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FC C Complianc e Statement: This equ ipment ha s been tes ted and foun d to comply w ith limits for a Clas s B digit al device, pursuant to Par t 15 of the FCC rules. T hese limits are designed to provide re asonable protection a gainst har mful inter ference in residential installat ions.
Declarati on of Conformity We, Manufact urer/Im porter (full address) G .B.T . T echn ology Tr äding GMbH Ausschlager W eg 41, 1F , 20537 Hambu rg, Germany declare that the product ( description of t.
7ZMMHC AMD Athlon TM /Duron TM Socket A Processor Motherboard USER'S MANUAL AMD Athlon TM /Duron TM Socket A Processor Moth erboard REV . 1. 01 First Edi tion 12ME-7ZMMHC -101 1.
How T his Manua l Is O rganize d This manual is divided into the following sections: 1) Revision List Manual revision information 2) Item Checklist Product item list 3) Features Product information &a.
T able Of Content Revision History P.1 Item Checklist P .2 Features Summary P .3 7ZMMHC Motherboard Layout P .5 Installation Guide P . 6 Page Index for Connectors / Panel and Jumper Definition P .12 Performance List P .27 Block Diagram P .29 Suspend to RAM Installation P .
7ZMMHC Motherboard 1 Revision Hi story Revision Revision Note Date 1.01 Initial release of the 7ZMMHC motherboard user’s manual. Oct. 2001 The author assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions that may appear in this document nor d oes the autho r make a commitment t o update the i nformati on contained herein.
Item C heckli st 2 Item Chec klist The 7ZMMHC motherboard Cable for IDE / floppy device CD for motherboard driver & utilit y 7ZMMHC user ’s manual.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 3 Features Summary Form factor 24.4 cm x 23.1 cm Micro A TX size form factor, 4 layers PCB. CPU AMD Athlon TM /Duron TM (K7) Socket A Processor 256K/64K L2 cache on die .
Features Summary 4 On-Board Sound AC’97 CODEC Line In / Line Out / Mic In / AUX In / CD In / TEL / Game Port PS/2 Connector PS/2 Keyboard interface and PS/2 Mouse interface BIOS .
7ZMMHC Motherboard 5 7ZMMHC Moth erboard Layou t 7ZMMHC PCI1 PCI2 VT82C 686B VT8365A GAME & AU DIO VGA COM A LPT PS/2 BIOS J3 J8 J7 J9 BA T1 J2 FLOPPY IDE1 IDE2 AGP 1 JP6 SW1 J1 1 LED1 J13 J12 JP4.
Install ation Guide 6 Installa tion Gu ide Getting Started W ARNING! Computer m otherboards and expans ion cards cont ain ve ry delicate Int egra ted Circuit (IC ) chips. T o protec t them agai nst damage from static electric ity , you should foll ow some precauti ons when ever you w ork on yo ur computer.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 7 To set up your co mputer, you m ust compl ete the followi ng steps: Step 1 - Set system jumper s Step 2- Install the Cent ral Process ing Uni t (CPU) Step 3-Install memory mo dule.
Install ation Guide 8 CPU Speed Setup The system bus frequency can be s witched at 95MHz-145MHz by a djusting SW 1 & JP10. (The frequenc y rati o depend on CPU ).
7ZMMHC Motherboard 9 CPU Installation Please make sure the CPU s hould b e support ed to the mo therboard. CPU T op View CPU Bottom View 1.Pull the lever ou t and lift i t up. 2.The notched co rner shoul d be orien tated toward the bl ank space on t he socket nearest the leve r .
Install ation Guide 10 3.Align CPU an d insert it (Please ref er to your heatsink install ation manual for appli cation of t hermal gre ase to provide bett er heat cond uction bet ween your CPU and heatsink .) 4.Use compliant fa n approv ed by AMD. 5.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 11 Memory Installation The motherboar d has 2 dual inl ine memory mod ule (DIMM) s ockets supp ort 4 banks. T he BIOS will automatically detects memory type and size. To install the me mory module, just push it verticall y into the DI MM Slot .
