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ii NOTICE All ri ghts r eserv ed. Repr oducti on of any part of this manual in any f orm whatsoev er without SEIKO EPSON’s express written permission is forbidden. The contents of this manual are subjects to change without notice. All efforts have been m ade to ensur e the accur acy of the contents of this m anual .
iii PRECAUTIONS Precaut i onary notat i ons throughout t he tex t are c ategor i zed rel at i v e to 1) per sonal i nj ury and 2) damage to equipment. WARNING Signals a precaution which, if ignored, could result in serious or fatal personal injury. Great caution should be exercised in performing procedures preceded by WARNING Headings.
iv PREFACE Thi s m anual des cri bes f unct i ons, theor y of elec tri c al and m echani c al operati ons, m aint enance, and repair of EPSON Stylus Color 600.
v REVISION SHEET Revision Issued Data Contents Rev. A First issue.
Chapter 1 Product Descriptions 1.1 Features ................................................................................................................ 1-1 1.2 Specifications........................................................................
Chapter 1 Product Description Rev. A 1-1 1.1 Features EPSON Stylus Color 600 is designed for low price for that high performance. The major printer features are; High color print quality 1440(H) x 720.
EPSON Stylus Color 600 Rev. A 1- 2 1.2 Speci fi cati ons This section describes the product specifications for EPSON Stylus Color 600. 1.2.1 Pr inting Specification Print method On-demand color ink je.
Chapter 1 Product Description Rev. A 1- 3 Paper Feeding Method Friction feed with built in ASF (Auto Sheet Feeder) Line Spacing 1/6 inch or programmable at 1/360 inch Paper Path Top entry (from ASF) only Feeding Speed 66.6 ms (at 1/6 inch line-feed) 3.
EPSON Stylus Color 600 Rev. A 1- 4 Control Code ESC/P2 and expanded raster graphics code EPSON Remote command Character Tables Legal and 14 international character sets Standard version: 11 character .
Chapter 1 Product Description Rev. A 1- 5 1.2.2 Paper Specification This section describes the types of paper that can be used in this printer. Cut Sheet [Size] :A4 [Width 210mm (8.3”) x Length 297mm (11.7”)] :Letter [Width 216mm (8.5”) x Length 279mm (11.
EPSON Stylus Color 600 Rev. A 1- 6 1.2.3 Adjust Lev er Settings (P G adjust lev er) The adjust lever located on the right side (blue knob) under the printer cover needs to be set to the proper position according to the paper you print (Refer to the table below).
Chapter 1 Product Description Rev. A 1- 7 1.2.4 Pr intable Area Cut Sheet Following tables show printable areas at Character mode and Raster Graphics mode. Paper size PW (Paper width) (typ.) PL (Paper Length) (typ.) LM (Left margin) (min.) RM (Right margin) (min.
EPSON Stylus Color 600 Rev. A 1- 8 Envelope The table and figure below show the printable area for envelopes. Paper Size LM (Left Margin) (min.) RM (Right Margin) (min.) TM (Top Margin) (min.) BM (Bottom Margin) (min.) #10 3mm (0.12”) 28mm (1.
Chapter 1 Product Description Rev. A 1- 9 1.2.5 E nvironmental Condition Temperature Operating :10 - 35 •• (Refer to the figure below for condition) Non-operating :-20 - 60 •• (with shipment container) Note) Storage should be within one month at 40°C and 120 hours at 60°C.
EPSON Stylus Color 600 Rev. A 1-1 0 1.2.6 Ink Car tridge S pecifications Black Ink Cartridge Item Specifications Type Black Ink Cartridge (Code: S020093) Color Black Print capacity 540 pages /.
Chapter 1 Product Description Rev. A 1-11 Color Ink Cartridge Item Specifications Type Color Ink Cartridge (Code: S020089) Color Magenta/Cyan/Yellow Print capacity 300 pages / A4 (360 dpi, 5% .
EPSON Stylus Color 600 Rev. A 1-1 2 1.2.7 Phy sical S pecification [Dimension] :429mm(W) x 234mm(D) x 162mm(H) :429mm(W) x 695mm(D) x 309mm(H) with extended stacker and paper support.
Chapter 1 Product Description Rev. A 1-1 3 1.2.8 Electr ic Specification [120V] Version [Rated voltage] :AC120V [Input voltage range] :AC103.5 - 132V [Rated frequency range] :50 - 60Hz [Input frequency range] :49.5 •` 60.5Hz [Rated current] :0.4A(Max.
EPSON Stylus Color 600 Rev. A 1-1 4 1.2.13 P ri nter Language and E m ulation Printer Language :ESC/P2 :EPSON Remote ESC/P control codes General Operation: Initialize Printer : ESC @ Unidirectional Pr.
Chapter 1 Product Description Rev. A 1-1 5 Bit image: Bit Image :ESC* Graphics: Graphics Mode :ESC (G Raster Graphics :ESC. Microweave control :ESC (i Dot size control :ESC (e Horizontal Position :ESC.
EPSON Stylus Color 600 Rev. A 1-1 6 1.3 I nterface This printer provides both parallel and serial interface as standard. 1.3.1 Par allel Interface (For war d Channel) [Transmission mode] :8 bit parall.
Chapter 1 Product Description Rev. A 1-1 7 1.3.2 Par allel Interface (R everse Channel) [Transmission mode] :IEEE-1284 nibble mode [Synchronization] :Refer to the IEEE-1284 specification [Handshaking].
EPSON Stylus Color 600 Rev. A 1-1 8 Following lists “Notes” when using Parallel Interface. “ Return GND pin” in the table means twist pair return and is used for all control signals except for Logic H,+5V, Chassis, GND and NC. In this twist pair return, returning side is connected to GND (16,33, 19-30 pin) for twist pair return.
