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Logix 764 Operation Manual Models: 255 Twin Alt e rna tin g Tw i n Pa r al l e l Sing le wit h R e mot e Reg en era t ion St ar t M ulti- Sing le T a nk wi th Lock out.
3 T abl e of Cont ents Safe ty Inform ati on 4 How To Use T his M anu al 5 Location Select ion 8 Outd oor L oca tions 6 Insta llation 8 Locatio n Selectio n 8 Wat e r L ine Co nne cti on 8 Dra in Li n.
4 Sa fety I nfor mat ion This w ater conditioner ’s control valv e conforms to UL/CE Standard s. Generi c valves were test ed an d cert if ied for com p li anc e as ve rif ie d by the ag enc y li st ing . • Pleas e review the en tire Inst allatio n and Opera tion Manua l b efo re in sta lling th e w ater c ondit io ning syst em.
5 Ho w T o Us e T his Ma nual This i nstal lat ion manual is desi gned to guide the instal ler t hrough the pr ocess of i nstallin g and start ing water condi tioni ng systems fe aturing t he Logix 7 64 controlle r. This manual i s a re fer ence and will not incl ude every syste m installat ion si tuatio n.
6 Figur e 3 Rem ote Start/Mu lti-Tank Lock out Cable Figure 4 Twin Sensor Ca ble Figu re 5 T win Cable Ext ensio n L oca ti on S e lec tio n L oca ti on of a wa ter c on diti on i ng sys tem is imp orta nt. The follo wing conditions a re re quired : • Level platfo rm o r floor .
7 Figu re 6 Typ ical P lum bing f or Twin Tank S yst ems. Condi tioned Uncondit ioned wat er i n wat er o ut.
8 Fi gure 7 Installation Al l p lumbi ng mus t conf orm to lo cal codes. T he tw o ta nks sho uld b e plu mbed to an inter connec ting manif old, Fig ure 6. It is highly recom mended that separate brine l in es b e u sed for ea ch ta nk. It is critical f or the r esin , re sin vol ume, inlet piping, etc.
9 Drain Li ne Connection Note: St andar d co mmerc ial practi ces ar e expr essed here. Local co des may require ch anges to the following suggesti ons. C h eck with local authoriti es bef or e installing a w ater conditioning system. The syst em should be above, and not m ore than 20 feet (6.
10 Note: Do no t el e vate the over flow li ne higher t han 3 in ches ( 7.6 cm) b elow the bott om o f the o verflo w f ittin g. Do n ot t ie into the drain l ine o f th e con tr o l u nit . The ove rflo w lin e must b e a dir ect , s eparat e line f rom the ove rflo w f i tti ng to the drain, s ewer , o r tu b.
11 Disinf ection of Wate r Conditi oning Sys t e ms The ma te rials of cons truc tion in the moder n wat er conditioning system will not support bacterial gr ow th , nor will t hese mat erial s contamin ate a water supply.
12 Syst em Opera tion T re ated W ate r ( Do wn f l ow) U ntr ea t ed wa t er is co nd it io ne d as i t fl ow s th ro ug h t he r e sin bed an d up the ris er . Backwash (Upfl ow) – Cycle C1 Flow i s reverse d by the con trol valve, di rected down the riser , up t hro ugh the resi n be d and sent to drai n.
13 Camshaft Cycle P o sitions The front end of th e ca mshaft has an ind icator cup. The cup has slots in the out er edge and cycle number s on th e inside f ace (Figure 12) . Remove the cover and look over th e top of the 764 control to view the cy cle numbe rs.
14 Displ ay Icons & Cursors Note: In normal o p eration and d uring prog r a mmin g, only a few of th e ico ns wi ll ac tuall y be displ aye d. 1. Thi s cur sor is displa yed whe n th e day s be twee n r e g enera tion ar e bei ng p rogr ammed (used w ith .
15 23. Parameter (P). D isplayed on ly in Level II Programming . The numb er displ ayed by #23 identi f ies wh i c h param et er is currently d ispla yed. 24. Cy cl e (C). Th e number displayed by #23 is the cu rrent cycle in th e reg eneratio n sequ ence.
16 Pla cing W ater Condi tioni ng System Into Operation After you hav e perfo rmed t h e i nstall ati o n steps , t he cond i tioner will need to be placed into o peration. Fo llow the se st eps caref ull y, (pa g es 16 t o 21 ) as th ey dif fer fr om pr evio us Au t ot r ol val ve in str uctio ns.
17 The s e c a m mov e m e n ts may take up to 5 minutes. Ta ble 2 Resin Volume - 0.25 ft 3 and 5 Lit er Steps Resi n Volu me Tan k Di a (inc hes) In jector US Met ric 6E 0 . 2 5 5 6E 1 0 7 F 0.50 15 8 G 0.75 20 9H 2 5 9 H 1.00 30 10 J 1.2 5 35 10 J 1.
18 Level l Prog ramming - 764 Contr ol with 2 55 Valve, 8 Cycle Conditioner Note: If one of the f o llowing cond i tions occur: – contr ol dis plays Err3 an d goes t o home positi on or – power outag e disch arg es the s uperc apac itor an d when p o we r is r estor ed an d the ti me of day is r e se t; the Regen Icon will beg in flashing.
19 Plac ing Water Condit ioning System Into Operati on (continued) Ca utio n: If you r syst em is a 255A (Alter nating) go to “Quic k Cy l ing the Control for 255A Sy stems” .