Install ation Guide 12 Page Index for Connectors/Panel and Jumper Definition Page Connectors P .13 ATX Po wer P .13 COM A / VGA / L PT Por t P .13 COM2 (COM B) P .21 Floppy Connector P .15 Game & Audio Port P .16 IDE 1(Primary) / IDE 2(Secondary) Connector P .
7ZMMHC Motherboard 13 Connecto rs ATX Power Pin No. Definition 3,5,7,13,15-17 GND 1,2,1 1 3.3V 4,6,19,20 VCC 10 +12V 12 -12V 18 -5V 8 Power Good 9 5V SB (stand by+5V ) 14 PS-O N(S oft On/O ff ) 10 11 .
Connectors 14 PS/2 Keyboar d & PS/2 M ouse Con nector PS/2 Mouse / Keyboar d Pin No. Definition 1 Data 2 NC 3 GND 4 POWER 5 Clock 6 NC PS/2 Keyboa rd PS/2 Mo use 1 2 3 4 5 6 Please note: This mainboard support s standard PS/2 keyboard and PS/2 mouse interf ace connector .
7ZMMHC Motherboard 15 USB2: Front USB Connector Pin No. Defin ition 1 POWER 2 GND 3 USB D2- 4 NC 5 USB D2+ 6 USB D3+ 7 NC 8 USB D3- 9 GND 10 POWER 1 10 9 2 Please note: Be careful with the polarity of the front panel USB connector . Check the pin assignment while you c onnect the front panel US B cable.
Connectors 16 Game & Audi o Port MIC In Game Port Line In Line Out 1 Please note: This motherboard supports standard audio port and game port. After install onboard audio driver . you may connector s peaker to line out jack, micro phone t o MIC in jack D evice like CD-ROM , walkman etc can be connected to line-in jack.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 17 J9: CD Audi o Line I n Pin N o. Defin ition 1 CD-L 2 GN D 3 GN D 4 CD-R 1 J7: AUX_IN Pin No . Definition 1 AUX-L 2 GND 3 GND 4 AUX-R 1.
Connectors 18 J8: TEL (The c onnector i s for intern al modem c ard with voi ce connector ) Pin N o. Defin ition 1 Signal-In 2 GN D 3 GN D 4 Signal-Out 1 J13: Ring Pow er On Pin No.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 19 J2: System FAN Pin No. Definition 1 Control 2 +12V 3 SENSE 1 JP6: Power FAN Pin No. D efinitio n 1 Control 2 +12V 3 SENSE 1.
Connectors 20 J3: CPU FAN Pin No. Defini tion 1 Contro l 2 +12 V 3 SENSE 1 Please note: A proper installation of the CPU cooler is essential to prevent the CPU from running under abnormal condi tion or damaged by overheati ng. J12: Wake on LAN Pin N o.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 21 JP8 / LED1: STR LED Con nector & DIM M LED Please n ote: Do not remove mem ory modules whi le DIMM LED is on. It mi ght cause short or other unexpe cted damages due to t he 3 .3V st and by volt age. Remove mem ory modules only when STR functi on i s disabl ed by ju mper and AC Power cor d is di sconnect ed.
Connectors 22 J15: IR Pin N o. Definition 1 VC C (+5V) 2 NC 3 IR Da ta Input 4 GND 5 IR Da ta Outp ut 1 Please note: Be careful with the polari ty of the IR connector while you connect the IR. Please c ontact y ou nearest dealer for optional IR dev ice.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 23 Panel And Ju mper Defi ni tion J11: For 2X1 1 Pins Jump er RE GN GD PW P − P − P+ S P K HD 1 1 1 1 1 GN (Green Switc h) Open: Normal Ope ration Close: Enterin g Green Mod e G.
