GracoメーカーNAUTILUS PD101777Bの使用説明書/サービス説明書
ページ先へ移動 of 64
© 2009 Graco PD101777B 1/09 US READ THIS MANUAL Do not install or use this child restraint until you read and understand the instructions in this manual. F AILURE T O PROPERL Y USE THIS CHILD RESTRAINT INCREASES THE RISK OF SERIOUS INJURY OR DEA TH IN A SUDDEN STOP OR CRASH.
2 T able of Contents 1.0 W arnings to Parents and Other Users ........................ 4 2.0 Registration Information ......... 5 2.1 Register Y our Child Restraint 5 2.2 Recall Information .......... 5 2.3 If Y ou Need Help .......... 5 3 . 0 F e a t u r e s .
3 T able of Contents (cont.) 12.0 Harness Removal .........3 8 - 4 2 13.0 Using Y our Child Restraint WITHOUT B u i l t - i n H a r n e s s ...........4 3 - 4 5 14.0 Securing Child & Booster Seat in . . V ehicle .................... 4 6 15.0 Adjusting Head Support .
4 1.0 W ar nings to P ar ents and Other User s Failure to properly use this child restraint increases the risk of serious injury or death in a sharp turn, sudden stop or crash. Y our child’s safety depends on you installing and using this child restraint correctly .
5 2.0 R e gistr ation Inf or ma tion Model Number: Manufactured in: Purchase Date: 2.1 R e gister Y our Child R estr aint Please fi ll in the above information. The model number and manufactured in (date) can be found on a label underneath your child restraint.
6 3.0 F ea tur es Crotch strap Harness buckle Harness clip V ehicle belt guide Cupholder Harness adjuster lever (above strap) Adjustment strap Harness covers Harness slots Height adjust button Shoulde.
7 LA TCH T ether storage bar Release buttons Harness slots (behind straps) LA TCH adjuster Harness straps T ether strap Red Rollers (behind straps) Strap guides (behind straps) LA TCH LA TCH storage b.
8 1. Lay child restraint flat on back. Grab seat pad fabric in sitting area to expose the gutters . MAKE SURE all hands, fingers and other objects are clear of the gutters. 2. MAKE sure the harness straps are securely attached within the “T”-shaped slots around the arms as shown .
9 3. Arms should CLICK into the gutters. Seat assembly should appear as shown . CLICK! .
10 DO NO T use WITHOU T Back Support after D ecember NE P AS utiliser SANS le dossier après dé cembr e NO lo use SIN el apoyo de la espalda después de diciembr e DO NO T use the Back Suppo rt after December NE P AS utiliser le do ssier après décembr e NO use el ap oyo de la espal da después de di ciembr e 2014 2017 4.
11 6. Squeeze height adjust button and push head support into slots on the back support as shown. Head support will click into the back support. Y ou may need to unfasten the hook and loop attachment tape on both sides at the top of the back support to allow for easier access to the slots.
12 7. The assembly is now complete..
13 5.0 Impor tant Inf or mation • NEVER PLACE THIS CHILD RESTRAINT IN A VEHICLE SEA TING LOCA TION THA T HAS A FRONT AIR BAG. If an air bag in fl ates, it can hit the child and child restraint with great force and cause serious injury or death to your child.
14 • NEVER LEA VE A CHILD RESTRAINT UNSECURED IN YOUR VEHICLE. An unsecured child restraint can be thrown around and may injure occupants in a sharp turn, sudden stop or crash.
15 F AILURE TO USE CHILD RESTRAINT IN A MANNER APPROPRIA TE FOR YOUR CHILD’S SIZE MA Y INCREASE THE RISK OF SERIOUS INJUR Y OR DEA TH. Instructions for the use of this child restraint differ greatly depending on the size of your child. Be sure you are using the child restraint in the correct mode and with the correct features for your child.
16 6.2 WITHOUT Built-in Har ness Y our child must meet all requirements: • Weight: 30 to 100 lbs (mass between 13.6 and 45 kg) • Height: 38 to 57 inches (96 and 145 cm) in height • approximately.
