ページ先へ移動 of 73
ii FC C Co mp li anc e Sta te me nt For Un ited Sta tes Users This e quipment has been t ested and found to comply with the li mits for a Class B digital device, purs uant to Part 15 of th e FCC Rules . These l imits are des ign ed to provide r easo nabl e protecti on against har mful in terfer ence in a r esidential inst allat ion.
iii Copy r i g h t No t i ce All rig hts reser ved. No par t of this publication may b e reprodu ced, stored in a ret rieval system , or tra nsmitted in any form or by any means, electro nic, mechan i cal, phot ocopyin g, recording, or othe rwise, withou t the prior writ te n per missi on of S EIK O EPSO N CORPOR ATI ON .
iv Con te nts SCA NNING FOR PR OFESSIONAL R ESULTS 1 About Your Scan ne r 1 Ab out Yo ur So ft ware 2 About Your Documentation 3 Warning s, Cautions, Notes, and Tips 4 System Requ ire ments 5 Windows .
v Ins tall EPSO N TWAIN Pro 22 If You’ re Run ni ng W ind o ws. . . 22 If You’ re U s in g a Mac in t osh. . . 24 In sta l l th e I SIS Dr iver 26 Install MonacoSCAN 2.6 27 If You’ re Run ni ng W ind o ws. . . 27 If You’ re U s in g a Mac in t osh.
vi VIEWING Y OUR ELEC TRONIC MANUALS 41 Ins tall i ng Adobe Acro bat Re ader 42 If You’ re Run ni ng W ind o ws. . . 42 If You’ re U s in g a Mac in t osh.
1 Scanning for Professional Results The EP SON ® Ex pr essio n ® 836XL is a 36-b it, large-format professional scanner designed to d eliver su peri or result s for ar tist s, graph ics profe ssionals, and business graph i cs use rs .
2 Ab out Yo ur So ft ware The EP SON Expression 836XL scanner includes the s e leading-edge applicatio ns for profe ss ional- qu alit y scan s: If y ou h ave th e st an da rd ver s i on of the s c an .
3 About Your Do cumentation This guide includes instruct ions fo r s etting u p your scanner an d so f tware, in stall ing the optiona l TP U and ADF, and v i ewing your elec tronic m anuals, plu s scan ning tips and tr ouble shoot ing advic e.
4 Warnin gs, Cauti ons, No tes, an d Tips Ple ase foll ow thes e guide l ines a s you read your docum entation: Wa rnin gs m ust be foll owe d caref ully to avoid bo dil y in jur y. Cau tio ns mu st be obs e rved to avoid dama g e to yo ur equip m ent.
5 System R eq uirements The m inimum syst em requir ements f or Win dows an d M a ci ntosh ar e listed below. For optimum per forman ce, a f aster pr ocesso r a nd mor e memor y are recom mende d. If you are sca nning high resolu tion images, you ne ed more than the mi nimum av aila ble hard d isk sp ace liste d.
6 Ma cintosh ■ PowerP C ™ or h igher processor including blue G3 (iMac ™ is not su pported ) running syst em 7.5 (system 8.1 o r later recommended) ■ Ma c in tos h st an dard SC SI i nte rface.
7 Important Saf ety Instructions Read all o f thes e instru ctions and sa ve th em for la te r re f erenc e . Fo ll ow all war nings and ins tr uctio ns mar ked on the scanner. ■ Unplu g the scanne r bef or e cleaning . Clea n with a dam p cloth only.
9 Setting Up Your Scanner Sett ing up your scan ner is e asy — ju st follo w the sim ple steps in this bo ok in the ord er listed below. 1. Unpack and choose a place for your scanner. 2. Install the S CSI interface boar d (if necessary). 3. Unlock t he scanner.
10 Unpac k Your S canner Remov e t he scanne r f rom the b ox, th en r emove the packi ng ma terial f rom yo ur scanner. Save the p ackaging in case you need it later. Your EPSON Expression 836XL comes with t h ese items: s canne r Ad obe P ho tosh op 5.
11 Choo se a Good Plac e for Your S canner Here are som e poin ts to consi d er: ■ Place the s canner on a flat, stable s urface. If th e s canner i s tilte d, i t can ’t ope rate prope rly. ■ Ma ke sure to plac e th e scan ne r w h er e you ca n easil y unpl ug th e pow e r c or d, and where the SCSI cable ca n reach your computer.
