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EPSON ® Power Lite ® 77 00p Multim edia Project or User’ s Guide 770 ok Page i We dnes day, Nov embe r 1, 20 00 6:15 P M.
ii Important S afety Inf o rmatio n WAR NING : Never look into the project or lens when the lamp is turned on; the brigh t l i ght can damage your eyes. Never let childr en look in to the len s when it is on. Never open any cove r on the projector , except the lamp and fil t er covers .
C iii Conten ts Welcome G ett ing th e M os t f rom Y ou r Pro jec to r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Usi ng You r Doc umenta tio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Rea din g T his Ma nua l O nlin e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iv A djus ti ng the Ima ge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Fo cu sing and Zoom in g Yo ur Ima ge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 R esiz in g th e Ima ge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 A djus ti ng the H ei ght o f Yo ur Ima ge .
v Ad just ing th e S oun d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Cus tom izi ng th e Hi ghli ght ing To ol s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 Cr eat ing Yo ur Own St art up Sc reen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 9 Cap turin g t he Imag e .
vi Co nne ct in g to a S eco nd Co mpu te r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Co nne ct ing t o a High -En d W or ksta ti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Co nne ct ing t o a DV I Vi deo So urc e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 9 Appendi x B: Notices I mpo rta nt Sa fe ty In stru ct ion s .
W Welcome 1 - Welcome T he EP S ON ® Po werLite ® 7700p is a portable projec tor offering 3000 A NS I lumens of bright n es s. From boa rdrooms to auditoriu ms, your fu ll-color presentations a nd video s will be brig ht and v isible even in ordin ary room lightin g.
2 Welc o me Getting the Most from Your Projector Y ou r EP SO N Po w er L ite 7 7 00p is a h ig h ly v e rs at il e p re se nt a ti on to o l. Y ou can con nect it to one o r two com puter sou rces and up to thr ee video s ources and easi ly s w itch between them.
Welcome 3 ■ Co ntr oll ing Yo ur Pr oje ctor from a C omput er If you want to be able to contro l the projecto r’s settings f rom your co mpute r (for examp le, if t he proj ector is ceilin g-mounte d), you can install the EMP Link V program on the Projector Softwar e CD-R OM.
4 Welc o me Wh en yo u open the manual, you see this toolb ar: You have s everal w ays to na vigate thr ough the manu al: ■ Clic k in the table of contents on the l eft si d e of the screen to mov e quic kly to th e topic o f your choi ce.
Welcome 5 ■ Buil t-i n help sys tem Provides ass istance for commo n problems . Available from th e Help button on the projecto r or th e rem ote contro l. See pa ge 66 for detai ls. ■ supp ort. epso Downlo ad FAQs and e-mail your q uestions to EPSO N support.
6 Welc o me Unpacki ng the Projecto r After unpackin g the p rojector , make sure you h ave all th e parts s hown below: Save all pa ckaging i n ca se you nee d to s hip the projector. Alwa ys use the original pa ckaging (or the equivalent) when you need to send the proj ector to another location.
Welcome 7 Additional Components Dependi ng on how you plan to use th e projecto r, you may need ad ditio nal co mpon ents : ■ To recei ve an S -Vide o signa l, you need a n S-Video cabl e.
8 Welc o me Optional Accessories To enh ance your use o f the pro jector, EP SON p rovides the fol lowing o ptional a ccessori es: You can pu rc h ase these ac c ess o ries from your d ealer or b y calli ng EPS ON at (800) 873-7766; o r visi t the EPSON St or e ™ at w w w.
1 Setting U p the Projec to r 9 Setting Up th e P rojector T his ch apter tel ls you h ow to set u p the p rojector for a laptop comp uter or v i d eo pre sentation. If yo u need to s et up the p rojector for a permanent insta llation or co nnect it to a desktop or work station comp uter, s ee Ap pendix A .
10 Setting Up th e Projector Position ing the Pr ojector Befo re connectin g the p rojector, you need to de cide where t o place it. The loc ation you choose depend s on the size of th e ro om and wh at you a re proj ecting. ■ Plac e the p rojector on a stu rdy, level su rface, b etween 3.
