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EPSO N FX-9 80 4/99 EPSON F X-980 - 1 U ser Re pl ac ea bl e Par t s Opti ons Pape r Han dlin g Op ti ons High-capa city cut -sheet feeder (C806841) Feed s u p to 15 0 shee ts o f pape r, 25 p lai n bon d env elo pe s, or 3 0 post cards int o the printe r with out reloadin g.
EPS O N FX- 9 80 2 - EPSON FX-980 4/99 Optional I nterface Cards You can ins tall an optional inte rface card to suppl ement your pri nte r built-in paral lel interface and prov ide adde d network co mp at i bil it y. T he E PS ON in t e rfa c e c ar ds i n the t a bl e be lo w ar e compatible with your printe r.
EPSO N FX-9 80 4/99 EPSON F X-980 - 3 Electri cal Check the lab el on th e back o f the printer fo r the p rinter v oltage. Env ironm e nta l Paper Use recycl ed pap e r an d enve lopes on ly und er n.
EPS O N FX- 9 80 4 - EPSON FX-980 4/99 Bi nding Line g lue a t t h e to p of fo rm (bo th fron t and top entry) Sing l e side l ine glue (f ront e n try only) Envelopes: top entry only Siz e No . 6 6. 5 × 3.6 inches ( 16 5 × 92 mm) No. 10 9.. 5 × 4.
EPSO N FX-9 80 4/99 EPSON F X-980 - 5 Printable Area Single sheet s, envelopes, and postcards A Th e mini mu m top and bott om ma rgi ns ( abov e an d belo w the per fo ration ) a re 0.17 inc h ( 4 mm ). B The mi nimu m lef t a nd rig ht ma rg ins are 0 .
EPS O N FX- 9 80 6 - EPSON FX-980 4/99 Contr ol Pane l Button s an d Ligh ts Font but ton Selec ts th e fon t. Font l i ght s Indicate which font i s sele cted. Pitch button Selec ts th e f ont siz e. Pitch lights Ind icate what font size is sele cted.
EPSO N FX-9 80 4/99 EPSON F X-980 - 7 Status Monitor The EPSO N S tatus Mon ito r 2 util ity co mes with your print er but is avai lab le onl y fo r use w i th W in dow s 95 or 9 8. It a llow s you to monitor y our printer’s stat us, alerts you when printer errors oc cur, and provides trouble shootin g instructi ons.
EPS O N FX- 9 80 8 - EPSON FX-980 4/99 Using a push tractor If y ou o ften need to te a r off sh eets o f continuo us paper (for exa mp le, if you a re prin ti ng pu r cha se orde rs o r sale s slip s), i t is best to use a pu s h tractor.
EPSO N FX-9 80 4/99 EPSON F X-980 - 9 Using t he push and pull t r actors in combinat i on You can i mprove paper feeding and reduc e paper jams b y using tw o t ract ors at t he s ame t ime.
EPS O N FX- 9 80 10 - EPSON FX-980 4/99 Pa per Rel ease Le ver Posi tions You can load co ntinuous paper in the print er from various paper sour ces, such as the rear or front push tractors . Use the pa per r elea se le ver to i nd ic ate th e pap er so urce yo u wa nt to us e.
EPSO N FX-9 80 4/99 EPSO N FX - 980 - 11 Pa per Ha ndl ing Load in g M ultip art For ms You can us e carbo nles s mul tipar t for ms of up to sev en par ts ( the original plus up to s i x co pi es). Make sure you set the paper th ickn ess lev er to th e pro per pos itio n ba sed on the numb er of la ye rs i n y ou r f o rm .
EPS O N FX- 9 80 12 - EPSON FX-980 4/99 Using the Front Push Tractor To use the front push tr actor, load continuous paper in th e fro nt slot. Fo r mor e i nfo rmat ion on when to use the fro nt p ush tr actor, se e “Availabl e Pa p er Paths” on pa ge 7.
EPSO N FX-9 80 4/99 EPSO N FX - 980 - 13 4. S lid e the left sp roc ket to th e lef t ma rgi n of yo ur pape r usi ng the arrow mar k in side the printer .
EPS O N FX- 9 80 14 - EPSON FX-980 4/99 Removi ng a pr inted docume nt from t he front push tractor To rem ove the pr in ted doc um ent , f ollo w t he se st ep s: 1. Ma ke su re the Tear/ Off B in ligh ts ar e f las hin g. (T his in di cates yo ur pap er i s at the c ur rent tea r-o ff posi ti on.
