bu siness and office environme nts.
The Lieber t Adaptive Architecture combines the a dv an t ages of modularit y and scalabi lity to create a pow er infrastruc ture that delivers unparalleled be nefits. Advancing t echnology , new applications and more de m anding use rs are driving changes acros s the network.
Only Liebert can bring together all o f the critical po we r p rotection solutions you need t o creat e system a vailability that is a s close to 100% r eliab ilit y as pos sible. W e u s e the indu s tr y ’s wide st range of product solutions and apply them in a w ay tha t delive rs fle xib i lit y and avai lability .
Knurr’s broad pla tform of rack systems will in tegrate with c ooling and powe r manage ment technologies fr om Liebert, helping you solv e problems in new and existing installations and giving you more design flexibility .
5 RA CK EN CL O S URE S Y S TEM S 1 Knurr M irac el ® Ope n F rame And Se r ve r R acks Knurr Mirace l racks are tailored to your requir emen ts. The platf or m technology pr ovides the ba sis for a .
4 12 Liebert GX T2 on -line UPS ECM (Environmen tal Control Module) BCM (Back -up Cooling Module) Secure Door lockable door provides an extra me a sure o f security by limiting acces s to critical equipmen t. Sealed Door speci ally designed rubber ga sket pro vi de s NEMA12 sealing pro tection.
5 13 RA CK EN CL O S URE S Y S TEM S 1 R ack Powe r S trip s Liebert MP Advanced Po wer Strips Liebe r t MP advanced po wer strips are designed to distribut e and mana ge power within ne t work ca b ine ts and se r ver racks.
14 Lie ber t PSS Surge Pro t ec tion S trip Prot ec tion F or Deskto p And Small Net work Appli ca tions One -On-O ne Protection The Li ebe r t family of products includes sur ge protection strips and line-inte ractive UPS to give you a re al choic e in desktop and network componen t protection.
D ESK T O P UPS 2 15 Lie ber t PSA Line-In te ractive UPS Liebe r t PSA is an economi cal line- inte ractive UPS that off ers full - fe atured powe r protection for small offic e compute r s and electronic equipmen t. It is availab le in the followin g sizes : 500, 650, 1000 and 1500 V A at 120 V AC or 230 V AC.
4 16 Lie ber t PS I And Lie ber t PS I -XR Lin e-Int era c tive UPS Ra ck-mounted servers are at the heart of today’s net work c omp uting systems. These critical compo nents need reliabl e, c ompac t pow er protection that wi ll k eep pace with their growing needs.
5 17 RA CK -M O UN T UPS 3 Lie ber t PS I -XR Line -Int era c tiv e UPS With Ex t en ded Batt er y Opti on L ie bert Power Monitoring Capabilities The o pe r a tion of Lie ber t PSI can be monitored u.
4 18 O ptional Liebert MicroPOD 2U POD output distribution and main ten ance b y p a s s m odule e nsures c ontinuous uptime , eve n during U PS mai ntena nce. Liebe r t GXT2 leads the industry in combining small size , high capacity and multiple fea tures.
5 19 The Parallel POD e n a b les paralleling o f t wo Lie bert GX T2 10 kV A UPS m odules to double cap acity to 20kV A. A third unit may be added t o configur e the system f or N+1 redundancy , raising system reliab ilit y . High capac ity , compact o n-line UPS with flexibl e output voltage an d pow e r distribution.
4 20 The need to safeguard critical operations from power problems can be solved through the use of large - sc al e UPS systems. A Po werful Defense Against Uptime Threats Li ebe r t off ers a full range of ent erprise powe r protection solutions for an y size facility from a small c omputer room t o the large st data and c ommunications c ent ers.
EN TERP R I SE UPS 4 5 21 Lie ber t NX UPS: 10-30 kV A Po wer designed to grow with y our needs. The Liebe r t NX 10-30 kV A product family offers true on- line, dou ble conv ersion, three-pha se UPS systems th at delive r complete , centraliz ed power prot ection for mission-critical systems.
22 Lie ber t NX UPS: 40-120 kV A Liebert Power Monitoring Capabilities The operation o f the Liebert NX 40-120 kV A UPS can be monitored using : n Liebert Inte lliSlot W eb Card n Liebert MultiLink ®.
EN TERP R I SE UPS 4 23 C utting-E dge Pow er T echno logy Mak es The Di ffe renc e Liebert NX UPS Systems Incorporate A N umbe r O f Oth er Ex ceptional Fe a tur es: n High ov erload ratin g handles .
24 Lie ber t Npowe r ™ Liebe r t Npowe r is the nex t gene ration of large-scale UPS, utilizing true double-con version on-line technology to p rotect against the full spectrum of input and output pow er disturbance s.
EN TERP R I SE UPS 4 25 Lie ber t Se ries 610 UPS Ultimate reliabi lity for large -scale, mission critical ap plications Other Features Include: n Higher DC bu s utilization pro vides higher AC/A C and DC/AC e fficiency and allows a rel ative ly smaller ba ttery .
26 Lie ber t NXL UPS Liebert NXL UPS p ro vides reli able power protection and advanced technology for high power applications . O th e r L ieber t NXL F eatures Inclu de: n Hi gher DC bu s utilizatio.
EN TERP R I SE UPS 4 27 Liebert NXL 750 kV A Single An d Multi-Module UPS Systems The Liebe r t NXL 750 kV A is a high capacity , three-phas e UPS solution with advanc ed technologies th at improv e performance , reduce e nergy c osts and lower to t al co st of owne rship.
