Great DaneメーカーGDRZ61-25KHEの使用説明書/サービス説明書
ページ先へ移動 of 76
c W ARNING: The Engine Exhaust from this product cont ains chemicals known to the State of Calif or nia to cause cancer , bir th defects or other reproductiv e harm.
Introduction INTR ODUCTION Introduction Using Y our Operator’ s Manual This manual is an important par t of your machine and should remain with the machine when you sell it. An engine manuf actu rer’ s own er’ s manual has be en provided with y our machine.
Product Identif ication PR ODUCT IDENTIFICATION Product Identif ication Recor d Identification Numbers Chariot GDRZ48-17KAE, GDRZ48-1 9KAE, GDRZ52-23KAE, GDRZ52-25KAE, GDRZ52-25KHE, GDRZ61-25-KAE, GDRZ 61-25KHE Serial No .
T able o f Contents T AB LE OF CONTENTS All information, illustrations and specifications in this manual are based on the latest information at the time of publication. The right is reser ved to make changes at an y time without notice. COPYRIGHT© 2002 Deere & Co .
Saf ety - 1 SAFETY Safety Understanding The Machine Saf ety Labels Safe ty-Aler t Symbol The machine saf ety labels shown in this section ar e placed in impor tant areas on y our machine to dra w attention to potential saf ety hazards.
Saf ety - 2 SAFETY D ANGER M131748, MX15340 T o av oid injur y from rotating b lades and thro wn objects, sta y clear of dec k edge and k eep others a wa y .
Saf ety - 3 SAFETY W ARNING M117554, MX15274 Hot surf ace CA UTION: HELP A V OID INJUR Y TCU14840, MX15340 • Operator tr aining required • Read oper ator’ s manual • K eep shields in place •.
Saf ety - 4 SAFETY Operator T raining Required • The owne r of the machine is respon sible f or training the users and mechanics of the ma chine. • The owne r/user can pre v ent and is responsib le f or accidents or injuries occurring to themselv es, ot her people, or property .
Saf ety - 5 SAFETY Using a Spark Arrestor The engine in this ma chine is not equipped with a spark arrestor muffler . It is a violation of California Public Resource Code Section 4442 to use or op era.
Saf ety - 6 SAFETY PRO TECT CHILDREN: • Nev er as sume that childr en will remain where you last saw t hem. Children are attr acted to mo wing activity , stay aler t to the presence of children. • K eep children indo ors when you ar e mowing. T urn the machine off if a child ente rs the mowing area.
Saf ety - 7 SAFETY W ear Appropriate Clothing MIF • Alwa ys wear saf ety goggles , or saf e ty glasses with side shields, and a hard hat when operat ing the machine . • W ear close fitting cl othing and saf ety equipment appropriate f or the job .
Saf ety - 8 SAFETY • Charge batteries in an open, we ll-vent ilated area, a wa y from sparks. Un plug battery charger bef ore connecting or disconnecting from the battery . W ear protectiv e clothing and use insulate d tools. • Do not modify machine or saf ety devices .
Saf ety - 9 SAFETY • When infl ating tires, use a clip-on chuck and extension hose long enough to allow y ou to stand to one side and NO T in front of or ov er the tir e assembly . • Check tires f or low pressu re, cuts, b ubbles, damaged rims or missing lug bolts and n uts.
Operating - 10 OPERATING Operatin g Daily Operating Chec klist ❏ Make sure all necessary gua rds and shields are safely and securely attached . Check f or loose, missing, or damaged pa r ts. ❏ Remov e mower dec k belt shields. Clean gr ass and debris from belt area.
Operating - 11 OPERATING The saf ety systems installed on y our machine should be check ed before each m achine use. Be sure you ha ve read the machine operator manual and are completely familiar with the oper ation of the machine bef ore perf or ming these saf ety system checks.
Operating - 12 OPERATING Mounting and Dismounting Machine Safel y MX15340 Do not step on the mo wer dec k when mounting and dismountin g the machine. Mount the machine from the front using the f oot plate (A). P ar k machine saf ely (see P a rking Safely in the Saf ety section) b efor e dismounting.
Operating - 13 OPERATING MX13149 2. Mov e the mower dec k lift lev er (A) to the transport position (D ). 3. P osition the HOC adjustment pin (C) in the prop er hole f or the desired height-of -cut. 4. Pull back an d hold the mowe r deck lift le ver (A) and release the tr anspor t position lock le ver (B).