Setting U p the Projec to r 11 If you place th e proje ctor below the l evel of th e screen, you’ll ha ve to tilt it up b y extending the feet as shown. T i l ting the pro jector u pward caus es the im age to lose its sq uare shape, but y ou can correct the distortion b y pre ssing the Keystone bu tton as de scribed in the next chapte r.
12 Setting Up th e Projector Connec ting to a L aptop Compute r Y ou can con nect the Power Lite p rojector to any comp uter that has a stan dard video output (m onitor) po rt, inclu ding PC notebo ok and laptop computers, Macintosh PowerBook s, and hand-hel d devic es.
Setting U p the Projec to r 13 4. Tighten th e screws o n the c onnectors . If yo u d o n’t need to make any other connections, yo u c an plug in your proje ctor and turn it o n.
14 Setting Up th e Projector Amplifying Computer Au dio Your la ptop probably has its own sound system; howev er, it ma y no t be adequate for you r presenta tion. If you need more volum e or bette r sou nd qual ity, y o u c an con nec t the audi o cabl e to tak e ad vant age o f the proj ector’s built-i n am plifier and stereo s peakers.
Setting U p the Projec to r 15 Connecting to Video Sources Yo u can conn ect a DV D pl ayer , VCR , cam cor der , la ser di sc pl ay er, digita l camera , or any oth er compa tible v ideo s ource to your projecto r. The pr ojector supports HDTV , NTSC , PA L, and SECA M, and automa tically d etects the video f ormat.
16 Setting Up th e Projector Connecting RCA Video Cables Befo re starting, make sur e the p rojector and yo ur DV D player o r ot her vid eo sourc e a re turned off. 1. Conne ct th e yellow plug on one end of the RCA video cable to the p rojector ’s Vi de o j ack .
Setting U p the Projec to r 17 Connecting S-Video If y our vid eo sou rce has a n S-Vi deo jac k, you ca n use it to p r ojec t a higher qua lity v ideo image. Ho wever, you’ll need an S-Vid eo c able, which may be included with yo ur video sou rce, or ma y be purcha sed.
18 Setting Up th e Projector Connecting Component Video Cables If y our video source has c ompone nt vi deo conn ectors, you c an us e them to pr oject a h igher qu ality v i d eo ima ge. How ever, you’ll need a BN C vi deo ca ble, wh ich may be incl uded w ith yo ur video s ource, or may be purch a sed .
2 Using the Projecto r 19 Using the Projector O nce yo u’ve co nnected the p rojector to your com puter or other equipm ent (as described in Cha pter 1 ) , you’re ready to turn on the project or, ad just the i mage, and g i v e your prese ntation.
20 Using the Projector Turnin g On Your Equ ipment Ma ke sure you r projector a nd o ther equi pmen t are set up and con necte d correc tly, as describ ed in Chapte r 1 o r Appen dix A. Then turn o n you r projecto r, as d escribed below, f ollowed by an y equ ipment y ou’v e conn ected to it.
Using the Projecto r 21 4. Pre ss the r ed Pow er b utton on top of the projector. The po wer ligh t flashes green as the pr ojector wa rms up , and the projectio n lam p come s on i n about 30 seconds . The pow er l ight stays green, and yo u m ay see a blue scr een with th e m essage No Si g na l di spla ye d.
22 Using the Projector What To Do If You See a Blank Screen If you see a blank s c reen o r a blue screen wi th the m essage No Sign al af ter t urn in g on yo ur co mput er or vi de o sou rce , do o .
Using the Projecto r 23 If this option isn’t a vailable, you may need to s elect one of the Simulsc an resol u tion settings: 1. Cl ick the Mo n itor ic on. 2. S elect a Simulsca n resol u tion as shown. (Allow a few seconds for the pro jector to sync up after making th e selection.
24 Using the Projector Adju sting the Im age O nce you see yo ur image, yo u’ll need to make certain adjustm ents: ■ To focus or zoom your imag e, see bel ow. ■ If only part of a comp uter imag e is dis played , yo u may need to pres s the Resize button.
