EpsonメーカーStylus C44UXの使用説明書/サービス説明書
ページ先へ移動 of 59
1 EPSON Stylus C44 User ’s Gui de 3 About Y our Pr inter 5 About Your Software 7 Loading P aper 8 Single Sh eets 8 Printing on En velopes 9 Special P apers 10 Printing in Windo ws 11 Printing from a.
2 Setup and Softwa re Insta llation Problems 39 Printer Problems 41 Print Qual ity Pro blems 42 Paper Feed ing Problems 44 Miscellane ous Printout P roblems 45 Reinstalling Print er Software 46 Windows 46 Macintosh OS X 47 Macintosh OS 8.
3 EPSON Stylus C44 User’s Guide This User’s Guid e contains instructions on p rinting with Wi ndows ® or on a Macintosh, ® mainta ining th e EPSON Stylus ® C44, solving basic problems, and specification s. To set up your printer and install your Win dows XP or Macin tosh software, see the Start Here sheet .
5 About Your P rinter Printing with your EPSON St ylus C44 pri n ter is easy, friendly, and fast. Simple enough fo r even th e most in exper ienced user , the Stylu s C44 prints ev erythin g from school repo rts to family ph otos with great res ults.
7 About Your S oftware The CD-ROM that came with yo ur printer includes all the software you ne ed for prin ting. S ee yo ur Start Here sheet for ins tallati on instructi ons. ■ Your printer driver runs your printer an d lets you control ho w your documents look.
8 Loading Paper ■ Single Sh eets ■ Printing on En velopes ■ Special P apers Single Sheets Make sure yo ur printer and computer are turne d on. 1. Place your pa per agai nst the ri ght edg e of the sheet feede r, behind the tab. 2. Press in th e locking ta b on the l eft edge guide and s lide it agai nst the p aper.
9 ■ Load th e followin g media types on e sh eet at a t ime: Ph oto Qua lity Sel f Adhe sive Sheets, Photo Stickers, and Panoramic Ph oto Paper. ■ If you’re usi ng specia l media, fo llow the instructio ns that came with the media. Pri nti ng on Enve lope s You can loa d up to 10 envelo pes at a tim e.
10 Macintosh OS X: Click the Preview button on th e Print Sett ings men u. Macintosh OS 8.6 to 9.x: Click the button on the print er setti ngs menu. The n click the Preview button that ap pears. 6. If you need to change the margins , cancel or clos e the previ ew window and adjust the marg ins i n your app lication soft ware.
11 Printing in Wind ows ■ Printing from a Software Program ■ Selectin g the S etting s You U se Most O ften EPSON All-Purpose Glo ssy Paper Letter (8.5 x 11 inches) S041654 EPSON Photo Stickers Kit (CD-RO M/paper) EPSON Photo Stickers (re fill) A6 (4.
12 Printing fr om a Software Program Here’s what to do to pri nt a basic document —such as a news lett er or school projec t. After you crea te your docum ent in a s oftware program, foll ow thes e steps to print. 1. From the File men u, click Pri nt .
13 You see y our pri nter Prop erties (or Pr eferen ces) win dow. 4. Select th e type o f document yo u’re printi ng: ■ Draft : For rough drafts on plain paper. S aves ink. ■ Text : For te xt-on ly docu ments, l ike le tter s or reports. Delivers h igh-quality text p rintin g.
14 6. If you loaded spec ial paper, choos e the correct pape r type (click the arrow to scro ll through the Type list). If you’re not sure which set ting to select, see S electing the Correct Paper Type . 7. Select yo ur paper si ze (click on the arro w to scro ll through th e Size lis t).
15 After a m oment, thi s windo w appears and sho ws the prog ress of yo ur print job. Yo u can use the buttons to cancel , paus e, or resta rt printing. You ca n also see h ow much ink you have left. Caution: When yo u’re finished using y our print er, make s ure you pr ess the power but ton to tu rn it off.
