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www G a r r e t t C om co m .. www G a r r e t t C om co m .. Corporate Headqua rters GarrettCom, Inc. 478 23 Westinghouse Dri ve Fremont, CA 94539 Phone (510) 438-9071 Fax (510) 438-9072 Website : h ttp :// email support@garrettcom.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) i www G a r r e t t C om co m .. Magnum TF14 and TB14 10Mb/s Media Converters Installation and User Guide Part #: 84-00121 Rev .
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) ii www G a r r e t t C om co m .. Federal C omm unicati ons C omm ission Radio Frequency Interference Statemen t This.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion and User G uide ( 04/0 1) iii www G a r r e t t C om co m .. Contacting GarrettCom , Inc Please use the ma iling address , phone and fa x numbe rs and em ail address listed below : GarrettCom, In c.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) iv www G a r r e t t C om co m .. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) v www G a r r e t t C om co m .. TABL E OF CONTENT S (CONTINU ED) .......................................... Page 3.6.1 Connecting T wiste d Pair (RJ-45, sta ndard and L ink Pass-throug h) .
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) vi www G a r r e t t C om co m .. Revisions Rev C 04/01 : Chan ge the company nam e to GarrettCom, Inc.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 1 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. 1.0 SPECIFICATIONS 1.1. Technic al Specs - fib er full/ha lf Models: TF14, (TP to mu.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 2 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. Max imum Standard Ethernet Seg ment Le ng ths: 10BASE-T (tw isted pair): 100 m (328 f t) 10BASE2 T hinNet (BNC ): 185 m (607 f t) FOIRL Fibe r optic: 1.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 3 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. Pow er Suppl y (Ex te rnal): Power Input: 95 - 125 v ac at 60 Hz for “-d” U.S. and Cana dian models , 200 - 250 vac a t 50 Hz for “ -i” internationa l models Power Consum ption: 2 wa tts typica l and 3 watts max .
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 4 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. Pack aging: Enclosure: High strength she et meta l. Dime nsions, Media Conv erter unit: TF14, TF14s, TF14- LP: 2.1”x 3.0” x 0.8” (5.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 5 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. Media Convert er LED Indicators: LED T F1 4 TF 14s, TF14- LP T B14 Descriptio n PWR unit unit unit Indicate s unit is re ceiving D C powe r.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 6 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. Agency Approvals: 115v 60 Hz Pow er Supply is UL L isted (UL 1950 and cUL ) and CE.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 7 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. 1.2 Summary of models and descript ions: FI BER: Magnum T F-14-d = T P to fibe r, tr.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 8 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. 2.0 INTRODUCTION This se ction descri bes the TF14, T F14s, TF14- LP, and TB14 m odels, including appe arance, f eature s and ty pical applications .
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 9 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. Rem ove the Mag num Media C onverter f rom the shipping containe r. Be sure to keep the s hipping container should you nee d to ship the unit at a la ter date.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 10 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. Magnum TF14 and T B14 10Mb Media Conv erters a re desig ned for quick a nd easy installation even in v ery tight spa ces. Media cables a re easily attached to the corresponding Media Conve rter.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 11 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. All of the Magnum “14” Media Conv erters com ply w ith the IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T specif ication for 10 Mb/sec traf fic v ia shielded (ST P) or unshielded tw isted pair (UTP) segm ents.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 12 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. (or crossov er) sw itch on the RJ-45 por t simplif ies cable ins tallation and conne ction. All f iber mode ls operate in tra nsparent f ull- or half-duple x mode, s upporting matc hed sets of either m ode type , i.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 13 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. 2.3 Features and Benefits ! ! ! ! Reduces Network Costs Magnum Media Conve rters of.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 14 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. ! ! ! ! Small, Com pact, Rugged Design Featuring a compac t steel ca se with an e x.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 15 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. 2.4 Applicat ions The prim ary function of a 10Mb Ethernet Media Converter is to pe.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 16 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. Magnum TF1 4: Co nne cting a 1 0Mb ps fib e r cab le and a 10 B ASE-T network.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 17 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. The TB14 10Mb Ethernet Media Converter conn ects twis ted- pair cabling to existing BNC cabling. The operation is half-duplex in all situations.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 18 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. 2.5 F ul l / hal f-duplex appli cations . Of the v arious 10Mb m edia ty pes, only the twiste d-pair to fibe r combination is capable of full-duplex (i.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 19 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. enablin g an install er to see the LINK (or n o-LINK) status o f each port an d each piece o f cable indepe ndently. T his is ideal f or the installer.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 20 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. Note that tw o TF14 m edia conve rters in ser ies could be us ed to go from an RJ- 45 port, through a f iber se gme nt, and into another RJ -45 port.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 21 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. 3.0 INSTALLATION This se ction describe s the insta llation of the Ma gnum T F14 and TB14 Me dia Converte rs, including loca tion, segm ent distanc e calculation a nd media connection.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 22 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. Locati ng the M edia Conve r ter Uni t (conti nue d) First, locate an A C receptac le that is within six feet (2 m eters) of the intended unit location and plug in the externa l power s upply unit (prov ided as part of the unit).
