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i SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Safety Instructions for the Operator WARNING Do not open the equipment. Only qualified personnel should work inside the equipment. Do not disassemble or modify the equipment. Fire, electrical shock or serious injury can result. Use the proper fuse.
ii T A BL E OF CONT ENT S FOREWORD ........................................................................................................ iii SYSTEM CONFIGUR A TION ................................................................................ iv EQUIPMENT LISTS .
iii FOREWORD A W ord to the Ow ner o f the MU-150C FURUNO Electric Com pany thanks you f or pur chasing the MU-150C 1 5” Multi-Purp ose LCD Display . We are conf ident you will discover why the FURUNO nam e has becom e synonymous w it h qua lity and reliabilit y .
i v SYSTEM CONFIGUR A TION 24 VDC or 100 - 240 V AC Navigator (GPS, etc.)* Control unit of Video Sounder (e.g., FCV -1200 series) Radar , Video Plotter , Navigator , Video Sounder , Scanning Sonar , etc. * = When using the FCV -1200 series or CH-250, NMEA 0183 data may be output to the MU-150C instead of the interface unit.
v EQUIPM ENT LISTS S t anda rd supp ly N ame T ype Code N o. Qty Remarks AC sp eci f ic a tion Di spl ay U ni t M U-150C − 1 DC speci fic ation SP10- 028 01 00 1-41 4-4 60 For DC S par e P art s * S.
1 1 MOUNTING Refer t o t he outline drawing at the end of the manual for mount ing di mensions. Note : The LCD is made of glass. Handle it w it h care. 1.1 Display Unit The display unit m ay be flush mount ed in a p anel or on a deskt op, using the optional bracket.
2 Cover Display Unit See Note 2. Display unit and cover 3. Fasten the displa y unit to the mounting locat ion with six tapping screws (5X30). Note 1: Hex head bolts m ay also be used to f asten the display unit . However , their length m ust be at least 30 mm.
3 Desktop mounting The display unit can be mounted on a desktop, using t he optional bracket (T ype: FP10-02510, Cod e No.: 001-414-510). 1. Fasten the m ounting base (lower) to the m ounting location with four sets of hex head bolts, spring washers, f l at washers and nuts.
4 3. Loosel y sc r ew six screw s (M5X 15) i nto the hol es at the r ear of the dis pl ay unit . Set the screw s on the di spl a y unit to t he holes on t he br ac k et and then t ighten t he screw s. (Not e that t he displ ay unit m ay al so be mounted i n port r ai t ori entati on.
5 5. Grease the t w o hex head bolts f or f astening the display un it to the mounting base (lower). 6. Fasten the displa y unit to the mounting base (lo wer) with the two hex head bolts greased at step 5. Hex Head Bolt Fastening the mount ing base (lower) to the disp lay unit 7.
6 1.1.1 Hood (option) A hood (portrait or lands cape) is optionally avail able. At tach it to the display unit with V elcro tape as shown below . 1. Attach nine sets of V elcro tape to the display un it at the locations shown belo w , in as straight as possible.
7 2 WIRING 2.1 Wir ing E x ternal Equip ment Connec t extern al equi pm ent to the M U-150C by referr i ng to the draw ings i n thi s sect ion. A cabl e w it h c onnec t or at both ends i s provi ded t o connect equi pm ent .
8 Co nnec ting FC V - 12 00 seri es an d CH- 250 Usi ng t he cables des i gnat ed b elow (or equivale nt) t o c onnec t the FCV -120 0 s er i es or CH-2 50 m ak es thei r int erface uni t of the F CV -1200 ser i es and CH-2 50 unnec essary . T he mi ni D-SUB 15 P connector c a nnot be u s ed t o connect the FCV -1 200 s er i es and CH -250.
9 • Cable 06S4078 is of waterproof construction, however , the MU-150C is not w aterproof (specificat ion IPX0). Therefore, remove rubber cover and f ixing metal from the display side of t he cable.
