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CPD-10843 Printer Basics Informations de base sur I’imprimante Printer Basics Informations de base sur I’imprimante EPSON Stylus Color 580 EPSON Stylus Color 580 ® ® ® ®.
How To Order EPSON I nk and Paper T o order EPSON ink cartr i d ges and pap er , cont act your dealer or call EPS ON at (800) 873-7766 . Y ou can also v isit the EPSON St o r e ™ at w ww .e pson .com (U.S. sal es o nly). In Ca na da, please ca ll (800) 873-7766 f or dealer ref erral.
This manual is divided into two sections: Eng l i sh and F rench. The English manual begins o n the next page. The F rench manual begins on th e page labelled “F rançais.” Ce ma nuel est divi s é en deux sections, l’une c ontenant le manue l anglais et l’autre le man uel f ran çais .
Printer Basics Printed on r ecycl ed pape r . Eng lish Pba sics .boo k Page i W edne s d ay, Augus t 9 , 200 0 10:2 6 AM.
ii Co pyrig ht N otice A ll right s re serve d. No part of this p ubl icatio n may be repr oduce d, sto red in a r etri eval syste m, or transmi tted in an y form or by any means, ele ct r onic, mecha nical, phot ocopying, r ecording, or otherw ise, w ithout the prior written permi ssion of S E I KO EP SON CORPO RATION.
iii Contents WELCOME! 1 Abo ut You r So ftwa re 1 Abou t Your Documentation 2 Warnings, Ca u tio ns, Notes, a nd Tips 2 View ing Yo ur Electr onic Printer M anual 3 PRINTING FR OM S T AR T TO FINISH 5.
iv MAINTAININ G Y O UR PRINTER 20 Cleaning the Print H e a d 20 Printing a N oz z le C heck 21 Using the Head Cle a ning Utility 22 Aligning the Print Head 24 Rep lac ing an In k Ca rt ridg e 26 Ink C.
1 Welcome! Yo u r E P S O N S t y l u s ® Color 580 is a user-f riendly , photo qualit y pr i nter tha t’ s pe rfect for printing all your h ome projects— from homework ass ignments and e nvelope s to fu ll-co lor greetin g cards and b a n ners .
2 About Your Documentation T o s et up your printer a nd install i ts software, see the Start He re sheet. This book contains sys tem requirements, im portant saf ety information, a nd instruc ti o ns.
3 V i e wing Your Electro nic Pri nter M a nu al Y ou r printer sof tware CD- R OM i ncludes a n electroni c Re fe ren c e Gu ide for yo ur p rint er . T he m anu al is in HTM L forma t, so you n eed a brows er— such a s In ternet Explorer or Netscap e Navigator , version 3.
4 Navigat in g Your Electron ic Printer Man u al Wh en you first open the Re fere nc e Guide , you see this s creen: Click a topi c on th e le ft to expand the table of contents. After expa nding the table of contents, you can clic k on the topic you want to view .
5 Printing from Start to F inish Here ’ s what to do to print a basic docu ment—such a s a mem o, newsletter , or pho tograph—f rom load i n g the pape r to selec ti n g prin t settings to c ontrolling the print job. F ollow the instructions in “Pr inting with Windows” be l ow or “P rinting o n a Maci ntosh” on page 10.
6 Keep the following in mind when loading pap er: ■ Load the pr i nta ble side fa ce up. It ’ s usua lly whiter o r brig h ter than th e other side. ■ Load letterhe a d or preprinted paper i nto the p ri n ter top ed ge first. ■ Don ’ t load paper above t h e arrow on the l eft edg e guide.
7 Make the following selections on the P rint dialog box: ■ Ma ke su re E PSON Stylus COLOR 580 i s sele cted. ■ Cli ck the Pr opertie s b u tton. (If you see a Setu p , Printer , or Option s button, click i t . Then cl ick Pr ope rties on the next screen.
8 Make the following setting s on the P roperti es dialog box: ■ Ch oose the M edia T ype you ’ re pri nting on ( c lick the a rrow button to scroll throug h the list). If y ou ’ r e not sure which sett ing to sel ect, see page 1 9. ■ Set the Ink option to Colo r u nless you ’ r e printing i n black onl y .