16 Printing With Macinto sh OS X ■ Printing With the Min imize Margi ns Feature Here’s how to print a basic document, such a s a newslette r or sch ool project, if y our Macintosh is running OS X. Make sur e you ha ve paper in the printer, as des cribed in Loadin g Pape r .
17 5. Select Pri nt from the F ile men u. You se e a scre en like this: 6. Select Print Setti ngs from the pull-down men u. You se e a gro up of settin gs like thi s: 7. Select th e following settin gs: ■ Load the ri ght pape r for your documen t in the pri nter.
18 ■ Set the I nk optio n to Color to prin t a color docume nt. To p rint a black te xt document, click Black . ■ Set the Mo de option to Autom atic .
19 11. Click the Print Center icon . On OS X 10.2.x, double-click St ylus C44 . You see a scre en like this: 12. To monitor th e progress of yo ur pr int job, do on e of the foll owing : ■ Click the.
20 If your printer isn’t listed, make s ure it is turne d on and con necte d to the Macintosh. Then go to step 2 . 2. Click the p rinter name . 3. Click the Add or Add Printer button. Yo u see another window listing your prin ter. 4. Click the p rinter name again.
21 6. Click the Add but ton. You see t he Printer List a gain with th e Minimize Ma rgins feat ure ava ilable . 7. Cl ose Pr int C enter. Using the Minimize Mar gins Feature 1. Open an appl ication a nd crea te your print j ob. 2. When you’re ready to print, sel ect Page Setup from the File m enu.
22 6. Op en the Printe r pull- down me nu and select Stylus C4 4 (Stand ard - Minimize Margins) again. Always check to make sure you selecte d the same set ting you chose in the Page Se tup window. 7. Select any other ne cessary prin t feature s, then c lick Print .
23 4. If necessary, select your page orientatio n: Portrait for documents that are longe r than they are wide, or Landscape for documents that are wider than they are lon g. 5. Then click OK . Note: For more info rmation abou t printer se ttings , click the ? button.
24 10. To sel ect a sp ecific p rint qualit y settin g, click Custom , then cl ick th e Advanced button th at appe ars. Y ou se e the advanc ed sc reen. C hoose a se tting from th e Print Qualit y menu: ■ Economy or Economy Plus : For prin ting drafts on plain pa per.
25 12. Click Print to start printin g. If yo u turne d on backgro und print ing, you ca n select EPSON MonitorIV fro m the Appli cation menu i n the upper rig ht of y our screen. You see this dialog box: Tip: If you’re not using back ground p rinting an d you need t o cancel prin ting, hol d down the key and pres s the .
26 The table below li sts the setting s you should choose for your paper : For this paper . . . Select this Type or Media Type setting . . . Plain pa per sheets o r envelope s EPSON Prem ium Bright Wh.
27 Cleaning the Print Head ■ Runn ing the H ead Cl eanin g Utility ■ Exam ining th e Noz zle Check Pa ttern If your printo uts ar e unexpectedl y light, or dots or li nes a re mis sing fro m the ima ge, you may nee d to cle an the prin t head. Th is unclog s the no zzles s o they ca n deliver i nk prop erly.
28 Caution: Never turn off the print er while the power li ght is flas hing, unle ss the printer hasn’t moved or made noise f or more than 5 minutes . 4. When the power light stops fla shing, run a nozz le check to con firm the prin t head no zzles a re clean .
29 ■ Black ink cartridge: T036 ■ Color ink cartridge: T037 Caution: To ensure good re sults, use ge nuine EPSON ink cartrid ges and do not refill the m.
30 ■ Windows : Double-click the printer icon on your taskbar (in the l ower right corner of your screen). You’ll see a wi ndo w like the one be low showin g the in k remaining in e ach cartridge. ■ Macintosh OS X : Double-click the Applications folder on your hard drive.
31 Removing and Installing In k Cartridges Be sure you hav e a new ink cartridge be fore you begin. Onc e you start the ink cartri dge repl acemen t pro cedure, you mus t compl ete al l the s teps in one ses sion. 1. Make sure the prin ter is turne d on and no t printi ng (the gre en powe r light should be on, but no t flashing ).