17 6.3 WITHOUT Bac k Suppor t Y our child must meet all requirements: • weigh between 40 and 100 lbs. (mass between 18 and 45 kg), • and are between 40 and 57 inches (101 and 145 cm) in height, �.
18 7.0 Choosing an A ppr opriate V ehic le Sea t Loca tion 7.1 V ehicle Sea t Location R equir ements Some seating positions in your vehicle may not be safe for this child restraint. Some vehicles do not have any seating positions that can be used safely with the child restraint.
19 7.2 V ehic le Seat Belt R equir ements 7.3 SAFE V ehic le Sea t Belt Systems MANY SEA T BEL T SYSTEMS ARE NOT SAFE TO USE WITH THE CHILD RESTRAINT .
20 7.4 F or Built-in Har ness Onl y • Lap Belts - Manually Adjusted When buckled, the belt is tightened manually by pulling on the excess belt. • Lap Belts with Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR) The automatic locking retractor will not permit the lap belt to lengthen once it is buckled.
21 7.5 W ith OR W ithout Built-in Har ness • Combination Lap/Shoulder Belt with Locking Latch Plate Once it is buckled, this type of belt has a latchplate that will not allow the lap portion of the belt to loosen. Belt is tightened by pulling hard on the shoulder portion of the vehicle belt while pushing down hard on the child restraint.
22 7.6 UNSAFE V ehic le Belt Systems • Lap Belts with Emergency Locking Retractor (ELR) This lap belt stays loose and can move until it locks in a crash or sudden stop.
23 • Passive Restraint - Lap Belt with Motorized Shoulder Belt DO NOT use vehicle belts that are attached to the door in any way or that move along a track to automatically surround the passenger when the door is closed.
24 8.0 LA T CH Newer vehicles have one or more seating positions with LA TCH anchorage systems. If vehicle is equipped with LA TCH , the vehicle lower anchor points may be visible at the vehicle seat crease. If not visible, they may be marked with this symbol .
25 9.0 Using Child R estr aint WITH Built-in Har ness 1. Loosen the harness straps by lifting the harness adjuster lever at front of seat near the adjustment strap and pulling the straps toward you .
26 3. Unbuckle harness straps . 4. Check the crotch strap: Choose the position that is closest to but not under your child. T o change crotch strap position, push crotch belt up through the bottom of the child restraint and grab it from the top to pull out .
27 5. The harness straps must go into the slots even with or just above the shoulders . If straps are in proper slots go to page 31. 6 . T o adjust harness straps: a) T urn seat around, so you will have access to the rear of the seat. b) From the rear of the seat remove straps from metal junction plate .
28 7. Pull strap ends through slots at front of seat ¡ and reinsert them in the desired slots ¢ . Check that the straps are not twisted. MAKE SURE harness straps are inserted into the same slots on each side of the seat. Remove body support when not using harness in the lowest slot position.
29 8. Use plastic strap guides as a guide to feed the harness up over the red rollers. Make sure to feed straps OVER red rollers and plastic strap guides . Make sure that the tether strap does not interfere when changing the harness strap height positions.
30 11 . Check that the straps are inserted at the same level. Pull on harness to make sure it is s e cu re . REMEMBER to check the shoulder straps and crotch strap position as your child grows and move them to the next position when necessary . The harness straps must go in the slots even with or just above the shoulders.
31 10.0 Securing the Child R estr aint in Y our V ehic le 10.1 Using Child R estr aint WITH Built-in Har ness Lower anchors must be stored when using vehicle belt. See Section 18.1, Storing LA TCH, page 57 . 1. Place the child restraint firmly against the back of a forward-facing vehicle seat.
32 4. Tighten vehicle seat belt Push down hard with your knee or free hand in the middle of the child restraint . Then pull and tighten the shoulder portion of the lap/shoulder belt.