9 Con trolling Pr inting At th e P rint d ialog box, click OK (o r m ay be Prin t ) to start pr inting. After a mom ent, the P rogress Meter a ppears an d shows the progress of y o ur prin t job. Y ou can u s e the but tons to ca ncel, pause, or restart p rinting.
10 Printing on a Macintosh This sec tion descr ibes these ba sic st eps for p rinting on a Macint o s h: ■ Load i ng paper below ■ “Opening the Printer Software” on page 1 1 ■ “Selecting Printer So ftwar e Settings” on page 12 ■ “C ontrolling Printing” on pa ge 13 (T o print with Windows, see page 5.
11 Op ening t he Pri nter Softwa re After you open you r application p rog ra m and cr eate your document, you ’ re ready to s elect your p age setu p and o th er printer s oftware setting s.
12 Se lecti ng Prin ter S oftw are S ettin gs N ow o pen t he F ile me nu a nd cli ck Pri nt . Y ou see the main printer se tti ng s dia log box f or your appl i c ation (yours may l ook slightly d i f ferent): The m ost im portant thing to rememb er is to set the correct Media T ype for the p aper you ’ re u si n g.
13 Con trolling Pr inting O nce you ’ ve cli cked Pr int , your printer b eg i ns pr i nting . If you turned on background printing in the Chooser , you can use EP SON Mo ni tor 3 to ch eck th e progress of y o ur pri nt job. Select EPSON Moni tor 3 from th e Application menu a t the right side of the menu b a r .
14 Using PhotoEnhance, Custom, and Advance d Settings Wh en you ’ re printing speci a l projects, you can custom ize your p rinter softwa r e setting s, a s d escribed in these sections: ■ “U si.
15 Usi ng Custom Settings Y ou r printer sof tware includes cu stom p roj e ct types with preset pri nting options. T h is lets you quickly selec t a color- matching m ethod for your pro j ec t.
16 Using Special Pape rs How c a n you get the best-looki ng photos, most vivid colors, and shar pest text? Alwa ys use E PSON’ s special ink jet papers. Instructi ons for printing on EP SON Photo P aper and o n envelopes are giv en in the f ol l o wing sections.
17 4 × 6- inch Phot o Pa per EPSON 4 × 6- i nch Photo P aper is micro-per forated a round th e edges s o you can tri m your printo uts and “bleed” the photo— extend it to the ed ge of the pa p er— on all sides.
18 Pa nora mic Ph oto P ape r 1. Load one sheet of P anoramic paper , g lossy side up. 2. Ch oose Pho to Paper as th e Media T ype s etting and Pan oram ic 210 × 594 mm as the P aper Size setting in your pri nter softwa r e. 3. Send your print job, then hold up the pape r ’ s top edge as it begins feeding into the p rinter .
19 Selecting the Correct Medi a Type Befo r e printing, alw a ys chec k the Media T ype setting in your printer software. The pri nter uses the Media T ype setting to adjust the ink c o verag e for the type o f paper yo u are usi ng. T h e Media T ype setting for your paper m ay not be the same name as your paper .
20 Mainta ining Your Printer This sec tion descr ibes maintenance procedures to keep y our print er working a t its best and prepara tion steps for movi ng your p r inter .
21 Print ing a Noz zle Check F o ll ow t hese steps for you r operating s ystem t o run th e N ozzle Check u til i ty: 1. Make sure the p rinter is p l ug ged in bu t not prin tin g. 2. Windows : Right-click the S ta tus Monitor 3 icon on your Windows task bar , then s ele ct Nozzle Check in the menu that appears.
22 5. Exam ine the n ozzle check pattern you p r i nt. Eac h stag gered ho rizo ntal and s trai ght verti cal line should be complete, with no gaps in th e dot pa ttern.
23 3. Wh en th e utility st a r ts , you see this window: 4. Cli ck Star t (Windo ws) or Ne xt (Ma c i ntosh) to sta r t cleaning. Cleaning takes abou t 30 sec onds, du ri n g which th e prin t head moves a nd the pri nter make s some noise . 5. When cleaning is fini sh ed , run a nozzle check to confirm the print head n ozzles are cl ea n .
24 6. Make su r e letter-size or larger paper is l oaded i n the printer and c lick Pri nt Noz z l e Check Pa t ter n (W indows) or C onf ir m a ti on (Mac int osh ). Th en follow the instructions on the screen. 7. See page 22 for details on examini ng th e nozz le check p attern.