Using the Projecto r 25 Resizing the Image Some compu ter images need to be res ized to di splay in the projecto r’s native f or ma t: 1024 × 768 pixels . If only par t of your comput er image is dis played, you can corre ct it with the Resi ze bu tton.
26 Using the Projector Adjusting the Image S hape If the proje cted image isn’t square or h as a “ k eyston e” shape, do one or more of the following : ■ If y our i mage lo oks like or , you’v e placed the proj ector off to one side of the screen, a t an angle.
Using the Projecto r 27 Contr olling the Projector While giving your presenta tion, you m ay want to switch betw een pictu re sources, adjust the vol ume, or te mpora rily turn of f the picture and s ound. Fo llow th e instru ctions bel ow to a ccess t heses featu res from your project or’s contr ol p anel .
28 Using the Projector Shutti ng Down th e Proj ector Wh en you’v e finished u sing th e projector , follow the reco mm ended proced ure to shut it down.
3 Using the Remote C ontrol 29 Using the Remot e Control The rem ote c ontrol l ets you a ccess yo ur proj ector’s featur es fro m anyw here in th e room —up to 3 0 feet a way. Y ou can use it to turn the proj ector on and off, contro l the picture and sou nd, an d highlig ht your pr esentation by using it as a digita l pointer.
30 Using th e Remo te C ontrol Turnin g On and U s i n g the Remote Cont rol Befo re using the rem ote contr ol, you need to install its batteries and turn it on as de scrib ed below . Installing Batteries Follow these steps to install or replac e the ba tteries: 1.
Using the Remote C ontrol 31 Using the Remote Control When using the remo te control , stand within a bout 30 feet o f the projecto r. Point the remote con trol either at th e front or b ack of the projecto r or a t the sc reen (the p rojector ’s front sensor can detect si g nals bounced of f the screen).
32 Using th e Remo te C ontrol Contro llin g the Pictu re and S ou n d Y ou can use the remo te c ontrol to select you r sou rce, adj ust the vol ume, tempor arily turn off the p i c ture and sound, freeze th e action, zoom in on t he picture, or disp lay a pictu re-in-pictu re video ima ge.
Using the Remote C ontrol 33 Turning Off the Picture and Soun d Yo u can use t he A/V Mu te b utton on the remote control to turn off the im age an d sound and darken your scre en. This is us eful if you want to tempor arily re-direc t your a udience’s a ttention w i th out th e distra ction of a bright screen.
34 Using th e Remo te C ontrol Displaying Picture-in-Pi cture Video Y ou can ope n a sm all v ide o w ind ow on you r c om pu ter i ma ge, an d view a vide o at th e same ti me as your comp uter presenta tion. Firs t mak e sure y ou h ave con nected you r VCR or oth er video sou rce us i n g a n RC A or S -Vide o cable as described in C hapter 1 .
Using the Remote C ontrol 35 Highl ightin g Your Pre sentation You ca n highli ght areas o n the screen using t he numb ered butto ns on the rem ote c ontrol. Y ou ca n use th ese “sp ecial eff ects” fea tures to annotate your pr esentation sli des or ca ll attention to your m ost importa nt poin ts .
36 Using th e Remo te C ontrol Using Box Highlights You can draw outline boxes o n th e screen to highl ight ar eas of yo ur pres entation or video. 1. To a ctivate the box to ol, pre s s button 2 o n the r emote control. A pink square appe ars i n the upper left corn er o f th e screen.
Using the Remote C ontrol 37 Using Horizontal and Vertical H ighlights Wit h the bar tool, you can dra w bold ho rizonta l o r vertic al lines on the scre en to underl ine or highlight your presentatio n poin ts . You can choos e from three types of bars.
38 Using th e Remo te C ontrol Us in g th e Re mo te C ont ro l a s a Wi re les s Mouse Wh en you u s e the remote contro l as a w ireless mou se, you ca n control your c ompu ter or click throug h slideshow- style presentat ions (suc h as PowerPoint) f rom u p to 30 f eet away.