Operating - 14 OPERATING MX15275 • Raise and pull rear ward park brak e le ve r (A) to the loc k park brake . Unlocking P ark B rake: MX15292 • Low er park brak e lev er (A) fo rward to unloc k the park brake . Using the Ke y Switch NO TE: Machine will only star t if the following conditions e xist: • Park brake is locked.
Operating - 15 OPERATING Using the Throttle Le ver MX15284 • Push throttle le ver (A) all the w a y f orward to the fu ll- throttle de tent position (B) when m owing. • Mov e throttle le ver ( A) to the 1/2-throt tle position (C) when star ting and warming the engine.
Operating - 16 OPERATING Neutral Detent P osition - Standar d “Center Steer” Lever s NO TE: When the co ntrol le vers are in t he neutral detent position, the contr ol lever roller s (A) located on each side of the co ntrol console will be seated in the notches in the console.
Operating - 17 OPERATING Forwar d: MX13114 • Push both motion contr ol lev ers forw ard at the same time. Rever se: MX13115 • Pull both co ntrol lev e rs past center re arward at the same time. Gentle Left T urn: MX13116 • Push right control le ver farther for ward than the lef t control le ver .
Operating - 18 OPERATING Star ting the Engine 1. Sit on the operato r seat. 2. Lock t he park brake . 3. Mov e both motion control le ver s to the neutral detent position (standard le vers) or neutr al lock position (optional “ov er the lap” le v ers).
Operating - 19 OPERATING Engaging Mower 1. Adjust mow er dec k to desired cutting height. 2. Star t engine. MX15284 3. Move throttle le ver to the 1/2- to 3/4-throttle p osition. 4. Unloc k the park brak e. 5. Mov e both motion control le vers to the neutral position.
Operating - 20 OPERATING Using Hydraulic Pump Free-Wheel V alves NO TE: The hydraul ic pump free -wheel valves must be fully turned cloc kwise (c losed) during normal vehic le operation. When the machine n eeds to be mov ed without starting or running the engine, use the h ydraulic pump fre e-wheel va lve s : 1.
Operating - 21 OPERATING Mowing T ravel Speeds Use slow trav el speed for: • T rimming. • Wo rking in close quar ters. • Mowing tall grass . Use faster tra vel speeds for: • Normal mowin g on le vel grou nd. Dismounting to Inspect Mower 1. P ark machine on a hard, le vel surf ace.
Replacemen t P ar ts - 22 REPLACEMENT P AR TS Replaceme nt Parts Pa r t s W e recommend Great Dane quality parts av ailable a t your Great Dane de aler . P ar t numbers ma y change. Use par t numbers list ed below when you order . If a number changes , your dealer will ha ve the latest number .
Service Inter vals - 23 SERVIC E INTERVALS Service Inte rvals Servicing Y our Machine Please use the f ollowing timetabl es to perf orm routine maintenance on y our machine . NO TE: The following initial break-in items must be perf ormed and verified to valida te the warranty (dealer service in vo ice accepted).
Ser vice Lubrication - 24 SERVIC E LUBRICATION Service Lubr ication Grease Use a general all-p ur pose grease with an NLGI g rade No . 2 rati ng. W et or high-speed conditi ons ma y require use of a special- use grease . Contact your servicing dealer f or information.
Ser vice Lubrication - 25 SERVIC E LUBRICATION MX15288 • 48-, 51- a nd 61-Inch Mo wer Dec k: Grease mo wer dec k drive belt te nsion ar m (H). MX15331 • 72-Inch Mo wer Dec k: • Grease engine-to-dec k dr ive be lt tension arm (I). • Apply spra y lubr icant to the spindle drive belt tension ar m (J).
Ser vice Engine - 26 SERVICE ENGINE Service Engine Engine W arranty Ma intenance Statement Maintenance , repair , or replacement of the e mission control de vices and systems on this engine , which are being done at the customer’ s e xpense, ma y be perf or med b y any non- road engine repair estab lishment or individual.
Ser vice Engine - 27 SERVICE ENGINE MX15321 3. Put container un der drain tube . 4. Open d rain valv e (A) using a 10 mm socket, 1 ft e xtension, s wiv el and 3/8 in. drive r atchet. 5. Allow oil to drain into an oil drain pan. 6. After oil drains, close drain valv e.
Ser vice Engine - 28 SERVICE ENGINE Checking Spark Plug Check spark p lugs at the in ter vals recommended in the Service Inter vals sectio n. See the engine man ufa cturer’ s owner’ s manual provided with your machine f or the complete procedure .