Chapter 1 Product Description Rev. A 1-1 9 [Signal level: TTL compatible (IEEE-1284 level 1 device)] Parameter Minimum Maximum Condition VOH* --- 5.5V VOL* -0.5V --- IOH* --- 0.32mA VOH = 2.4V IOL* --- 12mA VOL = 0.4V CO --- 50pF VIH --- 2.0V VIL 0.8V --- IIH --- 0.
EPSON Stylus Color 600 Rev. A 1-2 0 1.3.3 Ser ial Interface [Standard] :Based on RS-423 [Synchronization] :Synchronous [Bit Rate] :Approx. 900Kbps [Handshaking] :X-ON/X-OFF, DTR Protocol [Word Format].
Chapter 1 Product Description Rev. A 1-21 1.4 Control Panel Since EPSON Stylus Color 600 does not require many buttons since printer driver can start various settings and motions. Therefore, there are only 2 non-lock type push switches, 1 lock type push switch and 4 LEDs.
EPSON Stylus Color 600 Rev. A 1-2 2 1.4.2 P anel Functions •q Panel Functions •r Switch Function Load/Eject (Pushing within 0.5 seconds*) Loads or Eject the paper. When the carriage is on the Ink Cartridge change position, return the carriage from Ink Cartridge change position.
Chapter 1 Product Description Rev. A 1-2 3 By performing a particular setting mode, Maintenance error can be cleared and certain addresses of EEPROM can also be reset. Maintenance Error Clear [Step 1] Turn the printer on while holding down Load/Eject and Cleaning switches at the same time.
EPSON Stylus Color 600 Rev. A 1-2 4 1.5 Error Status When following status occur, the printer goes to the error status and stops taking data, setting the /ERROR signal in the interface as “Low”, and Busy signal as “High”. At this time, the printer goes to non printable status.
Chapter 1 Product Description Rev. A 1-2 5 1.5.4 No Ink-Car tridge E rr or Following reasons can be the causes when printer goes this error mode. When the printer is turned on for the first time. (This is a normal error state and it returns to the normal state after installing an ink cartridge according to the ink cartridge exchange operation.
EPSON Stylus Color 600 Rev. A 1-2 6 1.6 Print er Init ializat ion EPSON Stylus Color 600 has three kinds of initialization methods. Following explains each initialization. Power-on initialization This printer is initialized when turning the printer power on, or printer recognized the cold-reset command (remote RS command).
Chapter 1 Product Description Rev. A 1-2 7 1.7 M ain Components EPSON Stylus Color 600 has following major units. Also, it is one of the major characteristics that the bottom of the Printer mechanism plays the role as lower case at the same time.
EPSON Stylus Color 600 Rev. A 1-2 8 1.7.2 C200 M AIN Board The C200 MAIN board controls whole mechanism operations and a data processing operation. Most of the functions of the circuit are integrated into single ASIC; E05B43YA (IC2) and this makes the board design very simple and reliable.
Chapter 1 Product Description Rev. A 1-2 9 1.7.3 C206 PSB/PSE Board The C206 PSB/PSE board is a switching regulator type power supply unit and constantly supplies stable logic and power voltages to the printer mechanism and the main control board.
Chapter 2 Operating Principles 2.1 OVER VI EW ............................................................................................................ 2-1 2.1 .1 Print er Mec hanism .................................................................
Chap t er2 O p erat ing Principle s Rev . A 2-1 2.1 OVER VIEW Thi s section describes Print er Mechani sm , el ect ri c ci rcui t board (C206 PSB, C200 Mai n, C206PNL board) of Sty l us Color 600.
EPSON Sty lus Color 60 0 Rev . A 2- 2 2.1.1 .1 Printing Mechanism Basic pr i nc i pl es of t he pri nt head which pl ays m aj or r ol e of pri nt i ng m ec hani sm i s the sam e as prev ious m odel s; on dem and type MA CH head m ethod, but t her e i s some di f f erence i n t he r esol ut i on.
Chap t er2 O p erat ing Principle s Rev . A 2- 3 Printing Process Fol l owing f igures i ndi c at e t he sect i onal dr awing of norm al stat e and ej ec t i ng state of pri nt head. (1) No rmal St at e: W hen the pr i nt si gnal i s not out put , PT Z al so does not m ov e i n t he wait i ng stat e(norm al stat e).
EPSON Sty lus Color 60 0 Rev . A 2- 4 Printing Method Thi s secti on ex plai ns pri nt i ng m et hod of actual pri nt i ng such as print i ng t ex t at v ari ous resolut i on select / pri nt i ng m ode and gr aphi c s pri nti ng.
Chap t er2 O p erat ing Principle s Rev . A 2- 5 Note2) T wo groups w hi c h ar e di v i ded acc or di ng t o each el em ents w ill be div i ded ei t her ev en dot or odd dot when parti cul ar l i nes(l ev el di r ec t i on l i ne) ar e f orm ed and ev ent ual l y , t hese li nes w ill b e com pl et ed at selec t ed resol ut i on.
EPSON Sty lus Color 60 0 Rev . A 2- 6 The di f f erence bet ween Ful l -O v erl ap Mi c r o-W eav e and Part l i ne O v erl ap M i c r o- W eav e are follo win g; Full-O verlap M icro - Weave: Pri nt i ng i s perf orm ed, j udgi ng i f noz z l es are ev en or odd dot by 2 di f f erent dot s with al l dif f erent raster s.