4 Fine-tuning the Pro jec to r 39 Fi ne-tun ing th e Pr ojec tor Y ou ca n use the pr oj e ctor’s o n-scr een menus to ad just the i mage, sound, and other f eat u res. You can a lso create your own startup screen, customize the hig hlighting tools, and find out how long your lamp has been in use.
40 Fine -tu ni ng the Projector Using the Pr ojector’s Menu System The eigh t pro jector me nus let yo u adjust and cu stomize the projecto r featu res from e ither the remo te co ntrol or control panel: ■ The Video m enu controls th e look and q uality of th e proj ected ima ge.
Fine-tuning the Pro jec to r 41 Changing Menu Settings You ca n use th e buttons on th e control panel or remote con trol to access t h e menus and change settings. Foll ow these st eps: 1. To di splay the m enu scr een, press th e Menu b utton o n the control panel or the r emote contro l.
42 Fine -tu ni ng the Projector 2. Pres s the up or down arrow s (contro l panel) or p ress up or do wn on t he En te r b utton (remote contr ol) to scroll throug h th e m enu li st. 3. Wh en th e menu you want is highlighted, press th e Ente r button to select it.
Fine-tuning the Pro jec to r 43 Adju s ting th e Im ag e The Vi deo menu lets you mak e adjus tments to the pr oj e cted image. The op tions ava i l able in th e me nu depend on which sourc e is conne cted to th e projector: standard compu ter video , com puter dig ital video, comp osite or S-Vi deo, o r compon ent v ideo.
44 Fine -tu ni ng the Projector Repositioning the Ima ge Follow these steps to fine-tune th e image p osition: 1. Press t he Men u button. Y ou see th e mai n menu. 2. Press Enter to sele ct the Vi de o me nu . 3. Press Enter to selec t the Po siti on opti on.
Fine-tuning the Pro jec to r 45 ■ Tint (video on ly ) Adju s ts the balance of green to ma genta in th e image. ■ Sharp ness ■ Gam ma Cho o s e Dynamic fo r c omp ute r im ages w ith b rig ht col ors (su ch as char ts or g ra phs) , or Natur al to enhance vid eo imag e s .
46 Fine -tu ni ng the Projector 4. Press Ente r to a s s ign it to the next availa ble numb er. 5. Press Enter again. W hen you see the “ Overw ri t e?” pr ompt, select Yes or No and pre ss Ente r . 6. Press Esc to return to the V ideo m enu. Wh en you want to us e a saved setting, press the P reset button on th e remote control.
Fine-tuning the Pro jec to r 47 4. Use th e arrow b uttons ( control pane l) or th e En ter button (remote contro l) to set th e foll owing options : ■ Vol u me ■ Treble ■ Ba ss 5. Whe n you’re f inished adjust ing the so und, press Esc or Menu .
48 Fine -tu ni ng the Projector 4. Use the arrow button s (control panel) o r the Ente r button t o cus to miz e: ■ Curso r/Stamp Lets you def i ne the s hape and size for three dif ferent pointers . For s ome pointers , you can also defi ne the color and leng th.
Fine-tuning the Pro jec to r 49 Cre ati ng Your O wn Star tu p Scr een You ca n transfer any i mage o n your c omputer to th e projector , and then use i t a s the screen dis played when th e projector i s not receivi ng a signa l . You can also set it to be displayed when you pr ess the A/V Mut e b utto n, or as a s tart up s c r een .
50 Fine -tu ni ng the Projector 6. Wh en you see th e messa ge “D o you use thi s image? ” select Ye s and pre ss Ent er . If yo u want to cha nge th e area s elected, s elect No , press En ter and repeat step s 4 through 6. You s ee the messa ge shown at t he lef t .
Fine-tuning the Pro jec to r 51 7. Press the right arrow or use the Ente r butt on to s elect Logo . This sets your image as the screen displayed w hen you press t he A/V Mut e button. 8. When you’re finished, press Esc or Men u . To test your setting, press the A/V Mute b utton to display your image.
52 Fine -tu ni ng the Projector 4. Use the arrow button s (control panel) o r the Ente r button (remo te control ) to set the fo llowing o ptions: ■ Keysto ne Adjusts a dist orted imag e from a trapezo id shape to re ctangul ar.
