Enterasys Networksメーカー2000の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Getting Started Guide R evision Date: 02.28.2003 2000 9032766-09.
NOTICE Enterasys Networks reserves th e right to make changes in specif ications a nd other information cont ained in this document and its web site without prior notice. Th e reader should in all cases consult Ente rasys Networks to determine whether an y such changes hav e been made.
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Ge tting Started Guide iii FCC NOTICE This de vice complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the fo llo wing two conditions: (1) this de vice may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this de vice must accept any interfere nce recei ved, incl uding interference t hat may cause undesired operation.
iv Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide SAFETY INFORMATION CLASS 1 LASER TRANSCEIVERS THE SINGLE MODE INTERFACE MODULES USE CL ASS 1 LASER TRANSCEIVERS. READ THE FOLLOWING SAFE TY INFORMATION BEFORE INSTALLING OR OPERATING THESE MODULES. The Class 1 laser transceiv ers use an optical feedba ck loop to maintain Class 1 operation limits.
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide v ENTERASYS NETWORKS, INC. PROGRAM LICENSE AGREEMENT BEFORE OPENING OR UTILIZING THE ENCLOSED PRODUCT , CAREFULL Y READ THIS LICENSE A GREEMENT . This document is an agre ement (“ Agreemen t”) between the end user (“Y ou”) and Enterasys Networks, Inc.
vi Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide If the Program is e xported from the United States pursu ant to the License Excepti on CIV under the U.S. Export Administration Regulations, Y ou agree that Y ou are a civ il end user of the Program and agree that Y ou will use the Program for civil end u ses only and no t for military purposes.
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Ge tting Started Guide vii 10. ENFORCEMENT. You acknowledge and agree that any b reach of Sections 2, 4, or 9 of this Agreement by You may cause Enterasys irreparable damage.
viii Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Application of Council Directiv e(s): 89/336/EEC 73/23/EEC Manufacturer’s Name: Enterasys N etworks, Inc. Manufacturer’ s Address: 35 Industrial Way PO Box 5005 Rochester, NH 03866-5005 European Representative Address: Enterasys Networks Ltd.
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Ge tting Started Guide ix Contents About this Guide ................................................................................................ xiii What’s New.................. ...................... ................
Contents x Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide LEDs ........ .................... .................... ................... .................... .................... ........ 15 1000BASE-LX Expansion Module ................... ............
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Ge tting Started Guide xi Contents Activating the Configuration Comm ands in the Scratchpad ............... ................... ........... 61 Saving the Activ e Configuration to the Startup Configuration File ..............
Contents xii Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide.
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Ge tting Started Guide xiii About this Guide This guide provides a general o vervie w of the 2-sl ot Enterasy s Networks XP-2000 hardware and software features and pro v ides procedures for installing the XP-2000.
Pr eface xiv Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide Related Documentation The Enterasys Networks documentation set includes the f ollowing items.
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Ge tting Started Guide xv Pr eface • A description of any action(s) already taken to resolve the problem (e.g., changing mode switches, rebooti ng the unit, etc.
Pr eface xvi Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide.
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide 1 Chapter 1 F eatur es Over view The Enterasys Networks XP-2000 provides non-bloc king, high-speed Layer-2 (switching), Layer-3 (routing), and Layer-4 (application) switching. Th is chapter provides a basic o vervie w of the XP- 2000 software and hardware feature set.
Specifications 2 Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide The following table lists the basic hardw are and software specifications for the XP-2000. This guide and other XP documentation refers to the XP-2000’ s Layer-2, Layer -3, and Layer-4 switching and routing.
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide 3 F eatur es that are not shaded. Notice that Layer -2 is divi ded into an LLC layer and a MA C layer . The XP- 2000 operates at the MA C layer but not the LLC layer. TCP/UDP Services The following table lists some well kno wn TCP/UDP services provided by the XP-2000.
Fe a t u re s 4 Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide • Statistics • Management Bridging The XP-2000 provides the following types of high-speed bridging: • Address- based bri dgi ng �.