Chap t er2 O p erat ing Principle s Rev . A 2- 7 Carriage Mechanism Carri age m ec hani sm i s to dri v e t he c ar r i age wit h pri nt head m ounted f rom l ef t t o r i ght or v i ce v ersa.
EPSON Sty lus Color 60 0 Rev . A 2- 8 The t abl e bel ow show s W 1-2 phase driv e sequence at eac h steps when the rotor of carri age m otor m ak es one rot at i on.
Chap t er2 O p erat ing Principle s Rev . A 2- 9 The f igur e bel ow show s carri age m ec hani sm . T he pri nt head as a core of t he pri nt i ng m ec hani sm i s stored in t he car r i age uni t .
EPSON Sty lus Color 60 0 Rev . A 2-1 0 Platen Gap Adjust Mechanism and Parallel adjustment Mechanism Thi s m ec hani sm can be set by t he users and can prev ent v ari ous probl em s related t o l ow im age densi t y or pri nt wit h any di r t by c hangi ng t he posit i ons of P G l ev er acc or di ng t o t he paper t ypes.
Chap t er2 O p erat ing Principle s Rev . A 2-1 1 Paper Feed Mechanism and Pump Mechanism Mechani sm s that send the paper i n t he hopper t o i nside t he pri nt er and per f orm constant paper f eed i n order t o perf orm pri nt i ng on t he sent paper ar e c al l ed paper f eed m echani sm as generi c nam e.
EPSON Sty lus Color 60 0 Rev . A 2-1 2 Papers on the AS F (aut o-sheet- f eeder) suppli ed by t he user are car r i ed t o t he pr i nt er i nside by paper pic k up sequence. Unl i k e t he prev i ous m odel s, A S F of Styl us Col or 600 has m uf ti f eed prev enti on m ec hani sm .
Chap t er2 O p erat ing Principle s Rev . A 2-1 3 In t he paper pi c k up m echanism of Sty l us Color 600, sam e m echani sm as Stl yl us Col or I I s/820 are appl i ed.
EPSON Sty lus Color 60 0 Rev . A 2-1 4 2.1 .1. 4 Ink System Ink system m echanism consi sts of 1) c ap m echanism , 2) pum p m ec hani sm , 3)c ar r i age l oc k m ec hani sm , 4) waste ink absorber and 5) i nk sequence.
Chap t er2 O p erat ing Principle s Rev . A 2-1 5 Pump, Carriage Lock, Head Cleaner Mechanism In t he S t yl us Col or 600, t her e i s no sw i t ch or m echani sm t o c hange ov er t he pum p/ paper f eed m echani sm .
EPSON Sty lus Color 60 0 Rev . A 2-1 6 The t abl e bel ow show s PF/ Pum p mot or r ot at i onal di r ec t i on and pum p sys t em oper at i on. T able 2-1 1 .
Chap t er2 O p erat ing Principle s Rev . A 2-1 7 Cap Mechanism In t he c ap m echani sm , i n or der t o prev ent i nk f rom bei ng t hi c k ened on t he head surf ac e, i t i s cont r ol l ed that t he head surf ac e stay s adherent t o t he r ubber f ram e of the cap surf ac e when the power is off .
EPSON Sty lus Color 60 0 Rev . A 2-1 8 2.2 E l ectri cal Ci rcui t Operati ng P ri nci pl es Sty l us Col or 600 c ont ai ns the f oll owing f our elec t ri c c i r c ui t boards. C206 PSB/PSE board C200 Mai n boar d Head Dri v er boar d C206 PNL board C206 PSB/PSE, C200 board are ex plai ned i n t hi s section.
Chap t er2 O p erat ing Principle s Rev . A 2-1 9 2.2.1 C206 PSB/PSE Power Board C206 PSB/PSE board i s a pow er suppl y board wit h a RCC sw it chi ng regul at or , which generat es + 42VDC f or dri v e part and +5V DC f or logi c part t o driv e t he print er .
EPSON Sty lus Color 60 0 Rev . A 2-2 0 The C206 PSB/ PSE board has v arious control ci rcui t s to stop out put i f m al f uncti on on t he power s uppl y board, on t he m ai n boar d or on t he dut y of pri nt er m echanism happen. F ol l owing ex pl ai ns each cont r ol and protec t i on ci r c ui t s.
Chap t er2 O p erat ing Principle s Rev . A 2-21 2.2.2 C200 M ain Board V arious DC v ol t age generat ed on the C206 PSB/ PSE board i s added v ari ous signals i n order t o dri v e the pri nt er f uncti on on t he C200 m ai n boar d, and t he dr i v e of CR/PF ( P um p) m ot or and pr i nt i ng head i s perf or m ed.
EPSON Sty lus Color 60 0 Rev . A 2-2 2 T i m er Data: The ti m er I C t hat uses li t hi um batt er y as power s ource m oni t ors how long t he power is off . W hen t he power is tur ned on, i t i s changed to appropri at e c l eani ng l ev el acc or di ng t o t he t i m e that t he power is off .
Chap t er2 O p erat ing Principle s Rev . A 2-2 3 Reset Circuits The reset c i r c ui t prev ent s the CP U f rom runni ng away , which i s caused by the unstabl e v ol t age i n t he logic line dur ing th e po we r ON/OFF .
EPSON Sty lus Color 60 0 Rev . A 2-2 4 Sensor Circuits The f oll owing sensor ci r c ui t s are m ount ed i n t he S t yl us Col or 600 and sel ec t s appropri ate oper at i ons based on the retur ned i nf orm at i on.