Now y ou can get high er , more effi c ie nt UPS relia bility by taking a dvantage of Lieber t’s w orld-c lass flywheel energy storage techn ology . Liebert’s flywhee l technology provides superior per formance with out the hi gh cost of o wner ship and environmental im pact associ ated with batteries.
EN TERP R I SE UPS 4 29 System Benefits Inclu de: n The compact, lightweight, and reli able Liebe r t FS flywheel s ys te m i s sa fe and en vironmentally friendly . n Offers a low installa tion cost, sm all foo tprint, low main ten ance and long ope rating life .
30 Lie ber t FDC Producing qualit y power is the first step—getting it to critical equip ment in the most efficie nt manner while maintaining p roper voltages and other key par ameters is the impor tant nex t step.
C o n duit -landing plate , above , is positioned for ea sy cable acc ess. Un d e r fl oo r j un c tion, inset, abov e right, is standard for 4-input mode ls and optional for othe rs. 31 Lie ber t R emo te Distribu tion C abin e t (RDC) The influx of clie nt/ser ve r rack equipmen t is changing the c ontent o f data ce nte rs.
32 Lie ber t FPC The Liebe r t FPC powe r conditioning and distribution cab inet provide s higher qu alit y , more flexible power distribution f or high -density data ce nte rs. It is engineered to c ombine the conve nience and co st saving s of a pre-packaged , factor y-tested unit with the flexibility of a custom- tailored powe r system.
33 Lie ber t Precisio n Powe r Ce nt er Packaged P ower Distribution F or High er Po wer Quality Liebert Precisi on Po wer Center The Liebe r t Precision Po wer C ent er (PPC) powe r conditioning and .
34 Lie ber t S ta tic T ransfer S wit ch2 ™ The Liebe r t Stati c T ransfe r Switc h2 (STS 2) provides an autom atic, se amless transfe r bet ween the outpu ts of t wo inde pende nt UPS syste ms and the input of a critical load in a dual-bus po wer syste m.
35 Lie ber t STS2/PDU Features Of The Liebert STS2/PDU Include: T r ue dual-bus po wer distribution switches aut omatically or m anually between t wo A C powe r sources. Compute r-grade ground ing autom atically establishes a single point ground to meet m ajor manufacturers’ recomme ndations and the requireme nts of the N ational Electric Code .
Lie ber t Larg e-Sc ale Surge Prot ec tion High Qu alit y Surge Prot ec tion 36 Powe r Qualit y Solutions For applications requirin g protection from elec trical line probl ems without the need for back-up capabilit y , Lieber t manufac tures a full line of surge su ppression and power conditioning equip ment.
37 Liebert T ype SS —Approved by Mot orola R56 C ommitt ee , Standar ds and Guidelines for Communica tion Sites—T ype 1 and 2 De vi ces. Utili zes advanc ed SAD/MOV arra y technology f or industry leading transient suppression v oltages. Up to 160 kA surge current ca pacity for increased r eliability .
38 Pow er ful Solu tions F or Critic al Dat a And T elec om Appli c ations F rom m ajor switching and data center s to remote shelters and compu ter rooms, Emerson N etwork Po wer DC power systems hav e the features and p ro ven performan ce to match your network applic ation needs.
39 D C P O WER S Y S TEM S 7 Emerso n Network Po wer offer s a complete range of power systems to meet the energy ca pacity needs of any data or telecom applic ation. T o view our complete DC Pow er catalog , visit: EmersonNet workP ower .com/DCPow er .
40 Pow er Sy ste m Monito ring : The K ey T o C ontin uou s Opera tion What Y ou Don’t Know Can Hurt Y o u A small proble m in a critical facility can quickly escala te into a d isaste r—knowing w.
41 Maximi zing Y our Inv estmen t Through A da ptiv e Monito ring Distributed Managem ent with Liebert In telliSlot Interface Cards For e nhanced re mote communica tions and con trol of your Lie ber t units, the Liebe r t Inte lliSlot We b and 485 Cards deliv er the c ommunication capabilitie s you require .
42 Lieber t Se r v ic es C ompl ete S tar t -Up And Preve ntiv e Maint enanc e Ser vic es Peace of mind. It’s confidence you’ve done ev e ry thing possible to assure system uptim e. It ’s confiden ce the pow er systems y ou rely on are op erating at peak performan ce .
43 Se r vicin g All Y our Critic al Powe r Eq uipme nt Y o ur inv estment in power equipmen t is worthless if you don’t maintain it. Not ev en the best equi pment can f unction p roperly unless it’s servi ced with a regular maintenance sch edule.
Eme rso n Ne tw o rk Po wer . The global le ade r in en abl ing Bu s iness-Criti ca l Co nti nui ty ™ . Eme rso nNe tw o rkPo wer .com AC Pow er Con nec tivit y DC Po wer Embedded Com put ing Embedd.
デバイスEmerson Liebert Power Solutionsの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Emerson Liebert Power Solutionsをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEmerson Liebert Power Solutionsの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Emerson Liebert Power Solutionsの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Emerson Liebert Power Solutionsで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Emerson Liebert Power Solutionsを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEmerson Liebert Power Solutionsの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Emerson Liebert Power Solutionsに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEmerson Liebert Power Solutionsデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。