12 Install the SCSI Interface Board You must instal l your SCSI board befor e inst alli ng the scanne r driv er and sof tware appli c ati on s. If you have a Macint osh with a SCSI int e rf ace , or if you alread y have a SC SI boar d inst alled in your PC, sk ip thi s section.
13 Unlock the Scanner Befo re connect ing th e scanner to a po w er so urce, y o u mu st rel ease the trans por tati on lock , loc ate d on the left si de of th e scan ne r. Use a coin or large flat -hea d scre wd ri v er to tu rn th e t ra ns po rta tio n loc k scr e w to the un locked posi tion, a s show n.
14 Set the S CSI ID Number The scan ne r is preset at the factory to S CSI ID 2. If you need to change th is numbe r , tu rn the SCSI ID s witch on the back pa ne l. B e sure to c ho ose a uni q ue number that doesn’t conflict with the ID num ber of oth e r SCSI dev ices .
15 Set the S CSI Terminator The scan ner’s SCSI te rm in ator is built in, with a sw itch t o turn it on or off on the scann er’s b ack pane l. I f th e sca nner is yo ur only S CSI de vice o r the la st device in the cha i n, le av e th e termi na tor tur ne d ON (the de fault sett ing) .
16 Conn ect the Scanner to Your Co mputer Make sure t h e scanner, co mputer, and any SCSI devi ces connected to yo ur co mputer ar e t urn ed off . T he scan ner i s o ff whe n the P O PERA TE bu tton is out (n ot push ed d own belo w the s urf ace of th e front p anel ).
17 Power On Your System Always press th e P OPERATE butto n to tur n on you r scann er bef o re you tu rn on t he comput er. Ot herwise , th e comp ut er may not re cog niz e yo u r EPSO N scanner when you install your software . As th e scan ner initialize s, the O PERA TE li ght o n the scan ner’ s front panel come s on.
18 If You’re R unning Windows 95 or Wi ndows 9 8. . . Depe nding on how your c omputer syste m was or iginal ly set up, you may b e aske d to insert y our Windo ws operati ng system CD-RO M d uring sof tware instal latio n. Please have your Windows CD-ROM handy, in case it is needed.
19 5. When you see a scr ee n indicating t h at Windows i s read y to inst all the best driver for this d evice, click Ne xt to begin driver in stallation . 6. If your syste m stop s install ation t o r e q ue st th e fi l e AIC 7 8XX.MPD , us e the Browse fu nction to g o to D:Adapte cW in 9 x (wher e D: is your CD-R OM d rive).
20 You see the dial o g box on the righ t. 3. Click th e Driv ers ta b. Then click t he Add butt on. Af ter a momen t, you see the Insta ll Driv er dialo g box.
21 5. I n the SCSI Ada pter li st, clic k Ada ptec AHA- 294X /AH A-39 4X or AIC -7 8X X P CI S CS I Co ntr olle r . 6. Click OK . If yo u see a prompt to i nsta ll the Wind ows NT CD-RO M, insert it and click OK . Or u s e t he Br owse func tio n to g o t o D:A da p tec W in NT W in nt4 _0 (where D: is your CD-RO M dri ve).
22 If You’re Usin g a Mac intosh . . . If you insta lled the S CSI boar d th at c ame wi th the sc anne r in your Mac into sh, you need to in stal l it s driv e r sof twar e . 1. Turn on you r Macintosh and disable any anti-virus programs. 2. Insert th e EPSON Expression 836XL Scanning Tools CD-ROM in your d rive.
23 5. Afte r instal li ng th e soft ware, click Next to open the EPSON TWAIN Pro Se tu p window. 6. If i t ’s not already s elected , choo se the interface to which yo u connected the scanner: SCSI or BiD Paral lel . Windo ws automati c al ly dete c ts y ou r SCSI I D .
24 You w on ’t nee d to ch an ge the scre en cali brati on a s lon g as you cont i nue to us e the same disp lay. If you need to recal ibrat e your scre en at a late r tim e, s ele ct Scr ee n Calibr ation in th e EPSON Scanner f o lder. 11. Click OK to e xit th e setu p pr ogr am.