Panel and Jumper Definition 24 JP3: Clear CM OS Function Please note: Y ou may clear the CMO S data to its default values by this jumper . Pin N o . D efin itio n 1-2 close Norm al (Default) 2-3 close.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 25 J16: CNR Select Please note: J16: 1- 2 clos e: I f y ou use s oftware audio (onboard CODEC only ), your modem r iser must be “Secondary”. J 16: 2-3 close: If you don’ t use onboard soft ware audio, yo ur audio/ modem ri ser must be “Pr imary” .
Panel and Jumper Definition 26 JP7: STR Selecti on Pin No. Definitio n 1-2 clo se STR En able 2-3 clo se Normal ( Default) Normal (Def aul t) Enable 1 1 BAT1: Battery + CAUT ION Danger of exp losi on if bat tery i s inco rrectly repla ced. R eplace on ly wi th the sam e or equival ent typ e reco mmend ed by the manu facture r .
7ZMMHC Motherboard 27 Perform ance List The followi ng perform ance table li sts the resul ts of so me popular b enchmark testing progra ms. These data are provided as referenc e only and in no way guarantee the system shall perform, and there is no responsibility for different testing data at exactly the sa me level.
Performanc e List 28 • CPU AMD K7 Athlon TM 1333MHz / Duron TM 900MHz proces sor • DRAM (128x1) MB SDRAM (Kingmax KSV884T 4A1A-07) • CACHE SIZE 384 KB included in Athlon TM 192 KB included in D uron TM • DISPLA Y Onboard VGA • STORAGE Onboard IDE (Quantum AS30000A T 30GB) • O.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 29 Block Diagram HCLK (100/133MHz ) AGPCLK (66M Hz) 33MHz 14.318MHz 48MHz PCI (33MHz ) AGPCLK (66M Hz) ICS 94236AF CPUCLK (100MHz) AMD-K7 TM VT8365A System B us 100/133MHz AGP 2X/4X 3.
Suspend to RAM Installation 30 Suspend To RAM I nstallati on A.1 Introduce STR function: Suspend-to-RA M (STR) i s a Window s 98/ME/2000 ACPI sl eep mode functi on.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 31 Step 2: (If you want t o use STR Function, please set jumper JP7 Pin1-2 (Closed.) Pin No. Definitio n 1-2 clo se STR En able 2-3 clo se Normal ( Default) Normal (Def aul t) Enable 1 1 Step 3: Power on the computer and as soon as memory counting sta rts, press <Del>.
Suspend to RAM Installation 32 A.3 How to put your system int o STR mode? (For example: Wi ndows ME) There are two ways to accom plis h this: 1. Choos e the “Stand by ” item in the “Shut Down Windo ws ” area. A. Press the “Start ” button and then select “Shut Down ” B.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 33 2. Define the system ”power on” butto n to initiate STR sleep mode : A. Double cl ick “My Computer ” and then “Control Panel ” B.
Suspend to RAM Installation 34 C. Select the “Advanced ” tab and “Standby ” mode in Powe r Buttons. D. Restart your computer to complete setup. Now when yo u want to enter STR sleep mode, j ust momen tarily press the “Powe r on” button. A.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 35 A.5 Notices: 1. In order for STR to func tion prop erly , several hardware and s oftware requirements must be satisfied: A. You r ATX power suppl y must comply with the ATX 2.01 spec ification (provide mo re than 720 mA 5V St and-By curre nt).
Q-Flash Introduction 36 Q-Flas h Introducti on A. What's Q-Flash? Gigabyte's bri ngs you another BIOS upgra de techn ology . T oday , Y ou don't have to follow the inconvenient traditional way of updating BIOS. With Insta nt BIOS Flash Utility you don't need to bo ot into DOS or Wi ndows .
7ZMMHC Motherboard 37 c.In the A:drive, i nsert the “BIOS” diskette, then P ress Enter to Run. d.Input BIOS file name i n the text box . Press “Enter”. Congratulation! Y ou have completed the flashed an d now can restart syste m. Load XXX.XX Load XXX.