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 23 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. TB14 END VI EW BNC PORT TERMINATOR SWITCH UPLINK SWITCH RJ-45 PORT 9V POWER SUPPLY .
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 24 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. 3.2 T F 14- serie s (fiber units) P ow er Supply , Inst allat i on The T F14-series external power supply unit supplied is one of tw o types; one version f o r AC input power of 115 vac 60 Hz, and one v ersion f or 230 vac 50 Hz.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 25 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. outlet plug, and a lig htweig ht DC power cord to the applicable power jac k on the m edia converte r.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 26 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. 3.4 M C14-TRAY for Rack Mounting of TF14 and TB 1 4 Media Converters For 19” rac k-mounting of Mag num 14 ser ies Media C onverters , a rack -mount tray is available , MC14-TRA Y.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 27 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. A typical installation of the mode l MC14-TRA Y, 19” rack -mount tra y w ill hold.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 28 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. 3.5 Calculating Ov erall Segm ent Distance Important Note: Special consideration m ust be given to max imum cable segment lengths on each side o f a Magn um TF14 and TB1 4 Media Co n verter.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 29 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. Where Y = The se gme nt length on the other s ide of the Ma gnum Me dia Converte r .
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 30 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. A Distance Calculat i on Example: Connecti vity be tw een ThinN e t and TP Et hernet M edia. In the fig ure show n above, the le ngth of Seg ment X is 72m (216 f t).
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 31 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. 3.6 Conne cting Etherne t Medi a Connecting Ethe rnet me dia to the Magnum Media Conv erter is v ery s imple and straightforward.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 32 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. inform ation.) If this does not help, ensur e that the ca ble is connect ed properly at both ends and is not de fectiv e.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 33 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. Fiber Cable Type cable diam eter * M a x .
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 34 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. after cabl e conne ction, the nor mal cause is impr oper cabl e pol arity. S wap the f iber cable s on the pro duct connecto r to re medy this situation.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 35 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. The f ollowing da ta has bee n collected f rom com ponent manufac turer’s (H P’s and Siemens’) w eb sites and ca talogs to provide g uidance to netw ork designers and insta llers.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 36 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. 4.0 OPERATION This se ction descr ibes the oper ation of the Ma gnum T F14 and TB14 10Mb Media Conver ters, including pow er supply requirem ents, up-link sw itch func tionality, and a desc ription of all L EDs.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 37 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. PWR Illum inates GREEN to indica te the unit is receiv ing DC power. LINK (per port) Illum inates to indic ate proper conne ctivity on each cable segm ent (non-Link Pass-through m odels).
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 38 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. JAB Illumina tes AMBER to indicate jabber (illega l packet leng th). COL (per port) Illumina tes AMBER to indicate a c ollision on the segm ent.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 39 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. 4.5 Up-Link (Cross-over) Switch When set to the UP position (=), the Mag num Media Conve rter is w ired for norm al twisted-pair conne ction to a user node de vice.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 40 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. 5.0 TROUBLES HOOTING All Mag num Ethernet produc ts are des igned to provide relia bility and consistently high performa nce in all netw ork envi ronments.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 41 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. impaire d during installa tion. (About 90% of networ k downtim e can be attributed to w iring and c onnector problem s.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 42 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. 5.2 When Calling fo r Assistance Please be p repared to provid e t he following in formation. 1. A com plete des cription of the pr oblem, incl uding the follow ing points: a.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 43 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. 5.3 Re t urn Mat erial A ut horizati on ( RMA ) Procedur e All returns f or repair must be ac companied by a Return Materia l Authoriza tion (RMA) num ber.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 44 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. GarrettCom will ca refully test and ev aluate all returne d products, will repa ir .
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion and User G uide ( 04/0 1) 45 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. 5.4 S hipping and P ackaging I nformation Should you nee d to ship the unit back to Garre ttCom, plea se follow these instructions: 1. Package the unit caref ully.
Magnum “14” 1 0Mb Medi a Conver ters Install a tion a nd User G uide ( 04/0 1) 46 www G a r r e t t C om co m .. APPENDI X A: WARRANTY INF ORMATIO N Garr ettCom, Inc . warra nts its products to be f ree f rom def ects in m aterials and work mans hip for a pe riod of three (3) ye ars f rom the da te of shipm ent by GarrettCom.
デバイスGarrettCom TF14の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
GarrettCom TF14をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはGarrettCom TF14の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。GarrettCom TF14の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。GarrettCom TF14で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
GarrettCom TF14を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はGarrettCom TF14の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、GarrettCom TF14に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちGarrettCom TF14デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。