32 3. Pull up the i nk cartridge clamp and remo ve the cartridge. Di spose of it carefully. 4. Unpack the new cartridge and re move the ye llow tab. Caution: You must remove the yellow tape from the top of the cartr idge or you will perma nently da mage it.
33 5. Insert the n ew cartridge and press down firmly on the clamp. Make sure the clamp is closed com plete ly. 6. Press the mainte nance butt on. If the oth er cartridge nee ds to be replace d, the print h ead moves in to load ing positi on. Repeat step 3 th rough step 6.
34 Caution: Load p la in pa per t ha t’s at le ast 8. 27 i nche s (2 10 mm ) wi de to prev en t ink fr om sprayi ng insi de the prin ter an d smudg ing your pr intouts . 1. Make sure the printe r is turned on, but not printing, an d letter-siz e plain pap er is loade d.
35 6. When you’re finished, click Fini sh . Cleaning the Printer To keep your printe r working at its best, you should cl ean it several times a year. 1. Turn off the printer and disconne ct the USB cable and power cord. 2. Remove all paper, then use a soft brush to clean any dust or dirt from the s heet feeder.
36 Transpor ting the Pr inter If you move your p r inter some distance, yo u n e ed to prepare it for transp ortation in its origina l box or one of a simila r size. Caution: To avoi d damage, al ways leave the ink car tridges inst alled when transp orting the p rinter.
37 Printer Par ts Diagnosing Printer Problems ■ Chec king the Printe r’s Ligh ts ■ Runnin g a Prin ter Che ck Checking the Printer’s Lights If the printer’ s lights come on o r flash, check the expl anations listed be low.
38 Runnin g a Printer Check You can run a pri nter check to determ ine whether a problem co mes from the printer itsel f or some other so urce. The prin ter check also shows how much black and color ink you have left. 1. Make sure both the printer and compute r are turned off.
39 2. Make sure lette r -size o r larger pla in paper i s loaded in the prin ter. 3. Hold down the mainte nance button, then pres s and release the power button . Continue holdin g down the maintenance bu tton until the g reen power ligh t starts to flash, t hen releas e it.
40 The printer ma kes noise after ink cartridge i nstallation. ■ The first time you insta ll ink cartridges, the prin ter must charge its pr int head for about 90 seconds.
41 Printer Proble ms Only the green power light is on, but nothing prints. ■ Make sure the USB cable is connec ted securely and that the cable me ets the requir ements liste d in System Requirem ents . ■ Run a prin ter check as described in Runn ing a Printer Check .
42 Print Quality Problems You see banding (light lines). ■ The pr int he ad nozzl es may need clea ning; se e Clean ing t he Print He ad for instructions. ■ Make sure the pa per Type or Media Type settin g matches the p aper you loaded; see S electing th e Correct Paper Type for gu idelines.
43 ■ Make sure your paper isn ’t damp or curled, o r loaded face down (the printable side should be face up). ■ Use a su pport sheet with special paper, o r try loa ding your paper one sh eet at a time. ■ Use EP SON papers to en sure proper s a turatio n and absorption o f genuine EPSON inks.
44 You see wrong or missi ng colors. ■ Make sure yo ur printer software is not se t to use black ink o nly. ■ The pr int he ad nozzl es may need clea ning; se e Clean ing t he Print He ad for instructions. ■ The ink cartridges may be old or l o w on ink.
45 Paper doesn’t feed correctly or jams in the printer. ■ If paper doesn’t fee d, remove it from the sheet fe eder. Reload it ag ainst the right edge, behind the tabs, then slide th e left edge guide a gainst the paper.
46 The ma rgins are in correct. ■ Make sure the pa per settings a re correct for your paper s ize. For instruction s, see P rintin g in Wind ows , Printing With M acin tosh OS X , or Printing With M acintos h OS 8.6 t o 9.x . ■ Use t he Print Preview o ption in your printer soft ware to check yo ur margins before you print.