Fine-tuning the Pro jec to r 53 Setting Advanced Features You can use the Adva nced menu to configure the pro jector for rea r projectio n or ceiling mounti ng, and a djust sev eral other f eatures. 1. Pre ss the Men u bu tton. 2. Use th e arro w keys (c ontrol panel) or th e Ente r but ton (remo te co ntro l) to high li ght Advanced .
54 Fine -tu ni ng the Projector ■ Co mp2Sync T ermination Used for testin g. Leave the s etting on f or normal operat i o n. ■ Rear Proj. Turn on to project from behind onto a transpa rent s c reen. ■ Ceil ing Turn on when the pro j ec tor is mounted upside- down from the ceiling.
Fine-tuning the Pro jec to r 55 Re storing the Default S ettings The Reset All option lets you retur n all th e pro jector sett i ng s to their defaul t values . Select Res et A l l and press th e Enter but ton on the c ontrol butt on or remote co ntrol to display the confirm ation screen .
56 Fine -tu ni ng the Projector 770 ok Page 56 W ednes day, N ovemb er 1, 20 00 6:1 5 PM.
5 Maintain i ng and Transporting th e Projector 57 Main tain ing an d Transp ortin g the Projecto r Y our p rojector needs little maintenance. All you need to do on a regular b asis i s keep the lens clean. A ny dirt or smear s on th e lens may show up on you r projected imag e.
58 Maintain i n g and Transporting the Projector Cle aning the Lens Cle an th e lens whene ver you notice dirt or du st on the surface. ■ Use a c anister of compresse d air to re mo ve dust. ■ To re mov e di rt or smears on the lens , use lens-clea ning paper .
Maintain i ng and Transporting th e Projector 59 Cleanin g and Replacing the Air Filter Clean the a i r filter at the b ottom of th e projec tor after ever y 1 0 0 hour s of use. If it is not cleaned periodic ally, it can become clogged with dust, pr eventing p roper ventila ti o n.
60 Maintain i n g and Transporting the Projector 4. If y ou need to r eplace the filter, p ull on the catch to rem ove it. Ma ke sure th e proj ector i s on i ts side as s hown (not tur ned ups ide down) to prevent du st from falling i nside. 5. To i nstall the new filter, first insert the ta bs, then press on the catch u ntil it clicks in place.
Maintain i ng and Transporting th e Projector 61 Follow th ese steps to r eplace the lamp: 1. Turn off the projecto r an d unplu g the power c ord. 2. Allow the pro jector to cool dow n fo r at l east an hour (if it has been o n). 3. Use a screwd river to lo osen th e retaining screw on the la mp co ver.
62 Maintain i n g and Transporting the Projector 6. Fully insert the new lamp. (The plastic flap will flex out of the way.) 7. On ce the lamp is f ully inserted, tighten its screw s. 8. Repla ce the l a mp cover and tigh ten its sc rew securely. (T he proj ector won’t come on if the lamp cover is loose .
Maintain i ng and Transporting th e Projector 63 2. Use the l eft arr ow button (control pa nel) or p ress left on the Ent er bu tton (remo te control ) to select Yes . 3. Pre ss Ent er to reset the timer. Transp orting the Project or The pr oj ec tor contains many glass and precision parts.
64 Maintain i n g and Transporting the Projector 770 ok Page 64 W ednes day, N ovemb er 1, 20 00 6:1 5 PM.
6 So lving Pr oble ms 65 Solvin g Proble ms T his chapte r h elps you solve proble ms with your projector, a nd tells you h ow to c ontact tec hnical suppor t for p roblems you can’t solve you rse lf.
66 Solvi ng Pro blem s Using On-Scree n Hel p If yo u s ee a No Sign al message or your audio isn’t working, you can get he lp by pressing the blu e ? Help bu tton on to p of the proje ctor or under the cover on the rem ote c ontrol.
So lving Pr oble ms 67 What To Do When the L igh ts Fl as h The lig hts on top of the p rojector indica te the p rojector’s status and let you know when a problem occ urs. If th e projector is not working correctl y, firs t turn it off an d unplu g it.