25 Or , if yo u have an a p pl ication running, you can also run the u tility by acc ess i ng the pr i nte r setti ngs dialog bo x a s des cribed on p age 6. C lick th e U til ity ta b , then click the P ri nt Hea d Alignment button. Macin tosh : Access the printer settings dialo g box as de scribed o n page 11.
26 Replacin g an Ink Cartr i dge Wh en you r in k lev els are low , S ta tus M oni tor 3 (Wi ndows) or Stat usM o nit or (Macinto sh) displays a messag e on yo u r sc r een. When you see the messa ge, it’ s a good time to make s ure you have a n ew ca rtridge o r replace it r ight awa y .
27 Ink Car tridg e Precaut ions Befo r e you replace an ink cartridg e, f ol low thes e p r ecau ti o ns: Re pl a cing a Low or Empty Ink Car tridge Wh en ink lev el s are low or y o u ’ re out of ink, S ta tus Monitor 3 (Windows ) or Sta tusMo nitor (Macint o s h) disp l a ys a message on your scree n.
28 Repl acing an O utdated Ink Cart ridge If you need to r e pl a ce an ink cartridg e before you see a S tatus Monitor 3 (W indows) or S tatusMonitor ( M ac i n tosh) messa ge, follow the s te ps here to use the Ink Cartr i d ge Replacement utility .
29 3. Cli ck the Ut ilit y ta b (Windo ws) or the Util ity button (Macin tosh), then cl ick th e Ink Cartridge R e placement butto n. 4. F o llow the instr uctions on th e screen t o replace the i nk cartridg e. 5. After you ’ ve inst a l led the ca rtridge, th e printer b egins ch a rg ing ink for several m i nu tes.
30 Transporting the Printer If you mo v e your pri nter s o me distance, you need to prepare it f or tra nsportation in its origina l bo x or one o f a si milar size. F ollo w these steps: 1. Plug i n the printer , w a i t until the print hea d locks i n the far r i g ht position, then unplu g the printer .
31 Pr obl em S ol vi ng Beca use y o ur printer consta ntl y m onitors its sta tus, it wi l l repor t to you if it has a pr obl em suc h as jam med pap er or lo w i nk lev els .
32 Identifying Printer P arts If you need help identifying the parts of the printer , refer to these illustrations : shee t fe eder lef t ed ge gui de pri nter c over paper supp ort ink ca rtri dge h olde r s (do n o t remove) ou tp u t tray ink cartrid ge clamps Pba sics .
33 Problems a nd Solutions Here are so me basic trou bleshooting ti p s if you h a v e any prob l em s setting u p your pri nter , ins t alling software, getting good print q ua l ity , fe eding pap er , or othe r m i sce llaneous probl ems. F o r addition a l tips , see your el ectronic Refe rence Guid e as described on page 3.
34 Proble ms with Pri nti n g The p rinter is plugged in and c onnected, but no thing prints. If your compute r can ’ t send the p rint job successfu lly , you may see a com munication error window on you r screen.
35 Yo u m a y a l s o n e e d t o : ■ Cl ear spac e on your hard d i sk or run a defragm entation utility . ■ Cl ose open appl i c a tions that you ’ re no t using. ■ Incr ease your system ’ s me mory ( R A M ). F o r the fastest p rinting, tr y the f oll o w i ng : ■ Ch oose Bl ack ink i f your d ocume nt does n ’ t i nclude color .
36 ■ Run the P rint H ead Alignment util ity using EPSON ink jet paper . See page 24 for instructio ns. ■ Tu r n o f f Hig h Spe e d printing in the Advanced dialog box. Your printout is blurry or smeared . ■ Make su r e your pa per isn ’ t damp, cur led, or l oade d fac e do wn (t he printa ble side s hould be loaded f a ce u p).
37 You see wrong or missing colors. ■ Ma ke sur e y ou se lect ed t he Co lor ink se tting and your a pp lication is set for col or pri nti n g. ■ Make sure the p rint head noz zles are not cl ogged. T o clean the print hea d, see page 20. ■ If you ’ re l ow o n ink, y o u ’ll see a low ink er r or w i nd o w .
38 Problem s with Pape r Feed ing Too m any copies are print ing. Mak e sure th e Copi es setti ngs in the printer softwa re and your application aren ’ t both s et for m ultiple copi es. Pap er doesn’t eject f u lly o r is wrinkled . ■ If th e paper do es n ’ t ej ect fully , y o u may see a pa per jam erro r window on your screen.