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide 5 F eatur es • Internet Pr otocol (IP) – the protocol switching and routin g devices use for moving traff ic within the Int ernet and with in many corporate intranets. • Internet P acket Exchange (IPX) – a protocol by No vell used in Netware products.
Fe a t u re s 6 Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide • IPX SAP – the Service Advertisem ent Protocol, which allo ws hosts attached to an IPX network to reach printers, file servers, and other services By default, IPX routing is enabled on th e XP-2000 when an IPX interf ace is created.
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide 7 F eatur es Quality of Service Although the XP-2000 suppli es no n-blocking hi gh-sp eed throug hput, you can configure the XP- 2000 to apply Quality of Service (QoS) pol icies during peak periods to guarantee service to specific hosts, applications, and flows (source-destination pa irs).
H a rd w a re O v e r v i ew 8 Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide Hard ware Ov erview This section describes the XP-2000’ s hardwa re specif ications. Chapter 2, Har dware Installation , in this guide describes how to install the hardware.
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide 9 Har dwar e Overvie w Ex t ern a l C o n t ro l s The XP-2000 has the following e xternal controls. Where appropriate, this guide describes how to use the controls. • A Male DB-9 Data Communications Equipmen t (DCE) port for serial connection from a management terminal.
H a rd w a re O v e r v i ew 10 Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide RAM Memory The XP-2000’ s motherboard uses 32MB of RAM to hold routing and other tables. This RAM is “fix ed” and is not remov able or upgrad ab le. The XP-2000 uses 128MB of RAM to hold routing and other tables.
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Ge tting Started Guide 11 Har dwar e Overvie w Expansion Modules The following e xpansion modules can be installe d in the XP-2 000 : • 10/100B ASE-TX • 100B ASE-FX • .
H a rd w a re O v e r v i ew 12 Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide Cabling and Connector Specif i cations The following table lists the media specif ications for the 10/100 B ASE-TX expansion module. LEDs The 10/100BASE-TX e xpansion modu le uses the following LEDs.
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Ge tting Started Guide 13 Har dwar e Overvie w 100B ASE-FX Expansion Module The 100BASE-FX e xpansion module provides th e same features as the 10/100 B ASE-TX expansion module but uses multimode fiber- op tic cable (MMF) to connect to the network.
H a rd w a re O v e r v i ew 14 Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide LEDs The 100B ASE-FX expansion module uses the following LEDs. 1000B ASE-SX Expansion Module The 1000B ASE-SX expansion module contains two independent Gigabit (1 000-Mbps) Ethernet ports.
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Ge tting Started Guide 15 Har dwar e Overvie w Cabling and Connector Specif i cations The following table lists the media specif ications for the 10 00B ASE-SX expansion module. LEDs The 1000B ASE-SX expansion module uses the following LEDs.
H a rd w a re O v e r v i ew 16 Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide 1000B ASE-LX Expansion Module The 1000B ASE-LX expansion module provides the same features as the 1000BASE-SX e xpansion module, and supports both sing le-mod e fiber (SMF) and MMF .
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Ge tting Started Guide 17 Har dwar e Overvie w Cabling and Connector Specif i cations The following table lists the media specif ications fo r the 10 00B ASE-LX expansion module. LEDs The 1000B ASE-LX expansion module uses the following LEDs.
H a rd w a re O v e r v i ew 18 Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide Dual Serial and Quad Serial – C/CE Expansion Modules The Dual Serial expansion module contains a single dual serial W AN port (t wo serial ports located on one high density connector).
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Ge tting Started Guide 19 Har dwar e Overvie w Figure 7 shows the front panel of the Quad Serial W AN expansion module. Figure 7.
H a rd w a re O v e r v i ew 20 Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide Dual HSSI Line Card The Dual HSSI line card contai ns two 50-pin High Speed Se rial Interf ace (HSSI) ports. Figure 8 shows the front panel of the Dual HSSI W AN line card.
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Ge tting Started Guide 21 Har dwar e Overvie w Link Indicates that the lin e card detects a cable plugged into the port and a good link is established. Rx Indicates when the port’ s transceiv er receiv es data. Tx Indicates when the port’ s transceiv er transmits data.
