Epsonメーカー440, 600, 640, 700, 800, 850, 1520, 3000, EX, 660, 5000, 9000の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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EPSON ® USB/Pa ra llel Adapter User’s G uide CPD-7424R2 EPSO N Sty lus ® C OLOR 4 40 EPSON S ty lus COLOR 1520 ® EPSO N Sty lus COL OR 600 EPSON S ty lus COLOR 3000 EPSO N Sty lus COL OR 640 EPSO.
ii EPSON and E PSON S tylus are registe red trade mar ks of SE IK O EPSO N CORPORA TION. Ge ner a l N oti ce: O the r pr od uct na me s used her e in are f or i de nt ifica tion pu r pos es o nly and may be tra de mar ks of the ir r esp ec tive owners.
iii FCC Compliance Statemen t For Unit ed States Us ers Thi s e qu ip ment ha s be en test e d and f o und t o c omp ly wit h th e l im its f o r a C la ss B dig it al device, pu rs ua nt to P ar t 15 o f t he FCC R ul es.
iv WARNING The c o nn ectio n of a no n-s hi el ded eq ui pmen t i nt erfac e cabl e t o t his eq ui pmen t wi ll in va lid ate the FCC C ertif ic atio n of t his d ev ice an d ma y caus e int erf ere nce le v e ls which e xceed t he li mits es tablis h ed by the F CC for th is e qu ip ment .
v Contents Introduction 1 Getting Started on a Macintos h 2 Setting Up the Com puter 2 Setting Up the Printer 3 Connecting the Cable 3 Installing the USB Printer Software 7 Installing Your Creative So.
1 Intr od ucti on The EPSON USB/P aral lel Ada pter Kit l ets y ou use smart cab le tech nol og y t o connec t your EPSON printer to an Apple ® iM ac, ™ P ow er Macint osh ® G3, o r Micr osoft ® Wi nd ow s ® 98 computer .
2 If y ou ha v e any probl ems insta lling the ca ble or s of tw are, contact yo ur EPSON dealer or EPSO N techni ca l supp or t as described in t he Wher e to Get Help se ct ion of your pri nt er docu me nta tion.
3 Downl oad the update f o r your syst em at http: //s wupdates .inf o .apple .com . Contac t Apple if y ou hav e pr oblems ins tall in g the update . T o find out which oper a ting system y our iMac i s r u nni ng, sele ct About This Computer i n the Apple menu .
4 1 Con nect the adapter to an avail abl e USB port on the si de of you r iMac as s hown, or t o a USB po rt on the back of your G3. If y ou’ re using a USB hub , plug it into an av ailab le USB por t on y our iMac or G3, then plug t he adapter into a USB por t on the hub .
5 Y o u can a l so c onnect t he a dapter to one o f th e USB ports on y our Macint osh ke yboar d. If y ou’ re usi ng a USB hub , p lug it into the USB port on t he k eybo ar d, then pl ug t he adapter into a USB por t on t he hub . If yo u ha v e mo re t han one hub , connect t he adapt er to the firs t hub .
6 2 Con nect the adap t er’ s p aral l el connec t or t o th e parall el po rt on the back of the printer , then secure it with the wir e clips . F ollow the instruct ions in the ne x t sec ti on to instal l the print er softw are from the USB Printer Softw a re CD-R OM.
7 Ins talling th e USB Printe r So ftware F ollow the s e steps to i nstal l the USB printer driv er softwa re: 1 Make sure your pri nter and c omputer are c onnec ted and tur ned off. 2 Make sure you r USB hub is powered on (if you’re usi ng one ).
8 9 Cli ck the pri nte r icon for your printe r . Pri nter icons are labeled as foll ows : If y ou don’t see y our p rinter icon in the Choo ser , mak e sur e your cab l e connec tions are secur e and y our p rint er is turned on.
9 10 Cli ck the USB Por t ico n (if you’ ve connect ed m ore than one prin ter of the same m odel , the port is numbered ). 11 Turn on back gr o und pri nt ing if you want, the n clo se the Chooser . Note: The pri nter softwa r e y ou just inst all ed ma y inc lude a utilit y calle d Mon itor3.
10 Installing Your Creative Soft war e and Electronic Manual If y ou ’ v e been usi ng y our EPSON pr inte r wit h y our compute r, y ou’ ve probab ly al ready installed you r cr eativ e soft w are and elect ronic man ual, i f yo ur pr inte r came with the m.
11 G e t tin g Sta r t ed on a Wi ndo w s 98 S ys tem The inst ructi ons on th e ne xt f e w pages e xpl ain ho w to conn ect the USB/ P arall el Adapter cab l e to your Windo ws 98 sys tem and how to inst all the pri nte r so ftwar e th at cam e o n the USB Printe r Soft ware CD- ROM .
12 Se tt i n g Up th e C omp u t e r If y ou ’ v e been usi ng y our EPSON pr inte r wit h y our compute r, then yo u’ v e alr eady inst al led y our prin ter driv er on your system . Y ou m ust rem ov e the old print er dri v er a nd it s INF f i le as desc ribed belo w bef ore y ou can install the new USB printer d r iv er.
13 5 Open the In f folde r, then open the fo lde r label ed Other. Loc ate and sele ct the INF fil e correspondi ng to the print er driver you’re remov ing: 6 Cli ck Delete t o delete th e old pr inter dri ver’ s INF file. 7 Close Windows Explor er.
