EpsonメーカーSTYLUS 400の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al 3-i 3. Disassembly and A ssembly 3.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1.1 Precautions for Disassembling the Printer .
Dis as s em bly a nd As s em bly 3-ii EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al.
Dis as s em bly a nd As s em bly EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al 3 - 1 3.1 O VER VIEW Thi s s ect ion describes procedures for di sa ss embl ing t he m ain com ponents of the EPSON St ylus COLOR 400. Unless ot herw i s e s pec if i ed, disass embl ed units or com ponents can be reassembl ed by rev ersing the disass em bly procedure.
Dis as s em bly a nd As s em bly EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al 3 - 2 Never remov e t he ink cart r idge f rom the c ar r iage unless t he manual specif ies t o do so. When transport ing a print er after repair , be sure to pack the print er for t ransport ation w ith the ink cart ridge ins t alled.
Dis as s em bly a nd As s em bly EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al 3 - 3 3.1.3 Specifications for S crews T able 3-2 bel ow s hows and des c ribes screw s us ed in t his pri nter . Duri ng ass em bly and disass em bly , v erif y the l ocati ons of dif f erent t ypes of screws by ref erri ng to the tabl e below .
Dis as s em bly a nd As s em bly EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al 3 - 4 3.1.4 Service Checks After Repair Bef ore ret ur ni ng the pri nter af t er serv i ce, use the chec k l i st i n T able 3-3, which pr ov i des a record t o m ak e serv i ci ng and shippi ng m ore ef f ic i ent.
Dis as s em bly a nd As s em bly EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al 3 - 5 3.2 Disassem bly Procedures The f i gure bel ow show s procedures f or di sass em bl y . Remo ve Housing 3.2.1 Remove Board Assemblies 3.2.2 Remo ve Control Panel 3.2 .3 Remove Printe r Mechanism 3.
Dis as s em bly a nd As s em bly EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al 3 - 6 3.2.1 Removing the Housing Si nce the print er mechani sm also acts as the lower case, you can rem ov e the pri nter m echani sm j ust by rem ov i ng the housing. 1. Open t he pr i nter c ov er and t urn t he PG adj ustm ent l ev er t ow ard the ( + ) side.
Dis as s em bly a nd As s em bly EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al 3 - 7 3.2.2 Removing the Board Assemblies Since t he m ai n board (C206 MAIN) and power s uppl y board (C206 PSB) are bui l t in a separate bracket f rom the pri nter m echani sm, rem ov e t he whole br ack et f rom the pri nter m echani sm.
Dis as s em bly a nd As s em bly EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al 3 - 8 Main Bo ard Shie ld Plate Power S upply Board (C206 PSB) Main Bo ard (C20 6 MA IN ) (No.
Dis as s em bly a nd As s em bly EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al 3 - 9 3.2.3 Removing the Control Panel 1. Remov e t he housing. (See Sect ion 3. 2.1) 2. Rem ov e 2 screw s (No. 1) securing t he control panel , and di sconnect the panel f rom the pri nter m echanism .
Dis as s em bly a nd As s em bly EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al 3 -1 0 3.2.4 Disassembling the Pr inter M echanism Since t he EPSON Styl us COLOR 400 does not hav e a l ow er housing, t he printer m echanism i s already rem ov ed.
Dis as s em bly a nd As s em bly EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al 3 -1 1 FFC Hea d F ast en er P r int h ea d Un i t Figure 3-6 . Remo v ing the Pr inthea d Pri nthead Car riage Ass embly Mak e sure t he protr usion from th e carri age is in the h ole in th e earth gr oun d plate.
Dis as s em bly a nd As s em bly EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al 3 -1 2 Removing Waste Ink Drain Pad Tray Assembly A 1. Rem ov e the housi ng. ( S ee S ect ion 3. 2.1. ) 2. Rem ov e the c ont r ol panel . (See Sect ion 3. 2.3. ) 3. Rem ov e 1 screw (No.
Dis as s em bly a nd As s em bly EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al 3 -1 3 Removing the Pump Assembly and Cap Assembly 1. Rem ov e the housi ng. ( S ee S ect ion 3. 2.1. ) 2. Rem ov e the c ont r ol panel . (See Sect ion 3. 2.3. ) 3. Rem ov e was t e ink dr ai n pad tr ay assembl y A.
Dis as s em bly a nd As s em bly EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al 3 -1 4 Loo se n s cr ew s on t he r ight and lef t si des an d f l oat t he pape r eje ct fr ame asse mb ly.