25 You see the Scree n Calibrat ion win do w. 7. M o ve th e slid er unt i l the sh ade s of th e hori z onta l gray str ipe s appe ar similar . View th e scre en from a shor t distan ce. The gra y stripes w il l not per fectl y blend toget h er ; h ow e ve r , tr y to make the tw o tones mat ch as closel y as possi ble .
26 Install the ISIS Driver The ISIS driver for the Expression 836XL is designed for high-per formance OCR scann ing (W indow s only), either with or witho ut th e optio nal auto docu ment fe eder. You can use t his driv e r wi th any appl icati on th at supp orts ISIS driv ers, su ch a s A dobe Acro b at C a ptu r e.
27 Install Monac oSCAN 2.6 This uti lity l et s you cr eate a unique in p ut pr ofil e fo r yo ur s cann er, which you can us e with all color -ma naged ap plications. If your s canner didn’t come with Monaco SCAN, skip to pag e 31. If You’re R unning Windows.
28 If You’re Usin g a Mac intosh . . . 1. S tart y o ur Macin t osh an d tu rn off a ny virus pr otect i o n pro gram s yo u’re us in g. 2. Insert th e EPSON Expression 836XL Scanning Tools CD-ROM in your d rive. 3. Double-click t he CD-ROM icon to open t he CD-ROM window, if n ecessary.
29 Install Adob e Photos hop 5.0 LE To find out h ow t o upg rade to t he full versi on of Adob e Pho toshop 5.0 , see the Acro b a t fi le ti tl ed U pgr ade.p df o n the Adobe P hotoshop 5.0 L E CD-ROM (yo u m u st h a ve A c r o b at R ea d e r i n s t a l l ed t o v i ew t h i s f i l e ).
30 If You’re Usin g a Mac intosh . . . 1. Insert the Adobe Photoshop 5.0 LE CD-ROM in your drive. 2. Double-click the Ad obe P ho tosh op 5. 0 LE CD-ROM icon, t hen double-click the A do be Ph otos ho p 5. 0 L E folde r. 3. Double-click the I ns ta ll P h otos hop ® LE icon.
31 How to Sca n This section give s you an overvie w of the scanni ng pr oce ss and som e tips fo r gett in g the best scan. It also includes step-by-step scanning instructions. Scan ni ng an im age allo ws yo u to re pr oduc e it many ti me s wit h litt le or no loss of quality.
32 Scanning Tips Gett i n g the best scan possibl e depends on sev eral facto rs, in cluding the q ual ity of your or i gin a l a nd the r eso luti on y o u se le c t.
33 Scal ing (R esizing ) Im a ges If you plan t o en large y our ima ge, it ’s be tter to enlarge it by s canning at a hig her r e s ol utio n r athe r th an adju sti ng re s olu ti on in y o ur a ppl i c a t ion. Ea c h time yo u mod ify an i mage, y ou lose some i mage q ualit y.
34 “Beginn ing Your S can” on pa ge 36 shows you ho w to sele ct a drive r and sett ings. For deta ils o n u sing EPSO N TWA IN Pr o, s ee your el ectro nic EPSON TWAIN Pro U ser’s Guide on your EPSON Expression 836XL S canning Tools C D-ROM. For details on us ing Las erS o ft Silver Fa st 4.
35 Step-by-Step Scanning Instruction s This section contains step-by-step instructions for s c anning an image. Although t h e Maci ntosh i n terface is shown, t he Windo ws steps are the sam e. Plac ing Your Origin al Do cument 1. Raise th e scanner co ver and pl ace your document face down on t he document table.
36 Begi nning Your S can Scans are alway s pe rforme d from within a host app lication (t he applicati on into whic h you plan to i mpo rt the sca nne d i mage or doc um ent). You hav e to st art thi s application bef ore you can access y our scanner software.
37 3. Open the scanner software. For exampl e, choo se I mpo rt from Photosho p 5.0 LE’s File menu. In Windows, sel ect TWAIN_32 . On a M acintosh, sel e ct TWAIN_Acquire . The EP SON TWAIN Pro main windo w appears . 4. Ch oose th e Document So urce , Imag e Typ e , and D es tination .