14 Remo vin g t he Prin ter Dri ver F ollow the steps below t o r emov e the old pr inter d r iv er : 1 Cli ck Star t , poi nt t o Setting s , th e n cl ick Con tr o l Panel . 2 Dou ble-cl i ck Add/Remove Pr og rams . 3 Selec t EPSON Printer Sof tware in the prog r am list .
15 7 Close the Add/Rem ove Pr ograms Propert ies win dow, clos e the Contr ol Panel, and th en shut down the computer . Se tt i n g Up th e Pr i n t e r If y ou ’ v e been usi ng y our EPSON pr inte r wit h y our compute r, the printer i s probab ly set up al read y .
16 1 Con nect the adapter to an avail abl e USB port on the back of your compute r , a s shown below. I f you’ re u sing a USB hub, plug i t i nto an avai l able USB por t on your compu t er, t hen plug t he adapter into a USB port on the hub. If you have more than one hub , pl ug the ada pt e r in to the fi r s t hub.
17 2 Con nect the adap t er’ s p aral l el connec t or t o th e parall el po rt on the back of the printer , then secure it with the wir e clips . F ollow the instruct io ns i n the ne xt section to instal l the USB printer sof twar e. paral l e l co nnector wire c l ips us b4.
18 Ins talling th e USB Printe r So ftware F ollow the s e steps to i nstal l the USB printer driv er softwa re: 1 Make sure your pri nter and c omputer are c onnec ted and tur ned off. 2 Make sur e your USB hub i s po wered on (if y ou’ re usi ng one ).
19 5 Sel ec t Speci fy a l ocat ion , then c lick Bro wse to locate the USB printer softwa re. Th e softw are is lo cated in your print er’ s folder on the EPSO N CD-RO M.
20 6 Cli ck Next . The A dd New Har dware Wi zard f inds the EPSON USB/Par allel Print e r Adapter soft war e. 7 Cli ck Next . The Add New Hardware Wiza rd copies the drive r f il es to your har d drive and finis hes i nstall i ng the soft war e. us b4.
21 8 At the f inal scr een, cl ick Fi ni s h . Windo ws 98 detects y our print er and di spla ys a screen simi l ar to the f ollow in g: 9 Cli ck Next to ins t all y our pri nter driver . At the next scr een, s elect Search fo r t he best dri ver for your device and c l ick Next .
22 10 Make sure you r pr int er’s fol der is select ed unde r Specify a loc ati on . The n cl ic k Next and foll ow the on- scr een instruc ti ons to ins tal l your pri nter dri ve r and the Stat us M oni t or 2 uti li t y, if you r print er uses it.
23 Foll ow t hes e s t ep s t o e n abl e Wi nd ow s Pr i nt M a n age r : 1 Cli ck Start , poi nt to Progra ms , Epson , and sel ect Spo ol Manager 4 . 2 In the EPSON Spool Manager window, select the i con for your pri nter. 3 From the Queue m enu, select Setup .
24 Checkin g Your Installation T o veri fy th at yo ur p rint er softw are inst alled p roperly , open an appl ication and try printing t o y our print er . If the printe r does n’ t work cor re ctly , full y uni nstal l yo ur pr inte r softw are as descri bed in “Setting Up th e Computer” on page 12 of thi s gui de .
25 Installing Your Creative Soft war e and Electronic Manual If you’ ve be en using your EPSON pri nter wi th y our compu t er , y ou’v e probab l y alr eady inst alled yo ur cr eativ e soft ware and elec t ronic m anua l, if your pr inter cam e wit h t hem.
26 Cauti on: The inst al lation progr a ms f or the EPSON Stylus Photo EX and EPSON Styl us Photo 700 in stall the creati v e sof tw ar e bef ore they pr om pt y ou t o inst all the printer driv er softw ar e . Be sur e to cancel t he prin ter dr iv er soft wa re ins tallat ion whene v er y o u see th e scr een sho wn o n t he pre v ious page .
27 App endi x US B /P aral lel Ad ap t e r S pe cif i cat io ns USB connect or : USB series A; compli ant with USB Specifi catio n Re vision 1.0 P arall el connect or: IEEE-1 284-B (b idir ect ional ).
28 Syst em Requ i rem en ts Mac int osh Compu ter: App le i M ac or USB-r eady P ow er Maci ntosh G 3 Opera ting sys t em: Macint osh OS 8.5 or lat er , or Mac intosh OS 8.
29 Win dow s Compu ter: An IBM ® c ompati b le PC with at least a 486/66 MHz proce ssor (P ent ium ® processo r recom m ended) with US B p or t built in Opera ting system: W i ndows 98 Memory: At le.
デバイスEpson 440, 600, 640, 700, 800, 850, 1520, 3000, EX, 660, 5000, 9000の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Epson 440, 600, 640, 700, 800, 850, 1520, 3000, EX, 660, 5000, 9000をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEpson 440, 600, 640, 700, 800, 850, 1520, 3000, EX, 660, 5000, 9000の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Epson 440, 600, 640, 700, 800, 850, 1520, 3000, EX, 660, 5000, 9000の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Epson 440, 600, 640, 700, 800, 850, 1520, 3000, EX, 660, 5000, 9000で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Epson 440, 600, 640, 700, 800, 850, 1520, 3000, EX, 660, 5000, 9000を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEpson 440, 600, 640, 700, 800, 850, 1520, 3000, EX, 660, 5000, 9000の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Epson 440, 600, 640, 700, 800, 850, 1520, 3000, EX, 660, 5000, 9000に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEpson 440, 600, 640, 700, 800, 850, 1520, 3000, EX, 660, 5000, 9000デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。