20 C. O bserve t hat w ater is b eing draw n fr om th e regenera nt tank f or at least th ree minut es. If th e wa ter leve l doe s not r ece de, check all r egener ant line conn ecti ons for ai r leak s. 8. If the water level i s re ceding f ro m the r egener ant t ank you can quick cy cle the control to the C8 Regenerant tank ref i ll po sition .
21 2 . Press and hold the butt on for 5 secon ds. This will s tart the s econd r egeneration. Quick cycle as T ank 2 moves through cycles: C5 - Fa st Rinse C6 - 2n d Backwash C7 - 2n d Rin s e C8 - Rege neran t Ref il l; the ai rche ck is fill ed an d fl ow to t he regene rant ta nk is v isabl e.
22 In Ser vice D isplay Logix 764 Electronic Multi-Tank - "A" Alternating Control: Serv ice disp lay — The n umber o f the Tank in Se rvice (sm all digi t next to CPH posi tion ) and A lte.
23 Le vel II Pr ogra mmin g – P Values Level II p rogra m para met ers c an be ad j ust ed t o f ine-t une the con dition er ’ s oper ation. The para met ers are acce ss ibl e by press ing an d hol d in g th e UP a nd DOWN buttons until the control d ispla ys a “P” valu e.
24 Pr ogramming the Lock out Fe ature All L evel I para m eters can be locked out when the co ntrol is i n Level ll p rogramming. Simp ly pres s the REGEN button dur ing L evel ll pr o g rammin g and a Lock Ico n will appear indicating t hat the s pec if ic set ting has b een locked o ut .
25 Lev el ll l C yc le P rogr amm in g – C Va lu es Severa l L evel III program pa ramet ers can be adj uste d to f ine -tune a co nditi one rs op e ra tion for non -standar d applications. Typi cally these parameters will no t need to be adjusted as the defau lt se tti n gs ac commod at e mo st appl icat ions .
26 Le vel IV V iewin g History - H Value s His t or ical info rmati on ca n be vi ew ed by pr e ss ing t he SET and DOWN butto n s s imultaneously, with the 764 contro l in the home p osition . Release bo th butto ns wh en the control disp lays an “H ” valu e.
27 Man ual R egene ra tion Op tion s Note: The t ank in service (o n-line ) ca nnot be r egener ated whil e the othe r tanks are i solat ed. Wate r f or b ackwash wo uld no t b e avai la ble . The 764 control f eatures several options that offer additional fl exibility for m a nually regeneratin g the co nditi oner .
28 R egenera tio n Mode s for Paral l el Sys t e ms Pa ram ete r P1 6 is us ed to d ete rmi ne t he meth od f or dema nd init iated regenera tion. Fou r regene ration m odes ar e poss ible. • P16 = 0, Delayed Reg eneration with a Smart Reser ve Regene ration s wi ll start on ly at the T i me of Regene ration ent ered in P2.
29 Wi ring Di agra ms Connect ing the Logix 764 Twi n Alt ernatin g or P arall el Cont rols The twi n sensor and ext ensi on cables are used f or twin uni t p a r all el an d alter natin g applic atio ns.
30 Connect ing the Logix 7 64 Mul ti Sin gle Tank Co ntrol Fig ure 1 7 RED Logix 764 control on T ank 1 Logix 764 control on T ank 2 BLK GRN RED BLK GRN RED BLK GRN RED BLK GRN Repeat for all remaining tanks Logix 764 control on T ank 3 Not e: Cab le PN 3019464 sold separat ely.
31 Pa r ts Li sts 255 Ex plod ed V iew & Part s Li st 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 14 24 25 26 27 28 29.
32 It em Par t Num b e r Description Qty . Item Par t No. De scription Qty. 1 3014650 764 Series Cont rol 1 17 1000269 Inje ctor Cap with O- Ring 1 2 1244650 Valv e Assembly w/o Flow Contr o ls 1 18 1243511 0.
33 Bypas s Valve and Turbine Adapt er * Not Sho wn Turbine Adapt er Bypass 1 2 Inle t Dr ain Outl et It em Par t No. Desc r ipti on Q ty . 1 1040769 256 Bypa ss 1 * 1034301 K it , 256 Ro tor Replaceme.
34 Manif old K its Par t No. De scrip ti on Qt y. Par t No . De scri pti on Qt y. 30199 31 255 M anif old K i t , 1-i n, PVC w/25 6 Byp ass 1 3 019932 7 64 Mon i f old K it , 1-in P VC w /No B ypass 1.
35 T roub leshooting 764 Con tro ller – E rror Co des & 255 ”L” w ith Ch eck Sal t L ight Probl em P ossibl e Cause So luti on ERR 1 is d ispla yed. Progr am se tti ngs h ave b e en corrup ted . Pres s any k ey and re prog ram L evel I s ettings.
36 S ystem Troubl eshoot ing ERR 4 i s disp layed. If single tank system .. Ve rify syst em se tting is pro gramm ed t o 255 “L”. Cont roller on t ank 2 does n ot know t he po siti o n of t he ca ms haf t. Ca ms haft sho uld b e rot atin g to find Hom e p osition .
37 H ar d wat er leak ag e af te r re gener ation. a. Impr oper reg enera tion. b. L eak ing of external bypass val ve . c. O -R ing arou n d ris er p ipe da mag ed . d. S ystem c apacity too lo w due to incorrect r e sin v olume sett i ng a. Re peat r egener ati o n after making cer t ai n co rre ct re gen er ant do sage was se t .
© Copyrig h t 2007 Genera l Elect ric Company P/N 30196 24 Rev A.
デバイスGE 255の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
GE 255をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはGE 255の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。GE 255の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。GE 255で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
GE 255を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はGE 255の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、GE 255に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちGE 255デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。