47 Other Windows systems: Double-click My Compu ter on your desktop, then double-click EPSON . You see the Options Menu. 3. Click Reins tall P rinter Driver . Then follow the instruc tions on the s creen t o reinstall your drive r. 4. Click Exit to clo se the Option s Menu.
48 Where To Get Help EPSON provides technical assi stance 24 hours a d a y through t h e electronic suppo rt services an d automated telep hone services listed below: You can pu rchase ink cartridges, paper , manuals, and acces sories from EPSON at (800) 873-7766, or visit the EPSON Store at www.
49 Syst em Requirements ■ W indows S ystem Requ irements ■ Macintos h System Requ irements Windows System Requirements To use your prin ter and its s o ft ware, your system should have: ■ A Micr.
50 ■ A shielded USB “AB” cable up to 6.5 feet (2 meters) long. Specifications ■ Printing ■ Paper ■ Ink Cartridges ■ Mechanica l ■ Electrical ■ Envir onmental ■ Safety Approvals Printing Paper Note: P oor qu ality pa per may re duce print qualit y and ca use paper jams or other problems.
51 Plain Pap er, All-Purp ose Glossy Paper, Premium Bright White Paper, Photo Qu ality and High Quality Ink Jet Paper Envelopes Siz e Lett er (8. 5 x 11 inche s) Half lette r (5.5 x 8 .5 inches) Legal ( 8.5 x 1 4 inches ) Execut ive (7.25 x 10.5 inches ) A4 (8.
52 Glossy Ph oto Paper and Photo Pap er Ink Je t Cards Transparencies, Photo Quality Glossy Paper, and Glossy Photo Greet ing Cards Self Adhesive Sheets Photo Stickers Matte Paper Heavyweight and Double-Sided Matte Paper Siz e Lett er (8. 5 x 11 inche s) 4 x 6 inches Panora mic (8.
53 Printable Area Note: Y ou can ex tend the mini mum bottom mar gin to 0.12 ” (3 mm) using t he Minimize Margin s featur e, howev er print quality ma y decline in the e xpanded area. B efore pr inting la rge jobs us ing an e xtended margin set ting, p rint a singl e sheet t o confir m printout qualit y.
54 Ink Cartridges * The f i gure g iven is based on continuous printing after ink replacement . The actu al print capacity may var y. ** Ink t haws and is usa ble after approx imately 3 ho urs at 77 °F (25 °C). Caution: T o ensure good res ults, use genui ne EPSO N cartrid ges and do not re fill them.
55 Mechanical Electrical Note: C heck the label on the back of the pri nter for y our printer ’s volta ge. Paper feed method Friction Paper pa th Sheet f eeder, top entry Sheet fe eder capaci ty 100 she ets of 17 l b (65.8 g/m 2 ) paper Dimensio ns S torage Width: 16.
56 Environmental Note: S tored in ship ping conta iner Safety Approvals Tem peratu re Oper ation: 50 to 95 °F ( 10 to 35 ° C) Storage* *: − 4 t o 140 °F ( − 2 0 to 60 °C) 1 month at 104 ° F (.
57 Appendix ■ Copyri ght Notice ■ A Note C oncerni ng Resp onsible Use of Co pyrig hted Mat erials ■ Trademarks Copyr ight Notice All ri ghts reserved.
58 Trademarks EPSON, EPSON Stylus, and EPSON Photo S ticke rs are registered tra demarks of SEIKO EPSON CORPORATIO N. EPSON PhotoC enter, SoundAdvice, and EPSON St ore are service marks, and EPSON Software and PhotoE nh ance are t rademar ks of Epso n Americ a, Inc.
デバイスEpson Stylus C44UXの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Epson Stylus C44UXをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEpson Stylus C44UXの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Epson Stylus C44UXの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Epson Stylus C44UXで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Epson Stylus C44UXを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEpson Stylus C44UXの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Epson Stylus C44UXに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEpson Stylus C44UXデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。