H a rd w a re O v e r v i ew 22 Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide.
Enterasys Xpedition 2000 Getting S tarted Guide 23 Chapter 2 Hardwar e Installation This chapter provides hardware installation inform atio n and procedures in the following sections: • Safety consi.
Har dwar e Specifications 24 Enterasys Xpedition 2000 Getting S tarted Guide • Never operate the XP-2000 with exposed expansion slots. • Never operate the XP-2000 if the it becomes we t or the area where it has been installed is wet.
Enterasys Xpedition 2000 Getting S tarted Guide 25 Installing the Hard ware • Attaching console managem ent cables • Attaching port cables V erifying Y our Shipment Before you begin installi ng your XP-2000, check your ship ment to ensure that everythin g you ordered arrived securely .
Installing the Har dwar e 26 Enterasys Xpedition 2000 Getting S tarted Guide Installing the Chassis Enterasys recommen ds that only qualified pe rs onnel conduct installatio n of any XP chassis. Wa r n i n g : Before perform ing any upgrade or inst allation procedures, ensure that the XP-2000 is powered off.
Enterasys Xpedition 2000 Getting S tarted Guide 27 Installing the Hard ware Figure 9. Installing the XP-2000 chassis in an equipment rack T o install the XP-2000 in an equipment rack: 1. If your XP-2000 is n ot alr eady equi pped wi th rack -mounting brackets, take th e following steps.
Installing the Har dwar e 28 Enterasys Xpedition 2000 Getting S tarted Guide Connecting Power to the Chassis AC T o attach the unit to AC power, simply plug the chassis into a grounded power source. For information about the AC power requirements, see Har dwar e Specifications on page 24 .
Enterasys Xpedition 2000 Getting S tarted Guide 29 Installing the Hard ware b. Slide the cover away from the front of the XP-2000 about 1/2”, then lift it away from the XP-2000.
Installing the Har dwar e 30 Enterasys Xpedition 2000 Getting S tarted Guide Figure 13. EMI ex tended face plate Figure 14. Instal ling the EMI extended face plate (view from inside chassis) 6. Insert the 1000BASE-SX or 1000BASE-LX gigabit expansion mo dule from the top and ensure that it makes maximum surface contact with its face plate.
Enterasys Xpedition 2000 Getting S tarted Guide 31 Installing the Hard ware Caution : The female and male connectors for the expansion modules are not keyed, so it is possible to misalign the connection. Ensure that all pins fit properly in to th e female connector on the expansion module b efore applying po wer to the XP-2000.
Installing the Har dwar e 32 Enterasys Xpedition 2000 Getting S tarted Guide • An RJ-45 10/100Base-T DTE port for T elnet connection from a host on the network. The port is configured for Media Data Interface (MDI). Y ou use this port to manage the XP-2000 using the CLI or SNMP .
Enterasys Xpedition 2000 Getting S tarted Guide 33 Installing the Hard ware 2. Plug one end of the console ca ble into the XP-2000’ s DCE DB-9 port. 3.
Installing the Har dwar e 34 Enterasys Xpedition 2000 Getting S tarted Guide 1. Obtain a cable with an RJ-45 connector that has the following pin assignment s: 2. Make sure the TXD signals from the XP-2000 emerge as RXD signals on the management console and the TXD signals from the manageme nt consol e emerge as RXD signals on the XP- 2000.
Enterasys Xpedition 2000 Getting S tarted Guide 35 Installing the Hard ware Figure 18. Pluggi ng an ethernet cable into a 10/100BASE-TX port T o attach segment cabl es to your 1 0/100BASE-TX ports: 1. For all the 10/100-Mbps ports, obtain copper cables that have the followin g pin assignments.
Installing the Har dwar e 36 Enterasys Xpedition 2000 Getting S tarted Guide Figure 19 shows the pin positions in th e 10/100BASE-TX connectors. Figure 19. 10/100BASE-TX RJ-45 connector 2. Make sure the TXD signal from the port emer ges as an RXD signal on the switch, router , or host on the other end of the segment cable.
