ページ先へ移動 of 36
Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 2 Foreword ........................................................................................... 2 Contact Info ................
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 2 - INTR ODUCTION If you have any comments regarding this manual, please write to us at the following address: Grizzly Industrial, Inc. C/O Technical Documentation P.O. Box 2069 Bellingham, WA 98227-2069 Most importantly, we stand behind our tools.
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 3 - Cus tome r Se rv ice #: ( 570) 546 - 96 63 • T o Or der Call : ( 80 0) 5 23- 477 7 • Fa x #: (8 00 ) 4 38 -59 01 MA CHINE D A T A S HEE T .
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 4 - SE CTION 1 : S AF ET Y Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, MAY result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices. Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, COULD result in death or serious injury.
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 5 - 7. KEEP CHILDREN AND VISITORS AWAY. Keep all children and visitors a safe distance from the work area. 8. MAKE WORKSHOP CHILD PROOF. Use padlocks, master switches, and remove start switch keys.
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 6 - A ddit ional Safe t y Instr uctio ns fo r Air Compress ors No lis t of saf ety gui del ines ca n be com ple te. Ever y envir onme nt is dif - fe rent . A lways co nsid er s afet y f irst , as i t a ppli es to you r i ndivi dual w ork- ing con diti ons.
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 7 - Thi s mac hine must have a gro und pro ng in the plu g to hel p ensur e th at it is gr ound ed.
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 8 - Ext ens ion C ords The use of exte nsio n cor ds ca n cau se power los s an d overhe ating in air com - pres sor s.
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 9 - Unpa ckin g SE CTION 3 : SET UP Y our air co mpres sor lef t our war ehous e in a caref ully pac ked crate or box. If you di s- cover the ai r com press or is damag ed af ter you have sig ned for delive ry, plea se imme - di ately cal l Cu stomer Se rvice at ( 5 70) 546 - 96 63 for a dvice.
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 10 - P lacement Do n ot pla ce th e com pre ssor n ext t o fla mmab le l iquid s or ga s! Th e co m- pr esso r m otor and ai r su pply pi pe ca n re ac h h ig h t em pe ra tu re s a nd cau se th e fla mmab le g as to ig nite .
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 11 - Operation Safety SE CTION 4 : OP ERA TIONS Lon g t erm exp osur e to this mac hine may cau se he aring lo ss. T o prot ect yo ur h e ar in g, al way s we a r AN S I ap proved e ar prot ect ion wh en ope rat- ing this air com pre ssor.
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 12 - 6. Close the drain valve ( Figure 5 ) to allow the tank to build up pressure. 7. Check the tank pressure gauge ( Figure 6 ) to see that the tank pressure climbs to approximately 115-120 PSI (around 8 BAR), then automatically turns OFF .
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 13 - Whe n c hoo sing a ir t ools , c onsi der t he amo unt of air u sed ( cubi c feet per min - ute or CFM) by t he too l. N ailer s a nd sta ple g uns h av e a l ow CFM re quire ment bec ause th ey us e air in sh or t bur sts.
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 14 - Always di scon nec t th e air hos e fro m too ls wh eneve r n ot in use or whil e se r vi ci ng ! D ur in g mai nt en an ce , a too l con nec.
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 15 - SE CTION 5 : MAINTEN ANCE Schedu le Fo r o pti mu m p er fo rm an c e fr om yo ur mac hine, fo llow th is mai ntenan ce sc hed - ule a nd refer t o any s pec ific i nstr uct ions give n in thi s se cti on.
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 16 - Mon thl y Af ter th e fir st 50 work ing hour s or 30 days, per for m th e fol lowin g ma intena nce: 1.
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 17 - SE CTION 6 : SER VICE Thi s se cti on is provid ed for your conven ienc e —i t is not a sub stitu te for the Griz zly Ser vic e Dep art ment .
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 18 - Sym ptom Pos sibl e Cau se Pos sibl e So luti on Lou d re petit ious noi se co ming from mac hine. 1 . Pulley sets crews or keys are miss ing or l oose. 2. M otor fan i s hi tt ing t he cover.
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 19 - Figure 12. Oil sight glass. 5. Replace the oil sight glass and remove the fill plug shown in Figure 12 . 6. Fill the crank case with oil until the oil level is in the center of the sight glass, then replace the oil fill plug.
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 20 - Fi xi ng Ai r Leaks Air lea ks w ill cau se l ow ai r ou tput an d inc reas e the ti me th e co mpre ssor must run . To find air leaks: 1. Turn the compressor OFF when the tank is fully pressurized and unplug the compressor.
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 21 - The pr essu re switc h has bee n factor y set for the high est PSI th at is safe for th is co mpres sor . The pr essur e switc h ensure s the pum p wil l shu t OFF whe n the air com pres sor tan k re aches ma ximu m PSI.
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 22 - G0 46 4 P ar ts Break do wn .
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 23 - G0 46 4 P ar ts L ist REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 1 PSB07M CAP SCREW M6-1 X 30 40 P6004 BALL BEARING 6004 2 PLW03M LOCK WAS.
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 24 - G0 46 5 P ar ts Break do wn .
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 25 - G0 46 5 P ar ts L ist REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 1 PSB07M CAP SCREW M6-1 X 30 42 P0465042 REAR MOTOR COVER 2 PLW03M LOCK WASHER 6MM 42-1 P0465042-1 STATOR COVER 3 P0465003 CYLINDER HEAD 43 PLW01M LOCK WASHER 5MM 4 P0465004 EXHAUST ELBOW 3/8 X 3/8 44 PN06M HEX NUT M5-0.
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 26 - G0 467 Parts Break do wn .
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 27 - G0 467 Parts Li st REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 1 P0467001 HEX BOLT M8-1.25 X 105 44 P0467044 STATOR 2 PLW04M LOCK WASHER 8MM 45 P0467045 REAR MOTOR COVER 3 P0467003 CYLINDER HEAD 46 P0467046 FAN 4 P0467004 EXHAUST ELBOW 47 P0467047 HEX BOLT M5-.
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 28 - G0 468 Pa r ts Break do wn .
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 29 - G0 468 Pa r ts Li st REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 1 P0468001 CAP SCREW M6-1 X 80 39 P0468039 CENTRIFIGAL SWITCH 2 PLW03M LOC.
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 30 - G0 4 70 Par ts Break do wn .
Model G0464/G0465/G0467/G0468/G0470 Air Compressors - 31 - G0 4 70 Par ts L ist REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 1 PB105M HEX BOLT M6-1 X 55 38 P6204 BALL BEARING 6204 2 PLW03M LOCK WASHE.
Grizzly Industrial, Inc. warrants every product it sells for a period of 1 year to the original purchaser from the date of purchase. This warranty does not apply to defects due directly or indirectly to misuse, abuse, negligence, accidents, repairs or alterations or lack of maintenance.
WARRANTY CARD Name _________________________________________________________________ Street _________________________________________________________________ City _______________________ State _______.
FOLD ALONG DOTTED LINE GRIZZLY INDUSTRIAL, INC. P.O. BOX 2069 BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-2069 TAPE ALONG EDGES--PLEASE DO NOT STAPLE Name________________________________ Street______________________________.
デバイスGrizzly G0467の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Grizzly G0467をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはGrizzly G0467の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Grizzly G0467の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Grizzly G0467で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Grizzly G0467を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はGrizzly G0467の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Grizzly G0467に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちGrizzly G0467デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。