Ser vice Engine - 29 SERVICE ENGINE MX15301 4. Disconnect fuel hose (A) from the outlet side of fuel filter (B), and dr ain gasoline into a properly marked container . 5. Remove fuel filter from inlet fuel h ose (C). Di scard filter . 6. Connect a ne w fuel filter to hoses using ne w clamps.
Ser vice Engine - 30 SERVICE ENGINE K eep in mind that EFI-related prob lems are more often caused b y the wiring har ness or connections than by the EFI components. Even small amounts of corros ion or o xidation on the ter minals ca n interfere with the milliampere currents used in system oper ation.
Ser vice T ransmission - 31 SERVICE T RANSMISSION Service T ransmission Hydraulic Oil Use only 5W -50 or 15W -50 all synthetic oil. Checking Hydraulic Oil Le vel 1. P ark machine saf ely . (See Parking Saf ely in the Safety section.) MX15294 2. Unscrew and remove h ydraulic reser voir cap/dipstick (A) from h ydraulic oil reser voir .
Ser vice T ransmission - 32 SERVICE T RANSMISSION 11.Start engine. 12.Mo ve thro ttle le ver t o 3/4-throttle posi tion. 13.Unloc k the park brak e. 14.Run eng ine in full forward position for se ver al minutes and then cycle motio n control le ver s for ward and rearw ard se ver al times.
Ser vice T ransmission - 33 SERVICE T RANSMISSION 5. Install ne w drive belt. 6. Install mo wer dec k drive belt as sho wn. Checking and Adjusting Motion Contr ol Linkages Check Neutral Creep NO TE: Check and adjust motion contr ol linkages with the machin e parked on a hard , level surf ace.
Ser vice T ransmission - 34 SERVICE T RANSMISSION 2. Sit on the seat, and sta r t the engine. 3. Operate ma chine to bring the h ydraulic oil to no r mal operat ing temperature . 4. Move the machine in a lev el, wide-op en area, s uch as an empty parking lot.
Ser vice T ransmission - 35 SERVICE T RANSMISSION Hydraulic System Hose Routing MX15332 A - Hydraulic R eservoir B - Oil Fi lter C - Right Hydraulic Pump D - Right Wheel Motor E - Le ft Wheel Motor F .
Ser vice T ransmission - 36 SERVICE T RANSMISSION Hydraulic System Schematic MX15333 A - Control Input Shaft B- P u m p B l o c k C- C h a r g e P u m p D - Charge System Chec k V alve E - Right Hydra.
Ser vice Steering & Brakes - 37 SERVICE STEERING & BRAKES Service Steering & Brakes Remove and Install Fr ont Caster Wheels Removing 1. P ark machine saf ely . (See Parking Saf ely in the Safety section.) 2. Lift fr ont of machin e with a safe lifting device .
Ser vice Steering & Brakes - 38 SERVICE STEERING & BRAKES MX15339 3. Remov e locknut (A), capscre w (B) and wheel assembly (C). 4. Remov e spacers (D), seals (E) and bearings and bearing races (F) from wheel. 5. Clean and inspect bearings (F) and pac k with clean grease .
Ser vice Steering & Brakes - 39 SERVICE STEERING & BRAKES MX15325 3. Remov e cap (A), cotter pin (B), castle n ut (C), caster yo ke and wheel assem bly (D) and caster b ushing (E). NO TE: It is not necess ary to remove the bearing races (F and G), unless the bearings need to be replaced.
Ser vice Steering & Brakes - 40 SERVICE STEERING & BRAKES NO TE: If the ends of t he lever s strike a gainst eac h other while in the neutral position, mo ve the leve rs to the neutral loc k position and carefully bend them outwar d. Move them ba ck to the neutra l position and chec k for the recommended gap of 3- 6 mm (1/8-1/4 in.
Ser vice Mower - 41 SERVICE MOWER Service Mower Removing and Installing Mo wer Deck Foot Plate Removing Foo t Plate 1. P ark machine saf ely . (See Parking Saf ely in the Safety section.) MX15314 2. Raise f oot plate (A) using hole (B). MX15315 3. Remov e and retain hardwa re (C) securing f oot plate (A) on both sides of machine .
Ser vice Mower - 42 SERVICE MOWER Leveling Mo wer Deck NO TE: Mower dec k anti-scalp wheels should not contact the gr ound. 1. P ark machine saf ely . (See Parking Saf ely in the Safety section.) 2. Inflate tir es to the correct pr essure. 3. Raise the mo wer dec k lift le ve r to transport position.