10 3 A D JUSTM ENTS Control s for adj ustment of the pi cture are pro v i ded on t he re ar of t he di splay unit. O pen the small cover to a ccess the co ntrol s.
11 3.1 Pict ure A djustment Contras t and pi c t ure are adj usted w i th [S1] : Opens m enu; select s menu i tems. [S2]: Incr e a se s setting . [S3]: D ecre ase s settin g. [S4]: Ini tia lizes sett in g . Note : T hough “EXIT ” is pr i nted on the CO NE Board (10P 68 77), t he f uncti on of S4 swi tch is “RESET .
12 3.2 RGB Adjustment Color m ay be adjus t ed wi t h the foll o wi ng potenti ometers . T urn the pot entiom et ers cl oc kw ise to i ncrease col or .
13 4 OPERA TION FURUNO POWER Switch BRILLIANCE Control LED Display unit POWER s witch: T urns the po we r on/off. The LED lamp lights in green when the unit is turned on and goes o f f w hen the unit is t urned of f .
14 5 M A INTEN A N CE, TROUBLESHOOT ING WARNING ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Do not open the equipment. Only qualified personnel should work inside the equipment. 5.1 Mainte nance Rou tine m ain tena nce Regular m ai nte nanc e is i mport ant for good per f ormance.
15 5.2 T roublesh ooting The table below provide s troubleshooting proce dures to use when no picture appears. If you cannot restore t he picture, do not attem pt to check inside the equipm ent – there are no user serviceable parts inside. Ref er any work to a qualified t echnician.
A P-1 A PPEN D IX M odification for Switching fr om Landscape to Portrait Orient ation T o use t he MU-150C f or portrai t w ith the CH-37, FCV -1200 ser i es, F CV -1500 seri es or FR-176 0DS, t he LC D assem bly m us t be turned 180°. 1. Pl ace the di splay unit on a wor k benc h w it h t he L CD si de dow n.
A P-2 4. Referring to t he arrow s in the figure belo w for location, disconnect the connector and four po w er s w itch tag term inals and release cable from CK clamp. Note: When disconnect ing the tag term inals, pull the m by the metal part of the term inal.
A P-3 5. Unf as t en the eig ht screw s marked wi t h the arrow s in the fi gure below . Dis play uni t, r ear v i ew 6. Rel ease the ca bl e from t he clamp m ar ked w ith the gray ar r ow in t he figure abo v e. 7. T urn the LCD assem bl y 180° . POWER chassis Dis play uni t, r ear v i ew 8.
A P-4 1 1. F asten cables with the clamps marked with the white arrows in the f igure below . Connect the po w er co nnector to J1 on the pcb 10P387 9 as follows: 1, Brown; 3, O range ; 4, Purple, 6, W hite. Location of pow er swit ch and pcb 10P3879 12.
SP - 1 E2025S01B SPECIFICATIONS OF MULTI - PURPOSE LCD DISPLAY MU - 150C 1 GENERAL 1.1 Display 15.0 inch color LCD, 304.1 x 228.1 mm 1.2 Brightness 180 cd/m 2 typical, 150 cd/m 2 minimum 1.3 Resolution VGA (640 x 480), XGA (1024 x 768) 1.4 Viewing Angle 160 ° (left/rig ht: 80 ° , up/down: 80 ° ) 1.
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A - 2.
Your Local Agent/Dealer Your Local Agent/Dealer 9-52 Ashihara-cho, 9-52 Ashihara-cho, Nishinomi y a 662-8580, JAPAN Nishinomi y a 662-8580, JAPAN Tele p hone : Tele p hone : 0798-65-2111 0798-65-2111 Fax Fax 0798-65-4200 0798-65-4200 : : F IRST EDITION : F IRST EDITION : JAN JAN .
デバイスFuruno MU-150Cの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Furuno MU-150Cをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはFuruno MU-150Cの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Furuno MU-150Cの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Furuno MU-150Cで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Furuno MU-150Cを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はFuruno MU-150Cの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Furuno MU-150Cに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちFuruno MU-150Cデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。