Chap t er2 O p erat ing Principle s Rev . A 2- 2 5 EEPROM Control Circuits The EEPROM of Styl us Col or 600 has fol l owing content s. Gat e array E05B43(IC2) cont rol s operations of readi ng dat a when the power is on and writ i ng dat a when the power i s off .
EPSON Sty lus Color 60 0 Rev . A 2-2 6 Timer Circuit The l i t hi um batter y i s m ount ed on t he C200 m ai n board and c al c ul at es how l ong t he pri nt er i s not i n used. The t i m er IC(I C10) star t s counti ng wit h osc illat ion mo tiv ate d b y th e CR3 using thi s batt ery as a power source.
Chap t er2 O p erat ing Principle s Rev . A 2-2 7 Print Head Control Circuit The pri nt head cont rol c i r c ui t of S t yl us Col or 600 has f ol l owing c har ac t eri sti cs. Com m on w av ef orm c i r c ui t becam e one HIC. Mi c r o- v i brat i on m ode i s added.
EPSON Sty lus Color 60 0 Rev . A 2-2 8 [Noz z l e Sel ecto r Dri ve Ci rcu i t] In order t o m ot i v at e t he pri nt head t o carry out pri nt i ng, i t i s neces sary to transm i t t he pri nt data t o t he appropri at e noz z l es, whic h bec om es direct si gnal s to dr i v e PZ T .
Chap t er2 O p erat ing Principle s Rev . A 2-2 9 Af t er t he dat a t ransm i ssion by t he noz z l e selec t or( I R2C72C, I R2C73C) i s com pl et ed and a c er t ai n t i m e pass es, t rapez oi da.
EPSON Sty lus Color 60 0 Rev . A 2-3 0 PF(Pump) Motor Drive Circuit IC15(UDN2917) i s used f or dr i v i ng PF (P um p) m ot or . I n t he I C, B i -pol a dr i v e PW M curr ent cont rol t ype i s perf or m ed, m aki ng i t possibl e t o prov i de stabl e cur r ent t o eac h phase of m ot or .
Chap t er2 O p erat ing Principle s Rev . A 2-31 CR Motor Drive Circuit In t he CR m otor , t he sam e UPD2917( I C14) as the P F m ot or has used. In t he IC, Bi - pol a dr i v e PW M current cont rol t ype i s perf orm ed, m ak i ng i t possibl e t o pr ov i de stabl e cur r ent t o eac h phase of m otor .
Chapter 3 Disassembly and Assembly 3.1. OVER VI EW ........................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1. 1. Precau t ions for D i sassem bling the Pr inter.................................
Chap t er 3 Di sas sembl y an d Ass embl y Rev . A 3-1 3.1 OVER VIEW Thi s s ecti on describes procedures for di sas sembl i ng t he m ai n com ponent s of EPSO N St yl us Col or 600. Unless otherwise specif ied, di sass em bl y uni t s or com ponent s can be reassembl ed by r ev er si ng t he disassembl y pr oc edur e.
EPSON Sty lus Color 600 Service M an u al Rev . A 3- 2 3.1.2 Specification for S cr ews T abl e 3-1 l i sts the abbr ev iat i on of s crews and its use. Ref er to t he screw num ber i n t he f ol l owing t abl e t o ident i f y the t y pe of screw s hown in t he di sassembl y pr oc edur es.
Chap t er 3 Di sas sembl y an d Ass embl y Rev . A 3- 3 3.1.4 Work Completion Check If any serv i c e i s m ade t o t he pri nt er , use the chec k l i st shown below , to c onf ir m that al l works are com pl et ed properl y and t he pri nt er i s ready t o ret urn t o t he user .
EPSON Sty lus Color 600 Service M an u al Rev . A 3- 4 3.2 DISA SSEM BL Y A ND A SSEM BL Y Thi s secti on descri bes the step- by - step di sass em bl y pr oc edur es show n i n t he di agram below . Housing Removal Section 3.2.1 Circuit Boards Removal Section 3.
Chap t er 3 Di sas sembl y an d Ass embl y Rev . A 3- 5 3.2.1 Housing Rem oval Since t he EPSON St yl us Color 600 has no l ower hous i ng as prev ious EPSON pri nt ers, the pri nt er m ec hani sm can be t aken out by onl y r em ov i ng t he upper housing.
EPSON Sty lus Color 600 Service M an u al Rev . A 3- 6 3.2.2 Cir cuit Boards R emoval The el ect ri c c i r c ui t boards of t he pr i nt er ( M ai n c ont rol c i rc ui t board: C200 MA I N / P ower supply c i r c ui t board: C206 PSB/PSE) are bot h i nstal l ed on si ngl e m et al chassis and attached t o t he pri nt er m echanism.
Chap t er 3 Di sas sembl y an d Ass embl y Rev . A 3- 7 REQUIRED ADJUSTMENT Be sure t o perf orm t he f ollow ing adjus t ment s w hen t he C200 MA IN board is r eplac ed: 1) VH Voltage value w r it ing (Ref er t o Chapt er 4 / Sec t ion 4.2. 2. 3. ) 2) Pr int head Angle A djus t ment (Ref er t o Chapter 4 / Sec t ion 4.
EPSON Sty lus Color 600 Service M an u al Rev . A 3- 8 3.2.3 Contr ol Panel Rem oval 1. Rem ov e the upper housi ng (Ref er to S ec t i on 3. 2. 1) 2. Rem ov e 2 s cr ews ( No.1) and rem ov e t he cont rol panel ass em bl y f rom t he pri nter m echani sm and disconnect t he f lat cabl e f rom t he c onnec t or of the panel assembl y .