EPSO N FX-9 80 4/99 EPSO N FX - 980 - 15 To loa d p ape r on to the rea r push tr actor , f o l lo w th ese ste ps: 1. M ake su re th e p rint er is t urn e d off . O p en t h e p aper gu ide cover ( ➀ ) a nd r emo ve th e p aper gu ide ( ➁ ). 2. Set the paper release le ver to the r e ar push tractor po sition.
EPS O N FX- 9 80 16 - EPSON FX-980 4/99 9. S lid e th e ed ge g uid es ( ➀ ) to th e midd le of t h e p ap er g uid e ba se. Th en c lo se the pa pe r gu id e cove r ( ➁ ). Always c lose th e printe r cove r before printing . The pr inter does n ot pr int when the co ver is op en.
EPSO N FX-9 80 4/99 EPSO N FX - 980 - 17 Usi ng the Tra cto r in t he P ull Pos itio n Using the tractor in the pul l position is ide a l for printi ng on thic k and heavy c ontinuous p aper, such as multipart forms or cont inuous pape r w it h labels .
EPS O N FX- 9 80 18 - EPSON FX-980 4/99 4. Re lea se th e lef t and ri gh t spr oc ke ts b y pul ling th e s pro ck et lock levers forward. 5. S lid e th e le ft spr o cke t t o th e left ma rg in of t he p ape r usi ng the s cal e on t he p ap er gu ide.
EPSO N FX-9 80 4/99 EPSO N FX - 980 - 19 1 1. T ur n on th e p rin t e r. R em o ve any sl ac k in th e p a per an d adju st th e to p-of- for m p o s ition by pres si ng the LF/FF bu tto n o r us ing the m icr o adju st fe at ure. (T o u se the m icr o adjust featu re , see “Adju sting the Top-o f-For m Positi on” on page 21.
EPS O N FX- 9 80 20 - EPSON FX-980 4/99 4. T urn on th e prin te r. P res s t he Loa d/Eject bu tt on to ad van ce th e p aper to t he top -of -for m p o sit ion . T hen pr ess the LF/F F b utton u ntil th e pe rforation between the first and seco nd pag e is ev en wi th t h e top o f the ribb on.
EPSO N FX-9 80 4/99 EPSO N FX - 980 - 21 Swit c hing Be twee n P rinti ng o n Cont in uo us P aper and Pr int ing o n Single Sh eets Wit h t he pu sh tr acto r i nsta ll ed, yo u c an eas ily swi tc h ba c k an d forth between p rinti ng on c o nt inuous pape r and printing o n sing l e shee ts without removing or r e lo ading paper.
EPS O N FX- 9 80 22 - EPSON FX-980 4/99 To adjust th e top-of-form position for continuo us paper lo aded on th e pull tract or, se e th e fol lowi n g exam ple : Fi rst ma rk a po int 0.
EPSO N FX-9 80 4/99 EPSO N FX - 980 - 23 4. Pr es s the LF/FF D button to fe e d the paper backward, or pres s the Load/ Eject U button to feed the paper forward until the pape r perforation is aligned with the te ar-off edge. The pr inter ha s a mini mum an d maxi mum te ar-off position.
EPS O N FX- 9 80 24 - EPSON FX-980 4/99 6. Hold the car tridg e with the ribbon tig hteni ng knob up. Fit the two front notches ( ➀ ) o ver th e sm all peg s on e a ch s id e of the printer as shown. Then lay the cartri d ge flat so that the rear notc hes ( ➁ ) fit over the corre sponding pegs.
EPSO N FX-9 80 4/99 EPSO N FX - 980 - 25 Your Print er’s De fault Settings Th e def aul t se tti ngs co nt rol m an y pr inte r f unc tio ns. Wh ile you can ofte n s et the se funct ions throug h yo.
EPS O N FX- 9 80 26 - EPSON FX-980 4/99 Ali gn ing V e rti ca l L in es in Y ou r Printo ut If you not ice t hat the vertica l line s in yo ur p rintout are not prop erly al igned, you can use the pri nte r ’s bidir ectional adj ustme nt mode to c o r rect this pr ob lem.
EPSO N FX-9 80 4/99 EPSO N FX - 980 - 27 3. Open a software app licat ion a nd send a print job to t h e printer. Your p rinte r prints all the co d es it rece ive s in hexade cimal for mat. If characte rs are printabl e, they ap pear in the right col umn as ASCII chara cters.
デバイスEpson 980の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Epson 980をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEpson 980の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Epson 980の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Epson 980で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Epson 980を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEpson 980の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Epson 980に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEpson 980デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。