EpsonメーカーPOWERLITE 8300I EMP-8300の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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1 EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Contents Proje ctor Func tions 3 Displaying Motion Pic tures and Video Images (EasyPlayer) . 4 Sel ect ing a File.... .... .... .. .... ..... .... .. .... .... ..... .. .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .. ... 4 Pla ying M oti on Pict ures .
2 Co nt en ts EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Appe ndic es 44 Examples Network Co nnection Configurations .. .................. 45 Loc al A rea N etw ork (LAN ) E nvir onmen ts .... .... .... ..... .... .. .... ... 45 If No L ocal A rea Net wor k ( LAN) is A v aila ble .
N S O N O N P S O N P S O N E P S O N N O N P S O N S O N E P S O N S O N P S O N E P S O E P S O N O N P S O N N E P S O N E P S O N S O N E P S E P S O N E P S O E P S E P S O E P S E P E E P S O N E P E P S O E P S O N E P S O E P S O E P E P S E Projector Functions The EasyM P .
4 EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Displa ying Moti on P ictures and V ideo I mages (EasyPl ayer) Use the EasyPlayer software to play ba ck motion pictures, sounds and still images. T o start EasyPlayer , click "Eas yPlayer" on the Main M enu. EasyPlayer can display or play back the following mot ion pictures, sounds and still i mage files.
5 Displa ying Mo tion Pict ures an d Vid eo Imag es ( EasyPlayer ) EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide By dou ble - click ing a motion picture file, audio fil e or playlist fil e, the listing informa tion is s tored i n the ASX file is displayed in the playlist.
6 Displa ying Mo tion Pict ures an d Vid eo Imag es ( EasyPlayer ) EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Pl a yin g Sounds Similar to motion pi ctures , M P3 a nd other sound files can be Paused, Previous, R e wound or Fas t Forwarded. Ea s yPlayer displays the f ol lowing image during sound play .
7 Displa ying Mo tion Pict ures an d Vid eo Imag es ( EasyPlayer ) EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Adding a Comme n t to the Projec ted Still images A comment c an be added by using the E asyMarker feature. Right-click the full screen image ( p.6 ) a nd select "Eas yM arker ".
8 EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Copying/Moving/Deleting/Executing a File (EasyFile) Use EasyF ile to proce s s a file . Click " EasyFile" on the T ask M anager . Selec ting a File T o select a file f r om Eas yFile, click "Ea s yM P .net", then "NetW or k", then a folder to s elect the file l ocation.
9 EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Displa ying a W eb Page (E asyB rowser) T o display a W eb page , use EasyBrowser . Click "EasyBrowser" on the Main Menu.
10 Displa ying a Web Pa ge (E asyBrowse r) EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Adding a Comment to th e Displaye d Page Click "Start EasyMarker" on the toolbar to add a marking or a comment to the currently displayed page. Y ou ca n save the page with the markings and comments in an image file a nd use it later .
11 EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Adding Markings and Comments during a Pr esentation Adding Mar kings and Comments t o the Imag e (EasyMar ker) Wh en EasyBrowser or EasyPlayer projects a n image on the screen, a marking or comm e nt can be added to the image using Ea s yM a r ker .
12 Adding Marking s and C ommen ts duri ng a Pr esentat ion EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide A line can be drawn by dragging the pencil pointer . T he line thickness and colour can be selected from the properties. The i nitial value for the pen c ol our can be c hanged by using EasyConfiguration ( p.
13 Adding Marking s and C ommen ts duri ng a Pr esentat ion EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide When you drag from a lef t upper position to a right lower position, a chara cter input fr a me appe ar s into which you can enter text. The size and colour of the text can be selected from the properties.
14 Adding Marking s and C ommen ts duri ng a Pr esentat ion EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide When this tool is clicked, EasyMar ker is closed and the previous screen appear s . All of your entries ar e cleared. Y our entries are only stored in a file w hen they are s aved using the Save tool.
15 EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Ope rat ing a Net work PC (Rem ote De sktop) Remote De s ktop a l lows you to operate a network PC fro m a remote EasyMP . net location running W indows XP Pr ofes s ional. Y ou can log onto any networ k PC from a remote loc ation and start projection using applications inst alled on the PC.
16 Operati ng a Netw ork PC (Remote Deskt op) EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Click "N ew ...". Wh en the connection setup dialogue box appears, set the following items (see the table below) and click "OK" Use t he "Settings" and "Perfo r manc e" tabs for enhanced connection setup (see the table below) .
17 Operati ng a Netw ork PC (Remote Deskt op) EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide When the connection is established, the "W indow s Logon" screen is projected and you are ready to operate the W indows XP desktop PC from EasyMP .net. T o terminate the remote connection, move the mouse pointer ( ) to the top of the screen and click .