Chap t er 3 Di sas sembl y an d Ass embl y Rev . A 3- 9 3.2.4 W aste Ink P ad Assembly Rem oval 1. Rem ov ing t he upper housi ng ( Ref er t o secti on 3. 2.1) 2. Rem ov ing t he cont rol panel assembl y ( Ref er to sect i on 3. 2. 3) 3. Rem ov e 1 screw (No.
EPSON Sty lus Color 600 Service M an u al Rev . A 3-1 0 3.2.5 Disassem bling the Pr inter M echanism Thi s secti on descri bes the pr oc edur es f or r em ov i ng t he m ai n com ponents consisti ng t he pr i nt er m echani sm . Printhead Removal 1.
Chap t er 3 Di sas sembl y an d Ass embl y Rev . A 3-1 1 REQUIRED AD JUSTMENT When y ou r em ov e or r eplac e t he print head unit, be sur e t o perf orm t he f ollow ing adjus t ment s: 1) Ink Initial Char ge O perat ion (Ref er t o Chapt er 4 / Sec t ion 4.
EPSON Sty lus Color 600 Service M an u al Rev . A 3-1 2 Pump Assembly and Cap Assembly Removal 1. Rem ov ing t he upper housi ng. (Ref er t o S ec t i on 3. 2. 1) 2. Rem ov ing t he cont rol panel assembl y . ( Ref er to sect i on 3. 2. 3) 3. Rem ov ing “ Waste I nk P ad A ss em bl y” .
Chap t er 3 Di sas sembl y an d Ass embl y Rev . A 3-1 3 CAP ASSEMBLY PUMP ASSEMBLY Loosen screw and lift up the exit frame Unhock the cap assembly Remove 2 screws and unhook the hooks to remove the pump assembly Figure 3-10 .Cap A ssembl y Remo val CLEANER, HEAD Pump Components Assembly Order Figure 3-1 1 .
EPSON Sty lus Color 600 Service M an u al Rev . A 3-1 4 CR Motor Assembly Removal 1. Rem ov ing t he upper housi ng. (Ref er t o sect i on 3. 2.
Chap t er 3 Di sas sembl y an d Ass embl y Rev . A 3- 1 5 The projections of motor assembly must locate inside the holes Figure 3-13 . CR Mot or Removal.
EPSON Sty lus Color 600 Service M an u al Rev . A 3-1 6 PF Motor Assembly Removal 1. Rem ov ing t he upper housi ng. (Ref er t o sect i on 3. 2.1) 2. Rem ov ing “ Waste I nk P ad A ss em bl y” . (Ref er to sect i on 3. 2. 4) 3. By ref erri ng t he f i gur e bel ow , rem ov e t he speci f i ed gear s f rom the m echani sm : “GEAR, 67.
Chap t er 3 Di sas sembl y an d Ass embl y Rev . A 3-1 7 MOTOR, ASSEMBLY, PF (behind the frame) Cable Direction Put the motor shaft once in a larger holde then slide it to a smaller hole Figure 3-15 .
EPSON Sty lus Color 600 Service M an u al Rev . A 3-1 8 3.2.5 .5 ASF Assembly Removal 1. Rem ov ing t he upper housi ng. (Ref er t o sect i on 3. 2.1) 2. Rem ov e t he l oc k i ng pi n f rom cent er of “GE A R, 34” and r em ov e “ G EA R, 34” f rom t he shaf t .
Chap t er 3 Di sas sembl y an d Ass embl y Rev . A 3-1 9 SHAFT, FIXING, CR [CBS with washer] The projections of ASF must be in these holes GEAR, 34 Figure 3-16 .
EPSON Sty lus Color 600 Service M an u al Rev . A 3-2 0 ASF Disassembly 1. Rem ov ing t he AS F . ( Ref er t o secti on 3. 2. 5. 5) 2. Rem ov e “T W I ST SPRI NG , 41.2” by unhooki ng one end f rom the ASF f r am e and remov e “LEVER, BRAKE”.
Chap t er 3 Di sas sembl y an d Ass embl y Rev . A 3-21 Pick-Up Roller Assembly Removal 1. Disass em bl e t he ASF and separate “PICKUP , RO LLER ASSEMBL Y” and “HOPPER, ASSEMBL Y”. (Ref er to se cti on 2. R emov e “COMPRESSION SPRING, 1.
EPSON Sty lus Color 600 Service M an u al Rev . A 3-2 2 Carriage Assembly Removal 1. Rem ov ing t he upper housi ng. (Ref er t o sect i on 3. 2.1) 2. Push “HOLDER, PULLE Y , DRI VE N” i nward to l oosen the t i m i ng bel t and detac h t he t i m ing bel t f rom the dri v e pul l ey of CR Mot or assembl y .
Chap t er 3 Di sas sembl y an d Ass embl y Rev . A 3-2 3 Carriage Assembly BUSH, PARALLEL ADJUST, LEFT BUSH, PARALLEL ADJUST, RIGHT LEVER, PG, SUB Spring Washer (Convex side must be facing the bush) SHAFT, CR, GUIDE Figure 3-20 .
EPSON Sty lus Color 600 Service M an u al Rev . A 3-2 4 PF Roller Assembly Removal 1. Rem ov ing t he upper housi ng. (Ref er t o secti on 3. 2. 1) 2. Rem ov ing t he car r i age assembl y ( Ref er t o secti on 3. 2. 5. 6) 3. Rem ov e 2 screws (No.
EPSON Sty lus Color 600 Service M an u al Rev . A 3-2 6 3.2.5 .8 PE Sensor Assembly Removal 1. Rem ov ing t he upper housi ng. (Ref er t o sect i on 3. 2.1) 2. From t he f ront side of the m echani sm , unhook two hooks fi x i ng “SENSOR, ASSEMBL Y , PE” to t he 3.