68 Solvi ng Pro blem s The temperature li ght i s flashing orange. ■ The proj ector is getting too hot. Turn it off and l et it cool. Make sure the room temper a tu r e does not excee d 104 ° F a nd ther e is plenty of space around and u nder the projec tor for ventilation.
So lving Pr oble ms 69 Sol ving Pro blems wi th the I mage or Sound No ima ge appears on the screen. ■ Check th at the pow er l i g ht is gr een, not flashing, an d the lens cover is off . ■ The pr ojector may be i n sleep m ode. If the p ower ligh t is o range, press th e Pow er butto n to turn th e proje ctor on.
70 Solvi ng Pro blem s You see a blue screen with the message No Signal displayed. ■ Ma ke sur e the c ables are conn ected co rrectly , as d escrib ed in Ch apter 1 or Appe ndix A.
So lving Pr oble ms 71 3. Drag one monitor icon on top o f the other. This l ets you display on the projector screen as well as the LCD scre en. 4. If this option i sn’ t availab le, click th e Mon it or icon. 5. Select one o f the liste d Simulscan res olut ions .
72 Solvi ng Pro blem s The ima ge isn’t squa re, but trapezoi d-shaped. ■ Ma ke sure th e projector isn’t placed of f to one side o f the screen, at an an gl e , or the i mage w on’t be squar e. P lac e th e pr ojec tor directly in fr ont of the center of the screen, f acing the scr een square ly.
So lving Pr oble ms 73 The colors of th e ima ge a re not right. ■ The co lor balan ce m ay be i nc orrect. If you ’re dis playi ng a comp uter imag e, use the Gamma option in the proje ctor’s Video menu to ad just th e ba lanc e of red, gree n, and b l u e.
74 Solvi ng Pro blem s Solv ing Pr oblems with the Remo te Cont rol The projector do esn’t respon d to remote control comma nds. ■ Ma ke sure th e remote contro l is turned on.
So lving Pr oble ms 75 Where To Get Help EPSON prov ides technical assi stance th rough electronic support services and a utomated telepho ne services 24 hours a day, a s listed in the fol lowing ta ble.
76 Solvi ng Pro blem s Be fore y ou cal l, ple ase have the fo llow ing i nfo rmati on ready : ■ Produ ct name ( E PSON Pow erLite 7700p) ■ Produ ct s erial numb er ( l ocated on the bottom of t h.
A Append ix A: C onnecting t o Addi tional E q u ip ment 77 Ap pendix A: Con nectin g to Additi ona l Equipme nt This appendix expla ins h o w to connect the projector to a desktop computer or M a cintosh, h igh-end workstation, more th an one comp uter, or a DVI v ideo source.
78 Append ix A: C onnecting t o Addi tional E q u ip ment Instal ling the Pro j ecto r The pr ojector can be i nstalled for th ree different v iewing setups : front proj ection, ceiling m ountin g, or.
Append ix A: C onnecting t o Addi tional E q u ip ment 79 To insta ll EMP Link V, in sert the Pro jector Softw are CD-R OM in your C D-ROM driv e and f ollow the instructions on the s creen. Th e installation prog ram a lso i n stalls the EMP Link V U ser’s Guide on your hard disk.
80 Append ix A: C onnecting t o Addi tional E q u ip ment Connec ting to a PC Desktop Computer You can connect the proj ector to any I BM c ompati b l e P C.
Append ix A: C onnecting t o Addi tional E q u ip ment 81 4. Connect th e oth er end of the computer ca ble to the c ompu ter’s vi d eo por t. 5. Tighten th e screws o n the c onnectors . Connecting the Mouse Cable To use the remote cont rol as a m ouse, fol low the steps below.
82 Append ix A: C onnecting t o Addi tional E q u ip ment Connecting the Audio C able If your pres entation i nclud es sound and y ou want to use the proj ector’s bu ilt-in s peakers, y ou’ll need to conne ct the audio c able. 1. Conne ct o ne end of th e audio ca ble to th e Aud io (C om puter 1) jack on th e projector .
