EpsonメーカーPHOTO 1290の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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4013021 4013021 4013021 4013021 PMS265 DIC2425 4013021-00 XXX Daily Use Daily Use Printed in Japan 00.XX-XX.
R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C FRONT.FM A5 size 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett All rights reserved. No part of th is publi cation may be r eproduced, s tored in a r etriev.
ii R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C FRONT.FM A5 size 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett.
iii R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C SHORT.TOC A5 size 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Content s Safety Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Important S afety Instructions . . . . . . . . . . .
iv R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C SHORT.TOC A5 size 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Replacing Ink Cartridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Using the Pri nter's Control Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C SAFE.FM A5 size 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Safety Instructions Important Safety Instructions Read all of t he in structio ns in t his sect ion befo re usin g your printer. Also, be sur e to follow a ll warnings and inst ructions marked on the p rinter.
2 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C SAFE.FM A5 size 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett ❏ Do not att empt to ser vice the p rinter you rself.
3 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C SAFE.FM A5 size 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett ❏ Place th e printer ne ar a wall outl et where th e plug can be easily unpl ugged. Note for French-spea king users: Placez l’im primante près d’une prise d e contacte où la fiche peu t être débranchée facilement.
4 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C SAFE.FM A5 size 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett ❏ Be careful when you h andle the used ink car tridges, as t here may be some ink remainin g around the ink s upply por t. If ink gets on your skin, wash the area t horoughly wi th soap and wate r.
5 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C SAFE.FM A5 size 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett ❏ If yo u rem ove an ink ca rtridg e for la ter u se, pr otec t the in k supply area from dirt and d ust and store i t in the same environme nt as the pri nter.
6 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C SAFE.FM A5 size 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Safety information w War ning : This appliance must be earthed. Refer to the rating plate for the voltage and check that the app liance voltage correspon ds to the supply voltage.
7 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C SAFE.FM A5 size 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Warnings, Cautions, and Notes w Warn ing s must be foll owed carefull y to avoid b odily in jury. c Cautions must be observed to avoid damage to your equipment.
8 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C PARTS.FM A5 size 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Printer Parts and Control Panel Functions Printer Parts paper supp ort adapte r edge gui.
9 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C PARTS .FM A5 size 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Buttons Button Function P powe r Turns the printer on and off. Clears the printer's mem ory if pressed twice while the power i s on. b maintena nce Loads o r ejects pap er if pressed and relea sed within two second s.
10 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C PARTS.FM A5 size 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Lights z roll pape r Loads and ej ects roll paper. Feeds roll paper in reverse to a positi on where it can be easily rem oved from the sheet feeder, if pre ssed for m ore than 3 seconds.
11 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C PARTS .FM A5 size 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett b error On whe n the p rinter is o ut of pa per. Load paper in the sheet feeder, t hen press the b mainte nanc e bu tton to resume print ing.
12 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C PAPER.F M A 5 size 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Loading Paper Loading Special Paper and Other Media You can pr int on a wid e variety of special m edia, incl uding in k jet paper, pho to quality gl ossy film, photo paper , transparencies, index cards, and adhesive sheets.
13 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C PAPER. FM A5 size 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett ❏ Load the medi a printable sid e up in the she et feeder. See the ins tructio n she ets pac ked with the med ia to de termin e whic h side is the printable side.
14 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C PAPER.F M A 5 size 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Loading capacities fo r EPSON special media Refe r to the chart b elow to fin d the loadin g capacities for EPSON special media.
15 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C PAPER. FM A5 size 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett * Take c are not t o print on su pport sheet s that are l oaded un der speci al media. Loading Envelopes When print ing on envelopes, p lease note the following: ❏ You can loa d up to 10 envelopes at a t ime in the sheet feeder.
16 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C PAPER.F M A 5 size 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett ❏ Load envelopes flap edge first with the flap side down, as shown in the i llustrat ion. ❏ Do not use env elopes that a re curled or fol ded.
17 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C ROLL.F M A5 size 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Using Roll Paper Using the Roll Paper Holder Wit h the Ro ll pap er hold er pack ed in t he prin ter, yo u can p rint in roll pap er format which is c onvenient for ba nner printi ng.
18 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C ROLL. FM A5 si ze 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Loading the Roll Paper Follo w the di rect ions be low to m ount th e Roll paper ho lder a nd load the r oll pape r. 1. Set roll paper in t he roll pap er holder.
19 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C ROLL.F M A5 size 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett 3. To uncurl t he paper, roll the p aper inside the protect ive film packaged wi th the printer in the di rection opp osite to th e paper’s curl, as shown below.
20 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C ROLL. FM A5 si ze 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett 6. Gently inse rt the end of the paper int o the printer as far as it will go, flush with the right e dge guide. Slide the le ft edge guide aga inst the left edg e of the print er.