Ser vice Mower - 43 SERVICE MOWER Adjusting Leve l (Front-to -Rear) NO TE: Adjust side-to-side mower level before adjusting fr ont-to-rear level. Chariot LX model is equippe d with a deck lift ass ist rod on each side of mac hine . Adjust both side s of the mower dec k equally .
Ser vice Mower - 44 SERVICE MOWER Adjusting Deck Lift Assist Spring T ension NO TE: Dec k lift assist spring tensi on is adjusted at the factory . If the eff ort required to raise or lo wer the mower deck is not satisfact ory , an adjust ment may be necessary .
Ser vice Mower - 45 SERVICE MOWER MX15328 4. Chec k the engine-to-dec k dr ive belt tension. The belt should deflec t a maximum of 13 mm (1/2 in .) when a force of 4.5 kg (10 lb) is applied to the center of the longest span. When properly adjusted, there w ould be appro ximately a 2 mm (1/16 in.
Ser vice Mower - 46 SERVICE MOWER MX15318 A - PT O Clutch Sheave B - Mowe r Deck Dri ve Belt C - T ension Idler Sheave D - Left Spindle Sheave E - Center Spindl e Sheave F - Idler Sheave G - Right Spindle Sheave H - Idler Sheave 6. Insta ll new mower deck drive belt (B) as shown.
Ser vice Mower - 47 SERVICE MOWER Removing and Installing Spindle Drive Belt - 72-Inch Mower Dec k 1. P ark machine saf ely . (See Parking Saf ely in the Safety section.) 2. Raise foot platform. 3. Remo ve mo wer dec k drive belt cov ers. MX15327 4. Remov e engine-to-dec k drive belt (A).
Ser vice Mower - 48 SERVICE MOWER Replacing Mower Blades MX15357 1. Use two long- handled 15/16 in. wr enches to loosen nut (A). 2. Remov e nut (A), b lade bolt (B ), three 1/4 in. w ashers (C) and b lade (D). 3. Install r eplacement b lade: • Blade w ing must face tow ard to p of mower deck.
Ser vice Mower - 49 SERVICE MOWER 2. Remo ve mo wer b lade. (See Checking and Replacing Mow er Blades .) MX15354 3. Remove nut (A), pulley (B) and sp acer (C). 4. Remov e retaining ring (D ), spindle shaft (E), lower bearing (F) and spacer (G) fr om spindle housing (H).
Ser vice Mower - 50 SERVICE MOWER 5. Remov e retaining ring (I), spindle shaft (J), lower bearing (K) and spacer (L) from sp indle housing (M). Discard bear ing. 6. Remove and discar d upper be aring (N). 7. Clean en tire assembly . 8. Install a ne w low er bearing (K) and spacer (L) on t he spindle shaft (J).
Ser vice Electr ical - 51 SERVIC E ELECTRICAL Service Electr ical WA R N I N G : Batter y posts, terminals and related accessories contain lead and lead component s, chemicals known to th e State of Calif ornia to cause cancer and reproductiv e har m.
Ser vice Electr ical - 52 SERVIC E ELECTRICAL Using Booster Battery MIF TS204 M71044 A - Booster Battery B - Disabled V ehicle Battery 1. Connect positiv e booster cable t o booster battery (A) positive post (C). 2. Connect the oth er end of positiv e booster cable to th e disabled vehicle batter y (B) positive post (D).
Ser vice Electr ical - 53 SERVIC E ELECTRICAL MX15337 Chariot LX models equipped with K ohler EFI engines ha ve three addition al fuses: • One 10-amp fuse (A), used to protect the fu el pump circuit. • One 20-amp f use (B), used t o protect the main pow er circuit.
Ser vice Electr ical - 54 SERVIC E ELECTRICAL Wiring Schematic - Carb ureted Engines MX15338.
Ser vice Electr ical - 55 SERVIC E ELECTRICAL Wiring Schematic - 26 HP Fuel Injected Engine MX15345.
Ser vice Electr ical - 56 SERVIC E ELECTRICAL Wiring Schematic - 28 HP Fuel Injected Engine MX15356.
Ser vice Miscellaneous - 57 SERVICE MISCELLANEOUS Service Misce llaneous Filling Fuel T ank Use regular gr ade 87 octane unleaded fuel. (F or gasoline engines only .) NO TE: Capacity of fuel tank is 30.2 L (8 gal). 1. Stop en gine and let it cool sev eral minutes before adding fuel.