@BIOS TM Introduction 38 @BIOS ™ Introd uction Gigabyte announces @BIOS™ Windows BIO S live update utili ty Have you ever updated BIOS by yourself? Or like many other people, you just know what BIOS is, but always hesitate to update it? Because you think updating newest BIO S is unnecessary and actually you do n’t know how to update it.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 39 Page Index for BIOS Setup Page The Main Menu P .41 Standard CMOS Setup P .43 BIOS Features Setup P .46 Chipset Features Setup P .48 Power Management Setup P .50 PNP/ PCI Configuration P .53 Load BIOS Defaults P .55 Load Setup Defaults P .
BIOS Set up 40 BIOS Setup BIOS Setup is an overvi ew of the BIOS Setup Interfac e. The interface al lows users to modify the basic system con figuration, which is stored in battery-backed CM OS RAM so that it reta ins the Setup information c an be retai ned wh en the powe r is turne d off.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 41 GETT ING HELP Main Menu The on-line desc ription of the highli ghted setup func tion is di splayed at the bottom of the sc reen. Status P age Se tup Menu / O ption Page Se tup Menu Press F1 to pop up a smal l help window that descri bes the approp riate keys to use and the possible s elections for the highlighted item.
BIOS Set up 42 • • • • Power Management Setup This setup page i ncludes al l the adju stable items of Gree n function f eatur es. • • • • PnP/PCI Configuration This setup page i ncludes all the adjus table configur ations of P CI & PnP ISA resou rces.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 43 Standard CM OS Setup The items i n Standard C MOS Setup Menu (Figur e 2) are divided i nto 10 cate gories. Each category incl udes none, one o r more than one set up items. Use th e arro ws to highli ght the item and then use the <P gUp> or <PgDn> keys to s elect the value i n each item.
BIOS Set up 44 • • • • T i m e The times format in <hour> <mi nute> <sec ond>. The time is calc ulated base on the 24-h our militar y-time clock.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 45 • • • • Boot Sector Virus Pr otection If it is set to enable, the category will flash on the screen when t here is any attempt t o write to the boot sector or partition table of the hard disk drive. The system will halt and the following error message will appear in the mean time.
BIOS Set up 46 BIOS Feat ures Setup Figure 3: BIOS Featu res Setup • • • • 1st / 2nd / 3rd Boot Device Floppy Set your boot devi ce priori ty to Flopp y . ZIP A: / LS120 Set your boot devi ce priori ty to ZIP A: / LS120. CDROM Set your boot devi ce priori ty to CDR OM.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 47 • • • • Boot Up Num-Lock On Keypad is numbe r keys. (Default V alu e) Off Keypad is arrow k eys. • • • • Floppy Drive Seek During POST , BIOS will determine if the floppy disk drive installed is 40 or 80 tracks. 360 type is 40 tracks while 720 , 1.
BIOS Set up 48 Chipset Featu res Setup We would not sug gest you chan ge the chi pset default set ting unles s you real ly need it. Figure 4: Chips et Features Setup • • • • Configure Time by SP D Disabled Disable Confi gure Time by SPD funct ion.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 49 • • • • AGP Comp. Driving Auto Set AGP Comp. Driving to Auto. (D efault Value) Manual Set AGP Comp. Driving to M anual. If AGP Comp. Driving i s Manual. Manual AGP Comp. Drivi ng: 00~FF • • • • AGP Fast Wr ite Enabled Enable thi s func tion onl y if th e AGP Card su pport Fas t Write Functi on.
BIOS Set up 50 Powe r Managem ent Setup Figure 5: Power M anagement S etup • • • • ACPI Standby State S1/POS Set ACPI Standby State to S1/POS (Power On Suspend). (Default va lue) S3/STR Set ACPI Standby State to S3/STR (Suspend T o RAM). • USB Dev W akeup From S3~S5 Enabled Enable USB Dev Wakeup from ACPI S3, S4 and S5 mode.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 51 • • • • Display Activity Ignore System will ignore display activity and enter suspend mode. (Default Value) Monitor System will not enter suspend m ode when there is display activity . • • • • IRQ3~IRQ15 Ignore Ignore IRQ3 ~IRQ15.