Chap t er 3 Di sas sembl y an d Ass embl y Rev . A 3-2 7 3.2.5 .9 HP Sensor Assembly Removal 1. Rem ov ing t he upper housi ng. (Ref er t o sect i on 3. 2.1) 2. Detach t he cabl e f rom t he sensor and rem ov e i t by unhook i t f rom t he f ram e. SENSOR, HP CR MOTOR Figure 3-25 .
Chapter 4 A djustment 4.1. OVER VI EW ........................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1 .1. Re quire d A djustm ents ....................................................................
Cha pter 4 Adjus tment Rev . A 4-1 4.1 OVER VIEW Thi s secti on descri bes the pr oc edur e f or adj ustm ents requi r ed when the pri nt er i s disass em bl ed and ass em bled f or repai r . 4.1.1 Requir ed Adjustments T abl e 4-1 l i sts al l t he adj ustm ent s requi red wit h t hi s pri nt er.
EPSON Sty lus Color 600 Service M an u al Rev . A 4- 2 4.2 A djustments Thi s secti on descri bes the det ai l proc edur e of each adj ustm ent. 4.2.1 Paper Gap Adjustment The paper gap i s a di stance bet ween nozzle surf ace of t he pr i nthead uni t and a paper surf ac e and i s adjusted t o speci f i ed gap at t he ass em bly .
Cha pter 4 Adjus tment Rev . A 4- 3 Left "PAPER GUIDE, FRONT;B" Right (HP side) Rib: Avoid 2ribs from left Carriage Assembly [Thickness Gauge] Rib: Avoid 1 rib at right end "ROLLER, ASSEMBLY, PF" "PAPER GUIDE, FRONT;B" *Put the gauge on a flat face *Align the center of gauge and the ribs Figure 4-1.
EPSON Sty lus Color 600 Service M an u al Rev . A 4- 4 4.2.2 Adjustment usi ng Adjustment P rogr am Si nce the c haract eri stic of pri nter m echani sm and i ts com ponent s are v ary ing, ev ery pr .
Cha pter 4 Adjus tment Rev . A 4- 5 Ink Charge Operation If eit her of the f ol l owing serv i ce i s m ade, i nt ernal i nk pat hs of t he pri nt head unit i s com pl et el y em pt y .
EPSON Sty lus Color 600 Service M an u al Rev . A 4- 6 [SCREE N- 1] ***** (CUS T O M E R) ***** ST YL US C OLOR 600 J90C00E 1. 000: E URO PE 2. 010: US A 3. 020: RUS S I AN Sel ec t No. ?_ [SCREE N- 2] ***** I NK Ji g ***** 1. Jig 2. Cart ri dge Sel ec t No.
Cha pter 4 Adjus tment Rev . A 4- 7 VH Setting The pi ezo- el ec t ri c el em ent used in each pr i nt head uni t has uni que el ec t ri c al c har ac t eri sti c and t he el ect ri cal charact eri sti c of each pri nt head i s m easured at t he produc t i on and each pr i nt head uni t i s gi v en wit h t he I D code.
EPSON Sty lus Color 600 Service M an u al Rev . A 4- 8 [SCREEN-4 ] MAIN MENU for Pr oduction J90C00E 1. VH Setting 2. I nk Char ge 3. Angul ar A dj ust P r i nt XX-XX - XXXX XX: XX: XX K. A ngul ar A dj ust S et t i ng 4. Bi - d A dj ust [Customer 010: USA] P.
Cha pter 4 Adjus tment Rev . A 4- 9 4.2.2 .4 Head Angular Adjustment The head angul ar m eans the angle at which t he pri nt head uni t i nstal l ed on t he c ar r i age assembl y agai nst the car ri .
EPSON Sty lus Color 600 Service M an u al Rev . A 4-1 0 [SCREEN-4 ] MAIN MENU for Pr oduction J90C00E 1. VH Setting 2. I nk Char ge 3. Angul ar A dj ust P r i nt XX-XX - XXXX XX: XX: XX K. A ngul ar A dj ust S et t i ng 4. Bi - d A dj ust [Customer 010: USA] P.
Cha pter 4 Adjus tment Rev . A 4-1 1 4.2.2 .5 Bi-D Alignment Adjustment Thi s adjustm ent def i nes the c arri age dr i v e contr ol param et ers to com pensate the v ari at ion i n m echanism com ponent s c haract eri sti c so t hat the print posit i on becom e ev en i n bi- di rect i onal pri nt i ng.
EPSON Sty lus Color 600 Service M an u al Rev . A 4-1 2 [SCREEN-4 ] MAIN MENU for Pr oduction J90C00E 1. VH Setting 2. I nk Char ge 3. Angul ar A dj ust P r i nt XX-XX - XXXX XX: XX: XX K. A ngul ar A dj ust S et t i ng 4. Bi - d A dj ust [Customer 010: USA] P.
Chapter 5 T roubleshooting 5.1 T roubleshooting ................................................................................................... 5-1 5.2 Unit Lev el T roubleshooting ..................................................................
Cha pter 5 Trouble shoot ing Rev . A 5-1 5.1 T roubleshooting The pri nt er m ay ex hi bi t di f f erent sym pt om s f or t he sam e pr obl em , which m ak es tr oubl eshooti ng m ore dif f icul t . T hi s secti on, howev er, prov ides sim pl e and ef f ec t i v e ways to f ac ilita te tr oubleshooti ng.