Append ix A: C onnecting t o Addi tional E q u ip ment 83 Co nnecting to a De sktop Mac intosh You can c onnect the pro jector to any desk top Maci ntosh.
84 Append ix A: C onnecting t o Addi tional E q u ip ment 3. Conne ct the other end of th e compu ter cable to the video por t on the Ma cintosh. If it doesn’t fit, you may have to use a Macintosh desk top adapter, which you can buy f rom EP SON (see page 8).
Append ix A: C onnecting t o Addi tional E q u ip ment 85 Connecting the Mouse Cable To use the remote cont rol as a m ouse follow the steps belo w. If the Ma cin tos h has a US B port , yo u can us e the U SB mous e cab le included wi th the projec tor.
86 Append ix A: C onnecting t o Addi tional E q u ip ment Connecting the Audio C able If your pres entation i nclud es sound and y ou want to use the proj ector’s bu ilt-in s peakers, y ou’ll need to conne ct the audio c able. 1. Conne ct o ne end of th e audio ca ble to th e Aud io (C om puter 1) port on the proj ector .
Append ix A: C onnecting t o Addi tional E q u ip ment 87 Connec ting to a Second Com puter If you want to connect a second comp uter to the projector, you need to us e the BNC c onnectors ( labelled Computer 2 /Component Vi d eo ) o n t h e p r oj ector .
88 Append ix A: C onnecting t o Addi tional E q u ip ment 5. If y ou want to us e the remote control as a w ireless mou se fo r the sec ond compu ter, you need to use either th e PS/2 mouse cable or the U SB m ouse c able that c ame wi th the pro jector.
Append ix A: C onnecting t o Addi tional E q u ip ment 89 Connecting to a DVI Video Source The pr ojector’s D igital V isual I nterface (DVI) receives picture s direct ly f rom your comp uter in dig ital format. Th is lets th e projecto r di splay ima ges of grea ter c lari ty t han c an be ac hie ved us ing a s tan dard analog VGA connection.
90 Append ix A: C onnecting t o Addi tional E q u ip ment 770 ok Page 90 W ednes day, N ovemb er 1, 20 00 6:1 5 PM.
B Appendix B: Notices 91 Ap pendix B: Notices T his appendix incl u des safety i nstructions a nd other important infor m ation about your EPSON Po werLit e 7700p. Impo rtan t Safe ty In struct ion s Follow these safety instructi ons w hen setting up and using the project or: ■ Do not place the pro jector on an u nstable ca rt, stand , or ta ble.
92 Appendix B: Notices ■ Do not plac e the p rojector wh ere the cord c an be wa lked on. Th is ma y re sult in fr a ying or dama ge to the pl u g. ■ Unp lug the p rojector from th e wall outlet b efore c lea n ing. Use a damp cloth for cleaning. Do not u se l iquid or aerosol cl ea ners.
Appendix B: Notices 93 Re mote Cont rol I nformat ion You ca n opera te the projecto r by remote contr ol via a line-of-s ight infrared (IR) r eceiver at the front and rear of the project or.
94 Appendix B: Notices Declaration of Conformi ty Acco rdin g to 47CFR, P art 2 and 15 Class B Personal Computer s and Perip h er als; and/or CPU B oards a nd Power Sup plies u sed w i th Cl ass B Personal Computers We : EP SON AM E RIC A, INC .
Appendix B: Notices 95 FCC Compliance Statement For Unite d States Us ers This eq u i p ment has been te s te d and found to co m ply with the li m its fo r a Cl ass B di git al de vice, p ursu ant to Pa rt 15 of th e FCC Rules.
96 Appendix B: Notices 770 ok Page 96 W ednes day, N ovemb er 1, 20 00 6:1 5 PM.
C Appendix C: Technic a l Speci fications 97 App end ix C : Tec hni cal Spec if icati on s General Type of display Poly-silicon Thi n F ilm Tra nsis to r ( TFT) Size of liq uid cryst a l pane l s Diago na l : 1.
98 Append ix C: Tech nical Specifica tions Projection Lamp Type UHE ( Ultr a Hi gh Ef fic iency) Power consumption 200 W Lamp l ife About 1500 hours Part number ELPLP12 Remo te Control Range 32.