39 If your pap er ja ms fr eque ntl y: ■ Use smoo th, high-qua lity paper , loaded p ri n table sid e up (the whiter or shinier side on s pecial ink jet pa per). ■ F an the stack and then e ven th e edg es befo r e loading it. ■ Don ’ t load paper above th e ar ro w mark on the left edge guide.
40 The printe r prints blank pages. ■ Make su r e the paper settings in the prin ter software a r e correct for you r paper size. See your electronic Reference Guide for instruc tions . ■ Make su r e the pr i nt head nozz les are not clogged. T o clean the print head , see page 20.
41 Where T o Get Help If you need help with your printer or its software, see the conta ct informat i o n be lo w . For help wi th the bon us software that came on your p rinter software CD -R O M, see page 4 2 for co nta ct inform a tion.
42 EPS ON Ac cess or ies Wh en you need new ink cartri dges, contact your dea l er or cal l EPS ON a t (800) 873-7766 . Y ou can also visit the EPSON S tore ™ at www .ep son.c om (U.S. sal es o nly). In Ca na da, please ca ll (800) 873-7766 f or dealer ref erral.
43 Requirements and Notices System Requ irements Win dows T o use your pr i nter and its so f tware, your system should have: ■ An IBM ® compati ble PC with at l east a 486/66 MHz (f or W indows 9 .
44 Maci ntosh T o use your printer and its software, you r syst em sh o uld have: ■ An A ppl e ® iM ac ™ seri es or P ower Macintos h ® G3 with USB port ■ Fo r i M ac : Ma c ® OS 8.1 or later ( Mac OS 8.5.1 or later r ecommended) F or P ower Macintos h G3: Mac OS 8.
45 Important Safety Instructions Before using y o u r pr inter , read the follo wing sa f e ty instructions to make s ure you us e the prin ter safely a nd effectively: ■ Be sure to follo w a l l warning s an d instr uctions marked on the printer . ■ Use o nly the type of power source indicated on the printer’ s label.
46 ■ Unplug the printer bef ore cleaning. Clean wi t h a damp clo th only . Do not spill liquid on the printer . ■ Except as specifically explained in this ma nual, do not attem pt to ser vice the printe r yourself. ■ Unplug th e printer and refer to y ou r warranty on pag e 48 for s er vice instructio ns.
47 FCC Compliance Statement For Unit ed S tates U ser s Th i s equip men t has be en tested a nd fo un d to co mply with th e limi ts for a Cla ss B di gital de vice, pursu an t to Part 1 5 of the F CC Rules. These limi ts are des igned to p rovide rea sonable p rotection against harm ful in terference i n a residen tial in s t allation.
48 Limited War ranty What is Covered: Epson Ameri c a, Inc. (“Epson ” ) warrants to th e first retail purc haser that the Epson printer covere d by this l imited warranty statem ent, i f purchased.
49 Index Nume ric s 360 dpi Ink Jet Paper , 19 4 × 6-inch Ph oto Pape r, 1 6 to 17 A Access ories , 26, 42 Advanced setti ngs , 15 Alignin g p r int head , 24 to 25 , 36 Automatic mode, 7 t o 8, 12 B.
50 Hi gh Sp eed s ett ing, 18, 35 High-re solution imag es, 14, 37 I ICM (Imag e Color Matchin g) setting, 15 Incorr ect charac ters, 3 7 Incor rect col ors, 37 Ink cartri dge orderi ng, 26, 42 replac.
51 Print qual ity problems , 35 to 37 Printabl e Area setting , 11, 17 Printer cable , 34 , 43, 44 cleani ng, 29 fe atu re s , 1 maintainin g, 20 to 29 noise , 33, 35 pa rt s, 32 problems , 34 to 35 s.
52 W Watermark , 9 , 13 Windows printer status, 9 printing with, 5 to 9 Status Mo nitor 3, 21 to 28, 31 sy stem r equi remen ts , 43 unins talling print er s o ftware, 40 USB, 4 3 World Wid e Web, 31, 4 1 Pba sics .
デバイスEpson 580の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Epson 580をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEpson 580の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Epson 580の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Epson 580で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Epson 580を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEpson 580の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Epson 580に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEpson 580デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。