18 EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Setting EasyMP .net Options (EasyConfigurat i on) V ar ious network parameters and application defaults can be set us ing EasyConf iguration.
19 Settin g Easy Opt ion s (EasyC onfig uration) EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Basic S ystem Setup "System M anagemen t" - "Date a nd T ime" The projec tor's built-in clock can be s et. "System Manag ement" - "K eyboard" The keyboard layout can be set.
20 Settin g Easy Opt ion s (EasyC onfig uration) EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide "Networ k" - " Wireless L AN" The following networking parameter s must be s et if a wir eless LAN card is inserted into the PC card slot of the projector and use d for networking.
21 Settin g Easy Opt ion s (EasyC onfig uration) EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Func ti ons Setup (Ap plic ation Setup) "Appli cation" - "Ne tworkScre en" Specify whether to use Network Scr een or not.
22 Settin g Easy Opt ion s (EasyC onfig uration) EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Automa t ic P rojection by Sc hedule (T ime r Se tup) Ti m e r Automatic pr ojec ti on starts if " C r eate New T imer" is clicked and the ti me r is set. Up to 10 ti mer schedules can be regis ter ed.
N S O N O N P S O N P S O N E P S O N N O N P S O N S O N E P S O N S O N P S O N E P S O E P S O N O N P S O N N E P S O N E P S O N S O N E P S E P S O N E P S O E P S E P S O E P S E P E E P S O N .
24 EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Projecting PC I mages (N etwork Sc reen) If the projector is connected to a PC via a network, images stored in the PC can be projected after a si mple setup process. Syst em Conf ig ura ti on E xamp l e Net wor k Screen al lows you to easily connect a PC to the projector i n Eas y Connection mode.
25 Projectin g PC Image s (Network S creen) EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide If you c li c k "Y es", the pr ocess continues but the display speed drops. I f the PC uses a special screen size such as 1280 × 600 pixels, the res ol ution that matches th e number of pixels in the hor izontal direction is selected for projection.
26 Projectin g PC Image s (Network S creen) EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Check the projector you wi sh to connect. The projector name you have set in EasyConfiguration is displayed ( p. 19 ). If you have no destination, yo u can connect using the procedure on p.
27 Projectin g PC Image s (Network S creen) EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide T o u se data ciphering , click "Extension". If you do not want to use ciphering, go to Step 5. Check the " Use encrypted" box and click " OK". Click "C onnect".
28 Projectin g PC Image s (Network S creen) EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Click "E xtension". Check the " Use IP connect mode" box and click "OK". Click "I P connection". Enter the IP address of the projector you wish to connect to in the " IP address" box and click "Sea rch".
29 Projectin g PC Image s (Network S creen) EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Pro j e ct o r Conne c ti on b y Crea t ing a Projec tor Gro up The projector name can be dis played each time EMS NS Connection is star t ed if a gr oup has been created and the projector has been register ed in the gr oup.
30 Projectin g PC Image s (Network S creen) EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Ent e r a n IP addre ss of the projector you wish to register in " IP Address", and click "Ad d" . The projector name with the specified IP address will be added to the registered projector list.
31 Projectin g PC Image s (Network S creen) EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Expor t i ng a nd Impor t ing a Group The information of a gr oup can be saved (or expor ted) in a file, and it can be used on m ultiple PCs.
32 Projectin g PC Image s (Network S creen) EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide PROCEDURE Select " Start" - " Progra m" (or "All Programs")- "EPSON Projector"-"EMP NS Connection " to sta rt in this order EMP NS Connection.
33 Projectin g PC Image s (Network S creen) EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide U s ing the T oolba r The projector is usually controlled by the remote control. However , if E M S NS Connection is used, the projector can be controlled by us ing the toolbar on the de sktop of the connec t ed PC.
34 Projectin g PC Image s (Network S creen) EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide When "E-Zoom" is clicked, the following setup s creen appear s for zooming and position adjustme nt.
35 Projectin g PC Image s (Network S creen) EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Disconnecting the Network Connection There ar e two ways to dis connect the network c onnection between the projector and the PC. Y ou can either disconnect the PC from the pr ojec t or or dis c o nne ct the projector f rom the PC.
36 EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Pr ojector S etup from t he PC (Eas yW eb) A projector can be set up and o pe r ate d using a W eb browser through a network connection. Syst em Conf ig ura ti on E xamp l e Only the a dministrator or a user with suf fi cient access r ights can acces s the Change Setup pa ge using a W eb browser .
37 Proje ctor S etup from the PC (Ea syWeb) EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Enter the administ rator's ID and password, and click "LOGON " . Click "E asyConfiguration", "EasyMenu" or "EasyR emote" to set up or operate the projector .
