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ENUTV -D VB-S DVB-S US B TV T uner (USB DVB-S V id eo Captu re Box / Personal V i de o Recorder) ENUTV -DVB-S Serie s User ’s Guide V ersion 1.0.
ENUTV -DVB-S User ’s G u ide - 2 User ’ s Notic e This m anua l is provided “ as is” without w a rranty of any ki nd, e i ther ex p ress or i mplie d, in cluding b ut not li m i ted to th e i m plie d w ar ranties or cond i tion s o f m erch antability or f itness for a par t icular purpose.
ENUTV -DVB-S User ’s G u ide - 3 Contents: Ch apter 1: In trodu cti o n ..................................................................................................................4 1.1 - Pac kage Con ten t s ..................................
ENUTV -DVB-S User ’s G u ide - 4 Chapter 1: Intr oducti on 1.1 - Package Conten t s The f ollowing item s ar e i ncluded in the E NUTV -DVB-S package.
ENUTV -DVB-S User ’s G u ide - 5 Chapter 2: Get ting S tarted 2.1 - ENUTV-D VB-S Hardw are Installation S tep1: Con nect the USB port of PC and DVB-S device with USB cable S tep2: Con nect satellite.
ENUTV -DVB-S User ’s G u ide - 6 2.2 - Device Driver Installation Before Y ou Begin Make sure th at the product is actually insta ll ed. (F or m ore i nform ati on , please refer to Hardware Installation in the previous se ction.) T ur n on or restart your com puter .
ENUTV -DVB-S User ’s G u ide - 7 3. Make sure the “ Comp lete ” rad io button is sel ected then c li ck “ Next” 4. Click “ In stall ” to begin insta ll dri ver .
ENUTV -DVB-S User ’s G u ide - 8 3. Click “Accept the agreem ent ” ra dio button then click “ Next” 4. Click “ Next ” to confirm the in sta ll ation of Dir ectX 5.
ENUTV -DVB-S User ’s G u ide - 9 3. Click “ Next” b utton to start the ENUTV -DVB-S Install ation 4. Click “Next” b utton to accept the defau l t lo cation or choose a differ e nt folder Note: We recommend you not to change the d efault location.
ENUTV -DVB-S User ’s G u ide - 10 Chapter 3: La unch t h e ENUT V -DVB- S Program Fi r st you o pen t he software thro ugh doubl e clicking the i co n of “DVBP l a yer” o n the deskto p. By t his t im e, y ou will see a window such as t he f o l lowing d isplay .
ENUTV -DVB-S User ’s G u ide - 1 1 3.1 LNB Se t ting In the m a in menu, c lic k t he r i g ht ke y o n t he m o use to dis p lay a li st , and selec t “L N B S ett in g”. Y ou can a ls o click the butto n on t he botto m -r i ght o f main menu to display t he LNB Sett in g window .
ENUTV -DVB-S User ’s G u ide - 12 There are many d if ferent satelli t e s, l o ad a def au l t sat elli t e in t he transponder lis t . Cli ck [Lo ad] butto n un der the sate lli te item. Th e f o ll o w ing pi ctur e will d isplay on the screen . Or, y o u can ch oo se the sate ll ite y o u need.
ENUTV -DVB-S User ’s G u ide - 13 3.1.2 Add S atellite Add a n e w sate ll i t e i n t he transponder li st . Clic k [Add] butto n under t he Satelli t e i t e m and select New again in t he next submenu. 3.1.3 Modify S atellite Cli ck [Mo d if y] button in t he [sat elli t e] co l u mn.
ENUTV -DVB-S User ’s G u ide - 14 3.1.4 Dele t e Satellite Del ete a satelli t e in t he transponder li st . Fi rst se l ect the sate ll it e and press the Del b ut to n to dele t e i t . 3.1.5 DiSEqC S etting DiSEqC1.2 i s a spec ial pr o to col for dish m o to r whi c h dr iv e s t he di s h to aim t he sat elli t e.
ENUTV -DVB-S User ’s G u ide - 15 3.2 Channe l Scanning Cli ck t he [Scan ] butto n to di splay t he Pro gram Scan menu. In t he m enu, you can click the small pan e t o se l ect transponder under the current satell it e to search channels. Y o u can al so c li ck t he [Se l ect All ] b utto n to se l ect a ll t ransponder to scan channel .
ENUTV -DVB-S User ’s G u ide - 16 3.3 Transponder Parameter s 1. Add trans po nder Add a n e w t rans po nder in t he tr ans po nder li st . The f o ll o w ing figure is t ransponder parame ter dial o g box. a) Na m e: Enter t he n ew name o f t he TP .
ENUTV -DVB-S User ’s G u ide - 17 2. Modify t r ansponder Cli ck t he [Modify] butto n i n t he [t ransponde r] i t em . The t ransponder parame t er s dial o g box w ill pop up again . 3. Del ete transponde r Del ete a transponder in the t rans p onder lis t .
ENUTV -DVB-S User ’s G u ide - 18 3. A v ailable PID Show searche d dat a PI D under the current trans po nder in t he tabl e. (St an dard PI D) 4. Activ e PI D This i t e m shows t he current ac tive PID. 5. PID ( Hex) Input t he PID pr o vide d by your ser vice pro vi der .
ENUTV -DVB-S User ’s G u ide - 19 Chapter 4: Ap plicati o n Progra ms 4.1 Capture Cli ck t he b ut to n to open the capt ure di alog box. Wh e n playing, c lic k [Capt ure] bu tto n to captur e one stil l p icture and add to t he capture window . Cli ck [Save] button to store the capt ured picture.
ENUTV -DVB-S User ’s G u ide - 20 Wh en t he progr am bro adcasts to t he st artin g t im e that y ou hav e e stablished just now , the state appears of recor din g a nd pro ducin g t he b ut to n.
ENUTV -DVB-S User ’s G u ide - 21 2. Advance d (1) Dec o der: C li ck t he “ ” to selec t t he MPEG deco der . (2) T ime Zone : C li c k t he “ ” t o sele ct t he time zo ne. 4.5 Function buttons ove rview 1. P l a y Cli ck t he b ut to n to pl a y t he selected chann e l , r eco rd in g fil e in p layi ng stat us.
ENUTV -DVB-S User ’s G u ide - 22 Cli ck “Sat” to di splay a ll sat e lli t es. Cli ck “Fav” t o dis p lay a ll t he f avor i t e channels. Cli ck “All” to di splay a ll c hannels. Cli ck “V” t o display al l T V programs. Cli ck “R” to display a ll Radio pro gr ams .
ENUTV -DVB-S User ’s G u ide - 23 Chapter 6: T rouble Shooting If a ny t r o ubl e in i nst a ll at i o n and operation of the DVB-S, please refer to t hi s sect i on o r contact the after-sal es ser vice depart m ent.
2008/06/ 30 V ersi on : 1.01.
デバイスEncore ENUTV-DVB-Sの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Encore ENUTV-DVB-Sをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEncore ENUTV-DVB-Sの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Encore ENUTV-DVB-Sの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Encore ENUTV-DVB-Sで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Encore ENUTV-DVB-Sを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEncore ENUTV-DVB-Sの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Encore ENUTV-DVB-Sに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEncore ENUTV-DVB-Sデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。