Sty lus C olor 600 Servi ce M anual Rev . A 5- 2 Error st at u s Indicator s Reco very Power Ink Out (Black) Ink Out (Color ) Pape r Out Paper O ut --- --- --- On Load paper by pr essing load/ ej ect but t on. Paper j am c ondi t i on --- Of f Of f Bl i nk Eli m inat e a paper t hen press load/ ej ect but t on.
Cha pter 5 Trouble shoot ing Rev . A 5- 3 5.2 Unit Level T roubleshooti ng W hen a probl em occ ur s, y ou c an i dent i f y the def ecti v e uni t acc or di ng t o t he sym pt om s ex hi bi t ed. The t abl e bel ow li sts the sym pt om s of cer t ai n probl em s .
Sty lus C olor 600 Servi ce M anual Rev . A 5- 4 5.2.1 Pr inter does not oper ate at power on Is AC power voltage normal? YES Is the fuse(F1) of power supply Is the output voltage of power supply normal? Exchange the main board. NO Input normal power supply.
Cha pter 5 Trouble shoot ing Rev . A 5- 5 5.2.2 Er ror is detected START Check the error message.(Refer to Table5-3) Is it carriage error? No ink cartridge error? Maintenance Error Exchange the waste ink absorber and reset the counter. (Refer to 1.4.2) NO NO Turn off the printer, and move the carriage by hand.
Sty lus C olor 600 Servi ce M anual Rev . A 5- 6 5.2.3 Failur e occur s dur ing pr inting START Is printing carried out O.K? Is printing quality normal? Is the problem solved? Perform printing adjustment. (Refer to Chapter4) Exchange the ink cartridge with new one and perform self-test.
Cha pter 5 Trouble shoot ing Rev . A 5- 7 5.2.4 Pr inter does not feed the paper cor r ectly START Are papers set in the ASF correctly? Does the PF roller and platen rotate? Remove any obstruction in the paper path if there is any. Perform cleaning for the roller of paper path.
Sty lus C olor 600 Servi ce M anual Rev . A 5- 8 5.2.5 Contr ol panel oper ati on is abnor ma l START Is the control panel connected correctly? Connect the control panel correctly. Is the problem solved? Replace the control panel. Is the problem solved? END Replace the main board.
Cha pter 5 Trouble shoot ing Rev . A 5- 9 5.3 Unit Repair C206 PSB /PSE Board Thi s s ecti on describes the probl em s relat ed to t he power s uppl y board(C206 PSB/ PSE). T he tabl e nex t page prov i des v ari ous sym pt om s, l i kel y c auses, and check poi nt s.
Sty lus C olor 600 Servi ce M anual Rev . A 5-1 0 T ab l e 5- 6. C206PS B P ow er S upply Boa rd (C on.) Sym ptom Condition Caus e Che ckpoint S olution +5V line is dead. IC51 (L4962E ) i s dead. Ch ec k th e o s cillat ion (5 -pi n) and swit c hi ng (7- pin) wav ef orm of IC51.
Cha pter 5 Trouble shoot ing Rev . A 5-1 1 5.3.1 Unit Repair - C200 M ain Boar d Thi s secti on descri bes the pr obl em s rel at ed t o the m ain c ont rol l er boar d( C200 m ain). T he t abl e bel ow prov i des v ari ous sym pt om s, l i kel y c auses, and check poi nt s.
Sty lus C olor 600 Servi ce M anual Rev . A 5-1 2 Sym ptom Condition Ca use Chec kpoint Solution Pri nt i ng i s abnorm al . Pr i nt i ng i s not ex ecut e. IC7 i s dead. Check t he t r apez oi dal wav ef or m at 3-pi n of Q7 on C200m ai n boar d. Replac e I C6, Q7, o r Q9.
Cha pter 5 Trouble shoot ing Rev . A 5-1 3 5.4 Repai r of the P r i n ter M echanism Thi s secti on pr ov i des instr uc t i on f or repai r i ng t he pri nt er m echanism . I t descri bes v ari ous probl em s, sympt om , l i kel y c auses, check poi nt s, and sol ut i ons.
Sty lus C olor 600 Servi ce M anual Rev . A 5-1 4 Sym ptom Condition Caus e Ch eck- point Solution Abnorm al pr i nt i ng Onl y a par t i cul ar dot causes abnormal pri nti ng. Pri nt head surf ace is not cl ean. (dot m issing) Perf orm the c l eani ng operati on sev eral ti m es and check pri nti ng.
Cha pter 5 Trouble shoot ing Rev . A 5-1 5 Sym ptom Condit ion Caus es Che ckpoint Solut ion Abnorm al paper f eedi ng. Paper i s not f ed. F r i c t i on of t he PF ro ller . Chec k i f the PF roller rotates w hen paper i s not f ed. Clean t he PF rol l er by the c l eani ng sheet.
Chapter 6 Maintenance 6.1 OVER VI EW ............................................................................................................ 6-1 6.1 .1 Cle aning.....................................................................................
Chap t er 6 M ain t en an ce Rev . A 6-1 6.1 OVER VIEW Thi s secti on descri bes the poi nt s and the proc edur es f or m aint ai ni ng t he pri nt er i n i t s opti m um c ondi t i on. 6.1.1 Cleaning Thi s pri nt er has no m echani c al c om ponents requir i ng r egul ar c l eani ng.
EPSON Sty lus Color 600 Service M an u al Rev . A 6- 2 6.1.3 Lubr ication The t y pe and am ount of oi l and gr ease used on thi s pri nt er ar e det erm ined based on the resul t s of i nt er nal ev aluat i ons.