21 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C ROLL.F M A5 size 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett The roll pa per is now lo aded . Next , set up the pri nter softwa re and t ry pri nting. For deta ils on settin g up th e prin ter soft ware, refer to “Printing on Roll Paper ” in the online Reference Guide .
22 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C ROLL. FM A5 si ze 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Note: EPSON recommends that you use a triangle or other tool to ensure that the end of the roll is cut perpendicularly. A diagonal cut may cause paper feed problems.
23 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C SOFT W.FM A5 si ze 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Printing with Windows Printer Software Introduction The printer softwa re which c omes with your pri nter inclu des a prin ter dr iver an d printe r util ities.
24 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C SOFTW.FM A5 size 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Making Settings on the Main Menu You can m ake Media Type, Mod e, Ink, a nd Pri nt Previe w setting s on the Main menu .
25 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C SOFT W.FM A5 si ze 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Making Settings on the Paper Menu Us e the s etti ngs on th e Pap er m enu to ch ange the p aper size , set the number of copies a nd other copy para meters, specif y the paper ori entation, and ad just the pr intable area.
26 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C SOFTW.FM A5 size 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Making Settings on the Layout Menu You can make Red uce/Enlarge, Doub le-Sided Pri nting, Multi- Page , and Wa terma rk set tings o n the La yout menu .
27 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C SOFT M.FM A 5 size 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Printing with Macintosh Printer Software Introduction The printer softwa re which c omes with your pri nter inclu des a prin ter dr iver an d printe r util ities.
28 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C SOFTM.FM A5 size 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Making settings in the Print dialog box You c an make M edia T ype, M ode, In k, Copi es, an d Pages settin gs in the Print dialog box.
29 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C SOFT M.FM A 5 size 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Making settings in the Page Setup dialog box In the Page Set up dialog box, you ca n ch.
30 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C SOFTM.FM A5 size 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Making settings in the Layout dialog box You can modi fy the page l ayout of your document using the print er drive r setting s locat ed in the Lay out dialog bo x.
31 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C INK.FM A5 size 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Replacing Ink Cartridges Using the Printer's Control Panel This print er uses ink cartrid ges equipped wit h IC chips.
32 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C INK.FM A5 size 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett c Caution: ❏ EPSON recommends the use of genuine EPSO N ink cartridges. Other products not manufactured by EPSON may cause damag e to your printer not covered by EPSON's warranties.
33 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C INK.FM A5 size 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett 2. Press down the e ink cart ridge repla cemen t button . The pr int head moves left to the Ink cart ridge rep lacement posit ion. The P pow er lig ht beg ins t o flash , and the b error lig ht begins to flash or r emains on.
34 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C INK.FM A5 size 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett 4. Remove the new in k cartridg e from its pro tective bag and then only peel off the y ellow tape seal . Do not t ouch the gre en chip on the si de of the cartrid ge.
35 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C INK.FM A5 size 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett 5. Align the tabs on the ink cartridge s o that they are resti ng on the tabs pro truding from the base of t he opened ink cart ridge clamp. Push the clamps down until they lock f irmly into place .
36 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C TRBLE.FM A5 size 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Troubleshooting Online problem solving You c an use o nline pr oblem so lving to diagn ose and so lve m ost of the pr oblems you may encounte r.
37 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C TRBLE.FM A5 size 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett For Macintosh users EPSON’s Technical Support Web Site p rovides help with problem s that cannot be solv ed using the troubles hooting info rmatio n in you r print er docu menta tion.
38 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C TRBLE.FM A5 size 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Error Indicators You ca n ident ify ma ny comm on pri nter pro blems using the lights on yo ur print er’s con trol pa nel.
39 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C TRBLE.FM A5 size 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett O = on, N = off, F = fl ashing O b Ink out The b lack or color ink cartridge is empty or not insta lled. Replace t he black o r color in k cartridg e with a new one.
40 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C TRBLE.FM A5 size 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Maintenance To keep your printe r is good wo rking c ondition, use the fo llowing utilit ies incl uded in yo ur printe r software.
41 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C TRBLE.FM A5 size 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Head Cleaning The pr int head nozzl e are clogged . Make sure tha t the print er is on and the b erro r light is off. For Windows users, access the p rinter software and click th e Utilit y tab, th en click th e Head C leaning butt on.
42 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C TRBLE.FM A5 size 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Correcting USB Problems If you are ha ving difficulty using your prin ter with a USB con nectio n, see if your pr oblem is liste d belo w, the n foll ow the instru ctions give n to resolv e the problem .
43 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C TRBLE.FM A5 size 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett ❏ When using Windows 2000, you must foll ow the steps in the Setup Guid e to ins tall the printe r softw are; o therw ise, Micr osoft’ s Universa l driver m ay be inst alled in stead.
44 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C TRBLE.FM A5 size 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett 2. For Windows 98 users, cli ck the Detail s tab and mak e su re that EPUSBx: (EPSON Stylus Ph oto 1290 or 89 0) is displayed in the Pr int to the f ollowin g port li st box.