BIOS Set up 52 If the default val ue is Enabled. RTC Alarm Date: Every Day , 1~31 RTC Alarm Hour: 0~23 RTC Alarm Minute: 0~59 RTC Alarm Second: 0~59.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 53 PNP/ PC I C on f i gu ra ti on Figure 6: PNP/P CI Configurati on • • • • VGA Fr ame Buffer Size Disabled Disable this function. 8MB Set VGA Frame Buffer Size to 8MB. 16MB Set VGA Frame Buffer Size to 16MB. (Default Value) 32MB Set VGA Frame Buffer Size to 32MB.
BIOS Set up 54 5 The system will reser ved IRQ5 for PCI slot 1 / 2 / 3 device if no legacy ISA device using IRQ5. 7 The system will reser ved IRQ7 for PCI slot 1 / 2 / 3 device if no legacy ISA device using IRQ7. 9 The system will reser ved IRQ9 for PCI slot 1 / 2 / 3 device if no legacy ISA device using IRQ9.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 55 Load Fail-Safe Defaults Figure 7: Loa d Fail-Safe D efaults • • • • Load Fail-Safe Defaults Fail − Safe defa ults contain the most appropriate system parameter valu es of to configure the syste m to achieve maximum stability .
BIOS Set up 56 Load Optimized Defaults Figure 8: Loa d Optimized Def aults • • • • Load Optimized Defaults Optimized defaults contain the most appro priate system paramete r values to configure the system to achieve maximum performance. AMIBIOS S IMPLE S ETUP UTIL ITY -VE RSION 1.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 57 Integrated Perip herals Figure 9: Inte grated Pe ripherals • • • • Onboard FDC Disabled Disable this function. Enabled Enable on board floppy di sk control ler. Auto Set the floppy disk controller aut omati cally . (Default Value) • OnBoard Serial P ort 1 Auto BIOS will automatically se tup the por t 1 address.
BIOS Set up 58 2E8/COM4 Enable onboard S erial port 2 and ad dress is 2E8. Disabled Dis able onboard Se rial port 2. • Serial Port2 Mod e Normal Set onboa rd I/O chip S erial Por t 2 to Norm al Mode. (Defau lt V alue) IrDA Onboard I/O chip suppo rts IrDA.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 59 • • • • Parallel Port IRQ 7 Set Paral lel Port IRQ to 7. Auto Set Auto to parallel Port IRQ DMA Channel. (Defau lt Value) 5 Set Paral lel Port IRQ to 5. • OnBoard IDE Disabled Di sable OnBoard IDE. Both Both Primary & Secondary IDE channel will be enabled.
BIOS Set up 60 • • • • Sound Blaster Enabled Enable Sound Bl aster . Disabled Disable Sound Blaster . (Default Value) • • • • SB I/O Base Address 220h-22Fh Set SB I/O Base Address to 220h-22 Fh. (De fault Value) 280h-28Fh Set SB I/O Base Address to 280h-28 Fh.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 61 Hardw are Monitor & MISC Setu p Figure 10: Hard ware Moni tor & MIS C Setup • • • • CPU T emperature. ( ° ° ° ° C / ° ° ° ° F) Detect CPU T emperatu re automatica lly . • • • • System T emperature.
BIOS Set up 62 Set Super visor / U ser Password When you select this function, the following message will appear at the center of the screen t o assist y ou in creating a pass word. Figure 1 1: Password Setting T ype the password, up to six characters, and p ress <Enter>.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 63 IDE HDD AUTO Detec tion Figure 12: IDE HDD Auto Detection T ype "Y" will ac cept the H.D.D . parameter report ed by BIOS.