38 Ge ne rally it’ s a go od idea to us e th e A uto Expos u re bu tto n to obta in the best se ttin gs for y our sca n. If you ’re no t satis fied w ith the re sults , s ee the rec om m en ded s etti ng s o n pa g e 34 , or se e yo ur el ectro nic EPSON TWAIN Pro User’ s Gu ide f or m ore infor mat ion abou t c hoo sing s ettin gs.
39 Scanning with LaserSoft Sil verFast 4.0 L as e r Sof t Silv erFa st 4. 0 pro vi des a pr o f e ssio n al-q uali ty in terf ace be t ween y ou r EPSON Expr ession 836XL scan ner and the s ophisticated imaging environment of Ado be Phot oshop. If your sca nner didn’ t co me with Si lverFa st, skip to pag e 41 .
40 8. Click t he Auto Ad jus t b utton to aut omati call y corre ct th e high light , shad ow, an d midt o nes. If you wan t to furth er o pti mize y ou r im a ge’ s c olo rs, brig htn es s an d oth er ch ar a c teri stic s , you can us e S ilv e rFas t ’s pow er ful co rrec t ion an d filt eri ng to ols.
41 Viewing Your Electronic Manuals You always h ave easy access to your elect ronic manuals . If Adobe Acrobat Reader 4. 0 is inst all ed on yo ur co mpu ter , you c an ope n any of th e Acrob at files in th e Manu als folder on your EPSON Expression 836XL Scannin g Tools CD-ROM.
42 Installing Ad obe Acrobat Reader Fol low th ese ins truc tions to ins tall A dobe A croba t R eade r 4.0. If yo u have an ea rlie r ve rs io n of Ac ro b a t R ea der on you r sy st em , y o u s ho ul d uninsta l l it bef o re y o u inst all Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.
43 If You’re Usin g a Mac intosh . . . 1. Insert th e EPSON Expression 836XL Scanning Tools CD-ROM in your d rive. 2. Double-click t he CD-ROM icon. 3. Double-click the Manuals fo ld er , the n dou ble -clic k the Ad obe Acro ba t R eade r 4.0 fol de r.
44 Navigating a Manual When you open an electr o nic manual, you’ ll se e this toolbar : Wit h A cro bat R ea der , you have s evera l wa ys to navig a te thro ug h t ext: ■ Click o n hot topics, wh ich are usually un derlin ed or disp layed in a differ ent color.
45 Setting Up the TPU and ADF Units Two optional accessories are a vail able for the EPSON Expression 836XL: the transparency u nit (B813102) an d the auto document fe e der (B813112 or 836XL-ADF). You can purchase these options from your r eseller or f rom EPSON Accesso ries at (800) 873-7766 (U .
46 Unpacking the Transparency Uni t Make sure all these it em s are include d in the box with the TPU. Contact your EP SON deal er i f a ny th ing is mi ssi ng or dama ged.
47 Removing the Shipping Screws To pr event damage during shipping, screws are at t ached t o t he TPU to secure i ts la mp a s s em bly. Yo u mu st remo ve t hese sc rews b e fo re usin g the TPU. To avoid damaging the TPU, make sure you don’t leave eit her of t he s h ipping scre w s in pl ace w he n you us e the un it.
48 Install ing th e Transparency Unit 1. Make sur e the sca nner i s turn ed off. Then unplug the power cable f r om the scanner. 2. Remove the document co ver by grasping it beside the hinges a nd liftin g it stra ight up .
49 Install ing the Tran s parency Guide Foll ow the steps below to inst all the tran sparenc y guide : 1. Lift the TPU. 2. If your s canner d oesn’t alre ady hav e a gui de pi n and adju st pin in stal led, inser t the guide pi n an d adj u st pi n that came wi t h the TP U.
50 You m us t in sta ll th e transp aren cy guid e to ensu re that y ou r origina l s are corr ectly p ositio ned. Other wis e, tra n sparen cies may c ov er the calib ratio n area on the left s id e of th e glass a nd cause scanni ng errors . For m ore inf o rm atio n, s ee your el ect ro ni c EPSON Expre ssion 836XL User’s Guid e .
51 Install ing the Auto Docum ent Feeder Befo re in st a llin g the AD F , be aware that i t is larg e and heavy. Clear a wide space aro und the scanner before unpacking and inst a lling the AD F . You ma y ne ed to ha v e s o me on e help y ou lift i t.