33 6. If a vehicle top tether anchor is available, secure the tether to hold seat in place. See Section 18.0 Using the T ether , page 56. When not using the tether , hook it on the tether storage bar on the rear of the seat, see page 57. 7. Safety Check for Secure Installation Perform this test every time you drive with your child.
34 10.3 W ith LA T CH Use vehicle belt (not LA TCH connectors) for installations with children weighing more than 48 pounds (21.7 kg). NOTE: Some vehicle manufacturers have lower maximum weight rating.
35 6. NEVER put two LA TCH connectors on one vehicle LA TCH anchor unless specifically allowed by the vehicle manufacturer . 7. All LA TCH seating positions have tether anchors. Secure the top of the seat using the tether strap. See Section 18.0 Using the T ether , page 56.
36 11.0 Securing Y our Child in the Child R estr aint • ADJUST THE HARNESS SYSTEM SNUGL Y EVER Y TIME you place your child in the child restraint. • Avoid bulky clothing. 1. Place child in child restraint with child’s back flat against back of car seat.
37 3. Fasten harness clip . Position harness clip at middle of child’s chest, level with armpits. 4. T ighten the harness straps by pulling the adjustment strap on the front of the seat . 5. Make sure straps are flat and snug against child’ s shoulders and thighs.
38 1. Remove harness straps. Open chest clip and harness buckle . 2. Face the rear of the seat and remove the belt straps from metal junction plate as shown . 3. Remove crotch strap by pushing the strap retainer on bottom of seat, up through slot.
39 4. Grab the crotch strap buckle and pull it completely out . 5. Pull on the adjustment strap on the front of the seat to lock the metal junction plate into place. 6. Grab hold of the shoulder straps and pull them out of their respective slots on the seat pad.
40 7. On the rear of the seat, detach 2 lower seat pad elastic straps from hooks as shown in . 8. Also detach the elastic straps that are threaded through the vehicle belt guides on the sides of the seat as shown in . Repeat on other side. 9. Pull the seat pad out of the way to reveal the red buttons as shown in the seating area ¡ .
41 10. Remove harness straps from arms as shown in ¢ . Store the body support, harness covers, crotch pad cover and harness straps in safe place for future use. 1 1. Move seat pad fabric out of the way then raise seat back so that both arms LOCK into the gutters .
42 12. T uck seat pad in between the gap of the back support and seat area of the booster seat to allow 2 elastic straps to show at the rear of the seat . 13. Attach 2 seat pad elastic straps onto the hooks on the rear of the child restraint as shown in .
43 13.0 Using Y our Child R estr aint WITHOUT Built-in Har ness W ARNING: Use only the vehicle lap and shoulder belt system when restraining the child in the booster seat. LA TCH will not secure your child in the booster seat . V ehicle belts MUST lay flat against child and MUST not be twisted.
44 DO NOT use shoulder belt loose or positioned under arm . DO NOT place shoulder belt behind child’s back . Lap portion of lap/shoulder belt MUST be low and snug on hips, just touching thighs. DO NOT allow child to slide down in booster seat .
45 INCORRECT INCORRECT V ehicle seat headrest should not create a gap between vehicle seat and booster seat . The front of booster seat MUST NOT hang over front of vehicle seat .
46 1. Place booster seat firmly against the back of a forward-facing vehicle seat equipped with a lap/shoulder belt only . 2. Place child in car seat with child’s back flat against back of car seat. 3. Position lap/shoulder belt through shoulder belt guide not underneath shoulder belt guide .
47 15.0 Adjusting Head Suppor t When using with or without the built-in harness. BEFORE adjusting the head support height, have your child lean forward slightly . Squeeze the red adjustment handle on top of seat and pull back support up until it snaps into one of the 5 height positions.
48 T o adjust head support side wings, push buttons on top of seat down and rotate wings to desired position. .
49 T o use booster seat WITHOUT back support, remove harness straps if attached ( see section 12.0 Harness Removal, p.38-42 ) then continue with the following steps: 1. Detach 2 lower elastic straps from rear of seat as shown . 2. Detach elastic strap from the hooks on the seat pad as shown.