BIOS Set up 64 Save & Exit Se tup Figure 13: Save & Exi t Setup T ype "Y" will qu it the Setup Utility and save the user setu p value to R TC CMOS. Type "N" w ill return to Setup Utility. AMIBIOS S IMPLE S ETUP UTIL ITY -VE RSION 1.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 65 Exit Without Saving Figure 14: Exit Wi thout Savi ng T ype "Y" will quit the Setup Utility without saving to RTC CMOS. Type "N" w ill return to Setup Utility. AMIBIOS S IMPLE S ETUP UTIL ITY -VE RSION 1.2 4g ( C ) 19 99 Ame rican Megat rends, Inc.
Technical Support / RMA S heet 66 Techni cal Suppo rt / RMA Sheet Customer/Cou ntry: Company: Phone No.: Contact Person: E-mail Add. : Model name/Lot Number: PCB revision: BIOS version: O.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 67 Appen dix Picture below are shown in Windows ME (V UCD driver versio n 1.81) Appendix A: V IA Chipsets Dr iver Installation A. VIA 4 in 1 Service Pack Driver: Insert the driver CD-ti tle that came wi th your mothe rboard into you r CD-R OM driver, the driver CD-title will auto start and show the installation guide.
Appendix 68 (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 5.Click “Next ”. 6.Click “Next ”. 8.Click “Finish ” to restart computer . 7.Click “Next ”..
7ZMMHC Motherboard 69 B. VT8365/VT8364 VGA Driver: Insert the driver CD-ti tle that came wi th your mothe rboard into you r CD-R OM driver, the driver CD-title will auto start and show the installation guide. If n ot, please doubl e click the CD-ROM device ic on in “My compute r”, and ex ecute the setup.
Appendix 70 Appendix B: VIA AC’97 Audio Driver Insert the driver CD-ti tle that came wi th your mothe rboard into you r CD-R OM driver, the driver CD-title will auto start and show the installation guide. If n ot, please doubl e click the CD-ROM device ic on in “My compute r”, and ex ecute the setup.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 71 Appendix C: BIOS Flash P rocedure BIOS update procedure: If your OS is Win9X, w e recommend that you used Giga byte @BIOS TM Program to fl ash BIOS. (1) (2) (3) Methods and steps : I. Update BIOS throu gh Interne t a. Click "Internet Up date" icon b.
Appendix 72 II. Update BIOS NOT through Int ernet: a. Do not click "Internet Update" i con b. Click "Update Ne w BIOS" c. Please select "Al l Files " in dialog box while opening t he old fil e. d. Please search for BIOS unz ip file, do wnloading f rom internet or any other methods (such as: 7Z MMHC.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 73 Or else you can sel ect flash BIOS in DOS mode. Please ch eck your BIOS vendor (AM I or A W ARD) , your motherbo ard name and PCB version on the mo therboard. 1. Format a bootable system floppy diskette by the comma nd “ format a:/s ” in command mode.
Appendix 74 Appendix D: Issu es To Beware Of When Installing CNR Please use standa rd CNR c ard li ke the one in o rder to av oid mechanic al probl em.
7ZMMHC Motherboard 75 Appendix E: Acr onyms Acronyms Meaning ACPI Advanced Con figuratio n and Powe r Interfac e APM Adv anced Power M anagement AGP Accelerated Graphics Port AMR Audio Modem Ri ser AC.
Appendix 76 Acronyms Meaning OEM Origi nal Equipment M anufacture r P AC PCI A.G.P . Controller POST Power-On Self T est PCI Peripheral Component Interconnec t RIMM Rambus in-li ne Memo ry Module SCI .
デバイスGigabyte GA-7ZMMHCの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Gigabyte GA-7ZMMHCをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはGigabyte GA-7ZMMHCの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Gigabyte GA-7ZMMHCの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Gigabyte GA-7ZMMHCで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Gigabyte GA-7ZMMHCを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はGigabyte GA-7ZMMHCの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Gigabyte GA-7ZMMHCに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちGigabyte GA-7ZMMHCデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。