Enterasys Xpedition 2000 Getting S tarted Guide 37 Installing the Hard ware Note: A hardware restriction prevents the Xpedition 2000 from supporting configurat ions consisting of: – T wo (2) 1000Base-SX or 10 00Base-LX Gigabit modules. – T wo (2) 100Base-FX modules.
Installing the Har dwar e 38 Enterasys Xpedition 2000 Getting S tarted Guide Dual Serial and Quad Seri al – C/CE Expansion Modules The Dual Serial and Quad Serial – C/CE expans ion modules each use the same 60-pin LFH-60 high density connect or to link to their respective Channel Serv ice Units/Data Servi ce Units (CSU/DSUs).
Enterasys Xpedition 2000 Getting S tarted Guide 39 Installing the Hard ware Figure 22 shows the pin posit ions in th e LFH-60 high density connector . Figure 22. LFH-60 high density connector The procedure following the figure describes how to set up and insert the cables.
Installing the Har dwar e 40 Enterasys Xpedition 2000 Getting S tarted Guide T o attach the segment cables to your Dual Serial or Quad Serial – C/CE expansion module: 1. Obtain one of the for Enterasys connector cables described in T able 19 on page 38 and connect the single LFH-60 high density connector to the XP W AN interface you wish to use.
Enterasys Xpedition 2000 Getting S tarted Guide 41 Installing the Hard ware Figure 24 shows the pin posit ions in the 50-pin HSSI connector . Figure 24. 50 -pin HSSI connector The Enterasys Dual HSSI line card uses standard copper twiste d-pair cable with identical 50-pin HSSI connectors at each end to attach to a CSU/DSU module.
Installing the Har dwar e 42 Enterasys Xpedition 2000 Getting S tarted Guide.
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Ge tting Started Guide 43 Chapter 3 Firmwar e Installation and Setup This chapter provides the follo wing firmware installation and basi c setup procedures: • Powering on .
Starting the Command Line Interface 44 Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide 2. Plug the XP-2000’ s power supplies into a power source. If the power source is activ e, the router will aut omatically power on and attem pt to boot u sing the Bo ot Firmware imag e in the motherboard’ s boot flash.
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Ge tting Started Guide 45 Starting the Command Line Interface When you are in Conf igure or Enable mode, use the exit command o r press Ctrl+Z to exit to the pre vious access mode. Note: When you exit Configure mode, the CLI will ask you whether you want to acti vate the configuration commands you hav e issued.
Setting Basic System Information 46 Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide Setting Basic System Inf ormation Use the procedure in this section to set the following system information: • Sy.
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Ge tting Started Guide 47 Setting Basic System Information 5. Use the interface add ip command to set the IP address and netmask for the en0 Ethernet interface, as sho wn in the following example: Note: The en0 interface is automatically created b y the system and is reserved for the XP-2000’ s management port.
Setting Up SNMP Community Strings 48 Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide 9. T o display the activ e configuration, enter the system show active-conf ig command, as shown in the following e xample: Changes in the active configuratio n take effect on the running sy stem but will not be restored following a reboot.
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Ge tting Started Guide 49 Setting Up SNMP Community Strings 3. Use the follo wing commands to add an SNMP co mmunit y string and set a target for the traps. Note: The target IP address must be locally attached to the XP-2000.
Setting Up SNMP Community Strings 50 Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide Here is an example of the comm ands and output for config uring SNMP and saving the changes. 7. After verifying the SNMP configuration, sa ve th e changes to the Startup configuration f ile by entering the copy active to st artup command.
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Ge tting Started Guide 51 Setting Up P asswords Setting Up Passw ords Y ou can password protect CLI access to the XP-2000 by setting up passwords for login access and Enable access. Users who ha ve a login pas sw ord but not an Enable password can use only the commands av ailable in User mode.
Setting the DNS Domain Name and Addr ess 52 Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide Caution : Test all the new passwords before saving the active configuration to the Startup configuration file.