50 3. Pull the seat pad out of the way to reveal red buttons as shown in . Slide the buttons to release the back support from the base and lower it into a flat position. When removing back support, you must support the back support when sliding the red buttons that disengage the back support from the base.
51 5. Once back support is separated , store back support with all the harness straps, head support, body support and crotch pad cover in safe place. 6. Reattach the elastic straps at the back of the seat and through the vehicle belt guide on the sides of seat as shown.
52 17.0 Securing Child in V ehic le with Shoulder Belt P ositioning Clip The shoulder belt MUST lie across child’s shoulders in red zone as shown . If shoulder belt lies outside this zone, the shoulder belt positioning clip MUST be used. T o attach clip to booster seat: 1.
53 2. Pass the clip and the strap through the loop end as shown and pull strap up. 3. NOTE: Free end of strap should face front of seat. .
54 Shoulder belt positioning clip 4. Slide the vehicle shoulder belt onto the clip as shown and pull free end of strap down to tighten clip against the child’s shoulder . The lap portion MUST pass through the vehicle belt guide and be positionned low on the hips.
55 5. Lap portion of lap/shoulder belt MUST be low and snug on hips, just touching thighs. DO NOT allow child to slide down in booster seat . CORRECT .
56 18.0 Using the T ether All LA TCH seating positions have tether anchors. Always use tether if a vehicle tether anchor is available, check your vehicle owner ’s manual for the tether anchor location(s). If your vehicle is not equipped with a tether anchor , it may be possible to install one.
57 Lower anchors 18.1 Storing Lo wer Anc hor s and T ether (LA T CH) 1. For ease of storing, extend LA TCH to its maximum length. 2. Locate the storage bars on back of child restraint. 3. Fasten ends of tether and lower anchors onto their respective storage bars as shown.
58 This restraint is certified for use in Motor V ehicles. It is certified for use in Aircraft ONL Y when used with the built-in harness. When used as a booster WITHOUT the harness, this restraint is NOT CER TIFIED for aircraft use because aircraft seats do not have a shoulder belt.
59 20.0 Accessories (on cer tain models ONL Y) Body Support Harness covers T o pre vent ejection in sudden stop or crash: • Always make sure shoulder straps are threaded through slots and properly positioned on shoulders. • Never allow body support to bunch or fold behind child.
60 Y our child restraint has 3 recline positions: adjust recline foot before installing child restraint. 1. T o recline seat, pull recline handle out and tilt seat back to extend foot as shown . 2. T o set seat to upright position, pull recline handle out and tilt seat foward to retract foot .
61 • Continuous use of child restraint may cause damage to vehicle seat. Use a child restraint mat, towel or thin blanket to protect upholstery . • Metal and plastic parts: clean with mild soap and cool water . No bleach or detergents. • Harness straps and LA TCH straps: spot clean or replace.
62 Seat Cover: clean with a damp sponge using mild soap and cool water . If necessary , cover may be removed for cleaning. 1. Remove harness and crotch straps (see Section 12.0, Harness Removal, p.38). 2. Remove elastic loops from seat as indicated in and .
63 24.0 Owner s Manual Stor a ge Y our Owner ’s Manual can be stored on the bottom of the seat inside the slot in the footrest as shown..
64 25.0 R eplacement Par ts and W ar r anty T o purchase parts or accessories or for warranty information in the United States, please contact us at the following: www .
デバイスGraco NAUTILUS PD101777Bの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Graco NAUTILUS PD101777Bをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはGraco NAUTILUS PD101777Bの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Graco NAUTILUS PD101777Bの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Graco NAUTILUS PD101777Bで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Graco NAUTILUS PD101777Bを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はGraco NAUTILUS PD101777Bの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Graco NAUTILUS PD101777Bに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちGraco NAUTILUS PD101777Bデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。