38 Proje ctor S etup from the PC (Ea syWeb) EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide EasyMen u EasyMenu allows you to set up the system environment us ing a W eb browser in the s ame way as the co nfigur ation menus of the pr ojec t or . For a description of the setup elements.
39 EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Integrated Man agement for Projector Status Chec k a nd Control (EMP Monitor) EMP Monitor allows you to check the status of mult iple projectors on the network, s wit c h them on or off, and sw i tch between video s ources simultaneously .
40 Inte grated Ma nage ment for Proj ector Status C heck a nd Con trol (EM P Moni tor) EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide The "R egis ter projector" dialogue box will appear . Register the projector with "Registration Using Auto Detection" ( p.
41 Inte grated Ma nage ment for Proj ector Status C heck a nd Con trol (EM P Moni tor) EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide PROCEDURE In the "R egister projector" dialogue box, click "Manual Registration". Enter the IP address of the projec tor you wish to register in the " IP address" field, and click " Confirm".
42 Inte grated Ma nage ment for Proj ector Status C heck a nd Con trol (EM P Moni tor) EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide EMP Monitor Main S creen The projector status is dis played on the E M P Monitor main s creen. T o operate a projector , s elec t it f rom the projector list and press the button of the function you want.
43 Inte grated Ma nage ment for Proj ector Status C heck a nd Con trol (EM P Moni tor) EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide PROCEDURE Start EMP Monitor a nd select the projector of which you wish to see s tatus information. Click "Detailed Display".
N S O N O N P S O N P S O N E P S O N N O N P S O N S O N E P S O N S O N P S O N E P S O E P S O N O N P S O N N E P S O N E P S O N S O N E P S E P S O N E P S O E P S E P S O E P S E P E E P S O N .
45 EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Examples Network Connection Configurations Local Are a N e twork (LAN) E n v ironments An Ex am ple of Conn ect i on Con fi gur at ion Usi ng Net wo rk C abl es O nly Netwo rk Environm ent • A cabled networ k is in use and a networ k point is available to connect th e pro jector .
46 Examp les Net work Co nnectio n Co nfigu ration s EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide An Ex am ple of Conn ect i on Co nfi gur at ion Net wor ke d v ia a Wi rel ess LAN Access Poin t Netwo rk Environm ent • A Wireless L AN is in use or the p rojector is fixed to the ceiling and it is dif ficult to connect a netw ork cable to it.
47 Examp les Net work Co nnectio n Co nfigu ration s EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Con nec tio n Us in g N etwo rk C abl es and Wir el ess LAN Acce ss Po ints . Netwo rk Environm ent • An acce ss point f or the "sep arate" wirele ss LAN is or can be installed in the room where the proj e ctor is used.
48 Examp les Net work Co nnectio n Co nfigu ration s EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Co nnect ion Wir eles s Adhoc Mo de (w ithout an A c c ess Point) a nd N etwor k Cables. Netwo rk Environm ent • A Wi reless LAN h as not been set up or an A cce ss Point is not availa ble nea r the pro jector .
49 Examp les Net work Co nnectio n Co nfigu ration s EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Set up a wireless LAN connection with EasyMP .net. "Establishing a Network Connection (via W ireless LAN)" in t h e EasyMP .net Setu p Guide. * Always check "Enable" for "Adhoc mode" during wireless LAN setup.
50 EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Installing Additional Software Some soft ware applications supported by W indows XP , including Micr o soft PowerPoint, can be installed in the projector .
51 Installin g Additional Sof tware EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide Restart the project or when the PowerPoint installation has fin ished. T o i nstall Adobe Acrobat Reader , y ou must check both "App lication Installer" and "Adobe A crobat Reader" b oxes during application selection in Step 2 .
52 EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide When Y ou Receive a Proje ctor Er ror E-mail The e-mail heading or subject will be "E PSON Projector". The following informati on is contained i n the e - mail text. Line 1: The name of the projector which is not funct ioning properly .
53 EasyMP .net Ope ration Gu ide All rights res e r ved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transm itted in a ny f orm or by any means, electronic, mec hanical, photocopying, recording, or other wi se, without the prior wr itt en per mis sion of SE IKO EPSON CORPORA TION.
デバイスEpson POWERLITE 8300I EMP-8300の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Epson POWERLITE 8300I EMP-8300をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEpson POWERLITE 8300I EMP-8300の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Epson POWERLITE 8300I EMP-8300の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Epson POWERLITE 8300I EMP-8300で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Epson POWERLITE 8300I EMP-8300を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEpson POWERLITE 8300I EMP-8300の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Epson POWERLITE 8300I EMP-8300に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEpson POWERLITE 8300I EMP-8300デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。