Ser vice Miscellaneous - 58 SERVICE MISCELLANEOUS Remove and Install R ear Drive Wheels Removing: 1. P ark machine saf ely . (See Parking Saf ely in the Safety section.) MX15322 2. Slightly loosen fiv e wheel nuts (A). 3. Lift machine with a safe lifting de vice.
T roubl eshooting - 59 T R OUBLESHOOTING Troubleshooting Using T roub leshooting Char t If yo u are ex periencing a problem that is not listed in this char t, see y our Great Dane servicing dealer f or ser vice.
T roubl eshooting - 60 T R OUBLESHOOTING Engine Runs Rough or Stalls Plugged fuel filte r . Plugged air intak e system. Fuel cap v ent dir ty . Stale or impr oper fuel/fue l le vel. Spark plug not gapped co rrectly . Replace spark plug. Carb ureted Engines Only: Chok e adjusted incorrectly .
T roubl eshooting - 61 T R OUBLESHOOTING Electrical System Engine Bac kfires Through Muffler Throttle should be at lo w idle f or se ver al seconds bef ore turning off machine. Leaking/damage d ex haust manif old gask et. EFI system problem - chec k EFI elec trical system and connections.
T roubl eshooting - 62 T R OUBLESHOOTING Machine P ark Brake Steering Star ter T urns Slowly Loose or cor roded battery or ground connection s. Low ba tter y pow er - charge battery . Engine oil viscosity too hea vy . Hydraulic pump linkages f ailed and are engaged.
T roubl eshooting - 63 T R OUBLESHOOTING Mower Dec k Machine M ov es to the Le ft or Right W ith Engine Running and T ransmissio n in Neutral Pump linkage (neutr al position) out of adjus tment. If Check Discharge Chute Plugged Grass is wet - mow grass only when dr y .
Stor age - 64 STORAGE Storage Storing Safety Preparing Machine f or Storage 1. Repair an y worn or damaged par ts. Replace parts if necessar y . T ighten loos e hardware. 2. Repair scr atched or chipped meta l surfaces to prev ent rus t. 3. Clean under the dec k and remo ve g rass and debris from inside chute .
Assembly - 65 ASSEMBL Y Assembly Bag of P ar ts Prepare f or Assembly • Remov e machine from the shipping cr ate: • Remov e box containing op erator seat. • Cut plast ic tie straps f asten ing the front whee ls to the shipping cr ate. • Cut plastic tie str aps holding the dischar ge chute up .
Assembly - 66 ASSEMBL Y Install Motion Control Le vers MX15343 1. Remo ve hardw are from control arms. NO TE: The contr ol lever mounting brac kets have six holes. The le vers can be installed in the to p four ho les, or for a lo wer lever position, install the levers in the lower four holes.
Assembly - 67 ASSEMBL Y Initial Adjustments 1. Chec k free-wheel v alves on bo th pump assemb lies to mak e sure that the v alves are closed. Tighten v alv es to 108-163 N•m (80- 120 lb-ft). 2. Raise the rear o f the machine until the driv e wheels are off the gro und.
Specifications - 68 SPECIFICATIONS Specific ations Engine NO TE: See eng ine manufacturer ’ s owner’ s manual pro v ided with your machine for engine specifications. Battery V oltag e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Specifications - 69 SPECIFICATIONS Height Adjustm ent Increme nts . . . . . . . . . . 13 mm (1/2 in.) 52-Inch Mower Dec k Mower T ype . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mulch, Bag or Side Dis charge Cutting Blades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Inde x - 70 INDE X Index A Air Cleaner Elements, Checking and Cleaning ............ .. 27 Assembly ............ ................ ............. ................ ............... 65 B Balancing Blades ............. ................ ................ .....
Inde x - 71 INDE X Mower Deck, Troubleshooting ............ ................ ............ 63 Mower, Dismounting to Inspect .......... ................ ............ 21 Mower, Engaging ........................ ................. ................ .. 19 Mowing Tips .
Ser vice Record GD - 72 SERVICE RECORD GD Service Record GD Recor d Service Dates Engine Oil and Filter Change Lubricate Machin e Air Cleaner Element Clean/Replace.
デバイスGreat Dane GDRZ61-25KHEの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Great Dane GDRZ61-25KHEをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはGreat Dane GDRZ61-25KHEの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Great Dane GDRZ61-25KHEの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Great Dane GDRZ61-25KHEで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Great Dane GDRZ61-25KHEを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はGreat Dane GDRZ61-25KHEの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Great Dane GDRZ61-25KHEに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちGreat Dane GDRZ61-25KHEデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。