Appendix C: Technic a l Speci fications 99 Environmental Temperat u re O pe ra ting: 41 to 104° F (5 to 40° C) Sto r age: 14 to 140° F ( –10 to 60° C) Humidity Operat ing: 20 to 80% RH, non-condensi ng St or ag e: 10 t o 90 % R H , non-condensi ng Safety Unit ed St ates FCC P art 15B Cla ss B UL1950 Rev.
100 Appendix C: Technic a l Spe c if ications NEC400 56.65 640 × 400 SVGA56 56.25 800 × 600 SVGA60 60.31 7 800 × 60 0 SVGA72 72.18 8 800 × 60 0 SVGA75 75 800 × 60 0 SVGA85 85.06 1 800 × 60 0 XGA43i 86.95 8 1024 × 768 XGA60 60.004 1024 × 76 8 XGA70 70.
Appendix C: Technic a l Speci fications 101 * Th e i mage is resiz ed so t ha t i t dis plays using one of the pr ojector’ s na tive fo rmats. MACLC13 66.62 640 × 480 MAC II 13 66.67 640 × 480 MAC16 74.55 832 × 624 MAC19—60 59.28 1024 × 768 MAC19 74.
102 Appendix C: Technic a l Spe c if ications Interface Connectors Monitor Out Computer 2 / Component Video Computer 1 Analog Digital Audio(Computer1) Audio Out Mouse 2 Control (RS-232C) Mouse 1 S-Vid.
Appendix C: Technic a l Speci fications 103 Computer Video Port Pin Assignm ents The Compu ter 1 a nalog port (VGA) a nd the Monitor Out port are fema le v i deo RGB , 1 5 -pin mic ro-D-style connec tors.
104 Appendix C: Technic a l Spe c if ications Image Size and Proje ction Distance Use the ta bles belo w to estim ate h ow far to place t he projecto r f rom the screen. Si nce the size of the image can be changed by rotati ng th e zoom ring , a range o f dista nce i s given for e ach sc reen si ze.
Appendix C: Technic a l Speci fications 105 Wide A ngle Le ns (ELPAW 01) Diagona l screen size Dis tance 30 i nc he s 2. 8 - 3. 6 fee t (0 .8 5 - 1. 0 9 me ter s) 60 i nc he s 5. 5 - 7. 2 fee t (1 .6 9 - 2. 1 9 me ter s) 100 i nches 9.3 - 12.0 f eet ( 2.
106 Appendix C: Technic a l Spe c if ications 770 ok Page 106 Wed nesda y, No vember 1 , 2000 6 :15 PM.
Index 107 Index A A/V Mute butto n, 27, 33, 50 A/V Mu te sett ing, 52 About men u , 40, 54 Acc esso rie s, 8, 76 Adobe Acrobat Reader, 3 to 4 Ad va n ced m enu , 40 , 5 3 to 54 Air f ilter, cleani ng .
108 In d ex Ele c tr ica l sp ec if ic ati on s , 98 EMP Link V, 3, 78 to 79 Ente r bu t ton, 31 En vi ro n me nta l sp ec if ic ati on s , 99 EPSON acce ssories , 8, 76 Pr ivateLine Su p port, 5, 75 .
Index 109 Menu s About, 40, 54 Advanc ed, 40 , 53 to 54 Audio , 40, 46 to 47 Capt u re , 40 ch an ging se tti ngs , 40 to 4 2 Eff e c t, 40, 47 to 48 Rese t Al l, 40, 55 Set ting, 40, 51 to 52 usi ng,.
110 In d ex S Safet y instruct ions, 91 to 92 Scr een imag e Se e Image Scr een , dist ance fro m proj ecto r, 10, 104 t o 105 Set ting menu , 40, 51 t o 52 Shar pne ss s e tti ng, 44 Sleep m ode, 28 .
デバイスEpson 7700pの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Epson 7700pをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEpson 7700pの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Epson 7700pの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Epson 7700pで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Epson 7700pを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEpson 7700pの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Epson 7700pに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEpson 7700pデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。