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Ge tting Started Guide 53 Setting SYSLOG P arameters 6. Use the following command to “add” one or more DNS serv ers to the XP-2000: where <IP-address> is the IP address of the DNS server. You can specify up to three DNS servers.
Setting SYSLOG P arameter s 54 Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide • Wa r n i n g – Provide warnings against in valid configuration information and other conditions that are not necessarily er rors. This i s the default. • Informational – Pro vide info rmational messages such as status messages.
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Ge tting Started Guide 55 Setting SYSLOG P arameters Use the following procedure to specify the SYSLOG server and the types of messages you want the CLI to log on the server . 1. Ensure that you are in Enable mode by entering the enable command in the CLI.
Loading System Image F irmwar e 56 Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide 6. Enter the show command to show the commands you just entered. Because you ha ve not acti v ated these configuration cha nges yet, the y are listed in the scratchpad section of the output.
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Ge tting Started Guide 57 Loading System Image F irmware 2. Copy the f irmware up gr ade you want to install on to a TFTP server that the XP-20 00 can access. (Use the ping command to verify that the XP can reach the TFTP serv er .
Loading System Image F irmwar e 58 Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide Here is an example: 6. Enter the system imag e list command to verify the change. Note: Y ou do not need to acti v ate this change. xp-1# system image choose E9050-imag e Making image E9050-imag e (version E9.
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Ge tting Started Guide 59 Loading Boot PR OM F irmware Loading Boot PR OM Firmware The XP boots using the boot PR OM firmware installed in the XP-2000’ s internal m emo ry . T o upgrade the boot PROM f irmw are and boot using the upgraded imag e, use the following procedure.
Upgrading the VFS 60 Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide Upgrading the VFS A VFS file system called VFS2 is av ailable. VF S2 dramatically decreases the t ime required for deleting and adding system images. Note: Upgrading the f ile system to VFS2 will not erase your conf iguration image.
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Ge tting Started Guide 61 Activating Conf iguration Changes and Saving the Conf iguration F ile Activ ating the Configuration Commands in the Scratchpad The configuration commands you hav e entered us ing procedures in this chapter are in the Scratchpad but ha ve not yet been acti vated.
Activating Conf iguration Changes and Sa ving the Configur ation F ile 62 Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide 1. Ensure that you are in Enable mode by entering the enable command in the CLI.
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Ge tting Started Guide 63 A ppendix A T r oubleshooting If you experience dif ficulty with the basic hardwa re or software setup procedures in this guide, check the following table to see whether the dif f iculty you are experiencing is described.
64 Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide Y ou are unable to access the conf iguration commands in the CLI. From the CLI, type enable to access Enable mode, then type configure to access Conf igure mode. Configuration changes do not seem to be taking effect.
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Ge tting Started Guide 65 A ppendix B T echnical Support Getting Help For additional support related to the Common CLI syntax or this docum e nt, contact Enterasys Networks .
Getting Help 66 Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide • A description of your network environment (layout, cable type, etc.) • Network load and frame size at the time of trouble (if known) • The device history (i.e., ha ve you returned the de vice before, is this a recurring problem, etc.
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Ge tting Started Guide 67 Index Numerics 10/100BASE-TX expansion mo dule cable installation 34 overview 11 1000BASE-LX expansion module cable installation 37 overview 16 100.
Index 68 Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide filters, security 6 flow-based bridging 4 flow-based switching 6 G Getting help xiv , 65 H hardware installation 23 overview 8 specifications .
Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Ge tting Started Guide 69 Index S Safety inform at ion laser iv safety precautions 23 SAP 5 scratchpad 60 security filters 6 setting up passwords 51 segment cable, installat.
Index 70 Enterasys X-P edition 2000 Getting Started Guide.
デバイスEnterasys Networks 2000の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Enterasys Networks 2000をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEnterasys Networks 2000の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Enterasys Networks 2000の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Enterasys Networks 2000で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Enterasys Networks 2000を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEnterasys Networks 2000の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Enterasys Networks 2000に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEnterasys Networks 2000デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。