Dis as s em bly a nd As s em bly EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al 3 -1 5 Removing the CR Motor Assembly 1. Rem ov e the housi ng. ( S ee S ect ion 3. 2.1. ) 2. Rotat e the gear (67.2 m m ) toward you, and r elease the carr iage l ock m echani sm.
Dis as s em bly a nd As s em bly EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al 3 -1 6 (No. 1) Make sur e the pr otrusions from the CR m otor are in the holes in the frame when installing the CR motor ass embly.
Dis as s em bly a nd As s em bly EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al 3 -1 7 Removing the PF Motor Assembly 1. Rem ov e the housi ng. ( S ee S ect ion 3. 2.1. ) 2. Rem ov e was t e ink dr ai n tr ay assembl y A. ( S ee Sec t ion 3. 2.4. 2.
Dis as s em bly a nd As s em bly EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al 3 -1 8 PF Motor (B ack si de of t he fr am e ) Dir ec tio n to pu ll motor cabl e lea d In ser t t he P F mot or s haf t in to the larger hole firs t, and then slide it into the smal le r hole.
Dis as s em bly a nd As s em bly EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al 3 -1 9 Removing the ASF Assembly 1. Rem ov e the housi ng. ( S ee S ect ion 3. 2.1. ) 2. Rel ease the attached hook from inside the printer mec hanism , and rem ov e t he gear (34 m m ) f rom the ASF ass em bly roll er shaft.
Dis as s em bly a nd As s em bly EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al 3 -2 0 Removing the Paper Feed Roller Assembly 1. Rem ov e the ASF ass em bl y . (S ee Sec t ion 3. 2.4. 6. ) 2. Rem ov e the brake l ev er , r el easing one l eg of the tor si on spri ng ( 41.
Dis as s em bly a nd As s em bly EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al 3 -2 1 Removing the Right and Left LD Roller Assembly 1. Di s ass em ble t he ASF assembl y , and r emov e t he paper f eed roll er as sembl y and hopper assembl y f rom the AS F body .
Dis as s em bly a nd As s em bly EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al 3 -2 2 Removing the Carriage Assembly 1. Rem ov e the housi ng. ( S ee S ect ion 3. 2.1. ) 2. Loosen the t im i ng belt by pushing t he dr i v en pul l ey hol der , and r em ov e t he t i m i ng bel t f rom the pull ey on the CR m otor side.
Dis as s em bly a nd As s em bly EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al 3 -2 3 PG Leve r Supp or t Rig ht P arall elism A dju stment Bus hing Was her (Conv ex si de sho uld f ace the b ushin g sid e duri ng inst all ati on ) Lef t Par allel ism Adju stmen t Bush ing CR Guid e Shaf t Ca rr ia ge Ass em b ly Figure 3-1 9.
Dis as s em bly a nd As s em bly EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al 3 -2 4 Removing the PF Roller Assembly 1. Rem ov e the housi ng. ( S ee S ect ion 3. 2.1. ) 2. Rem ov e the c arr i age ass em bl y . ( S ee Sec t ion 3. 2.4. 7. ) 3. Rem ov e 2 screw s (No.
Dis as s em bly a nd As s em bly EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al 3 -2 5 Fr ont Pape r Gu ide B Eject Pape r Rol le r Asse mbl y Figure 3-2 1. Remov ing the Pa per Eje ct R oller A ssembl y PF Ro lle r A ssem bly Align the protr usions on the PF rol ler ass embly with the hole s in the frame to hold t he shaft.
Dis as s em bly a nd As s em bly EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al 3 -2 6 Removing the PE Paper Sensor Assembly 1. Rem ov e the housi ng. ( S ee S ect ion 3. 2.1. ) 2. Rel eas e 2 hooks securing t he PE sens or ass em bly to t he back of the f ram e, and rem ov e the PE sens or ass em bl y , sli di ng i t upward.
Dis as s em bly a nd As s em bly EPSON Stylus COLOR 400 Service M an u al 3 -2 7 Removing the HP Sensor 1. Rem ov e the housi ng. ( S ee S ect ion 3. 2.1. ) 2. Rem ov e the c abl e f rom the HP sensor and take i t out af t er r el easing the at tached hook .
デバイスEpson STYLUS 400の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Epson STYLUS 400をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEpson STYLUS 400の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Epson STYLUS 400の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Epson STYLUS 400で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Epson STYLUS 400を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEpson STYLUS 400の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Epson STYLUS 400に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEpson STYLUS 400デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。