Chap t er 6 M ain t en an ce Rev . A 6- 3 No. St and ard Remarks 5 < Lubr i cat i on Poi nt > The shaf t f or “G E A R, 16, 40. 8” at “FRAME, LEFT” Use a s y r i nge t o appl y i t . <Lubr i c ant Type> G- 26 <Lubr i c at i on A m ount> Approx .
EPSON Sty lus Color 600 Service M an u al Rev . A 6- 4 No. St and ard Remarks 1 1 < Lubr i c at i on Poi nt > A round hol e of the l ef t f ram e of ASF (“G E A R, 34” i s i nsert i ng t o t hi s hol e) Com pl et el y wipe of f any grease s tac k out to i nner si de of ASF .
Chap t er 6 M ain t en an ce Rev . A 6- 5 No.3 No.11 "GEAR, 34" No.1 No.2 10mm 2mm 2mm.
EPSON Sty lus Color 600 Service M an u al Rev . A 6- 6 No.5 No.4 No.4 No.4 "GEAR, 23.2" "GEAR, 16, 40.8" "GEAR, 67.2" "COMBINATION GEAR, 8, 14.
Chap t er 6 M ain t en an ce Rev . A 6- 7 No.9 No.10 "HOPPER, ASSEMBLY" "FRAME, ASF" No.8 "HOLDER, PULLEY, DRIVEN".
Appendix A.1 Connector Summary ........................................................................................... A-1 A.2 Connector Summary ........................................................................................... A-2 A.3 EEPROM Address Map .
EPSON Stylus Color 600 Service Manual Re v.A A-1 A. 1 Connector Summary Stylus Color 400 has the following primary component units; •œ Main Board(C206 Main) •œ Power Supply Board (C206 PSB/PSE) •œ Printer Mechanism Figure A-1 below illustrates how these component units are connected.
Appendix Re v . A A-2 A. 2 Connector Summary Following tables show connector pin assignment of the C200 main board. Connector Function Table to refer CN1 Parallel I/F connector Chapter1/ Table 1-10 CN.
EPSON Stylus Color600 Service Manual Re v.A A-3 Pin Signal Name I/O Function 1 PFA Out Phase drive signal (A) 2 PF-A Out Phase drive signal (-A) 3 PFB Out Phase drive signal (B) 4 PF-B Out Phase drive.
Appendix Re v . A A-4 A. 3 EEPROM Address Map Address Explanation Setting QPIT Settings Factory Settings 00H Password 0 54H - 01H 0FH - 02H Market 0:Word 1:Japan 2:Custom(MJ-) ∗∗ 3:Custom(Stylus C.
EPSON Stylus Color600 Service Manual Re v.A A-5 Address Explanation Setting QPIT settings Factory settings 23H Interface wait time 0 to 255 (by second) 0AH 0AH 24H Parallel I/F speed 0:High speed 1:No.
Appendix Re v . A A-6 Address Explanation Settings QPIT settings Factory settigs 44H Ink Counter Cb(total) 1count=100( ng) 00H 00H 45H 00H 00H 46H 00H 00H 47H 00H 00H 48H Ink counter CY(total) 1count=.
EPSON Stylus Color600 Service Manual Re v.A A-7 Address Explanation Setting QPIT settings Factory settings 72H customized model name string of counter 00H 00H 73H strings of model field for Device 00H.
EPSON Stylus Colo r 600 Rev .A A- 9 A .4 Circuit Board Component Lay outs Figure A -2. C200 M ain Board Component Layout.
Appendix Re v . A A-10 Figure A- 4 . C206 PSE Board Component Layout.
EPSON Stylus Color600 Service Manual Re v.A A- 11 Figure A- 5 . C206 PNL Component Layout.
01 Section: Model: Country: USA STYLUS COLOR 600 CASE BLOCK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ref.
02 Section: Model: Country: USA STYLUS COLOR 600 CONTROL CIRCUIT BOAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ref.
03 Section: Model: Country: USA STYLUS COLOR 600 PS BLOCK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ref.
04 Section: Model: Country: USA STYLUS COLOR 600 CABLE BLOCK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ref.
05 Section: Model: Country: USA STYLUS COLOR 600 PRINTER MECHANISM BL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ref.
05 Section: Model: Country: USA STYLUS COLOR 600 PRINTER MECHANISM BL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ref.
05 Section: Model: Country: USA STYLUS COLOR 600 PRINTER MECHANISM BL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ref.
05 Section: Model: Country: USA STYLUS COLOR 600 PRINTER MECHANISM BL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ref.
06 Section: Model: Country: USA STYLUS COLOR 600 PACKING MATERIAL BLO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ref.
EPS O N A M E R I C A , I NC . T R A I N I N G D EP T . D A T E R E V AU G 98 I SS U E S t y l u s C o l o r 600 Fun c t i o n a l D i a g r a m R . B oh n DR A W I N G N A M E D R A W N B Y 1 0 P P R R O O M M M M A A I I N N B B R R D D 1 7 2 3 5 4 1 1 6 8 T T M M P P I I C C 1 1 I I C C 3 3 B B A A T T 1 1 G GN N D D 3 3 V V 1 2 2 .
EPSON OVERSEAS MARKETING LOCATIONS EPSON AMERICA, Inc. 20770 Madrona Avenue, P.O. Box 2842 Torrance, CA 90509-2842 Phone: (800)922-8911 Fax: (310)782-5220 EPSON DEUTCHLAND GmBH Zülpicher Straße 6, 4549 Düsseldorf Germany Phone: (0211)56030 Telex: 8584786 EPSON UK LTD.
デバイスEpson 440の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Epson 440をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEpson 440の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Epson 440の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Epson 440で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Epson 440を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEpson 440の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Epson 440に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEpson 440デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。