52 5. Place t he AD F on the scanner , lining up the screws with the holes as shown: . The ADF is heavy, so y ou may need to h ave someone hel p you lift it. 6. Tw i st th e kno bs on to th e ends of the scr ews an d tigh te n th em u si ng the enc l ose d sc rewd riv er.
53 8. Peel o ff the backing f rom the stopp er a nd fr om th e pa per o ut sup por t prov id e d wit h the ADF. Then attach the stopper and pa pe r ou t sup port to the scanne r as shown. Inse rt t he tab s on th e pa per ou t sup por t i n to the slots at th e righ t en d of th e d ocume nt tabl e.
55 Problems? Need Help? This chapter g ives you the bas ics for diagnosing and solving scanner problems. For additi onal soluti ons, see th e “ Troub leshoo ting” secti ons o f y our elect roni c EPSO N TW AIN Pr o Us er’s G uide and E PSON Expressi on 836XL User’s Guide .
56 Setup P roblems If your system doesn’t recogni ze the SCSI board (Windows only). . . ■ Check the Pl ug and P lay opt ion for your comp uter ; it shoul d be active. ■ Mak e sure your SCSI bo ard is installe d co rrect ly. If it isn ’t sea ted fi rm ly in th e PCI slo t, the co mputer ma y not rec ognize it.
57 If Expr es si on 836XL doesn’t appear i n the Port Id dialog box in the EPS ON TWAIN Pro Set up window (Windows on ly). . . ■ Make su re your system is correctly cabled and terminated and the re are n o conflicting SCSI IDs. ■ Go to Control Pan e ls, Syste m , Device Manager .
58 If you installed a ZIP drive. . . Your ZIP drive m ay be int erfering with your scanner. Di s able t he ZIP drive in the System Device Manag er in t he Wi nd ow s Co nt ro l Pa ne l, the n try using your scan ner . If you’re usin g the transparency unit or auto document feeder.
59 If t he sca nne r soft w are d oes n’t work properly. . . ■ Ma k e su re t he sy st e m req uireme nts (f or example, the ope rat ing syste m ver si on) ar e correc t fo r your so ft ware. See pag e 5. ■ Check your comput er’s mem ory. See if the computer h a s enough me mory for your so ftw are.
60 If your scanned image is faint or has gaps. . . ■ Check the bri ghtnes s. Decr ea se the software or driver’s brightness setting . ■ Try adjusti ng th e Ga mma sett ing. ■ Check th e co nd ition of your o r iginal. If the do cum ent i s dam aged, di rty, or wrink led, the se im pe rf ecti ons w i ll show up in your sca n.
61 If the edges of the do cument are not scanned . . . Check the position of your source document. Adjust your d ocument’s po si tio n so tha t t he i mage is wi th in t he glass a rea. If your image scans at an angle. . . Check the p osit io n of your s o urce documen t.
62 Where To Get Help E PSON Tec hnic al Su pport EPSO N provi des techni cal assi stanc e thr ough e lectron ic su pport ser vices a nd automa ted te le ph on e serv i ce s 24 ho ur s a day .
63 To speak to a technical support representat ive, dial (310) 974-1970 (U.S.) or (905) 709-3839 (Canada), 6 AM to 6 PM , Pacif ic Time, Mo n d ay through Frid ay.
65 Index A A A A Accessor ies, 63 Adaptec SCS I boar d inst alling, 12 soft ware, inst al ling, 17 to 22 ADF , se e Au to docu ment feeder Adju st pin, 49 Adob e Acro b at Captu re, 2 6 Adob e Acro ba.
66 Ins talli ng SCSI interf ace boa rd, 1 2 soft ware , 17 to 30 ISIS driver, installing , 26 L L L L LaserSof t Silver Fast, 39 to 40 Lock, transpo rtation, 13 M M M M Macin tosh ins tal li ng SCSI b.
67 Screen calibration, 23 to 25 Screws , shipping scanner, 13 trans p a r e n cy uni t, 13, 47 SCSI configuri ng the SCSI boar d, 56 conne cti ng cab l e, 16 ID nu mber, 14, 57 inst al li ng inter f a.
デバイスEpson 836XLの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Epson 836XLをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEpson 836XLの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Epson 836XLの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Epson 836XLで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Epson 836XLを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEpson 836XLの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Epson 836XLに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEpson 836XLデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。