45 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C TRBLE.FM A5 size 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett 2. Right- click the My Computer icon on your desktop, the n click Propert ies . 3. Click the Dev ice Manager tab. If you r drive rs are cor rectly installe d, EPS ON USB Pri nte r Devices should ap pear on the De vice Manager menu.
46 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C TRBLE.FM A5 size 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett 4. Under Other devices , select USB Printer or EPSON Stylus Photo 12 90 or 890 and click Remove . Then, cli ck OK . 5. When the f ollowing di alog bo x appear s, click OK .
47 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C TRBLE.FM A5 size 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Reinstall the USB printer device driv er and printer software (Wind ows 98 only) If the solu tions ab ove do not correct the probl em, try rein stalling the USB prin ter device dr iver and the printer software.
48 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C OPTN.FM A5 size 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Options and Consumable Products Options The foll owing opti ons are availa ble for your print er. Interface cables EPSON su pplies the following interfa ce cables f or your pr inter.
49 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C OPTN.FM A5 size 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Consumable products The following ink cartridges a nd EPSON special media ar e availab le for yo ur prin ter. Ink cartridge s You can us e the foll owing cart ridges with your p rinter.
50 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C OPTN.FM A5 size 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Plain Paper 360 dpi Ink Jet Paper Plain pap er Enve lopes EPSON Premiu m Ink Jet Pl ain .
51 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C OPTN.FM A5 size 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Photo Qua lity Ink Jet Paper EPSON Photo Q uality I nk Jet Pap er (A4) S041061 S041026 EPS.
52 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C OPTN.FM A5 size 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Matte Paper-Heavyweight Photo Paper EPSON Matt e Paper-H eavyweight (A4) S04 1256 S04125.
53 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C OPTN.FM A5 size 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Photo Qua lity Glossy Film Ink Jet Transparencie s Premium G lossy Photo Pap er EPSON Phot.
54 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C OPTN.FM A5 size 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Ink Je t Blac k Light Film * On ly with the EP SON S tylus Photo 1290.
55 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C CUSTO.FM A5 size 9/12 /00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Customer Support Technical Support Web Site EPSON's Techn ical Suppo rt Web Si te provides help with problem s that cannot be solv ed using the troubles hooting info rmation in your printe r docume ntatio n.
56 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C CUSTO.FM A5 size 9/12/ 00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett ❏ Names and versions o f the appl ications you no rmally use with your product For us.
57 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C CUSTO.FM A5 size 9/12 /00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Pre-S ales Enquir y Desk Our Enquir y Desk team can be contacted by calli ng 0800 22054 .
58 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C CUSTO.FM A5 size 9/12/ 00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett EPSON Faxback service EPSON Faxback service can fax you the latest specifications for most EPSON product s offered i n Australia.
59 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C CUSTO.FM A5 size 9/12 /00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett World Wide Web (www.e Informati on on produ ct specificat ions, driv ers for downl oad, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Sales Enquiries, and Technical Sup port via e-mail are avai lable.
60 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C CUSTO.FM A5 size 9/12/ 00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett Electro nic bulle tin boar d system An electroni c bulletin b oard system (B BS) is al so available to obtain p roduct info rmation and the latest ve rsions of product drivers.
61 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C CUSTO.FM A5 size 9/12 /00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett For users in India Contacts for information , support, an d services ar e: World Wide Web (www.
62 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C SPEC.FM A5 size 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett System Requirements Using the online Reference Guide Refer t o the appro priate se ction below f or the mini mum system requirements necessary to use the onl ine Reference Guide.
63 R4C725/726 short.bk Rev.C SPEC.FM A5 size 12/4/00 R Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett For Macintosh compute rs System System 8.
64 R4C725 /726 short.bk Rev.C SPEC.FM A5 siz e 12/4 /00 L Proof Sign-off: K.Gazan CR E Oguc hi N.Nomoto Lips ett.
EP SO N O VERSEA S MARKETING LOCA T ION S EPSO N AMERICA, INC. 20770 M adrona Av e. P.O. Box 2842 T orranc e, CA 90509-2842 Phone: (800) 922- 8911 Fax: (310) 782-5220 EPS ON UK LT D. Cam pus 100, May l ands Av enue, Hem el Hem pstead, Herts , HP2 7T J, U.
4013021 4013021 4013021 4013021 PMS265 DIC2425 4013021-00 XXX Daily Use Daily Use Printed in Japan 00.XX-XX.
デバイスEpson PHOTO 1290の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Epson PHOTO 1290をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEpson PHOTO 1290の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Epson PHOTO 1290の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Epson PHOTO 1290で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Epson PHOTO 1290を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEpson PHOTO 1290の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Epson PHOTO 1290に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEpson PHOTO 1290デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。